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Found 240 results

  1. I’m looking for two male voice actors aged between 25-35 who are able to do a Greek/Altis accent for a singleplayer mission im working on. The voice work isn’t too complicated, just some simple back and forth.
  2. Hi everyone, Need help with this script. I create a marker who spawn on tanks placed in Zeus on the map call T1, T2 etc... This marker could be dynamic. I mean its move with the tanks and show on the map, with a bliking effect only when the player will be at a defined distance. So I try this, but the marker don't move with the tank. I try to use setPos getPos player, to attach markers to tanks but nothing. The Marker will be create correctly, could see on the map, but didn't move with de tank... _tank = ["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5"]; while {((!alive _tank) && (player distance _tank < 1000))} do { (_marker1 = createMarker ["mark1", _tank]; _marker1 setMarkerShape "Ellypse"; _marker1 setMarkersize [500, 500]; _marker1 setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; mark1 attachTo [_tank]; ["mark1", 3, 50] spawn BIS_fnc_blinkMarker; }; Somebody could help me?


    Missions Information : Feel free to share and discuss , about your Ravage Missions.
  4. Axel Horh

    [SP] War 1950

    Good day. For old school players i prepared new mission. This War on the Sahrani. Needs: RH Aks Vilas WW2 Liberation mod East Weapons Pack West Weapons Pack Enjoy! link: version 0.5 https://i.imgur.com/yuUhWCE.jpg
  5. How to spawn AI via module with a patrol route? (with no script docs) (video link) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=if5Rkoqe30w&feature=emb_title
  6. I dont know a lot of making missions and wanted to know if there is a way to delete a variable with a trigger. I tried looking it up but I kinda didnt find anything useful and only found how to delete units. Also where can I look up all the expressions commands for triggers?
  7. Hi, I recently uploaded a Russian language mission series Titled "Dynamic Combat Simulator" https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1909922778 However, when everyone tries to play the mission for the first time we all get this error What have I done wrong? I have never seen this before. Please help. Thank you.
  8. Hello everyone, hello community! 🙂 I am about to start testing a new multiplayer style. A new type to me, of course - sector control. I have a tutorial video of how to create such a mission. - inside this video you can see that a sector module has been created, synchronized to a trigger which represents the capture area - it is easy to set x numbers of such areas with modules and triggers to cover the whole map or a larger area, for example, with the option to choose the percentage of presence in order to retake it - let's say I want to create 10 such areas. I need a script that checkes if: example 1: more than 50% of them are taken by one side or another (which means 6 in my case), OR example 2: all of them are taken by one side or another. I think it will be easier to check the second condition, but I am not sure because it won't be easy to hold off all 9 sectors under your control while trying to retake the last one. You will need to place a lot of AIs around them or have a lot of teammates playing with you with proper good skills. So, after all, we need a script for one of these options to be checked, or may be you can mention and add another one as a better solution. In this case, do I need to name the modules OR the triggers and what would the script look like? When a condition is fulfilled it should end the scenario - for example if you play for the BLUFOR (west) or OPFOR (east) and you win or you loose, such a condition can be checked in order to end the scenario. I hope you get the idea. It will be interesting if there's additional condition to make the game longer in a win-loose ratio, let's say 2:1 or 3:2 rounds won for one of the teams. I wonder if this can be done... Thank you in advance and cheers! 🙂
  9. Good evening, community! I have found and used a couple of scripts that make enemy AI units surrender in singleplayer (SP). For example, when almost the entire enemy squad is dead and only 1 or 2 units are alive, they will surrender no matter other conditions. And I said "other conditions" because during the last 2 days I've read a lot of topics with information about their behavior and moral as a condition to make them give up. But this is not the case or the result I am looking for. I need a proper script for cooperative and multiplayer missions to give any enemy the possibility to surrender when forced to. If that with the moral is the right way to succeed, I am in! Thank you in advance and cheers! 🙂
  10. Okay so I have broken a script while trying to change the mod dependencies because I opened it in in notepad and I did not unbinarize it first. The good thing is I made a backup of the file but the backup is a txt document. How do I fix this? I have downloaded arma tools and I have some of mikero's tools such as derap but I don't know what i'm doing from here. Any help would be greatly appreciated! When I try to load mission I am receiving a message that says mission.sqm, line 0: '.raP': " encountered instead of '='
  11. City of Georgetown (Tanoa). In a building the rebel forces have imprisoned a Western scientist. Numerous enemy patrols watch over the city. A squad must advance through the urban fabric, access the building and release the scientist. An argument like any other that, surely, has been used in hundreds of action movies. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HOSTAGE // _markerstr = createMarker ["HOSTAGE_1",[5792.42,10427.5]]; _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON"; _markerstr setMarkerType "hd_dot"; _height = 12.6253; _pos = getMarkerPos "HOSTAGE_1"; _HOSTAGE_1 = [ [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, _height], CIVILIAN, ["C_scientist_02_formal_F"],[],[],[],[],[],0] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; { group _x setFormDir 180; _x allowFleeing 1; _x setdir 180; _x setCaptive true; _x setUnitPos "AUTO"} forEach units _HOSTAGE_1; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Question: With this little script the civilian appears in the correct position. However, you have to be handcuffed (setCaptive true), but it doesn't happen that way. It is generated and runs away (allowFleeing 1). The civilian must be handcuffed to be released by the command Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? Thank you.
  12. Good afternoon, today I come to discuss my problem, I have a mission from the map Los Santos edited with NPCs, new areas that I believe, things that I deleted and put other things, ETC The issue is that at the time of loading the mission to the server and with or without NPCs and without a configured mission, no load appears in the console that does not load the Mods, it is well set the address where you have to load the mods, and everything but I try with another map with mods the same edited and its works. I do not know what happens, and please ask for help since I have 2 weeks trying to solve this situation Things that I already try: .Load the mission without NPCs and without a configuration See if the Life_Server and extDB is fine Remove the life server and the extDB from the mission See if the MySQL is well addressed .Reinstall the weapon3 server .See that no mod is corrupt load the mods that the server needs . See that all the Keys are well
  13. A Mod based on Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon, which covers the series from the original era until Ghost Recon Wildlands. It is primarily focused on making a functional and working CROSSCOM 2.0 system in Arma, based on the one from Advanced Warfighter and Future Soldier. Youtube Showcase- https://youtu.be/WH3YTKi3eJ8 Ghost Lead, Kozak, Pepper and 30K sweep through a European village with the CROSSCOM active. Allied squadmates are shown as Blue, while hostiles are Red, civilians white. The shape denotes unit type- infantry are diamonds, vehicles squares, with icon shape, size and color as close to GR's as possible. The small feed in the bottom corner gives a real time grid reference (GRD) and time. (LMT) Here you can see some OPFOR units that have been tagged by the HUD- if the players lose sight of the units the HUD projection/ feed will show a broken outline at their last spotted location, before disappearing over a short time. A screenshot of some players moving through a mission built for the CROSSCOM mod- A Ghost Team deployed to the Mediterranean in order to find and eliminate an enemy BODARK recon team, who are supporting Militia units in the area. This video uses outdated uniforms (VSM V1- and the current uniforms for the various Ghost Recon era soldiers are VSM V2.) Technical mod information- The CROSSCOM will IFF (Identify Friend/Foe) targets out to 200m for infantry, 300m for vehicles, in a colored diamond for infantry, square for vehicle, similar to Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter- Red is hostile or unknowns, Blue is allied squadmates. Weather, time of day and the amount of cluttered terrain or stance all affect the HUD- it's harder to get an accurate read for the CROSSCOM when at night, in bad weather such as a storm or typhoon, and prone targets in brush terrain are harder to tag than standing targets in the open. The HUD also gives a readout of your current grid reference (GRD) and time of day (Local Mean Time, LMT) in the corner of the screen. Squad Linked HUD- The HUD is linked between squad members, meaning if one player spots a target it will appear as tagged for the entire squad if they are in close proximity to each other, out to about 50-75m between the individuals. I recommend disabling the ingame Squad hexagons when using the CROSSCOM. Broken LOS Area marks- If you have no direct line of sight to the tagged target or have lost line of sight to the target, for example if an enemy ducks behind cover, a broken outline of the diamond or square in the respective colour will appear in the last spotted location for a short period of time before fading on your HUD. The CROSSCOM is linked to several inventory items, and will only boot up and be enabled if you are wearing those items- the mod scans your inventory upon spawn and gives you tactical googles if you have no CROSSCOM item, meaning that the mod is usable in all custom missions and even in the official campaign, but bear in mind that it is rather over-powered for the base game campaign. UAV Supported- If you have a UAV overwatch in your mission that is controlled by a player who had the HUD, the UAV can tag targets for infantry or armored units. If a squadmate has the HUD enabled while linked to a UAV drone, the UAV's tag targets will be projected onto the HUD of the UAV operator and all infantry units in that squad, visible as a tag which can been seen through obstacles such as hills and terrain. If your UAV looses visual on the enemy forces the tag is removed after a short period of time. In addition to the HUD, the mod also moves the player's third person camera to an over-the-shoulder perspective, similar to the Ghost Recon games. Ghost Recon Faction- The mod includes a faction of units based on Delta Company, 1st Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group 'Ghost Recon' during the three major time periods over the course of the series. This includes the 'Classic Era', which covers the pre-GRAW (pre 2013) time period, and the soldiers are armed with M4A1 Carbines, M249 SAW's, M14's and MP5's. Classic units are equipped in M81 camo and have no CROSSCOM auto-enabled. Notably lighter gear and lack of helmets compared to later depictions of the units. All unit have loadouts/ units based on the PS2 or PC version of the game, Veteran Difficulty, with some liberties taken for game play reasons, such as adding smoke grenades, which were not in the original. All classes are based on the game's preset kits and options. Yes, before anyone asks the brown Ghille is correct and not a mistake, as both the Island Thunder and Jungle Storm campaigns have the Ghost's Sniper unit wearing a brown Ghille suit. Ghost Recon Advanced Warfare/GRAW Era covers the Mexican Civil War period of 2013-2014, and soldiers from the Bolivia campaign in Ghost Recon Wildlands are also included. Credits- Deadfast (Shoulder camera) and TPW for original HUD code, used with permission. List of CROSSCOM supported items- Tactical Glasses, Tactical Googles, VR Headset, Assassin Helmet (Black), Viper helmets. Download Links- Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1274118490 Armaholic- http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31449
  14. Hello, I have made a mission using a script made by an Armaholic profile called ESO. It simply spawns units when Player/Player's(MP) are in its desired distance. BUT. I wunder if it is somehow possible to make the Players that are in Plane or Helicopter not be able to activate ESO script. Other words that they can fly inside a marker with ESO without any units spawning. Could any1 help me out on this? Would be really helpfull! 🙂 Regards Sorry for bad English.
  15. Hello! I get straigt to the point: I am creating a mission in 3Eden and I have stumbled on an holdback. I have used the ALIVE modules to make civilians spawn on the map. (Standard ALIVE Civilian spawn) And if I use Allow interact in the module "Civilian Population" We can interact with them in-game to detain, tell go away and so on... But I wish to have this on the ACE interaction menu instead. How do I make this? I belive this is done tru scripting. Regards!!!
  16. Thats the script I am using but once the mission starts it says their is a generic error, and it just teleports the object up. Basically I want to be able to move an elevator up and down from two different points! Thanks for any help provided!
  17. *And the operation name finally made, which is called "Umbrella Take Down". Pretty cool right? In this mission everyone have limited respawn chances, if you run out, you fail the missions, also if everyone all get wipe all in the same time, the mission is also fail desu. This mission require minimum of 1 player (common sense), and up to maximum of 6 players as allow. The mission is: wipe out all the Umbrella members that around. There's a easter egg in the game, is easy to find, and it will become the future boss in the next CO-OP mission I about to publish. ps: The default time and weather is raining in the summer morning, you could also change those on the mission white board. So, enjoy it! At last, Panzer Vor! Here are some in game looks:
  18. My mission file is broken. I saved this mission with the UNSUNG Vietnam War Mod by accident. When I removed the mod from the 'mission.sqm' file and switched off the mod, the mission stopped working. Whenever I try to open the mission in the Editor I get 'Error when loading the scenario'. http://www.filedropper.com/mission
  19. Full Screen Mission Loading Screen This mod makes the mission loading screens full screen. The map won't be displayed anymore. I've always felt a piece of ArmA 2 that went missing...Full screen mission loading screens were good, because they allow for missions to display the rules, guides or set the mood with an epic image! Here you go, grab the full screen mission loading screen mod and set the mood! If something breaks, leave an angry comment! :) CAUTION: Try not to inflate your missions too much with HD images ;) Download: Google Drive Steam Mega Under the hood: Grabs image from https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext#loadScreen https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext#overviewPicture Map (might be out of scale) If loadScreen does not exists, uses overviewPicture If neither exist, defaults to map! Thanks to arma 3 discord community! LICENSE: APL-SA You may do whatever APL-SA allows. You may re-upload this mod or parts derived of it anywhere. You do not have to give me credit (just have fun!)
  20. Authors Note*: Man, this was quite the process. Over 100 hours went into this mission. If you like high action, intensity, and a requirement of using technical skills, this is the mission for you. After playing this with my friends, I am feeling confident that anyone can enjoy this scenario. SITUATION: Chinese and American forces have occupied the southern area of the main island of Tanoa for too long. It's high time that we take it back. This scenario includes: Singleplayer 16 Player Co-Op Task Progression Supports Arsenals Equipment saving and loading Full time of day settings Full weather settings Fatigue Option Respawn unlocks Auto Saves Roughly 1 Hour 45 Minutes of Gameplay FUN! CHALLENGE: I bet you can't beat this mission within an hour and a half. 🙂 (NO MODS REQUIRED) [Co-Op/SP] Operation Treefrog Watch the Feature Trailer! Check out my other scenarios!

    Mission Collection

    Missions Collection Information : Feel free to share and discuss about Ravage Mission Collection.
  22. Hey everyone, I recently downloaded and installed the Esseker map, and discovered that I rather like it. Other than Exile, Wasteland, and the likes, there don't seem to be very many missions available for download (of the type that you'd just play with a couple of buddies when you have nothing else to do). So I had an idea, but I have no idea how to do it, or if can even be done, as I have very very limited experience in arma mission editing. I would like to make an escape mission for Esseker, just to play with some friends. I was wondering if it's possible to move most of the content from the already-made "Escape Altis" mission (as in moving the scripts, sounds, etc). I figure the most work will be getting the triggers, and objects like that to the "Escape Esseker" mission. Is this a feasible plan? TL;DR: I'd like to move the mission "Escape Altis" to the Esseker map, what's the best way to do this?
  23. Hi, I have close to 800 hours in ARMA myself but here's the situation: We're having a little LAN at work and to my surprise ARMA3 is getting some votes in the game selection (#2 just after Overwatch). This raises the challenge how to run ARMA as a one-shot thing with people who likely are completely new to the game. The Bootcamp can be great in introducing the very basics but we're talking of quite busy people who might not have the time to go through anything like that on their own. They are more or less gamers and generally bright people so they might pick up things quick on the go - most of them I don't know that well however to assess their exact capability. Everybody being in the same room and focusing on the game can help too. Was thinking of writing a little info blurb with just a few pointers how this game is different from your regular shooter and pointing them to the Bootcamp so some at least can pick up things beforehand and educate the others. Also making it co-op removes much of the skill gap and can provide for a nice change of pace in the LAN. Keeping it simple is a must, then again multicrew vehicles is something where ARMA shines and just driving and fooling around in a ground vehicle is quite easy and fun to do. I would think Zeus mode, or can I find fun missions that are easy to set up and easy to play for total newbies? Zeus would provide the advantage of adapting on the fly and setting both the content+challenge level to group specifications. I do have experience with the editor but I'm new to Zeus myself, I've been glancing at it and thinking it's a great tool - I used to play it while I was new - but the time to prepare is very short now. We could make it a simple scenario in semi-open terrain + towns, most probably Altis as that's the map most familiar to me and it's commonly played, also very different locations available. Assuming 7-8 players I'd break it into 3 fire teams: motorized recon (1-3 experienced players), an armored component (eg. tigris, MBT, APC with 2 or 3 people), motorized rifle squad (everybody else, mostly newbies). There's probably around 2-3 hours we can spend on the whole experience. Running Zerty's Mod with the right settings could be an idea, as I'm familiar with the mode and it exposes much of the game. We'd be taking over one town after the other and building our force. The enemies mostly would be stupid bots with some vehicle support (they would have APC etc). This way everyone would get to play and there would be a challenge to rise to, the experienced players would pull more of the game though. The challenge wouldn't really scale up but it's a short exercise anyway and in just a couple of hours we could get to running around with various ground vehicles or even commanding bots (it gets tricky in this territory though). Zerty's has a couple of its own mechanisms like factories with build queues, town mechanics, economy and bases so some people involved could get bogged down by those (IMO you could mostly just ignore them and tail the rest of the group). In terms of training, I think we need to cover: The basics of handling the game (gear selection, context menu, what to expect) How to operate with infantry (using cover, stances, locating enemies or rather the difficulty of it) How to hit things with firearms (eg. holding shift, selecting your engagement range, weapon types, bullet drop/zeroing, short bursts) Any special roles people want to try out (sniper weapons, ATGM, vehicle gunners) I will need to have another look at the WarMachine mode as that might provide just what we need, but in a more simple format. Any other ideas, concerns or suggestions?
  24. Hello mates, I created an Arma 3 Mod (@Mod \ addons \ texture.pbo) Now I want to link the textures in my mission file. for a paint shop for Exile. and have tried the following path. "\ A3 \ @Mod \ addons \ texture \ sample.jpg" unfortunately he does not show me the textures. thanks for answers
  25. Hi there, It's quite annoying when someone else has used the gunner seat of a Heli, offsetting its position, and you later decide to Manual Fire from the pilot's seat and have a misaligned gun. I've been putting a lot of effort into setting up a script that can deal with this via a User Action, however I'm getting a few errors. A few of them are about missing " ) ", " ] ", " ; " (though I have done my best to never leave these out, including using a bracket checker plugin), or invalid variables (which is probably because it's checking a variable before it's set). To summarise, when a player pilot is in an armed Heli, they shall get a user action to centre the turret. This will have either the current AI or a temporary, invisible AI in the gunner seat target a spawned marker in front of the vehicle (if a player is in the seat it won't affect them). I currently have five six files in relation to this. EDIT: Below has been updated to the latest working script - If you get errors make sure there's no invisible characters using Word It requires CBA mission.Malden\init.sqf mission.Malden\description.ext mission.Malden\functions\functions.hpp mission.Malden\functions\fn_centreTurret.hpp mission.Malden\functions\fn_allowCentreTurret.sqf mission.Malden\functions\fn_turretDir.sqf Currently, unit spawning, marker generation and AI watching are working as intended, however the user action does not appear and if i set off turretdir.sqf manually ( [] execVM "turretdir.sqf"; ) it errors. EDIT: All working as intended. I'm not as proficient at SQF scripting as I'd like to be, so I've probably made some very obvious mistakes. Any help setting this up correctly and optimising would be appreciated. I will keep trying in the meantime.