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Found 146 results

  1. Teamspeak IP: Ts3.3rdSFO.us Public Server IP: Port: 2542 Map: Clafghan Game Type: Insurgency (ALIVE) High Traffic Time: 8:00pm-12:00am Central US time Server side mods (Required): CBA ACE3 TFAR RHSUSAF CUP Terrains - Maps CUP Terrains - Core CUP Vehicles CUP Units CUP Weapons F/A-18 Claghan Alive The Mods 3rdSFO Runs includes above: BloodLust USS Nimitz BackPackOnChest ShackTac User Interface Advanced Sling Loading Advanced Towing Advanced Urban Repelling Arma Enhanced Movement FIR Pilot&Crew Pack HMDs MOD (Metric) L3-GPNVG18 Panoramic Night Vision Spec4Gear v4.6 Splended Smoke Theseus Services Steam Collection http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=827107985 Server is open keys, so you can run any mods that you like. Just have the minimal required ones and you should be good.
  2. Hi! I'm having issues spawning in ACE3 IED's with pressure plate activation on. Currently there's 50 IED's that spawn in, they're simulated objects and should (?) work with pressure plate, yet they don't. Here's the faulty script: if (!isserver) exitwith {}; //Theres a marker called center in the middle of the map _centerMrk = "center"; _dist = 25000; _center = getmarkerpos _centerMrk; _counter = 0; _rDist = 5.75; // Objects used as IEDs _iedList = [ "ACE_IEDLandBig_Range", "ACE_IEDLandSmall_Range", "ACE_IEDUrbanBig_Range", "ACE_IEDUrbanSmall_Range" ]; while {_counter < 50} do { //Create position on map for IED _list = _center nearRoads _dist; _iedType = _iedList select (floor random (count _iedList)); _road = _list select (round random (count _list)); _roadDir = getDir _road; _newDir = _roadDir; _dir = _newDir; _pos = getpos _road; _posx = _pos select 0; _posy = _pos select 1; _tx = (_posx + (_rDist * sin(_dir))); _ty = (_posy + (_rDist * cos(_dir))); _iedPos = [_tx,_ty,0]; //Create IED _trgMan = createVehicle ["I_C_Pilot_F", _center, [], 0, ""]; _ied = createVehicle [_iedType, _iedPos, [], 0, ""]; _ied setDir (random 360); _ied setPos getPos _ied; //So far so good, this is where I have to add some type of way to trigger them because they dont work by themselves like if you place them with zeus [_trgMan, _ied, "PressurePlate"] call ace_explosives_fnc_connectExplosive; deleteVehicle _trgMan; //Add IED to list _counter = _counter + 1; }; If anyone with knowledge about ACE3 could help me out that'd be highly appreciated. //Green
  3. Hey guys. Every time I load an ACE3 Mod mission I get this error: Game Logic: (@combat_rhs_usf3) at version (3,8,3,1,4) (or higher). You have none." Game Logic "warning: ace requires ace_combat_rhs_arfr3 (@combat_rhs_afrf3) at version (3,8,3,14)(or higher). You have none." I am using the rhs mods. I downloaded them from their site. I understand something like ACE requires rhs to be a higher version but not sure how it is possible if my rhs is the most recent version. Hopefully somebody can straighten be out. **************************FIXED So what the problem was fellas is within the ACE folder under optional folder was two files I needed to copy and paste into the addon folders. I did this however I added those files in the backup ace folder. Not the ace folder that was running via workshop. Simple mistake.
  4. Hello, I have been making my own scenarios with the ACE and unsung mods. I used to be able to call in artillery and air strikes without any problem. I would set up the support requester, and support provider modules and sync them up like normal, but now, I cannot get planes nor artillery to lay down fire for me. Is there a special setting or procedure that I need to follow with ACE?
  5. Hello, I'm trying to do a mission compatible with ACE, my ACE options (in Loby) are not working, where did I go wrong? How can I change the system when the revival of an ACE? PS: Sorry for my english, i use google translator. descriptions.ext dev = "dimaS1k"; //--- Дебаг enableDebugConsole = 1; allowFunctionsRecompile = 1; allowFunctionsLog = 0; //--- Шапка class header { gametype = Coop; minplayers = 1; maxplayers = 10; playerCountMultipleOf = 1; }; //--- Атрибуты миссии author = $STR_DMSK_MIS_AUTHOR; briefingName = $STR_DMSK_MIS_NAME; onLoadName = $STR_DMSK_MIS_NAME; onLoadMission = $STR_DMSK_MIS_OVERVIEW; overviewText = $STR_DMSK_MIS_OVERVIEW; overviewPicture = "paa\dmsk_ls.paa"; //--- Ключи миссии doneKeys[] = {"DMSK_Key1337_done"}; //---- Респавн respawn = 3; respawnButton = 0; respawnDelay = 45; respawnVehicleDelay = 120; respawnDialog = 0; respawnOnStart = 1; respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition", "MenuInventory", "Revive", "Tickets", "Spectator", "EndMission"}; //--- Медицина (BIS) ReviveMode = 1; ReviveUnconsciousStateMode = 0; ReviveRequiredTrait = 0; ReviveRequiredItems = 0; ReviveRequiredItemsFakConsumed = 0; ReviveDelay = 6; ReviveMedicSpeedMultiplier = 2; ReviveForceRespawnDelay = 3; ReviveBleedOutDelay = 180; //--- Менеджер очистки карты corpseManagerMode = 1; corpseLimit = 10; corpseRemovalMinTime = 120; corpseRemovalMaxTime = 180; wreckManagerMode = 1; wreckLimit = 5; wreckRemovalMinTime = 120; wreckRemovalMaxTime = 360; minPlayerDistance = 50; //--- Общие настройки aiKills = 0; briefing = 1; debriefing = 1; disabledAI = 1; showHUD[] = {true, true, false, false, true, true, true, true, true}; showUAVFeed = 1; showSquadRadar = 1; joinUnassigned = 0; skipLobby = 0; forceRotorLibSimulation = 0; //--- Звуки class CfgSounds { #include "hpp\DMSK_cfgSounds.hpp" }; //--- Функции class CfgFunctions { #include "hpp\DMSK_cfgFunctions.hpp" }; //--- Параметры миссии #include "hpp\DMSK_ace_settings.hpp" class Params { #include "hpp\DMSK_Params.hpp" }; //--- Дебрифинг class CfgDebriefing { #include "hpp\DMSK_cfgDebriefing.hpp" }; //--- Уведомления class CfgNotifications { #include "hpp\DMSK_cfgNotifications.hpp" }; //---- Экипировка #include "hpp\DMSK_loadout.hpp" DMSK_ace_settings.hpp class ACE_Settings { class ace_common_forceAllSettings { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_common_checkPBOsAction { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_common_checkPBOsCheckAll { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_common_checkPBOsWhitelist { value = "[]"; typeName = "STRING"; force = 1; }; class ace_finger_enabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_finger_maxRange { value = 7; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_frag_Enabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_frag_SpallEnabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_frag_maxTrack { value = 250; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_frag_MaxTrackPerFrame { value = 50; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_frag_EnableDebugTrace { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_hitreactions_minDamageToTrigger { value = 0.1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_interaction_EnableTeamManagement { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_laserpointer_enabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_magazinerepack_TimePerAmmo { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_magazinerepack_TimePerMagazine { value = 2; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_magazinerepack_TimePerBeltLink { value = 8; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_map_BFT_Interval { value = 0; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_map_BFT_Enabled { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_map_BFT_HideAiGroups { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_map_mapIllumination { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_map_mapGlow { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_map_mapShake { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_map_mapLimitZoom { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_map_mapShowCursorCoordinates { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_maptools_EveryoneCanDrawOnBriefing { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_level { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_medicSetting { value = 2; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableFor { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableOverdosing { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_bleedingCoefficient { value = 0.75; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_painCoefficient { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableAirway { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableFractures { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableAdvancedWounds { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableVehicleCrashes { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableScreams { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold { value = 1.2; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_AIDamageThreshold { value = 0.9; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableUnconsciousnessAI { value = 0; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_remoteControlledAI { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_preventInstaDeath { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableRevive { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_maxReviveTime { value = 3600; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_amountOfReviveLives { value = -1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_allowDeadBodyMovement { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_allowLitterCreation { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_litterCleanUpDelay { value = 300; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_medicSetting_PAK { value = 2; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_medicSetting_SurgicalKit { value = 2; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_consumeItem_PAK { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_consumeItem_SurgicalKit { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_useLocation_PAK { value = 3; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_useLocation_SurgicalKit { value = 2; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_useCondition_PAK { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_useCondition_SurgicalKit { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_keepLocalSettingsSynced { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_healHitPointAfterAdvBandage { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_painIsOnlySuppressed { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_allowUnconsciousAnimationOnTreatment { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_moveUnitsFromGroupOnUnconscious { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_menu_allow { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_microdagr_MapDataAvailable { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_mk6mortar_airResistanceEnabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_mk6mortar_allowComputerRangefinder { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_mk6mortar_allowCompass { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_nametags_showCursorTagForVehicles { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_nametags_playerNamesViewDistance { value = 8; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_nametags_playerNamesMaxAlpha { value = 0.8; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_repair_engineerSetting_Repair { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_repair_engineerSetting_Wheel { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_repair_repairDamageThreshold { value = 0.6; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_repair_repairDamageThreshold_Engineer { value = 0.4; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_repair_consumeItem_ToolKit { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_repair_fullRepairLocation { value = 2; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_repair_engineerSetting_fullRepair { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_repair_addSpareParts { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_repair_wheelRepairRequiredItems { value = 0; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_respawn_SavePreDeathGear { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_respawn_RemoveDeadBodiesDisconnected { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_respawn_BodyRemoveTimer { value = 60; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_sitting_enable { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_spectator_filterUnits { value = 2; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_spectator_filterSides { value = 0; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_spectator_restrictModes { value = 0; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_spectator_restrictVisions { value = 0; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_switchunits_EnableSwitchUnits { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_switchunits_SwitchToWest { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_switchunits_SwitchToEast { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_switchunits_SwitchToIndependent { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_switchunits_SwitchToCivilian { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_switchunits_EnableSafeZone { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_switchunits_SafeZoneRadius { value = 100; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_vehiclelock_DefaultLockpickStrength { value = 10; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_vehiclelock_LockVehicleInventory { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_vehiclelock_VehicleStartingLockState { value = 2; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_viewdistance_enabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_viewdistance_limitViewDistance { value = 3500; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_weather_enableServerController { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_weather_useACEWeather { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_weather_syncRain { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_weather_syncWind { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_weather_syncMisc { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_weather_serverUpdateInterval { value = 240; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_winddeflection_enabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_winddeflection_vehicleEnabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_winddeflection_simulationInterval { value = 0.05; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_winddeflection_simulationRadius { value = 3000; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_zeus_zeusAscension { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_zeus_zeusBird { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_zeus_remoteWind { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_zeus_radioOrdnance { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_zeus_revealMines { value = 0; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_zeus_autoAddObjects { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_captives_allowHandcuffOwnSide { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_captives_requireSurrender { value = 0; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_captives_allowSurrender { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_cargo_enable { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_explosives_RequireSpecialist { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_explosives_PunishNonSpecialists { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_explosives_ExplodeOnDefuse { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_hearing_EnableCombatDeafness { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_hearing_EarplugsVolume { value = 0.6; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_hearing_UnconsciousnessVolume { value = 0.3; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_hearing_enabledForZeusUnits { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_enabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulateForSnipers { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulateForGroupMembers { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulateForEveryone { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_disabledInFullAutoMode { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_ammoTemperatureEnabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_barrelLengthInfluenceEnabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_bulletTraceEnabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulationInterval { value = 0.05; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulationRadius { value = 3000; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; }; DMSK_Params.hpp class spacer0 { // paramsArray[0] title = $STR_DMSK_PARAMS_MIS_SET; values[] = {1}; texts[] = {""}; default = 1; }; class Tickets { // paramsArray[1] title = $STR_DMSK_PARAMS_TICKETS_NAME; values[] = {-1,2,4,8,16,24,0}; texts[] = {"0","2","4","8","16","24",$STR_DMSK_PARAMS_UNLIMITED}; default = 8; }; class aiSkillLevel { // paramsArray[2] title = $STR_DMSK_PARAMS_AISKILL_NAME; values[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5}; texts[] = {$STR_DMSK_PARAMS_AISKILL_VERY_LOW,$STR_DMSK_PARAMS_AISKILL_LOW,$STR_DMSK_PARAMS_AISKILL_MEDIUM,$STR_DMSK_PARAMS_AISKILL_HIGH,$STR_DMSK_PARAMS_AISKILL_ELITE,$STR_DMSK_PARAMS_AISKILL_DEF}; default = 2; }; class vrArsenal { // paramsArray[3] title = $STR_DMSK_ADDACTION_ARSENAL; values[] = {0,1}; texts[] = {$STR_DMSK_PARAMS_NO,$STR_DMSK_PARAMS_YES}; default = 0; }; /* ===================== ACE ===================== */ class spacer1 { // paramsArray[4] title = $STR_DMSK_PARAMS_ACE_SET; values[] = {1}; texts[] = {""}; default = 1; }; class ace_medical_level { // paramsArray[5] title = "Medical Level"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {1, 2}; texts[] = {"Basic", "Advanced"}; default = 2; }; class ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold { // paramsArray[6] title = "Player Damage Threshold"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {0.8, 1.2, 1.6}; texts[] = {"Low","Medium","High"}; default = 1.2; }; class ace_medical_enableAdvancedWounds { // paramsArray[7] title = "Advanced Wounds"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {0, 1}; texts[] = {"Off", "On"}; default = 0; }; class ace_medical_maxReviveTime { // paramsArray[8] title = "Max Revive Time (minutes)"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {60, 300, 600, 900}; texts[] = {"1", "5", "10", "15"}; default = 300; }; class ace_medical_medicSetting_PAK { // paramsArray[9] title = "Personal Aid Kit Usage"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {0,1,2}; texts[] = {"Anyone","Medic Only","Doctor Only"}; default = 2; }; class ace_medical_consumeItem_PAK { // paramsArray[10] title = "Consume Personal Aid Kit"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {0,1}; texts[] = {"No","Yes"}; default = 1; }; class ace_medical_useLocation_PAK { // paramsArray[11] title = "Personal Aid Kit Usage Location"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {0,1,2,3,4}; texts[] = {"Anywhere","Medical Vehicles","Medical Facilities","Medical Vehicles and Facilities","Disabled"}; default = 0; }; class ace_medical_useCondition_PAK { // paramsArray[12] title = "Personal Aid Kit Usage Condition"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {0,1}; texts[] = {"Usable Any Time","Usable on Stable Patient"}; default = 1; }; class ace_medical_medicSetting_SurgicalKit { // paramsArray[13] title = "Surgical Kit Usage"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {0,1,2}; texts[] = {"Anyone","Medic Only","Doctor Only"}; default = 2; }; class ace_medical_consumeItem_SurgicalKit { // paramsArray[14] title = "Consume Surgical Kit"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {0,1}; texts[] = {"No","Yes"}; default = 1; }; class ace_medical_useLocation_SurgicalKit { // paramsArray[15] title = "Surgical Kit Usage Location"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {0,1,2,3,4}; texts[] = {"Anywhere","Medical Vehicles","Medical Facilities","Medical Vehicles and Facilities","Disabled"}; default = 3; }; class ace_medical_useCondition_SurgicalKit { // paramsArray[16] title = "Surgical Kit Usage Condition"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {0,1}; texts[] = {"Usable Any Time","Usable on Stable Patient"}; default = 1; }; class ace_viewdistance_limitViewDistance { // paramsArray[17] title = "Max View Distance (meters)"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {3000,6000,9000}; texts[] = {"3000","6000","9000"}; default = 6000; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_enabled { // paramsArray[18] title = "Advanced Ballistics"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {0,1}; texts[] = {"Off","On"}; default = 1; }; class ace_map_BFT_Enabled { // paramsArray[19] title = "Track Friendly Forces"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {0,1}; texts[] = {"Off","On"}; default = 0; };
  6. Hello everyone, after briefly learning how to snipe on Ace by watching videos i've got some questions that YouTube wasn't able to answer. First of all i'm using the Intervention along with the Vector 21 so i can sync data to the ATragMX without copying and pasting all the time, after that i get the temperature, the humidity and the barometric pressure from the Kestrel 4500 and copy-paste it on the ATragMX. I auto-set the crosswind and the headwind and get the average Wind SPD of around 30 seconds, and i paste the min on 1 on the Wind Speed on the Target tab of the ATragMX followed by the max value on 2 and then the wind direction, if the min and max are the same then i just input the same value on both fields. Finally i take the shot and re-adjust properly if i miss. I collect all the data standing up without being blocked by bushes/trees. Is there any way to collect the wind data more efficiently? Cause most of the time my shots are landing left or right of the enemy, and am i inputting the wind correctly inside ATragMX because almost all the people i've watched are doing it differently (most of my shots are on ~1400km). If i missed anything i will explain it, just ask for it.
  7. ACE3 Extension Here is my ACE3 Extension mod! ACE3 Extension (Anim & Actions) ACE3 Extension (Placeables) ACE3 Extension (Gestures)
  8. ************************************************************ This addon is now part of a larger mod. See my signature. ************************************************************
  9. After a long campaign, Marine Special Operations Team 7113, supported by elements of the 82nd Airborne, have nearly defeated the Taliban in Kunduz. They have been driven to Anbar Tappeh, one of the last safe havens for the Taliban in the region, and have nowhere else to flee. Your MSOT and soldiers of the 82nd will destroy them for good. Requires RHS USAF, Kunduz, CUP Units, ACE. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=732664135
  10. Survivable Crashes (& Shoot-downs) When activated, this mod allows the crew of a vehicle to survive it's destruction and escape with some damage taken. While designed for helicopters, vehicle classes may be whitelisted. When the vehicle reaches fatal damage, players will be knocked unconscious, ejected when near the ground, applied randomized damage, and then woken up. The vehicle will explode after 40-80 seconds. These effects may be customized by using the Survivable Crashes Settings Module in your mission. ACE3 damage will be automatically applied if it is in the active mod pack. This mod is being revitalized by Saborknight. Videos: Crash @ 2:00 Crash @ 1:50 Additional Information Download WIP - GITHUB Old Download: Github Releases Notes:
  11. Who are we?- We are a milsim group in Arma 3 founded by a core group of friends that have been together for years now. We pride ourselves in our ability to create a serious and structured environment, while also still goofing around and having fun with Arma 3. We base ourselves mainly off of the real Rangers from the USA, with alterations to accept Arma as a platform. Our mods will be given to you once you have been accepted as a recruit. We use steam workshop, I have specially compiled all our mods into a convenient modpack for ease of use. What are our events?- We have a selection of events. Campaign Main Ops, Side Ops, Trainings, and Practice ops. Campaign Main Ops- Our only mandatory event is every Friday at 6pm EST. The campaigns are what our unit is designed for. This is where we are at our fullest, and most serious. The Campaigns are based on a map, and have its own story. Each op is persistent, so your choices and actions matter in the later ops. We will always be Rangers in these ops. Side Ops- Side ops are fully optional, and not scheduled. These are less serious, but still require people to adhere to our rules. We could be the french, british, germans, anything in our modpack we can be in side ops. Trainings- We split our trainings into phase one and phase two. All trainings are on every Sunday at 1pm EST. As a recruit, you can not come to any op until you have done at least a phase one. Once you completed phase one, you may come to side ops. Once you have completed phase two, you are a full member and may come to any op. Practice Ops- Practice ops are designed to be the same as a campaign op, but no campaign attached to it. These are for people who want to pratice their leading skills, machine gun capability, etc. Practice ops are mainly for us to train future Fire Team Leaders, and possible Squad Leaders. Do you want to join?- In order to join, you must go to this link and read what it says: Our Videos- We record some of our ops, courtesy of Shermanator:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCtTx6yW6Du9-DZAIoNw6BfpeJGmFD9h5 http://3rdrba3.enjin.com/recruitment
  12. One year after the ACE3 announcement, we would like to present to you our latest project, over one year in the making. Advanced Banana Environment 3. Have you ever found that your Arma 3 game lacks when it comes to immersion? Realism? User friendliness? Worry no more! ABE3 comes with various enhancements and improvements to realism, functionality and user experience. We have added improved fragmentation, grenades, vehicles and more. But that is not all! When installing ABE3, you will even gain a personal assistant that will help you play your game by offering valuable advise when you need it. Wait no longer, and install ABE3 now. Download from our GitHub. Disclaimer: Advanced Banana Environment is a project from the ABE3 team. Any representation to real life bananas is purely coincidence. The ABE3 team does not endorse or advertise any specific brand or race of bananas. All bananas encountered within the Advanced Banana Environment modification are purely fictional. Advanced Banana Environment is an Arma 3 mod that aims to compliment the ACE3 project, with a CBA A3 and ACE3 requirement. The project is entirely open-source and all contributions are welcome. Feel free to maintain your own custom version, so long as the changes you make are open to the public in accordance with the Arma Public License (APL). The mod is built modularly, so almost any included PBO can be easily removed from the configuration. This way, a team can maintain its own tailored version of ABE AddOns by simply excluding any components they don't need, or those possibly in conflict with other add-ons Signed, The ACE Team Core Features Scout vehicles Improved grenades Realistic hitmarkers Immersive gameplay hints User interface improvements Documentation Documentation for our features, modules, usage and for developers is available on our wiki at our github repo. Download Download version 1.0.0. Previous releases are available on our github release page. Requirements Latest version of CBA A3. Latest version of ACE3. Installation Download the above linked version of ABE3 and all of its requirements. Extract its contents (@abe) into your arma root directory (arma 3\@abe) Enable CBA, ACE and ABE in your favorite launcher, or make a shortcut with the parameter -mod=@CBA_A3;@ace;@abe Done. Working With Us ABE3 is entirely open source, and you can find our project on GitHub. If you are interested in working with us get involved, if you are regularly suggesting and committing features and bug fixes to us that we accept then you'll probably get asked to join the team officially. If you aren't doing work directly on ACE3, keep at it. We are always scouting the best talent in this community and looking to mature good projects by bringing individuals and teams officially on board with us! Reporting issues If you encounter any issues during usage of the ABE3 project, please report them on our GitHub issue tracker.
  13. Find here one evergreen of Gruppe Adlers TvT Missions: Breaking Contact. Well suited for groups from 20 but living to its full potential with much higher player counts. Supports up to 112 players and many maps (CUP TP and more). Very high replayability value - free spawn selection. Best played in a roughly 2:1 attacker defender ratio. Dependencies CBA, ACE3, ACEX, RHS Escalation, TFAR, optionally RDS_CIV Mission Concept Russians have to protect their radio truck from destruction from US forces. At the same time they have to deploy antennas (send radio message) a preselected total amount of time to win. When deployed the radio truck is marked on the map for US. If US manages to neutralize the truck or kill all Russians, the game is over. At their start vehicle both factions can buy a limited range and number of vehicles with a preselected amount of credits. US forces have air superiority whereas Russians can field a little bit more raw fire power. Rules no respawn, no play area restrictions, ACE spectator, no scopes, basic medical, fixed loadout, quick start Parameters Time, Weather, US Spawn Distance, Money, Deploy time to win, Time Acceleration, Ingame Replay Accuracy, JIP time, BFT toggle, Civilian Traffic Toggle (needs RDS_CIV!) Setup Info * Doesnt work locally, you need a Dedicated Server * Opfor Commander Slot is mandatory, otherwise you are stuck in a waiting loop * For testing purposes with only one player you might fill up Blufor with AI Additional info * Admin slot is Zeus to help out teleporting JIP and fight bugs * Russians might redeploy, the sum of deployed time counts for winning - makes for very dynamic gameplay * Russians might buy a mobile radio box, which takes the radio truck as a relay. Sending on its own it only has half the power (or if the distance is above >500m from radio truck). This enables more static positions if necessary (destruction of radio truck does not lead to win anymore but only destruction of mobile box, if bought). * Its highly recommended to use the predefined amount of money * For every player there is a little bonus in money * Check the mouseover in the buy menu to get info about what you will purchase (Ammo Truck/Ammo M113 comes to mind) * You can eradicate the helipad in the buy menu when you are fully equipped to hide your spawn * Mission is localized in English and German * BIS dynamic group system can be used with <U> * US Camo automatically chosen (hardcoded for every map) * NVG are to be found in the start vehicles (HMMWV/radio truck) * Arrows above heads will disappear after 5mins ingame. They hint on Teamleads and SQLs to increase start time * There might be features I forgot to mention here 🙂 Known issues in this version * JIP players will spawn in strange places. Use Admin Zeus to teleport them Currently supported maps Altis, Beketov, Bornholm, Chernarus, Chernarus Summer, Clafghan, Esseker, FATA, Gorgona, Capraia, Kunduz, Namalsk, Panthera, N'Ziwasogo, United Sahrani, Stratis, Sugarlake, Takistan, Tanoa, Taviana, Thirsk, VT5, Bystrica, Zargabad Download (ZIP, rename PBO to any island suffix you need. supported suffixes in compatibleIslands.txt) https://github.com/gruppe-adler/TvT_BreakingContact.Stratis/releases/tag/2.9.0 Source https://github.com/gruppe-adler/TvT_BreakingContact.Stratis (conversion for other maps than stratis is done with build script) I will continue to tweak and balance the game mode and release stable versions when I see fit. Please report any issues or make proposals to github. Screenshots http://imgur.com/a/QNhju
  14. Latest Version: 1.4.1 (08|10|2016) This mod adds something new to the trusty old map! It allows the player to place an "unfolded" map in the world, so that everyone can enjoy the benefits of a map, even if someone doesn´t have one in his inventory! Features: Place an "unfolded" map in the world using the ACE_Self_Interact_Menu! Open the map screen using "this" map! See the map markers of the person who placed the map on the ground! Your markers will be less visible, so that you can distinguish between yours and the ones on the map!Ability to copy these markers into your own map (Hover over target marker and press CTRL+C)! Players can place the map on objects, for a more immersive feeling (With CUP | RHS support)! Change the availability of ACE_Map_Gestures to only be usable on the unfolded map! (Set-able through CBA_Settings) Supported objects: ​ Planned: Requirements: Community Base Addons ACE 3 ​ Installation: After unpacking the .zip-file into your ArmA 3 directory, all the files you need to use the mod should be inside the "Addons" folder! If you want to use the compatibility pbos´, you have to move them from the "Optional" folder to the "Addons" folder! Download: R_Unfold (v1.4.1) R_Unfold - Unfoldable Map v1.4.1 Media: The following video is just showing how it works and looks! Changelog: 1.4.1: [ADDED] Language Spanish. [FIXED] ACE error when placing compatible vehicles on mission start (May also fix missing actions on supported vehicles if you encountered some). 1.4.0: R_Unfold: [ADDED] CBA_Settings support (Replacing "R_Unfold Settings" Module). [CHANGED] Module "R_Unfold Settings" has been disabled. (Will be kept for compatibility) [CHANGED] Cleanup in some functions. [CHANGED] script_component.hpp to make it easier to create compat mods for vehicles RHS Compat: [CHANGED] Compat is now fully dependend on RHS (AFRF and USAF). [FIXED] UAZ interaction point and map position are both too high. CUP Compat: [CHANGED] Compat is now fully dependend on CUP_Vehicles. 1.3.0: [ADDED] ACE_Map_Gestures Restriction: Toggle ACE_Map_Gestures to be only available on the unfolded map! [ADDED] Module "R_Unfold Settings" for ACE_Map_Gestures Restriction and for future additions! [ADDED] Workaround to read module settings from module "R_Unfold Settings"! [ADDED] Languages Italian and French! [CHANGED] Some spring cleaning! [CHANGED] Moved actions from script to config! 1.2.0: [ADDED] Polish translation (Thanks to @doman)! [ADDED] Ability to place map on certain objects (Supported: tables, whiteboard, quadbike)(Thanks to @baermitumlaut for helping me with the interactions)! [ADDED] Optional CUP and RHS compatibility pbo´s (Supported: HMMWV´s, UAZ)! [CHANGED] Some minor changes on the code itself! [FIXED] Ability to unfold map while using the map! 1.1.0: [ADDED] Localization (Supported languages: German and English)! [ADDED] Ability to see the map markers of the player who placed the map! [ADDED] Ability to copy the markers off the map (Only if you have a map or a similar item)! 1.0.0 a: [FIXED] Discrepancy between Bikey and Signature (New Bikey)! 1.0.0: Release!
  15. [CLAN GESCHLOSSEN] Wir sind die 1848´ger. Wer wir sind und wie wir Funktionieren: Wir sind eine recht heterogene Truppe bestehend aus Veteranen (die seit ArmA 1 dabei sind) und Frischlingen die erst mit ArmA 3 zu uns gefunden haben. Demnach sind wir auf der Suche nach entspannten Mitgliedern aus allen Erfahrungsschichten. Unser Schwerpunkt liegt ganz klar auf dem Spielspaß der gesamten Gruppe was bedeutet das ihr zwar unsere Vision einer authentisch ausgerüsteten organisierten Truppe teilen solltet, aber dennoch nicht damit rechnen müsst das wir euch durch etliche unnötige Lehrgänge quetschen wollen, die in ArmA 3 keinerlei Rolle spielen. Wenn ihr etwas von unseren Veteranen lernen wollt, können wir gerne Trainings auf Anfrage organisieren, bei uns wird jedoch nicht jeder unter generalverdacht gestellt ein Idiot zu sein und muss bei uns eine Grundausbildung durchlaufen wie das bei vielen BW Fanatikern der Fall ist. Bei uns ist außerdem Jeder willkommen, solange er verständliches Deutsch spricht und sich entsprechend benehmen kann. Wir sehen uns ganz klar als Freizeitverein und Schikanen sowie qualvolle angesetzte Trainings die zur Demütigung gedacht sind wird es bei uns nicht geben. Wir sind durchdacht strukturiert und legen Wert darauf dass sich unsere Mitglieder selbstständig organisieren und über unsere Steamsite auf dem Laufenden halten. Wer mehr wünscht kann bei uns Problemlos mehr organisieren, unser Server läuft 24/7 ganz klar vorab haben wir allerdings meistens ein Event pro Wochenende (aufgrund von Familie/Arbeit/andere Hobbys). Das bedeutet allerdings nicht dass bei uns unter der Woche Garnichts los ist. Finanziert wird das Ganze von 2 Personen, organisiert von 4 Freiwilligen und da es bei uns locker zwanglos und unentgeltlich zugeht besitzen wir ein absolut entspanntes Klima auf das wir sehr, sehr viel Wert legen. Dies gilt natürlich in der Regel auch für das Rollenspiel untereinander, da wir eine Einheit bilden, ein Team. Was wir Spielen und wie: In den meisten Fällen spielen wir Infanterieszenarien (oftmals inkl. Unterstützung) in unserer „Theme“ (PMC = Private Military Company = Privatarmee), also eine fiktive elitäre Privatarmee die sich niemals zu schade ist die Hände schmutzig zu machen. Innerhalb dieses Scenarios spielen verkörpern wir die Söldner und Frontschweine die sich für gutes Geld beschießen lassen, unser Roleplay ist allerdings vergleichsweise locker und Einsteigerfreundlich (wir halten alles andere für Ungesund) und soll nur der Immersion dienen. Natürlich gibt es bei uns auch Ausnahmen und andere „Themes“, zurzeit ist bei uns das Vietnamkriegsscenario (Vietcong gegen USA) sehr beliebt, wir verkörpern also nicht nur eine Privatarmee. Unsere Missionen reichen von Special Forces Einsätzen bis hin zu regulären Infanterieszenarien. Natürlich gibt es Ausnahmen doch diese bilden nicht die Regel. Abgesehen davon sind unsere Missionen alle äußerst authentisch, spielerisch sind sie zwar Machbar, jedoch absolut Vergebungslos. In 95% der von uns gespielten Szenarios besteht kein Respawn und wenn ihr nach einer Granate die euch in unserem erweiterten realistischen Modus noch aus 12 Metern ein Schrapnell zerrissen hat und kein Medic in Reichweite ist werdet ihr ohnmächtig und verblutet. Das war es dann für den Rest des Abends. Bei uns gilt also volle Spannung aber auch volle Konzentration. Wer also die Auffassungsgabe eines Goldfisches hat oder Grundsätzlich unter anderen geistigen Defiziten leidet ist bei uns Falsch. Ich kann euch vorab schon sagen: Das wird euch keinen Spaß machen, dafür ist unser Modus zu authentisch/realistisch. Und genau deshalb ist das richtige Sozialverhalten absolut essentiell. Was wir euch bieten: Angenehme offene Atmosphäre und familiäre Stimmung (Bei uns braucht man keine Angst haben die Admins anzusprechen) „Immersive Gameplay“ (innerhalb des Spiels Roleplay der jeweiligen Rolle) Erlesene und realistische Mod-Sammlung (TFAR, RHS, ACE3) und extrem einfache Installation Spannende authentische Missionen dank erfahrener Missionbauer (seit ArmA 1 aktiv) für jeden Erfahrungsgrad Unseren eigenen TS3 + Gameserver (von euch wird keinerlei Beitrag verlangt) Rationale entspannte Organisation (kollidiert das Reallife mit einem Spieltermin ist das okay, nur bitte abmelden wenn möglich) Da wir noch im Aufbau sind, sind leitende Funktionen verfügbar! Zurzeit suchen wir noch einen zusätzlichen Missionbauer und Personen mit Führungserfahrungen Regelmäßige Events an den Wochenenden zu „normalen“ Zeiten (16-21 Uhr) an denen wir eigens für uns erstellte Szenarien bei maximal Performance (hohe Framerates) Spielen. Unsere Mods besitzen alle eine gewisse Qualität dank Qualitätskontrolle (Bug-,Lag- und Suckfrei) Was wir von euch wünschen: Aktive Mitglieder im Alter von mindestens 18 Jahren oder entsprechender geistiger Reife (85% der unter 18 Jährigen Bewerber fliegen wieder raus, verschwendet nicht unsere Zeit wenn ihr Infantil seit) ArmA 3 wenn möglich mit allen DLCs und funktionierendem gutem Headset Ob Veteran oder Anfänger, wir erwarten Lernbereitschaft innerhalb des Spiels um uns stetig zu verbessern und uns einander anzupassen Adäquates Sozialverhalten (egal wie viele nützliche Fähigkeiten ihr mitbringt, könnt ihr euch nicht benehmen fliegt ihr) Bereitschaft sich mit dem einfachen Programm "Play with Six" auseinander zu setzen. Um die Mods zu installieren Mindestens 2 mal die Woche die News abzuchecken und sich ggf. die Events anzusehen (wer die News nicht liest verpasst in der Regel Event´s oder wichtige Informationen und verendet in unorganisierter Inaktivität und fliegt sowieso) Bewerbt euch in unserem Steam Forum: Link zum Forum Oder meldet euch bitte an folgende E-Mail Adresse: insane.1991@freenet.de (Aufgrund des extremen Andrangs an Interessenten ist keine direkte Bewerbung mehr möglich. Wir bearbeiten eurer Schreiben so schnell wie möglich, also in der Regel innerhalb eines Tages. Die Masse an Anfragen hat unseren Spielbetrieb bereits behindert weshalb wir uns zu diesem Schritt entschlossen haben) Die E-Mail bitte in folgender Form: Alter: Spielerfahrung: (Was habt ihr bereits gespielt? Wie und Wo?) Warum ich zu euch will: (Was für eine Spielerfahrung sucht ihr bei uns?) Kenntnisse außerhalb des Spiels: (Seid ihr Missionmaker? Modder?) Sonstige Bemerkungen: (Fragen eurerseits, oder ggf. Bemerkungen) Die neusten Screenshots aus unserer letzten Vietnam Mission: Hier die Bilder vergangener Sessions:
  16. CaptainAzimuth

    Ace Combat 7

    It's coming. Yes, i am an Ace combat fan. It all started with their third game, and then the 5'th game, which in my opinion had the best story line of any game i've played (aside from the Metal Gear series. Hats of to you Japan. XD) Anyhow, so firstly, Ace Combat 7 is announced to take place in Strangereal. Strangereal is another word for the Ace Combat series world (dubbed by most fans), and not the real life world. Their previous series took place in Strangereal, but the recent games have taken place in real life locations across the world in including Dubai, Washington DC, Moscow, Miami Florida, and Tokyo. However, in Strangereal, you have a large number of different nations, all with a very interesting, lengthy, and dark history of conflicts. As per mentioned earlier, Ace Combat 5 and Zero, were the best installments of the series in my opinion. Ace Combat 5 being my all time favorite, which brings us to who is developing it. Sunao Katabuch, who developed the scenario for Ace Combat 4 and 5 will be working on Ace Combat 7. This is quite epic, because given how great of a story line the Unsung War was, Ace Combat 7 has potential to be another edge of the seat experience. Not just with the story line either. Now, as seen in the trailer, apart from previous versions of the Ace Combat series. The game has three axes. The first is the depiction of the sky, such as three-dimensional clouds. Clouds are rendered as objects floating in 3D space, not as background scenery, and if you aim for a specific cloud, you can fly through it. The second axis is the enjoyment of airplane simulation. You’ll won’t be performing special moves with the push of a button, but rather maneuvers by strategic piloting. The third axis is improving how you clear missions. The graphics as seen in the trailer seem to be a whole new ball game than anything i've ever seen in previous Ace Combat's. Hah, and i thought Ace Combat 6 looked good. This is going to be a whole new amazing experience for the game. Makes me wonder if this installment of the series will have multiplayer. Lets hope it does given Ace Combat Infinity did implement the most interesting Multiplayer functionality of any Ace Combat game, which was a PS3 exclusive Free to play game, entirely based on your skill. After many years, the Original Ace Combat world has returned, and judging by the distinctive Piano tune in the beginning to the trailer, a continuation of the Unsung war, could well be here in the next few months to come.
  17. Hello, i would need help to add extra scoring system for Domination mission (two teams) : basically i would like to add score points to a player who succeed to destroy MHQ of the opposite team. for example: if a Blufor player (X) destroy a Opfor MHQ (BTR90_HQ) he gets several points (Y). with this message in the global chat : "Player X destroyed a OPFOR MHQ, he gets Y points." if the player team kill his own MHQ he lost Y points : 'Player X destroyed a Blufor MHQ he lost Y Points. same thing for OPFOR.
  18. Visual Studio Code SQF Language v1.0.6 Lastest update: 22.10.2018 Microsoft Visual Studio Code is a new, but already very known Code Editor. Works on Linux, OS X and Windows. Now in the Visual Studio Marketplace -> Report bugs, ask questions or make suggestions <- Supported Products: Operation Flashpoint [OFP], Operation Flashpoint: Resistance ArmA, ArmA 2, ArmA 3 (DLCs & Extensions included) Take On Helicopters [ToH] Community Based Addons [CBA], ACE Easy Installation (Recommended) Download Visual Studio Code. Open the Editor and click on the extension icon to your left ( ) Enter "SQF" and hit enter Select "SQF Language" and click on "Install" Enjoy Manual Installation Only use this guide if the installation over the extension manager and/or marketplace isn't working! Download VS Code Download the latest release from GitHub ( https://github.com/Armitxes/VSCode_SQF/releases ) Install Visual Studio Code Navigate to your VS Code extension Folder. Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions Mac/Linux: $HOME/.vscode/extensions In the plugins folder, you create a folder called Armitxes.SQF, if you have it already delete all files inside! Inside the Armitxes.SQF folder you then unzip the sources you obtained from GitHub That's it, now simply (re-)start Visual Studio Code (or just "Code") and it's done :) With VS Code, every folder is a project! To open your SQF Project simply go on File->Open Folder and choose your mission/mod folder. Feel free to ask any questions, aswell the Code of the GitHub Project was now simplified several times by me and is open for everyone for contribution! Cheers, Armitxes
  19. 6thSense.eu Battle Center A.C.E. Edition Public Beta, By Sickboy (sb_at_6thSense.eu) This is a quick 'n dirty release to finally get Battle Center to the Public, and provide a big set of (MP) Coop Missions for the A.C.E. Mod and Islands Pack. Updates and better information and documentation hopefully arrives ~2009 Copy of Readme <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">*BETA* h1. Readme Battle Center is a MultiPlayer mission for Armed Assault, playable from East, West and RACS side. The mission is available in multiple camo and island flavors and thus easily makes for 200+ available missions. Battle Center uses DAC (by Silola), a DAC Custom Zone Editor, and the RealTime Editor (by i0n0s) to create a most dynamic and highly configurable mission that can be replayed indefinitely; basically Imagination is the real Limiting Factor :-) Missions will be available in the MP Local Server and Dedicated Servers Missions are built with 6thSense.eu ArmA Mission Generator (Ruby): http://rm.6thsense.eu/projects/show/sixarma-mg h1. Mod Line -mod=@ACE;@SIX_BC h1. Required Addons * MAPFact Editor Update: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=3727  * Which Requires MAPFact.net Servicse: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2870 * A.C.E. Mod (For now...): http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard311/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST;f=70;t=76692 * Extended EventHandlers, unofficial v1.91 version, included with A.C.E Mod. h1. Optional Addons * A.C.E. Islands Pack: http://tinyurl.com/9q4qdz * RealTime Editor by i0n0s: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=3068 * ArmA Lib By Kegetys (to save/load DAC Custom Zones from and to DB): http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=3299 h1. Summary Battle Center is a highly configurable and dynamic multiplayer coop mission for up to 122 players It uses DAC, and many 6thSense.eu created features. h1. Features * DAC: Dynamic AI Creator, by Silola (mapfact.net)  * Custom DAC Zone Editor (Beta), by Sickboy  * Save / Load from database through ArmAlib (alib by Kegetys) * RTE: Real Time Editor by i0n0s * OG: Objective Generator (Alpha), by Sickboy Info & Docs: <ul>[*]6thSense.eu Battle Center Home A.C.E Mod Required Looking for Skilled and Willing Interface UI Designers... Downloads: <ul>[*]6thSense.eu Home [*]A.C.E [*]GamingSA (AUS)
  20. A.C.E - Advanced Combat Environment Mod - Public Beta Release ... when realism matters !! Dear Community, The A.C.E Development Team is proud to present to you today; the public beta version of A.C.E. Mod! The A.C.E. Mod is primarily intended as Enhancement and Extension of the game, it is a full conversion mod and it builds on it's predecessor; WGL Mod (OFP). We had to make many different choices, and we've tried to make the best choices / balance between Realism and Gameplay. The mod is intended to be fully MP Compatible, and builds on the most commonly used frameworks, like XEH and S_Hole Display Eventhandler, to be as compatible as possible with other Mods and Addons. Countless hours of hard work of many different people went into this Mod, and after a few bumps in the road, finding people, fight for motivation, etc, etc, we can finally deliver this release to you. Our Documentation is also still being worked on, please excuse it's current state We hope that we can improve the mod with your feedback and possible help. We also like to inform you, that the A.C.E team intends to move the A.C.E. Mod project over to ArmA2, once released. A.C.E. Mod is looking for dedicated Scripters, Texturerers and Modelers, please visit our Member Application Thread Thanks to all who have made this Mod Possible! A.C.E. Islands Pack is a Seperate Release, not included with the A.C.E. Mod For more information, please visit the BIKI page. Downloads ACE Biki Releases Mirrors much appreciated ! Latest available version: Patch 9 We will keep this posting up to date to inform you about the latest releases