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Found 39 results

  1. In Arma Reforger, rebuilding loadouts can be a tedious process, especially when server wipes or mod mismatches force players to start from scratch. This issue highlights a significant gap in the current system, and I believe it’s an opportunity for Bohemia Interactive to introduce a more robust loadout management system in Arma 4. Here are some key improvements I’d like to see: 1. Local Loadout Saves Loadouts should be saved directly to a player’s machine. This would: Prevent loss due to server wipes. Enable players to save an unlimited number of loadouts instead of being restricted to the current 5-slot limit (e.g., in the Bacon Editor). 2. Cross-Server Portability Players should be able to attempt loading their saved loadouts on any server. Even if some items are unsupported due to mod differences, the system could load the valid parts and notify users about skipped items. This incremental loading would reduce the time spent rebuilding kits from scratch. 3. Incremental Loading of Items One of the biggest frustrations in Arma Reforger is that a single invalid item can prevent an entire loadout from being loaded. A smarter system could: Validate items individually during the loading process. Load valid items while logging or alerting users about any issues with unsupported ones. By addressing these challenges, Arma 4 could significantly enhance the player experience. Local saves, incremental loading, and cross-server portability would empower players to focus on gameplay rather than repeatedly rebuilding their configurations. Do you agree that these changes are necessary? How would you approach loadout management in Arma 4?
  2. Hey guys, i want to start a Everon Life Server, but here is my Problem. When I tried to join the server, everything looked normal, but then my game crashed with the following error code: Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff796427765 at 0x18c97114066 Friends of mine tried to join the server as well, but to no avail. They received the same error code as me. Can anyone explain to me why this error occurs and how to fix it? Thank you in advance
  3. Hi, first of all: merry christmas to all of you! Finally having TrackIR back in Reforger is a very good thing. But I have a question and I am wondering if I am the only one who is affected. When I am prone I can not use the sight / scope of a weapon any more. It looks as if the weapon is e.g. aiming a little bit to the left and therefore I can not look through the scope / sight. Even if I re-center the TrackIR. Does anyone else have the same issue? Best regards, Space
  4. New to Arma, however play lots of dayz. Is there a way to change how responsive the triggers are? It requires a full press and sometimes is delayed as well. Any help appreciated, even if it's just to tell me it's a learning curve. Many thanks.
  5. This has been the most mind numbing frustration process to attempt to fix this. I can play with friends crossplay on normal servers however when I want to play on modded servers with pc friends I am unable. I log in to the server, join a team then after about 10 seconds I am kicked. This error only happens on Arma Reforger, any other game utilizing Battleye works. Session Error BattleEye has encountered an error. Kick cause code: group=3 "BATTLEYE". reason =1 'CLIENT_NOT-RESPONDING" Check console log for more details I have tried, 1 reinstalling game 2 reinstalling Battleye 3. verifying files via steam 4. Updated router/modem 5. granted admin access to battleye and arma 6. manually started reforger through folder along with manually starting battleye 7. opened firewall 8. granted firewall access 9. disabled mods before joining 10. reinstalled mods 11. Reinstalled EVERYTHING on PC from a boot drive Crash Log: ------------------------------------ 08.12 2024 01:24:19 Virtual Machine Exception Reason: NULL pointer to instance Class: 'SCR_CampaignMobileAssemblyStandaloneComponent' Function: 'UpdateRespawnCooldown' Stack trace: scripts/Game/Campaign/SCR_CampaignMobileAssemblyStandaloneComponent.c:307 Function UpdateRespawnCooldown scripts/Game/game.c:927 Function OnUpdate Runtime mode
  6. Hello there! I've recently set up a dedicated server to play Reforger with my group in a private setting. The server runs and seemingly operates as it should, (no unusual errors in server logs) and everyone can connect and play on the server without issues, except for myself. When I set "gameHostRegisterBindAddress" to my public IP, it prevents me from not only connecting to my server, but seeing any other Reforger servers available in the server browser. Leaving this form blank, (defaulting to allows me to connect and play no issues, but for everyone else trying to connect, the server displays a ping of 999+ and rejects their connections. I wouldn't consider myself an expert of hosting/managing servers, especially dedicated ones like this, but am I missing something to enable connections both locally and externally, or is this just not possible with Reforger's current state? If anyone has any recommendations, I would be grateful for any and all of them! If I can provide any additional information which could help solve my issue, I would be happy to provide it! Reforger is a fantastic platform so far and I'm just really excited to play the next generation of Arma as soon as possible :P
  7. Hey guys I'm recently seeing a lot of chatter about the ps5 version of Arma reforger. Im just wondering if theres been any word from the devs or insider on a predicted release date. Also hopefully sony decide to allow mods as it would be an awful shame otherwise. Maybe it'll be ok since reforger has an in-game mod downloader like a few other games on the platform.
  8. This has been the most mind numbing frustration process to attempt to fix this. I can play with friends crossplay on normal servers however when I want to play on modded servers with pc friends I am unable. I log in to the server, join a team then after about 10 seconds I am kicked Session Error BattleEye has encountered an error. Kick cause code: group=3 "BATTLEYE". reason =1 'CLIENT_NOT-RESPONDING" Check console log for more details I have tried, 1 reinstalling game 2 reinstalling Battleye 3. verifying files via steam 4. Updated router/modem 5. granted armin ascess to battleye and arma 6. manually started reforger through folder 7. opened firewall 8. granted firewall access 9. disabled mods before joining 10. reinstalled mods 11. reset computers date and time 12. went into systems and changed battleye to automatic, started it and then applied. Please help. My sanity depends on me trying to fix this.
  9. So this is happening everytime i finish a game of arma reforger, I close the game all goes smoothly, but after 5/10 minutes the PC video freeze but the audio still continue for a few second before stopping and earing the unplug windows sound
  10. so i watched the dev-video „How to Create a Scenario in Game Master for Arma Reforger“. i builded one myself; i can save it; and i can load it again in my offline gamemaster. but i can‘t load it to the gamemaster-mode of my nitrado server. the mission appears in the loading screen, but it does not load it (it doesn‘t stop loading…) i tried without any mods, so thats not the problem. i tried the same directly on the server (with the ‚game master enhanced‘-mod, so i could save the scenario) - same error. i‘ve read in the comments of the video that other people have the same issue. are we doing something wrong or isn‘t this working yet? thanks
  11. Considering only the World Editor tool, how can I prevent the respawn when one or more players are KIA in a custom mission? Desired: if the player spawns on the mission but during the match they are killed, they must be unable to respawn. Nowadays, my mission game mode and respawn settings are: Still in GameModeSF properties, I DO NEED to keep using the SCR_MenuSpawnLogic to have the briefing and menu deployment available. If I unselect the "Enable Respawn", the player CANNOT even spawn in the mission.
  12. I am the only disturbed by the camera when holding a gun in reforger compared to other fps like arma 3? The hands and gun feels very small. Obviously this depends of the the fov but I tried different configurations and it always feels kinda weird. Also will we have gloves? .
  13. Ive been playing Reforger with out any major issue for around a year, and today when i started playing my game would stutter after about 5-10min then freeze completely then after another minute or so my RAM usage would skyrocket until i closed the application from task manager. After closing I verified files then re-loaded the game and i would get the same results but even sooner. I also uninstalled the game restarted my pc then fresh install and go the same results. Havent changed any of my settings my PC specs are Ryzen 5 2600x, GeForce 2070, 32GBDDR 4 RAM and ROG strix x470-f gaming mother board. Should also be noted steam and Reforger are both installed on an SSD. Any help would be great thank you. FIXED: I uninstalled Steam from my PC and reinstalled it and it seems to have resolved my issue
  14. All of my arma reforger settings are bugged besides my graphics settings. for example all 3 field of view sliders in game are capped at 50%, my aim down sight focus intensity and my all my sensitivity settings go up to 5000% (all these settings should cap at 100%) on top of that the settings don't save they simply revert back when i close out. my knowledge with pcs is not too strong so im not sure how to diagnose this. if more info is needed I can go more in depth about what ive been experiencing through out this via screenshots, etc. Anyone who is familiar with this or can help fix. PLEASE REACH OUT!!!!
  15. Hi, I'd like to be able to install more mods on arma Reforger. Unfortunately the mods are installed on my SSD (C:) where I've run out of space, and I'd like to be able to install the mods on my other disk. As arma 3 worked with the workshop, I had no problem, but now I can't find a way to change the directory.
  16. I know we’ve all been asking this question but when will we be allowed to get mods for things like halo and Star Wars. I’ve heard that there’s been some kinda copyright issue with some of the mods before. but I don’t see what’s the issue if Arma 3 has it then why not reforger, and I just want a official reason why from the team that looks through the mods because I feel like it’s unfair to the modder and community that we wait and work only to be denied.
  17. I cannot find anything on here and its not listed as a 'Game' either. Is there a dedicated forum on here? thanks
  18. In a game based on the use of the compass and the map for orientation, it could be interesting to have a survey map. Of course, it would be a useful asset to orient himself and organize the actions of his camp. The Everon map created by the "topography" code from Operation Flashpoint Arma:ColdWar Assault is completely useless. It is always possible to make your own map from assembled screenshots, that's what I did! It's useful, but it's of poor quality.😕 This is why, in any case, I think that distributing a map in the form of a .pdf file would be a minimum, a printed map would be perfect.
  19. Please please please bohemia you need to sort out being able to ban xbox players. It is sullying the experience for many people. Allowing the, although few, players who keep on trolling by Shooting out tires on supply trucks/destroying vehicles at spawn hindering match progress, and now, with free building, using up supply's at the start of the match too stop progress. Also using grenades to TK at spawn and then themselves respawning to avoid negative ranking to avoid a temp ban. Spamming proximity and radio with nonsense and racist comments, spaming text chat with racist comments. Please do something or at least update us on some progress to fix this issue. You will lose players otherwise and with the limited amount of people playing I don't think you can afford to lose many. Today I hopped on, as soon as I joined I noticed a players name and knew the match and matches thereafter would be filled with trolling and greifing. I knew that once that player would be temp banned eventually he would just return with on of his many alt accounts, of which I have captured video evidence of from a previous match. The guy then when on an alt and did the same stuff to the opposing side. The same game there were at least three people actively tolling and greifing make gameplay pretty much impossible. Fix it it.
  20. Nillers

    Community Radars

    We're happy to present the Arma Reforger Community Radar - also known as COMRAD - a source for highlighted, creative activities from across the community. Check here monthly to see some incredible community content!
  21. R3C4LL 4 L1F3

    Mandatory Tutorial

    People have been rightfully upset with the Xbox community and their inability to play the game the way it was traditionally played. Xbox players lack any will to drive and utilize logistics in the game. They have little to no capacity to identify their targets or their range and often start friendly fire between groups before ever reaching their objectives. They use many weapons and pieces of equipment in improper or the most basic of ways. Ex radios (ch.48 is basically one big Xbox party), and little to nobody on console knows how to properly use the binoculars to determine range from a target. And above all they see no reason to coordinate under any form of leadership because everyone thinks their Rambo and to smart to follow anyone else’s plan. I say all these things as a Xbox player myself, and someone who has meet many other console players who feel the same way. 2nd rangers for one is comprised of plenty of console players who attempt to play the game the way it is traditionally played and utilize all reforger has to offer, so I know for a fact the console community is more than capable, and has more than enough people who want to play the game properly. They really just don’t know how and are generalized w the casuals who constantly spawn vehicles and drive off alone, team kill, grief official servers, talk in Xbox partys instead of prox/radio’s, and waste supplies. Reforgers playerbase at the moment is majority console and that’s because the majority want to play proper but don’t know how. I have a solution I have mentioned once before but have now put a little more thought into it and wanted to share it for feedback and see if anyone agree’s. To help mitigate both the issues of A. Console players having such a intense learning curve in play styles, and B. Deter highly casual player’s (likely to grief and uninstall) from playing multiplayer. Everyone should be forced to play a “mini campaign” being really a fleshed out and theatrical tutorial before being allowed into official servers, and community servers should have a option to make this tutorial mandatory for their server to. It shouldn’t be more than 2 hours long and player should still be able to play on private servers if allowed. I have outlined below what information I have found important to helping players understand the game and how it is played. 1.Identifying targets 2.Zeroing distance + training on finding distance w binoculars and rifle scopes respectively 3.Radio channels/ distance or strength. Ex (teach players to switch their radios to the frequency listed above the point they are assaulting on the map to coordinate with other players. Also emphasize the difference in signal strength between hand held radios and backpacks.) 4.Land nav w compass. Could also teach it’s a good rule of thumb that passengers should Navigate for drivers. 5.Weapons tutorial on proper uses of respective loadout. Ex (AT, lmg, sniper, squad lead, radio man). 6.Firing tutorial. Teach players to shoot from cover and never in the open or on the move. Players also need to be aware that their stance affects their weapon sway, and that firing in small bursts can help mitigate it, as well as recoil. 7.Inventory management, many Xbox players are likely used to only ever considering weight or size not both, and never thought to consider them factors on stamina and weapon sway. Ex ( weight + size affects storage, as well as stamina, stamina effects weapon sway. IE players need to be taught, to be an effective marksman, you need to manage your weight and not fill your inventory full of junk.) 8.Radio procedure, such as things you should communicate to other squads depending on radio range. Ex (enemy positions/ direction they are going and coming from, friendly troop movements to mitigate the chances of friendly fire, land mine positions, requesting supplies / ammunition from the proper channels) 9.Proper explanation of medical system (however rudimentary it currently is). Teach how blood is considered your max life, and that bandaging simply only stops your blood loss and does not reset your maximum life. 10.Teach usefulness of pulling security and establishing proper defensive positions at captured points. This could help promote players to defend bases until being picked up for transport, instead of each player individually spawning and getting their own vehicle for 100 supplies. 11.Advanced movements tutorial. Ex (teaching how to switch to “high ready”, “low ready”, “lower weapon” and “unequip weapon” explain why each one would be used and when each of these should be used. Teach players the how to utilize adjustable stance combined with free look to gain advantages in position + vision.
  22. Hello all! Does anyone know if its possible to import old maps from arma3, specifically Malden 2035 to Reforger? Id love to see a new official malden map added but in the meantime do you think it's possible somehow? If so, how? OR has someone done it already?
  23. Hey, here's a tutorial covering; - setup of animation files - setup of blender plugin - overview of provided skeleton - importing sample animation into Reforger - adjusting sample animation to custom model Hope it helps someone, sorry for my accent and spelling errors. Its my first video ever xd Hint: I know video is long, but I added chapters if there are things you are not interested in. Make sure to use blendfile from description https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bmd-coajXm4&ab_channel=czesiek77PL
  24. I have reinstalled the game, cleared addons folder and am out of ideas. Not a lot of info out there to assist and id be less annoyed if the game was free and/or I was new to bohemia games. Neither is the case. Copy pasta of all logs below: Log C:\Users\The Overseer\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile\console.log started at 2023-03-03 09:00:42 (2023-03-03 17:00:42 UTC) 09:00:42:864 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding relative directory 'C:\Users\The Overseer\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile' to filesystem under name profile 09:00:42:865 ENGINE : Initializing engine. 09:00:42:866 ENGINE (E): Addon '58D0FB3206B6F859' not found 09:00:44:814 ENGINE (E): Cannot initialize game project settings! 09:00:44:814 ENGINE (E): Unable to initialize Enfusion 09:03:03:885 ENGINE : Game destroyed. Any help would be appreciated. I'll share my 5 gum with you
  25. I have encountered this bug multiple times hosting multiplayer conflict games. After a few hours online suddenly all the remaining enemy AI disappears completely from the map. All remaining bases, checkpoints and supply depots end up deserted. This happened with conflict on Everon and Arland, and has occurred on two separate host machines. Friendly AI is unaffected. Anyone else seen this?