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  1. Spagistan is looking for more players interested in a relaxed "realism" environment, please see our requirements and what we have to offer. We are a casual unit focused on community and involving imagination in the storytelling that Arma offers. We use a simple spread of mods like ACE, TFAR and RHS to create a more robust experience. Our main focus is having fun. If you're looking for a yes sir no sir unit this is not for you. On the other hand, if you're looking for a unit where we just crash jets for fun during a mission, this isn't for you either. We are looking for an experience in between where everyone can enjoy themselves. **What we have to offer:** Dedicated server based in East Coast US Private TeamSpeak & Discord Experienced players and mission makers Rank system Most of all, a friendly environment and community **Requirements:** 18+ Mic Working toaster oven or computer Willing to download our mod pack off workshop (If you need help, we got you) If you're interested in joining please add me on Steam, or pop in our discord and post a message with a little about yourself. Thanks for reading, relevant links below: [Discord] [Add me on Steam] [Unit Page]
  2. Okay. Hey peoples, one of my first threads here pleading for Help!!! I have been working on a CQB, VR Map for quite a long time now using VR blocks only. Now, I have different rooms from the start to finish that increase in difficulty and each stage is marked by colored arrows that point the direction of the finish area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So what I have done is I have used large amounts of 1x1x1 VR Blocks, to build walls, towers, roofs, balconies, cover etc. My idea was to have previously cleared stages blocked off by different shaped walls of VR blocks, once the player hit the next stage's trigger that is. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My go-to solution for this was to make a wall of blocks that separates stages 1 and 2 or Blue and Light Blue, Then set all the VR blocks conditions to false so that they would not be there on mission start and then create a trigger out of sight around a corner or something so as the player enters the trigger some magic VR wall appears in the previous stage so that the player can't go back to mission start and basically Re-Kit themselves with anything they want, before going back to finish off stages. I Just don't no how to tell the trigger to make the conditions of the sync'd VR blocks back to true once the trigger owner steps into the trigger. I really appreciate any help i get, Steam Name: Warlord I've been searching forums to no avail. I have thousands of hours of editor experience and not much to show for it so any other tips or anything will be incredibly helpful thank you so much everyone!! I have images of the Map but i can't post them here :(
  3. This is my first post, so I'll begin by apologising for any rules I may break or any syntax issues. Secondly, Im Trying to remodel an entire Arma 3 unit for a mod I am creating. The model was imported to Object builder no worries, I then took my time to follow every tutorial I could get my hands on regarding rigging and setting the unit up to be a playable unit in game. Here is a list of everything that has been done up till now (Without knowing any extra steps): -LODs and Texture set up and working, tested in engine and in game. -Geometry working. -Memory components set up (Now these memory points were used for the Arma 2 example). -Weighting selection to allow for animations (So tedious). - model.cfg and config set up correctly (hopefully). Now when I load it into game, everything works fine, the class path, the textures, I can even control as player, and he moves around as normal. EXCEPT, the model remains in the default "T" stance and about half way through the floor. Does anyone know anywhere I could look, or give me any information on how I can make this work. (Please let me know if you need any more details, like images or my config and model.cfg)
  4. The Post Made on 7/27/2016 Requirements: 1. Must be 18 Years of age 2. Must have Discord, and a working Microphone 3. Must be mature and not easily offended 4. Able to fallow Directions 5. Be willing to download Mods 6. Have Arma 3 and APEX The 151'st Fighting Irish is a U.S. ARMY styled Mil-sim unit that is grounded in structure. However it also functions as a family. The members here strive to create a fun dynamic environment with which to play Arma, and other games, but while also being a community of friends. To put that in layman's term we joke around a lot, poke fun, harass, and generally have a good time with one another, but when it's op time, you buckle down, do your job, and have a blast! We strive to be relaxed, but still get things done! If your looking for a professional yet casual experience in ARMA look no farther than the 151'st. Discord: https://discord.gg/B7N2CFM ( Warning: Strong language within. )
  5. WELCOME TO THE OUR UNIT POST Link to the 14th Marine Regement Unit : https://units.arma3.com/unit/mrg14th Link to the 14th Marine Regement Unit Website : https://14thmarineregement.jimdo.com/ We in the 14th Marine Regement are looking for players who love Milsim, Multiplayer Mission and more. We have our own teamspeak witch is very well made with custom icons/tags that you get when you have been accepted after an easy interview of why you want to join. Currently our Unit is very unpopulated but it has been popular before. It's not populated anymore since it shut down last year but we are now opening it! By joining the 14th Marine Regement Unit you will have an ingame patch on you're Right Arm with our logo. You will have access to our teamspeak3 and channels that belong to the members. (Training room, Mission Room etc..) WE WANT YOU TO JOIN! We want as many people to join from all around the world that can attend our events and others. We want to grow and have a nice community that people like! Everyone can join but you need to follow the listed rules. RULES 1. 16+ years old. 2. Own Teamspeak3. 3. Download Task Force Radio for Arma 3/Teamspeak. 4. Be polite and have manners & respect to others. 5. Not spread hate or racist/nazist things. 6. Willing to play on upcoming events. (Not all we understand if your busy) 7. Have a decent mic that works and understandable. 8. Having fun and feeling comfortable with other players. Jump on our teamspeak/comment on this post or send me a email over at : melkerornberg233@gmail.com if you are interested in joining! Kind regards MSgt.Melker (Owner and Founder of The 14th Marine Regement Unit.
  6. 43 MEU is Recruiting! [Milsim Unit] Hey everyone, my name is Private First Class Markham with the 43 MEU, I am a recruiting officer and I am here to talk about the unit. To Start things off, we have a very active community of over 50 people, ranging from active duty to past veterans of real life military. We have a 16 and up policy, however some exceptions may be put into place depending on knowledge and maturity. We are full of people that are looking to have some fun and to teach and learn new things. We encourage everyone, from new to old arma 3 players to come and try our Milsim Unit! Website link : 43meurealism.clanwebsite.com Teamspeak : ts89.gameservers.com:9181
  7. Good Morning, for my SP/MP Mission i modified the script from Evo Dan's vehicle respawn script for vehilce respawn and made a new script for respawn AI Soldier-units. When the Chopper and the AI gets killed, the Chopper and pilot gets spawned at the Base, then the Pilot shall get in his specific vehicle. I have some more Pilots for CAS/EVAC/Halo/Support. My scripts are working, but my new Pilot doesnt know anymore where his old vehicle is, because the old vehicle got deleted and he didnt got the reference to the new vehicle. Here are my scripts, Vehicle Respawn Script: /* [EVO] Dan's vehicle respawn script modified by Steam-User immerfestedruv In the Unit Init Field insert <0 = [this,5] execVM "vehicle_respawn.sqf";> for example. Will run only on the server, as it only needs to run in one place, but obviously can be used in both singleplayer and multiplayer */ _vehicle = _this select 0; // First Argument, get vehicle's details _respawntime = _this select 1; // Second Argument, get the init set respawn time _facingofvehicle = getDir _vehicle; // get original facing _positionofvehicle = getPosATL _vehicle; // get original position _vehicletype = typeOf _vehicle; // get the vehicle type _vehicleName = vehicleVarName _vehicle; // get the Variable-Name from the Vehicle _n = 1; if(isServer) then{ while{_n == 1} do{ hint format ["Fahrzeug-Variablen-Name lautet ",_vehicleName]; if((!alive _vehicle) || (!canMove _vehicle)) then { //true if vehicle is not alive or it cannot move sleep 240; // respawn time between respawn/move and deletion deleteVehicle _vehicle; //clear up old vehicle sleep _respawntime; // respawn time between deletion and then respawn _vehicle = _vehicletype createVehicle _positionofvehicle; // create a new vehicle of same type at starting position _vehicle setPosATL _positionofvehicle; //set correct position _vehicle setDir _facingofvehicle; //set correct facing of the vehicle _vehicle setVehicleVarName _vehicleName; /* Next Code-Line will be executed for the new Object by your CPU, but time of execution unkown. This behaves similar to the code in the init-field of your object. */ [[[_vehicle,_respawntime],"vehicle_respawn.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",false,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; _n = 0; // break out condition }; sleep 120; // sleep for a bit in order to reduce processing calls }; }; Unit Respawn Script: /* Based on [EVO] Dan's vehicle respawn script modified by Steam-User immerfestedruv In the Unit Init Field insert <0 = [this,5,blackfish_1,"Driver"] execVM "unit_respawn.sqf";> for example. Will run only on the server, as it only needs to run in one place, but obviously can be used in both singleplayer and multiplayer */ _unit = _this select 0; // First Argument, get Unit's details _respawntime = _this select 1; // Second Argument,get the init set respawn time _vehicle = _this select 2; // Third Argument, Vehicle in which the unit shall get in _vehicleSeat = _this select 3; // Forth Argument, on which Seat shall the unit sit _facingofunit = getDir _unit; // get original facing _positionofunit = getPosATL _unit; // get original position _unittype = typeOf _unit; // get the unit type _unitgroup = group _unit; // get group of the original unit _unitName = vehicleVarName _unit; // get the Variable-Name of the Vehicle _unitRank = rank _unit; // get the units orignal rank _unitSkill = skill _unit; // get the original skill of the unit _n = 1; if(isServer) then{ while{_n == 1} do{ if (alive _vehicle) then { hint format ["Fahrzeug %1 lebt noch.",_vehicle]; switch (_vehicleSeat) do { case "Driver": {_unit moveInDriver _vehicle}; case "Gunner": {_unit moveInGunner _vehicle}; case "Turret": {_unit moveInTurret _vehicle}; case "Commander": {_unit moveInCommander _vehicle}; default {_unit moveInCargo _vehicle}; }; } else {hint format ["Kein Fahrzeug für %1 ",_unit];}; if((!alive _unit) || (!canMove _unit)) then { //true if unit is not alive or it cannot move sleep 120; // additional time delay between unit being killed and unit being deleted _unit setPosATL [0,0,0]; // move old unit away before respawn new unit sleep 1; // wait a bit for safety // create a new unit of same type at starting position _unittype createUnit [_positionofunit, _unitgroup,"newUnit = this", _unitSkill, _unitRank]; newUnit setVehicleVarName _unitName; newUnit setPosATL _positionofunit; // set correct position newUnit setDir _facingofunit; // set correct facing of the unit sleep _respawntime; // respawn time between respawn/move and deletion deleteVehicle _unit; // clear up old units? /* Next Code-Line will be executed for the new Object by your CPU, but time of execution unkown. This behaves similar to the code in the init-field of your object. */ [[[newUnit,_respawntime,_vehicle,_vehicleSeat],"unit_respawn.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",false,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; _n = 0; // break out condition }; sleep 60; // sleep for a bit in order to reduce processing calls }; }; How do i can get my Pilot in his new specific Chopper? And is it useful to use the command setVehicleVarName/vehicleVarName in a Multiplayer/Internet/Singleplayer Mission? Another idea would be to not delete the vehicle but to repair it and move it to origin position. How to? regards EDIT: Link to my working but not finished and optimized script, unit_respawn.sqf vehicle_respawn.sqf
  8. Foxhound specializes in combined arms and small unit tactics, but we don't take ourselves too seriously and we get it done while having fun. We have a private server online 24/7 that is currently configured to run the Antistasi mission, but we run different maps, game modes, and are looking forward to PvP. We are active and there is always something going on, whether it's a coordinated operation or just a couple of shady guys working on perfecting the Irish car bomb. We have integrated Task Force Radio into our TeamSpeak 3 server and have our own workshop collection of mods in Steam, listed as FXHD in the Collections section. Check out our website, hop into our TeamSpeak, or submit an application to get in touch.
  9. The 21st Guards Motor Rifle Brigade is a realism unit in which all members want to have a fun and realistic experience, using real world tactics taught to us by members who are or were part of a military force. We follow multiple rules some of which are to role play as a military force at all time during times of "protocol" and simply to have fun. The 21st are always recruiting, so feel free to join. INFANTRY - 21st Guards Motor Rifle Brigade AIRFORCE - 177th Aviation Rules of Applying: 15+ Follow Orders From Higher Command Willingness to Download Mods Can Speak the English Language Available For Unit Events Legal Copy of Arma 3 A Microphone And Teamspeak 3 Unit Information: Experienced Leadership Friendly Members All Events Start At 5 pm US Central Time Organized Trainings New Ideas Always Welcome IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN JOINING PLEASE COME ON OUR TEAMSPEAK OR APPLY ON OUR WEBSITE! (INFO BELOW) Website - www.21stgmrb.com Teamspeak -
  10. 101st Airborne Division Realism Unit (US division) Arma 3 WW2 Milsim based on Iron Front mod with Faces of War The 101st Airborne Division Realism Unit is a milsim unit based on the Iron Front WW2 mod on the western front, with many fixes and custom additions working to achieve a realistic combat experience. With a rapidly growing population and many positions yet to be filled, we are proud to finally announce that we are opening our doors to public recruitment. In our constant effort to create a realistic World War II environment in Arma 3, our unit has adopted several mods that break new boundaries in creating this environment for our members. The mods are very accessible and easy to install even to novice players and full assistance can be provided to those who have any trouble at all. The mods that we use on our servers allow us to provide an incredible depth of realism that few other units can provide. Currently our unit is composed of players with very diverse backgrounds. Some of our members are veterans of the realism/milsim community that have been in multiple historical units, in both Arma 2 and Arma 3, which aim to endure the environments of which the brave soldiers of the last great war experienced. Others in our unit are rather new to the scene, but they are greeted with open arms and training that teaches them to fight amongst the very best! Players of all experience levels are welcome to join! Perhaps you have been in realism units before, or perhaps you are looking for a change from the normal run of the mill invade and annex servers. Wherever you might be coming from, we would be happy to have any and all come in for an interview or to simply learn more about the unit. Current sub-units: 8th Air Force 8th Armored Division (Temporarily closed) Interested in joining? Awesome! Come on over to our TeamSpeak server and sit tight in the "Waiting for Recruiter" channel. IP: 101ab.dtdns.net - Currahee! -
  11. The 9th JSOC is a milsim community that will tackle any operation, large or small with special tactics and teamwork. We have a private server that we play on with a few great mods installed. We have an immense ranking system that is based off the army. We have been tackling a few challenges with the community but invite any person that wants to play arma 3 and other games with the community. We have great people who want to make the 9th JSOC re-active in a community, we have amazing leaders who are great at teaching new comers how we run stuff. We welcome any person, no matter the age or hours you have. We have a steam community and teamspeak which are listed here: Steam group - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/9thJSOC TeamSpeak If you want to get to know more about us, please go to the teamspeak and talk to one of our members. We do not care if you join our group on steam, it helps if you join the TS though. Even saying your interested in what we do intrigues us. We'll see you out there!
  12. The 10th Armored Cavalry Brigade The 10th Armored Cavalry Brigade [10thACB] is a community of dedicated gamers who desire to play Arma3 the way it was meant to be played — using teamwork, unselfish role playing and the latest mods and communication technologies to simulate a serious military experience in a fun and relaxed gaming environment. We are currently accepting new recruits and have openings in all four elements: 1. Infantry 2. Armor 3. Artillery 4. Air Team If you are interested in learning more about us but are not quite ready to apply as a recruit, we recommend you come to our Teamspeak Channel and talk with one of our members. TS3.10thACB.com Basic requirements for joining our group: 1. Must be 21 years old 2. Must be willing to attend a 3-hour basic training class within 30 days. (Basic training is a review of the basic gaming tools, simulation procedures and military terminology and tactics required of all of our members.) 3. Must be willing to commit to playing regularly. We don’t expect or require you to attend every event we hold, but we do expect you to be as active as you can and to stay in touch with your unit so we can plan. (We conduct two operations a week plus an occasional training session. OPs are generally held Thursday and Saturday at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT). 4. Must be a teamplayer and check your ego at the door. (We expect all our members from the Commander to the newest Recruit to treat others with respect and consideration and we don’t want drama. If you can’t get along and leave your ego at the door, then you probably won’t want to join us.)
  13. A new cooperative [ZEUS] and PVP unit, If you enjoy team based action across a dynamic environment then this is the unit for you. [NON UK MEMBERS ARE STILL WELCOME AS LONG AS YOU CAN SPEAK ENGLISH]. Join here --> https://units.arma3.com/unit/ukaf We will be playing every saturday night unless of issues we will move it if so.
  14. Welcome to the forum post for the arma 3 unit, 1st Marine Division. We are a milsim unit looking for members, we do training weekly and operations weekly and unlike many other milsim units we accept all ages, but you can get kicked for being immature or disrespectful. What do we offer - Weekly training and operations - Respectful members - Real marine ranking system - occasional PVP events - Real marine platoon, company, battalion Ranks! We use real Marine Ranks Marine Corps Enlisted Junior Ranks E - 1 PVT E - 2 PFC E - 3 LCPL Marine Corps Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) Ranks E - 4 CPL E - 5 SGT Marine Corps Staff Non-Commissioned Officer (SNCO) Rank E - 6 SSGT E - 7 GySGT E - 8 1stSgt / MSgt E - 9 MGySgt / SgtMaj E - 9s Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps What Role Can You Take On! We use real Marine Roles Ground Combat Element Rifleman Machine Gunner Mortar Man Assault Marine LAV Marine LAV Driver LAV Gunner LAV Commander Scout Sniper Spotter Sniper Specialties in Artillery Fire Support Marine Artillery Meteorological Marine High Mobility Artillery Rocket System Operator AAV Marines AAV Rear Marines AAV Driver AAV Commander Armor Marine Tank Driver Tank Gunner Tank Commander Specialties in Engineering Combat Engineer Engineer Equipment Operator Engineer Assistant Field Artillery Officer Infantry Officer Tank Officer Enlisted Aircrew Aerial Observer/Gunner Helicopter Crew Chief Presidential helicopter Crew Chief Aviation Logistics Aviation Supply Specialists Aviation Logistics Information Management and Support Specialist Aviation Supply Officer Fixed-Wing Pilot Naval Flight Officer Rotary/Tilt Rotor Pilot Specialties in Communications Field Radio Operator Specialties in Logistics Embarkation Specialist Airborne and Air Delivery Specialist Landing Support Specialist Specialties in Transportation Motor Vehicle Operator Specialties in Ground Ordnance/Ammunition and EOD EOD technician Combat Engineer Officer Communications Officer Ground Supply Officer Logistics Officer Military Police Officer Signals Intelligence Officer Requirements - Working microphone - Respect to higher ups and everyone else - Willing to participate in training at least every two weeks and events every two weeks - Dedication Link to Website https://units.arma3.com/unit/my-unit1marinedivision
  15. Here at 3rd Special Forces Operations, we take pride in the leadership of true Arma series Professionals. Professionalism is the core pillar of the foundation upon which we build this unit; Confidence drives the various aspects of our Brotherhood--we all want to be good, and we all want to be better than we were the week before. At the end of the day, ladies & gentlemen, what we the leadership are looking for is not perfection, but rather the desire to see oneself improve. What sets us apart from other military simulation units is that we focus on and master the basics of infantry-based combat tactics in realistic battlefield scenarios. We are not just leading a group of subordinates: we strive to lead one another as peers and uplift the unit together. To us, a team is not meant to be micro-managed, but instead, is meant to be provided a task and given the freedom to utilize the skill-sets and tools available to them to complete it in the most effective way possible. Our top priority is to accomplish the mission before us, and we will find the means to finish it no matter what it may take. If these basic principals are what you look for in a mil-sim unit, we would love to have you along for the ride. Cpt. J. Black What we want in a new join is the confidence and ready to be committed to a unit that puts hours of time so you can gain the experience you are looking for. We follow our rank structure, we have a solid event planning system, and most of all we have a full infrastructure ready to take on as many of you as possible. We are created and ran by veterans from many branches. It so happens that veterans understand the military very well and we were able to relate their experience to the arma 3rdsSFO community. So if you're ready for a Realism unit that is not going to crash like the last five you have been in, come roll casually with us on our Insurgency server and learn what is the 3rdSFO! Operation Timezone: Central US time or -6 GMT Game Type: CO-OP and PVP Teamspeak IP: Ts3.3rdSFO.us Public Server IP: Port: 2542 Map: Taviana Game Type: Insurgency (ALIVE) High Traffic Time: 2000-00 Server side mods (Required): CBA ACE3 TFAR RHSUSAF CUP Terrains - Maps CUP Terrains - Core CUP Vehicles CUP Units CUP Weapons F/A-18 Alive The Mods 3rdSFO Runs includes above: BloodLust USS Nimitz BackPackOnChest ShackTac User Interface Advanced Sling Loading Advanced Towing Advanced Urban Repelling Arma Enhanced Movement FIR Pilot&Crew Pack HMDs MOD (Metric) L3-GPNVG18 Panoramic Night Vision Spec4Gear v4.6 Splended Smoke Theseus Services Steam Collection Server is open keys, so you can run any mods that you like. Just have the minimal required ones and you should be fine.
  16. 3rd Marine Division Fox Company, 2nd Battalion Marine Raider Team 8316 1st Marine Aircraft Wing 724th Special Tactics Group Hello, and before you read this post I wanted to thank you personally for taking the time to check us out. It will be a bit long, but it will include all the information required to both understand what the unit is about and also how to enlist or get in contact should you be interested. If you have any questions, please feel free to use the resources we provide at the bottom of the post to get into contact. What is the 3rd Marine Division? The 3rd Marine Division, or 3rd MD, is a military simulation unit looking to redefine the standard of military simulation, by providing a drama free, mature, and professional environment where you are a person, not a number, and can have as equal a chance as any to succeed. This group was founded on those principles, and has taken them to heart. Under those principles, we intend to allow our unit to thrive inside the milsim community, and constantly take consideration to the opinions of our player base to further improve the experience we provide. Outside of how we operate, the 3rd Marine Division is the culmination of numerous different assets within the United States Military. We consist of a regular infantry element (2nd Bat, 3rd MD), a MARSOC element (MRT 8316), an aviation element (1st MAW), and a Para-rescue element (724th STG). All these elements operate either together or separately to complete a wide variety of different objectives within our operations, with care being taken to try and diversify the scope of the missions our unit partakes in. What We Do As stated prior, the 3rd MD strives to maintain a mature, professional, and more importantly realistic environment. Considering this, training and operations are held to a high standard, and are done on a fairly regular basis. While we don't have daily operations, we do have a public liberation server which we will play on during the week for the purpose of practice but also enjoyment. Furthermore, we have our private training and operations server, operations being Saturdays at 1800 Eastern Standard Time. Training schedules depend entirely on the unit in which you enlist. These trainings and operations are all of course not only to provide enjoyment, but are also intended to breed the skills required by our members for success. Furthermore, in keeping with our standard, we partake in missions that the real US Military would partake in, these operations include activities such as… Counter Terrorism Large Scale Conventional Warfare Helicopter Based Assaults Defensive Operations Direct Action Hostage Rescue and many more activities that are not needing to be listed Training and Requirements We will begin with requirements, as the rest is not applicable to you if you do not meet these. Must be 15+ (17+ for the MARSOC element) Must be mature and have a professional attitude Must be willing to follow the chain of command Must own a legal copy of ArmA 3 Must be willing to dedicate time towards the unit, as it shall to you Must be able to make at least one unit event a week unless excused Must complete the training process in the required time frame Must maintain respect for yourself and others at all times If you meet these requirements, then read the following. It describes our training process... Training depends entirely on the unit in which you are assigned. Therefore, the length can vary. It will generally be no longer than a month unless you choose to enlist in our MARSOC element. The MARSOC element strives to create a lengthy process, generally lasting a month and a half, to ensure all members are dedicated to the unit. How Do I Join? Joining is a very simple process; it can be done by finding a recruiter, who can be found on our teamspeak at tfv.teamspeak3.com If that IP doesn't work, try or come to our website and make an account at https://2ndbattalion3rdmarines.wordpress.com/ Thank you for reading this post.
  17. S.H.I.E.L.D. What is SHIELD? SHIELD is a multi-national Arma III casual-milsim unit based off multiple ranks and fields from marvel’s SHIELD. As a milsim unit, we strive to use teamwork and tactics in Arma III. We are all here for one common goal: To act out as SHIELD Agents and Operatives on missions and training, while maintaining a fun factor for everybody. Training's What training will I undergo? We currently require all new members to undergo Selection (BCT and AIT combined). Selection consists of learning the basics of our mods, how procedures go, and other basic information. What we have to offer Special Agent Intel Agent STRIKE soldier Security Vehicle driver/gunner What is required to join? Must be 13+ years of age Speak English Be able to download mods Attend our required operations on Saturdays at 7:00PM EST Own valid copy of Arma III and the DLC APEX Enthusiasm! Interested? Our teamspeak: ca16.ts3.cloud:3092
  18. THE TECHNICAL BUNCH Who are we? Hello! The Technical Bunch is a new unit established for the ArmA franchise focusing on semi-realistic approach to the game. Instead of yelling drill sergeants we offer nice, friendly and welcoming atmosphere with each person ready and eager to assist! We don't focus on one particular unit to represent, playing as any army or side we like, which will be chosen by a vote each month. Who are we looking for? We're looking for people new to the series as well as the veterans of virtual battlefields of Armed Assault, whose experience will surely be of help! What do we use? We also use mods praised and recognized by the whole community - Community Upgrade Project, ACE 3, Task Force Arrowhead Radio just to name a few! To help people getting their modset ready, one of our members created a streamlined and user-friendly launcher, which allows users to sync their mods with minimal effort! We also have a Steam Workshop collection up and running. I'm intrested, where can I join? Contact us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheTechnicalBunch/ Or ArmA 3 units: https://units.arma3.com/unit/ttb Hit up the leader on steam here: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198026586287/ Or hop on our TS3 server: WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU!
  19. Inspired by the hit TV show Agents of SHIELD We are a RP milsim unit based on the game type's Overthrow and Liberation. We are bran new but wish anyone that like to role play, heck even is a fan of the show to join. we are also part of a gaming community called Misfits check them out those guys their are awesome! What we offer -custom mod pack -private server -part of a gaming community -TS or Discord avaliable -friendly troll free community/unit -promoting your Twitch and doing live streams
  20. Comrade, If you are looking for a Russian-style unit in ARMA3, look no further! 28MRB is a realism/milsim unit that is focusing on PVP with other ARMA3 units This unit is run as a milsim unit but is very open to everyone for every type of player. We try to run this unit very realistically, but not like the real military. We are always open for recruiting. We value our Rank system, but there is no dividing between different ranks. We value every rank/soldier. Requirements: 16+ Proficient in English Be Social And most of all, Have Fun! WANTED: BMP-2 / BTR-60: Driver BMP-2 / BTR-60: Gunner / Commander Platoon Medic Machine Gunner RPG Gunner Grenadier Rifleman More... How do you become a member of 28MRB? It's easy! Fill in this Application-Form Just go to our website: http://www.28mrb.boards.net Or join us on Teamspeak: (Admins online 18:00-24:00 GMT+0) Further Server details will be given to you as soon as the recruitment process has started. We are an European Based Unit but everybody is welcome to join, as long as you speak English. We hope to see you soon!
  21. 2 PARA is a British Realism unit. We started off in ARMA 2 in 2014, but have now returned in ARMA 3, with many of our old members joining back to re-create the fun we had back then. Our aim is to provide a realistic, but fun experience to all of our members through our high quality missions every Saturday at 8pm GMT (Or BST during summer). We use a variety of mods, such as ACE, ACRE, and a collection of British Unit and vehicle mods to allow us to emulate the parachute regiment. Why join us? We play Arma in a tactical, realistic way, using teamwork to achieve our objectives. We have a simple phase one training, therefore this group is perfect for those that want a mature, tactical community, but maybe don’t have the time or the interest in hyper-realistic milsim groups as we don't try to match the real world procedures. The term we use to describe this is 'casual milsim'. If you cannot attend every mission due to other commitments or uncertainty, you can also join the reserves; this allows you to join in when you’re able, although you won’t be able to have any specialist roles. Requirements We have some basic requirements we ask from people joining, but the most important is for people to be mature when we are playing: Mature Working Microphone Own Arma 3 (No DLC required) Speak English fluently Can attend trainings/missions at times above (unless reserves) Not in another group already (that clashes with our times) Extra Info We use highly modified and simplified British tactics to fit the game. Our main aim is to have fun. We aim to achieve this by using teamwork in an efficient and professional manner. The ranks we have are 'functional’. They only exist to fit their own function. For example, as we are only up to one section currently, there is only a need for a Cpl to lead them. We are based on the Parachute Regiment, therefore our main role in conventional warfare will be para-drops and air assaults. Whereas, in counter insurgency campaigns, we will be replicating what most modern forces do in conflicts like Afghanistan and Iraq. You do not need a specific interest in the Parachute Regiment or the British Army to join, although you will get most out of the unit if you do. If this post has managed to persuade you to sign up or at least ask a few more questions of what we can do for you, then either sign up on the website - https://2-para.co.uk/ - or, add me on Steam - razer313 Thanks for reading, hope to see you soon!
  22. I'm able to do it in VR, but even on an empty Tanoa map I can't get a full capture, and, to get the error to go away I have to add ]]] to make it stop, but then when I call it from a trigger it still wont work.. In VR I just raised it and landed and the line of script is longer than flying to the volcano from the main base. Anyone else having this issue ? I'm scratching my head and frustrated after a couple hours with no results what-so-ever. Thank you for any feedback..
  23. 23rd TRU is looking for a few more players for weekly special ops missions. We focus on challenging, teamwork oriented missions while taking out the boring parts that make up a true mil sim. Spots are limited but we will be hosting small recruiting missions this week in order to give players an opportunity to join us.
  24. Hi. I want to make a squad get out of a vehicle when a script is activated, and make them get back in when another one is activated. Is it possible to do without scripting, just with triggers init? The unload, load get out and get in waypoints dont seem to work... Btw the squad consists of players and AI. If that is not possible, can i make the passengers and cargo dudes eject? I googled a bit and found something that makes cargo eject but its a btr 80 which means that most people sit on top.
  25. Who Are We? The British Foreign Legion (BFL) is a group of semi-casual Arma 3 milsim players hailing from North America and Europe. The existing community has been around for five years and gone through many facelifts, during which time we've learned what works and what doesn't. We are now seeking to expand our ranks in order to field a much larger unit during operations. For more info, check out our Steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/BritishForeignLegion Training Training sessions are held at the discretion of the CO. An announcement will be posted at least one day in advance, and more often than not two days. If you can't make it, that's fine, but remember that you must attend training to advance in the unit. Operations Operations are generally made in-game with Zeus, however editor-made missions are used semi-frequently as well. Operation types include COIN, urban assault, parachute ops, recon, and HVT/hostage extraction. No operation is completely mandatory, as we realize that people have lives outside of video games. Mods The unit has a modpack, which is a compilation of mods that we deem excellent and beneficial to our gameplay. Age/Required Items You must be 15+ to apply to the BFL, own Arma 3 and Arma 3 Apex, and must have a microphone. Failing to meet these requirements will result in your application being dismissed out of hand. If you are interested in applying, please contact us at britishforeignlegiona3@gmail.com. Regards, Lt. Ryan, BFL Acting CO