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Found 282 results

  1. Hi, I'm using a trigger to spawn AI (CSAT) boats and make them move to a waypoint (to chase the blufor boats) and I am getting a "generic code error" when I try to do this. The code I have so far is as follows: group_2 = creategroup east; enemy2 = group_2 createVehicle ["O_Boat_Armed_01_hmg_F ",getmarkerpos "spawn2",[],0,"form"]; enemy2 domove (getmarkerpos "waypoint2") This code is situated in the activation section of the trigger. I have a dot marker set as spawn2 and a circle marker set as waypoint 2 (as I'm spawning a load of ground units at the same time who spawn at spawn1). Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
  2. DISCLAIMER/ INTRO: Hello, sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but I no longer know where to look for advice. I've looked all around the forums and googled around for a week now. I have made missions for my friends since arma 2, but I have no experience with scripting other than implementing simple scripts that is rather user-friendly. PROBLEM: So I have made 6 star wars co-op missions for my friends to play, while I zeus around. My first 4 missions runs in multiplayer with no problems, but my two last missions I am having some trouble with: While I'm making my mission in the editor, I use the singleplayer to test it, however when I tried running it in the multiplayer to make sure everything worked fine before showing it to my friends, it all seemed to freeze up completely when spawning into the mission. It got so bad I had to Ctrl+Alt+Delete to exit the game. The first 4 missions worked fine, with only the 4th mission using one simple script in the trigger. However in the 5th and 6th mission (the ones I'm having trouble with) I introduced some ALIAS scripts into the missions (not sure if that's directly the problem). I am wondering if there is something I can do to fix it or optimize it for use in the multiplayer? I really need it to work, but I don't know what to do anymore.
  3. So, im setting up a SP mission. Out of complete randomness the AI decided to shoot at my jeeps with their RPG. i found that so dope so I wanted to have that in the mission but it just wont replicate. I tried setting a Destroy waypoint on the vehicle - AI does nothing, just walks there. I tried setting them to open fire and combat state and just let them stand around (which was basiclly the same that happened when it randomly worked) but they wont shoot at it.... so what am I supposed to do to make this horrendous AI work the way i want? shouldnt it be self explenatory to enable the AI to shoot rockets at vehicles?!?!
  4. The idea of the mission i'm editing is that the players need to aid civilians, and bandaging all of them triggers an enemy attack. Involving the ace medical system troubles this, because civilians heal themselves even without medical equipment. disabling simlation would block any input, so what I thought I should do is to disable the AI medical system in the needed units. I can easily disable the global AI medical system through addon options, but I don't know the script needed for this to apply in only one unit
  5. Hi, is there any possible way to toggle the visibility layer for a specific module so it won't clutter every inch of my modified Malden map? There are some modules that just have a simple marker but no outer transparent boundaries and it would be great to hide this effect while in 3d editor. Thanks for any help
  6. In my mission, when a Bluefor player enters an area, the trigger causes Independent AI forces to respawn. Altogether 16 Independent soldiers. The problem is that when another Bluefor member also enters the area, another 16 Independent AI enters the game. What should I do to be born only 16 enemies for the entire Bluefor team? Trigger Config Tipe: None Activation: BLUEFOR Activation Type: Present Repeatable: DISABLED Server Only: DISABLED My code: (How to perform this only 1 time to the side (Team). But it can be activated by any player on the team.) if (!isDedicated) then {null = [this] execVM "Gatilhos\Defesa\Alpha\Ind\Squad1.sqf";};
  7. convertedObjects = []; { if (isNil {_x getVariable "preventSimple"}) then { private _interiorPositions = []; _interiorPositions = [_x] call BIS_fnc_buildingPositions; if (count _interiorPositions isEqualTo 0) then { if (lightIsOn _x != "ON" && lightIsOn _x != "AUTO") then { private _position = getPosWorld _x; private _vectorDirUp = [vectorDir _x, vectorUp _x]; private _model = getModelInfo _x select 1; deleteVehicle _x; private _simpleObj = createSimpleObject [_model, _position]; _simpleObj setVectorDirAndUp _vectorDirUp; convertedObjects = convertedObjects + [_x]; }; }; }; } forEach (( allMissionObjects "building" - allMissionObjects "StreetLamp" ) select { !isClass( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "UserActions" ) && ( getArray( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "ladders" ) isEqualTo [] ) }); // add this command to the object's init to prevent it from going simple: // this setVariable ["preventSimple", true]; // use this command to count how many objects were turned into simple objects by the script: // count convertedObjects; // for obvious reasons the script will not turn into simple objects the following objects: // 1) Objects that have interiors 2) Objects that emmit light 3) Objects that have user acctions such as ladders, gates, street barriers etc. The code above replaces all the mission objects (That are not units/vehicles, have no interiors and/or have no lights) with simple ones. I gain +10 FPS immediately after running that code in GLOBAL turning +2100 objects into simple objects on my reference mission. (The FPS increase will depend on how many objects you've added to your mission via EDEN editor). The reduction in stuttering is notorious. Combine this script with other optimization scripts such as view distance and you will get more additional frames than overclocking your CPU without all the dangers! 😉 Special thanks to @Larrow Question for the Arma Gurus: How can I save those results to the mission file so it is those same simple objects right from the start? (Without using such MP resource heavy script). Thanks
  8. Hello, I'm currently trying to write a script that creates a trigger via the radio Alpha channel and that can be activated by the player. The trigger statemesnts should set another unit (hunter1) into a combatmode Red and also have a line of sideChat from the player. Here is what I have so far _trig1 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [0,0,0]]; _trig1 setTriggerArea [0, 0, 0, false]; _trig1 setTriggerActivation ["ALPHA", "present", false]; _trig1 setTriggerText "Sniper Cover - Geronimo"; _trig1 setTriggerStatements [ "this", "hunter1 setcombatmode "RED"", "player sidechat "OPEN UP!" ]; }; I keep getting an error message saying I'm missing a "]" but I cant for the life of me figure it out. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Denzo
  9. Hello, I've been thinking about a possible MOD for Arma 3 that could really produce some butt-clenching, heart pounding, gameplay moments. It's heavily inspired on the Battle Royale mod which is dying out sadly, and there's some MMO elements in them too. Anyways, I've made a small presentation that explains the idea better: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1LYfntb3MyRWQUp3Eyju9cyEopTPzSF_dRzpS99TxcvE/edit?usp=sharing I'm no developer, my goal with this post is to just 'test the water' and see if there is some interest in a game mod like this. Secondly if someone can enlighten me on how much work creating a minimal viable prototype of this MOD would take, or point me in the general direction of someone that can help me get this going, that would also be greatly appreciated. Thank you! best regards
  10. Anyone looking for a potential fix, simply remove the MCC mod (if you're running it). This removes the following 2 errors: [BIS_fnc_activateAddons] The function can be activated only through the mission init [BIS_fnc_moduleCurator] Curator owner not defined, player used instead in single player See below for further details: https://github.com/shaygman/MCC_sandbox_modDev/issues/60
  11. Hello, just reporting on a bug I have been encountering recently that I have finally found the root cause of. When setting up a Zeus v Zeus mission I wanted to have a limit and natural regeneration of either Zeus' resources. (So they couldn't just spam a bunch of units and overwhelm the server.) All of the modules to set costs such as Side, Object, and Soldiers and Vehicles work perfectly as intended. (Each cost set is used for the synced curator.) However, the module controlling the costs of Zeus modules, Ie: Audio, Effects, Animals, Objectives, etc... does not function properly. I didn't want the Zeus' just resorting to using the Fire Support Module to win fights so I set this Module using the editor Set Costs - Modules to a number greater than 1, so it could not be used. But, there was an issue, after setting the cost of this Module, Fire Support was still available and at the same resource cost as any of the other Modules I did allow the Zeus' to use... It wasn't till today, when I decided I wanted this exploit patched that I uncovered what was causing the issue. When setting the costs of Modules one of the categories is "Misc" and this is what is creating the issue, no matter what value you set any of the other Module costs too, they all follow the cost of Misc... meaning that all Modules are forced to either all be the same cost as the Misc value or to have them all disabled, by having the value set to an unattainable cost. (1<_) I will provide screenshots demonstrating this issue, I hope it can be resolved in the near future. Thank you. Screenshots: Misc at 0.02 (2%): Misc at 0.9 (90%):
  12. Hi guys I'm having a trouble with my mission file. I was trying to edit out a mod dependency and i unfortunately deleted the wrong thing and saved it. Here is the sqf file. https://pastebin.com/NLinF5bU Here is the screen. https://imgur.com/a/4H743mC I really don't wont to lose this mission because i spend lots of time on it. If anyone can help me i would be grateful. If you are wondering what the mission is, it added lights to the Seattle map airports.
  13. Hello everyone, im new on this website! I need help on a problem, that I spent hours trying to fix it, but still no idea... So I'm making a stealth-kinda mission, with guards, alarms and stuff. I already made a Sentry to move into a house, and activate an alarm, when activated, making the nearby guards search for an intruder. I kinda got used to using triggers, but there is something I can't figure. It's the following; So in the base, I want a vehicle crew just chilling with a Sentry waypoint, and a Get In waypoint, so when they see an intruder, they'll use the nearby BMP. So it works well, but i want them to get in the BMP when they see enemy OR when the alarm is triggered. So I can only make them get in the BMP ONLY when the alarm is on, or ONLY when they see enemy... How can a make it both? I dunno if there is still people playing with this game, but I hope someone will find this thread. :) (I'm not from an English speaking country, I hope I was understandable :) )
  14. igame360

    Static Animations

    I love creating pictures in Arma. But i have all the static animation packs. But I feel there needs to be more for the modern day mods and more variety. I've found a couple of video tutorials. But they were unclear, and there wasn't any audio to it. It was also for animations(loading) not a static animation. Can anyone point me in the appropriate direction to find the correct information I'll need to contribute to the community. Thanks in advance. PS. No I didn't search the thread.
  15. Hi Community ! I'm happy (and a bit proud) to present my work : Macaco's mod… A mod everyday ""work in progress"... for now 9 modules... - AI Reaction (Requires CBA, TASKFORCERADIO) With this module you can activate the "hearing" of the AI, which will hear you when you speak with TASK FORCE RADIO - Timer (Requires CBA, ACE) With this module you can activate a timer, based on the DAYTIME variable (totally rewritten) - FollowMe (Requires CBA, ACE) With this module it is possible to enable an ACE interaction menu that allows the player to have some AI commands run: *follow me *stop *lying *stand up * go up to the nearest vehicle * wears protective clothing (helmet + harness) * handcuffing (use a band) *to free - "Logistic Vehicle" module. (Requires CBA, ACE) With this module (can be synchronized with just one faction vehicle) it is possible to create a logistic vehicle for refueling / resetting and vehicle repair ... Also you can use an AI that "simulates" the repair of the vehicle but that if killed will make subsequent repairs impossible ... - "Earthquake" (Requires CBA, ACE) The module allows to create earthquakes with destructive areas; the intensity of the earthquake is adjustable ... - Module "HQ" (Requires CBA, TASKFORCERADIO) The module allows you to create an HQ vehicle with different features: * Equip the vehicle with aeronautical radio with 40km range (Task Force Radio) * Equip the vehicle (in the inventory) with UAV backpack (Darter), batteries and terminal (depending on faction) * Equip the vehicle with an omnidirectional radio disturbance antenna (Task Force Radio) * Equip the vehicle with a directive antenna (movable) to increase the range / power of the radio (Task Force Radio) -"Sounds Of War" module (Requires CBA, ACE) The module allows you to create areas with war sound effects and possibly (real) explosions and light flares, useful for example to delimit areas game recreating a more realistic situation ... -"Supplies" module (Requires CBA, ACE) The module allows you to request a supply case, with a virtual arsenal set by the editor. The module is equipped with various options for operating dynamics. -"Watch" Module (Requires CBA, ACE) With this module it is possible to activate a clock (with graphic interface) that creates two alarms, publishes useful variables for triggers and executes sqf files at the end of alarms .... - "Advanced Stamina" Module (Requires CBA, ACE) (feat. Hollywood) This module manages advanced stamina, adding the possibility of drinking, eating, etc ... Note for those who used the previous mod "Advanced Stamina Mod": Edit the missions with the old mod and then re-insert the modules with Macaco's Mod ON STEAM WORKSHOP: Macaco's mod ON YOU TUBE: Macaco's Channel (Tutorials) SECONDO REGGIMENTO INCURSORI ( 2RGT ) : http://www.secondoreggimento.it/
  16. Hello, i'm trying to do some stuff in Eden Editor. So lately i found this tutorial about keyframe animations and start trying. For the first try everything works great, but in some time red lines (paths) between keyframes just dissapear. So doing animation without seeing paths is imposible. Is there way to show red lines again or it some sort of bug?
  17. In short, I made a faction mod by using Drongo's Config Generator to create new units based on units from other mods and official platform updates. I took the faction mod config file into Notepad++ and edited it to add editor subcategories for my units to help improve organization and scenario compatibility. One problem remained: many of my units did not appear under the category of my faction in 3DEN or Zeus (though some arbitrarily did). Instead, they appear under the subcategory I assigned them, but under the faction category that the unit I had built them upon belonged to. This includes infantry, vehicles, turrets, and other such hardware. Squads and groups appear to function fine. In order to solve this, we went into the configs and added a class editorCategory under the same display name as the faction, then assigned this category to all the units in cfgVehicles. they all appeared, neat and organized, as desired. This for some reason broke compatibility with the Reinforcements Module of Achilles, and now my faction no longer appears under the Vehicle Faction selection dialogue, although it still appears under the squad selection dialogue for the same module. Since Achilles reinforcements only handles infantry in the form of groups, I think the issue at hand is not limited to only vehicles, but all units under cfgVehicles including infantry and others. Just as well, in cfgVehicles, all the units are assigned to my faction, and should be appearing under the appropriate category, but don't. There is no issue with selecting the faction as a playable faction in scenarios like Dynamic Recon Ops, and if the classname for the faction were somehow wrong in the config files, I would be getting all kinds of errors. This leads me to believe that, somehow, there is an issue with my units inheriting the faction editor categories of the factions their base units originated from. This is strange, because unless a unit can somehow belong to more than one faction simultaneously, they should not be inheriting these classes and the original faction category should be completely overriden by the new one. I am ready to provide photographic examples as necessary for clarification, and my config as well.
  18. I need either a script or in trigger action that will kill AI units that leave the area. I want to also separate the types, example: I have an inner radius lets say 250 by 250 that AI infantry units must stay in. If they leave this area then they will die. Then I have an outer radius, 500 by 500, that allows AI Land vehicles to operate through, they are also allowed in the inner radius but if they leave the outer radius then they will be destroyed. The land vehicles include all land vehicles, not just tracked and tanks. I have thought of using multiple triggers to compare what is in the larger circle which is not in the smaller circle at which the trigger will kill the AI that is not within both triggers but I am not sure how to do that or if there is an easier way.
  19. Mod Version : 0.1.1 (29/10/2019) "They didn't come here to make contact, it's a goddamn invasion!" Invaders is a light addon for the Contact DLC and adds a dynamic spawn system for Alien Drones. Aliens spawned by Invaders will use scripted behaviours designed by BIS and react to hostiles : left alone, they will wander around and investigate our world, but if you are spotted, you'd better run fast... The module can be found under “Modules>Invaders”, it is easy to use and designed to work both in Singleplayer and Multiplayer. More informations about Alien Behaviour can be found at : https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Alien_Entity_Behavior#List_of_available_behaviors Known Issues - Spawned Alien Drones are excluded from the “Antenna System”. - Vanilla behaviour prevents Aliens from engaging vehicles : this has been tweaked in Invaders – to some extent. (fixed with Arma 3 v1.96) - The Alien AI is significantly more demanding than the average Arma 3 AI : don't use too many of them. Changelog Download Link : Invaders 0.1.1 How can you support me? If you want to support me, enjoy the content I make, or simply would like to buy me a coffee (or a beer), you can donate any amount you want, no matter how modest it may be, or support me on Patreon. License & Credits Invaders Mod by Haleks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available on request. Using Invaders Mod on monetized servers is strictly forbidden. Thanks to Bohemia Interactive for their passion and commitment to making unique games. Special thanks to everyone supporting me on Patreon!
  20. I need a easier way to spawn random units instead of individually pulling all classes from the in game editor and pasting it while adding quotations and commas like this: ["B_mas_med_Army_ENG_F", "B_mas_med_Army_EXP_F", "B_mas_med_Army_GL_F",]. I want to use a script that when called it will pull a random unit from a given side of a given type (infantry, land, air) and spawn them in a group. The group will be filled with random units. I also want it to pull units from mods that I download. I dont want to have to keep updating the script every time I download another unit mod. The mod MMC sandbox has no problem in doing this but I dont know how they did it.
  21. Hi guys, iv just started playing with the mission editor, and i am noticing that say if i am the leader of a squad and i issue a basic command to the squad to just move west 100 meters, there wont be the generic "all move west 100 meters" voice and radio command followed by the "copy" back from the squad. Or say we are a tank crew and i issue a command to disembark, there wont be the generic "all disembark" voice and radio chat. Am i missing something here i never remember having to set anything up for simple things like this? i know its going to be something stupid simple but i cant find any solutions so far.
  22. {ubb1}TheBeast

    how to...

    Just need a little start up. If you edit a vehicle in the Virutal Arsenal (Garage), like doors open, beacon on. I thought you press Export and than you can place that in the Init field when you place the object in the Editor. Example, I want to place some cars that block the road. The Offroad Comms (new with the DLC Contact). I open the back doors and put the becon on. But placing the export in the init field doesn't work. Also pressed import and save it.. but that I cannot find back Hard to find something about this... virtual arsenal give all the times results in virtual ammo-boxes. Export is like this: _veh = createVehicle ["I_E_Offroad_01_comms_F",position player,[],0,"NONE"]; [ _veh, ["EAF",1], ["hidePolice",1,"HideServices",1,"HideCover",0,"StartBeaconLight",1,"HideRoofRack",0,"HideLoudSpeakers",0,"HideAntennas",0,"HideBeacon",0,"HideSpotlight",0,"HideDoor3",0,"OpenDoor3",1,"HideDoor1",0,"HideDoor2",0,"HideBackpacks",1,"HideBumper1",1,"HideBumper2",0,"HideConstruction",0,"BeaconsStart",0] ] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle; So, a little start up on this would be great. how do I use this? Thanks in advance!
  23. Hi all! I am working on a small missions for some friends and I would like to setup a trigger system. Basically when a player enters a specific trigger on the map, their side changes from CIV, to either OPFOR or BLUFOR, depending on which trigger they enter. Then when the trigger deactivates they are set back to CIV. Is something like this possible?? If so I would appreciate any help I could get!! Thanks!
  24. Backpacks placed in EdenEditor, if are to close each other, just fly all over the place. Even when I mark no simulation, etc. No way to keep all in one place. Is there any solution for that? Is there some code I could drop to init box to keep backpacks as simple objects or freeze in one place? I need to have those backpacks in one stack as decoration.
  25. Hey, so I've got a question regarding the setting up of multiplayer spawns *on* static ships in ARMA 3. No matter what I do, I am unable to successfully spawn onto a static ship, such as in the hangar bay of a destroyer, or on the flight deck of a carrier. Is there some secret Bohemian sorcery that I simply don't know that makes it work, because there's absolutely zero material out there on this matter and it's beginning to get frustrating.