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  1. pierremgi

    DLCs & DLC: gender confusion

    Hello, I perfectly understand then need to promote DLC. I bought helos and Marksmen, and be sure Apex is planned to be. I didn't for Karts, sorry, even if it's a subvention for ICRC. I can help in many other way but this very cheap DLC is immersion breaking. What I would like to underline is, many authors grew in skill and are now able to randomize equipment, arsenal is everywhere now, thanks to 3DEN, and , in my humble opinion, it's a pity to access, or worse spawn Kart equipment in many scenarii.
  2. Royal Thai Armed Forces - Unit pack Unit and Uniform (ในนี้เป็นภาษาอังà¸à¸¤à¸©à¸¥à¹‰à¸§à¸™ หาà¸à¸•à¹‰à¸­à¸‡à¸à¸²à¸£à¸ าษาไทยโปรดเข้าใปดูในหน้า Workshop) Download from Steam Workshop (32.8 MB) Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/HKkOs Status: Still working in progress more content coming soon Content Unit (More unit types in future) RTAF Rifleman (Army) - RTAF_Soldier_a_f RTA Rifleman (Air Force) - RTAF_Soldier_af_f Uniform RTAF Combat Fatigues (Army) - RTAF_CombatUniform_a RTAF Combat Fatigues (Air Force) - RTAF_CombatUniform_af Vest RTAF Carrier Lite (Army) - RTAF_PlateCarrier1_a RTAF Carrier Lite (Air Force) - RTAF_PlateCarrier1_af RTAF Carrier Rig (Army) - RTAF_PlateCarrier2_a RTAF Carrier Rig (Air Force) - RTAF_PlateCarrier2_af RTAF GA Carrier Lite (Army) - RTAF_PlateCarrierIA_a RTAF GA Carrier Lite (Air Force) - RTAF_PlateCarrierIA_af Headgear RTAF Modular Helmet (Army) - RTAF_Helmet_a RTAF Modular Helmet (Air Force) - RTAF_Helmet_af RTAF Military Cap (Army) - RTAF_MilCap_a RTAF Military Cap (Air Force) - RTAF_MilCap_af Backpack (More backpack in future) RTAF Assault Pack (Army) - RTAF_AssaultPack_a RTAF Assault Pack (Air Force) - RTAF_AssaultPack_af RTAF Kit Bag (Army) - RTAF_KitBag_a RTAF Kit Bag (Air Force) - RTAF_KitBag_af RTAF Carryall Backpack (Army) - RTAF_Carryall_a RTAF Carryall Backpack (Air Force) - RTAF_Carryall_af Content Working in Progress (Include in this mod) Royal Thai Navy Uniform Royal Thai Air Force Uniform Unit types Rifleman (RTAF_Soldier_a_f, RTAF_Soldier_af_f, RTAF_Soldier_n_f) TRG-21 5.56 (ARCO) P07 9mm RTAF Combat Fatigues RTAF Carrier Lite RTAF Modular Helmet Notes: Classnames in Italic means they are not currently available in current version Uniform / Vest / Headgear of unit will different depend on faction they are on (Army, Navy, Air Force) Changelog (See full changelog here) 11/05/16 00:02 GMT+7 + Add RTAF Rifleman (Army) (Tee) - RTAF_Soldier_a_tee_f + Add RTAF Combat Fatigues (Army) (Tee) - RTAF_CombatUniform_tshirt_a 10/05/16 18:01 GMT+7 - Fix mission hydration pack texture on RTAF Carrier Rig (Army) + Add RTAF GA Carrier Lite (Army / Air Force) - RTAF_PlateCarrierIA_a / RTAF_PlateCarrierIA_af + Add RTAF Kit Bag (Army/Air Force) - RTAF_KitBag_a / RTAF_KitBag_af + Add RTAF Carryall Backpack (Army/Air Force) - RTAF_Carryall_a / RTAF_Carryall_af 08/05/16 16:35 GMT+7 - Added Air Force uniform / unit - Classname Change RTAF Combat Fatigues (Army) RTAF_CombatUniform_a RTAF Carrier Lite (Army) - RTAF_PlateCarrier1_a RTAF Carrier Rig (Army) - RTAF_PlateCarrier2_a 08/05/16 00:49 GMT+7 - Release
  3. Addon by Krzychuzokecia Today is a 225th anniversary of declaration of Polish May 3rd Constitution - world's second constitution, adopted to reform political system of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The Commonwealth was troubled by corruption and disproportionate power of nobility. King Stanislaw August Poniatowski initiated the reforms, which brought this constitution to life, seeking to not only regain his monarch power but also give political rights to people who were not noble themselves - townspeople. Thus the May 3rd Constitution was truly revolutional, and like every revolution, sparked a fierce opposition. Nobility soon started a conspiracy aimed against king and constitution, and found allies in Russia, Prussia and Austria. This alliance, called Targowica Confederacy, abolished May 3rd Constitution and sent the Commonwealth on it's way to fall - foreign powers used this opportunity to partition Poland, and end it's existence for 123 years. To celebrate this aniversary, I've decided to release my addon of Beryl Mod.96C assault rifle - a general-issue weapon in Polish Army. Beryl Mod.96 is a Kalashnikov-derived rifle, firing 5.56x45 mm NATO cartridge. Issued in late 90's it was best friend of Polish soldier on demanding battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan. It is a battle-proven design and it's latest "C" variant can make use of modern opto-electronical aiming systems, thanks to it's set of MIL-STD 2324 rails. This model is something I've started making back in 2012 for Karbala mod, and it went through several redesigns. The variant in today's release is an off-shot of my still continuing work for Silent War Mod - one of the oldest still active mod teams in OFP history. However, I won't dare to say that it is completely my original work. Being a rather rookie modeller, I send my thanks to other generous addon-makers, such as: Vilas, Jackal326, Offtime, DaSquade. Without help and support from these guys, I could never make this addon. Full credits are in attached "Beryl Rifle Instructions" document. Also included is single-player mission "FPSC - FlashPointShootingCompetition". For details see this post. Now, enough of this babbling - let's have some fun here! Requirements: Operation Flashpoint: Resistance 1.96 or ArmA: Cold War Assault 1.99 JAM3. Download: Mirror 1 (ge.tt) Mirror 2 (ModDB). And one last political message in this post full of politics but devoid of fun:
  4. I reskinned Carrier Rig (Green) V_PlateCarrier2_rgr but I do need to define picture / model and armor value myself I want to use all the base value of the Carrier Rig I used just changing the texture I have tried changed Vest_Camo_Base on line 20 to V_PlateCarrier2_rgr and got an error "Undefined base class" how do I fix it? config.cpp #define true 1 #define false 0 class CfgPatches { class RTAF_Vest { units[] = {RTAF_Vest}; weapons[] = {}; requiredAddons[] = {}; }; }; class cfgWeapons { class ItemCore; class Vest_Camo_Base: ItemCore { class ItemInfo; }; class RTAF_PlateCarrier_wdl: Vest_Camo_Base { author = "Splendid Modder"; scope = 2; displayName = "RTAF Carrier Rig (Digital Woodland)"; picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_V_plate_carrier_2_CA.paa"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02.p3d"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\RTAF\data\RTAF_PlateCarrier_digiwdl_f.paa"}; class ItemInfo: ItemInfo { uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02"; containerClass = Supply80; mass = 15; armor = 0; passThrough = 1; }; }; }; config.cpp I use as template https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Characters_And_Gear_Encoding_Guide#Vest_configuration class cfgWeapons { class ItemCore; class Vest_Camo_Base: ItemCore { class ItemInfo; }; class V_vest_new: Vest_Camo_Base { author = "Splendid Modder"; scope = 2; displayName = "New Vest"; picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_V_BandollierB_CA.paa"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_bandolier"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\Data\vests_khk_co.paa"}; class ItemInfo: ItemInfo { uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_bandolier"; containerClass = Supply80; mass = 15; armor = 0; passThrough = 1; }; }; };
  5. Alex150201

    Steam Workshop Addons

    Hello everyone I hope you are having a nice day unlike me. I have subscribed to a couple of mods on steam workshop for arma 3 and after they download they don't seem to show up. In the past when this would happen I would keep the launcher open for a couple hours and the addons would show up but that doesn't seem to work anymore. I subscribed to a couple mods last week and decided to leave my pc on with the launcher open throughout the weekend and nothing showed up. Any help is highly appreciated. PS: Mods that have already showed up do get updated if that helps at all :P PS No2: I have also tried resubscribing to the mods but no luck...
  6. Hi all, I'm having a bit of trouble with ArmA not recognising my custom backpack, class B_AssaultPack_Kerry; class WHCTRG_Backpack_Assault: B_AssaultPack_Kerry { scope=2; author="Willithappen"; displayName="Assault Pack (WHCTRG)"; picture="\A3\Weapons_F\Ammoboxes\Bags\data\UI\icon_B_C_Compact_rgr_ca.paa"; hiddenselections[]= { "camo1", "camo2" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "\A3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\bags\data\backpack_compact_rgr_co.paa", "\WHCTRG\skins\backpack_tag_auscorp.paa" }; model="\A3\Characters_F_EPA\Blufor\backpack_kerry"; maximumLoad=120; }; I'm trying to edit the US Assault Pack that has "Kerry" and a US flag on the back of it to no avail. I know that my custom texture, "backpack_tag_auscorp" works as I've tested it ingame with (backpackContainer player) setObjectTextureGlobal [1,"\WHCTRG\skins\backpack_tag_auscorp.paa"]; and my texture shows up where it is supposed to be. For some reason however, I can't add my custom backpack to my player via the addBackPack command nor does it show up in the virtual arsenal. I've already configured some modified uniforms/vests/helmets/caps but for some reason I cannot get this damn backpack to work. I also could not find the config anywhere for the bohemia made US Assault pack [Kerry] to copy off. Linked here is the full config.cpp in case its relevant and i've somehow structured the rest wrong. However the rest of my uniforms etc do show up. The backpack however does not.
  7. Hi all! I would like to annoucne new addon about JSDF. At first time i make 3d models of vehicles such as Type 87 scout vehicle (work in progress) Type 73 APC (not start yet) Type 84 Tank (not start yet) Type 90 Tank (not start yet) Type 96 APC (not start yet) Type 89 IFV (not start yet) The first step of this addon i see in: Make vehicles: Type 73 APC, Type 74 Tank, Type 87 scout vehicle, Type 89 IFV, Type 90 Tank, Type 96 APC, Type 10 Tank, Type 82 CVV, Komatsu LAV, Maneuver Combat Vehicle MCV, Type 99 SPG, Type 87 AA, Type 94 amphibian transport, Type 81 AA, Type 93 AA, HMV, Type 73 car, OH-1 helicopter and trucks transport and support purposes. Numbers of team: 1 person it's me ^^ So i just start and make WIP page to place news about this addon. If want to help when go ahead and contact with me! Skype: legion20501 Steam: Kuzmich (Alone2050) E-mail: Alone2050@gmail.com
  8. Greetings. I've been for the last 4 hours hunting the possible problem to this clueless error. I did found some tips to check .rpf files which I did and found 2 missing ; but now the .rpf file is clean and it still gives me this error. I have created new items for the game and I've been trying to binarize the .pbo without success. I have the main config.cpp and then for each kind of equipments I have them separated through other .hpp . Does this mean the problem could be in any of the .hpp and not just the .cpp? I didn't want to flood the topic with code and make people read lines for me but I'm getting a bit desperate. Any tips to help spot the possible culprit easier? Edit: Sorry for posting on wrong subcategory. i meant addons editing.
  9. Dwarden has kindly created an addon that automatically stops any processing of remoteexec calls to the server from the clients. For more information on the RemoteExec command, take a look Here This is a security plug. There may be addons or missions that you currently run that this could break whilst using this addon, if there are we could do with compiling a list You can download the addon from Here Recommend to run it as -servermod not as standard -mod Alternatively, you can un-pbo every mission that doesnt use it and add the CfgRemoteExec class to the description.ext
  10. HEAD OVER TO THE RELEASE THREAD FOR THE MOST UP TO DATE ANNOUNCEMENTS ON THIS PROJECT RHS Uniform Unit Patches By: Kband1 Current Status: V1.0 Release Date: January 12, 2016 Requirements: Community Based Addons A3 RHS: United States Armed Forces Download Links Google Drives: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7yB9MY0xJSjeWFfTWRWTUkyWUk Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/download/b2sqt1krg82cdhl/%40RHS_Patch.rar Armaholic: UPDATING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFORMATION A little project that came to mind at the last moment of making my Custom Unit Patches, This will be implementing many missing Infantry Divisions, Armored Divisions, and especially Special Forces Patches to RHS Type Uniform Standards (Not how RHS has it 3d modeled on the uniforms so I'll try my best). The patches will also work with any and all Vanilla Uniforms. I created this mod to help those MILSIM, Realism, and ARMA Units get the patches they need all in one for RHS: USAF Uniforms WITHOUT THE STRETCHING OF THE TEXTURES OR HAVING TO INSTALL AND USE VANILLA RESKINNED UNIFORMS! PATCHES IN THE PACK AS OF NOW Over 130+ Patches for RHS: USAF Uniforms x40 - Infantry Divisions/Infantry Brigade Patches ACU and Multicam Variants x12 - Command, CORPS and Army Patches ACU and Multicam Variants x5 - Armored Division Patches ACU and Multicam Variants x6 - Cavalry Regiment Patches ACU and Multicam Variants x16 - Ranger Regiment Patches with interchangeable Ranger Tab or no Ranger Tab ACU and Multicam Variants x4 - Military Police Brigades ACU and Multicam Variants x8 - Aviation Brigade/Regiment Patches ACU and Multicam Variants x2 - Engineer Brigade Patch ACU and Multicam Variant x4 - EOD Ordnance Group Patches ACU and Multicam Variant x20 - Field Artillery Brigade Patches ACU and Multicam Variants x16 - Special Forces Groups and Command Patches with interchangeable Ranger Tab, Special Forces Tab or Both ACU and Multicam Variants Future Plans! --US MARINE CORPS-- Infantry Divisions MARSOC Units Force Recon Units Aircraft Groups --US NAVY-- SEAL Teams CVNs Air Wings --US AIR FORCE-- STS Air Wings --US COAST GUARD-- Districts Cutters --Miscellaneous-- Miscellaneous Items NEW IMAGE SET http://imgur.com/a/SPSAj Some seem tilted due to the Arm Position on the RHS Uniforms Model, I guarantee that once you raise a weapon or lower a weapon and your arm is bent then they will look a little better. If you would like to suggest any other patches please PM me the Image, I do accept custom Unit patches too, in color also :) Also please note, this is just a little project that came to mind randomly after creating my custom unit patches and will take a little bit as I do still have school and work to deal with, but it shouldn't take to long to work on them and release them to perfect standards. As for using this mod for your own personal use and editing it up, I am completely fine with that.
  11. Addonbuilder keeps deleting my vehicle's config files during the PBO process. It still adds the model and textures however, with the exception of the .RVMATs.
  12. Hey everyone that is willing to help. I have made an animations and I want to use it in arma 3. I have been told that it's not possible to add it in a missions just with a script but I have to make a config.cpp and pack it into a .pbo and pretty much make it a mod. I have zero knowledge on writing configs so anyone that would volunteer to write me a config for one animations only I would really appreciate. I am also going to post the same things on ARMA 3 - FIND OR OFFER HELP.
  13. Hi all, I am tring to create a basic addon that decreases the amount of fatigue by a variable. I have made it in individual missions, but I'd like to make it an addon so I can have it accessible all the time with my group... I have looked for a guide on how to get this started, but haven't come up with anything. Everything I see is about creating some magical 'p' drive and all this... It seems like it's overly complex for what I'm attempting - I should just be able to script this, correct? Anyways, I have the following script: if !(hasInterface) exitWith{}; waitUntil {!isNull(findDisplay 46)}; waitUntil {!isNull player}; //set global variables missionNamespace setVariable ["OHTC_FatigueMultiplier", 0.3]; _l = 0; //The last fatigue we had while {true} do { if(!(isNil "OHTC_FatigueMultiplier") && typeName OHTC_FatigueMultiplier == "SCALAR" && OHTC_FatigueMultiplier >0 0 OHTC_FatigueMultiplier <= 1) then { //The current fatigue of the player _c = getfatigue player; //The default increase: ie: difference between what we have now, and what we had last time we ran _di = _c - _l; //The NEW increase in fatigue would be the percentage we request of the default increase _ni = _di - (_di * OHTC_FatigueMultiplier); //Assuming we've gone up: let's set the fatigue to the new value; if(_ni > 0) then { player setFatigue _c - _ni; }; systemChat format ["Last: %1, Current: %2, Default Inc: %3, Multiplier: %4, New Inc: %5, Final Fatigue: %6", _l, _c, _di, OHTC_FatigueMultiplier, _ni, getfatigue player]; //Now we set our last historical value to our modified value _l = getfatigue player; }; sleep 1; } And I want it as a mod. I've taken apart a couple mods with Elitness, but I'm not understanding how to piece one together myself. I have folder in my arma directory called "@OHTCfatigueMultiplier". Inside this folder I have another folder called "addons" Inside the addons folder I have a script - init.sqf - that contains the above script. What else am I missing, please? Thank you
  14. Hey everyone that is willing to help. I have made an animations and I want to use it in arma 3. I have been told that it's not possible to add it in a missions just with a script but I have to make a config.cpp and pack it into a .pbo and pretty much make it a mod. I have zero knowledge on writing configs so anyone that would volunteer to write me a config for one animations only I would really appreciate. I am also going to post the same things on ARMA 3 - ADDONS - CONFIGS & SCRIPTING.
  15. Hey guys, i think i m doin a little mistake in my addon creation. The addon i try to create is called inidb. I know that there is a downloadable release but its library (inidb.dll) is for windows only. I downloaded the library linux sources from git hub (https://github.com/newtondev/inidb-linux) and compiled them to the needed inidb.so file for my virtual linux server. The unpacked addon is part of that download and consists of a config.cpp file and a init.sqf. config.cpp: class CfgPatches { class iniDBI { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {}; init = "call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\inidb\init.sqf'"; }; }; Those 2 files are the content of the folder inidb which i packed with cpbo to inidb.pbo My folder structure at server is as described at git hub: @inidb (folder) db (folder) inidb.so (file) addons (folder) inidb.pbo (file) Im starting my server with the option: -mod=@inidb Generaly my dedicated linux server is able to handle mods. I have other mods (not self created) which are running fine. In my mission which should use the addon i ve the following init.sqf file: init.sqf if(isServer) then { call compile preProcessFile "\inidb\init.sqf"; }; The log file at server produces the following line: Warning Message: Script inidb\init.sqf not found I think there are 2 things which could cause this message and i need your help to get a clue whats goin wrong. It could be that i did a mistake with the path to the addons init.sqf file. The other thing could be that the addon is not loaded by the server for some reason, but i dont know. I googled that problem fo a week and i tried other pathes as described above and i tried to autostart the script by setting up a module in config.cpp and in my mission. But nothing helped, i cant get it working. Edit: Ok, 24 hours r gone since i posted this, 50 views and no little answer. I think i m doin something wrong with that thread. For that reason i try to simplify it to some questions: How defines an addon the path to its scripts? Is it defined by the folder which was packed with cpbo? What does that $PREFIX$ file do i read about? Do i need those file in my case and which content would be correct? The script file in the addons pbo-file should be called from a script in my mission with call compile preProcessFile "\inidb\init.sqf"; what is to do that this works? Are there any reasons which could cause a server to not load an addon? Guys ur help would be very appreciated cause i m stuck with the creation of my mission and cant do a little step forward until the problem with that addon is solved. ********************************************************** code container for WIP: if (!isServer) exitWith {true}; /* Author: Sarogahtyp Title: SSSS - Sarogahtyps Simple Server Statistics Description: Arguments: number - refresh time in seconds Return value: boolean - true if script has been finished */ _admin_check = []; _admin_obj = objNull; while {true} do { // wait for a logged in admin waitUntil { sleep (20 + random 20); _admin_check = (allPlayers - entities "HeadlessClient_F") select {(admin owner _x) != 0}; (count _admin_check > 0) }; _admin_obj = admin_check select 0; //throw infos as long as admin is logged in while {(admin owner _admin_obj) != 0} do { // collect server infos _s_fps = str diag_fps; // frames per second _s_just_players = allPlayers - entities "HeadlessClient_F"; // all player objects _s_plyr_num = count _just_players; // number of players _s_just_HCs = entities "HeadlessClient_F"; // all HC objects _s_HC_num = count _just_HCs; // number of headless clients _s_a_grp_num = {local (leader _x) and alive (leader _x)} count allGroups; // all groups where alive units in _s_e_grp_num = { (count units _x) == 0 } count allGroups; // empty groups _s_d_grp_num = { ({!alive _x}count units _x) > 0 }count allGroups; //groups where only deads in _s_unit_num = {local _x} count allUnits; // living units _s_vec_num = {local _x} count (vehicles - entities "WeaponHolderSimulated"); // living vecs _s_wh_num = {local _x} count (entities "WeaponHolderSimulated") //weapons on ground _s_al_ent_num = {local _x} count entities [[], [], true, true]; // alive entities _s_de_ent_num = {local _x} count entities [[], ["Logic"], true]; //dead entities except logic //collect HC infos //request not available info from HCs remotely if (_s_HC_num >0) then { for "_i" from 0 to (_s_HC_num - 1) do { _str = format ["Saro_HC_report_%1", _i]; missionNamespace setVariable [_str, []]; [_str] remoteExecCall ["Saro_fnc_report_stats_to_server", (_s_just_HCs select _i)]; }; //wait until all HCs responded with desired info waitUntil { sleep (0.1 + random 0.1); _sum = 0; for "_i" from 0 to (_s_HC_num - 1) do { _str = format ["Saro_HC_report_%1", _i]; if (count (missionNamespace getVariable _str) > 0) then { _sum = _sum + 1; }; (_sum == _s_HC_num) }; }; }; sleep (15 + random 15); }; // info while end }; // endless while (end) /* Author: Sarogahtyp Title: SSSS - Sarogahtyps Simple Server Statistics Function Name: Saro_fnc_report_stats_to_server; Description: function used via remote execution by server to recieve some statistical infos Arguments: String - name of global variable which should returned to server by publicVariableServer Return value: true */ params ["_ret_string"]; _tmp_info_array = []; _tmp_info_array pushBack diag_fps; missionNamespace setVariable [_ret_string, _tmp_info_array]; publicVariableServer _ret_string;
  16. Hi ARMA Community, After my first project "Evergreen" was released last week, and getting still good feedback on it, i am happy to show you the first public preview from my new project. As i say, i will release bigger terrains with more quality, this one will be about 64km² more hotspots, sightseeing and complex ground textures. At this point, thanks to: Jona - helping with clutter.cfg NeoArmageddon - for the great MapBuilder Tool i will use for development. If you have any wishes for the new Terrain, plz let me know and share your ideas gretz daSh :)
  17. krzychuzokecia

    Magnum Force - revolver pack

    Version 1.2 An addon by Krzychuzokecia For all the enthusiasts of "the most powerful handgun in the world" - the iconic .44 Magnum Smith & Wesson - I give You MAGNUM FORCE! Have You ever dreamed about being just like Your childhood idol "Dirty" Harry Callahan? The dreams come true! So don't waste Your time, and feel the unleashed power of .44 Remington Magnum! This addon contains 4 variants of the Smith & Wesson N-Frame revolver: iconic Model 29 with 6 inch barrel, Model 29 with 4 inch barrel, stainless steel Model 629 with 6 inch barrel, and Model 625 JM - .45 ACP match gun named after Jerry Miculek, world's fastest shooter. Class names are provided in readme, additionally You can find those guns in editor, under class "Empty->Ammo". There You'd find ammo box and weapon holders. Also, under class "Civillian->Man" there are three units armed with Smiths. Requirements: Operation Flashpoint: Resistance 1.96 or ArmA: Cold War Assault 1.99 JAM3. Credits: Krzychuzokecia - models, textures, config Bohemia Interactive - basic S&W model and texture Wannabe - model and texture of Hogue grip Sam Barker (Jackal326) - sounds Earl, Suchey - muzzle flash textures JAM3 Team - ammo values and .45 ACP sound. Download: Mirror 1 Mirror 2 by OFPr.info.
  18. So I'm trying to make a generic faction for internal use and I want my soldiers to use this Beard mod (if activated) so they can look more middle eastern :) This is what I got for the momment class aif_ins_me_rifleman : I_G_Soldier_F { scope =2; side = 0; modelSides[] = {0, 3}; faction = rhs_faction_aif; vehicleClass = aif_vehclass_men; author = "$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive"; uniformClass = "aif_OG_Guerilla1_1"; identityTypes[] = {"LanguagePER_F", "Head_TK", "G_IRAN_default", "NoGlasses"}; allowedHeadgear[] = {"H_Shemag_olive","H_ShemagOpen_tan", "H_ShemagOpen_khk"}; genericNames = "TakistaniMen"; linkedItems[] = {"H_Shemag_khk","V_Chestrig_khk","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"H_Shemag_khk","V_Chestrig_khk","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; weapons[] = {"rhs_weap_akm","Throw","Put"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"rhs_weap_akm","Throw","Put"}; magazines[] = {"rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm","rhs_mag_rgd5","rhs_mag_rgd5"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm","rhs_mag_rgd5","rhs_mag_rgd5"}; }; Some beard class names are: SFG_Tac_BeardD, SFG_Tac_BeardB, SFG_Tac_BeardG. How can I do that? Thanks in advance!
  19. So I'm trying to make a generic faction for internal use and I want my soldiers to use this Beard mod (if activated) so they can look more middle eastern :) This is what I got for the momment class aif_ins_me_rifleman : I_G_Soldier_F { scope =2; side = 0; modelSides[] = {0, 3}; faction = rhs_faction_aif; vehicleClass = aif_vehclass_men; author = "$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive"; uniformClass = "aif_OG_Guerilla1_1"; identityTypes[] = {"LanguagePER_F", "Head_TK", "G_IRAN_default", "NoGlasses"}; allowedHeadgear[] = {"H_Shemag_olive","H_ShemagOpen_tan", "H_ShemagOpen_khk"}; genericNames = "TakistaniMen"; linkedItems[] = {"H_Shemag_khk","V_Chestrig_khk","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"H_Shemag_khk","V_Chestrig_khk","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; weapons[] = {"rhs_weap_akm","Throw","Put"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"rhs_weap_akm","Throw","Put"}; magazines[] = {"rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm","rhs_mag_rgd5","rhs_mag_rgd5"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm","rhs_mag_rgd5","rhs_mag_rgd5"}; }; Some beard class names are: SFG_Tac_BeardD, SFG_Tac_BeardB, SFG_Tac_BeardG. How can I do that? Thanks in advance!
  20. Hi there, with the upcoming Steam Workshop for mods, we will change how files are stored on Workshop, allowing more files to be uploaded for both new and old items. This means that a single addon (file) item now published on the Workshop will be able to become a mod (more files), and go back to a single file addon again, depending solely on its author, as it should be. This also means the addon tag will effectively become irrelevant, because there will be no difference between addons and mods. Therefore we want to get rid of addon tag and use only tag mod as a general notification for non-mission user content. We believe this is more clear and more useful to the players. What should you do? In short: nothing. Ideally, we don't want you to notice. :) The expected functionality should remain unchanged for all users. I am posting this mostly for the sake of transparency. What will we do? Update all existing Workshop files tagged with addon to also include tag mod . Update Publisher to auto-include tag mod . Update Launcher to display mods in Mod list (addon list will be renamed to mod list). Implement the new SteamWorks SDK that allow multiple files per published item. Publish versions with the new SDK to Stable branch. When everything is working, remove addon tag from all mod files and delete it from Steam back-end. Note (5.): Don't expect this change before version 1.38.
  21. MAPFACT RUCKSACK WW4 Hi all, This is a special release of MapFact's Rucksack that adds ammo from the WW4 v2.5 mod and fixes some bugs that happen in CWA. It also adds east mines to the rucksack ammo. This addon is based on Mapfact's Rucksack v1.1, so it also contains all the features present on that version. While initially this addon was created for personal use, BadAss kindly granted permission to make it public. In order to differentiate this version from the regular MapFact releases he asked me to rename it to “WW4†instead of continuing the version numbering (which would make this v1.2). So, this is finally version 1.0 of the WW4 branch. Please refer to the “Readme_eng.htm†file in the “old v1.1 docs†directory (online version), in the linked file, for extended info and instructions about how to use this add-on. You can also find more information in the old release thread of v1.1. Also, in the included pdf you'll find a list with the class names of all the ammo. You can also read the file online here. The linked file below also includes a demo mission. Download MAPFACT'S RUCKSACK - WW4 v1.0 - http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?jmg4me45m8purk5 - http://www.multiupload.nl/ASISRBCMTJ More screens: ADDING RUCKSACKS TO YOUR MISSION Copy/Paste this in your mission's init.sqs: ; Init MAPFACT's Rucksack - WW4 ~1 [] exec "\MAP_Rucksack\Scripts\MAP_RuckInit.sqs" To add the rucksacks to units it's recommended that you use this script package: MAP AI RUCKSACK - WW4 It will automate the process of adding rucksacks and will also allow AI units to make use of them (so they can use the ammo stored in them when they run out of it). USE: [<unit>,<template to use>,<SD ammo?>,<HD ammo?>,<rucksack type>,<generic class>] exec "MAP_AIruckWW4\add.sqs" EXAMPLES: [this,"west_shadowops",false,false,"MAP_RucksackAlice"] exec "MAP_AIruckWW4\add.sqs" [e1u2,"east_army",false,true] exec "MAP_AIruckWW4\add.sqs" [unit1,"west_recon",false,false,"","sniper"] exec "MAP_AIruckWW4\add.sqs" Check the readme in the linked file for more info. DEMO MISSION: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?uc8bkauh29oa9ts Includes the scripts MAP AI RUCKSACK - WW4, HEAL GROUP and an updated version of REASSIGN WEAPONS WW4. If you don't want to allow AI units to use rucksacks or you have your own method to add them, you still need to add this "fired" eventhandler to the units you want to use their rucksacks: _unit addEventHandler ["fired",{if (_this select 1 in MAP_RuckSackTypes) then {_this exec "\MAP_Rucksack\Scripts\MAP_DropMag.sqs"};}] HOW TO USE THE RUCKSACK To take a magazine out of a rucksack you need to do the following: Select the rucksack in the actions menu If the desired magazine isn't loaded, select the desired mag in the actions menu and reload it Fire the rucksack like any other weapon You will bend down and put a single magazine on the ground Pick up the magazine you just dropped. Don't take too long to pick up the dropped magazine, as it will disappear after a couple minutes. AIs aren't able to use the rucksacks. If you're the squad leader you can order an AI to drop a whole magazine pouch, so you can pick it up and drop single magazines yourself. Then order the AI to pick up those single magazines. Please use the med-kit only when you're hurt. Otherwise it'll be wasted. CHANGELOG WW4 v1.0: - Added support for WW4 ammo - Dropped magazines are a bit ahead from the player now, so they're clearly visible - Players can interact with dropped magazines instantly - CWA: Fixed player being stuck when placing or packing tents and camonets - Fixed instance where player wasn't able to pack something if he still had loaded (although empty) the thing that he wanted to pack - Minor corrections to stringtable.csv - Added Mine East CREDITS Original addon: BadAss, Flashpoint_k and raedor (see “Readme_eng.htm†for extended credits) WW4 version: kenoxite
  22. Bohemia, hire this guy Brad and get his texture technology implemented as soon as humanly possible. -Love Kridian :D
  23. Hi everyone and all of you creative members of our community in particular. We have promised we will support our community as much as possible and here comes another service we want to offer to you. From January 2010 we plan to introduce a new section at www.arma2.com called Guerrilla / Community. This page will be dedicated to the entire community content created for ARMA or ARMA 2, as we feel it deserves more public attention. What we offer is the possibility to participate in the content published at this website. It's the opportunity for you to present your work to a much wider public and newly recruited players too! Content This kind of content is expected to be published at the Community Page: User made MOD / Addon / Tool announcement User made SP / MP Mission / Campaign announcement New website announcement Weekly reports from ARMA2 news sites Important community events Useful web links First Steps If you are interested in such collaboration on the official ARMA 2 website, just follow these steps to become a contributor: Go to this contact page at the ARMA 2 website and complete the form with these details:Your real name, city, country where you live. Your nickname used at the Bohemia Interactive forums. What community group / MOD / website you represent. What kind of content you want to contribute. Which language(s) you speak (English is required as minimum) [*]Please note that all details are mandatory and without them the request will be deleted. [*]Once you send the form, just wait until it's processed in Bohemia Interactive, which might take up to several days as every single request will be handled manually. [*]Once the request is approved you will obtain an email with your newly created user account at www.arma2.com to be able to log in and post the article or web link you want to publish. Rules There are several rules for all contributors which must be followed at all times: Only true and confirmed information directly related to ARMA / ARMA 2 user made content or activity is required. No spam, slander, lies, mystification and so. Clear, brief article. No double posts or unbearably long stories. Announcements, releases or major updates only, no WIP reports or minor updates. Weekly news reports up to date, no releases older than one week in the summary. Proper and spell-checked language. No irregular/slang words or any explicit content. One image per post. (Except news sites weekly reports). Every image must be hosted on your own website or on free public image hosting (ImageShack and so). All content should have the permissions of their respective creators, if there is any doubt that content permissions have not been sought you must not submit it to the website. Any content found to have been created without the prior permission of those who created any part of it, whether that be script, texture, model, sound, etc. will be removed from the website immediately and it is unlikely the person claiming this content as their own work will have any further content published on this community site. There will be no warning / infraction. Any violation of these rules will have serious consequences such as both arma2.com and official forums account ban. As the venture progresses it is of course likely that further rules/clarifications will be required, which you will receive notification of. Operation After submission, every single article will require approval and publication by official administrator / moderator. The user created article might be deleted without explanation if considered improper by administrator / moderator. Nobody should expect it 100% certain that their submission will be published. Authors who prove themselves reliable and trustworthy may obtain higher user status to be able to post and publish their submissions immediately and they may become moderators in the future. We will also appreciate any non-English submissions. However, the mandatory is to provide correct translation to English. The list of languages available follows: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Hungarian, Czech, Russian Future This service is not meant to be a competitor to established community websites, this service should hopefully complement the incredible work that the numerous news sites have performed for many years, nor do we plan to host files or images of user made stuff at Arma2.com for now. We hope this concept may prove itself viable and useful so we could introduce even more at www.arma2.com in the future. Please, don't hesitate to contact us! We look forward to hearing your feedback / suggestions at www.arma2.com.