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  1. We were having trouble with the darter quadcopter first, it would fly up to a particular altitude (most often not even the one we set) and just hover there and not move, and not even respond at all to any further commands. We then spawned in a falcon to test if it would have problems too. My friend could control it just fine with no problems whatsoever, but when I connected it would follow type commands like loiter but not altitude, and would stay at 50m no mater what it was set to. I validated my steam files and changed class to UAV operator but neither had any effect. I've got no more ideas to try and it's looking like drones are a no go at least for multiplayer.
  2. Hello all! Welcome to Aegis PMC, an Arma3 semi-milsim experience. We try to act in a tactical and serious manner while trying to stay fun and somewhat casual. We have a wide range of roles within the unit, from a grunt in a squad or a pilot up in the air! We have hosted some very fun operations in the past, ranging from modern combat in the middle eastern front, to WW2 campaigns in the European theatre! If you would like to join our clan, please friend me or one of the other recruitment officers on steam. We can discuss the role you would like to fulfill within Aegis. I am Jimulance You can also contact Dr. Reaper or M. Jiare Also you can join the teamspeak server: ts3.akl.wombatserve.rs:9991, and if one of the recruitment officers is there, we can get you set up within our group. Have a fun firefight, Aegis Pmc 1st Lieutenant Jimulance
  3. Hello, I have some (a lot) of problems with joining my Friends and play Arma 3, whenever I try to join them they receive Server not Responding message, (the same happens if I try to join them), but in very VERY few cases I can join and play some A3 Please Help I've tried a lot, Port Forwarding, Hamachi, Evolve, nothing seems to work. I've got IZZI as Internet Provider Edit 1- I've got Windows 10 and I've activated UPNP on services.cmd but it still doesn't work
  4. Description: Hello Folks, this is my first release so be kind to me if u find bugs or such stuff. I made this with the help of George Floros, so thnx a lot to him! "Ravage Ruha - Deathmatch Survival" is a simple Deathmatch mode with survival elements for up to 12 Players on the little and very beautiful Map Ruha. The goal is to survive against roaming Renegades and Zombies (and also Players, if u want to play in Multiplayer) in an endless Survival Deathmatch mode. The map is spiced up by some random events to get some more action and looting options for the players. It contains Airdrops and Crashsites which are marked on the map for every player, so some nice shootouts should be on the agenda! I made this for fun, to share and also just for me to relax while i kill some bandits after a hard day at work :) Scripts i´ve used so far: GF_Cargo_Airdrops, Crashsites_GF, Earthquakes_GF, Ravage_Status_Bar_GF, Killfeed_GF They are all slightly changed a bit by me with the help of George. Known Problems: Sometimes Markers for Airdrops dont show of correct Features: - Play in Single or Multiplayer mode - Survival Elements - Hunt Renegades, Zombies or Players (the area is high populated by infected Renegades!) - Loot Airdrops and Crashsites for better gear(marked on the map) - Random Player Spawns - Survive the harsh environment Installation:Place the mission file in the MPmissions folder inside your Arma 3 installation. Your ArmA3 installation should be in yoursteamfolder/steamapps/common Mods you need: - Ravage - CBA_A3 - CUP Weapons - Cup Units - Cup Terrains - Core - Cup Vehicles - and for sure Ruha Other recommended Mods: - JSRS Soundmod - Dawn of the Dead: Infected Skins Addon You can download it here: (Just right Click, and download it) https://www.dropbox.com/s/707vrcyxfscd1t7/RavageDeathmatchSurvival.ruha.pbo?dl=0 and also at the Steam workshop https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1376397783 If u want to play Singleplayer just host it on LAN Feel free to tell me if you find any other Problems/Bugs in the Mission, i will try to fix it! Here are some Screenshots: I hope you will enjoy it! Thnx to all CptStampede
  5. BAXofAZ

    New Frame Drops

    Today I was playing Arma 3 on a multiplayer and surprisingly enough, for Arma, I was averaging around 50+ fps. My graphics were not on ultra and my view distance wasn't ridiculous but it was at a perfect sweetspot. Later during my play, I went into the settings to configure a few things, and when I did so I accidentally clicked one of the Arma presets for graphics, I believe low. And ever since that I have been receiving constant frame drops, I thought it was just multiplayer but after trying Single-player it did the same thing. Before this I would use lower graphics for multiplayer and run fine, and for my own single play, I would use all Ultra with any sort of post processing set to max. But I don't understand why after that accident, it wont go back to normal even after setting the graphics to where they were before. I have a GTX1050ti and a i5-4690 3.5Ghz. While not the best it works, generally. Anyone have anything similar happen or know any fixes? Thank you.
  6. Hi all, I recently got into mission editing and created a couple of scenarios. I like fast matches with small squads playing in coordinated fashion so I focus on simple missions with 4vs4 players tops. Tactical Protect the VIP features: 5 minutes time limit (radio warns players every minute and every half a minute on the last minute) 3 OPFOR operatives disguised as workers 1 OPFOR operative disguised as a quad driver 4 BLUFOR VIP bodyguards 1 BLUFOR VIP (non playable, with a waypoint set to walk around the villa he's in) No custom arsenals: bodyguards have pistols and OPFOR arsenal consists of 1 sniper rifle unit, 2 smg units and the quad driver carries a pistol. Bodyguards can also booby trap the villa with explosives The location I picked for the scenario has many tall buildings with accessible rooftops for the OPFOR sniper to create a nest in there Civilians with waypoints around the scene Tactical Destroy and Defend features: 5 minutes time limit (radio warns players every minute and every half a minute on the last minute) 4 OPFOR operatives 4 BLUFOR operatives Both teams have access to virtual arsenal so that players can load their own custom loadouts Several chokepoints and sniper nests OPFOR wins if both land drones are destroyed BLUFOR wins if at least one of the drones is intact after 5 minutes I don't have an SSD and Arma 3 doesn't perform good enough even after following most optimization guides (my rig is actually not that bad but I guess it's not enough for whatever strange reason), so I was hoping maybe some of the Arma 3 groups out there would be willing to give my scenarios a shot and provide some C+C for me to improve. Thanks for reading!
  7. My new scenario. WWII Sharpur, War for Oil Took out most of the modern stuff, thanks to Pierremgi for the vehicle respawn with the editor trigger to set it up for only spawning when you own the sector. It has 5 loadouts, 2 with smg and explosives, I think only 1 doesn't have explosives but he has a shotgun and mines. Raining hard with lightning, the games lightning. Almost dark but it won't get there. If played with enough people I would expect driveby shootings galore. Many others I should thank, I borrowed from all over the internet but I forget. NO AI, you can add it if you like, I do not do AI, don't like playing with AI. The Germans must keep the oil facility, the Americans must take it from them. Only 3 tanks per side, 2 of them light, I didn't really want a tank battle. I wanted infantry driving around shooting each other from vehicles.
  8. Alleged Accomplice

    Village of the Damned updated

    I took a month or more break from editing, I kept making the same damn mistakes and it wasn't getting better. Now I have updated my first one with the 12 selectable loadouts and fixed the spawn points like I wanted them. The neutral sectors were messing me up for some reason but as soon I got done with the loadouts took me 10 minutes to fix the spawns on the neutrals where you couldn't spawn. Village of the Damned No one will likely play this or the others but I like doing it so I continue.
  9. hello. :) ill try to keep this short but i had a few ideas i wanted to share. myself, and allot of my friends, are pilots in arma 3. we have decent computers, so we prefered flying with increased view distance, but since the admin debug has been disabled we no longer can see very far at all since were stuck at 1500 view distance in public zeuses. this has affected our ability to scout ahead, accurately lock with weapons, and engage from greater ranges/heights. with that in mind allow me to suggest three possible fixes for this problem. solution 1: if there was an option to set the default view distance for a server in the parameters, before the mission begins, it would allow players to decide their comfortable distance to balance performance and visual quality, and aleviate the constant fog plagueing pilots in public zeuses. solution 2: if it were somehow possible to code the game to allow a players personal view distance setting in their options menu to decide their client side view distance level, without it adversely affecting other players or destableizeing the engine, it would mean that the guy with a very powerful pc could have maximum view distance without causeing me to crash and vice versa. solution 3: this one is a bit iffy but ment as a last resort if previous two are impossible. perhaps if the zeus had a view distance module that runs the same remote exec script used before debug console was lost, it would allow for editing of view distance mid mission, and the players can kick the zeus in worst case of him refuseing to lower it if they are experienceing issues. if you have read this i thank you for your time and hope you will consider my request. sincerely 501st airborne division (arma 3 unit) p.s. this is a reupload because my last one is apparently in the wrong damn category and i couldnt find the delete button. great.
  10. NIGHTWING Part 1 Made by - Kwire Your objective is to find a Pilot of a A-10 that crashed about 30 minutes after you passed out. You've been passed out for about 1 hour after a group of FIA and CSAT ambushed the NATO convoy you were in. You're the only that survived in the ambush. Once you woke up you find yourself in the small town of Goisse. You find your self a weapon in front of you. FIA and CSAT invaded almost the whole island of Malden. Try to find Intel on Nightwing once you do, Go and find if he is dead or alive. Mission takes about 15-25 minutes to complete. Note: This is my first mission I've made. So bare with me Adds - Custom Sounds, Custom Music Special thanks to ALIAS for his scripts! Make sure to increase music volume so you can get the full effect of the atmospheric music! Youtube Trailer link Steam link MP Version link Download size ~56mb


    by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: Survival,Evasion,Resistance and Escape. 20 Different Enemy Faction VS NPCS or Zombies. Supporting EVERY map (ArmA 1/2/3). Gameplay with a lot of options (MODULAR environment). The mission will End , by exiting the Enemy Lines. Features: Respawn Supporting EVERY map (ArmA 1/2/3) Gameplay with a lot of options[/li] =BTC= Revive [Quiksilver Edit] by Giallustio VCOM AI JIP compatible 20 Different Enemy Faction And much more Installation: Place the mission file in the MPmissions folder inside your Arma 3 installation. Your ArmA3 installation should be in yoursteamfolder/steamapps/common - Optional VCOMAI userconfig - The mission is using the VCOMAI . To use the extra settings see the Install Instructions of VCOMAI folder . Usage: Recommended and/or optional addons and mods to use with S.E.R.E. COURSE: Heros Survive http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31161 CUP Terrains Complete http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30045 CUP Weapons http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27489 CUP Units http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29301 CUP Vehicles http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29716 RHSUSAF http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27149 RHSAFRF http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27150 RHSGREF http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30998 Zombies and Demons http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28958 RSO Buildings Pack http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32088 ArmA 3 Custom Buildings - Original http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29678 Notes: It is supporting EVERY map ! (ArmA 1/2/3) , just by changing the name on the end of the mission name like : S_E_R_E_Course.Stratis to : S_E_R_E_Course.Tanoa It is possible even to play with an ammobox or Virtual Arsenal available , if you enable it from the Extra Mission options . The Loot spawn system from Heros Survive is DISABLED . The Loot Script by BangaBob will be running instead + it works on any map . To Check + test the spawn of the items , there is also an option on the parameters , on the Loot Probability , to Enable Debug Weapon = 0 Magazines = 1 Items + Heros Survive items = 2 Vests = 3 Backpacks = 4 Heros Survive items = 5 2 extra pics to see the spawn of the items Select your desired Environment There is included in the selections , also Loot for , Community Upgrade Project [ CUP ] to activate it you must have the certain addon [ Weapons + Units + Vehicles] . For changes , go to the mission parameters . Your Selections may have effect on the performance , check more the parameters settings. If you want to enable the Heros Survive (SURVIVAL mode) , enable from the parameters and also you MUST have enable this addon , in order to play this mode! If the Survival mode is enabled , you will see on the right side the survival icons . Every time you are starting the mission , the starting position will be on random. - Optional VCOMAI userconfig - The mission is using the VCOMAI . To use the extra settings see the Install Instructions of VCOMAI folder . Credits & Thanks: =BTC= Revive [Quiksilver Edit] by Giallustio @ Quiksilver =BTC=_TK_punishment Script by BTC Giallustio TAW view Distance Script by Tonic Heros Survive Scripts by heros Loot system Script by BangaBob Advanced Rappelling Script by Duda Advanced Urban Rappelling Script by Duda Advanced Towing - Script by Duda NRE Earplugs Script by NemesisRE VCOM AI Driving Script by Genesis92x Vcom AI Script by Genesis92x Mag Repack Script by Outlawled Monsoon Script by aliascartoons Snow Storm Script by aliascartoons Thunderbolt Script by aliascartoons Real Weather by code34 Generic Dust Particles Script by Goon Generic Snowstorm Particles Script by Goon Situational Music Script by DemoCore Randomly generated roadside IED's by brians200 Engima's Civilians Script by Engima Engima's Traffic Script by Engima [R3F] Logistics Script by Team R3F Injured Ai simple script by Persian MO Phronk's Furniture by Phronk Headshot + Killfeed Script by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Custom DeathScreen Script by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Earthquakes_GF Script by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: Version 1.0 Forum topic: - BI forums https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/212277-sere-course/ - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=39691&n=last#bottom Download : Armaholic S.E.R.E. COURSE v1.1
  12. Teamspeak IP: Ts3.3rdSFO.us Public Server IP: Port: 2542 Map: Clafghan Game Type: Insurgency (ALIVE) High Traffic Time: 8:00pm-12:00am Central US time Server side mods (Required): CBA ACE3 TFAR RHSUSAF CUP Terrains - Maps CUP Terrains - Core CUP Vehicles CUP Units CUP Weapons F/A-18 Claghan Alive The Mods 3rdSFO Runs includes above: BloodLust USS Nimitz BackPackOnChest ShackTac User Interface Advanced Sling Loading Advanced Towing Advanced Urban Repelling Arma Enhanced Movement FIR Pilot&Crew Pack HMDs MOD (Metric) L3-GPNVG18 Panoramic Night Vision Spec4Gear v4.6 Splended Smoke Theseus Services Steam Collection http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=827107985 Server is open keys, so you can run any mods that you like. Just have the minimal required ones and you should be good.
  13. I created a TDM scenario for 10 on 10 gameplay. This one is in Agios Dionysios, and has barriers that restrict the playable area. There are limited supplies on the map, and two resupply locations for Blu For and Op For to fight over. Feel free to check it out if you like. Uses minimal mods (should be listed at the link). Any feedback is appreciated. First-person only settings. I am aware that the respawn ticket counter works, but does not display on-screen on a player's HUD (it does display on the player death/respawn screen). Let me know what you think. I plan on making a bunch of these in various towns across Altis, Tanoa, Malden, Chernarus, and Fallujah, among others. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1337308392
  14. Hello, So recently i've tried to connect to any Arma 3 server and without fail, it's always ended up saying the same thing: "BattlEye Initialization Failed". This has never happened to me before this point in time, i've tried looking it up and following what everyone else says to do but nothing seems to work for me, this is what i've done: -Verified integrity of Game Cache via Steam -Uninstalled and re-installed Arma 3 -Uninstalled BattlEye via Arma 3 directory and re-installed it -Allowed full control to everyone on my system on all of the main files of Arma 3 via Arma 3 directory -Sent in a support ticket to Arma 3's support team I've tried it all unless i'm missing something, I love Arma 3 and would love to play some more but without this, i'm restricted to SP missions and the Editor which is fun for a while but i'd like to play with others in multiplayer servers. If anyone can get back to me that'd be amazing with a solution, i'm sure that i'm missing something stupid and right in front of me but I can't tell what that might be. Thanks again!
  15. When you end a multiplayer game you can get a list of your kills. That will include any buildings you destroyed. Is there any way of accessing this information while the game is running? I want to be able to detect buildings destroyed so if the players start destroying lots of them I can punish them as it will not go down well with the local population. S
  16. Hi, I'm having problems figuring out what I'm doing wrong with the command drawIcon. It works in singleplayer and the icon shows up on the map, but in multiplayer it doesn't. It's supposed to be displayed on both the GPS-minimap and the regular map screen. Here's the code I've got so far. It's executed on the init of the unit (fredrik) in question. ((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 51) ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw", { (_this select 0) drawIcon [ "iconManMedic", [0,0,1,1], (getPosWorld fredrik), 0.5 / ctrlMapScale (_this select 0), 0.5 / ctrlMapScale (_this select 0), getDir fredrik, (name fredrik) ]; }]; Any kind of clarification on how to get it to show up on the GPS and in multiplayer would be appreciated! Thanks!
  17. This script is best used with a keyhandler, however if you have a bit of experience with coding you can get it also work with addaction. This script works in MP ******************************** Put the following code in your keyhandler: case 38: {//L key if (_shift) then { _vehicle = (vehicle player); if (isNil {_vehicle getVariable "EmergencyVeh"}) then { _vehicle setVariable ["EmergencyVeh", false, true]; }; _ComVeh = _vehicle getVariable "EmergencyVeh"; if (vehicle player != player && (driver _vehicle == player && _ComVeh isEqualTo true)) then { if (isNil {_vehicle getVariable "lights"}) then { _vehicle setVariable ["lights", false, true]; }; _LightState = _vehicle getVariable "lights"; if (_LightState isEqualTo true) then { _vehicle setVariable ["lights", false, true]; } else { [[[_vehicle],"scripts\light.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",true,false,false] call BIS_fnc_MP; _vehicle setVariable ["lights", true, true]; }; }; }; }; Create a folder called scripts. Inside this folder create a file called light.sqf and put the following code into it: Private ["_vehicle","_lightRed","_lightBlue","_lightleft","_lightright","_leftRed"]; _vehicle = _this select 0; if(isNil "_vehicle" OR isNull _vehicle) exitWith {}; _lightRed = [20, 0.1, 0.1]; _lightBlue = [0.1, 0.1, 20]; _lightleft = "#lightpoint" createVehicle getpos _vehicle; sleep 0.2; _lightleft setLightColor _lightRed; _lightleft setLightBrightness 0.2; _lightleft setLightAmbient [0.1,0.1,1]; switch (typeOf _vehicle) do { case "C_Offroad_01_F": { _lightleft lightAttachObject [_vehicle, [-0.37, 0.0, 0.56]]; }; case "B_MRAP_01_F": { _lightleft lightAttachObject [_vehicle, [-0.8, -0.90, 0.6]]; }; case "C_SUV_01_F": { _lightleft lightAttachObject [_vehicle, [1.1,0.4,-0.05]]; }; case "I_Heli_light_03_unarmed_F": { _lightleft lightAttachObject [_vehicle, [1.23, 4.7, -1.42]]; }; case "B_Heli_Light_01_F": { _lightleft lightAttachObject [_vehicle, [-0.75, 1.7, -0.95]]; }; case "C_Hatchback_01_sport_F": { _lightleft lightAttachObject [_vehicle, [0.62, 1.87, -0.52]]; }; case "C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F": { _lightleft lightAttachObject [_vehicle, [0.62, 1.87, -0.52]]; }; case "O_MRAP_02_F": { _lightleft lightAttachObject [_vehicle, [-0.8, -0.90, 0.6]]; }; case "B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F": { _lightleft lightAttachObject [_vehicle, [-0.8, -0.90, 0.6]]; }; case "B_Heli_Transport_01_F": { _lightleft lightAttachObject [_vehicle, [1.23, 4.7, -1.42]]; }; }; _lightleft setLightAttenuation [0.181, 0, 1000, 130]; _lightleft setLightIntensity 10; _lightleft setLightFlareSize 0.38; _lightleft setLightFlareMaxDistance 150; _lightleft setLightUseFlare true; _lightright = "#lightpoint" createVehicle getpos _vehicle; sleep 0.2; _lightright setLightColor _lightBlue; _lightright setLightBrightness 0.2; _lightright setLightAmbient [0.1,0.1,1]; switch (typeOf _vehicle) do { case "C_Offroad_01_F": { _lightright lightAttachObject [_vehicle, [0.37, 0.0, 0.56]]; }; case "B_MRAP_01_F": { _lightright lightAttachObject [_vehicle, [0.8, -0.90, 0.6]]; }; case "C_SUV_01_F": { _lightright lightAttachObject [_vehicle, [-1.1,0.4,-0.05]]; }; case "I_Heli_light_03_unarmed_F": { _lightright lightAttachObject [_vehicle, [-1, 3.2, -2]]; }; case "B_Heli_Light_01_F": { _lightright lightAttachObject [_vehicle, [0.75, 1.7, -0.95]]; }; case "C_Hatchback_01_sport_F": { _lightright lightAttachObject [_vehicle, [-0.62, 1.87, -0.52]]; }; case "C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F": { _lightright lightAttachObject [_vehicle, [0.37, 0.0, 0.56]]; }; case "O_MRAP_02_F": { _lightright lightAttachObject [_vehicle, [0.8, -0.90, 0.6]]; }; case "B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F": { _lightright lightAttachObject [_vehicle, [0.8, -0.90, 0.6]]; }; case "B_Heli_Transport_01_F": { _lightright lightAttachObject [_vehicle, [-1, 3.2, -2]]; }; }; _lightright setLightAttenuation [0.181, 0, 1000, 130]; _lightright setLightIntensity 10; _lightright setLightFlareSize 0.38; _lightright setLightFlareMaxDistance 150; _lightright setLightUseFlare true; _lightleft setLightDayLight true; _lightright setLightDayLight true; _transitionState = sunOrMoon; _brightness = 0; _repeat = true; if (_transitionState < 1) then { _brightness = 2; } else { _brightness = 50; }; _leftRed = true; while{ (alive _vehicle) && (_repeat isEqualTo true)} do { if(_leftRed) then { _leftRed = false; _lightright setLightBrightness 0.0; sleep 0.05; _lightleft setLightBrightness _brightness; } else { _leftRed = true; _lightleft setLightBrightness 0.0; sleep 0.05; _lightright setLightBrightness _brightness; }; sleep 0.05; _repeat = _vehicle getVariable "lights"; }; deleteVehicle _lightleft; deleteVehicle _lightright; You can remove any vehicles you don't need or add some. Just remember that you have to add them twice (for the left and the right light). Now you can place a vehicle in the editor and put the following in the init box: this setVariable ["EmergencyVeh", true, true]; Only vehicles with this variable can activate the lights. As always, if you have any questions feel free to ask! Cheers Puffin
  18. Hello there! For one of my multiplayer mission, I'd like to have blinking lights from different lightsources (static ones, no vehicles). I'm planning to have a lot of them (50+), and some may be blinking fast (up to 20x / second). I totally don't care about the lights synchronization for the players. This is mainly to create a mood. So a client-side effect command would be perfect. Until now, I was using something like this to make a lamp blink: _lamp setHit ["light_1_hitpoint", 0.97]; sleep 0.1; _lamp setHit ["light_1_hitpoint", 0]; Problem is, this command is broadcasted over the network. Multiply this by 50 lamps, a mission of ~20 players, and here's my question : will this ruin data exchanges between the server & the players ? I'm afraid of building something that works for me when testing, but is unplayable for my community due to performance issues. Should I expect a huge drop on FPS / Synchronization, & if yes, is there an alternative command with local effect only, to ensure a minimum performance penalty ? I searched in the wiki, but everything that was resolving around setting damage is broadcasted over the network. Thanks a lot for your ideas !
  19. "Capture the Flag | Kavala" is a different take on the popular CTF game mode, 3 teams (BLUFOR, OPFOR & INDEPENDENT) fight to capture a flag before time runs out! This mission is different to other capture the flag missions, in this mission, there is only one flag. All 3 teams must try to secure the most flags to either reach the score limit or time limit! This mission is best played with friends, work together and secure your victory, but there's a catch. If there is a tie between the teams when the time reaches 0 then the game moves into OVERTIME! During OVERTIME if 2 teams are ahead, OVERTIME allows the third team to have the ability to catch up to the tie. The first team to get a flag that makes their score the highest during OVERTIME will win the game. This mission allows the user to customize the score limit(1 Point - Unlimited), and time limit (1Min - 6 Hours) allowing the game to last for up to 6 hours! This mission also includes custom UI build specifically for this mission shown in the gif above. At the moment I have tested this mission and haven't found any bugs if you do happen to find any let me know and I will try to fix them ASAP. Thanks for checking out my mission and I hope you do enjoy! Steam Workshop Link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1320168087 Author's Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/asaayu
  20. Hey guys! I have a mission where players can choose to be blufor, opfor and independent. Each leader of a faction has an endtrigger synced to them that should end the mission when the unit enters it. I have the triggers and debriefing working fine in singleplayer, but in multiplayer I am not able to force the end on the clients even though I use [endMission, "END1" ] call BIS_fnc_MP; in the respective trigger for each side. What am I doing wrong? I found a lot of threads where people say to execute the functions on the clients, but I just can't seem to grasp how to do this. Cheers!
  21. I have a dedicated server currently running ACE, CBA, and ALiVE. I set up a mission for multiplayer through the Eden Editor and exported it. After uploading to the server and restarting I tried running the mission. It loads, but at the lobby, there are no roles to select from. Now, when I run the mission on LAN/Internet on my computer, the roles work just fine. I have 4 units placed on the map set as playable, as well as a PlayerRespawn module. This is really confusing me, and I need to fix it so my unit can begin to work together
  22. So, Hi im new to this forum my name is kenji and i love mini dayz. Somethings always bugged me though when will multiplayer be available and in my Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 the lag is present. I'd love to see your thoughts in when multiplayer and Lag support will be available.
  23. fin_soldier

    Official Multiplayer Gamemodes

    The Arma 3 roadmap 2016-17 recently got released. With high hopes I am very excited about the planned content. But, there's something that's been on my mind for a very long time since the release of A3. Something I wish would gain more attention in the future updates & DLC's to come. It's the official multiplayer gamemodes such as End Game, Zeus and Support. My favorite multiplayer game is End Game. Which is a gamemode that represents how the game is meant to be played. Well, what's the point of this thread? As a Arma veteran since the first game in the series, and content creator. It feels like the roots of Arma are going extinct. There's barely any official gamemodes in MP which represents the game itself. There's one End Game server I play on which usually has players, but it's the only server running the gamemode. What's up with this? Same with Zeus. The quick game menu has been helpful, because before Apex the situation was even worse. AND, there's not a single Support gamemode server. I'm happy & love the gamemodes, but it's sad that they aren't getting the attention they deserve as they are a part of the core game. Other than that, there's one gamemode I'd like to see implemented in the game. It's Capture the Island. I and many other's would love to see this gamemode in the base game in high quality like the other official content. I hope this resonated with other Arma veterans, new players as well as the developers.
  24. Hello all, I'm doing a survival mission where OPFOR are 'on the run' and are being chased by BLUFOR players. The setup I want is that BLUFOR have respawn and respawn at their base. I currently have this setup as a BASE respawn with a respawn_west marker. This works fine. However, OPFOR once dead I don't want to respawn. There are only at most two players on OPFOR. So, desired outcome for OPFOR is; - If another OPFOR player is alive, launch spectator mode and spectate that player. Disable chat/von for those who have died. - If all OPFOR are dead, then mission end is triggered as both have been killed (of course, if there was only one player this would trigger on the players death too) Currently, I have a piece of code in onPlayerRespawn.sqf. The west one just relaunches the marker script I have and no issues here. It's the east case that's my issue. switch (playerSide) do { case west: { [_this select 0] execVM "police.sqf"; }; case east: { if((!alive s1) && (!alive s2)) then { killersDead = true; publicVariable "killersDead"; } else { 1 enableChannel [false, false]; 2 enableChannel [false, false]; 4 enableChannel [false, false]; 5 enableChannel [false, false]; ["Initialize", [player, [east], true]] call BIS_fnc_EGSpectator; }; }; }; Now the issue I have is because the two OPFOR players (s1 and s2) respawn, ultimately the check if both have been killed won't work so I've been trying to think this but I wonder if there is a better way to manage the respawn? Additionally, the spectate script lets you spectate your respawned player and see them on the map. So perhaps I'm going the wrong way about it. All players will be human controlled. None are played by AI. If anyone can suggest a different way to manage the respawns in this situation that would be great. Not necessarily asking for someone to write the code but I suspect that since I done any proper development in ARMA (as in the first one) things like respawns have improved. I've had a look at the biki but nothing stands out as being better? Regards, Jason
  25. To cut it short since im a bit tired, i've run across peopel abusing their admin powers in Arma 3 Zeus of the Official Servers in an pretty much (what i would guess) permanently bannable way. I dont know if BIS is already aware of it and working on a fix but there are Admins using a Script (the one which'sName ive found out is called jam.) which they can copy paste into the Admin Console that activates a 3rd Party anti-Player kind of thing which kicks Players of the Server that are on something like a Blacklist and also keeps them kicked as long as the Server wont be restarted. If i understand this right since apparently i am on that list now too, an server i have played on had that activated and the admin was being extremely abusive with his powers. So ive asked the Players if we could vote a new Admin who isnt using his powers to troll and annoy us with ear raping Sounds, GBU's spawning ontop of us, him activating himself God Mode etc. has gotten that Admin angry and he put me on that Blacklist. Now after that has happend and apparently many peopel use that script when becoming admin, i get automatically "kick-bannend" for asking peopel on another server to vote for a new not abusive admin. Is that fair? No. Does that offend the Terms of Service Contract they're bounded to? I defently think so. My Question now that i want to PLEASE have answered is, if there is a way to get such Scripts bannable and removed from the Game since basically peopel something like "permanently" ban you from Zeus for trying to stop them from abusing their Powers ON OFFICIALY NOT TO THEM BELONGING SERVERS. Kind regards -Daniel DE Also excuse my broken english/gramma but im tired as hell coming home after an hard week having to deal with such bs. That kinda of fucks your Brain pretty badly.