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  1. Hello all, Here is a little script enabling AIs for rearming when out of ammo. If I'm right, the vanilla behavior is: - AI leaders sometimes order their AI subordinates for rearming at crates (probably only simple crates/vehicles with accurate magazines). Anyway they don't succeed in that (or barely). What I experienced is AIs running after vehicles, AIs stuck, AIs disobeying... If you have better experience on that, please share. - as playing leader of AIs, you can order your units to rearm at... known abandoned weapons, crates,... no matter if you don't know where they are and how far. The list can be looooong (as a day without bread) , and the, totally useless. you can see you AI crossing the map without few chance for actually rearming. Well, I'm trying here another approach, in this way: - first of all, I limit the script to AIs with played leader. (Just avoiding too many codes on server, but feel free to test what ever units you want); - only AI units owning a primary weapon are concerned: No player, no tourist; - When the AI has less than 10 remaining shots in its primary weapon, if magazines or weapons can be picked, within 100 m of the unit (anytime), the AI will move and pick them up. The possibilities and priorities are: - Any object stated as Arsenal (virtual crates/ vehicles with arsenal code...), is scouted as priority 1. That means the AI will reload at this object, with compatible mags, no matter the content of the arsenal crate/vehicle. At this time, and possibly for ever, I don't make any filter about possible limitation on arsenal. That means any enemy (concerned AI) can rearm at any arsenal. - The priority 2 is crates/vehicles fitted with compatible mags. The rearm action on a crate can empty it. This action is the standard behavior of Arma's engine. If you want more, see module! Anyway, the mags can be inside uniforms, vests, backpacks inside the crate or the vehicle. Not so bad. - the priority 3 is friendly fallen corpses... There is neither arsenal, nor crate but some fellows are lying on ground with compatible mags. That's the last chance for AI to keep their actual primary weapon; - the last priority (4) is any weapon found on ground, inside crate or vehicle. This weapon is different from the original. If several choices, the AI will pick one at random... At this time, I don' have filter for all possible cases and skills of AIs... It's just out of my scope. anyway this weapon can be inside a backpack, inside a crate... I added a mandatory mag for this weapon as I don't want the AIs out of ammo, then picking a weapon, out of ammo then... in a boring cycle. Furthermore, at this time, the abandoned weapon is deleted. Note 1: Vehicles are considered as crates if engine off! Note 2: You can stop an AI (stop order), so he will not continue his search for mags or weapons (but he will not fight without ammo). Of course, as I'm scripting also for my mod: MGI Advanced Modules, I added a Rearm Module enabling more possibilities: - You can easily choose different units (to be upgraded perhaps); - When your AI rearms, the secondary weapon (if any) is refilled in tube (so 1 shot). The AI receives up to 3 first aid kit and hand grenades or smokes. The AI grabs also up to 6 grenades for GL if any. - the rearm and switchweapon vanilla actions are replaced by animations (same ones) and custom scripts avoiding vanilla inventory (too many mags, no grenades, poor fak) Known limitations: - the hand guns are not treated at all; - the GL and launchers are treated in module, but only in case of low primary weapon ammo which stays the triggering factor; Compatible for MP (the treated units are local on each PC/Server), compatible with mods. Depending on mods, you can experience some little difference: - compatibles mags means... compatible mags and some vanilla mags can be used instead of specific ones, for arsenal. I'm not responsible of these choices. - on the other hand, there are several "FirstAidKit" along with mods. Some of them keep the class name and modify the aspect, some of them modify the whole stuff (for nuts,imho). Your AI can receive firstAidKit instead of "blabla_holyKitofTheGreatesModEverWritten" . They will not make difference, and you'll see that if you pick items on dead AI fellow. Have fun! Version: 28 / 07/ 21 in init.sqf
  2. Sup everyone. I'm working with a code snippet for fast reload (an old idea that never finished). The concept is to reload the current weapon, dropping the magazine to the ground and cutting the required time to reload to half (I'm a IPSC shooter IRL, so grabbed the concept from there). So far, i've achieve this: 1. Get magazine type and ammo count for current weapon. 2. Remove the magazine from current weapon. 3. Create a magazine of the same type and ammo count on the floor. 4. Insert a magazine from inventory to current weapon. Extra: using ACE, binded the action to double R key tap. The thing is that I cannot control the animation speed. I mean, I want to start the reload animation but at a faster speed; in fact, i need any animation to replace the standar one. Any advice is welcome. Thanks in advance!
  3. I want to make a big Sector Control mission in the editor and then export to Singleplayer to play. I put a lot of Sector Control Modules on the map in the editor, I set Spawn AI Modules for BLU and OPF and exported to Singleplayer, in the beginning everything worked as it should, AI spawns, moves, fights with each other and conquers Sector Controls by map, then after I clicked Save & Exit to continue this mission later. But after reloading the save game I noticed that me and the AI (BLU and OPF) can´t capture Sector Controls. Sector Controls do not change color, they remain gray. The modules seem to have stopped working after the reload and need to be reactivated via script? How can I reactivate this? I wish I could save this mission so I could easily reload and continue later. Not that I have to play the whole mission in one piece. This is very important to me! If anyone can help, I will be very grateful.
  4. Fred2832

    Broken Reload glitch

    I have found many occasions where another player without a weapon would grab the package and leave undamaged due to a reload bug. For example: Using a thompson and the m1911, i shot the player multiple times (im unsure how much damage i dealt), however, my weapon would not allow me to reload, and in the bottom right corner there was simply a dash (-) instead of my ammo count. I had over 50 ACP rounds in my inventory. My character would not reload, and therefore the player escaped. This left me especially frustrated as I along with a few other players placed coins on a better package drop. I hope someone in the development team sees this and finds out this bug for themselves for a fix. I love this game, it’s an excellent idea and very fun when crashes and bugs don’t ruin the experience. thanks, Fred
  5. Hi all, Trying to make an automatic reload for the S-750 Rhea, i discovered a strange Arma engine behavior. I placed via editor one player, one S-750 and R-750 (sensors are active by default). Then a black Wasp as enemy, disabled damage and a loiter waypoint around the SAM system in order to make it fire again and again. So, when out of missile, you need to reload the SAM. I placed in init field of the launcher: this addEventHandler ["fired",{ params ["_unit"]; if (magazinesAmmo _unit select 0 select 1 == 1) then { _unit addMagazineTurret ["magazine_Missile_s750_x4",[0],4] } }]; That works, but there is no delay to reload the SAM and I'd like to add a decent one for more realism. So I tried, as test, to spawn a code: this addEventHandler ["fired",{ params ["_unit"]; if (magazinesAmmo _unit select 0 select 1 == 1) then { _unit spawn { params ["_unit"]; waitUntil {magazinesAmmo _unit isEqualTo []}; sleep 5; _unit addMagazineTurret ["magazine_Missile_s750_x4",[0],4] } } }]; This last code doesn't work. Not a script question. The magazines are added but the launcher remains empty and don't fire. I added a loadMagazine with no more success. The strange thing: If I remove the simple line: sleep 5; the code works again (but missiles are loaded with no delay.) Any clue?
  6. Hey guys, I am thinking of changing some tank reload sounds for use with my group. I am considering changing some of the default reload sounds of the round being loaded to a couple different ones. Only thing is, I'd like it to be kind of random across several different sounds. I already figured I would need to make a small mod out of it that would override the files that tanks use (in this case I believe it's default vanilla tank reload sfx). I think I would be able to override the sound itself, but I would like to have a few variants of the reload sfx which would be chosen and played at random. Is it possible to script in any way? I will be thankful for any guidance in this regard. Thanks! Adam
  7. Hello. I want to keep the reload sound of the tank from outside. I have been looking for a way to do this for 5 months, but I could not find a solution because I am not good at English. The current situation is where Leopard2's reloadsound from BWMOD can be heard from both inside and outside. Other addons are not (e.g. RHS M1, T-Series, Arma3 Basic Tank etc..) I want to find a solution to this problem. I checked to see if the Sound.cfg of the other addons was different, but I didn't see any difference. There are many experts here, so I ask you a question. Please help me. What I want: (Reload Sound will not be heard from outside (3 person)
  8. Hello! I'm looking for someone willing to do animations for several weapons: AA-12 AS-50 KSG M1014 XM-25 Please PM me if you're willing to, and ask me about payment in PMs too!
  9. Hello. I don't know how many of you realize (and I don't know even if even the devs realize the problem) the reload animations of most guns are, lets say, incomplete. Let me give you examples (I decided not to record all of this because you can try for yourself in the editor or virtual arsenal). SPAR-16/17, MX series, CAR-95, etc. - If all cartridges were expanded from the magazine the bolt locks backwards, it's released and slammed forward after inserting a fresh magazine. (OK) - If there are still cartridges in the magazine bolt is closed. After reload is initiated the bolt magically opens and is slammed forward after inserting a fresh magazine. (BUG) AKM, AK-12, ASP-1, MAR-10, Mk14, Cyrus 9.3mm, Mk-I EMR, GM6, etc. -If all cartridges were expanded from the magazine the bolt locks backwards. After reload is initiated it magically slams shut just to be charged backwards by the operator. (BUG) -If there are still cartridges in the magazine the bolt is closed, it's charged by the operator after inserting a fresh magazine. (OK) These two examples are most common "bugs" of the reload animations. There are also few odd ones: Mk18 ABR - The bolt moves backwards a bit after releasing the magazine, no matter if all cartridges were expanded or not, it's then charged by the operator. (Just see for yourself, it's weird) Rahim 7.62mm - The bolt locks backwards if cartridges were expended or keeps forward if they weren't. No matter its state it's released forwards by the operator yet nothing happens. (Opened bolt magically slams shut after the animation is over). Handguns - After inserting a fresh magazine the bolt is released forwards, no matter if it's locked backwards or still shut. I hope devs fix this issue as it's quite annoying (at least to me) and doesn't seem to be complicated to fix. Cheers.
  10. Hi, everyone. This is my first time making addon for arma3. And right now I have made a HK416 assault rifle. Not perfect work as you guys can see....but I do need help with the reload problem. :( Here is the short vedio: https://youtu.be/zQIUBNguqGE As you can see when the mag was took out and there was no problem with that. But when it was starting to insert the mags, there was nothing there until the animation finished then the mag just pop out from nowhere. And here is my code for model.cfg. Is there any step I missed? class CfgSkeletons { class Default { isDiscrete = 1; skeletonInherit = ""; skeletonBones[] = {}; }; class HK416 : Default { SkeletonBones[]= { "trigger", "", /// not in this model, but good to use "bolt", "", "bolt_catch", "", "magazine", "", "safety", "", "muzzleFlash", "", "OP", "", "ForeSight", "", "BackSight", "" }; }; }; class CfgModels { class Default { sections[]= { "zasleh" }; htMin = 1; // Minimum half-cooling time (in seconds) htMax = 600; // Maximum half-cooling time (in seconds) afMax = 0; // Maximum temperature in case the model is alive (in celsius) mfMax = 0; // Maximum temperature when the model is moving (in celsius) mFact = 1; // Metabolism factor - number from interval <0, 1> (0 - metabolism has no influence, 1 - metabolism has full influence (no other temperature source will be considered)). tBody = 100; // Metabolism temperature of the model (in celsius) sectionsInherit=""; skeletonName = "HK416"; }; class HK416 : Default { skeletonName="HK416"; sectionsInherit = ""; sections[] = {"zasleh","muzzleFlash","Camo"}; class Animations { class trigger /// not in this model, but good to use { type = "rotation"; source = "reload"; sourceAddress = "clamp"; selection = "trigger"; axis = "trigger_axis"; minValue = 0; maxValue = "1"; angle0 = "0"; angle1 = "rad -30"; }; class bolt { type = "translation"; source = "reload"; sourceAddress = clamp; selection = "bolt"; axis = "bolt_axis"; minValue = 0.5; maxValue = 1; offset0 = 0; offset1 = 0.3; }; class bolt_2: bolt { minValue = 0; maxValue = 0.5; offset0 = 0; offset1 = 0.7; }; class bolt_empty: bolt{ source = "isEmptyNoReload"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; offset0 = 0; offset1 = 1; }; class bolt_reload_move_1: bolt_empty { source="reloadMagazine"; // z: should work like that only if weapon is empty minValue=0; maxValue=0.00001; }; class bolt_reload_move_2: bolt_reload_move_1 { source="reloadMagazine"; // z: should work like that only if weapon is empty minValue=0.78; maxValue=0.80; offset1 = -1; }; class bolt_catch: bolt { selection = "bolt_catch"; axis = "bolt_catch_axis"; }; class bolt_catch_2: bolt_2 { selection = "bolt_catch"; axis = "bolt_catch_axis"; }; class bolt_catch_empty: bolt_empty { selection = "bolt_catch"; axis = "bolt_catch_axis"; }; class bolt_catch_reload_move_1: bolt_reload_move_1 { selection = "bolt_catch"; axis = "bolt_catch_axis"; }; class bolt_catch_reload_move_2: bolt_reload_move_2 { selection = "bolt_catch"; axis = "bolt_catch_axis"; }; class magazine_hide { type="hide"; source="reloadMagazine"; selection="magazine"; minValue=0.000000; maxValue=1.00000; hideValue=0.188; unhideValue = 0.550; }; class no_magazine { type="hide"; source="hasMagazine"; selection="magazine"; minValue=0.000000; maxValue=1.00000; hideValue=0.5; unhideValue = -1.0; }; class magazine_reload_move_1 { type = "translation"; source = "reloadMagazine"; selection = "magazine"; axis = "magazine_axis"; minValue = 0.145; maxValue = 0.170; offset0 = 0.0; offset1 = 0.5; }; class magazine_reload_move_2: magazine_reload_move_1 { minValue = 0.573; maxValue = 0.602; offset0 = 0.0; offset1 = -0.5; }; class muzzleFlashROT { type="rotationX"; source="ammoRandom"; //use ammo count as phase for animation sourceAddress="loop"; //loop when phase out of bounds selection="muzzleFlash"; //selection we want to rotate axis=""; //no own axis - center of rotation is computed from selection centerFirstVertex=true; //use first vertex of selection as center of rotation minValue=0; maxValue=4; //rotation angle will be 360/4 = 90 degrees angle0="rad 0"; angle1="rad 360"; }; class OP_ROT { type="rotation"; source="zeroing2"; // use second muzzle zeroing for rotation sourceAddress="loop"; // loop when phase out of bounds selection="OP"; // selection we want to rotate axis="OP_axis"; // has its own axis minValue=0; maxValue=3; angle0="rad 0"; angle1="rad 65"; }; class BackSight_optic { type="rotation"; source="hasOptics"; selection="BackSight"; axis="BackSight_axis"; memory=1; minValue=0.0000000; maxValue=1.0000000; angle0=0.000000; angle1=(rad 70); }; class ForeSight_optic: BackSight_optic { selection="ForeSight"; axis="ForeSight_axis"; angle1=(rad 70); }; }; }; };