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  1. EN FRANCAIS : LA QUICK REACTION FORCE RECRUTE ! La QRF recrute des personnes motivé voulant s'investir et devenir de véritable soldats au sein d'une unité dynamique et rigoureuse voulant vivre des expériences inédites de simulation militaire ! MAIS QU'EST CE QUE LA QRF ? La QUICK REACTION FORCE(QRF) est une unité de simulation militaire française sur les jeux vidéos multijoueurs "Arma 3" et "Squad". La simulation et le réalisme sont la conduite de notre unité pour pouvoir se rapprocher autant qu'il est possible du réel.Nous basons notre unité sur l'armée Française de nos jours. Le système de hiérarchie, le système de grades, les médailles et les procédures de combats etc... ont été adapter aux jeux vidéo. Lorsque vous vous engager, vous commencez en tant que soldat de 2ème Classe et entrez dans un cursus de formation ou vous êtes entraînés par nos instructeurs qui font de vous de véritable soldats de la "QRF", lors de cette formation initiale vous apprenez l'ensemble des compétences nécessaires a un soldat pour pouvoir remplir les différentes missions. Si vous recherchez un nouvel aspect du jeu vidéo et une expérience totalement inédite au plus proche de la réalité, rejoignez la QUICK REACTION FORCE. LES CONDITIONS : - Pouvoir parler français - avoir 16 ans minimum - posséder un micro et un casque - Pouvoir se libérer une a deux fois par semaines 2100h - 2300h le lundi et jeudi LES LIENS : - En savoir plus : http://qrf-reality.fr/about/ - Discord : https://discord.gg/GMaPBUu - Site web : http://qrf-reality.fr/ - Groupe Steam : https://steamcommunity.com/groups/qrf-realit RESPECTUEUSEMENT, CNE DIMITRI K. STARLIGHT COMMANDANT D'UNITE 1ERE CIE QUICK REACTION FORCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IN ENGLISH : THE QUICK REACTION FORCE RECRUITS! The QRF recruits motivated individuals willing to invest and become real soldiers in a dynamic and rigorous unit wanting to experience unprecedented military simulation! BUT WHAT IS QRF? The QUICK REACTION FORCE (QRF) is a French military simulation unit on multiplayer video games "Arma 3" and "Squad". Simulation and realism are the driving of our unity to be as close as possible to the real. We base our unity on the French army nowadays. The hierarchy system, the rank system, the medals and the fighting procedures etc ... have been adapted to video games. When you commit yourself, you start as a 2nd class soldier and enter a training course or you are trained by our instructors who make you real soldiers of the "QRF", during this initial training you learn the set of skills necessary for a soldier to be able to fulfill the various missions. If you are looking for a new aspect of the video game and a completely new experience closer to reality, join the QUICK REACTION FORCE. CONDITIONS : - To be able to speak French - be at least 16 years old - own a microphone and headphones - To be able to free one to twice a week 2100h - 2300h on monday and thursday CNE DIMITRI K. STARLIGHT COMMANDANT D'UNITE 1ERE CIE QUICK REACTION FORCE
  2. So I have made "script" for myself that I put in the Player Init. This only executes once. But I want it to execute every time I spawn/respawn (so everytime the player starts existing). The script works great if I put it in the Init of the Player. But i wanted to make a .sqf file I could call/execute so I wont have to put everything in every Player. But the scipt is not working/compiling. The code I put in to the Init: varPlayer=this; spawnPos=getPos varPlayer; telePos=getPos varPlayer; [varPlayer, 3] call BIS_fnc_traceBullets; varPlayer addAction["<t color='#59b300'>Arsenal</t>", {["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;}]; varPlayer addAction["<t color='#d9006c'>Go to Spawn</t>", {varPlayer setPos spawnPos;}]; varPlayer addAction["<t color='#bfff00'>Teleport</t>", {varPlayer setPos telePos;}]; varPlayer addAction["<t color='#4cffff'>set Teleport</t>", {telePos=getPos varPlayer;}]; varPlayer addAction["<t color='#0080ff'>Teleport with Map</t>", "teleport.sqf"]; The code I put in to the .sqf: _spawnPos=getPos _this; _telePos=getPos _this; [_this, 3] call BIS_fnc_traceBullets; _this addAction["<t color='#59b300'>Arsenal</t>", {["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;}]; _this addAction["<t color='#d9006c'>Go to Spawn</t>", {_this setPos _spawnPos;}]; _this addAction["<t color='#bfff00'>Teleport</t>", {_this setPos _telePos;}]; _this addAction["<t color='#4cffff'>set Teleport</t>", {telePos=getPos _this;}]; _this addAction["<t color='#0080ff'>Teleport with Map</t>", "teleport.sqf"]; How I called it in the Init: _nul = []execVM "myFunction.sqf"; It wont run, but why? So for short. What i need help with is: finding the problem with the sqf executing the sqf every time the player starts existing Thx for reading my crap and I hope you can help me. :)
  3. As title says. I am very bad at scripting, i have made a fully made mission, everything is done. Now I need a script so that i can teleport a module "zombie waypoint" to certain location when players enter a trigger. What script and entities do i need for that. So Player enters a trigger trigger gets activated Module moves to trigger location or near it then repeat on next trigger thanks, im very new to coding and scripting.
  4. Hello. I am very new to coding. I need a code/script to make enemies know where all the player location are and follow them (they do it automatically anyway?) Basically i need to make the AI know the location of all player and hunt them down, even if they where spawned in via script or already ingame. preferably in a loop maybe? so they get updated, i donno every 30 seconds? or more. Im very new and bad at coding, i tried reading up on it. but i failed. i tried google it, but to be real, i dont really know what to look for. Thanks. This is the last part of my mission to get it fully functional.
  5. Whenever I try to load the game from the launcher with Battleye turned on I get this message. Does anyone know how to fix it? Link
  6. I am trying to put together a trigger which gives Zeus points every time a truck goes between two points on the map (Like a supply line). If one Zeus is playing as the OPFOR team, they must spawn a Tempest Ammo truck and tell it to Cycle between two points (Point A and Point B). If the truck is spawned at Point A, the Zeus must order it to go to Point B, once it reaches Point B it must then be ordered to turn around and go back to Point A before Zeus points are added to that team. The Zeus can have multiple trucks going back and forth to add up Zeus points more quickly. I have managed to work out how to make the triggers active when a certain Vehicle type has entered the trigger, but I am having trouble working out how to get the supply point triggers working properly.
  7. Im new to the modelling i made myself a workable car but i want to make turn in out position with workable hatch and when the person turn out they would be able to shoot (FFV). Is there any tutorial or something ? So far what i searched i couldnt find anything. Any help would be welcome thx :)
  8. hangs on this moment "loading basic parameters"
  9. As of today, we're inviting external developers to send us their pitch for new third-party premium DLC for Arma 3 (be sure to read the invitation here). In the meantime, if you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, we welcome you to share them here. Thank you for your interest!
  10. Hey! I actually just started playing arma 3 🙂 And i have some big lag spikes lag problems probably because of my settings here are my computer settings or idk how they are called i am not that good with computers: Current GPU: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series Current CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz Sockets: 1 Cores: 4 Logical processors: 4 Virtualization: enabled It says on AMD Radeon Settings Arma 3 is Fully Compatible for my computer so i can play it without lagg i think..? First my lagg was super bad! Then i watched a video about lagg then it stopped a little i restarted my computer i join a server it just crashes because of the lagg Here are some of my startup options: ( parameters ) ( everything that is turned on btw) 64-bit CPU count = 1 ( is actually not turned on but it has an number) System memory limit (64-bit) ( not turned on ) Video memory limit 1 ( not turned on ) Actually nothing is turned on..? And whenever i change my settings the next time i start my arma 3 everything is removed again any help for that to? Here are my Video Settings: Sampling 100% Texture: High Objects: High Terrain: Standard Shadow: Disabled Particles: Low Cloud: Low PIP: Disabled OVERALL: 1200 Object 1000 SHADOW: 50 HDR: standard Dynamic lights: low Water reflections: disabled Display: Fullscreen Window 1920x1080 (16:9) Auto (Stretch) (16:9) VSYNC Disabled Interface size: Small Bloom radial blur rotation blur depth of field sharpen filter all 0 AO: HDAO low Caustics: Disabled FSAA: 2x ATOC: Disabled PPAA: Disabled ANISO.Filtering: Disabled Sorry for the spoilers idk how to remove Thanks!, Jack
  11. TLDR: we are a new group, we like to play arma, we have a discord and some mods. JOIN OUR DISCORD ITS FREE: https://discord.gg/G4kH3sT HERES OUR GROUP MEDIA MASTERPOST: https://photos.app.goo.gl/QdecrEsy9Lc9miuP7 Who We Are Mutiny Gaming was founded in December 2018 in order to better enjoy the casual milsim aspects of ARMA 3 without all the bullshit. Our ultimate goal is to have fun cohesive community and maintain a serious atmosphere during ops. https://imgur.com/a/VeD5OBH Our Mission Creating a mature, immersive, and tactical gameplay experience is our number one priority. Moving forward we hope to grow our numbers with quality members from all over the world. We currently have a diverse and varied roster representing the international community. It is our moderators’ goal to listen to the community and adapt while improving the experience for our members. When We Play Our members are free to run their own ops after they have completed some basic zeus training. We understand not everyone is going to be a skilled mission maker from the beginning but everyone starts somewhere. This doesn’t mean we don’t have dedicated mission makers, however. Our members comprise several talented and creative mission makers who provide an immersive experience every time they host an operation. We also host a large weekly operation where we use our combined arms knowledge, take to the skies, and the ground in armor operating in large scale missions. https://imgur.com/a/KC8oTDz Mods We Use We have an extensive pack designed to help add more options for creative and challenging missions made by our community mission designers. You can download a file from this link and get a full list of the mods we use for our ops. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/521829807214821381/554659246730641418/Mutiny_Gaming_Modpack_11-3.html How We Train At MG wr have a very dedicated and skilled team of instructors that host weekly trainings for those who opt in to take them. For all our training purposes we have custom in-house guides such as the general manual, JTAC manual, etc. While all members are encouraged to have a good understanding of tactics and procedures training is not mandatory. However, very novice players may be asked to attend the basic training in order to keep them on the skill level as everyone else. https://imgur.com/a/LYSGDZm How To Join Join our Discord ( https://discord.gg/G4kH3sT ) and speak with someone at the gatehouse. All we require is that you speak English, have a microphone we also like to check in and see how much experience you have with ARMA and the mods we use. If you have any questions feel free to hop in our discord and chat with one of our fantastic moderators.
  12. Hey, I still have this weird bug where I have some weird sound when I'm driving or flying in a vehicle in first person. How it looks it is only in the 64-Bit version of Arma 3. I searched for many solutions but didn't find anything. Hope somebody can help me here.
  13. Greetings! The 122nd ODST Division is a new unit, looking for people who are active and are 17+ or older. The era the unit will be taking part in is the war with the Covenant (along with fighting insurrectionists as well) and the possibilities can range from dropping behind enemy lines, to supporting militias on occupied worlds or can range to planetary defense or invasion of an occupied world. we are also interested in playing with other units. Information The unit is a community between milsim and casual play, in-game during unit events, members are expected to play with a sense of realism from loading in and grabbing gear to the ending with a debrief. Campaigns will be 4 missions long (1 mission per week), Major Campaigns will be 6-8 missions long (1 1/2-2 months long) operations will be on Sundays at 6pm EST (5pm CST) and training will take place on Friday at 6pm EST (5pm CST). Campaigns will have different endings depending on the outcome of the previous missions before the final one, and can depict of moving the unit to another planet or retreating and changing the outcome of its position in the UNSC's fight against the covenant. Outside of operations members are encouraged to play games with each other in team speak and build a camaraderie between each other to build a tight understanding that can be used in operations without conflict arising. If interested please come join us on our discord is: https://discord.gg/PEw5eM
  14. I usually use Alt+Tab in Arma 3. Sometimes game doesn't stop responding even after 100 times of Alt+Tab and sometimes it stops at the first time. This annoying and disturb to play. Help me 😞
  15. SynicalBeing

    Arma 3 - Possible Console Idea

    Hello Gamers and Devs, I had an idea based off of Dayz coming to console. As it is merely a idea, I feel as a gamer that many others would love to have Arma 3 come to console just like Dayz. I have played over 3,000 hours of Arma 3 across my multiple accounts and loved playing the Arma 3 Altis Life RP mode the most. The sense of having the Role-Play and either being a civilian, EMS, or Police officer was awesome. I don't know how many people would love this on console, but I do know that there are limitless supporters of this game that would love to have that aspect running smoothly on a console as well as still on pc. I know it would be a long process, but it would also spread the support of the game and rack in more money for the company. I believe gamers on console would support this idea. Let me know what you think. As I said, it's a far fetched idea, but if it happens, I believe it could work. Especially if it had a cross platform to it.
  16. Whenever I hit play on Arma 3 in steam it goes to the launcher which when I hit play gives the error Exit Code: 0xC000009A - STATUS_INSUFFICENT_RESOURCES Whenever I enter the game via the Arma3.exe in the games root directory it launches and allows me to join any game except its only servers WITHOUT Battleeye, as launching from the root directory is not enabling Battleye some reason. When I go to the server list it gives a prompt to enable Battleeye but fails as it restarts the game but comes up with a window giving the error and this log... 16:06:44: Starting BattlEye Service... 16:06:48: Launching game... 16:06:50: Note: File blocks can be ignored if they don't cause problems with the game. 16:06:50: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\uxtheme.dll". 16:06:50: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\edputil.dll". 16:06:50: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\urlmon.dll". 16:06:50: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cldapi.dll". 16:06:50: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\slc.dll". 16:06:50: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\System32\d3d10.dll". 16:06:50: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\System32\msimg32.dll". Please help! PS: I have tried launching with and without mods both installed and not installed. I have also reinstalled the game and moved it to another drive to no avail. I have also deleted the Battleye folder re-validated files to no success. BattleEye Errors Launcher: Error Log Report Files: https://puu.sh/CtE5Z/a8f6c7249b.zip Computer Specs:
  17. Hello guys i tried to make my gui menu starts with music but my ways did not worked so this is my config can any one help to let the music works class CfgPatches { class A3Data { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; author[] = {"David Smith"}; requiredAddons[] = {}; }; }; class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {}; class david_sound { name = "david_sound"; // start path to sound file in AddOn with @ sound[] = { "@Admin\addons\Admin\sounds\david_sound.ogg", 1, 1, 100 }; titles[] = { 0, "" }; }; }; #include "Dialog\BIDefines.hpp" #include "Dialog\Admin_Menu.hpp" class CfgFunctions { class bruhinfoshitisshitaflolroflimautisticxD { class Functions { file = "Admin\Functions"; class david {}; class selchanged {}; }; class undtcted { class Init { postInit=1; file = "Admin\Functions\fn_Admin.sqf"; }; }; }; }; //
  18. I was thinking on testing the Cloud Gaming Service Shadow on Arma 3 to see how well it would perform. Has anyone tried this before with their results if so please link them it would be very much appreciated.
  19. I have recently began to redo an old Hearts and Minds mission I used to make years ago. I ended up forgetting to how set an area that AI could not spawn in. Any suggestions? I really don't want enemy AI spawning on my base.
  20. I have recently began to redo an old Hearts and Minds mission I used to make years ago. I ended up forgetting to how set an area that AI could not spawn in. Any suggestions? I really don't want enemy AI spawning on my base.
  21. Author: JTS Introduction: A mission in operation flashpoint style Description: Kolgujev. October 1, 2020. This military island, owned by United States, was abandoned for many years. But recently there was found a large activity of Russian army. The US considered it as a threat and sent two officers to the Russian headquarters in Kolgujev to assess the situation. But instead of peaceful negotiations, they captured them. October 20, the United States established a base on the coast of Kolgujev. On October 25, the US sent a squad to an operation to rescue two officers Features: - Start scene - OFP style mission - 2 localizations: English & russian - Revive (APEX Edition) - Respawn with respawn screen (Selectable locations) - JIP (Join in progress) compatible - Music from OFP - Conversation script (APEX Edition) Notes: - Read briefing carefully Credits & thanks: Mission was tested by: JTS (me), Urban Screenshots: Download (Steam workshop) Download (Armaholic)
  22. I am trying to put money into my mission. I want to have an addAction script so that the player can check money(I am using an addAction script because I don't know how to put text on the screen that updates the money). When I put in the code below, when I use the action only a hint box that says "Wallet: " appears. I am new to scripting in arma. Does anyone know how I can fix this. playerCash = 500; player addAction ["<t color='#4B0082'>Check Money</t>", {hint 'Wallet: ' + str(playerCash)}];
  23. White Fox Assault Regiment GENERAL INFORMATION Discord: https://discord.gg/8uNcKed SteamGroup: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/WhiteFoxAssaultRegiment Teamspeak : Email: whitefoxassaultregiment@gmail.com About The Unit The White fox Assault Regiment is a milsim unit showcasing modded, Zeus operated campaign missions based around an Infantry unit but with branches in Recon and Aviation. We are based in both the EU, US with an average of 50 active members attending the main weekly Campaign operation and with around 15-20 attending any mini missions hosted by any of the players who want to run as Zeus for the night. We give new players and old players the same chance to host the mini ops so if you want to play on the ground and as the Zeus then you are more than welcome! We strive to not only set up the foundation for an outstanding Milsim experience but a brotherhood of gamers that can span into a variety of other games outside of Arma. If you like videos such as Liru the Lance Corporal or Karmakut then we aim to provide an excellent mix of the both, providing a true milsim experience whilst maintaining the casual gameplay aspect. No one is required to have 100% attendance, you just let us know when youre free for a mission so we can add you in. Requirements: Working microphone Your own, legal copy of Arma 3 Age requirement of 16+ (younger applicants are subject to moderation) To have a minimum of 20 hours logged in Arma 3 or Arma 2 Must speak English to a passable, coherent level Must have Discord No DLC required! When you join the Discord message either SFC K.Velez, SSG M.Jewsbury or any of our SGT's and we can set you up
  24. For a MP server I'm trying to setup an area trigger where if entered by a vehicle, the trigger will empty the fuel tank. Now I know an easy way to do this is to name the vehicles and then add in to the trigger" vehiclename setfuel 0;" etc but I was wondering if there was an alternative way to remove fuel without having to name all the vehicles on the server? I've been trying various iterations of 'setfuel' like so, but none of them seem to work or do what I want. [_vehicle] remoteexec [setfuel 0, _vehicle]; If anyone can point me in the correct direction, that would be marvellous, thanks!
  25. I have this config for adding new uniforms to my mod. class U_B_soldier_wdl: Uniform_Base { author = "Splendid Modder"; scope = 2; displayName = "Combat Fatigues Woodland."; picture = "\A3\characters_f\data\ui\icon_U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_CA.paa"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_soldier.p3d"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\a3\characters_f\BLUFOR\Data\clothing_wdl_co.paa"}; class ItemInfo: UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = B_soldier_new; containerClass = Supply40; mass = 40; }; }; class U_B_soldier_grey: Uniform_Base { author = "Splendid Modder"; scope = 2; displayName = "Combat Fatigues Urban."; picture = "\A3\characters_f\data\ui\icon_U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_CA.paa"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_soldier.p3d"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\a3\characters_f\BLUFOR\Data\clothing_sage_co.paa"}; class ItemInfo: UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = B_soldier_new; containerClass = Supply40; mass = 40; }; }; The woodland camo is available even if I click the Sage uniform. Have I duplicated something somewhere? I have a unit in my config that I have added the uniforms to and it is available in the Virtual Arsenal, but I have a typo somewhere. Can someone peer review this and tell me where I went wrong? Thanks. I have already setup CfgPatches properly.