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  1. This script is best used with a keyhandler, however if you have a bit of experience with coding you can get it also work with addaction. This script works in MP ******************************** Download the sounds here (or use your own ones) Make a folder called sounds and put the two files inside this folder Put the following code in your description.ext class CfgSounds { class Siren { name = "Siren"; sound[] = {"sounds\Siren.ogg", 5.0, 1}; titles[] = {1, ""}; }; class Yelp { name = "Yelp"; sound[] = {"sounds\Yelp.ogg", 5.0, 1}; titles[] = {1, ""}; }; }; Put the following code in your keyhandler: case 33: {//F key if (_shift) then { _vehicle = (vehicle player); if (isNil {_vehicle getVariable "EmergencyVeh"}) then { _vehicle setVariable ["EmergencyVeh", false, true]; }; _ComVeh = _vehicle getVariable "EmergencyVeh"; if (vehicle player != player && (driver _vehicle == player && _ComVeh isEqualTo true)) then { if (isNil {_vehicle getVariable "siren"}) then { _vehicle setVariable ["siren", false, true]; }; _SirenState = _vehicle getVariable "siren"; if (_SirenState isEqualTo true) then { _vehicle setVariable ["siren", false, true]; } else { [[[_vehicle],"scripts\siren.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",true,false,false] call BIS_fnc_MP; _vehicle setVariable ["siren", true, true]; }; }; }; if (_ctrl) then { _vehicle = (vehicle player); if (isNil {_vehicle getVariable "EmergencyVeh"}) then { _vehicle setVariable ["EmergencyVeh", false, true]; }; _ComVeh = _vehicle getVariable "EmergencyVeh"; if (vehicle player != player && (driver _vehicle == player && _ComVeh isEqualTo true)) then { [[[_vehicle],"scripts\yelp.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",true,false,false] call BIS_fnc_MP; }; }; }; Create a folder called scripts. Inside this folder create a file called siren.sqf and put the following code into it: Private ["_vehicle"]; _vehicle = _this select 0; _repeat = true; while{ (alive _vehicle) && (_repeat isEqualTo true)} do { _vehicle say3D "Siren"; sleep 5.5; _repeat = _vehicle getVariable "Siren"; }; Inside the folder scripts create a file called yelp.sqf and put the following code into it: Private ["_vehicle"]; _vehicle = _this select 0; _vehicle say3D "Yelp"; Thats it! As always, if you have any questions feel free to ask! Cheers Puffin
  2. I've been having quite some headaches trying to figure out how to make a sidemission generator Basicly what i want is via player input (like pressing a button via addaction) to be generated a side mission with custom units on either a few specified possitions or on a random possition. I think it will be simpler by using scripts, but if there is a stragiht up init would be nice aswell If anyone can help it would be appreciated
  3. As part of a multiplayer mission, there's a downed AAF pilot. The unit is setUnconscious, and had a "revive" option. Here is it's .init: if isServer then {this setUnconscious true;}; this addAction [ "<t color='#B70000'>Revive</t>", { _help = [_this select 0,_this select 1] execVM "law\pilotRevive.sqf"; pilotRevive = true; }, "",0,true,true,"","(side _this == west) && (lifeState _target == 'INCAPACITATED')",3 ]; pilotRevive.sqf the following. params [["_casualty",objNull],["_caller",objNull]]; if ((isNUll _caller) || (isNUll _casualty)) exitWith {}; if (isMultiplayer) then { (_caller) playMove "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic0"; sleep 5; (_casualty) setUnconscious false; (_casualty) playMove "AinjPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_rolltofront"; sleep 4; //was 3 (_casualty) playMove "AmovPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon"; sleep 5.25; //was 1.25 [_casualty,""] remoteExec ["switchMove",0,true]; (_casualty) enableAI "ALL"; (_casualty) setUnitPos "UP"; (_casualty) setHit ["legs", 1]; (_casualty) doMove [6675.358,11257.388,0]; sleep 2; (leader group (_caller)) groupChat "The pilot thanks us."; sleep 3; (leader group (_caller)) groupChat "He says we can go. He will radio for CasEvac."; sleep 1; } else { (_caller) playMove "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic0"; sleep 5; (_casualty) setUnconscious false; (_casualty) playMove "AinjPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_rolltofront"; sleep 4; (_casualty) playMove "AmovPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon"; sleep 5; (_casualty) switchMove ""; (_casualty) enableAI "ALL"; (_casualty) setUnitPos "UP"; (_casualty) setHit ["legs", 1]; (_casualty) doMove [6675.358,11257.388,0]; sleep 2; (leader group (_caller)) groupChat "The pilot thanks us."; sleep 3; (leader group (_caller)) groupChat "He says we can go. He will radio for CasEvac."; sleep 1; }; The events work fine in singleplayer; the unit rolls over, gets up and hobbles to the position with his injured leg. In multiplayer, he currently goes from down to up with no transition, and his lifestate remains unconscious. I think i'm not really understanding what needs to be executed where here. I tried executing the playMove's on each client before but I was getting reports that the unit was getting stuck in a loop of different animations and ultimately ended up still lying face down. But then I saw that playMove has a global effect, so I stopped executing it on all clients. Except now the intermediate actions all seem to be having no effect, and the sleep commands didn't seem to appear. Help would be much appreciated, since I can only test this properly on the community test server which is a pain to keep doing. Thanks, Law
  4. hi all long time since scripting ;) back with this http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1255777321 a SP & MP batlefield style mission: description: * 2 team red vs blue * a warzone * a lot of imerssion tweaks for realism: * ai use flashlight thanks Jboy * ai talk thanks RUGDSAI & thanks Jboy * VcomAi do the rest * random amocahes * mortar script random amo & flare shooting * air flyby * fog script * color correction * side markers on map thanks Quiksilver * injuries script by Persian MO for the gameplay: i ve buit a script who calculate in a loop each unit on the batleground by side, where you can set the max amount of players ,the time to loop spawnscript .... it spawn group (random amount) in 3 random location for each side, with specific gears , each kill give point the first team with 50 kills win the match... a script is also calculate numbers of kills for the hend mission contition.. can someone give me feedback about it?
  5. This code below only works when running the server locally and only I can see the new task. When i put it up on our server no one sees it. Also when running locally on my box my mates also dont see the task. I have been working on this for days. Im sure its because i dont under stand arma scripting but how do i get this new task to show up and be in everyone's tasks list? I dont want to use third party task managers, i want to run this one script and have it show up for all blue for. params ["_missionabrev", "_taskid"]; _v_taskname = _missionabrev + "EndTask"; _v_markername = _missionabrev + "Marker_1"; SMEndTask = player createSimpleTask [localize _v_taskname]; SMEndTask setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos _v_markername); SMEndTask setSimpleTaskDescription ["Side Mission Update: Kill remaining Hostiles!","Side Mission Update: Kill all remaining Hostiles","Side Mission Update: Kill all remaining Hostiles"]; SMEndTask setTaskState "Created";
  6. I've noticed some server admins here in the past, so I'm hoping you guys can help out! I've got a virtualized Debian server running, and it worked just fine before the latest update (1.80.143869 is the issue). I've followed this medium guide, and it was fine. It worked on LAN and WAN, with and without mods. One day, it just stopped working. Now, even with a fresh VM that has access to WAN, a fresh install of arma3server, open ports for the game and Battleye, my friends and I can't connect over WAN. LAN works as expected. Over WAN, all we get is an error saying "Connection failed", and my terminal doesn't show an attempted connection. I can post my log if needed. Any tips would be greatly appreciated! Also, I'm not installing it on a Windows server. I am keeping my lab Linux only, especially since it was working previously. Incoming connections are from x64 Windows clients. Distro: debian-9.0-standard Version (server and client): 1.80.143869 Open ports: 2302-2306 UDP; 2344 TCP/UDP to; 2345 TCP to Configs: https://pastebin.com/sC7mYsJL
  7. New missions that have exported screw up our server. I tried editing both the Escape Malden and Tanoa missions to be comparable with the mods my milsim group uses. While they are uploaded to the server, the logged in admin is unable to use the #missions command to revert to the lobby screen. Is this being caused by a piece of code BI put into the missions to prevent us screwing with them, or is it a product of the mods I am using? Has any one else had something like this happen? As far as I am aware, no other mission makers have had this same issue, so it's also possible it could be an issue with my Arma files. List of mods below CUP Terrains - Core http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=583496184 CUP Terrains - Maps http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=583544987 Pegasus 6th - Terrain http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1130468064 RHSUSAF http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843577117 RHSAFRF http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843425103 Pegasus 6th - WEU http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1122878265 Pegasus 6th - Vehicles http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1122870272 CBA_A3 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=450814997 RHSGREF http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843593391 RHSSAF http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843632231 Pegasus 6th - Core http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1122861524
  8. I know I'm damn late with this announcement, but somehow we missed the official forums ;) news has been in Arma 3 Events and All about A3 facebook groups & my twitter. Tonight 2100 CET / 8PM UK we launch an international multiplayer coop event on my Isla Abramia named Operation Wild Fox. Video briefing will follow shortly, meanwhile all information about the event can be found at this address: http://www.vojak.si/wildfox/ It would be cool if you could join, required mod list is pretty standard, nothing fancy to add, regulars: ACE, RHS, CUP etc. You're all invited.
  9. Hello any help on this would be much appreciated, after playing from 1 minute to 4 hours my game crashes and displays the error code 0xC0000005 STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION. I have done all of the suggested things in the launcher after searching the error into google i.e malloc=system, turning up CPU count, using different memory allocators and also renaming the Arma 3 AppData folder so it makes a new one. I love playing Arma and don't want to stop. Please advise. Many thanks in advance.
  10. Nightwolf2112

    Arma 3 Liberation Variations

    Hello Bohemia, Over the last week I have been working on the KillaPotatoes Liberation Gamemode made available here: I am using the most current edition of v9.60 and converted the mission to allow for both a Vietnam and Halo based missions. Vietnam: Halo: Each mission profile is set to be persistant and challenging with all mods required on the steam workshop page posted and links on how to get mods. I don't have access to a dedicated server of my own but I have tested the missions as best I could through LAN hosting. Please take a look at them and let me know what you guys think and if there are any bugs/glitches with the mission. *DISCLAIMER: I am in no way a member of the KP Community nor any of the mod communities who created such awesome modifications for ARMA. All rights go to the appropriate owners and I do not claim ownership of anything other than the basis of just porting of the information. Let me know if there are any issues that must be addressed via PM please. Thank you*
  11. Nabeeh Abusaleh

    Arma 3 crash!

    Hey there, I downloaded the game yesterday, and whenever I try to launch a server, it starts to receive the server's files, however, after it finishes, the loading screen pops up and afterwards the game crashes saying (Bad file format in p3d file 'a3\structures_f\wrecks\wreck_car3_f.p3d'.) and after I press OK on the error message another one pops up saying (The exception unknown software exception (0x0000dead) occurred in the application at location 0x8b6595fc .). The last time I've played Arma 3 was before 4 to 5 months, I have uninstalled it then and today I reinstalled it. Hopefully you can help me to solve this problem, thank you for your time and have a nice day! (BTW I have saved the ArmaReport_log so if needed tell me how to send it to you).
  12. Hey guys, I am currently working on a mission where I want to use the respawn menu from the MenuPosition template in Description.ext. It works basically but when I add coustom respawn positions they are displayed with a generic name created automatically by the game, e.g.: "near Lavalle". The main issue I have is that I want to label a ModuleRespwnPosition_F with a coustom name like "HQ" but it displays two spawn locations in the menu. One is the spawn with my coustom name and another duplicated one with the generic description, mentioned above. Unfortuneatly creating a classic map marker with respawn_west is not solving the problem either. Do you know what happens here? I couldnt find any help how to turn those generic respawn names off. Thank you! Description.ext: respawn = "BASE"; respawnDelay = 3; respawnButton = 1; respawnOnStart = 1; respawnDialog = 0; respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition","Wave"}; disabledAI = 1; showSquadRadar = 1; joinUnassigned = 0; disableChannels[] = {0,2,4,3};
  13. Hello Folks, this is my "new" Mission created for MP Dedicated Clan Server environment. its supporting several Mods and have lots of adjustable functions. Like: Group Manager with ranking (choose your No.1) Invite players to your Group Pre define existing Groups Kick players from your group Request joining a Group Predefine Keys for easy access the Group manager Create own persistent Groups Team Color Management a.m.m. Combat Support: Artillery support with: accurat Laser Guided Rounds a.m. Transport support with: Pickup Landing Rope insertion CAS Support with: Napalm, accurat simulated laser guided JDam and GBU! Predefine Keys for easy access Combat support a.m.m. Civilian interactions Ask for enemy locations Try to communicate and stay polite Trigger Missions by speak to civilians up to 3 missions per group at one time cancel missions in group manager (see above) Task Creator in Main base: Available Tasks: Kill Officer. Destroy Weapon Cache. Wipe Enemy Convoi Find Intel Free Hostages Deploy Communications Download Data Destroy AA or Arty Defend City (WIP) + Main Mission + Clear Area! Special Roles in seperate Slots Pilot (Air support Roles) Logistic (support your friends) EOD (Defuse Mines or IED´s) Engineer (Repair vehicles) Leaders (Manage your Team) Medics (heal 4 times faster) Restrict Arsenal (Parameter) [Configurable Whitelist Files for every Role!] Restrict CAS (Parameter) Restrict (only Pilots can Fly) (Parameter) GPS MAP Force Tracking (Parameter) Revive System (Parameter) ACE3 Supported Mission Environment (Parameter) Choosable Startloadouts for: Vanilla (Tropic/MTP) RHSUS (D/W) R3F(D/W) 3CB(D/MTP/W) BWMOD (D/W) FFAA (D/W) (or choose Random automaticly) Coosable Base Vehicle Sets: RHS,Jack French,3CB,BWMod,FFAA Mod (or choose Random automaticly) Own Logistic System with many Features... Multiple Headless Client Support FPS Optimized Mission! Dedicated Server KIT for Download Find your way to Free the Map! Read the Briefing (ger/eng) REQUIRED MODS (works without Mods too!) ACE3 + ACE Compatibility Mods Supported Maps STEAM WORKSHOP FTP SERVER MISSION FILES (latest Versions) Dedicated Server Starter Kit POST BUGS HERE PLEASE!
  14. 1. I wonder if it is possible to place Spawned AI from Spawn AI module under high command control? I want to make a sector control scenario for which command get to control spawned units. 2. Also, if a unit is dead, the high command function is lost. If this is possible to achieve?
  15. Introduction Today (7 Dec 2013) I am proud to announce the release of Tactical Battlefield (TacBF). This mod introduces new Team vs Team (aka Player vs Player) game play features to Arma 3 with gritty new game modes, missions within a standardised environment and consistent rules. Tactical Battlefield takes teamwork and tactics to a new level. TacBF has been under development on different versions of the ARMA engine for around 7 years and is brought to you by me (Dr Eyeball) and Wormeaten, with the support of 12thmechanised.com and the Regiment of the Grenadier Guards [RGG] Arma communities. Latest Tactical Battlefield mod download mirrors: <www.tacbf.com/dl> All Change Logs, (including change log for latest release), can be viewed from: <Change Logs Index>. Visit http://www.tacticalbattlefield.net/forum/ for more information and to join the discussion. Features: Community- Tactical Battlefield already has an established community of players who regularly play, communicate, and coordinate together in teams, sharing tactics, support, and resources and doing everything they can to shoot, kill, and blow each other up in nail-biting, edge-of-your-seat, gritty combat! Missions - around 20x Team vs Team multiplayer missions ranging in size from Tiny to Huge, with specially-designed main bases and in-built mission voting feature. Game modes Advance and Secure (A&S) - Both sides fight tooth-and-nail to dominate objectives in this dynamic and challenging game mode, or until the enemy is worn down to the nub and their 'tickets' run out. Attack and Defend (A&D) - Like A&S, but one side is on the Defensive and occupies key positions while the other side Attacks. Lost objectives can never be re-captured. Failure to capture a single objective by the attacking team will result in defeat. Search and Destroy (S&D) - Gather intel (documents & maps) by searching bodies, seek out and destroy Resistance weapons caches amidst suicide-bombers and Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (VBIED). Roles - Teamwork-focused gear restrictions with pre-configured but customisable loadouts, including Squad Leader, Medic, Engineer, Light Anti-Tank, Heavy Anti-Tank, Marksman, Sniper, Crewman, Pilot etc. Say goodbye to AT Sniper Pilots! Weapon resting - Reduced muzzle climb and deploy bi-pods via our customized TMR code. Suppression effect - By suppressing your enemy with accurate fire, he will temporarily experience gradual shake and vision blur, enabling realistic infantry tactics for suppression fire and assault elements. This code is exclusive, has been developed specifically for Tactical Battlefield, and has been tested, tweaked, and approved by about 40 testers. Wind effects on ballistics - Marksmanship is now a real skill with support for the server-side VTS ballistics addon. [img.]http://i.imgur.com/76GwKvPl.jpg[/img.] Squad Management and map features - Join or create a Squad with a customised call-sign, and recruit new members. Toggle player name-tags. Designate fire teams and leaders and coordinate with other Squads. With special map features, assign orders, report enemy, request support. Logistics - Transporting assets using the cargo system, eg. loading containers into towed trailers. Outposts and respawns - Deploy a respawn point or build your own fortified Forward Outposts with Hesco barriers, barbed wire and mounted weapons. Advanced Medical - Includes diagnosis, CPR, Adrenaline auto-injectors, morphine and bandages. Vehicle Maintenance System - Rearm, repair and refuel APCs, tanks, helicopters, and planes. Thank you for your support As lead developer, I would like to thank everyone who worked on this mod or provided permission to incorporate their work. Special thanks to the TacBF Team who provided endless hours of testing, change reports, suggestions, administration and infrastructure organisation and all our forum members. Also a big thanks to the wider Arma 3 community for their interest and feedback, and of course Bohemia Interactive. What are the upcoming plans for Tactical Battlefield? Prepare next mission pack, enhance existing plus introduce new systems and features, finalise Commander System integration, introduce new game modes, add support for ACRE, ACE, All in Arma and 3rd party addons, plus more. Development and Contributions by Dr Eyeball - ICE/TB systems coding, AAS code fixes and improvements, configs, images, some basic models, imports. Coolbox - original AAS system code Wormeaten - original SAAS extensions, design, organisation DMC - models (the good ones) Norrin - original sling load base code mad rabbit - coding tasks Adanteh - Suppression system, NVG adjustment, general coding. Taosenai - allowing us to include TMR addon Galzohar - allowing us to include @galz_wind_ballistics addon KDK - allowing us to include vehicle textures from blu_mohawk addon. Leon - UI menu/icon graphics Swedge - Help manual TacBF team members - missions, servers, forums, plus numerous hours of testing, suggestions and organisation countless others in the community who have contributed: missions, advice, code sections or other assistance Special credits to: Dale, Hurtz and Adanteh - for organisation and management of forums and servers. Gunther - for management and hosting of servers. Looking forward to the next phase of this project. For more information please visit http://www.tacticalbattlefield.net/forum/ Sincerely, Dr_Eyeball
  16. We are a new server looking for all players! We are very active and very friendly to new people. Let me know if you're interested.
  17. I am trying to create a cutscene where a crate is dropped from the air. I use this crate as an 'actor' for the cutscene and delete it after it has served its purpose, after which I just simply have a second crate setup for the actual objective So far everything has been setup right, exepct for the parachute. Which doesnt seem to work properly on a dedicated server The way I have currently set it up is via a series of triggers. First I enable the simulation, unhide it and set its position using the SetPos command Then I proceed to add the parachute using this code: para1 = "B_parachute_02_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; para1 setPosASL (getPosASL crate1); crate1 attachTo [para1, [0, 0, 0]]; para1 enablesimulation false; Now this seems to work fine in singleplayer, but on a dedicated server it either creates 2 parachutes or it puts the crate in the corner of the map, its really wierd and unreliable Any suggestions?
  18. Nightwolf2112

    UNSUNG Echo Liberation

    Hello all! Here is my official release of the KillahPotatoe Liberation game mode with the UNSUNG Echo Release that is now available on steam. Please give it a try and let me know what you guys think! http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1193946142 I have other Liberation mods up on steam as well so take a look at them as well. Let me know if there are any issues or glitches that need to be addressed. *ADVISED: with the UNSUNG Echo release there is a little glitch going on with my previous UNSUNG liberation on Cao Bong and is only playable with the UNSUNG Delta release. I will be working to update that one to reflect the new Echo update soon* I will also be posting some of my own regular missions to the workshop over the next few weeks so keep on the lookout for those as well. Once again a big shout out to both the UNSUNG and KillahPotatoe Mod teams for providing amazing content for the community and I look forward to working with them and their updates.
  19. Hi, I'm kinda new to the whole editing missions thing, so I've been using the RESPAWN ON DEATH option in all of my missions. I wish to improve that, so I wanna make it so SQUAD A could respawn on any of HIS squadmates, and SQUAD B could respawn on any of HIS squadmates, but SQUAD A can't respawn on SQUAD B. I found out how to let players respawn on other players but how can I restrict a player to respawn only at certain respawn positions? Thanks for any replies!
  20. Hello all! Here is a pure UNSUNG Echo update liberation mod on the map Da Krong! This is literally just a UNSUNG mod mission that you can load up in either the editor or your public/private server to enjoy. Again please let me know if there are any issues that need to be addressed. *ADVISE: This does not include ACE at all. If you would like to variations with ACE Enabled, I will upload copies of the missions to the public* Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you all. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1195582852
  21. Hello. When I try to add an event handler to a newly spawned vehicle, the event handler is NOT working. [_helicopter] remoteExec ["jey_helicopter_restriction",0,true]; jey_helicopter_restriction = { _vehicle = _this select 0; _vehicle addEventHandler ["GetIn",{_this call checkpilot}]; _vehicle addEventHandler ["Engine",{_this call checkengine}]; }; But if I add an event handler to an already spawned vehicle (that has been there from the mission start) it works : chopp3 addEventHandler ["GetIn",{_this call checkpilot}]; chopp3 addEventHandler ["Engine",{_this call checkengine}]; Any ideas?
  22. All I need is to make this script repeatable so when it is done "Downloading" it'll reset and you can keep downloading it again and again. I assume it has something to do with the addactions and I know lines 85-90 have something to do with the addaction "Request Funds" disappearing after download but when I take those lines out It keeps the "Request Funds" but you can no longer download the files because it says "Funds approved" T8L_var_fileSize = 100000; // Filesize ... smaller files will take shorter time to download! T8L_var_TLine01 = "Funds Denied"; // download aborted T8L_var_TLine02 = "Standby"; // download already in progress by someone else T8L_var_TLine03 = "Requesting Funds"; // download started T8L_var_TLine04 = "Funds Approved"; // download finished T8L_var_TLine05 = "Request Funds"; // line for the addaction T8L_var_TLine06 = "Connecting ..."; T8L_var_TLine07 = "Connected:"; T8L_var_DialogAbort = false; T8L_var_DialogSucce = false; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// T8L_fnc_abortActionLaptop = { if ( T8L_var_DialogSucce ) then { T8L_var_DialogAbort = false; T8L_var_DialogSucce = false; } else { cutText [ T8L_var_TLine01, "PLAIN" ]; T8L_var_DialogAbort = true; T8L_var_DialogSucce = false; }; }; T8L_fnc_addActionLaptop = { { if !( _x getVariable [ "T8L_pvar_dataDownloaded", false ] ) then { _x addAction [ T8L_var_TLine05, { call T8L_fnc_ActionLaptop; }, [], 10, false, false ]; }; } forEach _this; }; T8L_fnc_removeActionLaptop = { _laptop = _this select 0; _id = _this select 1; _laptop removeAction _id; }; T8L_fnc_ActionLaptop = { private [ "_laptop", "_caller", "_id" ]; _laptop = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; if ( _laptop getVariable [ "T8L_pvar_inUse", false ] ) exitWith { cutText [ T8L_var_TLine02, "PLAIN" ]; }; if ( _laptop getVariable [ "T8L_pvar_dataDownloaded", false ] ) exitWith { cutText [ T8L_var_TLine04, "PLAIN" ]; }; cutText [ T8L_var_TLine03, "PLAIN" ]; _laptop setVariable [ "T8L_pvar_inUse", true, true ]; [ _laptop, _id ] spawn { private [ "_laptop", "_id", "_newFile", "_dlRate", "_percent" ]; _laptop = _this select 0; _id = _this select 1; _newFile = 0; T8L_var_DialogAbort = false; T8L_var_DialogSucce = false; createDialog "T8L_DataDownloadDialog"; sleep 0.5; ctrlSetText [ 8001, T8L_var_TLine06 ]; sleep 0.5; ctrlSetText [ 8001, T8L_var_TLine07 ]; ctrlSetText [ 8003, format [ "%1 $", T8L_var_FileSize ] ]; ctrlSetText [ 8004, format [ "%1 $", _newFile ] ]; while { !T8L_var_DialogAbort } do { _dlRate = 200 + random 80; _newFile = _newFile + _dlRate; if ( _newFile > T8L_var_FileSize ) then { _dlRate = 0; _newFile = T8L_var_FileSize; ctrlSetText [ 8001, T8L_var_TLine04 ]; cutText [ T8L_var_TLine04, "PLAIN" ]; T8L_var_DialogAbort = true; T8L_var_DialogSucce = true; _laptop setVariable [ "T8L_pvar_dataDownloaded", true, true ]; [ [ _laptop, _id ], "T8L_fnc_removeActionLaptop", true, true ] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; }; // percentage part by cuel! ctrlSetText [ 8002, format [ "%1 $/t", _dlRate ] ]; _percent = ( _newFile / T8L_var_FileSize ); _percent = toArray str _percent; { _percent set [_x,-1] } forEach [ 0, 1 ]; _percent = _percent - [-1]; _percent resize 2; _percent = toString _percent; ctrlSetText [ 8004, format [ "%1 $ (%2%3)", _newFile, (if ( T8L_var_DialogAbort ) then { 100 } else { _percent }), "%" ]]; sleep 0.25; }; T8L_var_DialogAbort = false; _laptop setVariable [ "T8L_pvar_inUse", false, true ]; }; }; T8L_var_INITDONE = true;
  23. Hello, I am using the following setup (see the image below) to create a mobile spawn point for human players in a multiplayer mission. Vehicle respawn module is synced to the MSE-3 Marid so that the vehicle will respawn if players will desert it or it gets destroyed. Respawn position is synced to the MSE-3 Marid thus creating a spawn position in the vehicle. This spawn position will also move with the vehicle. The trigger there is set to OPFOR (Present). With this there has to be OPFOR players inside the trigger area for the Respawn position to be available to players. Now, I would like this to be so that the trigger is attached to the MSE-3 Marid so that it would go everywhere where the vehicle is going. I know that I can achieve this easily by typing the following eg. in the Marid's INIT-field: toActivateOPFORPlayerRespawnInOPFORapc attachTo [OPFORapc,[0,0,0]]; Now the problem is that when the Marid gets respawned the trigger won't be attached to the vehicle anymore. How to make it so that the trigger would be attached to the MSE-3 Marid at all times (= would get reattached on respawn)?
  24. Hi, for a few months my game has been broken.. which is shitty since i paid for the game and all the dlc's. it happend from one day to the other.. no changes or new mods installed or anything.. whenever i join servers, it says connection failed. whenever i try to host it loads for a sec, then it goes back to server browser. when i host through eden, game crashes. No errors at any time.. which is weird. tried with or without mods.. reinstalled 100%, removed/unsubbed all mods and manually deleted ALL arma 3 related files for a Fresh reinstall... still doesn't work my rig aint the problem, i have a top of the line BEAST of a gaming rig.. all new parts and 150FPS+ in most new games. All my software and drivers are up to date. HEEEEEELP O.o
  25. Hello! So, i have seen that some missions have a Virtual Arsenal in which there are already some set loadouts, for example, when you get close to it you will get the "Arsenal" option on the mouse wheel menu, but also sometimes you'll find things like "Rifleman"; "AT Soldier", "Pilot" and such, when you select any of them you get a loadout given by the server (not the ones you have saved). I'm trying to do this but i can't get it to work, i know how to export a certain loadout to a text file or to another unit but i have no idea how to make it like that. NOTE: I do use CBA_A3 and ACE mods but i guess there should be no problem with that as long as the players joining the server have them as well.