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Found 9 results

  1. AveryTheKitty

    Arma 3 Aegis

    Developed in partnership with the 2035: Russian Armed Forces mod. Check them out here! Art by Mr.Mustache Steam Workshop Discord Patreon Made possible thanks to the support of my wonderful patrons. ❤️ Heliotrope, Bran Flakes, Renegade_Jonesy, Slav_Man_Shae, GeneralKong David - Mustache, CommanderCharms, Andrew Dietz, Scott Reijnders Ezzy, Florian Noé, Spess Mehreen, Pheasant-One, Krijn Lakeman, YonV Ravenholme, Buttista, Takaostar, Schuyler P Jarrett, Krytera, coolscout09 Corvid, Itsme M, Elliot Taylor
  2. Currect Version: 5.3.0 (09-08-2019) FAQ FOR FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (Expand) Download Links: Dropbox (631, 69MB) Steam Workshop ModDB 2035: Russian Armed Forces v5.3.0 Please if you like and want to support our mod, feel free to donate so that we can continue giving you quality work. 🙂 (Most of the money will go towards the mod improvement, as in better models etc.) For more 2035 high quality content, we recommend to check out our sister project ArmA3 Aegis! Please do check out and follow their BIS topic and Steam Workshop! =============== 1. DESCRIPTION =============== 2035: Russian Armed Forces focuses on adding a fictional "future" version of the Russian Armed Forces to ArmA3. Great effort has been put into an attempt to seamlessly integrate them into the 2035 era of the Armaverse, so that the faction could stand right next to the others in the base game (NATO, AAF, CSAT). Featured are: - Our own uniforms, vests, helmets and gear made completely from scratch (models and textures). - New vehicles and armor, ranging from T-14 Armata, Pancir AA launcher to the Kamaz trucks, Tigr and more. Tanks DLC features fully compatible. - Usable for any kind of enviroment. Various types of camo for both ground units (Flora, Partizan, Surpat, Desert, Winter... ) and vehicles/aircraft (Russian green, Desert, Nakikda, Winter, Arctic... ) and so on. - Russian weapon pack featuring new guns such as the AK12 (and its variants), AEK, Pecheneg, PP2000 etc. Marksman DLC features fully compatible. We plan on expanding the roster, gear and armament with further versions. Same goes for some of the ArmA3 assets/placeholders that will be replaced in the future Mod is is currently compatible with Zeus, ASDG and ALiVE. ALiVE users: Faction name is "min_rf" (without quotation marks). =============== 2. REQUIREMENTS =============== - ArmA 3 ======================== 3. INSTALLATION/UNINSTALLATION ======================== Extract the folder @Min_RF into your ArmA3 game directory and enable the mod in the launcher. Also put the Mindas.bikey into the core Keys folder. - If using CBA/ASDG, you *MUST* use the "min_rf_wp_c.pbo" and the bisign from the ASDG folder, replacing the one in Addons - otherwise you will have no scopes. You also must do it after every update. For uninstallation, disable the mod in the launcher and delete the respective folder. ================================ 4. CREDITS ================================ Mindas - Everything. Models, textures, config.. yes, he's that busy! Deathstruck - Betatest, screenshots, permissions. AveryTheKitty & Aegis team - Asset sharing from Aegis and vice versa. Toadie2K - AK animations. TheEvanCat - Black Titan launcher. VanSchmoozin (VSM) - Balaclava model. Sabre One - Armata models. PetrTlach - Consultations. BadHabitz - Help with solving some of the retexturing problems concering the Titan launcher. Bohemia Interactive - The rest of the assets and ArmA3. ========================== 5. MODDER'S RESOURCE INFO ========================== - Retextures are okay. Any manner of them. Feel free releasing those without asking . (for those who are interested: HiddenSelections are enabled for both uniforms and weapons) - Same goes for using the mod as a requirement for another. - Please ask our permission before releasing mods that heavily alter or are based on the assets of this mod (models etc.) ========================= 6. CONTACT INFORMATION ========================= You can usually contact us on the respective forums. Mindas BIS Forums: https://forums.bohemia.net/profile/747965-mindas/ Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/users.php?m=details&id=62241&u=Mindas Deathstruck BIS Forums: https://forums.bistudio.com/user/751402-deathstruck/ Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/users.php?m=details&id=9573&u=Slashback ========================= 7. LEGAL STUFF/ DISCLAIMER ========================= By downloading and using this modification, you agree that the author of the modification cannot be held responsible for any damage to software or hardware directly or indirectly caused by the aforementioned modification. Use at your own risk, yaddy yadda. ================= 8. VERSION HISTORY ================= Click to expand the spoiler section to see the changelog. =============== 9. SCREENSHOTS =============== [Click to Enlarge] Current Version: Previous (Expand):
  3. Who We Are The UNAF is a new and growing unit based around the idea of "What If in the 2030s the UN was actually given the power it needs to do its job." This version of the UN has become a hyper-militarized world superpower that is hellbent on "Peacekeeping" through force in a similar way to how the USA worked in the Middle East. This version of the UN has aircraft carriers, drones, tanks, modern firearms, and modern vehicles. Our Ops Ops take place Saturdays 2100 CST/500 UTC. We do everything ranging from the UN SWAT to fighting WW3 to playing as the GOC in the SCP universe How to Join Just join our Discord and after playing with us for 2 ops you will become a member
  4. Hey look, yet another vanilla retexture mod All jokes aside, this mod originally was called "Spanish Army Strike" (or SAS for short) and was created by Fermox, who sadly retired from the modding scene and left me in charge of the project. This mod follows the footsteps of its predecessor and aims to provide a lore friendly Spain faction by using only vanilla items, however, external assets may be introduced if they fit the 2035 theme. While the assets contained here attempt to make sense within the ARMA 3 lore, there might be some that are also included just for fun. This mod is still a work in progress and things are subject to change. However its developent stage has reached the point where I am comfortable sharing it and promoting it. Does it sound good? You can get it on Steam! FEATURES Four factions with Desert, Woodland, Winter and Black equipment, with several variations. Vehicles also have plenty of different textures to choose from by using the Virtual Garage. Units have european faces Units have Spanish names and surnames CBRN and stealth uniforms and helmets Much more! Down below I'll list the most noteworthy items included in the mod and provide a brief explanation of their function within the lore. CONTENTS: Vehicles: Land Helicopters Planes VTOL Naval Drones Weapons Units and other noteworthy entities TO DO Add Marines and rework the Navy faction Add and fix some textures Add the Caesar's new avionics suite (*) Smooth the Bobcat's plow and Gorgon waterbreak's animations Restore the Medevac vehicles' commander seat Add other vehicles Fix the bugs shown below BUGS/ISSUES Armed Huron will spawn with US door gunners. I currently don't know how to fix this Textures might be a bit distorted in some places. There's nothing I can do since it's due to PAA compression. Medevac vehicles don't have custom interiors (yet) Nothing I can do since that would require editing the 3D models and it's not allowed. Inventory icons need to be replaced by custom images as they are using the vanilla ones. Some item names might only be shown in English. CREDITS AND AWKNOWLEDGEMENTS -=FerMoX=-, for developing the original project, helping me with coding and for introducing me to ARMA 3 modding Jove Chiere, for his texturing tips and overall help with the project. Buckweiser, whom I comissioned the commemorative Ala 20 tail art from.
  5. Central Africa factions set in 2035 Factions: CSAT (Central Africa) (OPFOR) CAAF (Tropic)/(Arid) (Independent) Rebels (Central Africa) (OPFOR & Independent) Civilians (Central AFrica) (civilian - african and asian) CAAF Central African Armed Forces (CAAF) based on a mix of several current central African nations and the armaverse. They appear as two separate factions: CAAF (Tropic) and CAAF (Arid). Both are the same except for the camo patterns they use. While their nation isn't immune to foreign interests they've remained mostly an independent actor. Russia has been a main provider for gear and hardware, but they have had also deals going on with other independent nations. They have been at war for decades with their nearest neighbor, the newest CSAT member, usually winning the conflicts. CSAT Under the initiative of the new head of state, an ambitious young general, this African country has managed to get their foot inside CSAT. This was considered by him as a key factor for the survival of their nation against their hostile neighboring country. From all the CSAT members, they have China as their closest friend. They were the main actor in favor of their membership and provide them with training, hardware and men for specialized roles. While the continuous training of the African military should lead to the roles now filled by Chinese being eventually filled by locals, some suspect the Chinese control over their army will never end. Rebels An amalgam of idealists, displaced and criminals, the central african rebels have received an influx of new blood from deserters who didn't like to be part of CSAT's puppet army. Although they pose a threat to the stability of both nations, CAAF has been accused lately of funding them to use them as a weapon against its neighbour. Download Gallery https://imgur.com/a/CxR1qjR Central Africa in the Armaverse There's mention of some countries that could be host for any of these factions, such as: Bocano North Lombakka South Lombakka Suggested terrains Here's a Steam list with some terrains that could work with these factions: 2035 Central Africa terrains Credits Textures: anitaanitawartihamid (camos) - Background Vectors by Vecteezy krzychuzokecia (Orca CSAT Pacific) Texture templates: DreamRebel (T-100, Zamak) IndeedPete (headgear, uniforms, weapons) Overall to all the participants in the Community Texture Templates thread. While I ended up tweaking and modifying most templates they did help me a lot for understanding how re-texturing works post-OFP. Other: ALiVE team (crates and preview images via ALiVE Orbat Creator) Permissions This project falls under the Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA).
  6. Addons/Server features: *Server Restarts every 4 hours *Roaming and Mission AI (details below) *Zombies (details below) *Mods: 4 RHS, TRYK, CUP (CORE), EXILE, Extended base mod, Ryans Zombies,----- Exile *XM8 Apps (view distance, customizable statsbar, crafting) *Full day/night cycle-- At night the time is sped up to 24x and day is 4x *Day/Night voting system (type /vote day or /vote night) *PVP (Play how you want | You can be friendly) *Optional Mods: JSRS and blastcore --- More to come *****NEW BASE RESPAWNS****** Mod Downloads: Required: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1494503178 Optional: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1510537696 Server IP : Additional server info: The server is pretty new and has a pretty decent player base. The server is well set up with active admins and changes/fixes constantly rolling in! Don't let that deter you from joining! Within our discord, I will be posting changelogs for each day that I change/add/balance things. We are always open ears to suggestions that's why we set up a suggestions chat within the discord. The server is set up on the map Chernarus 2035 with 3 trader cities (safezones), 2 aircraft traders and 2 boat traders. The mods we use on the server are all 4 RHS mods, TRYK (multiplay uniforms), Chernarus 2035 (duh), CUP terrains Core, Exile (super duh), Ryans zombies, and Exile extended base mod! We also allow blast core and JSRS (with and without RHS compatibility)! Although those are completely optional! We aim to have a harder more realistic feel for the game. New players to the server will start with 5k in their bank. To keep this challenging for the players we have added zombies which are very balanced and will spawn in zones marked in red on the map... Hordes have a chance of spawning around players in order to keep them on their toes. Roaming AI are implemented to keep players aware of their surroundings and to simulate a more alive environment (good and bad AI). Of course we have AI missions on the server and will soon be adding more. We are always adding new things and as said before open to new ideas and suggestions. !!SERVER RULES ARE POSTED IN GAME ON THE XM8 APP IN THE UNDER THE MORE TAB "Server Rules" (should have a picture of a book) not the one on the first page!! *Please note that we are constantly adding things so whats posted here is likely to differ a little bit from ingame (meaning there will be more custom addons than whats listed)*
  7. mathias_eichinger

    Malden Gendarmerie 2035

    Hi lads, I present to you a small Home Defense force for Malden, in case the Army is deployed overseas: The Malden Gendarmerie Author: mathias1978 Author Website: http://mathias1978.deviantart.com/ Requirements: Official APEX expansion: https://arma3.com/apex Version: 1.0 Signed: No Short description: This mod adds Malden Gendarmerie soldiers in some infantry roles in a custom camo pattern provided by calpa9907 on deviant art camo club, plus an offroad in standard Gendarmerie colors. The camo pattern can be seen here: http://calpa9907.deviantart.com/art/Equator-Burnout-520818300 Keep in mind that there is no general license to use this camo pattern, but if you ask the author, maybe he is ok with it. Units can be found under BLUFOR-->Malden Gendarmerie-->Men. The offroad can be found under BLUFOR-->Malden Gendarmerie -->Cars. Credits: BI Studios for a game series that lets me be creative since 2005, having fun since 2001. R0adki11 for continous support and advice. calpa9907 over at deviantArt for a camo pattern I was allowed to recolor. IndeedPete for handy retexture templates. Download: @zippyshare http://www22.zippyshare.com/v/51BHZBFU/file.html Armaholic Download: Thanks to Foxhound http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31672 Steam Subscription: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=767129013
  8. mathias_eichinger

    Malden Army 2035

    Hi guys and gals, here is another small addon to militarise Malden with a force befitting the island's small size. Author Website:http://mathias1978.deviantart.com/ Requirements: No addons required Version: 1.0 Signed: No Short description: This mod adds Malden Army soldiers in most infantry roles in a custom camo pattern provided by alligator-fists on deviant art camo club, plus an armed and unarmed Hunter MRAP in a self made camo. Units can be found under BLUFOR-->Malden Army-->Men. The MRAPs found under BLUFOR-->Malden Army -->Cars. Credits: BI Studios for a game series that lets me be creative since 2005, having fun since 2001. R0adki11 for continous support and advice. alligator-fists over at deviantArt for a camo pattern I was allowed to recolor. IndeedPete for handy retexture templates. Download (Zippyshare link) http://www29.zippyshare.com/v/lP5jf8w4/file.html Armaholic mirror thanks to Foxhound: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31526 Steam Subscription: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=753906744
  9. mathias_eichinger

    Malden Coast Guard 2035

    Hi Gentlemen, as part of my series representing ArmA3 timeline military forces for the BI islands, I am proud to present my little Malden Coast Guard 2035! Author: mathias1978 Author Website: http://mathias1978.deviantart.com/ Requirements: No addons required Version: 1.0 Signed: No Short description: This mod adds several Malden Coast Guard members (Autorifleman, Marksman, Medic, basic Sailor) in a unique maritime camo pattern, as well as a rescue boat in stock orange livery. Note to mission makers: This unit represents the near-future timeline Malden Coast Guard that has just come under MOD control and is outfitted with camo uniforms and automatic weapons. To enhance esprit de corps and focus on an armed coastal security mission, the unit is sporting camo uniforms that fit their maritime role, but unlike Everon, they don't have access to armed speedboats. Units are to be found under BLUFOR-->Malden-->Men. The patrol boat can be found under BLUFOR-->Malden -->Boats. This has been possible with the help of R0adki11 and packing open the original -E3- mod by Soronelite. Credits: BI Studios for a game series that lets me be creative since 2005, having fun since 2001. Soronelite by providing a simple retexture addon back in 2013 where I could see how adding boats basically works R0adki11 for continous support and advice. camorus---234 over at deviantArt for a camo pattern I was allowed to recolor. Download: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31381 Steam subscription: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=732668298 Have fun with it, and I am always glad to receive feedback.