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  1. Hi, people! I've made a mod (just some static buildings, objects, etc.), but i cant see it in the Zeus when im in it at my server... Though it is present in EDEN editor... I've even placed my objects from this mod to my mission, so my mod would become required... but still it didnt show up in the Zeus(( (zeus module is configured properly! some another 3d-party mods are visible there...) In the mod's objects confs: scope = 2; Any ideas, pls? Maybe there is something like "scopeZeus"???
  2. I'm trying to find a scripting command that prohibits a curator from editing an object, similarly to how a player is not moveable, killable (END), deletable etc. by the curator. I did some looking and all I found was a command that checks weather or not an object is editable by the curator, none that explicitly restrict curator editing. While I was typing this I thought of a potential solution, I'll give it a shot later and report back code in spoiler, however if someone already has a solution or more info on this leme know! This should go in the objects init (I guess).
  3. Hello, it's over a week i'm searching through the internet to find a solution for my problem with no luck at all. I'm trying to make a Seize mission using the seize module, which is the favourite gamemode we play with friends, but even if i sync GM units to zeus addon module, the infantry units aren't working at all, when i access the Zeus interface as a debug i can only place vehicles but not infantry. Please help, attached to the post the editor version for the mission. Download sample mission
  4. 21st Nova Corps About us:The 21st Nova Corps, also known as the Galactic Marines, was a prominent military unit of clone troopers noted for their unique armor and relentlessness in combat. The corps served in the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic as part of the 4th Sector Army under the leadership of Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi and Marshal Commander CC-1138 "Bacara." Prior to the conclusion of the Clone Wars, the marines fought Separatist Alliance droid forces in the Mygeeto Campaign where they received Order 66, causing Mundi's men to betray and kill him on the battlefield. We are currently looking for officers and lower. We have specializations in EOD Tech, Ghost Company, Field medic, Pilots and more to come. Requirements/Rules: Must read and agree to all Unit rules Age Requirement: 16+ Years old. Valid Arma 3 copy TeamSpeak Discord Must have mic Be a team player no lone wolf status No lying No screaming No blue on blue Follow all rules Schedule: Monday 20:00cst Tuesday 20:00cst Wednesday 20:00cst Thursday 20:00cst Friday 20:00cst Saturday 20:00cst Sunday 20:00cst XO contact email: tentastashgaming@gmail.com Unit Overview: As a corps of the Grand Army of the Republic, the 21st Nova Corps consisted of 36,864 troopers divided into sixteen regiments.The Galactic Marines were under the command of Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi and Marshal Commander CC-1138 "Bacara" and were attached to the 4th Sector Army. Mundi personally led a squad of Galactic Marines during the assault on Mygeeto. Equipment and vehiclesClone troopers assigned to the 21st Nova Corps were considered to be of exceptional conditioning and discipline, and were trained to operate in hostile environments, such as fungal clouds to pure vacuum environments.In the field, the corps would use the DC-15A blaster rifle and the DC-15A blaster. Along with their infantry forces, the unit also utilized UT-ATs in combat. https://discord.gg/gmbtH6HA58 Unit Link:https://units.arma3.com/unit/21stnovacorp
  5. After being remoted controlled by Zeus and then left to the AI they still fire their guns, walk/run but won't aim at the enemy any more it's like their arms stopped working, this happens only with infantry, at first i tried to remove some mods but then even fully vanilla game with no mods or optional dlc would still contain this bug dev version too i also verified the integrity of game files, uninstalled both arma 3 and steam,deleted appdata leftovers but nothing worked can somebody help with this? If more details are needed i will help with that .
  6. BRA-Samurai

    Paradrop vehicles

    Hello, i'm struggling doing this and maybe i'm doing something wrong For the mission i'm setting an Heli squad with players that will have to take a CH, slingload a Lightvehicle with players already on it reach a destination and paradrop the vehicle from safe altitude. Actually when CH unhooks the vehicle this will not open the parachute and this fall on the ground destroying the vehicle and killing everyone inside is there a way i can create vehicles via Zeus with parachute already on it or give an already existing vehicle a parachute?
  7. Here is a video I made on operations fools gold, a PVP zombie mission: Operation Fools Gold The world has been hit by a deadly "Zombie" like plague. Many nations have either collapsed or shut their doors to the outside world in the hopes of fending off the legions of dead now roaming the earth. Whispers of a vaccine being developed in the epicentre of the plague have enticed many mercenaries to try and recover such a valuable item as it would fetch a pretty penny. Your mission will be to recover said vaccine and escape the hell hole that is chernarus. Your search will start at the Green mountain Comms post where a prominent scientist along with what was left of the local military units had been broadcasting from. Good luck.
  8. Hello all! Now I have a tiny bit of a problem, after playing a primarily Zeus run mission with a friend, using about 16 mods, RHS, Project OPFOR, CUP, MCC and CBA_A3 to name some of them. After playing for a long while we decided to take a break, so I press escape, Save and Exit, and we quit the game, upon returning to the said game, I simply clicked on the mission, pressed Resume, loaded in the lobby, people pick their roles, and we load the game. After loading in I access Zeus to find out I can use ONLY the units that I've used in the previous session. For example, I could only use RHS Russian Cars, Soldiers, and APCs because that's all we used, but not tanks, helicopters, planes, they completely disappeared from the Zeus "Create" menu altogether! After a while I tested it out in a singleplayer scenario, if I resume a mission only the vanilla units and the units I used in the last mission are accessible to me, if I use AKs all units with AKs can be used if they are in the same tab under OPFOR for example, but that's it, everything else just disappears! Can somebody please help me this has to be the most annoying problem I've run into so far. There doesn't seem to be an obvious fix for it!
  9. sprucewaine

    Rearming AI

    I can't figure out how to tell units to rearm when i'm in Zeus. How do you re arm units in high command and Zeus?
  10. Basically I like to use the editor and play as Zeus to set up scenarios on the fly. The issue is that whenever I stop controlling an AI unit (using the remote control function), the game freezes up for a minute or two before returning to the Zeus interface. Ive seen plenty of game footage where the transition is smooth and only takes a few seconds. I should also mention that going from Zeus to controlling an AI unit does not freeze the game and only takes a few seconds. Any help would be appreciated, I feel like half the time I spend playing is waiting for the game to un-freeze.
  11. Hello, I have seen on Google and Steam Workshop and I found something almost the same as my idea. But still not the same sadly. General info: First of all. I am not a script person so for this mission it will be impossible for me to complete it without help. (allot of help) This mission will mostly be working with script's and coding. For thows who knows how please help me/us. I can help by typing class names for all that gona be in play for this mission. This is not like Warfare or Warlord. Here the commanders must die to be victorius. Main Objective: Kill the (playable) Commander's and conquer sectors for ressources (cash). Do not die. How to play this mission: You start of as an commander for one of the sides. You will start with xxx cash (Starting founds) and will recieve xxx time cash for just staying alive. On the map there is sectors your mission is to capture sectors to get more time cash to purchase units. You will be in Zeus mode mostly of the time (reason for calling it RTS) Purchasing units and buildings. You will see that you only have xxx meters arround you were you can put down ure units and buildings. First thing you would like to do is to build a building that you can hide inside, so you are not in the opening. You will than have to purchase units to do your dirty work. You should start off by building Light vehicle HQ so you can purchase (empty)vehicle for your units. Ofcurse build a Barracks HQ to get more advanced units as-well. You will be able to see on map the enemy base is, they can see yours as-well. Once you get enugh foundings you should go to war!. Order the men to infiltrate the enemy base and find the bastard commander to kill him. When all enemy commanders are dead, you win. If you get killed and friendly commander still alive he can buy you a new life for xxx cash. But this mostly wont happen due to every commander are in their same base. (one base for Blufor, Opfor and Independent) Base area most likley 2-500m big. Template picture: https://prnt.sc/vbjuv4 - Yellow circle = Sectors - Blue Rectangle = Blufor Base - Red Rectangle = Opfor Base - Green Rectangle = Independent Base This Mission: I will need .sqf files but I do not know what kind. So What I need help with? - Cash system script //Were I can just type in class name for unit, vehicle etc... And xxx how much it will cost. - Cash engine //how to use the cash. Need building to get new units. If a commander dies than friendly commander can buy him a new life. - Build system //Start by only be able to buy Barracks HQ and Light Vehicle HQ. Than maybe an Arsenal so Zeus can research Heavy Vehicle HQ and Airfield HQ. Must have Arsenal to edit units (use arsenal on units) - Zeus Restriction's //So the Zeus cant deploy units outside Base, can only give orders outside. Zeus remote control can be acessed when buildt an Radio Tower (use arsenal to research it) Enemy units close in makes Zues unable to place units. - Blacklist for units etc. //Parrameter will be used here. Blacklist units for Faction selected on Parrameter. - Whitelist for units etc.// Parrameter will be used here. Whitelist more than one Faction for a side. - Default Faction on Parrameters // Nato, IAF and AAF. Have RHS mod? Can chose different factions. - Sector system // Make Sector a cash income and sector have guards. - Man pop limit // Make Zeus not able to spawn more than xxx total units, Vehicles and Buildings. All seperate and can edit total in parameters. (buildings have one total limit, Vehicle have one and Units.) - Heal system // In Base run Full heal script every xxx sek to heal etc units. Can use parameters to decide how long time. (This will be best if 1 minute are the mimium limit.) - Repair system // Build a Repair vehicle to start Repair script. Repairs all Vehicle and Structures after xxx sek. (Same as above minium limit 1 minute. Parameter option.) - AI Commanders // This is a LONG shoot. But when and if this is possible than I say thank you! But focus first on MP. - Every Start has same Base spot but Side's can randomly rotate on every new game. - to be cuntiniued... Mod compatible? Yes this mission should have Parrameters that makes you able to decide wich Faction Blufor, Opfor and Independent should be. (RHS mod for an example.) Weapons and items well Yes. There will be possible for some weapons. Depend if make unit's gear free or make some popular weapon mod like NIarms avaible. Work with WW2 mod? Lets just be able to finish Standard first before this point. Like this idea of mission? Now I do not know if this mission can even be built or if Server can handle it without lagg. But lets say it is possible to make this mission, than please leave a like and if you want to help me with this I will really apreciate it!!! I beleave this mission can make arma a new level of experiance. PS! Sorry for bad english! And PM me or add me on steam if interested. Regards!
  12. Hello everyone, Apologies if this has been asked already or if there is a super simple solution that I am just incapable of finding. I am writing with a question concerning the Zeus ability to hear voices of other players. As Zeus I am able to set radio frequency that the team is using and hear them talk, which is obviously fine. However, in order to hear them talk to each other via the normal local chat with the help of TFAR, I have to teleport near them as invisible. That is understandable, but is there any way for me to hear their local chat without the need to teleport right next to them? That is problematic since in the midst of action one does not always have time to teleport, and furthermore, as an HQ I often chat to team leaders on a long range radio which may then be heard by the players that I have teleported next to. I have noticed that Luetin does have this ability as seen in this video: but I never wrapped my head around how to make that work. That would be an immense help when Zeusing. Thanks for any help, Adam
  13. GDemestos

    Zeus editing

    Zeus Editing Hi, My names demestos, i like making missions and recently i've been given a question about restricting zeus's to certain factions and having said units in the factions cost. I unfortunately have no enditing experience with this request and have been puzzled to find out what to do. If anyone could help me make a template sort of thing where a CSAT officer has zeus, but once opened only has access to CSAT, CSAT Pacific forces, empty assets and modules and then having units in the tabs cost. Thank you in advance and i hope to hear from someone soon! 🙂
  14. There is a feature in Eden Editor where you can create a composition and save it as your own, rather its just objects or units themselves, even customize them and put them into their own category. But then has anyone ever thought about having those personally saved custom compositions be put into Zeus? Going into Zeus and spawning units you made with Arsenal Loadouts right away? It even has a perfect empty spot in the Zeus composition bar for such a feature! I wish there was some way into doing that but so far I'm having no luck. No modders that I know of has made anything similar and the potential for it can be amazing!
  15. okay, here is the problem, i have my own RP mission that was made for ravage with some mods in it: also running everything on dedicated server, here is my server: so the problem: after 1 hour and 6 minutes the zeus become almost broken, i can still place units and objects on map but modules dosen't work (like smoke and other) when i place them nothing happens, the icon stays on the map and that's it, only restart is helping... no RPT errors, only this one when i trying to place module 22:50:09 Cannot create object 10:313 with type[AIUnit], param[unit], NMT code[113] (not even sure if it zeus problem or note) server fps is staying on 46-50, client fps is 60+ i also tried to test the problem on vanilla map, still the same... can someone help or tell me how can i fix it? because i can't play without modules, maybe i can restart the zeus somehow? via script maybe? because i also have infistart on my server so i can run scripts via console. Maybe it's because ravage zombie module spawning a lot of zombies, i have some people who are playing on my server 6 right now and the zombie module is set to 20 zombies per player and the max amount of them is 10000 but they are despawning anyway when the player is away from the cites and other places so... not really sure. or maybe VANDEANSON APOCALYPSE is causing the problem because it's spawns a lot of assets... but i can't play without that mod because its bound with my mission, so the question is it possible to reset zeus without restarting the mission?
  16. Hello, does anyone know how to create the Zeus modules for the Zeus of Arma 3 Vanilla. I knwo how to create the modules for EDEN, but I don't see nothing for Zeus Modules https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Modules Thx.
  17. 5th Special Forces Group Semi Realism Unit 5th Special Forces Group AKA 5th SFG is a Milsim unit for Arma 3. Our unit is modeled after the real life counter part with certain adapted for gameplay. Ranking structure at 5th SFG is set up on a battalion level with attachments from 160th SOAR(A) and 75th FS. 5th SFG is composed of a group of like minded individuals with some that have served in the US Army and USAF. We try our best to emulate special forces operations with combined arms elements. Here at 5th SFG, we maintain a fun but professional attitude when it comes to unit events be it trainings or OPs. We are laidback and semi-realistic in terms of Arma 3 units. At 5th SFG, we practice radio etiquettes, squad tactics, room clearing, and many more. Our OPs are based on HVT eliminations/rescues, checkpoints, reconnaissance, asymmetric warfare, airborne and air assault operations, and many more. Our trainings are revolved around squad movements/tactics as well as procedures for air transportation, and CAS strikes. 5th SFG is supported by 160th SOAR(A) and 75th Fighter Squadron elements to provide transportation and CAS. Training Times: Fridays, weekly at 2200 Eastern Time Operation Times: Mondays and Saturdays, weekly at 2200 Eastern Time Discord: https://discord.gg/kkWRxH9 TeamSpeak: Signed, MAJ E. Huang
  18. Hi Everyone, I'm looking for some help regarding a zeus module that I am creating. To give some background, the module (when placed) should prompt the user to use sliders to configure a radius and number of AI with which to garrison buildings within said defined radius. I think I'm running into an issue with execution locality, as this works perfectly in the editor. Expected behavior: User selects the module in zeus and places it somewhere on the map Dialog box appears to ask them to configure radius and number of AI User hits OK and it calls another function to start placing AI relative to the module location In singleplayer this works as above (I imagine this is due to the server and client both being local) In multiplayer, the function to create the dialog is executed on the server (evidenced by debug output to the console), but a dialog does not appear for Zeus My module is defined as follows: class xeen_module_base: Module_F { icon = "\xeen_modules\insignia.paa"; category = "xeen_modules"; isGlobal = 0; isTriggerActivated = 1; isDisposable = 1; is3DEN = 0; curatorCanAttach = 1; scope = 1; scopeCurator = 1; }; class xeen_moduleGarrison: xeen_module_base { displayName = "Garrison Area"; function = "xeen_fnc_garrisonModuleDialog"; functionPriority = 10; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; class Attributes: AttributesBase { class GarrisonSpread: Edit { property = "xeen_moduleGarrison_GarrisonSpread"; displayName = "Unit Spread (m)"; tooltip = "The distance of buildings to be garrisoned"; typeName = "NUMBER"; defaultValue = "50"; }; class MaxPerBuilding: Edit { property = "xeen_moduleGarrison_MaxPerBuilding"; displayName = "Max units per building"; tooltip = "Max units per building"; typeName = "NUMBER"; defaultValue = "5"; }; //class ModuleDescription: ModuleDescription{}; // Module description should be shown last }; #include "description.hpp" }; and it calls the following function: /* * Author: Xeenenta * Opens the dialog menu for the garrison module * * Arguments: * 0: Logic <LOGIC> * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [_logic] call xeen_garrison_fnc_garrisonModuleDialog * * Public: No */ // Parameters params ["_logic"]; _logicLocation = getPos _logic; diag_log format ["Spawning display with logic %1", _logicLocation]; // Create display createDialog "garrisonModuleDialog"; _display = findDisplay 99; // Set Variable _display setVariable ["_logicLocation", _logicLocation]; diag_log "Finished spawning display"; and my dialog is defined here: class garrisonModuleDialog { idd = 99; access = 0; movingEnable = false; enableSimulation = false; class ControlsBackground { class IGUIBack_2200: IGUIBack { idc = 2200; x = 0; y = 0.4; w = 1; h = 0.6; }; class RscStructuredText_1100: RscStructuredText { idc = 1100; text = "AI per building:"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 0.025; y = 0.68; w = 0.17; h = 0.05; }; class RscStructuredText_1101: RscStructuredText { idc = 1101; text = "Garrison Radius:"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 0.025; y = 0.44; w = 0.17; h = 0.05; }; class RscStructuredText_1102: RscStructuredText { idc = 1102; text = "0"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 0.1625; y = 0.68; w = 0.06; h = 0.05; }; class RscStructuredText_1103: RscStructuredText { idc = 1103; text = "0m"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 0.2; y = 0.44; w = 0.06; h = 0.05; }; }; class Controls { class RscButtonMenuOK_2600: RscButtonMenuOK { idc = 1234; x = 0.875; y = 0.88; w = 0.1; h = 0.1; onButtonClick = "[(findDisplay 99) getVariable ['_logicLocation', objNull], sliderPosition 1901, sliderPosition 1900] call xeen_fnc_garrisonModuleInit; (findDisplay 99) closeDisplay 1;" }; class RscButtonMenuCancel_2700: RscButtonMenuCancel { x = 0.75; y = 0.88; w = 0.1; h = 0.1; }; class RscSlider_1900: RscSlider { idc = 1900; x = 0.025; y = 0.74; w = 0.95; h = 0.1; type = 43; arrowEmpty = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\slider\arrowEmpty_ca.paa"; arrowFull = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\slider\arrowFull_ca.paa"; border = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\slider\border_ca.paa"; thumb = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\slider\thumb_ca.paa"; color[] = {1,1,1,0.5}; coloractive[] = {1,1,1,1}; sliderPosition = 0; sliderRange[] = {0,10}; sliderStep = 1; lineSize = 1; onSliderPosChanged="((findDisplay 99) displayCtrl 1102) ctrlSetStructuredText parseText str(sliderPosition 1900)" }; class RscSlider_1901: RscSlider { idc = 1901; x = 0.025; y = 0.5; w = 0.95; h = 0.1; type = 43; arrowEmpty = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\slider\arrowEmpty_ca.paa"; arrowFull = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\slider\arrowFull_ca.paa"; border = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\slider\border_ca.paa"; thumb = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\slider\thumb_ca.paa"; color[] = {1,1,1,0.5}; coloractive[] = {1,1,1,1}; sliderPosition = 5; sliderRange[] = {0,100}; sliderStep = 10; lineSize = 1; onSliderPosChanged="((findDisplay 99) displayCtrl 1103) ctrlSetStructuredText parseText str(sliderPosition 1901)" }; }; class Objects { }; }; Any thoughts? Full source code can be found at: https://github.com/Xeenenta/xeenenta-enhanced-battlefield if anyone wanted to go digging around.
  19. Hello there Arma community (and developers)! Is there any way to assign costs directly to groups (of units) such as OIA_InfSquad and so on? Well heh, actually I know that it is possible: you just declare the costs of individual classes in the cost table and then call it with bis_fnc_curatorObjectRegisteredTable; That does work so long that when I place a vanilla infantry squad for example the CSAT one, the individual costs I've set will get summed up and then subtracted from the total amount of available Curator (Zeus) points. Why is it then that when I declare individual class costs for a game modification such as Iron Front lite placing individual soldiers works as intended (the set points get subtracted) but when placing a group that consists of those same individual soldiers no curator points get subracted Shouldn't the game handle modifications the same way as it does with vanilla game's groups? That is, when placing a group of units -> sum up all the individual costs and then subtract the total amount. So what gives? Might this be an issue with the base game or the modification I'm using.. or maybe I should declare some additional stuff somewhere that I just currently don't know what to declare and where. I even tried to declare cost (0.9) for LIB_GER_infantry_squad in the very same list where I have set costs for the individual soldiers but that didn't help much. By using the module Set Costs - Soldiers & Vehicles it is possible to circumvent the behavior I'm struggling with here. In that module there's an empty field Men where you can set a cost for every class type "Man". By setting a cost (eg. 0.5) in that field every class type "Man" gets the same cost and then the cost for placing a group from game modifications (such as Iron Front in this case) will be subtracted from the available Curator points. But if I set the cost like that I lose all the control over setting individual costs for every single soldier and then every grunt, marksman, officer and so on will cost the same amount to place and that's a thing I'd like to avert as much as possible.
  20. When I place a unit in the Eden Editor and then switch to zeus (by placing the game master thingy) the Units don't show up on my screen and I cant intercat with them. Does anyone have a fix?
  21. Hello dear members of the Arma 3 community. Will it be possible to make a script that I can add to my mission that automatically downloads a Zeus lightning bolt over the head of anyone who kills a civilian? Do any of you have the knowledge to do it? I want to ask you for this favor because I am tired that every time I do missions with my friends there are always a couple of them who kill 5 or 6 civilians for shooting everything that moves. Their excuse is that civilians cross the line of fire... but no one else does the same.
  22. Welcome to 75th Ranger Regiment Here at the Arma III Unit, we are all about immersive gameplay, our well-crafted characters, immaculate design, and immersive operations designed by level designers. Our unit hosts deployment operations on our private servers using; terrain, weapon, radio and, vehicle modifications that are available below. Our structure, ranks, billets, assets and, atmosphere are closely related to the U.S. Army. Other aspects are our own adaptations such as; awards and accommodations, promotion policy, training and weapon qualifications that have been adjusted to suit our needs. If you enjoy teamwork, leadership, cohesion, realism and are always seeking to improve and better yourself, then this unit is for you. Our Play Style Our unit hosts campaigns that take place during the present day with realistic scenarios and storylines. 75th Ranger Regiment conducts direct action raids in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments. Operations are dynamic and can vary from high-value targets missions, small-scale raids, sabotage and or, hostage rescues. Every operation small or big will have adventure and exploration no operation will be alike. Joining the Unit New recruits coming into the 1st Battalion, 2nd Battalion or 3rd Battalion of the 75th Ranger Regiment go through our version of Basic Combat Training (BCT) and then RASP (Ranger Assessment and Selection Program). From there they are placed into an open billet of their top choice if available. Members who select Combat Medical Specialist, Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician or Close Air Support Pilot will need additional training. If you are interested in joining the 75th ranger regiment head over to our discord discord.gg/Ce44xBV and speak to a recruiter marked in red.
  23. Description LRG Fundamentals is a complete mission makers tool, used to create complex missions with ease. Using the huge Library of functions, settings and modules you can create almost any type of mission. LRG Fundamentals is designed to be entirely modular, meaning you can use as much or as little as you want. By default, the master switches are set to off so only what you want to use will be used. See the Key features below for further details. LRG Fundamentals has been used by the LRG in one form or another for nearly 3 years. At the turn of 2019 we decided to publish our work and make all our files open source. That means your free to download, edit, change and create your own work, based on what's we've already made. Download Links Version 1.6.4 Released 02/04/20 Key Features AI Spawn LRG Main LRG Channels LRG QS Icons LRG Weather Player Attributes Safe Zones Vehicle Loadouts Equipment Loadouts Vehicle Servicing Medical Facilities Zeus Configuration Functions Library Third party Features More information on available functions and features as well as our functions library, our Wiki is available here. How do I get in touch? If you want to find out more about LRG Fundamentals or about the community itself, the best way to get in touch is to join our Discord Server. Issues/Suggestions/Faction Requests If you come across any issues, have an idea for an improvement or simply want another faction added to the AI Spawn module, please submit your request here. Latest Changes v1.6.4 IMPORTANT CHANGE: We've updated the spawn AI modules in Zeus to use Zeus Enhanced (ZEN) instead of Achilles. This is due to the discontinued support of Achilles announced on their Steam page. Unfortunately this won't be backwards compatible as the work required to maintain 2 separate systems wasn't deemed appropriate due to the work this would require. Any further Zeus Modules we add will likely require this mod so if you wish to use these, please download the mod linked above! As before, this is optional, if you don't use Zeus Enhanced, the modules won't appear in Zeus but the rest of the mod will function as before. AI Change - Zeus Modules now use Zeus Enhanced (ZEN) instead of Achilles Tweak - Garrison Radius Default set to 100m Added - Sniper Team Min & Sniper Team Max Options to Spawn AI Modules Medical Tweaked - MedicalFacility set to global to be more reliable in MP FOBs Added - Ability to respawn on deployed FOBs Weather Fixed - Real Weather Change Times
  24. I've created a mission with a lot of mines for my guys to deal with, only issue is i cant interact with any mine and some objects after i placed it in Eden editor when im in Zeus. I made the basic framework in eden just to worry about troops during the mission. I added the following to the game logic for both of the Zeus's to see all AI's and objects thinking it would cover it. All AI's show up under Zeus and empty cars but no objects. I did some digging through the discussions already but i didn't find anything mentioned like the problem im having. I also have achilles downloaded and when i add the "see all" module when in zeus mode, no new objects shows up for me to control. if (isServer) then { [] spawn { while {true} do { { _x addCuratorEditableObjects [allUnits, true]; _x addCuratorEditableObjects [vehicles, true]; sleep 60; } forEach allCurators; }; }; }; Thoughts?
  25. I want to change the RPM for some weapon for a better shooting effect in my Arma 3 Zeus mission. The only way I have is to use Wemod and there's a function called super fire rate which works well for every weapon which I currently use. Is there any function that can be applied directly to all the weapons which can change the weapon rpm through the value modification?