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  1. I really think there should be a system in place that doesn't allow you to spawn at the same place twice if the base in question is directly touching (in radio range) an enemy base. For example, if you're playing on Everon and your team holds Montignac, you shouldn't be able to spawn there a second time if the enemy holds Figari. This would force teams to better utilize MCUs and value their life more. Currently if a base is under attack, you're given a timer but that only applies if the enemy is within the cap zone. Also, this would help the attacking side not have to use human wave tactics to cap a single point. Its really not fun having to fight a force thats able to spawn there. also, they need to make it to where you have to be within arms reach of a door to open it. Im sick of people opening doors from 6ft away and being completely safe from gunfire.
  2. Myself, along with a few others have been trying to figure out the best way to increase the amount of factions in the Campaign game mode, instead of it being limited (such as in the image below), to the typical BLUFOR, OPFOR and INDFOR factions. As seen here, there is only a maximum of three units, BLUFOR, OPFOR and then the last being INDFOR, which is mainly used for AI. Now, we done some investigating, trying to figure out ways around this, one idea we had was to simply duplicate all of the scripts used to make the Campaign function, but this would involve amending many files and adjusting class names. Another workaround we had was to just create a new Scenario using the ScenarioFramework but how hard would it be to build up a lot of the functionality found in Campaign into another scenario. We done some more digging on the script side of the Campaign and discovered we could just use the modded keyword (as seen below) but we ran into many issues, furthermore, it becomes difficult having to do this for so many files whilst making sure that everything is working together correctly. modded class SCR_GameModeCampaign : SCR_BaseGameMode { [Attribute("Insert value 1", category: "Campaign")] protected FactionKey m_sEXTRA1FactionKey; [Attribute("Insert value 2", category: "Campaign")] protected FactionKey m_sEXTRA2FactionKey; [Attribute("Insert value 3", category: "Campaign")] protected FactionKey m_sEXTRA3FactionKey; } We're really just looking for some guidance on this for someone who is experienced within this area of the game. If other details are needed, I will respond ASAP.
  3. Please allow for more night time battles on the official conflict servers. By that I mean slower time acceleration and more mission starts that are time around dusk or deep in the night. Because Night time offers the tactical choice of keeping your flashlights off or to use tracers to show your friends what you shoot at (with the trade off of the enemy seeing it too) It adds to the gameplay of coordination and teamplay because of the extra effort needed to coordinate among the more disorienting things I would like also like to sugges to NOT make night vision a part of conflict mode, because once they are added to the game it will be like all previous arma games: no one will have a night battle anymore, it will all just be green, and that would then give the developers an incentive to not work on night time graphics or night time gameplay anymore. Also no one would use flares, and no one will even dare go out of base unless they equipped night vision goggles. Reforger is basically the first fps game where dark nights are a solid part of the game and not just a backdrop for a "zero dark thirty" fantasy.
  4. Ankara3105


    We serious need a rework in the respawn system of the antennas. Its insane how 5 seconds after you kill a enemy while raiding a enemy base, he spawns again behind you, the same person you just killed and kill you. Theres no how you cap any major enemy base with less than 4 people playing together, i really apreciate teamwork but not every match we jump in aways has communicative teammates that are necessary to cap the bases.
  5. We have a free building system in the game where we are able to build up checkpoints and place some assets and compositions down. I was thinking why not add more assets? The options we have right now are relatively limited anyways. I have been asking for this a while a now through the feed back option from the menu in the game already. I think we need to be able to place more objects into the game, and with the final strike update introducing mortars in reforger we need a place to put them in, Maybe something like a mortar pit that is dug down a little bit beneath the top layer of the map? Amongst that, I say more importantly we need plain old trenches! Think of all the ways a trench / trenches, can improve the somewhat stagnant; repetitive gameplay of your average conflict match. I’ll give some examples… •Adding cover to open areas •Higher chance of survivability •Greater defensive success with or without trench having ability to add machine gun turrets from it • Discreetness •Pure awesomeness Defending in my opinion is almost non existent when a large hostile force comes to steam role you and your 4 man squad at Simons wood where you have next to no cover most times except for the little plot of trees behind you or the house to the north of the point. This can be a common issue with other objectives as well. With the trench system you can strategically place defensive trenches either close to your base or a few hounded meters away and open fire from that position at the dirty dogs trying to over take your point you just fully supplied. (This would be a bonus if you could add spawns points only on trench’s within range of base.) Lets talk about the potential accessories you could pimp your trench out with. •Overhead camouflage netting for when the helicopters FINALLY arrive LOL •Machine gun post •Sand bags •Barbed wire •Munitions boxes for regular small arms ammunition, explosives and even light artillery rounds for the mortar. •Lanterns •Radios How you would build the trench is simple. the mechanic is in the game currently when using the supply truck. All you need to do is drive to where ever you want to set up and start building once of course you have acquired the supplies needed. the basic trench is cheap enough but will still leave a dent from your 1000 supplies. The basic trench would consist of a wood reinforced pit with no added accessories. 300 Supplies. Added over head netting would cost 400. want a turreted machine gun in there? 650 what about the machine gun, netting, sand bags barbed wire and munitions box with spawn point? 1000 some might say that cost too much, I think it does to an extent , but it will keep people from building them literally every where. One idea I had with this free build trench system was when building; you get to choose the length and depth of your choice within certain limitations. Obviously you can’t make a 20ft deep trench. As you expand the trench length wise it will of course cost more supplies. Anyways this was my idea. I really hope the arma devs would implement this one day. I hope you guys share my interest and would raise attention to this much needed feature! Arma 4 will need this. does anyone know if the devs even read these or anyone whose involved with arma reforger? please please please spread the idea around and make this stick out like a sore thumb 👍🏻
  6. I have encountered this bug multiple times hosting multiplayer conflict games. After a few hours online suddenly all the remaining enemy AI disappears completely from the map. All remaining bases, checkpoints and supply depots end up deserted. This happened with conflict on Everon and Arland, and has occurred on two separate host machines. Friendly AI is unaffected. Anyone else seen this?
  7. Hello Every One Today I present two Projects And I Need Help With one of them. MASTER EFFECT FOR 64-Bit: Since Arma has been Updated To 64 Bit Executable Most of the Presets were outdate with only remaining were Real light etc I present to you Master Effect Reborn For Arma 3 64bit exe It includes and excludes from many other presets old and new It has a small amount of DOF too but not too much that it is difficult to see. Better Color saturation actually Colorfulness is more or less like Real Light V7 but not that bright which makes Rocks Glow. For this Master Effect I will provide you the settings you will need to achieve the beauty. Here some Screen Shots I know they don't look First class but Effects are great compared to vanilla game as Images were not able to capture light DoF. See The whole Gallery. HISTORICALLY INACCURATE CONFLICTS: HIC(Or HIA/Historically inaccurate armies) is More or less Adding new Factions To Arma 3 HIC takes Resources from Several Other mods such as NI Arms for Weapons and Multi National Pack/FoxFort for Uniforms these mods are Required As a dependency. Again A picture is Worth a thousand words Some of The Armies are Down to the core Realistic like Iranian Armed Forces and Some are Historically Inaccurate as The 33 States US army( Modern American Civil War is a possibility) Right Now My focus is only on Infantry as I don't know anything about Modding If we can Make a small Team containing Texture Editors, Coders and Mission Makers I can release a road map for the Future. DOWNLOAD US FORCES: DOWNLOAD N.R.A: DOWNLOAD Iranian Armed Forces (Basij only) Here are some screenshots. An Iranian Team Leader (Basij) calling Artillery Fire on Enemy Positions. An Iranian Rifleman G3 (Basij) Shooting at Fascists Armed Group (NRA - Historically existed but timeline is inaccurate) An Iranian Machine Gunner Firing at 33 States US soldiers In the 1st Floor. 33 states US soldiers Assaulting Rebel Check point. 33 US soldiers Guiding Pilots. NRA Fascists Planning an Attack on 33 US FOB