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  1. Arma 4 is still some years away, but that means that development of Arma 4 could begin at literally any time, if it hasn't begun already. Thus, I put forward to the community this question: do you want to see the next Arma game continue to use the Real Virtuality engine? Or do you want to see BIS make a change that has yet to happen in fifteen years, and move to a new, better engine? Personally (warning, rant): I am sick and tired of the RV engine, and all the shit it entails. You heard about the upcoming vehicle-in-vehicle transport feature, I assume? Guess what, we won't be able to actually drive vehicles up a ramp into another vehicle, thanks to, hey-ho, engine limits. However, the limits are only half of what I hate; in fact, what I hate most about the RV engine is the horrendously poor quality of its animations. Arma 3, literally, has the worst animations of a top dollar game and a standard of its genre. Then, of course, you have the lack of detail that's gone into weapons and vehicles. Arma 3 is the definition of quantity over quality, and even then they fail in proper quantity. What really pisses me off, though, is that BIS markets Arma 3 like its animations, visuals, and so on are of Battlefield quality. Hearing Jay Crowe talk about Arma 3 like it's this super smooth, super refined platform when in fact it's a clunky clusterfuck saved only - ONLY - by the modding community and all those mods that bring high quality content and features. Imagine, for a moment, Arma 3 without mods. Yeah. I just watched the Apex trailer (I am buying Apex, by the way), and surprise surprise, BIS makes out Arma 3 as it's not; having gorgeous visuals and 100 FPS, flawless texture and model quality, and best of all, seamlessly smooth and real-looking animations. COME ON! You can fool those who've never played, but you can't fool us! Case in point, I love Arma, but I've been ready for a new engine for a very long time, and Arma 4 seems like the perfect platform for BIS to engine change. I don't care if we have to wait another five years, I want to see a new engine in a new Arma game.
  2. Both my Arma 2 OA and Arma 3 games don't work at all anymore, with or without mods. I don't understand why but it's not anything simple, something to do with my computer I think. Bohemia support was less helpful than expected and I didn't even expect them to help. So when I start either Arma 2 OA or Arma 3, it gives a pop up error. I can't screenshot it but it looks like this TrackIR Enhanced interface activation: arma3.exe - Application Error The exception unknown software exception (0x0eedfade) occurred in the application at location 0x000000000752CDAE8. Then I click OK and I get the crash report with Exit Code: 0xC000041D - STATUS_FATAL_USER_CALLBACK_EXCEPTION If you can help me in any way please do, i'm pretty stuck. Thanks I can't find where to attach a crash report and it won't let me copy and paste it so if you need more information then let me know.
  3. Hello community! I need some help. I have been trying to get an arma 3 model into the object builder to be exact if it matters it's the ia_soldier_01.p3d file. As soon as I press open in the object builder and select the file it crashes! No message nothing! It just crashes! Any help is appreciated!
  4. I-M3 is a EU based gaming community looking to expand our player base. We are going to be hosting some sessions, using the small version of our modpack. The next event is on Saturday 28th at 7PM (BST/GMT+1). While anyone*(see Joining) can join, we would ask you let us know you would like to play, as we will only have a certain number of slots. If you are interested in this, there is some additional information below about us, or hop onto our ts3 server and speak to an admin. If you do want to play with us, please ensure you know how to play Arma 3 and can use the mod’s ACE 3 (in particular the advanced medical system) and TaskForceRadio, before the mission. If you are completely new to it, you can pop on at sometime before the mission and we can go through it with you ABOUT US: We are a small gaming community based in Europe (we co-ordinate on UK time) consisting of several friends, we are currently quite small in numbers, but we are hoping to expand our player-base and community. We play a variety of genres including FPS’s and RTS’s. Milsim games such as Arma 3 and DCS are the main games that we all play and bring us together. We communicate by way of a Teamspeak server (ts.i-m3.info) and on Steam. MILSIM/ARMA: We aim to undertake a Arma 3 mission once a week, where we play PvE missions on our own server. We have our own modpack, which is very large in size, but it does have a large amount of content. We do have a light version for certain events. To get the modpack we would like that you come on our Ts and just introduce yourself to an admin. Our play style is relaxed, with the emphasis being on fun, rather than hardcore milsim, we have no persistent ranks, assigning squad leaders and roles on a mission by mission basis. No ranks, no sirs, no pseudo-military BS. In addition to this, occasionally we also play DCS world. Using a variety of aircraft, varying on mission and personal preference. JOINING: We have no recruitment criteria other than being able to speak English somewhat fluently, we do also ask that you be over 18. If you do want to join it’s simply a case of coming on our Teamspeak server, no signing up on any forums. Come and go as you please. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: If you have questions, just pop on our Teamspeak 3 Server, ts.i-m3.info and speak to one of our admins. We also have a website with some information i-m3.info, however, the website is still missing alot of information. Summary of Links Teamspeak: ts.i-m3.info Website i-m3.info Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/i-m3
  5. What is 2ATF? The 2nd Australian Task Force (2ATF) is an ArmA III Realism group that sets out to resemble the Australian Defence Force to the best of the ArmA engine can offer. What can 2ATF bring? The 2nd Australian Task Force brings a close to real life experience in ArmA III, we offer a range of sub-units that personnel can specialise in, these include: 6th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (Rifle & Support Companies) 16th Aviation Brigade (Rotary pilots) Royal Australian Air Force (Fixed-wing pilots & JTAC) 1st Close Health Battalion 2nd Cavalry Regiment 1st Armoured Regiment How do I join? To join the 2nd Australian Task Force you must meet the following requirements: Be 17+ Be able to follow the guidelines we set for you Own a working microphone Own a legal copy of ArmA III Be able to download a sizeable modpack (19gb) Assuming you meet all the requirements please submit an application on our website at http://www.moreongames.com/ and submit an application under ‘moreOn forms’ and connect to our teamspeak, details are: IP: moreongames.no-ip.net Password: GameOn
  6. http://imgur.com/EV1VXZa So I have recently installed arma 3 tools because I wanted to work on a map but I have followed videos to get it all to work but everytime I get this happen to me which just takes the piss. If anyone has any ideas pls help when you can. http://imgur.com/KaJ5gRn This is another error I get. Thank you Ill re upload the images to somewhere working once I can
  7. ─────── Structure ─────── Motivation Introduction Features Benchmarks Installation Usage Final words Changelog Requirements Download Screenshots ─────── Motivation ─────── Hello there, first I want to talk about why I made this - well there is a pretty simple reason. As a developer and as server owner you always need logs. You need logs to write debug messages, you need logs to make statistics for your squad, you need logs to be able to have a look on who did what when. Logs are awesome, and without them it would take much longer to find an error or to find out who shot who first, or how many players were on your server today. Let us have a look on the game log itself, the rpt log. It provides errors, if you have got some, and gives some debug information about startup and shutdown of the game. However since there are some errors in the game that write a nice little message every 1-2 seconds into the log-file, the rpt gets larger and larger ... and now find the one line you need. Imagine, you are a server owner, and you want to keep track on who connected when on your squad server for you and some friends. Why ? Well you like it to stalk other people, or wanted to play NSA simulator 2016. You could log who connected, with which player-ID and so on ... but where do these logs go? Well I always had to log into the rpt file. Often I search for one line which is between 1000 of other lines. That does not only take time, but it might also happen, that you do not find the line, even if you go through everything 10 times. That is where I had the idea, well ... why not create an extension where you decide where logs are placed, in which format, how they are named, if they should have got a time stamp, if this time stamp should be in 12 or 24 hour format etc. I wanted a simple extension where you setup a config, and then just call a function with content, and maybe optional a name which is used for separation. Simple but fast, with options, so that you can get logs from ArmA just the way you want it. I already made a extension called Arma3Log a while ago but I was new into extension writing, and you could have seen that ... it was slow and not very useful... but I wanted to do better and here we are. ─────── Introduction ─────── A3log is a lightweight logging extension for ArmA III, which allows it's users to write customized log-files with a very high performance. It is very easy to use, and does not require and advanced skills for the setup, or the usage. The log-files are adjustable in nearly every way, you could come up with in case of writing log-files. Even when dealing with a high amount of data, the server will not be slowed down and there is no data loss. As it is still in development, there will be improvements to the speed and the amount of features / settings. ─────── Features ─────── Timestamp inside the logfile Timestamp (Date) within the filename Extend the filename with the minute of creation Changeable timestamp format 12/24H clock Custom directory to place the logs (Full-/Relative path) Choose the name of the file Choose the file-extension Define a unlimited amount of custom log categories Separate each log category as one folder Define path and name of the configuration ini ─────── Benchmarks ─────── 1000 lines with 100 characters each: 0.052 seconds - diag_log 0.0159998 seconds - A3log (with all features enabled at v1.1) Extreme example: 100.000 lines with 100 charaters each: 55,895 seconds - diag_log 15,2 seconds - A3log (with all features enabled at v1.1) Note: The test conditions for the benchmarks were reset for every run. The value in seconds is the middle value of 10 test runs. The time indicates how long it took for ArmA to process the input and output of the extension, so how long the server was under heavy load to send the content to the extension. ─────── Installation ─────── Download the latest version (See download section for that) Extract the @A3Log folder and place it in your server directory Go into the @A3Log folder and make sure the the A3Log.dll is not blocked Edit the A3Log.ini file to fit your personal need -> Save the file Edit your startup file and add @A3Log to your -serverMod / -mod parameter Optional: To specify from where the config should be loaded you can define startup a paramter for the arma3server executable with "-A3Log=Configurations/Mylogs.ini" (Only paths in your arma3server directory are allowed so in this case you would have a folder called Configurations inside of your serversetup and in that you have the config file called Mylogs.ini) - This feature is WIP Remove the A3Log_examples.pbo inside @A3Log/addons, once it worked for you and you got example log files Done ─────── Usage ─────── The A3Log.pbo provides you with the A3Log function, which you can call from anywhere. In addiotion to that there is a serverside PublicVariableEventHandler (sendlogfile) to catch incoming log entries, which may be send via publicVariableServer So an example for serverside use would be: ["I am Superman!"] call A3Log; This one has no category defined, so it goes into the catch all log (See A3Log.ini for this) --- ["I am Batman!","ExampleLog"] call A3Log; This one goes into the ExampleLog.log, or what ever you called it. An example for sending a log from a client / headless client would be: sendlogfile = ["I am Batman!","ExampleLog"]; publicVariableServer "sendlogfile"; You might need to whitelist this in the publicvariable.txt from Battleye with !="sendlogfile" --- Or if you prefer remoteExec ["I am Batman!","ExampleLog"] remoteExecCall ["A3Log", 2]; //2 = send to server only and call is much faster Note: You would need to whitelist A3Log as a function that can only be executed on the server. --- So to describe the usage in general: The function A3Log (Serverside) handles the input and sends it to the A3Log extension. <Paramter> call A3Log; --- <Paramter> is an array [], which you can send up to 2 paramters in. [<text>,<category (This second one is optional)>] call A3Log; Attention! - If you want to rewrite the function that sends the log message to the extension, you need to include the information separator byte, which can be used in ArmA like this: <bla bla text> + toString[31] + <your-cool-category> //This all is from variable type string --- You can use this extension as client mod too, just make sure to disable Battleye, as the dll would get blocked by BE otherwise. ─────── Final words ─────── I will provide some additional usage examples and code snippets inside the A3Log_examples.pbo in the future. This is not a drag and drop everything will be logged for every mission you use addon. You still need to invest some time into the configuration and your setup, what you want to log. Since there are many versions of missions, which all differ in their code like an eventhandler for being killed or something, I can not provide code that fits with just a simple copy and paste. How ever I offer everybody to send me a request on these forums or via arkensor@gmail.com so that I can help him with either the setup or write some lines of code from him. I will expand this extension with my own ideas, and requests you guys might have, and it would be great to have some feedback on this. At this point I would like to thank Killzone_Kid, for making a great documentation and tutorials about extensions, which made me start with extension making for arma3. And thanks to my teammate Maurice for helping me with some magic c++ code! If you want to support me and my work, you can send me a donation via paypal. Thank you very much! ─────── Changelog ─────── v1.7: - [Added] x64 support for Windows and Linux . v1.6: - [Added] Optional console output for Windows. - Formating and preparations for a colored debug output Older versions: ─────── Requirements ─────── Windows: C++ Redistributable 2013 32-Bit - Download -> vcredist_x86 (This should be pre installed on all hosting providers) ─────── Download ─────── Download the release from Github: https://github.com/Arkensor/A3LOG/releases/tag/1.8 ─────── Screenshots ─────── This is my folder where I place my logs at serverdir/@A3Log/Logs: Note: Inside the folders are files which were written as the config had folder seperation enabled. License: If you have got any questions feel free to ask. Help me with your feedback to improve this project! Now have fun with it, and enjoy your clean log files 🙂 Regards Arkensor
  8. ArmaMan360

    EDEN Editor freezing

    Ok I am using EDEN and it starts well, I am able to rotate and manipulate the camera view with every possible angle. Also easily able to navigate the unit selection at the right panel. But the problem occurs when I place the first unit. The moment I left click on the desired location, nothing spawns but that little, red unit spawn marker thing remains there but the mouse cursor is freely movable. Unable to even alt tab or ctrl alt del my way out of it. Then I restarted my laptop, then ran ARMA without any mods, and still the same freeze. Only this time, the unit did spawn after a substantial lag of 15-20 seconds. And the consecutive units spawned with no issue. I believe it has only to do with the first unit I spawn. And btw I am running the latest stable. Thank you and congrats for EDEN :)
  9. Miroslaw Kowalski

    AWC Arms Release Thread

    The ArmA Warfare Cooperation is proud to release the first version of its AWC Arms addon. What is the ArmA Warfare Cooperation? The ArmA Warfare Cooperation (AWC) is a cooperation of multiple german clans focusing on tactical, immersive and realistic ArmA Gameplay. We share a modset and a TeamSpeak 3 Server. Why have we created this addon? This weapons addon was created by some of our members to get some weapons ingame that make for a good variety in the weapons we can choose from and therefore the roles our members can fill in. Addon content: McMillan Tac-50 A1-R2 (3 colors: black, tan and olive) AAC Cyclops .50 caliber suppressor (3 Colors: black, tan and olive) Desert Tech SRS-A1 (chambered in .338; 3 Colors: black, tan and olive) Enhanced M14 Rifle featuring a rail system allowing for a configurable weapons platform (2 Colors: Wooden, Olive; this is a modification to the ArmA 2 M14 model) Magazines and Ammunition for all the weapons Download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-RvJkmk8dpyaDJ4aVpCaXZWdnM Requirements: CBA (optional) SMA - ArmA shows a message that it is needed but it is only for the m14 which i configured to be able to load SMA Magazines Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/EJHn5 ToDo: maybe some new weapons (if you have some wishes we'll consider doing them ;) ) Credits: [ARES] Miroslaw Kowalski - Modelling, Texturing and Config writing [ARES] William Porter - Testing and Screenshots The rest of the ArmA Warfare Cooperation for their advices and kind words B) And of course Bohemia Interactive for their awesome game and the awesome assets they provide for their community
  10. I keep getting this problem when I first launch arma 3 launcher, it says that arma 3 is running and I can't do anything to my mods. This is a serious problem for me since I have to switch my mods a lot for testing out mods and sorts. I've checked my task manager and arma isn't running in the background.
  11. seelenlos Zeus This mod allows the whitelisted players to use Zeus in every mission. You just need to press the Zeus Button (Default: Z). We use the mod to play missions in different ways, "unstuck" broken mission flows or add mod weapons to vanilla missions. That means, you get the ability to play a mission again with different loadouts, vehicles and enemies without the effort to change it with scripts or the editor (unpacking, changing, testing, packing, uploading). The use of the ARES-mod is strongly recommended. Features: - server side only mod - only the whitelisted players can use it - does not interfere with any existing Zeus in the mission - add objects to Zeus (optional) - share created objects between mod Zeus (optional) Add Objects to Zeus In the slz_settings.sqf, you can define a array of objects which will be added to zeus. More infos in the slz_settings.sqf. Add all addons to zeus In the slz_settings.sqf, you can set slz_addAllAddons to true (default) to activate all available addons. Changelog v.1.7 CHANGES - slz_addAllAddons variable added - if it's set to true (default) all available addons will be added to the mod curators v.1.6 CHANGES - slz_sharedObjects variable added - if it's set to true all objects which are created by slz curators are editable for every slz curator FIXED - possible fix for exile server v.1.5 CHANGES - neutral Zeus removed - SLZ_editPlayerUnits variable removed FIXED - zeus remotecontrol caused diconnect from curator module - some other bugs v.1.4.1 FIXED -userconfig path capitalization changed to lowercase (issue with case sensitve file system) v.1.4 REWORKED CODE - complete rewrite CHANGES - no admin zeus anymore (i think there is no need anymore) - SLZ_whitelist variable added - in the userconfig there is a array where you can add uid's (it is the number in the steam-profile link) - if your uid is in this array you have zeus abilities - SLZ_neutralZeus variable removed - if you press zeus key you get the control of the virtualCurator which is always neutral - your playerunit become hidden and invulnerable - SLZ_editPlayerUnits variable added - all playerunits can be edited if these players are in curatormode - if it is set to false these units can also add to the curator editable object list by other scripts or mods like ares KNOWN ISSUES - Don't mix up to many zeus login methods (native use, too) - if you use #adminLogged Game Master Modules and virtualCurator entities or player controled curators don't login as admin if you are in a other curator slot - the native curator itself has a bug: if you are in the mission, go back to loginscreen and join again, you have to die before you can use the curator again (expect the #adminLogged method) v.1.3 FIXED - bug in the per frame eventHandler v.1.2 REWORKED CODE - remove while do loops ---> replaced with a per frame eventHandler FIXED - known issues from 1.1 v.1.1 ADDED - neutral zeus - this option change the playerside if you enter the zeus to logic because only a neutral zeus can set all attributes: for example the sector control module - copy the userconfig folder to your arma 3 folder and change the value in the SLZ_settings.sqf to true. (default = false) FIXED - if the admin logout the other players can't be the zeus. KNOWN ISSUES - if you are logged in as admin and you go into lobby and return to the game you have to logout and login to use the zeus again v.1.0 - first release Credits: Fry & Chucky from seelenlos-Team http://arma.seelenlos.eu License: GPLv3 Known Issues: - none Download Links: - Steam Workshop - Dropbox - Armaholic (outdated) Recommended Mods: Ares: - Steam Workshop - BI Forum - Armaholic
  12. Intercept is a C/C++ binding interface to the Arma 3 engine (internally referred to as the Real Virtuality or RV engine). It's goal is to provide easy to use library for addon makers to develop addons in a native language, or to develop language extensions for the Arma 3 engine. In a nutshell, Intercept provides a full C/C++ binding system for calling the base C++ functions which are declared in RVEngine for SQF functions. All SQF functions within the RVEngine are actually native code, which is called by SQF via the function names. Intercept bypasses SQF entirely, allowing native C++ plugins to seamlessly interact with the game engine. In essence, Intercept allows for expansions of the game engine, calling internal functionality of the engine which has been exposed via SQF functions. This was the idea behind the intended Java implementation by Bohemia Interactive in Take On Helicopters and was planned for, but never implemented in Arma 3. Intercept not only completes the intended functionality of what Java was meant to provide but has gone much further, including returning data to SQF and multithreaded addons. Intercept works on a host/client based system, in which the host, Intercept itself, hosts client DLLs that implement the Intercept library. The Intercept host handles access to the RV engine by clients through a layer that provides thread concurrency, memory handling, and event dispatching. Client DLLs are then able to be written in a way that can safely ignore most internal nuances of handling data in the RV engine and work with standard C++ STD/STL data types, and only a few specialized objects specific to the game engine. The Intercept library also provides raw C bindings to the C++ versions of SQF functions, so it is entirely possible to use Intercept as the basis for writing in additional scripting languages to the RV engine, such as Python or Lua. You can find more information on our GitHub project page. Technical Details Intercept works by making direct calls to the SQF functions in the RV engine. These functions are themselves C++ functions which are then exposed to SQF for allowing interaction with the underlying game engine; Intercept completely bypasses SQF and allows C++ plugins to interact with the engine directly. User created threads can even be created and by properly using the provided thread concurrency functionality it is possible to execute game functionality safely and concurrently. Intercept clients are able to invoke through the host these commands by provided wrapper functions that replicate and emulate the SQF command namespace (minus some unneeded functionality, like arrays or control structures). These wrapper functions take standard inputs, such as simple primitives like float or bool, and standard std::string arguments and convert them into the proper SQF command variables, providing a seamless layer to the clients. An example of a very simple client that invokes nular, unary, and binary SQF functions (aka functions that take no arguments, a right side argument only, and both a left and right side argument respectively) is demonstrated below and a more examples can be found here. #include <Windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <cstdint> #include <sstream> // the Intercept library, only one include required. #include "intercept.hpp" // required exported function to return API version int __cdecl intercept::api_version() { return 1; } // This function is exported and is called by the host each frame. void __cdecl intercept::on_frame() { // get the player object and store it intercept::types::object player = intercept::sqf::player(); // get the post of the player intercept::types::vector3 pos = intercept::sqf::get_pos(player); // build a string... std::stringstream side_chat_msg; side_chat_msg << "Hello Arma World, here is the player pos: " << pos.x << "," << pos.y << "," << pos.z; // send it to the binary SQF sideChat command intercept::sqf::side_chat(player, side_chat_msg.str()); } // Normal Windows DLL junk... BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved ) { switch (ul_reason_for_call) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: break; case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: break; } return TRUE; } Completion Status As of now (3/13/16) Intercept is over 82% language feature complete. You can view the progress of wrapper completion here. Almost all normally used SQF functions are available to the end user, and with the added ability of writing inline SQF code, you can call any function that has not had a wrapper written for it yet (though with a small performance penalty). We will post a release thread when we start releasing builds of the host. Contributions Feel free to contribute as much as you want to this project in terms of time and code. The goal of this project is to be a tool for the community to provide better performing and more complex addons for the Arma 3 platform. If you would like to contribute or want more information please join our Slack channels and get involved! License Intercept is licensed under the MIT license. You can find the full license in the LICENSE file. Prior to commit f9fe4d5 the project was licensed under the GNU/GPL v2 license and continues to be for any commit prior to that.
  13. Hello, my name is DrStigHD/Callum Brown and i'd like to welcome you to our Arma 3 Life Lakeside server! In our server, we have many features that the community would love! I am going to explain some! We have; The ability to call other players in game! The ability to switch task force radio channels with the click of a button! Special perks for certain items in game! Lots and lots of different textures like a galaxy Lamborghini! Custom HUD Way points! A job system like Garry's mod RP (Players control the economy and jobs.. AI in place for when that's not available. LSMO [Lakeside Mayors Office] If you're intrested in joining our community, visit our website​ or come to our teamspeak at ts.drhdgaming.co.uk
  14. Hi community, Since 3DEN, If I run any mission (coop 8 - 1player 7 playable slots) in MP, the revive option returns "ERROR: No vehicle IS REVIVING YOU" in the incapacitated chrono bar. Furthermore, if I choose another unit than player, there in one more problem: After player's respawn (I'm testing MP with 1 player), 2 units have the same name (player's name): Player and another unit. So the automatic name of the unit in the chosen slot seems to disappear. In 2D, these missions registered in MP, (backup mission.sqm), don't have these problems (reviving + lost of unit's name). So it's not linked to mods but editor behavior.
  15. SonOfKrazyBee

    Section 7 PMC

    Section 7 - PMC “If there is no road we make one†About: Section 7 is a casual milsim community. We have 1 rule, don’t be a dick. We highly enforce that rule. Section 7 was first started to create a relaxing and fun, yet professional gaming community for gamers who want to enjoy the experience of Arma, but in a realistic and intense way. Section 7 is lead by a great group of guys, who will command you through battle, joke around, and teach you new things, as well as give you a lifetime experience. The Section 7 ranking is simple, and simulated. No need to salute or call your higher rankings “sirâ€. Section 7 is lead as well, by veterans, and active duty. Giving you a great front seat to learning new things. Such as bounding, formations, and more. Don’t know how to install mods, or don’t understand proper formations, bounding, and other combat techniques? No problem! Section 7 SO’s will give you the education you need in under a couple of hours to be a awesome S7 operator! So, do you want to play Arma 3 how it was really meant to be played? Stop by and experience a true Arma 3 community. Process Of Joining/Training: Section 7 is very simple and easy to understand group. We do have regular trainings and drill, yet rarely. We have a 1-2 hour IT course, for the new players. The IT (Individual Training), teaches you the very basics of fire team movements, and procedures to make sure you fit in well with your assigned group! For those who want to build up, you can become a well trained pilot or SO, senior operator, and as well can specialize after IT, in advanced courses such as Marksmen Courses, Advanced Rifleman Courses, UGL Courses, and more! Think you're too young to join? No problem, no age limit is required, yet we recommend 18 and older. You got one shot, don’t be an immature person. More Information: For more information you can always visit our website: http://www.s7-gaming.com/ Teamspeak IP: sec7.typefrag.com As well you can always ask questions below! Game nights Below: United States Timezones: 7:00pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) 5:00pm Mountain Standard Time (MST) 4:00pm Pacific Standard Time (PST) 6:00pm Central Standard Time (CST) For more time-zones click the link below: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YUF0WJbOb1UWSzxUXc8pi8tcx_d_rZord01hmx-mFys/edit?usp=sharing
  16. Can one of you nice people make a script for me, i want it to detect if a player in a certain white-list uses the F12 key and in sidechat format message people of another white-list group. I tried but i couldn't get it to work.
  17. Hi guys, A friend and I have been talking about this quite a bit recently. The only criticism he had about the game was the setting. He felt it was a weird choice to set it slightly in the future he felt it was unnecessary and led to some weird weapons and vehicles. To an extent I agree with him BUT I don't mind It as much. We came to the conclusion that we hope the next one is set in the present day as technology and weapons seem to have come a long way since the arma 2 days and we would enjoy it more. Thays just our opinion. My actual question is what was the developers’ reason for the semi futuristic setting? Do we know anything at all about the future of arma? (Next game etc.) Thanks.
  18. Whenever I play-test my mission in the Eden Editor, a black box appears with random symbols (always the same) saying "Invalid number in expression." Any help? I think it may be something with scripting but I haven't touched that at all. Screenshot here. https://www.dropbox.com/s/mvq7n087wxs6y9m/2016-02-19_00002.jpg?dl=0
  19. So i saw a video a couple of days ago where the player that controled zeus has access to thermal vison. After a google search i found this http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=17794 on the Arma 3 feedback website. I tried multiple times to get it to work but no progress, so i went in the editor and looked up the function in the function viewer. This is what i got from it. I have tried a couple of things but nothing has worked yet. If anyone knows how to get this to work that would be great. Hopefully it will also help other mission makers in the future. Thanks in advance for any help or tips i get.
  20. Ok, I know ARMA 3 is still getting better and better. BUT! Me and friends are talking about how games are just going down hill from here. Gta5 sucks, Call of Duty is completely ruined, and all games are getting futuristic. Arma is the kind of game you can play for HOURS. But its getting futuristic. All im hoping is that ARMA 4 will be set in a modern year like 2010-2018. Or even set in WW1-2 or Vietnam. I know Bohemia made ARMA 2, but the community needs is a ARMA 2 with better graphics. Thanks for hearing me out community, leave some suggestions on what you want in ARMA 4. Or even future ARMA 3. Please no hate, but you can leave what you think on this comment. (Not hating on ARMA 3 at ALL! I have too many hours on this game)
  21. First off let me state I am by no means a computer guy but let me assume I know what Im talking about I have and AMD Phenom II x2 processor 3.40 GHS 5GB RAM 64 Bit OS Windows 7 Nvidia Geforce Gt 520 I get under 15 fps on the complete lowest settings visibility down textures blurred objects like trees non existent from far away you name it I want to run Arma 3 on atleast high but I don't want to spend more than 200 dollars Will switching to a Nvidia GTX 960 2gb or 4gb get me high settings good resolution with atleast 30+ fps with a server around 70 players or am I asking for too much here Also if there is a cheaper method please let me know again I am not a computer guy so English please thanks
  22. Hello guys, inspired by the great MarkXIII and with a new audio engine around the corner here we go with ~ ArmA 3 Sound Modding 101 ~ What? A place to ask questions (no matter how stupid you think they are) related to the creation and implementation of audio into Arma 3. Be precise, if you have RPT problems, post the RPTs into code boxes so they don't take away half of the site space. Creation -> audio engeneering, sound waves. Implementation -> configs & tools, programming. Valid questions: I have a sound X, how do I put it into the game? how does the whole wav <-> wss/ogg system work? I want the pitch of my engine sound to change, how do I do that? my audio sounds like Y but I want it to sound like X, how do I do that? Not valid questions: when will bohemia release X? is mod X compatible with mod Y? sound-system related questions (my headphones don't work in 5.1 mode) Why? There is no central ArmA 3 sound modding thread. We are all spread around Skype, Discord and PMs, this should serve a central meeting point. Game audio is very closely connected to technical stuff so this should be good for people who can create audio but have problems with implementing it into the game. Good for newcomers: open PBOs and edit current sounds add their own sounds to the game create certain sounds for the game create their own workflow Who? Anyone who wants to help out should help. We already have experienced Arma-Audio advanced users here such as Audiocustoms, TheMaster303, Myself, Laxeman and LordJarhead (probably more that I forget, please PM me their names) all being active community members and having their own areas of expertiese who can surely help. Content I will start producing educational content. Also YOU guys are the content. Ask away. Text Bohemia Wiki - Sound Page, learn about audio configuration Custom script to make the AI fire in full auto, full weapon speed at player position View sound controllers (For the first time in ArmA!) Videos What tools do I need to access BI content in order to learn from it? P: drive & how do I package my audio into a mod that works? Advanced tool usage to speed up workflow Current to-do list for me: What tools do I need to access BI content in order to learn from it? P: drive & how do I package my audio into a mod that works? Basic sound replacement (will probably wait with this until the new engine is out). Advanced tool usage to speed up workflow. Understanding config files & tree structure More detailed explanation of parameters in configuration. Additional Some info about the current state of the "interior" controller used for weapon tails.
  23. ArmA Hunger Games Status: currently in Beta. Currently supported Maps: HungerIslands(custom), Stratis. At Hunger Games there is one goal for the player, to be the last man standing. All Players spawn in a circle with vehicles around and crates inside it. Players can decide if they wanna stock up and go rambo style or take their chances into the wilderness. Everything is possible. Alliances are possible, but short lived. There can only be one winner. If after the gametime is up no winner was found all will die. Features: Custom Map HungerIslands. Custom Hunger, Thirst, hunting system. Custom HUD with Health, HitPoint, Hunger, Thirst, Game Status Display. Custom random Loot/Crate System. Custom (Circle)SpawnSystem. No Fatique no Stamina. Custom Bleeding System. Custom Safe/Hunting-Zone System. Custom Weather System. Jump Script. Mod is created for a fast paced survival PVP Gameplay (1 Round takes max 50 minutes). Supports 32 to 96 Players. Win-Lose Statistics(WIP) and much more! You will need to download the mod from Steamworkshop in order to join a server. For more info about Systems etc open Map->Briefing ingame. Link to Mod http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=564434094 Inspired by the novel/movie 'The Hunger Games'. List of Mods included: ASDG Jointrails. Community Upgrade Project weapons pack. FHQ M4-A4 pack. FHQ Accessories. UIcorrections by Beazley. Recoil Weapon reduction by Lao Fei Mao. RH Pistols. Kiory SR25. C1987 MP7. Good luck have fun. Hope to see you ingame soon!
  24. Blake ST2

    SEAL Team Two

    What does this patch mean to you? For the team members it means dedication, pride, honor, and integrity. Who is SEAL Team Two? SEAL Team Two Arma 3 is a SEAL based realism unit that tries to simulate the training, combat, and achievements of a SEAL. We are a band of brothers, a team. Each team member is treated as a brother. What were about? Our team deploys in almost any environment with any circumstance. From small HVT (High Value Target) taskings, to large scale operations, we are all trained and ready for the fight. Each civilian that has the fortune of joining our team goes through a rigorous training called BUD/s training, or Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL Training to test and see if they have what it takes to be in our elite selection of SEAL/s from all around the world. Each SEAL plays an important part in the unit via N-CODES (Jobs within the special warfare department). We deploy overseas on the weekends and conduct training, casual, and co-op events during the week. Our leadership and staff are experts at leading and conducting a team and have dealt with many situations involving international disputes, and countless combat situations. Each member of Team Two has a say and the leadership are happy to take any questions or opinions on a certain matter. Our deployments consist of the following: Quick HALO and HAHO Insertions Fast extraction via sea, land, or air Desert Environments Arctic Environments Woodland Environments Underwater/Maritime operations Recon taskings Fast paced, high action combat Countless enemies 100% Real Serious Fun Class A leadership and staff Air support on Call​ COC (Code Of Conduct) Each SEAL conducts himself to the best of their ability, following the rules and regulations of SEAL Team 2. 1. ALWAYS Respect members and guests that are in our teamspeak, in game, on steam, or any other social or gaming media. 2. Use of Foul language MUST be kept to a minimum. 3. Any inappropriate content being shown or posted is strictly prohibited. Keep it clean and respectable. 4. Respect higher ranks and their orders (within reason) as they are a higher rank for a reason. 5. NSF reserve the right to discharge any member within the unit that is an NCO at anytime for any reason. 6. If there is disagreement within the unit, this MUST be brought up to the CO and XO whom will then have the final say no matter the circumstances. 7. "Banter" "Jargon" or any other sort of joking is permitted as long as it is controlled and non-offensive to anyone within the unit. 8. You must try your hardest and best while in an operation. 9. Some sense of Seriousness must be kept present within your behavior while on our ts3, or our game server. 10. Any sort of hacking, scripting, or cheating is prohibited within our game server at any time. 11. You will be a role model to others. 12. You will earn your trident every day. 13. CO and XO Reserve the right to modify this COC at any time and put it into effect at any time. If you believe that you can abide by the rules of the COC, you may have a chance at being part of us. List of roles within the team: Squad Leader Rifleman Explosive Specialist Marksman Lead Breacher Heavy Weapons Operator Communicator Close Air Support Corpsman Point-man/Navigator Primary Driver/Navigator Explosive Ordnance Disposal Advanced Special Operations Sniper Spotter There's a lot more information to tell you about! If you are interested in being part of something great, contact us and enlist! Contact Us Website: www.sealteam2.net Teamspeak 3: ts.sealteam2.net Email: sealteam@sealteam2.net
  25. Dead End is a tactical Mission up to seven Players. Operate behind enemy lines and seek and eliminate the target.Our informs have reported that the CSAT officer Ismail Jawadi was sighted near Frini. So far we had no success to grab him. This seems to be our best chance to eliminate him.You start from U.S Camp Yankee. Take care of the equipment and fly to the destination area. Increased enemy activity was noted. Infiltrate the enemy territory and kill the officer. Features: * No addons needed. Just subscribe and Play! * Approximate Playtime: 30-60 minutes * Gearup with Arsenal * Intro & custom music * Languages: English, German Bugs/Feedback: Any Questions? Found a bug? Just add me on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/justm4na Notes: 1. You are able to play this Mission solo but its very hard! 2. I made this just for fun. I really appreciate if you rate and comment my Mission. Download: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1137808580