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  1. foreach(var Telling me how to do my job) { if(telling me how to run my mod) { return "I don't work for you, nor am I required to do as you ask. If you can't live with that get a life. I am only bound by the two EULAs and I do this on my free time and not legally required to do anything for you."; }; } EricJ Weapons Pack If you'd like to donate some money via PayPal my address is flanker56(at)hotmail(dot)com. Thanks! Video done by ToxicSludge Readme https://drive.google.com/file/d/16_dR0ZBWVwGw6JTvj3Rz-bbMYFYWoM5g/view?usp=sharing Arma3.de: http://arma3.de/include.php?path=download&contentid=948 Armaholic Link: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23858 Play With Six: http://play.withsix.com/arma-3/mods/u100 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// M32 MGL (originally attempted by Slatts from his source models, etc. and configged by me): Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26659 Play With Six: http://play.withsix.com/arma-3/mods/erikj-m32 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Blue Angels Super Hornet Skin Set Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=325018155 Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27017 Arma3.de: http://arma3.de/include.php?path=download&contentid=2482 Play With Six: http://play.withsix.com/arma-3/mods/blueangels Required Addons: - John_Spartan & Saul Super Hornet: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22594 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Tactical Guides Pilot JFO-JTAC Guide Armaholic:http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27025 JFO/JTAC Cheat Sheet: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// A-164 Wipeout Skin Mod Armaholic (RC7): http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27051 Play With Six : http://play.withsix.com/arma-3/mods/ericj-wipeout Steam Workshop : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=327515225 Arma3.de: http://arma3.de/include.php?path=download&contentid=2500 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Helo Skins Steam Link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=633842660 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Taliban Mini Pack: Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29542 Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=588162736&result=1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Thompson Mini-Pack Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27432 Play With Six: http://play.withsix.com/arma-3/mods/FrDIUTMcDkeLgJs6WWAtBw/Thomson-SMG Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=441223919 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RHS: AFRF Lasers Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30197 Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=600364780 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EricJ Containers Steam Link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=776690780 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UH-60 Blackhawks for A3 Readme: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bzQWoPe-1pHoG5DyBhIafoIIpB1CDbAZ/view?usp=sharing Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8BGm0Pi3UmtSURTX3YtRjBxa0E/view?usp=sharing //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AH-1Z Readme: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GHjdWcs1afFixvyNaHi_X_NuscDtwMqL/view?usp=sharing Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8BGm0Pi3Umtd3VfTHBHVDNZaTg/view?usp=sharing ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Server Key https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GasKI6bhFMjrHmqX5pYXLYL1z3DV1vdC/view?usp=sharing - Config edits such as adding stuff: Please do not "bushwack" (or surprise) me on this thread with a modified config without PMing me first. I know you mean well and more than likely it's a capability that I simply haven't thought of so don't take it I don't appreciate your hard work you put into the adjustment. But I have plans when I'm not posting on where my mod is going or I just don't post it because its probably something small or large, depending on what it is. Posting modded configs is not good because it throws a possible wrench in my mod and therefore people think it's "approved" when it is not. PM me and I'll check it out and yay or nay it. Or simply ask me here on this topic thread and either way if you take the time to ask, more than likely I will say yes. - Texture Edits: Generally I don't mind texture edits but again if you're going to mod my mod then again, PM me to keep things nice so i know what's going on in case of any issues that may arise. - Adding it to other mods: And if you're adding it to a public release as part of another mod, again just take that time to PM me so I know what's going on. - Modpacks: You do not need to ask permission to add this to a modpack. As long as you're just adding it then there is no reason to ask. - Redistribution: So far Armaholic, PWS, and occasionally Arma3.de has the authority to redistribute my mods as they're respected, and more public and they deserve the allowance given their hard work. Other modders, or even players DO NOT have permission to re-upload without permission. So to make it clear, ASK before finding some hostile comments and I will take appropriate action to get it removed. If you really like the mod and find it within yourself to enhance your reputation then I will never permit such a thing. I'm not your Stepping Stone to better greatness. If you want to be popular get off your fat ass and get to work. Requests: - Commune with the spirits, or consult an Ouija board, which is this: http://amzn.to/1I8Ogiw - If tell you no, it means NO. - Don't ask me to redo other people's works, I don't have your permission, nor are you as a player authorized to "give permission", I will check and if you say that it's "okay" then I will delete your PM if you PM me. - I don't work for you, therefore be nice and ask, not order around. - And if for some reason I accommodate your request, then I still don't work for you. I'm being nice and taking the time to do work for you. I don't work for you and don't expect me to take it. Then your request will magically disappear and that will be that. And if you complain you should have thought about that before you decided to think I'm your bitch, go talk to a therapist if you have mental problems about this. Error Reporting: - First off most small errors I won't rush to fix an upload so bringing up a small error like "Oh the sights aren't rounded, I don't like it." Isn't going to lift my skirt. Nor are "game breaking" issues like you want an updated version and bringing up bullshit issues. - I will check, and post videos, especially if its a bullshit error like "I can't use my uniform pack because of your mod" or "I have things appearing in the air and it's breaking the game". If I can't reproduce the error given your parameters then I'll feel you're full of shit, and will be treated accordingly. I don't trust most of the community as far as I can throw a ten ton vehicle as far as this issue is concerned. - If a particular mod is truly causing CTDs, then yes I'll unfuck it. - If you post bitch complaints like "I don't like how the sights are" or "The casings are ejecting to the left" then you're just that, a bitch. And I will continue to talk to you as if you are one, because on the whole I don't care as that's just weak. Get off your fat ass and make it yourself. - If you want it done faster, do it yourself and I don't work according to anybody's timetable, other than my own. As I won't honor all requests, because there isn't anything saying I have to, so if I tell you no, either once or repeatedly then it means No, which given the level of intelligence on these forums will require me to tell you to go fuck yourself. - I'll upload fixes when I feel like it, so like the above, if I feel like uploading it now, then it's my decision, not for you to effect as I don't work for anybody on these forums. So expecting me to always upload is a far gone hope that you need to get out of your head. - I'm not saying don't report errors, is that most of the time they're bullshit errors and I will not believe you the next time. I'd highly suggest reading Peter and the Wolf as you all seem to be Peters around here. Streamlined/Custom Mod Packs: - As you know my mod has a rather large variety of weapons, but it's not always good for most people (too many weapons, not the weapons you're looking for) so here's what I usually do instead or request: - First please PM me here on the forums and all I ask is a good definitive list for what you're looking for rather than not knowing what you want. - If you're part of a clan please just one person as it keeps down the level of confusion and keeps things organized both on my end and your end. And it prevents too many people wanting an off-beat gun and so on. Its your clan and a specific weaponset is always needed. - More often than not I have a fairly good idea on what I have on and don't have available. If I know I can't do it, and know of a mod that will suit your needs, I will of course recommend it in lieu of any work. It's not that I don't want to do it, but if it's already done then I see no need overall to take the time to do it. But if I do have it I can get it to you. And of course I will give you a timeline roughly when it will get done. I will upload it to your representative or if needed, and so on. - I do have TS3, and my gaming site is here: http://562ndts.enjin.com/?welcome If you are registered on the Enjin forums the messaging system will work as well. Again as long as it's one person. - As far as the weapons go I will see what I can do. I have pistols to mortars and some other stuff, but be aware I use a lot of Arma 2 source files to get the weapon to you. I do have some 3D modelling skills so i can also manipulate or create things to get what you need. Again if I can't do it then I will let you know. "I don't like this" (and it's one or a few people = Not going to motivate me, but it's duly noted "I think you should do this and only this to 'enhance' the game" (Or telling me how to run my mod) = Yeah no thanks, I'm the mod author so I'll do as I see fit to satisfy as many people as possible. "I'll berate Eric about a single thing I don't like (as in one person) because persistence pays off" = Not going to happen, you can kindly pester somebody else, and continued activity when told I don't appreciate starts to turn into abject harassment. No thanks. "Mod is CTDing my Game": I'll fix it for sure, as some of you have seen. Do me a favor and describe what mods you're running, and so on, that way I can see for myself, and 9 times out of 10 it was my fault, so I'll fix and reupload. "I don't like these sights how they look"" = Duly noted, but I really don't care about that kind of opinion. While they're not very hiqh quality models got it, overall I try and to my best to get them as accurate as possible. So if you don't like a particular style, well, either request or find another mod. A lot of you players tend to think that your opinion matters and I should jump on a request like flies on shit. Fact is that if it's brought up continuously and I keep saying No, then well, I'm not interested in doing some things, I just don't have to and don't want to. Part of the mod is some personal things as well as what players are looking for. Again I can listen to your suggestion, but given that other than various donations, I do all the work so that gives me a lot of leeway in saying Yes or No to a request. I can understand if I break your heart if I do say No, but I don't get any reimbursement for my time and effort I put into my work. If you feel the need to complain about it I'll do my best to ignore it, as the main thing people seem to not understand is that I can listen to you, but I make the final decision, not you, to include it. Just thought I'd post this given I tend to see how people act. Skin Requests: - I don' t mind doing skin requests but keep it sane and of course specify what aircraft/helicopter you need. For various aircraft it can take a few days or so (depending on the detail of the base aircraft) to create a PSD template and then I'll get it to you. - At the minimum draw a "Stick plane" of what you want. Bear in mind for default aircraft there are limitations on how the aircraft was textured, so you may not always be able to get the effect you want. I will of course let you know. Issues and how to fix them: - "Infinite Ammo": Open the Steam Interface and right click and click on Properties. Click the Local tab and Verify Game Cache. Sometimes downloads glitch and causes that problem. After that the weapons should work fine. Also check your ASDG Joint Rails, ensure that you don't have another one (usually older version) running which may cause issues as well. - Game CTDs when trying to resume saved games: I've been getting a lot of complaints when my mod is used with the Arma 3 Launcher that comes with the game. I don't use this method so I don't see any issues as of yet when I get the reports. I'm not saying it's not out there, but if your game is crashing when resuming any missions, Instead of using the Launcher I go through the game itself, i.e. Configure/Expansions and Enable or Disable as needed. Restart the game and things will or should work fine as I've resumed various saved games and haven't had any CTDs or anything related. I also don't have anything to do with the Launcher so if you have issues, contact BIS if that comes up or use the method described. For PayPal donations click the linky: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=2J4LKTG8R8PQJ&lc=US¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted
  2. Elite Ops Entertainment

    Hostile Takeover v1.0

    Hello comunity! I have recently released a coop/multiplayer scenario Hostile Takover, available on Steam Workshop here. You are tasked to seize the city, eliminate El Presidente and avoid civilian casualties. You have a various units and equipment at your disposal and can choose how you approach the whole thing. Presence of all enemy units is randomized, so is time of the day and weather. Hopefully I found and fix all the major bugs except for the random AI brainfarts which seems like can not be avoided. Here is the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAR_QcsfGhg let me know what do you think! If the scenario sparks enough interest I might create another one like this on a different map.
  3. Greetings to readers and developers, today for the first time I decided to fly to Arma Reforger on a US UH-1 Iroquois (Huey) helicopter. Before that, I had a lot of experience flying in War Thunder, Rising Storm 2: Vietnam and a little bit in SQUAD. I liked that the co-pilot can take over the controls, the switches and other little things are very well made in the game. But... The physics of helicopters is very bad. I would really like the developers to look at this point in WarThunder, which is simply the best among NON-SIMULATION games. A helicopter is not a drone, its engine speed varies in a small range, and the lifting force is created by the angle of the propeller, there is an animation of this. For example: when I decided to finish the game, I wondered if I would be able to land in case of engine failure. I turned it off, gaining a high altitude and giving a little horizontal speed, but no miracle happened, the screws began to stop, and not spin from the incoming air flow. I was very uncomfortable that the helicopter turned into a stone and fell to the ground. In real life, in such ideal conditions, it was possible to land a helicopter without problems, because there was a margin of altitude. Example:
  4. BEST FULL MILITARY EXILE SERVER WITH MANY CUSTOM STUFF Discord: https://discord.gg/cUFWFQy ServerLink: https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/arma3/17895683
  5. Hello! First | The basic premise of what I am attempting to do is two-fold. A) respawn existing vehicles (of different types - i.e. some jets, some helicopters, some ground vehicles), with the same custom pylons - for the jets/helis - set by the pylon/dynamic loadout editor in 3den. This part works fine thus far (see below). And B) apply unlimited ammo on a delay (i.e. it takes 45 seconds for the ammo to restore) to both the original vehicle and its respawned clone. The main trouble I am having is getting unlimited ammo to work with the new, respawned vehicles. Second | A code dump and summary of what is where: The code below is my unlimited ammo expression in the existing F/A-181 (and other vehicles). Ideally, the missiles & bombs refresh on a delay, hence the {sleep 45} segment. This part works perfectly for my purposes. this addEventHandler ["Fired",{[_this select 0,getNumber (configFile/"CfgAmmo"/(_this select 4)/"explosive")] spawn {if (_this select 1==1) then {sleep 45};_this select 0 setVehicleAmmo 1}}]; This code is present in the expression of a Game Logic and synced to all relevant air vehicles. It works perfectly for my purposes; no errors and functions as intended. [this] call { if (!isServer) exitWith {}; params ["_thisObject"]; _vehs = synchronizedObjects _thisObject; _initScript = { params ["_vehicle", ["_pylons", "none"]]; if (typeName _pylons == typeName []) then { private _pylonPaths = (configProperties [configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle >> "Components" >> "TransportPylonsComponent" >> "Pylons", "isClass _x"]) apply { getArray (_x >> "turret") }; { _vehicle removeWeaponGlobal getText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x >> "pylonWeapon") } forEach getPylonMagazines _vehicle; { _vehicle setPylonLoadout [_forEachIndex + 1, _x, true, _pylonPaths select _forEachIndex] } forEach _pylons; }; }; { [_x] call _initScript; } forEach _vehs; [_vehs, _initScript] spawn { params ["_vehs", "_initScript"]; sleep 1; _respawnlist = []; { _respawnlist = _respawnlist + [[_x, position _x, [vectorDir _x, vectorUp _x], getPylonMagazines _x]] } forEach _vehs; while { true } do { sleep 1; { _veh = _x # 0; _respawnpos = _x # 1; _playerdistance = 200; { if (_veh distance _x < _playerdistance) then { _playerdistance = _veh distance _x }; } forEach allPlayers; if (!alive _veh || (_veh distance _respawnpos > 20 && _playerdistance > 20)) then { _vehType = typeOf _veh; [_veh, _respawnlist] spawn { params ["_veh", "_respawnlist"]; deleteVehicleCrew _veh; _veh lock true; _inSpawn = false; waitUntil { sleep 0.5; _inSpawn = false; { _respawnpos = _x # 1; if ((_veh distance _respawnpos) < 30) exitWith { _inSpawn = true; }; } forEach _respawnlist; _inSpawn || ((speed _veh == 0) && (isTouchingGround _veh)); }; if (!_inSpawn) then { sleep 30 }; deleteVehicle _veh; }; sleep 10; _newveh = _vehType createVehicle _respawnpos; _newveh setPos _respawnpos; _newveh setVectorDirAndUp (_x # 2);[_newveh, _x # 3] call _initScript; _respawnlist set [_forEachIndex, [_newveh, _respawnpos, _x # 2, _x # 3]]; }; } forEach _respawnlist; }; }; }; This is the current code present in the "System Specific - Vehicle Respawn" Module expression (not its Init). It does not work at all. params ["_newVeh", "_oldVeh"]; [_newVeh addEventHandler ["Fired", { [_newVeh select 0, getNumber (configFile/"CfgAmmo"/(_newVeh select 4)/"explosive")] spawn { if (_newVeh select 1 >= 0) then { sleep 5 }; _newVeh select 0 setVehicleAmmo 1 } }]] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle; The Vehicle Respawn Module: It throws the no errors upon mission launch and no errors upon vehicle respawn. My friends and I suspect it is not even executing properly. Here are a few screencaps of the 3den editor of the scene in question if it helps you: // Overview of the whole airfield. The Vehicle Respawn Module on the Right by the center of the airfiled is exlusively linked to ground vehicles. It respawns the vehicles fine but without the unlimited ammo. // The test F/A-181. // The Game Logic. // My two primary test subjects (Left is experimental; Right is the control). As you can see, the left F/A-181 is the primary test subject for the Vehicle Respawn Module, as it is synced to both the Vehicle Respawn and the Game Logic. The right F/A-181 (and all other air vehicles) is synced only to the Game Logic. Both jets initially spawn with the proper pylons/dynamic loadouts and unlimited ammo, as expected vis-a-vis the 3den editor settings. Both jets respawn with the proper pylons/dynamic loadouts. Neither jet respawns with unlimited ammo, currently. I feel close to solving this, but I am blind to what I am missing/adding unnecessarily. I have tried numerous other variations with even less luck. I am sure there is some redundancy between the Vehicle Respawn Module and the game logic, and I would appreciate any simplifications there. However, that is a secondary concern. Thanks for reading this far! Hopefully, you can help me and anyone else who wants to do this.
  6. Some time ago, most attack helicopters got the ability for the pilot to use a targeting camera with night vision, thermal imaging, zoom, etc, independent of the gunner's. Unfortunately, that camera lacks any orientation indicator, to know at a glance where the camera is pointing in relation to the helicopter/plane's body. If using ground stabilization, using the camera while controlling the helicopter can be a bit disorienting. Are there any mods that add camera orientation indicators? Update: I just realized there are no orientation indicators on the jets' TGPs either. Now I'm looking for a mod that adds an indicator to any turret camera.
  7. Hey! I would like to talk about new "big thing" that came to experimental version (for now) of the Arma Reforger which is: helicopters. I think we all can agree that air support (generaly) will change a lot about in game experience and that's why I think we should take this topic very seriously. All of this to make sure that flying in Arma Reforger (we only know about helicopters) and especially in Arma 4 (propably helis and planes) is going to be as satisfying and realistic as possible. I want to talk about helicopters and yes it's because I love using them in Arma games. I know that ther's a lot of people like me and they love becoming heli pilots in game. I'm also sure that using this machines is going to be a very important aspect of the gameplay even more than planes because on smaller maps close air support, transporting troops to direct locations, CSAR makes them much more reasonable to use. I'm 22. I dont have any true experience, I'm not a pilot. I work as a beginner aircraftsman on helicopters and aviation is my greatest interest. After some time testing and flying around in Arma Reforger experimental I just want to present my thoughts and start conversation about changes, fixes and future development of helicopters in Arma games. I. Smaller things: 1. Animations - Fixing mi-8 rudder pedals animation (they don't move). 2. Lights and lighting - Helipad lights and NAV lights are not casting any light on nearby objects (small thing but small visual are making much greater image); - Anti colision lights are too strong in the dark conditions and in case of huey they are creating weird red mist effect inside the helicopter; - Adding more diversity in dome ligts (green and red) for night stalker operations; - In the future possibility to set controls for steering search light. 3. Doors - Adding possibility to open and close the aft cabin sliding doors and gunner doors/window, during flight; - In the future armed passengers could shoot throuh them if needed; - If opened, aft cabin doors would provide faster get in and out animations for troops (very helpful with hot landing zone scenarios); - Doors and gunner windows openable only from passengers seats (If as a lonely pilot you want to use faster in/out you need to think about it earlier 🙂 ); - In case of helicopters like mi-8, removable (only on the ground) back cargo doors like in real life. It would provide aditional slot for faster get in/out and of course rapeling; - Possibility to lean out from gunner window/doors to have a better view around and in some cases help pilots seeying threat or obstacles. 4. Rapeling - Option available for passengers only when doors/cargo doors are opened and in certain height range above the ground. 5. Main rotor effects on foliage - Adding noticeable main rotor effect on grass, bushes and trees (dust and leaves effect looks super cool but hovering above the trees and grass makes them going wild). It would for example help another aircraft pilot spot helicopter hovering above the trees. 6. Helicopter variants - Adding medevac variants of helicopters (they would work like car ambulance but flying) 7. Transorting vehicles and supplies - Inside big transport helicopters or using ropes like in Arma 3. 8. Controllers support - Joystick, pedals, etc... II. Bigger things: 1. Helicopter crashing and survivability This topic is very wide and difficult to cover but it is one of the most important in case of helis. We all remember how junky it was in Arma 3. Clipping through, sudden explosions, hypersesitivity to just scratching trees or lanterns during flight. As soon as I checked basic things about Arma Reforger helicopters I started... crashing. At first i was impressed how it looks and in deed it is much better than it was in Arma 3 but longer I was trying different scenerios more and more problems started showing up. This is what I observed and what I (personally) think it should look like: - PROBLEM: Main and tail rotor are strong but a little too much. At first I was impressed when i hovered next to a trees and started slowly immerse main or tail rotor in them. It was staying in a good shape as in real life when you touch leaves with spinning blades just a little but going deeper and deeper changed nothing. I could hover with rotor hiting tree trunk for so long and still... nothing. After some time helicopter just started bouncing through the trees and finally blades snapped. At first I thought that it works like this only with vegetation but same is for "hard objects" like buildings and metal poles. You can touch them with spinning main and tail rotor during hover and it won't screw them up, same for water, immersing rotor in water is perfectly safe. My next idea was to start hiting all of this objects with some momentum (speed) and it was the case. If you hit trees, buildings or poles only with certain speed with your blades it will brake them. BUT that's not how it works in real life. SOLUTION: Divide objects to "soft" and "hard". Soft for trees and hard for buildings, poles, ground, vehicles, etc... During hover you can touch trees with tip of your blades for 20 seconds, with half of main rotor radius for 5 seconds and helicopter starts shaking, more than half of main rotor radius makes it snap after 2 seconds. Same for tail rotor but 5 seconds for the tip and instant if more than that because tail rotor is much more sensitive. When touching, directional leaves emitter and hitting sound. During hover if you touch hard objecst like buildings, poles, rocks and ground main rotor brakes after 2 seconds, tail rotor instantly. Sparks or dirt directional emitter and hitting sound. During flight, mechanics should be the same in case of trees and vegetation (soft objects) because blades are hiting with almost the same momentum (reatreating blades are even slower during flight than during hover). That's why best solution is to leave it the same remebering that in both cases (hovering and flying) time adds up. It means that if you touch tree with your blade tips for 5 seconds, you now have only 15 seconds left because it is damaged. It would be cool if it would also affect the flight model (shaking) forcing you to land and fix helicopter. POWER LINES TAKE EQUVIVALENT OF 5 SECONDS TIP DAMAGE FOR EACH CABLE (If you fly through one slightly dameged rotor, if four, you lose it). During flight, hiting hard objects with your main and tail rotor, like buildings, poles, rocks means instant rotor fall of. Slightly touching water with rotor blades breaks it after 2 seconds (tail rotor immediately) Water driectional splash effect and klapping sound. PROBLEM: If you hit an object with your main rotor during flight it stops helicopter to 0 and makes it free fall. SOLUTION: When fying, helicoper fuselage depending on speed and mass has some momentum. Hiting objects with blades and destroying them shouldn't make it stop but fly further and hit the ground. PROBLEM: Leading helicopter to explosion is too random. I strarted droping helicopters from castle tower and make them free fall. At the same time I was observing each one's health bar. Ther's a big difference betwen mi-8 and huey explosion resistance. I know that mi-8 is heavier but I think the disprity is too big. Sometimes when I let helicopter free fall from tower it exploded immediately but next time falling the same way didn't take even 1% of health. Same during flight. I flew in trees with huey, rotor snaped and that's all. Did the same thing (same speed) with mi-8 instant explosion and death. Sometimes you hit the ground so hard and everything is fine but in other scenario you hit "soft" object and it means blowing up. SOLUTION: Divide helicopter to 4 parts (main fuselage, tail, main rotor, tail rotor) survavibility of main and tail rotors is already described. Main fuselage and whole tail have separate health bar. Tail is much more sensitive Hiting objects with them takes some health and it depends on: - What object each part hit (soft for trees and vegetation and hard for everything else) Hiting soft takes much less damage; - How strong each part hit (speed/momentum) - At what angle each part hit but using ranges, for example form 0° to 30°, 30° to 90° and 90° to 180° (it doesn't matter with trees because it's to hard to define). ALL OF THIS VALUES ARE MEASURED FROM FIRST POINT OF TOUCH. If you hit with your tail and it loses health first it falls off If main fuselage loses health it explodes. Bigger helicopters are losing a little more health because of their mass but only a little (almost unnoticeable). Depending on what weapons you use ageinst helicopter they are damaging each part too. At the end we should get more predictable crashing model where certain speed, angle and object type determines how much damage we get. It means flying with high speeds in to the trees means bouncing from 4 to 5 and explosion, flying with low speeds in buildings makes you lose your rotor but helicopter bounces a few times and you can survive. It would be also awesome to get smoke effect if helicopter is more and more damaged and some damage model (scratches or bullet holes). I also love the new idea of getting killed, unconscious or deafened just because of hard hit (not explosion) and i think devs should develop it further. In the future it would be nice to see better, more advanced flight model addons like in Arma 3 (doing it in a cooperation with DCS World devs is wet dream) and possibility to set it on servers if someone wants. Many of this things can be used later with planes and take the flying experience in our beloved milsim game series to the next level. It would give us, maniacs, ground to crate unforgettable moments in the best large scale warfare simulator. I know that it is simple to talk what "I want" but I hope many of you will approve my ideas. This (too long 😀) text is primarily guided to devs, I don't know if this is the right place to do it, and of course to all players. BI workers did already so much for us but unfortunatelly we want more 😀 Hope we all can discuss here the future of flying in Arma 4. Greetings from Poland! Wojciech
  8. Currect Version: 5.3.0 (09-08-2019) FAQ FOR FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (Expand) Download Links: Dropbox (631, 69MB) Steam Workshop ModDB 2035: Russian Armed Forces v5.3.0 Please if you like and want to support our mod, feel free to donate so that we can continue giving you quality work. 🙂 (Most of the money will go towards the mod improvement, as in better models etc.) For more 2035 high quality content, we recommend to check out our sister project ArmA3 Aegis! Please do check out and follow their BIS topic and Steam Workshop! =============== 1. DESCRIPTION =============== 2035: Russian Armed Forces focuses on adding a fictional "future" version of the Russian Armed Forces to ArmA3. Great effort has been put into an attempt to seamlessly integrate them into the 2035 era of the Armaverse, so that the faction could stand right next to the others in the base game (NATO, AAF, CSAT). Featured are: - Our own uniforms, vests, helmets and gear made completely from scratch (models and textures). - New vehicles and armor, ranging from T-14 Armata, Pancir AA launcher to the Kamaz trucks, Tigr and more. Tanks DLC features fully compatible. - Usable for any kind of enviroment. Various types of camo for both ground units (Flora, Partizan, Surpat, Desert, Winter... ) and vehicles/aircraft (Russian green, Desert, Nakikda, Winter, Arctic... ) and so on. - Russian weapon pack featuring new guns such as the AK12 (and its variants), AEK, Pecheneg, PP2000 etc. Marksman DLC features fully compatible. We plan on expanding the roster, gear and armament with further versions. Same goes for some of the ArmA3 assets/placeholders that will be replaced in the future Mod is is currently compatible with Zeus, ASDG and ALiVE. ALiVE users: Faction name is "min_rf" (without quotation marks). =============== 2. REQUIREMENTS =============== - ArmA 3 ======================== 3. INSTALLATION/UNINSTALLATION ======================== Extract the folder @Min_RF into your ArmA3 game directory and enable the mod in the launcher. Also put the Mindas.bikey into the core Keys folder. - If using CBA/ASDG, you *MUST* use the "min_rf_wp_c.pbo" and the bisign from the ASDG folder, replacing the one in Addons - otherwise you will have no scopes. You also must do it after every update. For uninstallation, disable the mod in the launcher and delete the respective folder. ================================ 4. CREDITS ================================ Mindas - Everything. Models, textures, config.. yes, he's that busy! Deathstruck - Betatest, screenshots, permissions. AveryTheKitty & Aegis team - Asset sharing from Aegis and vice versa. Toadie2K - AK animations. TheEvanCat - Black Titan launcher. VanSchmoozin (VSM) - Balaclava model. Sabre One - Armata models. PetrTlach - Consultations. BadHabitz - Help with solving some of the retexturing problems concering the Titan launcher. Bohemia Interactive - The rest of the assets and ArmA3. ========================== 5. MODDER'S RESOURCE INFO ========================== - Retextures are okay. Any manner of them. Feel free releasing those without asking . (for those who are interested: HiddenSelections are enabled for both uniforms and weapons) - Same goes for using the mod as a requirement for another. - Please ask our permission before releasing mods that heavily alter or are based on the assets of this mod (models etc.) ========================= 6. CONTACT INFORMATION ========================= You can usually contact us on the respective forums. Mindas BIS Forums: https://forums.bohemia.net/profile/747965-mindas/ Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/users.php?m=details&id=62241&u=Mindas Deathstruck BIS Forums: https://forums.bistudio.com/user/751402-deathstruck/ Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/users.php?m=details&id=9573&u=Slashback ========================= 7. LEGAL STUFF/ DISCLAIMER ========================= By downloading and using this modification, you agree that the author of the modification cannot be held responsible for any damage to software or hardware directly or indirectly caused by the aforementioned modification. Use at your own risk, yaddy yadda. ================= 8. VERSION HISTORY ================= Click to expand the spoiler section to see the changelog. =============== 9. SCREENSHOTS =============== [Click to Enlarge] Current Version: Previous (Expand):
  9. Legalize89

    Helicopters and other vehicles

    Hello, I recently discovered this game and i enjoy playing it, however if i run a mission i made myself with vehicles such as helicopters and such... i can not fly them or drive them because i dont own the supporters package. Now i browsed around and found out it is no longer available for purchase, wich for a game that is no longer being developped is an ok decision. However to have the vehicles still locked by having to purchase something that is not available is not. You made a nice game and it did not get the deserved audience i think the game is awesome for a free game, i would like to fly around and drive around though... Is there a way to spawn in vehicles that i can use without the supporter package or activate the supporter package on my account? Legalize89.
  10. Sorry for criticism but I just want to help. Arma 3 helicopters FM not only terrible, but also initially wrong. In advanced FM mode when you pull joystick(cyclic stick) to do G-turn, rotor RPM is dramatically decreasing. IRL rotor RPM doesn't decreasing by G-turns(maneuvers), but instead they(RPM) increasing, because autorotation happens. Fix this problem please, because its ruining all flight experience in advanced mode.
  11. Axel Horh

    Heli fight

    Good day all memebers of forum. I have idea about long term mission for ARMA 1. This will be mission type of Captue City, but by helicopters and infantry. In this mission I'm planing use EXP and money for update ammunition and vehicles. If this mission will be interested of memebers of forum and gamers, I would like to see comments from you. Have a nice day! Start Base Road Map: Link Start Base
  12. A3 Bundeswehr Vehicle Retexture Pack for Arma III Introduction This mod is meant to bridge the gap of missing logistical vehicles for communities and groups using the BWMod by retexturing Arma III vanilla vehicles to Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces) standards. Features Flecktarn (German Woodland) camo for all vehicles. (Tropentarn (German Desert) camo is planned for a separate future release) Custom textures for each vehicle. Custom dirt maps for each vehicle to make it feel more realistic. Accurate tactical signs. Individual license plates for each vehicle. Adding unarmed transport and medevac versions the Arma and Pandur APC's through hiding the turrets. All vehicles have accurate BWMod units in them when placed via Editor or Zeus. All vehicles have custom inventory loadout's featuring weapons like the G36 / MG4 / PzF3 and ammunition from the BWMod. All vehicles are fully compatible with the Editor / Zeus / Garage. Media screens: GroundVehicles: (Flecktarn/Woodland) Offroad Offroad "Feldjaeger" (MP) Offroad Repair SPw Fennek SPw Fennek Medevac SPw Fennek 1A2 HMG 12.7mm SPw Fennek 1A2 GMG 40mm M-ATV M-ATV medevac M-ATV HMG 12.7mm M-ATV GMG 12.7mm Truck 7T transport Truck 7T transport covered Truck 7T medevac Truck 7T ammo Truck 7T fuel Truck 7T repair Truck 7T medevac Truck 7T device Truck 15T multi container Truck 15T repair Truck 15T ammo Truck 15T fuel APC Arma transport APC Arma medevac APC Arma FLW APC Pandur II transport APC Pandur II medevac APC Pandur II FSW ARV Nemmera AH Sholef 155mm AirVehicles: (Helos) AH6 LNU MH6 transport AW159 LNU AW159 transport AW159 SAR AW101 transport AW101 SAR CH67 transport CH67 SAR Taru LH Additional Info I tried to keep the quality of the textures high and as close as possible to reality and to match the vehicles of the BWMod. Some of the names of the vehicles are based on real vehicles and some are fictional. this is my very first public mod so be kind and let me know if there's any way to make this mod better. constructive criticism is always appreciated. also let me know if there are any bugs appearing, i'll try to fix them as asap. Dependencies this mod needs CBA and the BWMod to function properly. Download Team / Author © Williams/OsiriZ 2016 Special thanks to: - Koffeinflummi and the whole BWMod Team for giving me the permission to use they're content and for the great mod. - Zigomarvin for his "usable cargoramp script" - Bohemia Interactive for the awesome games and trey're support for the modding community Changelogs v1.0.0 Classnames v1.0.0 Contact info.a3mods@gmail.com License Do not open or change the pbo's! Do not upload anywhere else! Use at you're own risk!
  13. Hello guys, I'm experimenting with creating a simple driveable helicopter carrier that also works with AI-controlled helicopters. The carriers is a simple ship with a large cargoBayDimension specified in the carrier class, and the AI helicopters don't have any problem loading itself into the carrier, but once it's loaded, it will never turn off its engine as engineOn command doesn't seem to work on attached vehicles nor vehicles loaded on transport vehicle. What I had in mind was to create a script that instantaneously turns off the engine and sets the rotor speed to zero right before the helicopter is loaded into the carrier. I have tried using setWantedRPMRTD AI_chopper setWantedRPMRTD [0, 0, -1] and setEngineRPMRTD AI_chopper setEngineRPMRTD [0, -1] to no avail. It seems that most engine-related RTD commands only work on player vehicles and only when the advanced flight model is enabled, and some are only available to take-on helicopters. Any ideas what command or possible workarounds I could use? I did try putting the exit points of the cargo bay just barely above the carrier deck, and since I do have the WMO mod loaded, the AI choppers can be unloaded onto the deck and somewhat safely spool up before flying off, but this doesn't work for spooling down after landing, and since WMO is a bit wonky, I'd like to not rely on it as well if possible.
  14. Survivable Crashes (& Shoot-downs) When activated, this mod allows the crew of a vehicle to survive it's destruction and escape with some damage taken. While designed for helicopters, vehicle classes may be whitelisted. When the vehicle reaches fatal damage, players will be knocked unconscious, ejected when near the ground, applied randomized damage, and then woken up. The vehicle will explode after 40-80 seconds. These effects may be customized by using the Survivable Crashes Settings Module in your mission. ACE3 damage will be automatically applied if it is in the active mod pack. This mod is being revitalized by Saborknight. Videos: Crash @ 2:00 Crash @ 1:50 Additional Information Download WIP - GITHUB Old Download: Github Releases Notes:
  15. Enhanced Helicopter Tailrotor Effect Mod Version 2.1 For Arma 3 by ANZACSAS Steve. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Enhances the tailrotor effect on vertical tail rotor configured helicopters. - Version 2.1 Added all vanilla Helicopters also Bis Base Classes. - Increased start time to 15 secs. - More challenging flight characteristics. - More of a "Take on Helicopters" feel. - Version 2.1 Now works better with rudder pedals AND is AI friendly. - Will work for Addons based off these units/classes. - Signed and has server key. - Big Thanks to CPT Dubois for helping to Dev for rudder pedal use.:) - Enjoy.:) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1526953405 http://www.mediafire.com/folder/kvn91htvuhwun/ANZACSAS_Enhanced_Helicopter_Tailrotor_Effect_Mod_v2.1 Note - This mod enhances the torque/anti-torque effect associated with vertical tail rotor configured helicopters.Try the mod and you will feel the effect.
  16. Project Taketombo Hi, I'm P. Dubois aka "Feenx" I have a work-in-progress to share. This project is being developed under Feenx Studios and won't have an official name until closer to it's release. Note this project is in the development phase so everything listed here and below is subject to addition, change or cancellation. Some features will make it to the release version and some won't. There is no release date as of now or any further information to give outside of this thread. However, if interested I'd recommend following this thread for future updates. This project includes some but not limited to the following below: VISUAL ANIMATIONS (in SFM) Collective. Pedals. Cyclic *already animated*. Switches (essentials only). Main and tail rotor pitch linkage. Doors open / close. Trim strings (with wind). Night flying; landing light, position, anti-collision (strobe) and instrument lighting. plus more... VISUAL SIMULATIONS Caution panel warning lights appropriate to arma SFM damage hitpoints. Blade coning appropriate to rpm and lift. Airframe vibrations. Some aerodynamic occurrences during hovering and forward flight. Aircraft behavior (enhanced wind simulation). plus more... MECHANICAL SIMULATION (basic start-up and shut-down procedures) Battery. APU (generator). Starter. Throttle; independent of collective; keybind/rotation axis; configurable control for manipulating rpm (idle to fly). Rotor brake. plus more... AUDIO SIMULATION Various levels in engine noise for appropriate rpm. Aerodynamic sounds during hovering and forward flight. When interacting with switches and other parts of the helicopter. plus more... This will all be built and tested on a helicopter model. This helicopter will be built from the ground up and serve as a template for these upgrades to the standard flight model. Initial thought was to use a base BIS helicopter but that turned out to not be the best option for our vision. Not sure yet, deciding between AS350, Bell 206, or R66 for now which will serve that purpose. To elaborate, this project is to enhance the SFM with immersive and interactive features for helicopters. Creating a brand new working helicopter model is just an added bonus. That more so helps us to lay down the ground work for this project and move forward to upgrading pre-existing helicopters in the future. Thank you for reading
  17. Helicopter physics seem to feel closer to a rail system recently. I've got all the difficulty options up, but they still feel too responsive and with less aerodynamic effects. Vortex ring state is still a new term to me , but other shaking and wing noise seem to be gone. Also the turn rates on everything seem to be really fast now. Pitch, roll and yaw is faster to accelerate even with controller curves turned way down. I noticed RHS has way lower stress damage tolerance, but the VRS and accelerations seem to be the same. I realize Arma isn't trying to be DCS world with future equipment, but I also can't find much in the patch notes about it changing so much. Would be nice to see some more options in the advanced flight model for noise, max turn rates or VRS effects just for making vanilla stuff more difficult. I'm enjoying the easier flying, but feels like the heli challenge has a low upper limit (if that makes any sense). Atorq damage was something I struggled with for a while, but the other helicopter atmospheric effects I remember seem to be missing or really reduced influence on flying. Anyone else notice the change?
  18. Hello, I am having severe difficulties accomplishing gold medal on the helicopter time trials when I am using regular flight model. I realize that I am far from great when it comes to flying, but for example on TT7: Hillside Groove, I manage to finish with as perfect a run as i can possible manage, but its still 2:33:980, and the requirement for gold is 2:29:500. My question: Is it supposed to be possible to get the gold medal on every helicopter time trial with regular flight model, or is it expected of us that we learn how to master advanced flight model just to knock the time down a few seconds? Looking at videos on youtube I can see that AFM lets you get faster speed on straight lines and sharper turning abilities using A and D on the keyboard, but it is of course significantly more difficult to play. Why are the gold requirements the same for the two, when RFM clearly has massive disadvangages? People on youtube using AFM barely get the gold medal by clearing it in 2:28 or 2:29, which leads me to think that its not possible to do it with RFM. I tried posting the same question in the Q&A section of the forums but haven't gotten any replies, so I figured I could try my luck here. I apolgize if this is not the appropriate place to post this. If its neccessary, feel free to move it or delete it. - Ben
  19. Are there any plans for a new release of Take On Helicopters? There is definately a market for it in the Helicopter Simulation community, and options are few. We have to make do with DCS where there are some missions available, or FSX, P3D and X-Plane that don't really include missions. The graphics in Take On Helicopters are ancient compared even just to Arma 3 and the voice acting sucks. And for the most part it seems these forums have dead for near 5 years. I do hope you have something new in the works for this title. Regards SpeedBirdNam.
  20. I have a some issues I wan't to address that regards jets and helicopters. - Scalpels and DAGR locking range differs between jets and helicopters. Jets, like the Gryphon, locks on target at 3km while the Blackfoot locks at 5,3km. ATGMs 3km locking for a jet is so close, can't this be tweaked? Given size of maps and top speed of jets wouldn't at least 6-10km be more preferable? - DAGRs and Scalpels from a Hellcat or a Pawnee is a complete mystery to me, sometimes I get a lock at 1-1,3km most often no lock at all. Seems completely random. - Bombs like the GBU-12 from the jets has no locking reticule, used to be a square that goes "diamond" on lock, now it's nothing. - Gryphon black/white camo skin variant has been blurry since release. - Gryphon and Buzzard targeting pod doesn't rotate 360 degrees, so you brake lock before impact with bombs and you are not able to see target hit, also since release. - What happened to the missile camera HUD display and the zoomed out map HUD in aircrafts? And lastly, why is the loadout for the Gryphon so limited? There's 3x and 4x Scalpels ingame for the the Buzzard for example, x2 bombs, DAGR etc, any chance of fixing this? Thank's in advance for any replies Kind Regards
  21. I recently decided to start making bases for my singleplayer survival modes. I finished one, and saved it, but the button to publish it was grey'd out. I don't know if it's because I used mods to make it, or what, but I don't even know if it's a thing that's been implemented yet. If anyone's curious, I'll add a link to download and poast screenshots. Armaholic is down and I don't want to upload a scenario to the Workshop so the forums sounded like the best place to me. Requires CUP Terrains Malden 2035 (official addon, for the resources) Helicopters DLC (helipad lights) RHS US Armed Forces (turrets) Screens Download File contents Installation
  22. CheyenneAH56

    SCmod v1.40

    SCmod v1.40 aerial firefighting simulation Put yourself in the shoes of a water bomber pilot. Read PDF user document for information. download / armaholic subscription / steam workshop PDF user document gameplay eden editor tutorial #1 eden editor tutorial #2 - Enjoy !
  23. Hi there, i'm creating some addons for my own personal use to use with Arma 2 OA for a while now - I have recently begun to create an armored vehicle, in this case a 2S3 Akatsiya self-propelled howitzer for more immersion in my missions. For the main gun I inherited the cfgammo, cfgmagazines and the cfgweapon entries of the BIS D-30 towed howitzer in my config.cpp. For most parts I have the unit already working. What bothers me is that the howitzer now engages air targets, e.g. an AH-64, which the D-30 definitely does not. The similar MLRS or BM-21 Grad don't show this behavior. I checked unit cost and ammo cost settings for example, but what else does affect the target selection of units in Arma 2 OA? Can somebody help? Here is my still very incomplete config.cpp: class CfgPatches { class 2S3_OA_config { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"CAWeapons","Extended_EventHandlers"}; }; }; class CfgAmmo { class Sh_122_HE{}; class Sh_152mm_HE: Sh_122_HE { cost=500; airLock = 0; }; }; class CfgMagazines { class 30Rnd_122mmHE_D30{}; class 46Rnd_152mmHE_D20: 30Rnd_122mmHE_D30 { ammo = Sh_152mm_HE; count = 46; displayName="152mm HE"; maxLeadSpeed = 0.3; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class D30{}; class D20: D30 { displayName="152mm D-20 Howitzer"; magazines[]={"46Rnd_152mmHE_D20"}; }; }; class Turrets{}; class MainTurret{}; class CfgVehicles { class Tank; class 2S3: Tank { side = 0; displayName="2S3"; model = "\2S3Akatsiya\2S3"; scope = 2; type = 1; faction = "INS"; vehicleClass = "ARMORED"; accuracy=0.6; armor=160; damageResistance = 0.00544; mapSize = 9; cost = 2500000; sensitivity = 1; threat[] = {0.600000, 0.200000, 0.040000}; crew = "Ins_Soldier_Crew"; typicalCargo[]={Ins_Soldier_Crew}; selectionLeftOffset = "PasOffsetL"; selectionRightOffset = "PasOffsetP"; class Turrets: Turrets { class MainTurret: MainTurret { stabilizedInAxes = 0; maxHorizontalRotSpeed= 0.3; maxElev= 50; body= "mainTurret"; turretAxis= "Turret_Axis"; gunAxis="Maingun_Mem"; gunBeg= "Maingun_End"; gunEnd= "Maingun_Start"; weapons[]={"D20"}; magazines[] = {46Rnd_152mmHE_D20}; lockWhenVehicleSpeed = 5; class ViewOptics { initAngleX = 0; minAngleX = -30; maxAngleX = 30; initAngleY = 0; minAngleY = -100; maxAngleY = 100; initFov = 0.4; minFov = 0.4; maxFov = 0.4; }; class ViewGunner { initAngleX = 0; minAngleX = -30; maxAngleX = 30; initAngleY = 0; minAngleY = -100; maxAngleY = 100; initFov = 0.4; minFov = 0.4; maxFov = 0.4; }; }; }; }; }; };
  24. 5th Canadian Division Who? We are the 5th Canadian Division. We are currently one of the only Canadian Based Arma 3 Clans. The 5th Canadian Division is based in the Eastern Coast of Canada and involves Land, Sea and Aerial Operations! What? The 5th Canadian Division is comprised of 3 Brigades, 36th Brigade, 37th Brigade and 403 Tactical Helicopter Squadron. In each brigade there are special roles to be filled, roles such as Scout, Infantrymen, AR Gunner, AT Gunner, sniper and more! We also offer a special forces team to complete special tasks. We also offer the opportunity to become an aviator in one of our Chinook or Griffon Helicopters! Where? We have our own Teamspeak server: Teamspeak IP: s6.ts3.cloud:35253 When? To join, all you must do is join our teamspeak server and talk to someone with the "Recruiter" tag. If no one is avaliable, just message me on steam and we will get something figured out! My steam name is Josh158 Our schedule looks like this: Monday: BCT/CIT/BAT Tuesday: Brigade/Squadron-lead Training Wednesday: Mini-Op Thursday: Jump School/CMT Friday: DCIC Saturday: Operation Briefing Sunday: Operation BCT= Basic Cadet Training CIT= Combat Infantryman Training BAT= Basic Airman Training CMT= Combat Medic Training DCIC= Drill Ceremonial Instrutor Course Requirements: -16+ Years of age -No dishonourable discharge from any other units -Not apart of a current modern era unit -Must speak fluent english (A special skill such as mission building, website editing, etc, are good things to have upon applying) NOTE: We are a newer unit. So there isn't currently anything like what the bigger units have
  25. Arma are first and foremost an infantry MIL SIM, however sometimes I wish we could merge Arma with DCS. When I write that, I don't mean the 100% complex flight sim, but maybe larger areas, more realistic flight models, a bit more flight management as we still have a pretty simple model in Arma even with the new helicopters DLC. I also know resources to make it need to come from somewhere, however I would buy and pay a good sum of money to get a DLC that could offer more fleshed out helicopter / airplane models to the Arma world. https://www.youtube.com/embed/mW3vAge9OzM With the new Jets, we are running out of maps, the official maps are very small when you travel with Mrk1 and the cloud base is not really representative as there are some abnormalities compared to "flight"sims. This is NOT a complaint, just an observation, and a bit of daydreaming about a fusion of the two worlds ;)