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Found 83 results

  1. Major Kibbins of Kekistan

    [CUSAF] Milsim Warhammer 40k

    If you are looking for a Unit to join come to us, we are a small but growing community. We are comprised of three regiments, Troopers, Grenadiers, and Engineers for more information on how to join please join the group http://steamcommunity.com/groups/CUSAF
  2. Dead End is a tactical Mission up to seven Players. Operate behind enemy lines and seek and eliminate the target.Our informs have reported that the CSAT officer Ismail Jawadi was sighted near Frini. So far we had no success to grab him. This seems to be our best chance to eliminate him.You start from U.S Camp Yankee. Take care of the equipment and fly to the destination area. Increased enemy activity was noted. Infiltrate the enemy territory and kill the officer. Features: * No addons needed. Just subscribe and Play! * Approximate Playtime: 30-60 minutes * Gearup with Arsenal * Intro & custom music * Languages: English, German Bugs/Feedback: Any Questions? Found a bug? Just add me on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/justm4na Notes: 1. You are able to play this Mission solo but its very hard! 2. I made this just for fun. I really appreciate if you rate and comment my Mission. Download: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1137808580
  3. Founded in February 2015 and shaped by active duty military and veterans alike, the 63rd Infantry Division is a military realism group based in ArmA 3. As the name suggests, we are an infantry based unit, using real world applicable tactics and strategies to complete our custom built co-op operations. While most of the work does happens on the ground, we also run a dual purpose support aviation wing, specializing in both rotary and fixed winged aircraft. ------------------------------- What we do! Our aim is to simulate combat environments in which we can push our members to accomplish tasks and objectives of varying degrees. In addition to the base game, we utilize mods such as ACE, RHS, Task Force Arrowhead Radio along with other mods to further enhance our gameplay experience. We are a very tightly knit community comprised of highly motivated individuals ranging from ages 17 to 55+ years old. Our ranks are comprised of both Civilians, Active Duty Military as well as Veterans. We're not just looking for people to play ArmA with. All of us are very dedicated gamers, playing games in a variety of categories. So what do we have to offer? -3 Major Servers to play on -TeamSpeak Server -A large community comprised of varying gaming interests -Promotion and awards system - We are strict ingame but lax and informal outside of ArmA -Leadership positions for those who earn and desire them -Classes and courses designed by US Army active duty personnel as well as by Veterans Requirements: -18 years old (we make exceptions in some cases) -Must have a working Microphone/Teamspeak -Must be able to participate in our Saturday ops 2-3 times a month (they start at 7 PM EST) -Look, we understand time dedication can't always be what we want it to be, we aren't the Gestapo, so long as you communicate with us, you do what you got to do! What goes on away from your computer comes first! Interested? Why don't you hop on our teamspeak so we can chat with you! Sign Up Here! Ways to Communicate: Teampseak: Website: www.63rdid.com
  4. Hello! We are 46 Commando Royal Marines, we are looking for Marines and NCO`s to join our ranks! We are a casual semi-milsim unit with a emphasis on fun and a laid back gaming experience. To apply, simply drop your Steam name down and I will add you to the group, from there you will be required to complete an application form. Best of Luck! Lt. russespieces 46 Commando CO
  5. We have no ranks, and very little rules outside the game at least. One major thing is that you need to have thick skin. We are people who love to joke around/poke fun at each other, just be able to handle the banter. The missions that we run are based on cooperative Zeus missions that are hosted daily and are hosted by people with experience Zeusing. Anyone can try to Zeus during are day to day missions Our mod-list is based around adding more features to ARMA to expand on the areas of operations that we cover. We use mods like TFAR and ACE to get a more realistic game play Our operations are at the convenience of the group members, generally though we try to get an operation in daily. We are mainly based in American around the CST/EST, but we also have European players. Requirements Be someone who is respectable, can handle and dish out a little banter. Don’t be a stranger, our community is based around not only just ARMA but other games that we feel like playing at the time, don’t be afraid to jump in and join us anytime! Know when to be serious and know when it’s okay to joke around. Have a Microphone and the ability to use voice over internet programs. Be able to take criticism and have the ability to adapt to the situations presented. Able to listen to orders ingame. We are global but mainly speak English, so being able to somewhat speak English. We have a quick 15-minute orientation/basic training that is required to play in our ops. It only covers extremely basic topics and will be right before conducting an operation or at any other time should a player ask for it. If you think you like to join feel free to talk to us on are Discord Server
  6. Mandatory fun was started for a like minded community of players. While we do play Arma 3 frequently we cover just about any game you can think of. PUBG? Well duh we got it. Oh you want to go old school with some Age of Empires? We got that covered to. So come on in with your gaming skills, your sense of humor, and your dirty mind and join in on the fun. Here someone is always on and always down to party. Requirements 21 and older (No kids allowed) Thick Skin (The founders are ex military or currently serving, so we branch bash) Team Player Hope to see you there! Links: Website: https://mandatoryfun.enjin.com/ Arma 3 Unit: https://units.arma3.com/unit/mandatoryfunrealism Discord: https://discord.gg/U4D5dv
  7. Hello! We're Charlie MIKE, looking to recruit some people for our small friendly Arma 3 Community with room to grow. I'll be upfront, I wouldn't call us full time in that we have set designated times for missions. We have about 4 to 5 guys at this time who are great guys to play with. We really want more friends to play Arma 3 with us, and to have fun with us as well. We usually play Arma 3 together nearing the end of the week, or when we can all get together. What we're looking for are guys who can either be full time with us and hang out with us. Or be the part time guy that we can shout out to when we're all on and getting ready to play or show up whenever. We're also looking for mission creators of all levels as I'm the only mission creator at this time. We don't have a website, we don't have an application process. What we do have is good friends who are looking for more to join us. Right now we're running a small Special forces Campaign as well as looking for other missions. We're very open to other missions if the content is provided. We play semi-serious, when we load in to play we joke a little here and there, but while on the Objective we're on point. Currently we have the following: 40 man Arma 3 Dedicated Server with the following mods: all CUPS (except CWA), Task force Radio, CBA, RHS's, and ACE. Private Teamspeak server. Motivated Arma 3 players wanting to play with more. We have high standards of people in regards to our community because we want to play with like minded individuals: Mature, respectful and adaptable (we're in the age range between 25 and up). Good sense of humor (or at least not serious all the time, this isn't a job). Open minded. Willing to continually learn and grow as a player. Able to be serious when the situation is required, and to have fun. Individuals with integrity (responsibility and honesty). No foul/negative people (If you like to back stab and create wedges between people, my friends and I will show you the door) Group player, not individual, with good sportsmanlike conduct. Teamwork oriented mindset. I know we're asking a lot of a person here, but I have the same requirements of others, as I do for myself. I want to foster a community that we enjoy being a part of, that is for the group. The group that has good camaraderie, and doesn't have to worry about knives being put in their back. If this is for you and you feel like this could fit you, leave a message here, or PM me. If you want to add me to Steam and want to join in when we're playing, PM me or leave a message here. We don't have any requirements of playtime. This is only a small community right now, but I would welcome the idea of prospering into something more. I have great kindness, but please don't confuse my nice-ness for weakness. We are currently centered around EST timezone in the North East US region. What we do require for you to have upon leaving a message or a PM: Working headset with mic. Teamspeak 3 Arma 3 + APEX Leave a message here or PM me your General Location (US - East/Central/West), your age and small rundown of you would be great. Hope to hear from you! From all of us at Charlie Mike.
  8. Col. Biggin

    1st Cavalry WWIII

    The 1st Cavalry Wants you! The 1st Cavalry is looking to bring in new members. We are split into two groups that's 1st Cavalry and the 1st SFOD-D (Delta Force). You Begin in The 1st Cavalry and can work your way into the special forces group. This is a WW3 game mode with the United states Military fighting the Russians in Germany. We do one official operation on the weekend (we try to work with the unit as much as possible). We currently have 12 members but would love to double that! Question please add me on Steam BmanCoolio. or hop on our discord https://discord.gg/4cDChjr
  9. The Post Made on 7/27/2016 Requirements: 1. Must be 18 Years of age 2. Must have Discord, and a working Microphone 3. Must be mature and not easily offended 4. Able to fallow Directions 5. Be willing to download Mods 6. Have Arma 3 and APEX The 151'st Fighting Irish is a U.S. ARMY styled Mil-sim unit that is grounded in structure. However it also functions as a family. The members here strive to create a fun dynamic environment with which to play Arma, and other games, but while also being a community of friends. To put that in layman's term we joke around a lot, poke fun, harass, and generally have a good time with one another, but when it's op time, you buckle down, do your job, and have a blast! We strive to be relaxed, but still get things done! If your looking for a professional yet casual experience in ARMA look no farther than the 151'st. Discord: https://discord.gg/B7N2CFM ( Warning: Strong language within. )
  10. Col. Biggin

    Vietnam Group LRRP

    We currently are the number 1 dedicated server for unsung. we have a small community and would love for you to grow with us. There is plenty of room for promotion and its a very laid back group of people. we ask that you are atleast 16 years of age and speak English. its set in the year 1966 we are LRRP long-range reconnaissance patrol, Airborne quilfied, Green Berets which eventually boiled down to Rangers. There is no standardized training just war.The LRRP was trained to think like the enemy, survive a extended period of time behind enemy lines with no way to contact command they would go in with an objective and a time and place to be evaced from. Fun, hard and heart pounding. Please join the discord for more info. https://discord.gg/4cDChjr . If there are no admins online please place a message in the General chat with your steam name so we can contact you when we are also online.
  11. Welcome to the Guerrilla Gaming Community! The GGC is a casual, tactical, multi-game community that enjoys using teamwork, communication, squad play and maturity to most importantly have fun! We host weekly ARMA nights, and are always looking for active players and mission creators to join our community! We are a laid-back semi-realism based group. No need for the realism salutes and lining up on the wall getting orders for 40+ minutes. We take the best of both worlds. Pick your role, play your role with your team, and succeed. Join, and fight alongside your fellow guerrilla's today! Requirments; Maturity Working Microphone Discord Copy of ARMA3 w/ APEX 18+ age If you're ready to have some fun, with no activity requirements, come apply at our steam page below! We play various games across all genre's. Guerrilla Gaming Community
  12. Welcome, to Viper Unit.This clan is a tactical realism unit for the soul purpose of immersion. Loads of people want a true gaming experience with order and precision. Thats what we are here for! Our Admin team will ensure a top of the line gaming realisim experience. That doesnt mean we cant have fun or joke around though, we encourage it in fact. But when it's time to go to work we expect you to be 100% serious and professional. We play a variety of games such as Arma, Ark, and Squad. Our main game however is Arma 3, a military simulator at its best. I hope this gave you an idea of what we are and i will see you, on the battlefield!!Some of the military terms we will be using:FUBAR - F* Up Beyond All Repair: A description of many differing items and peopleMarine Corps socket set - An adjustable wrenchWingnut - A member of the US Air ForceSquid/squidee/swabbie/swab jockey - Affectionate terms used by members of other service branches to describe members of the US Navy.Bravo Sierra (BS) - Initials for the word "♥♥♥♥♥♥♥t"First Shirt - First Sergeant (Usually the senior NCO within a military unit)Ground Pounder - A term used to describe a military member in the armed forces whose primary job is being an infantry member.Rack - Navy/Marine Corps: A bed (particularly on a ship)Rack time - Sleeping (See also rack)Outstanding - A superlative used by members of USMC to describe most things.Unsat - Short for "Unsatisfactory": Used by members of the USMC to describe anything )people,facilities,etc) which are not up to par.ect...Rules:1: Read the rules.2: When in a combat situation follow all commanding officers commands.3: Act professional when the time comes.4: Have fun5: Do not disobey orders.6: Every sunday at 8pm EST there will be training, you MUST attend. (Speak with admin if you have IRL problems to handle)7: Help your squad and play your role.8: Dont be a ♥♥♥♥9: Play nice ladies10: Admins word is final, no exeptions.Ages 18+We have a discord, no TS. Message for invite if you wish to have a try-out.
  13. Hey there! I've recently formed a new group, AB-12, designed for semi-casual Arma 3 players looking for a group to play with in Wasteland. I'm hoping to create a group dedicated to intense teamplay, and playing Blufor how it's meant to be played, working towards objectives as one. I'm looking for english speaking players who are team-focused, any ages and any experience levels - whether you've clocked 300+ hours or just cracked the game open, it doesn't matter, you're welcome. If you're interested, please search AB-12 on the Arma Units tab, or follow this link directly - https://units.arma3.com/unit/ab-12. Thanks for reading, Elliott AB-12
  14. Salutations, basement dwellers. Tired of lackluster, lifeless Altis Life communities that are part and parcel clones of previously established mission files? Have you been experiencing any mild gastrointestinal discomfort related to IBS? Do 14 year old austitic-screeching home bodies have you contemplating suicide by cyanide capsule? If you answered "I'm not comfortable responding you obnoxious prick," then we have a 10% success rate solution for you. Hardly Gaming Altis Life RPG. Features include but are not limited to: Overhauled map; heavily tweaked mission file; custom npcs; 1 million dollar start with properly paced money making; active administrators; custom meshes/textures, and so much more that I might just spontaneously combust. If you're interested, check out our newly christened website at Hardlygaming.net - Or our Teamspeak 3 server at hardlygaming.voip.pub
  15. Hello! We have chosen to pick up the pace and bring our Altis Life Server Live. We have a really good team of staff to support this decision with both running server experience and Administrator experience. Me (Cookie) And Respawn has worked really hard on getting the server up to where it stands now. Here is a little list of what is added: Fully functionally and Capture gang hideouts (With Map markers of which gang controls what). A lot of map customization such as Athira/kavala: Police station, Hospital, Shooting range. Custom Prison, or i would like to call it Alcatraz as well as customized police headquarters. As well as a few Rebel hideouts spread across the islands. (With and without rebel air). Balanced prices on weapons, vehicles and houses. UK Police force with UK police skins. Open able Vehicle doors on such as the Ghost hawk. Boats got more weight so they can also be used for transport of illegal and legal materials for more variety of vehicles that can be used for such ( Drugs, Minerals, Lumber) You name it. There is also a lot more but we want our players to experience the servers fully for themselves! In development, Coming soon: Level and perk system - Allows the players to enhance their abilities when they do one thing certain amount of times. For instance if they pick x units of cocaine, they will be able to pick that 2x faster, Or pick locking vehicles 2x faster. Might add Dynamic Market in the future aswell but i will see how peoples react to it. What we can offer you as a player: The Absolute Gaming community will offer you a unique experience while playing on our servers with great peoples. Fair admins and a nice staff (You will only meet good and nice peoples in our staff ranks). Experienced staff with experience and successful servers from Arma 2 and Arma 3! Enjoyable game experience with a lot to do and great role-play. This is a strict role-play server and we want to keep it that way so all our players will be happy, We will enforce the rules as strongly as we can to get rid of any peoples trying to break this great experience for us. A Stable and Lag free server with great DDOS protection! Server Information: Server IP: Teamspeak IP: ts.agcn.co.uk Website: http://agcn.co.uk The Only thing we expect in return from our players is good behaviour and a lot of fun! Welcome to Absolute Roleplay, where Roleplay is born! Change Logs: Our Changes Some Images from our server.
  16. deviant210

    The Cooler Server

    TheCoolerServer [TCS] Website - TheCoolerServer.com Teamspeak - http://ts3.thecoolerserver.com Photo Gallery - TCS Photo Gallery FNG Guide About The Cooler Server The Cooler Server is a community centered around Arma 3. We are an open, friendly & casual community seeking to be the best drama-free unit we can be. At TCS we don’t use military ranks like most Milsim groups choose to. Instead, we believe in coming together and forming squads and a command element that gives us the organization to complete any task at hand. We welcome anyone with some maturity to apply. When we are not playing Arma, you can find us playing a vast range of games on our Teamspeak server or developing content for the group. We primarily focus on the US time zones, however we accept anybody from any part of the world. Our Arma sessions focus on providing an immersive yet intense teamwork-focused experience. To accomplish this we use a variety of mods including ACE3 and TFAR. Our sessions typically consist of 1 mission spanning about 2-3 hours. Roles are chosen before every mission with everyone getting an opportunity to do what they wish. However, roles such as Command Element, Squad Leaders, and Specialty Squads are typically reserved for people who are more senior members with more in-game experience. All of our missions are made in-house by our Creative Team consisting of about 5 mission makers. Currently our Saturday Night Ops typically have 20-30 players attending. What we offer Dedicated Arma 3 Server. Private Teamspeak Server. Twice weekly OPs held on Saturdays at 9:00pm (Eastern) and Wednesdays at 8:00pm (Eastern). Opportunities to play the way you want. Almost any role, any time, within reason. An instructional environment where you can learn to play the game. Custom missions, made in house every OP (never play the same mission twice!) An open environment that welcomes new players. Veteran players that will ensure you are never left behind. A friendly community that plays random games together and talks with each other throughout the week Requirements To become a full member, you must complete a training OP(These happen every Friday depending on new recruits) and participate in a Saturday or Wednesday OP within two weeks of acceptance. 18+ Working Mic Fluent English Working copy of Arma 3 Team oriented gameplay style Willing to play Arma in 1st person Arma 3 APEX Willing to download the mods that we use (around 30gb) If you are interested in joining please visit our website and submit an application HERE. Feel free to join our Teamspeak server or post here if you have any questions. Op times: Saturday (Primary OP, PvE focused) 6:00pm (1800) Pacific 7:00pm (1900) Mountain 8:00pm (2000) Central 9:00pm (2100) Eastern 1:00am (0100) GMT Op times: Wednesday (Secondary Op, Generally PvP focused) 5:00pm (1700) Pacific 6:00pm (1800) Mountain 7:00pm (1900) Central 8:00pm (2000) Eastern 12:00am (0000) GMT
  17. Thread is very WIP right now. I will be adding screenshots and maybe videos once I get enough people to play with -- feel free to add your own media of the mission as well. Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fax8f9ecqe2fvx8/Tactics.VR.pbo Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=817504876 Tactics | 6vs6 Turn-Based TDM Tactics is a turn-based team deathmatch gamemode. Think of it like a turn-based version of Counterstrike. There are two teams, SWAT and Terrorists. Each team takes turns moving and attacking. Each turn lasts for 7 seconds. The round ends once one of the teams is wiped out of the arena. The gamemode also features a shop where players can buy equipment. Players can earn money by killing enemies and by winning rounds. If a player is killed, they drop all of their money on the ground. At this point, any player can pick up the money. Players' gear persists between rounds, but resets upon death. The game requires at least one person on each team to start. In the future, I plan on adding random objectives such as bomb defusal and hostage rescue. I am still working on this mission and need testers and server hosts.
  18. Falcon Security Services Falcon Security Services is a semi milsim Arma 3 group but we are more focused on fun rather than realism. Our gametime will mostly consist of Zues coop and TvT events but we will always try new things. We do NOT do training as this is a video game and we expect that you know how to play. Our main strength is our progression bar (unlock tree) that will allow members to customize their kit. How this works? Participate in the OP. receive money after completion. Use money to buy new kit. We have ranks ingame (Squad lead, 2nd lead) but outside of game we are all the same. Ranks are non persistent and anyone can lead just ask. If you are interested please contact Nickolas the Clown on steam.
  19. INTEGER DEVOURER PRESENTS VERSION: 0.10 – WHAT TOOK SO LONG EDITION OVERVIEW BATTLE CARS is a 16 player Deathmatch that focuses on vehicular combat with unarmed vehicles. Players choose one of several spawn points, jump into a car and find a weapon. Weapons are randomly acquired by driving over floating orbs scattered around the playing area. Perfect for people yearning for some less than serious fun in the spirit of Twisted Metal/Interstate 76/Vigilante 8. Get it now on: STEAM WORKSHOP ARMAHOLIC FEATURES VEHICULAR COMBAT with your favorite Sport Vehicles! TURBO BOOST your way around the battlefield!*Special thanks to ProGamer: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24049*We are not responsible for any deaths caused by flying cars 11 RANDOMIZED WEAPONS of varying degrees of usefulness!Titans/Mortars will probably kill you more than your enemies. SPECIAL POWERS New power: UAV Bomber VEHICLE SPAWNER at the central spawn point!Special thanks to Tonic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23020 PROTECTED SPAWNS to save you from dying immediately!Protected from shots/explosions, but not being run over VEHICLE HOP/FLIP ​Base flip script is in; only works on totally flipped cars. Special thanks to Iceman77: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/157916-vehicle-flip-script-to-share/ MISSION PARAMETERS to customize your experience!WOW! BUGS, ERRORS, AND MORE! Experience the pains and struggles of a novice mission maker! COMING SOON ADJUSTABLE VEHICLE TURRETSOnce I figure out how to edit that IMPROVED VEHICLE HEALTH/ARMORSee Above VISIBLE WEAPONS ON VEHICLESee above MORE LOCATIONS!Kavala? Who knows! A HUD NON-COPYRIGHT SOUND EFFECTSPlaceholder sound effectsWeapon Pickups: Metal Slug series Invulnerability Powerup: Super Mario Brothers Nothing Powerup: Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory KABOOM! Powerup: The Price is Right Lightning Storm Powerup: Dragonforce - Fury of the Storm Time Freeze Powerup: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure BALANCING! PROPER SCORING SYSTEM TEAMS BETTER CLEAN UP SCRIPT MORE RAMPS CURRENTLY KNOWN BUGS/ISSUES Driving over the BONUS ORBS sometimes does not trigger the script.Depends on speed and position of vehicle. May have to extend the size of the trigger Hints show for all players Possible mismatch between sound played and item received for other players? Random inconsistent local variable errors!
  20. About Us: We are a small group of players looking to grow our unit into the public scene with focus on milsim but on a casual level for those who do not wish to follow a military type structure. We do not do training missions/sessions/etc as a requirement. If you would like to request a training session you can contact me directly. Most of our missions rely on a zeus player whilst everyone else participates in the op. These ops will never be over the type unless majority rules for it. These are meant to be casual and non strenuous, but fun! Mods: We use RHS as a basis for our equipment and units. We also are expanding into using Iron Front assets as well. Age: You must be at least 18+ to join, exceptions can be made after an interview process. Other Req: You must own a microphone, ArmA 3 and ArmA 3 APEX Contact: Steam Community Page or email at sasdeathrite@gmail.com Thanks! tyler4171
  21. Who are we? Black Tails is an European, casual milsim Arma unit. We have been playing together since early Arma 2 days. Are you interested in a casual and friendly community? We're recruiting! What do we do? We play PvE and PvP, casual milsim missions on Sundays at 20:00 GMT+1. Anybody can select any available role that they want, as long as they fulfil their role and don't go running off on their own. We occasionally also run training missions for those who want to learn more about Arma. Do you use mods? Yes. We mainly use mods like ACE3, ALIVE and TFAR, for added immersion. We also use weapon, unit and map mods when needed. But we keep the number of mods and file sizes to a very reasonable level. What do we expect? The only real requirements we have is that members are nice to each other, act in a mature way and are team players. We don't have a minimum age or skill requirement. We also don't have rules in regards to the attendance, we understand that real life has priority. I want to join or have questions! If you are interested in joining or have any questions, please send a PM, or add me on steam; =BT=Albireo. You can also send an email to: blacktails.vfs@gmail.com Looking forward to meeting you. :)
  22. jacobford

    Spearhead Gaming MIL-SIM

    Welcome To Real MIL-SIM Who We Are: Spearhead Gaming (www.spearheadgaming.net). Spearhead Gaming is the result of a continual evolution of some of the communities most hardcore MIL-SIM players. We started over 4 years ago as Survival Operations and have evolved into what we are today; Spearhead Gaming. When we say hardcore MIL-SIM, we’re not talking about emoting push-ups on a range. Our members are the most tactically and technically proficient Arma players you’ll find, with many former and current members of the military. We have players from all over the world and pride ourselves in our diversity. What We Do: At Spearhead, we have a stable of custom mission makers. We utilize the A.L.I.V.E architecture to create persistent and authentic campaigns. Our mission runs 24/7 with a smart, virtual AI system that takes ground, fights back and defends its territory. On average, it takes us 30-45 days to finish a mission that’s running 24 hours a day. Our missions, loadouts and units are as authentic as possible, with a focus on immersion and realism for our users. Why You Should Join: If you want an environment of “Yes Sirs and No Sirs!†this probably isn’t the place for you to play. If you want to be play the game using realistic tactics, playing realistic units against a realistic enemy, this is the place for you. If you think you’re in Seal Team Six and want to pick up a sniper rifle on your first day, it’s not. We focus on being a tight-knit and close community and breeding camaraderie among our teams. We have a hundred or so active members and are home to DevilDogGamer, Onnerby and others whose videos you may have watched. If you’ve ever wondered how you get to do some of the cool stuff they do in their videos, come by, enlist and hop on teamspeak. Website: www.spearheadgaming.net Teamspeak: ts.spearheadgaming.net Enlist Now: http://spearheadgaming.net/index.ptic as possible.
  23. Frag Platoon is a fairly small tight knit group (of about 12 people currently) which has been around for over a year, however switched to Arma 3 on new years from Arma 2 so we are some could say "new" to arma 3. We are hoping to reach a stable 20-25 players regularly. We feel a small group that plays well together is better than 30+ player counts where you don't really know everyone. That and easier to make missions. Our focus is on on fun and semi realistic play style. Meaning that our missions have a realistic role selection (squad lead, squad medic, fireteam 1, ect) without all the "proper" drills or requirements to be in certain slots its first come first serve for roles. You are not locked to any role for example you can be a rifleman one game and a pilot the next (we do ask you do know how to fly though and not take it and crash instantly). Missions we play vary wildly. Coops, TVT's, Zues missions and gimmick missions (take it easy missions like car races ect) usually played at the end of session. The mod's that we use are in our Arma 3 sync repo. Consisting of: ACE3, Acre, CBA3, Cup terrains, Standalone F-15, John's SU-35, both RHS packs and Shacktac's hud. With Unsung's update in the future Our sessions are at 8pm EST as due to our international members this works best for the majority so anyone is welcome to join. We do not have any "session requirements" meaning we are not forcing you to play with us join us whenever you can. We are even fine if you multi-clan. We do ask to please let any admins know if you cant make it for courtesy sake as sometimes we plan missions based on estimated player count. Requirements to join are fairly simple. Must be respectful, mature, have a good sense of humor and willing to play as a team. No lone wolfing. Must be at least 17 years to join. Sorry no exceptions on this one To join is there is 2 ways: one join our teamspeak and talk to Shazer (me) Ewarrior or Wally the Walrus. or two apply to our group on steam http://steamcommunity.com/groups/fragplatoon Hope this peaks some people's interest!
  24. Who are we?: We are a NATO, Arma 3, military semi-realism unit. We are a british clan but all nationalities are welcome (as long as you can speak good English and attend most events). What is different about our clan: We make our missions and trainings as realistic as possible whilst still having a bucket load of fun! Times & Events: We have a training session on Fridays from 7:30pm and a main mission on Saturdays from 7:30pm. All the rest of the week we play paintball on the server and patrol ops 3. Mods: We use multiple mods to make our events realistic (all can be found on the website) and we also do a paintball event every now and then if people are on and we are bored. TS3: How do I apply?: To apply, head over to our website: (http://typhoonwebsites.wix.com/stowmarinesa3) We hope to see you in the field soon!
  25. Who are we?- We are a milsim group in Arma 3 founded by a core group of friends that have been together for years now. We pride ourselves in our ability to create a serious and structured environment, while also still goofing around and having fun with Arma 3. We base ourselves mainly off of the real Rangers from the USA, with alterations to accept Arma as a platform. Our mods will be given to you once you have been accepted as a recruit. We use steam workshop, I have specially compiled all our mods into a convenient modpack for ease of use. What are our events?- We have a selection of events. Campaign Main Ops, Side Ops, Trainings, and Practice ops. Campaign Main Ops- Our only mandatory event is every Friday at 6pm EST. The campaigns are what our unit is designed for. This is where we are at our fullest, and most serious. The Campaigns are based on a map, and have its own story. Each op is persistent, so your choices and actions matter in the later ops. We will always be Rangers in these ops. Side Ops- Side ops are fully optional, and not scheduled. These are less serious, but still require people to adhere to our rules. We could be the french, british, germans, anything in our modpack we can be in side ops. Trainings- We split our trainings into phase one and phase two. All trainings are on every Sunday at 1pm EST. As a recruit, you can not come to any op until you have done at least a phase one. Once you completed phase one, you may come to side ops. Once you have completed phase two, you are a full member and may come to any op. Practice Ops- Practice ops are designed to be the same as a campaign op, but no campaign attached to it. These are for people who want to pratice their leading skills, machine gun capability, etc. Practice ops are mainly for us to train future Fire Team Leaders, and possible Squad Leaders. Do you want to join?- In order to join, you must go to this link and read what it says: Our Videos- We record some of our ops, courtesy of Shermanator:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCtTx6yW6Du9-DZAIoNw6BfpeJGmFD9h5 http://3rdrba3.enjin.com/recruitment