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Found 25 results

  1. Tandem freefall and parachute landing with a tethered cargo bundle for precise delivery of supplies and equipment with a HALO insertion. Steam Workshop Requires ACE GitHub Features Tandem Jump with cargo in aircraft Vehicle-in-vehicle and ACE cargo compatible Maneuver in free-fall with cargo tethered to jumper Maneuver under canopy with cargo tethered to chute Cut tether at any time via Self Interaction > Equipment > Cut Lowering Line Tether is automatically cut on landing Server & Client Reliable rope scripting requires mod to be running on server and all clients.
  2. Simple script which allows the player to move a crate around and probably load it in vehicle. Paste this in crate, box, etc. init this addAction["Pickup Box",{ _object = (_this select 0); _user = (_this select 1); _object attachTo[_user,[0,1,1],"Pelivs"]; },nil,1.5,false,false,"","true",2,false,"",""]; this addAction["Drop Box",{ { detach _x; _x enableSimulationGlobal true; } forEach attachedObjects player; },nil,1.5,false,false,"","true",2,false,"",""]; You can pick up, move around and drop the crate. Enjoy this dead simple script. 🙂 You can make it "loadable" in a specific vehicle (it work only for RZOR vehicle of SOCOM faction (@RHS USAF) called "rzr" ). Unloading the box is simply using the addAction pickup while you are in the vehicle and then drop it when you get out. this addAction["Load in RZR",{ _object = (_this select 0); _user = (_this select 1); _object attachTo[rzr,[0,-1.1,-0.3]]; },nil,1.5,false,false,"","true",2,false,"",""];
  3. Hi, I am trying to spawn a boat with 4 soldiers inside. //boat patrol private _boatgrp1 = createGroup [east, true]; private _boat1 = [[7229.31,19598.3,0],350,"O_G_Boat_Transport_01_F",_vehgrp1] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; private _boatmen = [(getPos _boat1), EAST, ["O_Soldier_F","O_Soldier_F","O_Soldier_F" ,"O_Soldier_F"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; {_x moveInCargo _boat1;} forEach units _boatmen; { _x setSkill ["general",1]; _x setSkill ["courage",1]; _x setSkill ["aimingAccuracy", 0.15]; _x setSkill ["aimingShake", 0.50]; _x setSkill ["aimingSpeed", 0.50]; _x setSkill ["reloadSpeed", 0.50]; } forEach (units _boatmen); _vehgrp1 setBehaviourStrong "AWARE"; _vehgrp1 allowFleeing 0; [_vehgrp1, 0] setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; private _boatwp1 = _boatgrp1 addWaypoint [[7229.31,19598.3,0],-1]; _boatwp1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; [_boatgrp1, 1] setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; private _boatwp2 = _boatgrp1 addWaypoint [[7512.96,19268,0],-1]; _boatwp2 setWaypointType "MOVE"; [_boatgrp1, 2] setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; private _boatwp3 = _boatgrp1 addWaypoint [[7229.31,19598.3,0],-1]; _boatwp3 setWaypointType "CYCLE"; [_boatgrp1, 2] setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; Something is wrong because only the boat and driver spawn and not the infantry men. 🙄
  4. I’m trying to make a group of mechanized infantry (inf + BMP) QRF that simply dismounts the vehicle right before the destination point and continue advancing on foot, while the BMP provides a cover. I tried this with a truck/vanilla APCs + Unload waypoint and it works fine. There is a problem with other vehicles however – like BMPs and BTRs. Infantry boards the group’s BMP properly - both inside and on top of the vehicle – but when they reach the Unload WP, only those sitting on the hull get out. The rest of the passengers stays inside. I tried to found a solution, but only came to conclusion that the game recognizes some of the passengers as a crew/additional gunners (turrets I belive?) and assigns them to the vehicle so they are not passengers anymore. Not sure if I’m missing something… Is there a way to get all of the passengers out of the vehicle leaving the original crew (driver, gunner, commander) inside?
  5. GF Cargo Airdrops Script by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: Spawn Cargo Airdrops, including configurable loot and it can be a random or supply drop , of any kind of item - vehicle. You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Cargo Airdrops Script please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included , in the init.sqf , to copy paste in your mission . https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colours to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ Notes: The Airdrops can be spawn , on certain locations or random. It can be used for a supply Airdrop. You can select the number of Airdrops to spawn. The type of Cargo can be anyting , item or vehicle. The type of loot of this item , is configurable. It is possible to adapt this script easy , by your own needs. Credits & Thanks: Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Special thanks to : zagor64bz https://forums.bohemia.net/profile/805186-zagor64bz/ lordfrith https://forums.bohemia.net/profile/1079222-lordfrith/ Changelog: v 4.0 Code and fix optimization. added a mod version. v3.1 Code and fix optimization. Fixed an error: the plane sound now works in all clients. v3.0 added option for : show the Airdrop position with a marker, random loot, minor changes. v2.0 added a modified Script by zagor64bz and lordfrith , GF_Cargo_Airdrops_ZAG_LORD , added a modified Script for requested Airdrops, added an option , for spawning groups , that try to find and secure the dropped Cargo , added some options and small additions inside the scripts , changed the name of all the scripts , starting now with GF . v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=39846 Armaholic download GF Cargo Airdrops Script
  6. Sup! I need advice to approach a solution. I'm coding a persistent stash (like Diablo 3 stash), allowing a player to save items (weapons, clothes, etc) into a box or an arsenal. By some external .dlls and dark sorcery, the stash contents are persisted into a database. By design, the item count must be kept, i.e.: if the players "saves" 3 binoculars, will be able to retrieve only 3 binoculars. Long story short, when the player opens his stash it gets populated with the database info, and when closes it, the database is updated. Tried to code the stash using a container (a box) or Arsenal, but I'm having some issues: Using a container: Simple objects (the ones with no attachements) are easy to add to/get from container via scripting, but the complex ones (a weapon with attachements for example, a backpack with items in it, or a half-used magazine) are a headache. With a unit, I can "getUnitLoadout/setUnitLoadout" it, and get/set all items along with its configurations, but there's not "getCargoLoadout/setCargoLoadout" functions (at least none of I'm aware of). Using Arsenal: by design the arsenal have an unlimited item count, wich goes against my intention; i can "unlock" an item and the player will have unlimited amount of it, wich I don't want. If i could preset the Arsenal with an array of items/count available when the players opens it, and get it state after he closes it (to persist the stash in the database), it will be the optimal scenario. Thanks in advance and please excuse my english (not my natural lang). Edited: I'm using CBA_A3 and ACE3, if it helps.
  7. Hello everyone. Does anyone know where the values for cargo seat get-in positions are stored in the vehicle config? In here I will use "B_MRAP_01_F" as my sample vehicle, which apparently has 2 Get-In-Cargo memory points (can be verified if you command a few AI to get in the vehicle) The first one is always stored in the vehicle's config class: configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> "B_MRAP_01_F" >> "memoryPointsGetInCargo" Where is the other one(s)? Additional Info: There is a sub-class called "CargoTurret", but the memory point is the same as the first one: configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> "B_MRAP_01_F" >> "CargoTurret" >> "memoryPointsGetInGunner"
  8. The FLY ArmA III Air Traffic Module makes it easy to create a network of airports. What's new: *Initial release version 0001 The number one request from Fly Tanoa Air was to make it useful for other maps and vehicles. Done. Check out the readme FLY ArmA III verion 0001 Mission Maker walkthrough video Demo video from tutorial NOTES: * Included: 3 airport markers. 3 approach vectors. 1 cargo box and 1 traffic marker. A small init block and a great big function library. Also a brief intro.sqf you may configure and use if you like. * A DEMO mission on Altis (not the one from the tutorial). * It's possible to add more airports but it isn't a 2 click solution. If you know how, go ahead. If you don't and need help, message me. The next version will make it simple to add more airports. Updates will be to the function library and the module assets will always remain the same. * There are extra functions in there and extra functionality within some of the functions which is unused/disabled. If you want something to be different-- different passengers or less often radio updates, for example-- there's probably already a built-in function for that, just look. * You can absolutely drop this into an existing scenario, just remember to add the init variables and exec the library. * There's no restriction on vehicle type so this is already a taxi service / cargo delivery module, too. Just hop in a car and start delivering people from airport to airport (you can reconfigure the names of destinations of course). * When you open the library the first thing you may think is, "Hey, if I replaced this civilian thing with a military thing, it'd be like a real mission.", and you would be right. I noticed that, too. There is another framework with those edits already made. * Since this is a community asset, community suggestions for features and script improvements are welcome. Have fun!
  9. Hello, community. I need a script in order to create and complete a single task. Here is what I need to achieve: 1. The player must drive his truck close enough to an object, that has to be loaded on the truck. So I basically need a truck named X and and object named Y (or truck1 and object1). 2. I need a condition in the script that would check the distance between the truck and the cargo which is quite logical - if the truck is close enough, the cargo can be loaded, so I need something like this: truck1 distance object1 < X (let's say 5m). 3. I need this addAction menu with "LOAD CARGO" option (if truck1 distance object1 <X, then...) to appear when the condition from p.2 is fulfilled. 4. I need to know if any kind of cargo type objects can be visibly attached to a truck, so when the cargo is loaded on it, it should be visible. 5. I must then move to a position where to unload the cargo and then the task would be completed, so I can use the script from p.2 again or simply use a condition which would check if the cargo is no more loaded in the truck, which would then complete the task. 6. I need to use a simple Create Task Module, not a scripted task, but one with a Set Task State and a trigger with a condition to check if the condition is fulfilled. Thank you very much in advance, happy editing! Best regards and cheers!
  10. Fly Tanoa Air is a flight SIM-u-LITE scenario with dynamic missions and aircraft features. What's new: (changelog) Steam Workshop Flying aircraft in ArmA III is difficult. It takes a lot of practice. Right when you think you've got it, you realize how much more there is to learn. Just dropping an aircraft into an empty scenario is fine to start but that gets boring and, as a pilot in training, you need something more compelling to keep logging more hours. Fly Tanoa Air provides a fun and re-playable scenario in which to practice your skills. This download is compatible with APEX game version 1.7 and higher Drive Link Download : Fly Tanoa Air 0050 Check out the new mission maker designed with the FTA framework New Live readMe file Check out the [FTA] guidebook, FTA Dev Topic Challenges Features Control Description Images: Videos (new): THANKS to everybody at: Bohemia Forums Check out our Patreon page Ascina Illustration & Design ArmA 3 Nexus mirror Arma Public License No Derivatives (APL-ND)
  11. This page is for discussion of script features in Fly Tanoa Air. Mod page available now. Dev Files Current Version 0042 This download is compatible with APEX game version 1.7 and higher Live readMe [FTA] Guidebook
  12. HI All, Based on createUnit using syntax type createUnit [position, group, init, skill, rank] it states ""CARGO" - The unit will be created in cargo of the group's vehicle, regardless of the passed position. If group has no vehicle or there is no cargo space available, the unit will be placed according to "NONE"." Yet, I cannot create units inside a vehicle unless I use moveIn as below. _posLand = screenToWorld [0.5,0.5]; _veh = "O_T_LSV_02_armed_F" createVehicle [0,0,100]; _grp = createGroup EAST; _veh setVehiclePosition [_posLand, [], 0]; _grp addVehicle _veh; _unit = _grp createUnit ["O_V_Soldier_ghex_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "CARGO"]; _unit moveInAny _veh; Is there a way to create units directly inside a vehicle with designating a position or moving them in?
  13. I have tried using GETIN NEAREST in a waypoint, but I had problems with it. This is my code atm nObj = nearestObject[casPos, ['sarheli0','sarheli1','sarheli2']]; casSpawn assignAsCargo nObj; [casSpawn] orderGetIn true; I know this code is wrong, also in the type for nearestobject can I put global variables into it
  14. Hi all, I'm trying to remove a specific weapon (known by classname) from the cargo. The issue currently is that this seems only to be possible by clearing the complete weapon cargo and adding everything back but the weapon I want to remove. This however leads to issues as all attachements are lost. I found on the wiki the command "removeWeaponCargo", which possible could be used to delete only the weapon in question: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/removeWeaponCargo. This uses weaponID and creatorID as arguments. Does anyone know what those are, and where I can find them for the given weapon I want to delete?
  15. Hi. How do I order the AI to lift some cargo that I can't see? (I mean during the mission, not in editor) If you can see the cargo, the process is very simple; you point at the cargo and select "Lift cargo" in the command dialogue. But I don't know how to do it if the cargo is too far (for example when you want your pilot to bring you a vehicle or something from the base)
  16. Hi guys ! I'm currently searching for a solution, I'd like to check if there is a specific item in the vehicle inventory... I use the addon "Hero survive" and I'm currently creating a script that allow to repair brokens car if you have the specifics items. But some of them like wheels and battery are to heavy for backpacks so... I'd like to check if the tyres etc are in the car inventory. something like : _vehicle = _this select 0; _Wheels = {"herl_o_tyer" == _x} count ("InventoryOfCar" _vehicle); // Like (BackpackItems _player) if (_wheels == 4) then { blablabla car is repaired...} else { blablabla wheels missing.... }; I have all the "blablabla" thing, I just need to know how to check the car inventory, I already know how to check if player has specific item in his vest/backpack/uniform... but for vehicle.... :/ Thanks.
  17. Hey everyone! It is time for me to show you my truck, M35A2 Kaiser-Jeep, 1964 issue. Since we don't have any commuity made G742 (M34/M35/M36), I've decided to create a common framework for these vehicles and gradually develop their options. This truck was the workhorse of the US Army in the mid to late 90s and had several different modifications for the M35 truck only. I'm not talking about other options M35 series family (tanker, remotly truck, water carrier and others) that also had a lot of modifications. At the moment, it is suitable for many scenarios, the Vietnam War, the escalation of the conflict in Panama, Operation "Desert Storm", the invasion of Iraq in 2003, and almost everywhere the American soldier's foot came. The truck had several incarnations and configurations and was produced by several different manufacturers. More screens: I am currently planning 3 different eras/versions of the M35: War in Vietnam: M35A2 with metal roofed driver compartment with/without tarp, tarp roof driver compartment with/without tarp, without a roof with the possibility of lowering the front glass, option with a M2 .50cal machine gun on the M36 Ring Mount. Well, the famous guntrucks, with the reservation and with different weapons, from the dual machine guns M2, dual M60 to minigun. Also, a low-armored dumbbell with a quarter-machine gun M2 - M55 is planned. Anything I can find documented of Vietnam War gun trucks from the various branches. The consequence of the Vietnam war 70s-80s: more of the same but with different camo, U.S. army, for different divisions and other operators from other countries. 90s and present: M35A2 with metal roof with/without tarp, with a rag roof with awning / without an awning and various gantraks on its base, for armies still expropriating M35A2 (Israil, Georgia, Venezuela, Philippines, Kongo, Iraq and others), as well as trucks of any insurgents (African, South American, Thai rebels and others, to countries that were supplied by the M35), terrorists (Taliban, the Islamic state (I saw a couple of M35 taken from the Iraqi army in Syria and Iraq, several more captured in the Philippines by local terrorists from ISIS and etc), Somali terrorists of the 90s and the present and others) You may suggest any liveries or nations + other ideas and variations and I may implement them if I like them. Also, would like to make different variants of the M35, many were made, such as M36 (with stretch), M49 (gasoline tank), the M50 (the water carrier), M109 (Shop Van), M60 (light wrecker), М59 (Dump), as well as other options (M34, M44, M45, M46, M48, М108, М257 and many others). It is also possible to create on the basis of it a future modification of the M35A3 and South Korean modified trucks K-511, K-511A1 Also, I would be glad if you will subscribe to my ArtStation: https://www.artstation.com/artist/ramamarines If you have anything that may help me, be it research and technical information, reference material or other assistance, I'd appreciate the help. I'll be back with more updates soon!
  18. Hi, I'm looking for some help in figuring something out. I am currently trying to create a logistic script with the help of the ACE3 interaction framework. My goal is to create something similar to R3F and igiLoad. Attaching the actual cargo objects to the vehicle, but instead of a one-dimensional manner I want to have it 2D. What I mean is: Take for example an Offroad and look at the truckbed. Now devide that into a grid lets say it is 3 units wide by 8 units long and define every loadable object as taking up x,y amount of grid space. There are many ways you fit things in there and attach them to the vehicle. An object that is 1x2 will fit in rows and columns. So my question really is : what would possibly be the best way to go at this problem? What might be the best approach, are there some functions I can use to make things easier? The inventory system in general? I can imagine some kind of tetris logic that would be able to accomplish this, but I'm afraid my approach would be very bulky and ugly. Also I don't really know what the best way of keeping track of the vehicles inventory would be. So I want to pose those questions to anyone here, who has more experience and knowledge, and might be able to help me figure this one out. Any pointers or thoughts would be apprechiated! If anyone wants to look at what I already have, nothing special just able to load/unload one object at the moment: https://pastebin.com/cHxknQdQ Cheers!
  19. I'm looking for help making an animation look nice. I've got a scenario where players have the option (via action menu) to jump down from a wall thats about 5m height. I've found the animation for jumping from the back of the cargo truck which fits in nicely: AcrgPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_getOutHigh The problem is that the animation doesn't start from a point an jump forward. Rather, it starts at the end-point, teleports the player back and up and then starts the jump animation. Now naturally I've worked out the right sort of distance and height the jump occurs from so I can just teleport the player to the end-point and initiate the animation. However, the teleport is noticable, and it looks...well kind of awful. I'm hoping somebody has a method of overcoming this or perhaps knows of a different way that doesn't use this particular animation. Here's what I have so far: /////////////////// FIND INFO ABOUT UNIT /////////////////// _unit = (_this select 0); _bearing = getDir _unit; _startPosATL = getPosATL _unit; /////////////////// ASSESS JUMP VIABILITY /////////////////// _jumpDistanceLateral = 1.75; _startHeight = _startPosATL select 2; _endHeight = 0; _jumpEndPoint = [_startPosATL,_jumpDistanceLateral,_bearing] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _jumpEndPoint set [2,2.6]; _lineStartZ = (_startPosATL select 2) + 0.5; _lineEndZ = 0.5; _lineStart = [_startPosATL select 0, _startPosATL select 1,_lineStartZ]; _lineEnd = [_jumpEndPoint select 0, _jumpEndPoint select 1,_lineEndZ]; And then: if (!lineIntersects [_lineStart,_lineEnd]) then { _cam switchCamera "Internal"; camUseNVG true; sleep 0.5; setAccTime 0.1; _unit allowDamage false; _unit switchMove "AcrgPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_getOutHigh"; _unit setPosATL _jumpEndPoint; }; sleep 3; _unit allowDamage true; setAccTime 1; player switchCamera "internal"; camDestroy _cam; Note that the camera and time slowing is just so I can observe what it looks like from the point of view of someone else. YES this mission is multi-player so I can't just ignore it and stick to first person. YES I have run the sequence with time ACC set to 1.0 and yes the teleport is still visible at this speed.
  20. Story This is a script that I wrote a few weeks ago for a friend. It's supposed to simplify the loading of cargo onto vehicles by the player. There are several routine integrated to avoid script errors. A description can be found inside the SQF file, how to execute the script. It's SP/MP/Dedicated and HC compatible. Have fun. Content It is a single ~140Code-Line-Big Script to enable the Player to attach objects with other objects via the action menu in a simple way. Purpose The aim of this script is to make it easier to implement a universal script, which enables the player to attach objects in a specific manner. Download Missions and Script on GitHub ArmaHolic Link Credits Script & Media: Rockhount Examples
  21. So your typical Arma3 tank, apc has some predefined stuff in it for infantry. A couple of rifles, some ammo, smoke grenades etc. You can customize it. What you want in cargo depends on your mission and I realize this is the case in real life, so there is no ultimate cargo or maybe even typical cargo. I am still curious though, about what real missions take on in their vehicles. There are probably some guidelines, even if its only the financial cost of extra things you want to take, or the physical capacity or weight and size that play a role. - For instance, in many Arma missions, there are some spare rifles stowed in vehicles. Is this realistic? Is this standard? are rifles considered cheap or expensive? - I usually chuck some extra ammo and grenades in the vehicles if the mission allows that. How is that in real missions? Is it normal to have 20 extra mags on a patrol vehicle? or a 100? Are grenades important to have lots of extras? What kind of formula's are used to calculate vehicle cargo supplies? Who decides? If you have a squad on a vehicle, would you want to double the load they have on their bodies with the cargo? multiply it by a factor of days on mission and expected ammo use? Does anyone ever take a bow and arrow on a mission in the cargo? (this is the most important question) I know that real-life military personnel regularly enlightens the Arma community on issues of realism, so I would be very happy if some could give pointers to take into account for creating Arma missions, or even just an interesting comparison between the game and RL.
  22. Story A few weeks ago a buddy asked me to write a script for a helicopter to lift and transport cargo, the 'Helikopterfrachttransportskript', that finally provides the desired solution. At first I thought that there would be something out there already. However, according to his research there are no scripts or tutorials that let you have an AI helicopter reliably hovering over a cargo in ArmA 3 (having it meter-precise is imperative). This hovering and the whole process of picking up and setting down the cargo was supposed to look more realistic than just an attachTo. And so this script was written. It provides a precise hovering over the cargo, great looking attachment of the sling rope and picking up of the cargo as well as putting the load down in the same way at the target position. There are several routine integrated to avoid script errors in cases of explosions or deaths of the vehicle or AI. A description can be found inside the SQF file, how to execute the script. Have fun. Content It is a single ~250Code-Line-Big Script to let an AI controlled helicopter lift diferrent freight goods to a single destination. Purpose The aim of this script is to make it easier to lift freight goods from A to B without having to have a player pilot. Download Missions and Script on GitHub ArmaHolic Link Credits Script & Media: Rockhount Translation: Dorsal Examples
  23. I have been wondering about retexturing objects that don't have hidden selections for their models. I know where to get the textures and config files to see how they are configured and what not, but there is no way to retexture objects that just have the texture built into the model. For example, I want to create a retexture for the cargo buildings, but I would have to modify the model itself to accomplish this AFAIK. And since the vanilla models are obviously binarized, this can't be done inside the object builder. If I understand correctly (which I might not), the only way to get retextures working would be to use a hex-editor and replace the textures with addon textures in the same character count inside the model itself and then pack the addon with the model. The problem is, I can't find any clear answer to whether or not this allowed by BI, or even legal. So before I would try to use that solution, it would obviously be best to not violate anything. I have searched using hex editors with arma content and the only results were from 'hacking' sites or something like that for KOTH. So I obviously don't want to look there for information. From what I have gathered, the topic of hex editing is rather controversial, and I would like to be sure what is and isn't allowed in regards to hex-editing in particular. If I missed some obvious topic or posted this in the wrong place, I apologize. If this is a dumb question to ask in the first place, again, I apologize. Thanks for reading
  24. Hi Masters, I need to limit the vehicle cargo space (vanilla inventory itens) , but I don't want to make a mod or use "alien" mod, how I do this? It is possible using script only? Exceptionally, Can I do this with ACE3 easily? Best regards D3lta
  25. Description: I totally want this cargo ship, but it's not available in Apex... And I am impatient... So hey, I took matters into my own hands and decided to improvise a little bit. Therefore, this mod exists. So what does it do? Simple: It adds various cargo ship variants (ported over from Take on Helicopters) to the game. Sadly, they are *static* and *only* useful as background decoration. You *can not* walk on them (edit: Actually you can walk on a few parts of them), and the ships should never ever be placed in front of a players face, as they are lacking details and look plain ugly in close-up. This is a kind of middle ground I'll have to walk here... but hey, better than no ships at all in an island theme that screams for such stuff, huh? Additionally to the ships, this package comes with a script file that allows mission makers to create actual moving ships (originally written by zooloo75 - I've adjusted it a little bit for the purpose of this mod). For this script to work, simply place one of the ships in the map, then add to the init command line: _nil = [this,((direction this) + 180),500,0.025,0] execVM "\lexx\fn_shipMove.sqf"; Explanation: [target,direction,distance to move, speed, pause time] In the above shown example, the ship will move a distance of 500 with a speed of 0.025 - after this, it will stand still and do nothing. I might or might not try to touch up the texture a little bit in the future (I am not a good graphics dude), but in any case, it will never be enough to allow the ships to swim right in front of the players view, as they simply lack geometrical detail to ever look really good in 2016. For a distance shot, they are still pretty good, though (and come on, it sure as hell looks much better than this scene from Apex. The syndicate sure as hell likes their Trawlers). Link: Steam Workshop