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HI. Maybe someone can find this usable. This script adds/removes NVG's at all units besides players according to day/night cycle. ACE3 compatible. /* file: autonvg.sqf by DaVidoSS description: adds/removes nvg according to daytime for each unit included ace3 nvgs: "ACE_NVG_Gen1" "ACE_NVG_Gen2" "ACE_NVG_Gen4" "ACE_NVG_Wide" parameters: none return: VOID usage: //init.sqf if (isServer) then { 0 = [] execVM "autonvg.sqf"; }; */ private _autonvgOn = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [0, 0, 0], false]; _autonvgOn setTriggerActivation ["NONE", "PRESENT", true]; _autonvgOn setTriggerStatements [ "(sunOrMoon < 0.45)", " private ['_nvgsw', '_nvgse', '_nvgsi', '_nvgSide', '_itemsUnit', '_commonItemsArray', '_nvg', '_isACE']; _nvgsw = ['NVGoggles','NVGogglesB_blk_F','NVGogglesB_grn_F','NVGogglesB_gry_F']; _nvgse = ['NVGoggles_OPFOR','O_NVGoggles_ghex_F','O_NVGoggles_hex_F','O_NVGoggles_urb_F']; _nvgsi = ['NVGoggles_INDEP','NVGoggles_tna_F']; _isACE = !isnull (configfile >> 'CfgPatches' >> 'ace_main'); if (_isACE) then { _nvgsw = _nvgsw + ['ACE_NVG_Gen4', 'ACE_NVG_Wide']; _nvgse = _nvgse + ['ACE_NVG_Gen1']; _nvgsi = _nvgsi + ['ACE_NVG_Gen2']; }; { _nvgSide = switch (str (side _x)) do { case 'WEST': { _nvgsw }; case 'EAST': { _nvgse }; case 'GUER': { _nvgsi }; default { [] }; }; if(alive _x) then { _itemsUnit = (items _x + assignedItems _x); _commonItemsArray = _nvgSide arrayIntersect _itemsUnit; _nvg = _commonItemsArray select 0; if (!isNil '_nvg') then { if !(_nvg in (assignedItems _x)) then { _x assignItem _nvg; }; } else { _x linkitem (selectRandom _nvgSide); }; }; } forEach (allUnits select {!isPlayer _x}); ",""]; private _autonvgOf = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [0, 0, 0], false]; _autonvgOf setTriggerActivation ["NONE", "PRESENT", true]; _autonvgOf setTriggerStatements [ "(sunOrMoon >= 0.45)", " private ['_nvgsw', '_nvgse', '_nvgsi', '_itemsUnit', '_commonItemsArray', '_nvg','_isACE']; _nvgsw = ['NVGoggles','NVGogglesB_blk_F','NVGogglesB_grn_F','NVGogglesB_gry_F']; _nvgse = ['NVGoggles_OPFOR','O_NVGoggles_ghex_F','O_NVGoggles_hex_F','O_NVGoggles_urb_F']; _nvgsi = ['NVGoggles_INDEP','NVGoggles_tna_F']; _isACE = !isnull (configfile >> 'CfgPatches' >> 'ace_main'); if (_isACE) then { _nvgsw = _nvgsw + ['ACE_NVG_Gen4', 'ACE_NVG_Wide']; _nvgse = _nvgse + ['ACE_NVG_Gen1']; _nvgsi = _nvgsi + ['ACE_NVG_Gen2']; }; { if(alive _x) then { _itemsUnit = assignedItems _x; _commonItemsArray = ((_nvgsw + _nvgse + _nvgsi) arrayIntersect _itemsUnit); _nvg = _commonItemsArray select 0; if(!isNil '_nvg') then { _x unassignItem _nvg; }; }; } forEach (allUnits select {!isPlayer _x}); ",""];
ARMED ASSAULT III NIGHT VISION GOOGLE Version :1.0.0 BY [DSK] Red What ist the modification about ? LUCIE is a binocular goggle based on a patented optical design offering a very compact head-mounted system, with a wide 51°field of view instead of the traditional 40° field of view. Thanks to its lightweight and compact/low profile design, LUCIE offers exceptional long wearing comfort. This modification contains the 3rd Generation tube and is fully supported by ACE. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Classname : dsk_nsv Images : Images with LUCIE mounted on NVG shroud : Images with LUCIE mounted on headstrap : _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Credits : Credits & special thanks to Team Operation Frenchpoint for getting their Model of the night vision Google LUCIE and also for giving me their permission to release it for the whole community ! For questions and other suggestions feel free to contact me : E-Mail : BI Board : [DSK]Red Best Regards,
So i saw a video a couple of days ago where the player that controled zeus has access to thermal vison. After a google search i found this on the Arma 3 feedback website. I tried multiple times to get it to work but no progress, so i went in the editor and looked up the function in the function viewer. This is what i got from it. I have tried a couple of things but nothing has worked yet. If anyone knows how to get this to work that would be great. Hopefully it will also help other mission makers in the future. Thanks in advance for any help or tips i get.