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Found 240 results

  1. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2527226295 Play with more than 20 players as a unit taking part of an invasion, tasked with controlling multiple cities and enemy bases. Play on foot and use vehicles to finish more than 11 tasks in this three hours scenario filled with urban fighting. This being my first published mission, feedback is highly appreciated. Reviews : It's really cool. - Me It's alright i guess. - My friend. Don't forget your scenario while taking out the garbage. - My mum.
  2. Hi I'm looking for someone to help me make a kickass mission for my squad I have mild mental problems memory Loss ect but I'm perfectly normal I need someone with patience but I want to make something special for my friends how have been there for me for a long time please please please teach me your ways :p
  3. Hi, Yesterday I tried to publish my mission to workshop but I couldn't do that because my space "bar" was red. It says that I need more space, but even if I delete 10 old missions and gain more MB free, space requirement gets higher so bar is still red.. I'm playing arma for a while now (1500 hours +) and I never saw anything like that anywhere.. if you know solution, please help me
  4. Hello! I would like to play the S.O.G Prairie Fire coop campaign together with my friends on our dedicated server and not on public servers or a self-hosted game. With the Apex coop campaign you only have to enter the missions in the server.cfg. Here is an example: class Missions { class TestMission01 { template = MP_Marksmen_01.Altis; difficulty = "veteran"; class Params {}; }; class TestMission02 { template = MP_End_Game_01.Altis; difficulty = "veteran"; class Params {}; }; class TestMission03 { template = MP_End_Game_02.Altis; difficulty = "veteran"; class Params {}; }; class TestMission04 { template = MP_End_Game_03.Altis; difficulty = "veteran"; class Params {}; }; }; another example: class MPMissions { class Apex { briefingName = $STR_A3_CoopCampaignName; class EXP_m01 { briefingName = $STR_A3_exp_m01_missionname; directory = "a3\missions_f_exp\campaign\missions\exp_m01.tanoa"; }; class EXP_m02 { briefingName = $STR_A3_exp_m02_missionname; directory = "a3\missions_f_exp\campaign\missions\exp_m02.tanoa"; }; class EXP_m03 { briefingName = $STR_A3_exp_m03_missionname; directory = "a3\missions_f_exp\campaign\missions\exp_m03.tanoa"; }; }; }; But how do I do it now with the S.O.G missions? Can someone send me a template for the server.cfg? I am looking forward to help!
  5. Hey guys im working on a mission. I uploaded it to the workshop some time ago an I keep updating it but last time I made some changes and couldn't get it to upload. I'm only getting an error message: I my Steam cloud is enabled and I cant find any other settings that could mess with the upload. If anybody has an idea how to fix my problem I would be happy to hear it.
  6. Hey, sorry, I'm pretty new to designing missions, so I'm not great at scripting. I'd like to make it so that, on a multiplayer server, with 5-20 players, it randomly picks one or two. The idea would be that it would flash a message on their screen, and theirs only, so that no one who is NOT picked would know about it. Does anyone know what code I should fuck with to do this? I already know how to make it output messages via Hints, I just need to know how to make it randomly pick that one or two players to do it to, without anyone else (including the host, if possible) knowing who was picked.
  7. Is there a way to edit Bohemia Interactives default game modes? For example, I wanted to make a Multiplayer Advance and Secure scenario and the already implemented game mode "Warlords" covers a lot of the needed mechanics. The problem is there's a lot of extra mechanics and UI that I don't really need in the scenario and the modules don't give me enough control. I have tried using light mods like MCC but I wanna keep the mission as light as possible even if it means more work on my end. If any one can just give me A TLDR, point me in the right direction, or even tell me if whether or not what I want to do is possible that would save me a lot of time. Thanks.
  8. Hello guys i put my Working version of the Animated Opening Intro " same of Tac OPS " In first times , escuse my english 😉 Ok For the First step you need to creat 2 sqf file : timeline.sqf and initIntro.sqf In the eden editor you needto one intro with a player soldier.And save the intro. In your description.sqf enter this code : class CfgFunctions { class A3_Missions_F_Tacops { tag = "BIS"; project = "arma3"; #include "\A3\Missions_F_Tacops\cfgFunctions.inc" }; }; Now you need to add code in timeline.sqf . private _timeline = [ [ 0.000, { //playMusic "LeadTrack01_F_Tacops"; //0 fadeMusic 1; [MODE_BLACKIN,0,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; 0 = [true, ["Guess what", "This is some text you're reading"], STYLE_TITLE_AND_SENTENCE] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowStaticText; } ], [ 4.7, { [MODE_BLACKOUT,3,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; }], [ 7.709503, { // < Image 01 - //[MODE_DESTROY ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_INIT, [2,3,1.00] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; playsound3D ["a3\Sounds_F_Tacops\SFX\Missions\c01_1.wss",player, false, getPosASL player, 0.35]; [MODE_RESET,[true,true]] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_BLACKOUT, 0.01, true ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_CREATE, 1, "AOSlide1.jpg" ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_ROTATE, 1, 8,5 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE, 1, 8,nil,1.1 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLEMIST, C01_SLIDE5_IMG_PARTICLEMIST, nil,0.5,1 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLEMIST2, C01_SLIDE5_IMG_PARTICLEMIST, nil,0.4,1.9 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLEMIST, 20, [0.7,0.65], nil, [0.3,0.65] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLEMIST2, 20, [0.3,0.65], nil, [0.7,0.65] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_ROTATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLEMIST2, 10, -30 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_BLACKIN, 2, false ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; } ], [09.504309, { //0 = [localize "Amazing that you can read this!", STYLE_DYNAMIC_TOPLEFT, 0] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowDynamicText; } ], [10.055399, { //0 = [localize "Holy Shit", STYLE_DYNAMIC_CENTER1, 1] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowDynamicText; } ], [ 13.255399, { // Image 01 > //fade to black [MODE_BLACKOUT,2,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; } ], [ 15.388489, { // < Text 01 //[MODE_DESTROY ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_INIT, [1,3,1.05] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_RESET,[true,true]] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_BLACKIN,0,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; 0 = [true, [ "Amazing that you can read this!"], STYLE_ONE_SENTENCE] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowStaticText; } ], [ 20.059, { [MODE_BLACKOUT,3,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; }], [ 23.071934, { // < Image 02 - //[ MODE_DESTROY ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[ MODE_INIT, [8,3,1.00] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; playsound3D ["a3\Sounds_F_Tacops\SFX\Missions\c01_2.wss",player, false, getPosASL player, 0.23]; [ MODE_RESET,[true,true]] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_BLACKOUT, 0.01, true ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_CREATE, 2, "AOSlide2.jpg" ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_SKYBOX_CREATE, C01_SLIDE2_ID_SKYBOX, C01_SLIDE2_IMG_SKYBOX, 1, 30 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[ MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE2_ID_BLOOD_A, C01_SLIDE2_IMG_BLOOD_A ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[ MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE2_ID_BLOOD_B, C01_SLIDE2_IMG_BLOOD_B ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[ MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE2_ID_BLOOD_C, C01_SLIDE2_IMG_BLOOD_C ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[ MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE2_ID_ABOVEBLOOD, C01_SLIDE2_IMG_ABOVEBLOOD ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[ MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE2_ID_SOLDIER_WITH_AK, C01_SLIDE2_IMG_SOLDIER_WITH_AK ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_FADE, [C01_SLIDE2_ID_BLOOD_A,C01_SLIDE2_ID_BLOOD_C], 0.001,0,1 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //fade away the black screen [MODE_BLACKIN,2,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //rotate background [MODE_LAYER_ROTATE, [2,C01_SLIDE2_ID_BLOOD_A,C01_SLIDE2_ID_BLOOD_B,C01_SLIDE2_ID_BLOOD_C,C01_SLIDE2_ID_ABOVEBLOOD],10,15] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE, [2,C01_SLIDE2_ID_BLOOD_A,C01_SLIDE2_ID_BLOOD_B,C01_SLIDE2_ID_BLOOD_C,C01_SLIDE2_ID_ABOVEBLOOD],10,nil,1.3] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //rotate FOREGROUND //[MODE_LAYER_ROTATE,C01_SLIDE2_ID_SOLDIER_WITH_AK,8,10] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE,C01_SLIDE2_ID_SOLDIER_WITH_AK,8,nil,1.8] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //uisleep 2; [MODE_LAYER_FADE, C01_SLIDE2_ID_BLOOD_B, 2, 0, 1] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_FADE, C01_SLIDE2_ID_BLOOD_A, 2, 1, 0] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; } ], [ 24.940964, { //00 = [localize "Will it just not cease to amaze?", 999, 0,[0.5,0.45]] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowDynamicText; } ], [ 25.875478, { //00 = [localize "No it continues ever onwards", 999, 1,[0.15,0.75]] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowDynamicText; } ], [ 28.675478, { [MODE_BLACKOUT,2,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; }], [ 30.724647, { // < Text 02 //[MODE_DESTROY ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_INIT, [1,3,1.05] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_RESET,[true,true]] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_BLACKIN,0,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; 0 = [true, [ "Truly spectacular that you can see this now!"], STYLE_TITLE_AND_SENTENCE] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowStaticText; } ], [ 36.096, { [MODE_BLACKOUT,2,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; }], [ 38.434257, { // < Image 03 - //[MODE_DESTROY ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_INIT, [2,3,1.00] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; playsound3D ["a3\Sounds_F_Tacops\SFX\Missions\c01_3.wss",player, false, getPosASL player, 0.7]; [MODE_RESET,[true,true]] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_BLACKOUT, 0.01, true ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_CREATE, 3, "AOSlide3.jpg" ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE3_ID_BACKGROUND2, C01_SLIDE3_IMG_BACKGROUND2,nil,0 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE3_ID_BACKGROUND3, C01_SLIDE3_IMG_BACKGROUND3,nil,0 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE3_ID_SPARKS, C01_SLIDE3_IMG_SPARKS ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_ROTATE, [ 3, C01_SLIDE3_ID_BACKGROUND2, C01_SLIDE3_ID_BACKGROUND3 ], 8,5 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_ROTATE, C01_SLIDE3_ID_SPARKS, 8,15 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE, [ 3, C01_SLIDE3_ID_BACKGROUND2, C01_SLIDE3_ID_BACKGROUND3 ], 8,nil,1.1 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE, [ C01_SLIDE3_ID_SPARKS ], 8,nil,1.1 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_PULSE, C01_SLIDE3_ID_BACKGROUND2, 3,0.9,0,5 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_PULSE, C01_SLIDE3_ID_BACKGROUND3, 1,0.9,0.2,5 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_LAYER_PULSE, C01_SLIDE3_ID_SPARKS, 1,0.9,0.2,8 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_LAYER_PULSE, C01_SLIDE3_ID_SPARKS, 0.5,1,0,10 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_BLACKIN, 2, false ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; } ], [ 42.246390, { //00 = [localize "And that", STYLE_DYNAMIC_TOPLEFT] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowDynamicText; } ], [ 44.607636, { //00 = [localize "is a wrap", STYLE_DYNAMIC_BOTTOMRIGHT] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowDynamicText; } ], [ 44.007636, { [MODE_BLACKOUT,2,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; }], [ 46.129644, { // < Text 03 //[MODE_DESTROY ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_INIT, [1,3,1.05] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_RESET,[true,true]] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_BLACKIN,0,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; 0 = [true, [ "But now it is almost time to end this"], STYLE_ONE_SENTENCE] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowStaticText; } ], [ 51.700, { [MODE_BLACKOUT,2,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; }], [ 53.825030, { // < Image 04 - //[MODE_DESTROY ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_INIT, [2,3,1.00] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; playsound3D ["a3\Sounds_F_Tacops\SFX\Missions\c01_4.wss",player, false, getPosASL player, 0.85]; [MODE_RESET,[true,true]] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_BLACKOUT, 0.01, true ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_CREATE, 4, "AOSlide4.jpg" ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_ROTATE, 4, 8,5 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE, 4, 8,nil,1.1 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_BLACKIN, 2, false ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; } ], [ 55.679835, { //00 = [localize "Just", STYLE_DYNAMIC_TOPLEFT] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowDynamicText; } ], [ 56.571677, { //00 = [localize "About", STYLE_DYNAMIC_BOTTOMRIGHT] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowDynamicText; } ], [ 59.368241, { [MODE_BLACKOUT,2,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; }], [ 61.513304, { // < Text 04 //[MODE_DESTROY ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_INIT, [1,3,1.05] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_RESET,[true,true]] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_BLACKIN,0,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; 0 = [true, [ "So thanks so much for reading", "It truly means alot"], STYLE_TWO_SENTENCES] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowStaticText; } ], [ 67.179569, { [MODE_BLACKOUT,2,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; }], [ 69.162460, { //key 26 // < Image 05 - //[ MODE_DESTROY ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[ MODE_INIT, [9,3,1.05] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; playsound3D ["a3\Sounds_F_Tacops\SFX\Missions\c01_5.wss",player, false, getPosASL player, 0.55]; [MODE_RESET,[true,true]] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_BLACKOUT, 0.01, true ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[ MODE_SKYBOX_CREATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLESMOKE, C01_SLIDE5_IMG_PARTICLESMOKE, 1, 20 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLESMOKE, C01_SLIDE5_IMG_PARTICLESMOKE ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[ MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_BACKGROUND, C01_SLIDE5_IMG_BACKGROUND ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_CONVOY, C01_SLIDE5_IMG_CONVOY ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_SOLDIER, C01_SLIDE5_IMG_SOLDIER ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_SOLDIERSHARP, C01_SLIDE5_IMG_SOLDIERSHARP ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLEMIST, C01_SLIDE5_IMG_PARTICLEMIST, nil,nil,0.75 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLEMIST2, C01_SLIDE5_IMG_PARTICLEMIST, nil,nil,0.8 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_ROTATE, [C01_SLIDE5_ID_SOLDIER,C01_SLIDE5_ID_SOLDIERSHARP], 15,10 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_ROTATE, [C01_SLIDE5_ID_BACKGROUND,C01_SLIDE5_ID_CONVOY], 30,30 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_ROTATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLESMOKE, -10,30 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE, [C01_SLIDE5_ID_BACKGROUND,C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLESMOKE,C01_SLIDE5_ID_CONVOY], 30, nil, 1.3 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE, [C01_SLIDE5_ID_SOLDIER,C01_SLIDE5_ID_SOLDIERSHARP], 10, nil, 1.3 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLESMOKE, 10, [0.5,0.4], 1.0 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_FADE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_SOLDIERSHARP, 5,0 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_FADE, [C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLEMIST,C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLEMIST2], 0,0.15 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_FADE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLESMOKE, 0,0.75 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLEMIST, 20, [0.7,0.5], nil, [0.3,0.5] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLEMIST2, 20, [0.3,0.5], nil, [0.7,0.5] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_BLACKIN,0,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; } ], [ 71.026742, { //00 = [localize "Gosh Golly, just wonderful", STYLE_DYNAMIC_TOPLEFT, 0] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowDynamicText; } ], [ 72.967529, { //00 = [localize "It has been a ride has it not", STYLE_DYNAMIC_BOTTOMRIGHT, 1] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowDynamicText; } ], [ 76.805115, { [MODE_BLACKOUT,2,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; }], [ 79.093933, { //[MODE_DESTROY ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_INIT, [1,3,1.05] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_RESET,[true,true]] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_BLACKIN,0,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; 0 = [true, [ "End of Text", "Now run along!"], STYLE_TITLE_BIG] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowStaticText; } ], [ 88.1, { [MODE_BLACKOUT,1,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; }], [ 91.9, { ["Timeline finished:%1", 0 ] call BIS_fnc_LogFormat; }] ]; Now you need to add code in the initIntro.sqf #include "\a3\Missions_F_Tacops\Functions\fn_TO_AnimatedOpening.inc"; enableEnvironment false; #include "timeline.sqf"; _d = [ _timeline, 0, "LeadTrack01_F_Tacops" ] spawn BIS_fnc_animatedOpening; waitUntil { !(missionNamespace getVariable "BIS_fnc_eventTimeline_playing"); false}; endMission "END1"; For custome The picture and song just change the path of yours immage and song in the timeline.sqf You cant custom text and layer . Et voilà les amis .
  9. Hiya, I'm having some trouble with a script for a mission that is supposed to have a vehicle with something like a loudspeaker on it. The plan was to use TFAR for this for the cool effect of being able to actually speak through it and your voice then blaring from the car over radio and this making a bunch of civilians react in different ways. (I'm not having problems with the actual sounds and mod the problem is checking for certain conditions being met) I've found the event that I need to call to check for whenever someone transmits over a radio and set it up so that it only activates using the right frequency. However I also want it to only work when you SPEAK through the radio. There's a boolean that you can check for to see if someone is speaking but obviously if I use this in the event code it is only called once when the button is pressed. So I'm having some problems with how to implement this. Also excuse the shittily written and formatted code this has been cut and pasted through a few times so whenever I get something functional I'm gonna rewrite it a bit nicer. Here's what I got so far: radioBroadcastScript.sqf (executed in init with the argument of "230" just for testing purposes) //These first lines check for the arguments of the script. If none are added it will use the defaults. //First argument is the braodcast frequency. Note this has to be between 30 and 512. DEFAULT is 79.3 if (isNil {_this select 0}) then { _this set [0, "79.3"]; }; //Set the frequency at which the broadcast is detected on. broadcastFrequency = (_this select 0) ; //For each player in a group run the code below { //Register event to unit. This event is from TFAR and is for when someone presses or releases the radio transmit button. ["BroadcastingThroughSpeaker", "OnTangent", { //The event information. Unit object, radio object, radio type, whether it's an additional channel, whether it's a release or press. params ["_player", "_radio", "_radioType", "_additional", "_buttonDown"]; //Checks whether the button is pressed if (_buttonDown) then { //Assigns the currently used radio frequency by the unit to a variable _currentFrequency = _player call TFAR_fnc_currentSWFrequency; //Checks whether the frequency used matches the broadcast frequency if (_currentFrequency isEqualTo broadcastFrequency) then { systemChat format ["%1 is transmitting on frequency %2", name playerObject, _currentFrequency]; }; }; }, player] call TFAR_fnc_addEventHandler; } forEach units group player; And the check for whether someone is speaking is this little line here if (_player call TFAR_fnc_isSpeaking) then I've been kinda trying out a few different options but nothing really works. Also something worth noting is that this should ideally work in multiplayer. Any help would be greatly appreciated! 😄
  10. So in the first photo is what I made in eden, I have disabled simulation and damage and just about everything with the AI https://prnt.sc/w1ljw6 I love the look and have changed it several times due to issues I found a work around for, however this is what happens when running in zeus https://prnt.sc/w1ljr6 , if there is any help that can be provided I'd greatly appreciate it, I can't find any tutorials or videos on this
  11. So I want to create a scifi mission where the players are on an alien planet. Is there a way, other than MCC Atmosphere and the vanilla Post Processing modules, to set a permanent color filter for all players in a mission? I'm thinking something weird like green or purple for an alien atmosphere.
  12. so me and my friends set up a story line and everything is almost perfectly set but I've run into a slight problem.... we made a unit yada yada, i played online to see if our patch was showing and it was, everything looks perfect shows up on the shoulder and on planes cars ect. but when i run the mission i created it seems the patch doesn't show up at all. it still shows the unit tag above my player name so if someone knows a fix to this it would be much appreciated. (running the mission in multiplayer on a lan based server)
  13. Hi all, I've run into a small problem today. I wanted to set up some custom textures and a material in my mission and do some magic with it with scripting. I wanted to use the Super Shader but the game won't let . me The main problem is just the paths to the textures/maps in the rvmat. It's easy in the Addon editing, but how can I make the texture paths relative to the mission? I'm just getting an error that it could not load the texture. Code: class Stage1 { texture="data\textues\scorpion_nohq.paa"; uvSource="tex"; }; I have the "data" folder in my mission root and the path is as follows above. File exists and it's not corrupted I guess - TexView2 sees it properly. I tried changing the path to e.g. textureTest.lingor3\data\... or using __FILE__ but no joy either. Could anyone shed some light on that please? Thanks!
  14. Axel Horh

    Heli fight

    Good day all memebers of forum. I have idea about long term mission for ARMA 1. This will be mission type of Captue City, but by helicopters and infantry. In this mission I'm planing use EXP and money for update ammunition and vehicles. If this mission will be interested of memebers of forum and gamers, I would like to see comments from you. Have a nice day! Start Base Road Map: Link Start Base
  15. Script Example (which I use in my mission): [ Truck, "<t color='#58D68D'>Enganchar UH60</t>", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_loaddevice_ca.paa", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_loaddevice_ca.paa", "(_this distance _target < 3) && (Truck_Bar distance Heli_1 < 10)", "(_Caller distance _target < 3) && (Truck_Bar distance Heli_1 < 10)", {}, {}, { null = ["Scripts\Interacciones\Remolcador\Soltar_Heli_1.sqf","BIS_fnc_execVM",false,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; [Truck,_actionId] call BIS_fnc_holdActionRemove; }, {}, [], 5, 6, true, false ] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd", 0, Truck]; ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ When I put this Script in my Init.sqf file, one appears every time a player joins my dedicated server. Is there a way to fix that? the problem is where do I put my script? or is it a typical Arma 3 problem?
  16. First of all, my English is not that good, so... bear with me! 🙂 WELCOME TO ESCAPE FROM CHERTARKOV, HARDCORE EDITION. Well i know that you are going to say... "ah, another Escape mission... another tarkov... and etc" but wait a second, maybe you'll like this mission because so far we have: - Random loot spawn (yeah i know, that's something people already seen, but wait a second, there is some more stuff to see) - The whole chernarus is divided into 3 territory controlled by: 1) Scums (ex ChDKZ, bandits and etc) 2) Nationalists (more professional guys) 3) Russian spec ops (really dangerous guys) and two secret groups: 1) other PMC that will hunt players in location 2) Cultist faction (be careful, they will do bad things to you) WIP still need to change and make them more like a cultist (from now they are using livonia units) - We have a database (Credits goes to gruppe-adler! thanks my dude!) - Money system (again, credits goes to gruppe-adler!) - Shop (gruppe-adler! 🙂 thanks for all scripts you made for us 🙂 ) right now you can only buy stuff. - Random AI spawn (two raids will never be the same, so be careful) - Enhanced AI (ai will dodge, they will act more clever) - AI will talk when they see you, just like in Tarkov, so if you kill them they also make sounds >:D - Random Crashsite script with loot (thanks to GEORGE FLOROS GR! you are the best) - you were killed? no problem! you can watch your friend fight in the raid by using the computer - ACE integration (for shop, money and etc) sorry guys but this mission only works with ace 😞 - ACE campfire (credits to gruppe-adler!) you can make campfire during the night near trees. - Some friendly PMC that will help you, they also spawn randomly around the map during the raid. - Exits back to base, but they are semi random, each time you restart the server the exits will be different. - At the base you can heal for free, just find a mysterius man in bunker. - Hunger and thrist system. - Ambient and combat music (a little bit buggy sometimes but it's work still) - Almost done translating to English (65%) i just made this mission private for my friends but decided to share it with you guys. - Tested on dedicated server - and maybe something else that i forget. To-do list: - Random mini missions? - Some kind of random events? - more "Alive" functions to AI like looting, walking from the town to town. - lonely renegades? - Playing as a random scav with random loot? - PVP mod? - more map support? - Scav junkbox? (scavs will bring sometimes random loot to base if you give them money) - Bunker upgrade system? WARNING WHEN YOU ARE DONE PLAYING FOR TODAY SERVER ADMIN SHOULD USE THIS IN DEBUG CONSOLE 1)to save your loot containers simply execute globally this: [true,2] call grad_persistence_fnc_saveMission;!!!!! i still not sure how to make it work via addaction so i need some advice how to do that. Tips: - To make a campfire use ACE self action menu (ctrl+window) and go to equipment. - To take money from dead AI use ACE action menu (window) - If you are in the safe zone (base) you can put your money into bank account, go to terminal and use ACE action me (window) you'll see deposit money and etc - To trade with Prapor again... use ACE action menu on him (window) - as an admin you can use debug console here is useful commands for now: 1)to save your loot containers simply execute globally this: [true,2] call grad_persistence_fnc_saveMission; 2)to change the weather just simply execute globally this: [] execVM "StartMission.sqf"; it will generate random weather. Requirements: CBA Cup terrain - core Cup weapons Cup units Cup vehicles Kurt's survival system (KSS) ACE Chernarus REDUX LAMBS DANGER (High recommended) Tarkov's vests Escape From Tarkov Backpack's Community Faction Project Recommended: jsrs soundmod + cup support jsrs Enhanced movement HERE IS SOME PICS: Still want to play it? here is the link! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2115330361 have fun! Credits also goes Twiznak for his kind help, his mission was the main "skeleton" so... this all happened because of his mission 🙂
  17. Intrusion 1.02 Description Engage in this timed sector control battle where all units coordinate fighting, support and strategy in a common effort to capture and hold the key winner’s location when the battle ends! Philosophy The philosophy behind this game mode is to create some fun cooperating and TvT gameplay by balancing the imaginary slider between gaming (strafe jumps and hot action) and reality (strategy, losses and waiting times) at a good position somewhere in the middle. Further, it aims to offer good gameplay for the lone player just trying to find a server for some evening gameplay, as well as for friends who whants to join, and even leagues fighting each other. This game is meant to attract players that have some patience and the ability to feel rewarded by doing a bit of good military work before getting the ”ah” feeling of seing their targets getting blown into pieces. Features A Sector Control mission for 1-60 players (that supports SP, COOP and TvT). Capture flags and collect resources to get vehicles and weapons gaining you advantage over your enemy. AI bots can be used to fill up one or both sides, so the feeling of a great battle can be achieved even when you play alone or with just a few of your friends. Easy to get started for beginners. Start capturing the flags, and you will be valuable immediately. It’s also relatively easy to understand the deeper mechanics. It may require a small effort, but it’s all in the briefing. Progressive gameplay. You start out as infantry with standard weapons, but as resources are ticking in, your side will unlock and establish more and more advanced materiel. Fight as an individual. Be strong, do good, and earn higher ranks! Fight as a squad. Team up with friends, share responsibilities, be tactical, help each other out, and earn higher ranks together! Fight as a brigade. Follow the brigade leader’s orders, find a superior strategy, utilize the squads' different abilities, and win the battle together! All squads has a ”profession” (dependent on choice and rank). Like in reality, each squad has one role, and one specialized vehicle assigned that noone else is allowed to use. Download At Armaholic (coming soon) Direct download at OneDrive: Intrusion Malden v1.01, Intrusion Malden v1.02 Intrusion Tanoa v1.02 At Steam Workshop Intrusion Malden Intrusion Tanoa Advice For Best Gameplay Feature rich missions like these run best on dedicated server. Player on hosted server may experience some FPS drop, a bit dependant on number of players and AI in the mission. Code The code for this mission is written entierly in SQX using the TypeSqf Editor. The code is shared at Github. Licence MIT. Dependencies Arma 3. Version History Version 1.02 New Move Base Dialog Rating increase is now "reduced" instead of "blocked" when player respawns/dies etc. Made top screen info appear on one line instead of two. Made rating and rating for next rank visible for players. AI now refuels their vehicles if no human player is on their side. Introducing Intrusion Tanoa. Version 1.01 Added battle locations. Removed AI movement debug information when running locally. Improved the loading screen. Version 1.0. First version. My Other Missions Escape Tanoa by Engima (built on the original Escape Chernarus branch from Arma 2) Operation Shoe Lace Operation Broken Arrow Night in July
  18. Hello dear members of the Arma 3 community. Will it be possible to make a script that I can add to my mission that automatically downloads a Zeus lightning bolt over the head of anyone who kills a civilian? Do any of you have the knowledge to do it? I want to ask you for this favor because I am tired that every time I do missions with my friends there are always a couple of them who kill 5 or 6 civilians for shooting everything that moves. Their excuse is that civilians cross the line of fire... but no one else does the same.
  19. [Outdated] Go to thread of the new "Freemode" version Old: Mafia Team Work : Katalaki Bay by Der Kroi CIvilians Life feature video Workshop Subscribe Download from Armaholic for hosting server Screenshot gallery Description : Mafia Team Work is a fast paced and dynamic gamemode inspired by GTA IV Team Mafia Work with common objectives for both teams in PVP (also playable in single player or coop) and features a real civilian and cop life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to Katalaki Bay, a small coastline town, who’s inhabitants are terrorized by mafia families that fight each other to expand territories and gain respect of local godfather, Kenny Petrovic. In Mafia Team Work, your family and yourself are working for Kenny Petrovic, in direct confrontation with an other family. Your objective is to earn more respect and prove to Petrovic that your family is the only one to trust. This gamemode is a fast paced dynamic PvP mission, in a customized & optimized area of 9km². Also playable in Singleplayer and Coop with dynamic difficulty. Missions & Targets are common to both teams. Each objective completed add Respect points to your team. When game time is over, the game ends once the current mission is completed. The team that got the highest Respect score will gain the trust of Mr. Petrovic, Godfather of Katalaki Bay. At respawn location, use flag’s menu to get a car. All cars can be field-repaired anytime. Open your GPS to reach objectives faster. You can also follow waypoints (3D Icons) that point objectives locations. . RED Objective: Kill or Destroy . BLUE Objective: Take and drop (do not destroy) . YELLOW Objective: Drop location for car or briefcase (only seen by the driver/carrier) Equipment and weapons can be found in Ammo Crates on objectives, or in your Victim’s Vehicles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MOST WANTED ! The Wanted Level is inspired from “Grand Thef Auto”, and tells players how much police attention they are getting, or in a few missions, how much they are actively searching for the objective. Wanted Level 1 and 2 stars are related to your own actions, only the wanted mafia member sees it, and cops will only be after him. Level 3, 4 and 5 stars however, are global. All mafia members will be actively wanted by Law Enforcers. Expect cops, FBI agents, and Army to come in number, protecting objectives assets against the mob. How it works Level 1 : Depends on checks and stops (usually on foot) that randomly happen on the map. If the patrol has not been neutralized or outrun, it will trigger level 2. Level 2 : Hitting a police patrol car, or shooting next to cops or on their vehicle, will trigger Level 2 star, as well as Level 1 backup calls. The various events impacting Wanted levels overlap each other. As a result, shooting down or outrun a patrol does not reset your Wanted index if another patrol is also on your trail. Despite Levels 1 and 2 are related to a single mafia member’s actions, other mobsters are not safe: if a patrol sees a mafia member, they can decide to engage him as well. Level 3-4-5 : Are related to "Take and Bring Back" type missions. Law enforcers will spawn continuously until the end of the current mission. The amount of active reinforcements simultaneously depends on the mission and the number of players connected. Backups, as well as regular patrols will head towards the objective to protect it from the mafia. Wanted Level progression is based on the number of patrols neutralized. Take down a helicopter patrol will piss the cops 2x more than losing a ground patrol. Lvl 1: Police foot patrol Lvl 2: Police patrol car Lvl 3: Police patrol car + Police helicopter Lvl 4: FBI SUV + Police patrol car + Police helicopter Lvl 5: Military armored vehicle + Police patrol car + Army helicopter with sharp shooters------------------------------------------------------------------------ Features : _ Detailled civilian life, on car, on foot, chatting... _ Cops on patrol, reinforcement, apprehend. _ The difficulty level and the amount of weapons are dynamic, depend on the number of player connected. _ FBI and Army reinforcement link to the research level. _ A fast paced dynamic PvP mission, in a customized & optimized area with terrain cleanup for nice driving (9km²). _ Reinforcement system with research level for some Take and Drop missions. _ Stunt Jump with score. _ Bellow 80km/h, you can get out of your vehicle safely. Get out at higher speed is still possible, but is at your own risks. _ 15 detailed missions each with a large random combination. (Others will come). _ Event random with awesome stuff (Heli Army crash for the moment and one Army convoy very soon). _ When a vehicle’s engine is destroyed, it will ignite, and blow up after a moment. _ You can be polite and salute civilian, or you can dis em, or steal their car, and deal with consequences. _ Respawn with a car, no sway, 126% speed on foot, BIS revive. _ Custom sound for ambient life, dialogs and Hint. _ Ballas and Triads gang with an exclusive car color. _ Kill tickets. _ Every player's respawn with same weapon/stuff. Do you want the best ? Rush to the curently mission and get your reward ! _ If you like Hip Hop, you like this mission 😉 _ No mods are required to play this mission, no mods are accepted on the server ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Official Dedicated Server : OFFLINE ; Back with a new version: Freemode ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SinglePlayer/Host/Lan If you want to play SINGLEPLAYER, simply host a LAN game in the Multiplayer menu, Server Browser, host Server tab. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Many more information on your Website : https://mafiateamwork.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Custom Difficulty Settings for the better experience : difficulty="Custom"; class DifficultyPresets { class CustomDifficulty { class Options { autoReport=0; cameraShake=0; commands=2; deathMessages=1; detectedMines=2; enemyTags=0; Armor=1; friendlyTags=0; groupIndicators=0; mapContent=0; multipleSaves=0; reducedDamage=0; scoreTable=1; staminaBar=1; stanceIndicator=2; thirdPersonView=0; visionAid=0; vonID=1; waypoints=2; weaponCrosshair=0; weaponInfo=2; }; aiLevelPreset=3; }; class CustomAILevel { skillAI=0.75; precisionAI=0.1; }; }; // Change thirdPersonView=0 to thirdPersonView=1 if you really want third person view. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Workshop Subscribe Website Youtube channel Steam group to be kept informed of the event organized on the server. Facebook Page Discord Channel Armaholic Page
  20. ok, so I got the helicopter to escort properly, then I turn around and he's stopped moving at all. I look for him in spectator, and him, and his gunner are not showing in the entity list at all... they're like ghosts. I've tried deleting the unit and setting all it's waypoints again and he wont budge, i'm stumped.
  21. Iv had this problem for months when using the ORBAT. I keep getting the same error when i try to run the game with the exported faction in the add on section, its extremely frustrating as these factions take nearly 3 days to create, iv had to delete them then remake them multiple times. Could someone please help me as i want to make a RMC faction, RAF, RAF regiment RN and so on. Asked this question on the ALIVE forum months ago and no one has replied , posted it on reddit and no one replied either, I even uninstalled and reinstalled ARMA twice hopefully someone here could help me out or redo it for me. (sorry for the crap quality) sorry for sounding so petty. Let me know if i should send you the folder or config etc https://ibb.co/0BG6Lcc https://ibb.co/rpSWxFn
  22. Good day, I am currently at a dead end of the MP mission I am trying to create for my unit, solely with ALiVE modules, I don't really use any MCC features but just wanted to leave it loaded in case I need to create a scenario while the mission is running. I wanted to add specific vehicle cargo (custom loadout) in a medevac vehicle(RHS Asset), such as ace medical items. So our medics can replenish their inventory from the vehicle. I did this by adding this in the vehicle's init field: In addition I also added scripts on some vehicles and units init field to assign as ALiVE Combat Support so that ALiVE would work with VCOM accordingly, I followed this steps from ALiVE's FAQ site. I followed what's in the red box: But when I start the mission, the mission loads twice and respawns the vehicles rendering all the scripts I've put useless. I can't figure out how to stop the vehicles from respawning when the mission loads the second time or to have the script run at a specific time so it would execute once the mission finishes loading "Completely". Here's a 5 min. video to show what I am trying to do. https://youtu.be/3nxOfavKnBY TIA! PS: I don't know how to title this since I'm not exactly sure what's happening to name it properly. So my apologies if it's misleading.
  23. Hello everyone. Hope you are all doing fine in these hard times. Just finished the first draft of a small collection of scripts that allow someone to create a PvE, PvP or PvEvP sector control mission and wanted to share here in case someone may benefit from it. I am not sure this is the right place to post, but I thought that since this is not a mission (no map is included here, just a collection of script and accompanying files) the missions channels wouldn't be the right place. And as this is just a collection of scripts I thought that this place would be more appropriate. It is quite straight forward and easy to set up the mission and many aspects are controlled with parameters. It is SP and MP compatible, but for SP gameplay one must set the parameter value in the description.ext file. There is (unfinished but adequate) documentation included and some of the functions implemented, although (unfortunately) pretty much undocumented as of yet, they are quite short and easy to follow (in my opinion) and one could easily tweak them to use them outside of the context I use them here. The collection is held on GitLab and you can find it here. If you would like to avoid clicking on links but still interested in laying an eye on the scripts feel free to ask for a Google Drive link or I could send them to you in any way you would prefer. Take care, stay safe and... ArmA a lot!
  24. JElledge_58

    Hint Timer?

    Is it possible to make a hint go away after a certain amount of time?
  25. by Mixuray Description: "Survivors of Stratis" is a singleplayer mission which takes place during the events of "The East Wind". You play as Corporal White, a NATO soldier and former member of Charlie. After Charlie got attacked by CSAT, during their invasion on the island, and you retreated into a small forest, it became clear that you'd have to escape from Stratis. Information: Playtime: About 45 Minutes Made in: About 2 Weeks Voice Acting: Mixuray - Corporal White Gamse - Private Taylor Download: Steam Workshop Even if our voice acting is not perfect, we still hope that you'll enjoy playing our mission! 😄 Explore the map a litte. Maybe you can find some small secrets. 😉 Screenshots: