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Found 13 results

  1. The 104thEC or Eclipse Company, 104th. Pride ourselves on being a growing community of mil-sim and star wars enjoyers. We currently do a weekly Main Operation on Saturday at 4:00pm EST, and also do fun ops throughout the week, usually before the main op. We offer multiple billets/roles for example, we have a ARF detachment ,a large variety of Infantry Roles, a Armored detachment, and Aviation. We are in an alliance with other units so we do joint ops and other types of ops with our sister units. Here in the 104th we also have our very own studio department, this includes our own custom helmets, textures, armor, vehicles, and many more! We welcome any and all persons inquiring about joining the unit, our trainings and recruitment process are informative and do not take more then 30-45 minutes. https://discord.gg/MEw2qSGc https://www.tiktok.com/@104thec?lang=en https://www.reddit.com/user/104thEclipseCompany/
  2. SLS Modpack We have a brand new server currently open to the public! On a normal day we run the KPliberation mode, but we often make events for anyone to attend! These events can range from a milsim type operation to something a little more fun like a STALKER theme. (Definitely planned and in the works now by me.) If you wish to attend these events, simply join our discord server and we will soon have an event signup channel. Currently we only have Altis, but don't fret, we are working CUP maps into our rotation! This will take time and we will slowly be rolling them in one at a time as we are only two people. We use ACRE2 so please connect to our teamspeak server upon joining, the server rules are posted on the discord, so please give those a read! We don't mind if you join just to read those and leave afterwards. Teamspeak:
  3. Miss Chernarus, Takistan and the great conventional vehicles, weapons and aircraft from Arma 2, before all the new futuristic shit ruined the game? If you crave those days, you need CUP. CUP mods are being added once again to our servers, and I suggest you get the latest versions of the mod files . Patrol Ops 3.1 mission by roy86 ported to Chernarus and takistan (By Winfield and Dropbear) will soon be running on my servers. You will need the entire CUP project mods to join. By Sunday 02\04\17 AEST, Weapons, vehicles and units will be added by both Dropbear and myself to the task line up (as practice for the soon to be released Patrol Ops 4). **Public dropbox links to follow** in the next day or 2 My main aim so far was to get Chernarus working on the 3 public servers. **Links to be posted over this coming week** As with my Unsung Vietnam port of roy86's mission, I will credit all those involved tomorrow and before the release of public download links.
  4. 2nd Battalion Parachute Regiment About Us Sometimes referred to as 2PARA we are a Arma III MILSIM community that believe in having fun while getting the job done. We believe that Military Simulation can be done without certain aspects of the real military such as addressing people by their rank or calling them “Sir”. We aspire to create a fun Milsim environment for new or seasoned Milsim players from around the world, however we are Australian based and look after our Aussie members before our international members as the largest part of our community is Australian. Our Structure Applications are open in all air and ground sections. 2nd Battalion, Parachute Regiment - Alpha Company | Infantry - 1 Section - 2 Section - 3 Section - Bravo Company | Support - Armoured Section - Engineer Section 4th Battalion, Parachute Reserves - Reserves - Recruits No. 2 Squadron - Rotary Section - Fixed Wing Section Requirements: You must be of ages 16+ (unless vouched for by someone currently in the unit) You must have a microphone to be able to join! You need to be respectful to all members. You must have Teamspeak 3 installed. You must have a legit copy of ArmA 3. You must be able to follow orders from superior officers. You must be able to attend our weekly main operation Time Schedules Training Friday at 1800 AEST Operations Main Campaign: Saturday at 1800 AEST Fun op Sunday at 1800 AEST How To Join Us: If you are interested please join our teamspeak and wait in the Waiting For Recruiter channel and a recruiter will be with you shortly. Teamspeak: ts3.bris.wombatserve.rs:10100 Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/2ndBattalionParachuteReg ORBAT: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10p_V0SNjIOX-zkb1QSv4fxul_z3u2eqzYDUCA2xgwLw/edit?usp=sharing Discord: https://discord.gg/48WVMhC
  5. Re-Activated December 28 2018 to counter the growing threat of CSAT and insurgents forces. All new recruits are to report to their nearest recruiting office for assignment. Recruiting Station https://discord.gg/NHzqFws Who Are We? -We are a Arma 3 tactical realism community for those who seek tactical team play, and others who want to relive that awesome military life with out the garrison customs and courtesy drama like cult thingy. Our community fosters new players and understands most have been playing fortnite, battlefield and Call of Duty their entire lives. We are here to help you transition from run n gun Rambo lone wolf solid snake American sniper tactics into awesome well oiled CSAT killing tactical machines. We also understand that sometimes a lot of what we teach doesn’t make sense to those accustomed to player revives with a dirty reused needle. So here we offer open membership to all our causal players to come and join us on our Dedicated Server and teamspeak channel to help us take some of these towns on the chaotic KP liberation mission. If you find out that you kinda like the team and some of the Official unit members then ask to officially join the unit. What do I have to do to join the Unit? -Good question! Most of that information can be found in that discord channel I posted in the beginning. But to give you a barnie style breakdown, you first need to attend the units basic training which is broken down into 3 30-60 minute sections Red, white and blue phase. The basic training will go over unit standards, tactics and all roles available for you to fill. After that there is specialized courses for various roles. You can specialize in one or be a jack of all trades, it’s up to you! When do you guys play? - the peak hours among the unit is around 1800 Gmt and we normally hold training on Tuesdays and Fridays, with unit operations on Saturdays. Any other days of the week are normally casual days so jump on and have fun. Can I be pilot? -Sure.....in casual gameplay, going to go ahead and assume you just downloaded the game. So if you want to be a unit pilot I’d prefer you practice, and learn to hurry up and wait. Because having planes blaze down an entire village before the troops get there is kinda a immersion killer. Can I fly Transport? -only if you can land Why do you only have slots for certain roles? -let’s put it this way, if your playing on a football team your likely not running the football if your a lineman and probably not catching the football if your the quarterback. Every position has a role and specific task and if one person is not sticking to their role the whole team fails. So in the 32nd ID we build our squads in a way where just about all tasks can be completed with the least amount of players. A Squad typically consists of about 9-12 players —ALPHA TEAM— Team leader Rifleman. (AT) Grenadier Automatic Rifleman --BRAVO TEAM— Team Leader Rifleman (SDM) Grenadier Automatic Rifleman —Command Elment— Squad leader Medic RTO/FO/JTAC Machine Gunner Other roles are planned for the future as the unit expands but for now we ask that players become familiar with the available roles. And fill them when needed. How to I get into the server or teamSpeak? - super easy, first join the discord and look in the appropriate channels or direct connect here: https://units.arma3.com/unit/32ndinfantry Hopefully you fill all warm and fuzzy inside about what we offer here, and muster up the courage to join. If you have any questions please feel free to ask either here, the discord or in game and will try are best to answers all reasonable questions. See you soon........
  6. Squad name: 7th Cavalry Regiment Timezone/location : All US/EU Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Coop/PVP/PVE, Mil-Sim Contact email: My 7th Cavalry Profile Website address: 7th Cavalry Website Short description: The 7th Cavalry Regiment is a military simulation clan primarily focused on Arma 3. The Regiment was founded October 15th, 2002 and remains committed to military simulation today. This means that when you enlist, you will earn your place as a trooper in one of the oldest gaming regiments online. For the majority of people in the CAV, this unit isn't just somewhere to play, it truly is a brotherhood in which all are respected and supported by their brethren. We have over 220+ Active Arma 3 members spread across 1st Batallion. We have three Company's: Alpha, Bravo and Charlie. Alpha contains Fixed & Rotary Wing for Transport and Attack. Bravo consists of Mechanized Infantry, Armor, Cavalry Scouts (Ground Recon) and our Medics. Charlie Company, the tip of the spear, is the main Infantry element, with Airborne Infantry & Heavy Weapons. The 7th Cavalry is best known for their in-depth training schools & courses (over 34 different classes!!!) and our high-attendance, detailed, immersive Operations. Want to learn more? Start your 7th Cav Career today! Click the link and choose your Career path ---> 7th Cavalry's Arma 3 Career Pathway For more info, visit Detailed 7th Cavalry Recruitment Post Language: English Signed, =7Cav=Lucius.M
  7. Group: 23rd Star Company Branch: Semi-Realism/Milsm Main Language: English Timezone: Eastern Operation Times: TBD Operation Type: All Other Essential Info: The 23rd Star Company Unit is a Semi-Realism, Milsm group. This is a totally made up regiment, and we would like to invite any skill level to come and join us. We do operations at least 1 time a weak, but usually more. We like to have fun but keep is serious during operations. We go off of US Military ranking system with a little twist to make it more player friendly. You can be in multiple units with this unit as long as you show up to some of our operations that we host. If you are interested in joining message a recruiter or join our Discord: Discord: https://discord.gg/NDPNdJH Website: https://units.arma3.com/unit/23starcompany
  8. Who are we? The 160th SOR is one of Oceania’s largest, Arma 3 MilSim unit that prides itself on our sense of community and dedication to the game and each other. We have 3 main regiments that recruits can join they are; 28th Infantry Regiment, 69th Armored Regiment and finally the 101st Air regiment. Each regiment has a team of dedicated leaders and trainers to help ensure that everyone gets the best experience and advice as possible. What do we do? Every week, the 160th run two major operations. The official operations are held on a Wednesday and on a Sunday, both at 18:30 Sydney time (AEST/AEDT depending) with an average turnout of over 40 players. The 160th use a wide range of mods, including assets from ArmA 3 Apex, to enhance the gameplay experience. Favorite mods such as RHS, ACE3 and TFAR are in our pack, as well as some custom mods. To help grow and improve our members, weekly training is held to teach various in-game skills that help players to become a more effective member of the 160th, as well as growing their potential. Each training is lead by hand-picked and highly skilled trainers that have run their specific training course multiple times. In between major Operations and training sessions, various community members run their own unofficial operations, as well as play other games such as Eco, Factorio, Squad, etc. The 160th is primarily a MilSim Unit but we still function as a gaming community. Requirements to join. The 160th does have a few requirements for new members to join, these are: - All applicants must be 17 years or older to be successfully accepted. - You must have prior experience with the ArmA series. - Arma 3 Apex DLC is needed to play on the 160th - Applicants need to be able to take part in Official ops when possible - Applicants can not have a ping of 285 ms or higher - You must have a clear microphone. - You must have TeamSpeak 3. - You must read the rules before applying. - You will require ArmA3Sync and roughly 25Gb of hard disk capacity in order to download the modset. Still interested? If you are still interested in joining one of Oceania's best MilSim units, come visit our website at www.160th.net for more information and the join application. Alternatively, join our teamspeak at ts.160th.net and speak to one of the recruitment team today. Regards, Support Specialist Stacks
  9. Reality Gaming ARMA 3 Mature Tactical Realism Community [Recruiting] [EU] [MilSim] Reality Gaming Taskforce - 50+ Players (Established 2006) What we offer: - A friendly environment, open for everyone - Sunday Operations (18:00 - 21:00 GMT) designed by a dedicated team - Wednesday Training (19:00 - 21:00 GMT) - Themed Deployments, consisting of 6+ missions with a driven storyline - Casual Operations/Liberation/Antistasi - Large Mod-Pack with custom content (ACE, ACRE, RHS, 3CB, CUP +) Dedicated Servers: A large Task Force structure including fixed/rotary wing and recon specialisation. An active community that also play Squad, Post Scriptum, Escape from Tarkov, DCS, and many other teamwork driven games! Requirements: Age 16+MicrophoneLegal Arma 3 copyLegal Arma 3 Apex (DLC) copy~ 50% participation rate to official events (Training and Operations) How to Join: After registering to our Website you can post an application HERE! http://realitygamer.org/ About Us: Reality Gaming has been exploring the ARMA universe since the release of ARMA1 in 2006. We are a friendly, mature milsim community that believes the best way for ARMA to be played is with friends. We host weekly training sessions and Operations for the community with a focus on teamwork and fun, no ceremonious fluff here! Our rank structure exists to frame our missions and control elements and to provide progression to those who enjoy leading! Our staff is made up of former and active military personnel as well as experienced scriptwriters and mission gurus. For more information: Check out our handbook to learn more about our recruitment process and our standard operation procedures. Visit our Website and Forum If you would like to have a chat with any of our members or staff about the community in an informal way, feel free to join our Teamspeak, join the 'awaiting contact' room and someone should be able to help you out. Teamspeak info can be found HERE or on the home page of the forums. Visit our youtube channel or some of our member created videos! Join our discord to chat with members or ask any questions you may have! You can follow us on Twitter or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/oprealgaming/ https://twitter.com/realitygameruk http://realitygamer.org/ DIRECT SIGN UP (FORUM ACCOUNT NEEDED)
  10. Arctic Fox Defense Solutions: The FOB Deployment Specialist In every major military operation in modern history, men have traveled across the seas to new frontiers. On these frontiers men have had to adapt to the ever changing climate and harsh living conditions. Not only does one have to keep the climate at bay, but also the enemy which is there for the same reason as you. In any conflict zone you will need somewhere to call home. An army without a home is bound to fail before it even start. Because at the end of the day you are there to kill or be killed. It's a very simple math. No matter how noble your cause. We intend to ensure the latter never happen to you or your men within the forward operating base if you choose our products. Forged from the best materials known to man at affordable prices, we offer a wide range of military hardware not seen before. Regardless of your climate, we will have you covered with every facility needed to sustain life at a high standard of living. We specialize in giving the end user the best possible packages to fit all your needs in the field. Battle proven trough many a theater of war. Robust, refined and highly flexible packages made for a specific purpose. Whatever you can think of needing in, during or after the heat of battle, we will provide you. That's a promise. I welcome you to Arctic Fox Defense Solutions, where technology and innovation melt together to bring you the best assets available. What we bring to the table is something new when it comes to ArmA'esque solutions. We want to bring an end to silly systems. Immersion is the main motivator for this project for me. There are many aspects of vanilla, or even modded ArmA that makes no sense. Crates with bottomless pits, wireless repairs and rearm with your mind, and other lovely aspects that make no sense at all. If we can have it our way, it will never be the same again. If you can think of it, we will have an asset for it. And if we dont have an asset for it, tell us what you would like to see, and we'll most likely create it, as long as its in our category. Have a look at our spreadsheet to get up to date on what we are doing, and what has been done. CURRENT VERSION DOWNLOADABLES Google Spreadsheet. Progress Report Tracking http://imgur.com/a/FfVdS Looking for a person to import stuff into engine. ArmA Mod Tools are the bane of my existence. PM me for further info.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1NKrEk3X-o&feature=youtu.be Server info: Port: 2302 ----------------------------------------------------- TS3: ts32.gameservers.com:9211 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello errbody. You're welcome to come and clear out Syndikat on my server: Black Dragonfly Operations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hosted mission: Alive Tanoa Insurgency by Black ***Required mods: @CBA_A3;@ALiVE;@FFISv1.26 CBA_A3 ALiVE FFISv1.26 Bloodlust friendly. Only a few guys who play now, looking for more people interested in tactical play but no saluting or yes sir no sir. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vpQJV71rZ0
  12. "ΜΟΛΩΠΛΑΒΕ" WHO ARE WE? We are Task Force Spartan, a realism, military simulation unit. We are a small Task Force group who cares and always willing to help and look out for each other. WHAT DO WE OFFER? Tactical Combat Realism US Military Ranks Modpacks Teamspeak 3 Server Training ENLISTMENT REQUIREMENTS Atleast 15 years of age Must have Teamspeak 3 Must own an original copy of Arma 3 Must be mature Must have a mic HOW TO ENLIST To enlist send an e-mail to alexandros.mirza@gmail.com with the following: Name Age Location Choose a unit and up to 3 Specialties UNITS TO CHOOSE FROM 1. Infantry - "Sword" Specialties: Rifleman Grenadier SAW Gunner Explosive SPC Missile SPC Combat Medic 2. Airforce - "Spear" Specialties: Rotary Pilot Fixed Wing Pilot 3. Armor - "Shield" Specialties: Tanks Artillery --General Alex Torvalds
  13. Hello Reader! We Want YOU! Who are we: We are a small group of gamers who have united and chosen to become something more of just "gamers". We are lovers of Arma 3 and its community and we want more of YOU to join us for a fantastic journey into the highest mountains and into the deepest valleys! We care about tactics, authentic combat and role-play. We try to make everything as authentic as possible while still keeping the game fun for everyone. What we want: We are looking for friendly, respectful, mature, hard working and team-players members to join us into the battlefield for some unforgettable moments. What we don't want: We don't want immaturity, selfishness and we don't want you giving up! It is very important not giving up and always keep going no matter what! How to Join: If you would like to sign up then feel free to write here in the comments, send me a message, add me on steam (Alex150201) or send me an e-mail (alexandros.mirza@gmail.com). There is no age limit which might be relieving to some but to some others no. No age limit doesn't mean anyone can join. If you are not mature enough you won't be accepted or if you get accepted you can get banned. In your application for joining we would like you to have the following things: Age Location Name (Arma 3) What you would like to be (3 things) Anything else you want to say and why we should recruit you When we ask you what you would like to be you can answer the following: Infantry Sniper Diver Grenadier Machine Gunner Combat Medic Explosive Specialist Missile Specialist Mortar/Artillery Airforce Helicopters Planes/Jets Armor Tanks Mods and Addons: RHS: Escalation (Both Versions U.S.A.F and A.F.R.F) A.C.E 3 TFAR (Task Force Radio) ASDG Joint Rails CBA (Community Base Addons) MCC 4 Sandbox M.E.L.B (Mission Enhanced Little Bird) The modpack had a few problems so while we try to figure out the problems and fix it these are the mods for now!