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  1. ARPI brings up 700 items to improve military roleplay and immersion in Arma 3. With ACE3 and CBA, some items have functionalities. STEAM-WEB-LINK: ARPI - ARES Roleplay Items VISION and PHILOSOPHY Our vision is to enable the Arma 3 player to tell stories by themselves with independet manipulation of arma environment. We want to spare micromanagement capacities of the ZEUS in extensive roleplay-missions and enable storytellers to increase immersion via filling missions with items. ARES RP Items [ARPI] brings up over 700 items to improve military roleplay and immersion in A3. With ACE3 and CBA, much items have functionalities or can be combined to become usable. Items are for example : Food, Tools, Electronical Equipment, Loot, ID's, Documents, Money, Boxes, Knifes, ComRadios, Contraband and other stuff. The main aims of this mod are: reduce telling and hint-work of zeus with self explanatory items supply missionmakers with mission-relevant items enable the player to physically affect the arma environment provide a messaging system with players and virtual identites (NPC) enriching the immersion of operations, for example "checkpoint simulation with regular civil items and contraband" improve battlefield roleplay with military survival items, things you can find on killed combattants supported language: english and german Basic function via ACE Interaction hint and sound for the used activity, read-and hearable in 15-30m range of the user hints can be seen by admin and zeus globally (zeus will be informed about relevant activities) Advanced functions Some items can manipulate the environment (knive can kill, chainsaw saws trees, machete chops bushes, s.o. ) Survival System with modules for diseases, combinable scrap, water-system and filthy insects. Some Items can reduce or delete the effects of the modules Some items can place objects, such as tents, campfires, security equipment, s.o. Some items can detect variables in objects, for example geiger counter, chemsniffer or RFID Detector (see item list for variables) Requirements: All Functions require CBA3 and ACE3! It is possible to deactivate the ACE3 functions in your init.sqf by adding: AR_InteractionsEnabled = false; Place relevant modules in the editor to use Global Interaction System, Trading System or other systems. Restrictions: No reuploads on Steam allowed! No not never! Montarization in any means is definately not allowed! Its a free mod for the community! Useage on monetarized servers is not allowed. If you want to rip/change/host these files to include them in your local clan-repos, thats ok for us If you want to change or implement something, talk to us! We can make an improvement in the next official version together. Future plans: New Items, Sounds and Functions will be added Classname list and descriptions: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZDv3wELtrvSb2nfGhuIKXhr8fpBY5C50/view?usp=sharing
  2. Saros Tweak For Higher FPS On Maps Singleplayer / Multiplayer / Eden-Editor compatible. CBA required. Server and clients need the mod. Addon deletes (by hideing) terrain objects to boost fps on maps. Its fully customizable through CBA-Settings. YOU HAVE TO ADJUST ADDON-SETTINGS IN OPTIONS MENU or the mod does nothing! See notes below for usage. It can be used by server admins to get better fps on clients. Server settings will force the client to the same settings. You are able to configure deletion percentages of rocks, trees, bushes, walls, fences and hides. Those objects are not transferred through network. Every machine executes the hiding local for itsself but the algorithm ensures that every machine deletes the same objects. This addon tries to solve fps problems in Singleplayer and Multiplayer environments caused by a heavy terrain-object count on maps. On some maps there are so many rocks, trees, bushes, walls, fences and hides that some CPUs/GPUs get to their limits and the player is forced to limit the viewdistance by far to get an acceptable framerate. Also on some maps these objects are not well optimized and fps drops occur therefore. For Serveradmins it is recommended to use a cba settings file in userconfig folder and to enable filePatching. cba settings file and user config folder is described here: CBA - Settings - Documentation This mod is on your side 🙂 Steam Workshop Singleplayer/Editor usage: 1. Open your Singleplayer/Editor mission. 2. After it is started press Escape key. 3. Then click on "Options"->"Addon Options". 4. Choose "Saro Tweak Map FPS" from the drop down menu named "ADDON". 5. Choose your prefered deletion rates. 6. Press "OK". 7. Pause Menu is disabled now until new settings are processed completely. If you have questions or suggestion just ask and/or tell! The idea for this mod was born in this thread. versions archive: version 0.4 (latest) version 0.3 version 0.21 version 0.2 (partially broken, see here) version 0.1 Full Changelog:
  3. Visual Studio Code SQF Language v1.0.6 Lastest update: 22.10.2018 Microsoft Visual Studio Code is a new, but already very known Code Editor. Works on Linux, OS X and Windows. Now in the Visual Studio Marketplace -> Report bugs, ask questions or make suggestions <- Supported Products: Operation Flashpoint [OFP], Operation Flashpoint: Resistance ArmA, ArmA 2, ArmA 3 (DLCs & Extensions included) Take On Helicopters [ToH] Community Based Addons [CBA], ACE Easy Installation (Recommended) Download Visual Studio Code. Open the Editor and click on the extension icon to your left ( ) Enter "SQF" and hit enter Select "SQF Language" and click on "Install" Enjoy Manual Installation Only use this guide if the installation over the extension manager and/or marketplace isn't working! Download VS Code Download the latest release from GitHub ( https://github.com/Armitxes/VSCode_SQF/releases ) Install Visual Studio Code Navigate to your VS Code extension Folder. Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions Mac/Linux: $HOME/.vscode/extensions In the plugins folder, you create a folder called Armitxes.SQF, if you have it already delete all files inside! Inside the Armitxes.SQF folder you then unzip the sources you obtained from GitHub That's it, now simply (re-)start Visual Studio Code (or just "Code") and it's done :) With VS Code, every folder is a project! To open your SQF Project simply go on File->Open Folder and choose your mission/mod folder. Feel free to ask any questions, aswell the Code of the GitHub Project was now simplified several times by me and is open for everyone for contribution! Cheers, Armitxes
  4. Hi guys, I ´m having the problem with CBA_fnc_dropWeapon in MP. When a server host executes the function (included in _unit addAction), both the host and the client sees the proper action. But when the client executes the action, then CBA_fnc_dropWeapon works only for the client, but not for the server host. I have tried numerous ways like: private _odhod = [_unit, currentWeapon _unit] remoteExecCall ["CBA_fnc_dropWeapon", 0]; //for client works properly, doesn't work for server private _odhod = [_unit, currentWeapon _unit] remoteExec ["CBA_fnc_dropWeapon", 0]; // not working at all _odhod = [_unit, currentWeapon _unit] call CBA_fnc_dropWeapon; // only executer sees the action [-2, {[_unit, currentWeapon _unit] call CBA_fnc_dropWeapon}] call CBA_fnc_globalExecute; // there I should need to pass _unit variable, since I run it through CBA Extended_InitPost_EventHandlers Thanks.
  5. hello, Im new at Arma and i want to create a new server with some mods that is see on other server. but i get a warning an the server restarts. i need help 😄 22:45:08 [CBA] (xeh) INFO: [18356,89.798,0] PreInit started. v3.15.6.211004 22:45:09 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: One or more children of class CAManBase do not support Extended Event Handlers. Fall back to loop. what do i have to send you for help. thanks a lot
  6. Enhanced visual feedback SINGLEPLAYER ONLY About Squad Feedback aims to enhance AI / player communication via visual cues so you receive the same information your AI team does, including team status and known enemy locations. Features This mod can display the following information about each unit in your group: Index Its number in your group If it's the group leader or formation leader Group leaders will have their index between chevrons (like <1>). Formation leaders will display a ^ besides it (like 1^). If the unit is both it will be displayed like this: <1>^ Role Based on attributes and currently equipped weapon, which can be different from its class Class Health status Ammo status Team color Distance Alive status Dead squadmates can display a relevant icon (a skull) after a configurable time delay Also, as part of the group you can also receive information about current known enemies, including: Current or last known position Distance You can toggle the visibility of each one of those mentioned above in the Addon Settings panel. Occlusion Enemy units are subjected to occlusion and visibility checks, trying to emulate the way AI detects and follows threats: Enemy Tracking Devices By default, known enemies will automatically tracked whenever you have equipped one of the following items: Combat Goggles (any version, including balaclavas) Tactical Glasses (any version) VR Goggles Assassin Helmet (any version) Defender Helmet (any version) Fighter Pilot Helmet (any version) Special Purpose Helmet (any version) You can toggle this option off or add more gear with this feature by adding class names (without quotes and separated by commas) in the HUD Display - Advanced section of the Addon Settings panel. Default Keybinds Display Squad HUD (Toggle): TAB Display Known Enemies (Toggle): Ctrl + TAB You can change those keybinds by going to: Options > Controls > Configure Addons (in the lower part of the controls window) > Squad Feedback (select it from the ADDON combo box) Changing Settings You can change the default settings by going to: Options > Addon Options > Squad Feedback (select it from the ADDON combo box) If you hover over a setting's name a tooltip with extended information about what it does will be displayed. Credits CBA_A3 - Without this the customization options wouldn't be the same. Also, some nifty functions were used killzone kid - for the very useful zoom function "pulse" by Trendy from the Noun Project, used in the logo Permissions This project falls under the Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA).
  7. Hi, I ran into a problem which is completely new for me. When i start my server and i log in as admin the configure addons option for server is greyed out. Ive never ran into this problem with any dedicated server before. So I'm quite confused i also couldn't find a solution on the internet. Can someone maybe explain this issue to me? Kind regards
  8. So basically every time i shoot, i get a black box error pop up with an error, I never got this before today and its from CBA, how do you fix it? I'm not good on coding, i just spent a lot of time making missions and it bumps me when this type of error pops up from nowhere. '...['call cba_xeh_fnc_#1', _x]]; } |#|forEach ([''AnimChanged'', ''AnimStatec....' Error Generic error in expression File /x/cba/addons/xeh/fnc_initEvents.sqf..., line 39
  9. I think the title is pretty self-explanatory, but I can provide my details if they are requested. I only need the action on playable units; not NPCs. Demonstrations would be very helpful.
  10. Sup! I want to ask what do you think about these two blocks of code, performance wise. It's a 'side process' on client that fires an event on a dedicated server. My first approach was using a spawn-while-loop, but after some research (https://ace3mod.com/wiki/development/arma-3-scheduler-and-our-practices.html) I want to try another approach. I'm using CBA_A3 by the way. Using spawn-while-loop: // from some other piece of code --> fwp_saveInterval = 30 [] spawn { while {true} do { ["FWP_EH_serverUnitSave", [player, getPlayerUID player]] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent; // skip interval sleep fwp_saveInterval; }; }; Using CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler: // from other piece of code --> fwp_saveInterval = 30 fwp_clientAutosavePFH = [ { ["FWP_EH_serverUnitSave", [player, getPlayerUID player]] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent; }, fwp_saveInterval, [] ] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler; Thanks in advance 😄
  11. Hello all. I'm a non-coder, trying to figure this out, and have put together my first ever patch, to change a loadout in ITC's SPHs. I've got 99% of it ironed out, but am running into an issue where I get an error in CBA every time I load a mission with it included - trying to polish this to use w/ Zeus-based MP server, and would love to eliminate this error. Here's the relevant error section from the RPT. This repeats several 10's of times, over a couple seconds. 23:01:10 Error in expression <ba_settings_fnc_openSettingsMenu'] call SLX_XEH_COMPILE_NEW; ['\x\cba\addons\set> 23:01:10 Error position: <SLX_XEH_COMPILE_NEW; ['\x\cba\addons\set> 23:01:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: slx_xeh_compile_new 23:01:10 File \x\cba\addons\settings\fnc_addSetting.sqf [CBA_fnc_addSetting]..., line 5634 23:01:10 Error in expression <nit.sqf', 'cba_settings_fnc_init'] call SLX_XEH_COMPILE_NEW; ['\x\cba\addons\set> 23:01:10 Error position: <SLX_XEH_COMPILE_NEW; ['\x\cba\addons\set> 23:01:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: slx_xeh_compile_new 23:01:10 File \x\cba\addons\settings\fnc_addSetting.sqf [CBA_fnc_addSetting]..., line 5622 23:01:10 Error in expression < call SLX_XEH_COMPILE_NEW; }; }; call cba_settings_fnc_init == 0 }> 23:01:10 Error position: <cba_settings_fnc_init == 0 }> 23:01:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: cba_settings_fnc_init 23:01:10 File \x\cba\addons\settings\fnc_addSetting.sqf [CBA_fnc_addSetting]..., line 5655 And here's the fairly simple cfgVehicles.hpp (called with an #include from the Config.cpp) /// Magazines macros definition /// #define mag_2(a) a, a #define mag_3(a) a, a, a #define mag_4(a) a, a, a, a #define mag_5(a) a, a, a, a, a #define mag_6(a) a, a, a, a, a, a #define mag_7(a) a, a, a, a, a, a, a #define mag_8(a) a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a #define mag_9(a) a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a #define mag_10(a) a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a #define mag_11(a) a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a #define mag_12(a) a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a #define mag_15(a) a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a #define mag_20(a) a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a #define mag_24(a) a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a #define mag_30(a) a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a #define mag_35(a) a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a class CfgVehicles { class LandVehicle; class Tank: LandVehicle {}; class Tank_F:Tank { class Turrets { class MainTurret {}; }; }; class MBT_01_base_F:Tank_F { class Turrets: Turrets { class MainTurret: MainTurret {}; }; }; class MBT_01_arty_base_F:MBT_01_base_F { class Turrets: Turrets { class MainTurret: MainTurret {}; }; }; class B_MBT_01_arty_base_F:MBT_01_arty_base_F { class Turrets:Turrets { class MainTurret:MainTurret {}; }; }; class itc_land_SPH01_base:B_MBT_01_arty_base_F { class Turrets:Turrets { class MainTurret:MainTurret { //animationSourceBody = "turret_source"; //animationSourceGun = "gun_source"; turretInfoType = "ITC_Land_RscIGS_SPH"; weapons[] = {"itc_land_155mm_howitzer"}; magazines[] = { mag_35("itc_land_g155hex"), mag_10("itc_land_g155smo"), mag_5("itc_land_g155ill"), mag_10("itc_land_g155lgm"), mag_10("itc_land_g155pgm"), mag_5("itc_land_g155map"), mag_10("itc_land_g155mat") }; }; }; }; class itc_land_b_SPH_Sholef2:itc_land_SPH01_base { class Turrets:Turrets { class MainTurret:MainTurret { //animationSourceBody = "turret_source"; //animationSourceGun = "gun_source"; //turretInfoType = "ITC_Land_RscIGS_SPH"; //weapons[] = {"itc_land_155mm_howitzer"}; magazines[] = { mag_35("itc_land_g155hex"), mag_10("itc_land_g155smo"), mag_5("itc_land_g155ill"), mag_10("itc_land_g155lgm"), mag_10("itc_land_g155pgm"), mag_5("itc_land_g155map"), mag_10("itc_land_g155mat") }; }; }; }; class itc_land_b_t_SPH_Sholef2:itc_land_b_SPH_Sholef2 { class Turrets:Turrets { class MainTurret:MainTurret { //animationSourceBody = "turret_source"; //animationSourceGun = "gun_source"; //turretInfoType = "ITC_Land_RscIGS_SPH"; //weapons[] = {"itc_land_155mm_howitzer"}; //magazines[] = { // mag_35("itc_land_g155hex"), // mag_10("itc_land_g155smo"), // mag_5("itc_land_g155ill"), // mag_10("itc_land_g155lgm"), // mag_10("itc_land_g155pgm"), // mag_5("itc_land_g155map"), // mag_10("itc_land_g155mat") //}; }; }; }; }; You'll note I've commented out some strings, trying to figure out what I can cut from the file, and what needs to stay - the last two classes at the end ("...b_SPH..." and "...b_t_SPH..." weren't changing when I put their parent class in (itc_land_SPH01_base), so there's an inheritance issue somewhere, but I was able to get it to work. Less concerned about that (I can do iterative revisions to figure it out) and more concerned about the CBA errors. Any thoughts as to what might be causing the CBA error, or resources I can dig into to figure it out, are all appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  12. I have recently made my own dedicated antistasi server and i got it to work completely fine, however i just wanted to change the TFRA settings so everyone spawns with a radio and i get a long range one. I cant do this however as the 'SERVER' tab is greyed out despite me being logged in as an admin and i cant edit anything in the missions tab either, i can only change the client which is overridden by the server. i tried importing settings and or adding the module to which i got this message: "mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item356.type: Vehicle class tfar_ModuleTaskForceRadioEnforceUsage no longer exists" I also had a go at adding the CBA settings sqf folder which didn't work and with filepatching enabled it prevented me from joining the server altogether. Thanks in advance, im looking forward to play with my friends and i have had way too much stress over this server and am happy to co-operate with anyone seeking to help
  13. What are the EL76_Logistics? This is a logistics mod package, which we have been using at Gametwitter for a long time, but now we want to make it available to the public. Why EL_76? Quite simply, because the mod developer in our clan is called that. Release Date? It‘s done. Are there dependencies to other mods? CBA_A3, ACE3 What does offer EL76_Logistics? 1. LCM-8 Landing Craft This landing craft offers you a real powerhouse on the water. The ramp can be lowered for the pleasant driveway of the vehicle or for entry of the infantry. The vehicle offers space for 16 soldiers and a driver on board. In addition, a vehicle can be added. 2. Floating Bridge These swimming bridges are powerful ways to continue on the path over water. Your pioneers will be pleased about this quality product. This makes it easy to put a pontoon bridge over a water hazard. So that they do not have to transport the bridges individually, we have supplied the good old MTRV from Arma2 as a transport vehicle. Thus you manage to transport five of these floating bridges in one go. 3. Faltschwimmbrücke (FSB) German Army In a very early stage of our development department are the so-called floating folding bridges. These offer you the full potential of a floating bridge. Since the topic of occupational safety is very important to us, there are hinged handrails. Thus, their vehicles and infantrymen can not take an involuntary dip in the water. 4. Powerfull Modules In order to be able to build up a high-performance logistics even with a shortage of staff, we have developed the GT_Support modules. These offer their mission farmers numerous methods to bring supplies to the troop. Known bugs: Dont drive to fast against other bridge parts , they can be damaged or the driver flys to the other side of the map  Mod Download @ Gametwitter
  14. For the longest time I've been using a Spawn for opening and closing dialogs IE: But I've since been migrating all my dialogs and even scripts to a function based unscheduled environment using both CBA and ACE 3 guidelines. ( https://ace3mod.com/wiki/development/coding-guidelines.html#72-scheduled-vs-unscheduled ). I am currently facing a problem finding the most optimized, simple and unscheduled way of opening my custom UI by using: vMenu_keyHandlerID = [33,[false, false, false],vMenuOpen] call CBA_fnc_addKeyHandler; //33 = F key Instead of: displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", So here is my whole previous working code:(Executed via: [player] execVM "vScripts\vMenu\vMenuOpen.sqf";) So what could be a more optimized way of doing this? Like a CBA unscheduled way (more akin to a Event Handler rather than a spawn/ExecVM). PS: Also, since I am using the "F" key for opening the menu, is there a way to auto unbind the previous "F" so that letter is exclusive to opening the menu? PS2: Thanks in advanced guys!
  15. [FOX] Realism is an collection of features to enchant the ArmA gameplay. Most of them are updated version of older standalone mods from myself. Content/etc may changed overtime. Required: CBA_A3, Ace³ Most of the features can be adjusted/disabled via CBA settings Features: Info: few videos show older builds or the old standalone version of the features ! Whistle Throwing Knives Throwing Magazines Scuba Land Rebreather & HALO Goggles NVG Knocking Inventory Fuel Empty Magazines
  16. Now before anyone says it, I realize that this forum is dedicated to Arma 3 and usually does not support any 3rd party addons, mods, plugins, etc., however, I believe that as CBA is such a big part of SQF scripting that I feel as if I need to learn to use it. I have tried to use the official CBA documentation on their GitHub, but if I am being completely honest, it is genuinely quite confusing and difficult for me to wrap my head around. I have some prior programming and scripting experience in languages such as C++, Javascript, Python, and a few others, yet this seems more complicated than anything I'm used to. I guess I should get to the point and ask my question. Is there any YouTube videos or written guides that can explain these CBA features to a beginner in both SQF and CBA? Any and all responses are greatly appreciated, as always! 😊
  17. Within our config.cpp found the following code : /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Community Base Addons /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CBA { // Set this to 1 if you want to have CBA support useStackedEH = 0; // If you set this to 1 ........................................... iReallyWantToGetHackedAndImRetarded = 0; }; I did a search to figure out what the setting actually does and could only find a very old post on the exile forums which was a debate about exile never supporting CBA. Could somebody just point out what setting this does or what it fixes relating to CBA ? Thanks very much.,
  18. Hello, I need help for include CBA_A3 in my addon. Indeed, i more difficulty for use and understand this structure.
  19. Gentlemen, I finally got around to turn a script collection into a addon, ready to be uploaded to steam. I however need to provide the user with a ingame/eden editor module interface so the user can adjust the settings of the script/addon before i can release the addon in order to make it customizable. E.g. disable feature 1 from spawning, increasing the amount of times feature 2 spawns, define classnames for an array and so on. I have unsuccessfully tried to wrap my head around this wiki: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Modules I get the example from the wiki above to work in Eden Editor, however, I get quite lost when trying to adapt this example or create a new module from scratch for my addon. What do I want to do: Let the addon user define variables in Eden Editor that will then be executed accordingly in the features of my addon according to these settings. I want to have a "module - mask" per feature that lets the user change or set variables that have so far been defined and altered in a settings.sqf. (see below spoiler) As an example for the feature that spawns Banditcamps: the below variables need to pass on as true, false or representing a number, so once a feature is executed, it can access these variables with the desired values. Ideally i am looking for a template with a few options to enter a number, and a few options for true/false and one or two to enter a string (classnames, or marker names for arrays). Any help, insights or link to alternative guides is greatly appreciated!=) cheers Vd
  20. Hello folks, I am currently working on a mission designed for training puposes. The mission is build upon the OlsenFramework, a mission making framework. Links are to either githubs. I am running into the following problem: a) If I test the mission in the Eden Editors host environment and singleplayer, all code executes flawslessly when addEventHandler is used (obviously no MP). b) When tested on a dedicated server, the EventHandlers (addEventHandler and addMPEventhandler) will not fire at all. This was tested via systemChat messages. The code: (All code can be viewed on the github linked, its the latest changes made and the last version tested on the server) A few months back I was given a script by my units training officer to work with popup targets but it was split in a multitude of files and also only worked partially on dedicated, which I did not like so I rewrote it into a single script. The origin of that code is not known to me, so forgive me for the missing credits. In the init.sqf of the mission, I call code which adds a line of code to each targets which apparently is supposed to 'fix' swivel targets not working in multiplayer dedicated environments. This can be found here. As far as I unterstand this is supposed to disable animation control on all clients (including non dedicated servers and HC), but sofar the targets still behave crappy. if (!isDedicated) then { _localTargets = (entities "Target_Swivel_01_ground_F") + (entities "Land_Target_Swivel_01_F"); { _x setVariable ["BIS_exitScript", false]; } forEach _localTargets; }; later I call my script which is mainly in control of the targets: popup.sqf once via the init.sqf to get all targets into a down position at mission start. This works flawless. Fnc_popup is the same as popup.sqf just processed via: Fnc_popup = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "customization\popups.sqf"; if (isServer) then { [false,"init",500,initCenter] remoteExec ["Fnc_popup", 2]; }; Players being Instructors are makred via a variable "isInstructor" only players with this restriction will have access to the popup addAction ... actions. Which are placed on landBoards in the mission. en example from the addAction.sqf looks like this: Fnc_popup = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "customization\popups.sqf"; if (!isDedicated) then { waitUntil { (player == player) }; if (player getVariable "isInstructor") then { arBoard addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Raise Bunker Targets",{[true,"setup",15,bnkTgts] remoteExec ["Fnc_popup", 2];}]; arBoard addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Lower Bunker Targets",{[false,"reset",15,bnkTgts] remoteExec ["Fnc_popup", 2];}]; }; }; This calls a precompiled form of popup.sqf and now the problöem occurs that everything in that popup.sqf works, except for the damn eventHandlers place on the trainingTargets. case init and case reset work, and throw no script errors. This is the popup.sqf file content: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Script to be called by inits or scripts for operating swivel and popup //targets around a specified object "_center". //params: [ShouldTargetsAutoPop?,WhichSwitchShouldRun?,WhatDistanceFromObject?,WhatObject?] //By PaxJaromeMalues /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// params [["_popenabled",false],["_execution","init"],["_dist",25],["_center",initCenter]]; _targets = nearestObjects [position _center, ["TargetBase"], _dist]; _SwivelTargets = nearestObjects [position _center, ["Target_Swivel_01_base_F"], _dist]; switch (_execution) do { case "init": { { _x setVariable ["nopop", true]; _x animateSource ["terc",1] } forEach _targets; { _x setVariable ["BIS_poppingEnabled", false]; _x animateSource ["terc",1]; } forEach _SwivelTargets; }; case "setup": { "setup called" remoteExec ["systemChat"]; if (_popenabled) then { "popup first condition" remoteExec ["systemChat"]; { _x animateSource ["terc",0]; _x addMPEventHandler [ "MPHit", { "popup first condition EH before CBA" remoteExec ["systemChat"]; (_this select 0) animateSource ["terc",1]; [{ (_this select 0) animateSource ["terc",0]; "popup first condition EH in CBA" remoteExec ["systemChat"]; }, _this, 2 + (random 3)] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute; } ] } forEach _targets; } else { "popup second condition" remoteExec ["systemChat"]; { _x animateSource ["terc",0]; _x addMPEventHandler [ "MPHit", { (_this select 0) animateSource ["terc",1]; (_this select 0) removeEventHandler ["MPHit",0]; } ] } forEach _targets; }; if (_popenabled) then { "swivel first condition" remoteExec ["systemChat"]; { _x animateSource ["terc",0]; _x addMPEventHandler [ "MPHitPart", { ((_this select 0) select 0) animateSource ["terc",1]; [{ ((_this select 0) select 0) animateSource ["terc",0]; }, _this, 2 + (random 3)] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute; } ] } forEach _SwivelTargets; } else { "swivel second condition" remoteExec ["systemChat"]; { _x animateSource ["terc",0]; _x addMPEventHandler [ "MPHitPart", { ((_this select 0) select 0) animateSource ["terc",1]; ((_this select 0) select 0) removeEventHandler ["MPHit",0]; } ] } forEach _SwivelTargets; }; }; case "reset": { "reset called" remoteExec ["systemChat"]; { _x removeEventHandler ["MPHit",0]; _x animateSource ["terc",1]; } forEach _targets; { _x animateSource ["terc",1]; _x RemoveEventHandler ["MPHitPart",0]; } forEach _SwivelTargets; }; }; I have been sitting at this problem for over a month now, and have no idea what I am doing wrong here. Pls help.
  21. General Adds the ability to players to lock their backpacks. CBA is required and this script has support for ACE interaction menu and ACE medical. https://i.imgur.com/tlF8zXS.png Features Locks carried backpack for anyone that is not the carrier. Backpack lock is removed once the backpack is dropped. (ACE medical only) Others can open the backpack if the carrier is knocked out. Requirements The only additional requirement is CBA for this script to work properly. Installation and configuration This is a mission script, you need to implement it into your mission. First copy paste the scripts folder into your mission then implement the missing additions in your description.ext. That is it. The included mission is just an example! License Copyright 2018 diwako This work (diwako_lockbackpack or the like) uses the license Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) https://www.bohemia.net/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike Download https://github.com/diwako/lockBackpack/releases/
  22. I want to add to my mod a setting using the CBA Setting Menu. I have followed the Wiki and so far I have done everything, but the Menu is not showing up. On my config.cpp class Extended_PreInit_EventHandlers { class my_preInit { init="call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers 'myAddon\XEH_preInit.sqf'"; }; }; And on my XEH_preInit.sqf: [ "My_ViewDistance", "SLIDER", "View Distance", "My Settings", [200, 15000, 5000, 0], true, {} ] call cba_settings_fnc_init; Settings are just for testing that the menu is showing up. What am I missing? I have been checking other mods that use the CBA, and I don't see nothing different. In Eden Editor CBA Settings Menu is empty. There no error showing up when starting arma or editor. EDIT: I have been following this wiki: https://github.com/CBATeam/CBA_A3/wiki/CBA-Settings-System#create-a-custom-setting-for-mission-or-mod
  23. I'm trying to start mission on server of our clan but every time I get CAData error in log: Warning Message: 15:02:10 Warning Message: Addon 'A3_Map_dingor' requires addon 'CAData' So... can you help me solve this? What should I reinstall or download on server? SOLVED: Lingor+Dingor addon wasn't up to date.
  24. Is it possible to open a settings menu like a custom CBA one from a billboard with the hold space bar action? I have code that can open a field manual with a hold action, but I have a custom menu that allows setting view dist and sound volume, and I would like to be able to have players open it from a billboard or a laptop item. Surely I could modify the code to get this to work, but how would I get the path to a custom menu? Thanks. This is the code to open a field manual, I could possibly use this? BIS_holdActionSFX = (getArray (configFile >> "CfgSounds" >> "Orange_Action_Wheel" >> "sound")) param [0, ""]; BIS_holdActionSFX = BIS_holdActionSFX + ".wss"; BIS_holdActionProgress = { private _progressTick = _this select 4; if ((_progressTick % 2) == 0) exitwith {}; private _coef = _progressTick / 24; playSound3D [BIS_holdActionSFX, player, false, getPosASL player, 1, 0.9 + 0.2 * _coef]; }; [BIS_TV1, localize "STR_A3_Orange_Faction_IDAP_action_FM", "\a3\Missions_F_Orange\Data\Img\Showcase_LawsOfWar\action_access_fm_ca", "\a3\Missions_F_Orange\Data\Img\Showcase_LawsOfWar\action_access_fm_ca", "(_this distance _target < 3) && (isNull (findDisplay 162))", "isNull (findDisplay 162)", {}, BIS_holdActionProgress, {BIS_TV1 say3D "Orange_Access_FM"; ["InternationalHumanitarianLaw", "Overview", findDisplay 46, localize "STR_A3_Orange_Faction_IDAP_FM_filter_LoW"] call BIS_fnc_openFieldManual}, {}, [], 0.5, nil, false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd;
  25. I have a menu I am working on for a version of AW Invade and Annex, it allows the player to select various options when the right Windows key is pressed, but I cannot work out how to add more than one option. co60_AW_Invade_Annex_2_85C_fnc_Earplugs = { if (soundVolume == 1) then { 1 fadeSound 0.2; } else { 1 fadeSound 1; }; }; test_flex = { [ ["Testing", "Action", "CBA_flexiMenu_rscRose"], [ ["Earplugs", { _this call co60_AW_Invade_Annex_2_85C_fnc_Earplugs; true }, "", "", [], 0x12, true, true] ] ]; }; ["Test Mod", "Open Menu", ["player", [], -100, "_this call test_flex"], [0xDC, false, false, false] ] call CBA_fnc_registerKeybindToFleximenu; There is not much documentation on this feature, but it would be very good, as instead of having a few obscure keybinds, I can have this instead. Has anyone else tried this and got it to work? The one option I added works, but some others are needed. Thanks for any help you can offer.