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  1. Group Tactical Realism was founded in 2014 with the idea of bringing a professional tactical experience to ARMA 3. Pulling tactics, weapons, and training methods from real life special operations communities we have been able to bring a close representation of the real world operations presented to the US Special Forces communities. Our operations vary in scope but mimic the missions handed down to US Army Special Forces including, but not limited to: Covert infiltration Deep cover intelligence gathering Long range reconnaissance Air-Assault Combat Diving and underwater demolitions Hostage rescue Indigenous forces leadership HVT assault Due to the nature of our drive for realistic operations we have chosen to remain a small but well trained group of like minded players. Think you have what it takes to be a part of a goal oriented, mission driven team? Bring an open mind and a good attitude. If this sounds like what you have been missing in ARMA 3, then apply today and find out if you can make the cut. PILOTS: We only accept QUALIFIED Pilots that have passed ARMA 3 FLIGHT SCHOOL If you you wish to become QUALIFIED please contact us ARMA FLIGHT SCHOOL Pipeline We follow a condensed version of the standard pilot training pipeline to fit the purposes of ARMA 3. All students begin their training in the T-6A Texan II to gain the muscle memory of sensitive controls, learning ways to communicate of radios, and understanding the standard air procedures. After completing the introductory course, students will be automatically enrolled in the Basic Rotary Flight Training course to learn the basics of flight in the MH-9 Hummingbird using the Arma 3 Helicopters (RotorLib) DLC and advanced flight model. Students who graduate the Basic Rotary Flight Training will have the option to enroll in Advanced Rotary Flight Training involving larger airframes to learn safety measures, formation tactics, and instrument flight in preparation for combat. Combat Rotary Flight Training is the fourth course in the pilot training pipeline and teaches students CAS tactics and 9-line JTARs. The fifth, and final course offered to active students is Fixed Wing Training, which involves in-depth fighter maneuvering and interdiction tactics. Our Promise If you are willing to bring a positive attitude, a hunger for learning and are able to commit your time to our program, we will focus our team's vast experience and unbridled energy into helping you take that next step in your piloting career. Operations Every Sunday 3:00 pm est https://units.arma3.com/unit/gtac https://discordapp.com/invite/5fAs46p
  2. I have made custom faction, everything seems to work fine, except two things: 1. Even though units appear in Eden editor under custom faction name, they do not appear based on custom CfgVehicleClasses; instead it seems they inherit classes from units they are based on; 2. Also custom faction and its units completly not appear in Zeus. class CfgPatches { class LAF_UNITS { units[] = { LITHSOF1_Operator, LITHSOF1_Operator_solid, LITHSOF1_SquadLeader, LITHSOF1_Support, LITHSOF1_rifleman, LITHSOF1_AT, LITHSOF1_engineer, LITHSOF1_explosiveSpec, LITHSOF1_medic, LITHSOF1_Designated_Marksman, LITHSOF1_sniper, LITHSOF1_spotter, LITHSOF2_Operator_desert, LITHSOF2_SquadLeader_desert, LITHSOF2_rifleman_desert, LITHSOF2_AT_desert, LITHSOF2_engineer_desert, LITHSOF2_explosiveSpec_desert, LITHSOF2_medic_desert, LITHSOF2_support_desert, LITHSOF2_Designated_Marksman_desert, LITHSOF2_Sniper_desert, LITHSOF2_Spotter_desert, LITHSOF3_Operator_new_camo, LAF_Rifleman, LAF_AT_MAAWS, LAF_AT_Javelin, LAF_Designated_Marksman, LAF_Engineer, LAF_ExplosiveSpec, LAF_Medic, LAF_SquadLeader, LAF_Support, LAF_Driver, LAF_Officer, LAF_Officer2, LAF_Pilot_plane, LAF_Pilot_heli, LAF_Mi8_Air, LAF_Heli_Light_Air, LAF_L39_Air, LAF_HMMWV1_Wheeled, LAF_HMMWV1M2_Wheeled, LAF_HMMWV2_Wheeled, LAF_HMMWV2M2_Wheeled, LAF_M113, LAF_Zamak_covered_w }; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = { a3_characters_F, a3_characters_f_beta, a3_characters_f_gamma, a3_characters_f_bootcamp, a3_characters_F_EPB, a3_soft_f_beta, a3_air_f, a3_ui_f, a3_weapons_f, rhsusf_weapons, rhsusf_weapons2, rhsusf_weapons3, rhs_weapons, rhs_weapons2, rhs_weapons3, rhsusf_infantry, rhs_infantry, rhs_infantry2, rhs_c_troops, rhsusf_hmmwv, rhsusf_m113, rhsusf_c_m113, rhs_a2port_air, LAF_balaclavas, LAF_Carryall_Bag, LAF_backpack_small, }; }; }; class cfgFactionClasses { class LAF //Faction Calling Name { displayName = "Lithuanian Armed Forces"; //Faction name in-game icon = "LAF\Data\UI\LAF_logo.paa"; //Path to texture next to the faction name in editor "PBOname\filename.paa" priority = 1; //How far down it is on the menu side = 1; // 1 Blufor 2 opfor 3 independant i think. }; }; class CfgVehicleClasses { class LITHSOF1_Units //Name of unit group e.g Air, Infantry, Armour { displayName = "Men (LITHSOF Woodland)"; priority = 1; }; class LITHSOF2_Units { displayName = "Men (LITHSOF Desert)"; priority = 2; }; class LITHSOF3_Units { displayName = "Men (LITHSOF New Camo)"; priority = 3; }; class LAF1_Units { displayName = "Men"; priority = 4; }; class LAF_air { displayName = "Air"; priority = 5; }; class LAF_Wheeled { displayName = "Cars, APCs"; priority = 6; }; }; Unit example (relevant part of script): class LITHSOF1_Operator: I_soldier_F //Unit Class name: Class getting info from { side = 1; faction = "LAF"; backpack = ""; vehicleclass = "LITHSOF1_Units"; genericNames="SOPNames"; author = "Karolus"; _generalMacro = "LITHSOF1_Operator"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; scopeArsenal = 2; displayName = "Operator"; }; This unit, for example, in editor appears under "Men", instead of "Men (LITHSOF Woodland)". And same goes for every unit, almost all of them are merged under "Men", except snipers, which inherit information from I_Sniper_F, and appears under "Special forces". One of helicopter appear under "Helicopter", other on "Helicopters", etc. Also, as you can see, I have written unit classnames under cfgPatches, as its required to work with Zeus, also scopeCurator = 2 is written under every unit i wanted to appear in Zeus, but whole faction and its units do not appear in Zeus. I have read that this problem was related to custom faction classname in the past and if I wanted it to appear in Zeus, i had to use vanilla classname as NATO, for example. But it appears that mods like RHS works just fine in Zeus with custom faction classnames, so i don't understand where the problem is.
  3. So thanks to Commy on Arma 3 Discord, we have finally been able to fix the issue whereby Zeus would not show some of our units, objects or buildings Here's how to ensure your items show up in Zeus 1. make sure each item has scope = 2; scopecurator =2; 2. make sure in the cfgpatches class, units[] has a full set of working classes listed with no mistakes/ scope 0 objects, or incorrect classnames - see example 3. if vehicle has scopeCurator = 2 & is present in cfgPatches but crew is scope = 1; or scopeCurator = 0 or not present in cfgPatches or crew = ""; or the crew pbo is not preloaded, then the whole vehicle is not visible in zeus. 4. make sure your cfgpatches class name is in preloadaddons list[] in cfgaddons. The downside to preloading all of your addons, is that it uses a lot of RAM. So choose the best set of mods that you really need for Zeus. Beware in more complex mod packs, you might have multiple instances of cfgaddons throughout your config family. In this case, if you accidentally duplicate a class of cfgpatches in your list[] array, the entire list in that instance of cfgaddons will fail to load in Zeus. For this reason I recommend having only one cfgaddons class in your mod, with a full list of your correct cfgpatches classnames in the list, OR only have one cfgpatches entry in your list and have one cfgaddons class containing that list in each of your pbo /addons. So distributed or centralised, but don't mix the two approaches. You can use configviewer to browse cfgaddons to see which classes are loaded In the example below, all of our cfgpatches classes are listed in one single central list in class cfgaddons { class preloadaddons {class unsung { list[]= {etc}; }; };}; and that's it! simple. demo example of the distributed way of doing it, (as opposed to the equally valid centralised way shown above in config editor) class CfgPatches { class UNS_Buildings { units[] = { "LAND_UNS_Hootch" }; }; }; class CfgAddons { class PreloadAddons { class UNS_Buildings { list[] = { "UNS_Buildings" }; }; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class House; class LAND_UNS_Hootch: House { scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; vehicleClass = "aa_uns_buildings_W"; editorSubcategory = "aa_uns_buildings_W"; editorCategory = "UNS_All_Obj"; displayName = "Hootch"; //etc }; };
  4. I have stumbled across an issue with the mission I am working on for my server, it works really well once tested on my client and in the editor. However, once I upload it for testing on the dedicated server, the mission goes wild. It makes units fall down through the ground after you spawn in and vehicles makes flips, they explode and start burning all across the map. Units and vehicles are affected, not static objects such as sandbags. Does anyone know what might be the cause of this issue? It really confuse me, because to my knowledge, there is nothing obvious that should be causing this issue. The units across the map keeps flipping up and down beneath the ground like this. None of my other missions behave in this way, I assume it is mission related?
  5. Hello all, This mod is no longer being developed. DOWNLOAD SOURCE FILES: dropbox link is down, PM me if you want source files via weTransfer or similar ARMAHOLIC: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31654 Steam workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=766707192 WHAT? Hand drawn full rvmat retextures of vanilla Arma 3 assets by lordfrith. Dirty, stitched together, patchy outfits for the discerning scavenger-about-town, similar to the familiar post-apocalyptic worlds of Mad Max, Stalker, Fallout etc. FEATURES: grubby combat rags, filthy officer rags, dirty fisherman's rags, wrecked t-shirts, battered vests, soiled longjohns, broken helmets... There are no placeable units at the moment, its a gear pack only. for screenies see steam workshop link COMING SOON entropy KNOWN ISSUES custom rvmats sometimes don't load normal maps (engine limitation?) CREDITS Bohemia Interactive for making Arma 3. All models are theirs and all assets are adaptions of theirs. And Arma 3 is frikkin awesome BI Forums community from mod creators to people who answer random scripting questions. LICENSE Friths Ruin by lordfrith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. CHANGELOG testV 0.00000000001 first release V1 fixed noob config errors fixed shiney vests added proper armour values to vests and helmets added rolled sleeve varients added bikeys V1.1 fixed annoying config error on main menu screen. v1.2 included futura miles armour values patch
  6. Hi, I'm creating a covered mission. I'm trying to create a script in which if some member of my group shoots, alert the enemy against and if it shoots my team too: obj1 addEventHandler ["Killed", { _unit = (_this select 0); _unitName = name _unit; _groupmember = nameofgroup _unit _unitSide = side _unit; _Killer = (_this select 1); _KillerName = name _Killer; _KillerSide = side _Killer; if (_unitSide == _KillerSide) then { hint "Este era un miembro del equipo"; } else { _killer setCaptive 0; }; }]; _restofunits = (units _group - [_leader]); player addEventHandler ["Fired", { select 0 _unit = (_this select 0); _groupmember = nameofgroup _unit _weaponName = (_this select 1); if (_weaponName) then { _unit setCaptive 0; }; }]; but I do not know exactly how to do it with a group. Can somebody help me?
  7. Greetings, I am SGT. Patch, staff in 131st T.C.U Based on the British Army / Royal Marines, we are a small but serious group looking for new members. We do sometimes play as Opfor and other factions within ArmA 3. - We host missions / campaigns on a Fri / Sat evening (starting 9pm GMT, 4pm EST) - Full Ranks & Training structure, (whether your an ArmA veteran or not) - Teamspeak Server (ts12.verygames.net:52979). - Steam Group (once recruited staff or another member will invite you to the group). - Websites: 131st.enjin.com; https://units.arma3.com/unit/131st-tactical-combat-unit Come onto the Team speak and poke a member with the [staff] tag!
  8. Looking for some help if anyone could oblige me? I linked my Steam and Bohemia Accounts last night, but got no confirmation that the two were linked other than the steam "you're logging in from a new device, please enter this code" email. Since then when I load up the launcher it doesn't show my unit, and says the accounts aren't linked. It also shows in my in game profile that I have no unit, which is slightly concerning as I'm currently in the process of founding a unit. As a note everything was working perfectly fine before i linked the account. It also appears that instead of linking to my steam account it has created a totally new steam account. Does anyone know of a) how to fix this so i am actually shown as a part of a unit and b) to either delete the linked account or link my bohemia account with teh steam account i play and bought the game on? I tried looking online and most of them seem to be resolved by a PM on here from from Bohemia. Any help to sort this would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
  9. So, I'm officially stuck. I've been looking everywhere, but I can't seem to find out how to create an array based on units that are NOT in a triggerzone. I discovered that it is fairly simple to collect an (_x array) of units inside of a trigger, however once I use this command: _List = list trigger; It gives me an empty array of units since nobody is in the trigger, even though the trigger is set to "ANY", "NOT PRESENT". Any ideas?
  10. Hello, I need help in creating an array of all zombies (Ryan's Zombies and demons mod) that exist on one side. For the moment i have this : zombies = "getNumber (_x >> 'side') == 0" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles"); But I miss one condition (maybe a getText) to have all the zombies' class. Like that : getText (_x >> '????') == ???? Can anyone help me?
  11. Thank you for the time. After extensive testing and consulting with other people who Zeus, I have an issue that has been proven to be on Client side, that is on my end? And I have no idea how to solve this or if this is a recurring issue for others. https://i.gyazo.com/b3404dc9fdfbc3a201398c0e884f7f72.png As I am commanding units, I have manage to locate through help from others what the exact issue is: Whenever I am trying to change the settings in this window and on the go, it is like the window is separated by the upper half and the lower half and this is what happens. I set the unit to search and destroy or any other type, it toggles the rest of the options off and to the far left. It does this by itself. And if I try to change the options below, it toggles the type above back to Move, effectively making it so that I can only do one or the other, resulting in whenever me setting the troops to search and destroy - they start walking and acting casual. They refuse to open fire or acknowledge they are being picked off one by one. They will keep walking until they die. This is a big issue for me who Zeus for a community and no matter what, we have been unable to find a solution. When other people do the same thing, it works for them so it should be a client side issue? Help appreciated! :)
  12. Hi, I searching for a way to spawn units randomly in a marker. I've tried something with radius etc but it seems that units spawn even out of the marker and even on water... I'd like to spawn those units only on ground and in the definided marker. And I have another problem, The units I try to spawn are zombies... And when I choose to spawn 2000 of them with a debug marker to know where each zombies are, I don't find any zombies at the markers positions... is there any units limit on Arma 3 ?
  13. Details: This is a replacement weapon config for EricJ's taliban units using AK's and typical weapons from the RHS Escalation mods. I originally created this as a 'leight'weight option for quick Zeus/MCC missions with my group, but I realised that plenty of the other middle eastern factions available require a significant number of separate uniform/weapon packs, (even though they look fantastic). Since almost every modded server I have seen uses RHS. It seems appropriate to combine these. The config assigns Russian AKM's/AKMS' to fighter units, PKMs and SVD's are assigned to MG and Sniper variants as well. All units have russian smoke grenades, RGOs. Leader units have FAKs and PMM sidearms. All units are Zeus compatible. This config also contains an Afghan civilian faction. Unchanged from EricJ's original. The mod is signed with server keys included. Of course, let me know if I have done something ridiculously wrong here. I'm still learning how to put mods together. Images: In future, I would like to add a reinforcement group. Using a civilian truck: Requirements: Taliban Fighters by EricJ RHS: Escalation by the RHS Team Credit: All credit goes to EricJ and the RHS team for their kind permission to use their mods and to allow me to release this. Known Issues (as of version 1.0): I have never released anything before but I have tested this on a multiplayer server. As far as I am aware, apart from a single small conflict notification in the rpt, this does not cause issues on a multiplayer server. The classnames are currently the same as the original EricJ ones and do not match the new loadouts. To Do: Match classnames to new loadouts (perhaps make them more MCC compatible) Add groups and extra vehicle units for fast reinforcements. Changelog: v1.0: First Release Download: Taliban Units with RHS Weapons config v1.0 Cheerio, Silos[CPM] www.cornishpastymen.co.uk
  14. I'm currently tring to set up a mission where a player activates an action witch activates a trigger that spawns units in a group. I have done the addAction and it looks like this: this addAction ["Spawn INF", {(_this select 0) setVariable ["GERinf", 2, true];}]; and the condition of the trigger: ((InfTrigGER getVariable ["GERinf", 0]) == 2) But i have trouble with spawning the units. So far i have done this: _group105=createGroup west; _unit2=_group105 createUnit ["fow_s_ger_heer_rifleman", getMarkerPos "GERinfspawn", [], 4, "FORM"]; I'm trying not to use an outside script and basicly only do it from the ingame init. If someone can help that would be awesome :)
  15. UN 2030 more info: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=374644346
  16. 12th Armoured Infantry Brigade Who are we? Under Army 2020 the 12th Armoured Infantry Brigade forms part of the reaction force. As a unit our main aspect of gaming is Infantry. The 1st Battalion, The Royal Welsh is a Regular Army armoured infantry battalion based at Tidworth Camp. It comes under 12th Armoured Infantry Brigade who are an Armoured Infantry Brigade that uses the Warrior IFV. The Infantry will also be backed up by a variety of support assets. What do we do? As you can tell from that short description, we are a UK-based and reenactment MilSim community. We were founded recently from a big group of members splitting of from another community. Find our ORBAT here: 12aib.co.uk. (Note: you have to register first!) So if you are looking to join a MilSim community (and we take that word seriously!) that is established and led by very experienced people with years of being in the loop then don't hesitate and register today! 12aib.co.uk. We are all about being as realistic as possible while keeping everything fun because after all it's a video game but that doesn't keep us from making maximum effort in making our mentality in-game as serious as possible! So no yes/no sir mentality. What we offer: Experienced and organised leadership that have a unified vision. No favouritism! Everyone is treated equal, no one will be given any better treatment for whatever reason. Real MilSim playstyle. We try to have a very high amount of professionalism when we are in-game. Banter is great and encouraged (British) but professionalism is required when in-game. Homemade weekly missions and training. We create all our operations and training ourselves and they aren't recycled. Operations are weekly on Wednesday (19:30 GMT) and Saturday (19:30 GMT). First-person only. A real armoured infantry experience, utilising real-life tactics and Infantry Fighting Vehicles, looking to use challenger 2 MBTs in the future. A lot of members with real-life military experience both serving and ex-serving. Homemade mods and modpack. Extensive planning pre-mission (SITREP/WARNO) issued days in advance. Operations and home-rotation alternate each other realistically. What we look for in applicants: 17 years or older (no exceptions). Functioning microphone. Willingness to learn and improve. Take constructive criticism! Your idea of fun should be immersion and making it MilSim, realistic, not going on your own and killing AI. Attendance requirement is 50%, if unable to meet this you will be put in the reserves, able to join when you are available. We DO NOT require this to be your only ArmA community, we allow multi-clanning.
  17. maxjoiner


    Hi all this is my last W.I.P. Original Models by Bohemia Ported and modified by me I hope You like it...
  18. Hi. I want to make a squad get out of a vehicle when a script is activated, and make them get back in when another one is activated. Is it possible to do without scripting, just with triggers init? The unload, load get out and get in waypoints dont seem to work... Btw the squad consists of players and AI. If that is not possible, can i make the passengers and cargo dudes eject? I googled a bit and found something that makes cargo eject but its a btr 80 which means that most people sit on top.
  19. We are Recruiting ! Who are we? The G.O.A.T PMC is a Relaxed-Milsim unit. Doing campaign style operations internationally. We currently have around 15 - 20 active members with a few on leave. Coming from all around the Globe, there is almost always somebody online who can help if you have a problem, this includes training, help with mods or just to talk. We're there. Why Join Us? The G.O.A.T PMC is unique. We utilize a payment system which is fully automated by you simply being on the server. This also includes a fully functional marketplace where you can buy all of your own gear and customize yourself however you please. We also have a custom revive system in place alongside ACE medical. We do keep a rank system which is a PMC Style structure. Without needing people to say 'Yes Sir/No Sir'. The hierarchy is simply limited to Section Leaders, and the second in command. The 4 current Sections we utilise are Foxhound, Matchmaker, Cobra (Recon) & Titan (Armour). Our weekly ops follow an interactive story campaign style (Usually backed by up to 3 Zeus players). While 1 Zeus gives us a battle to fight, another could be interacting with us in multiple ways that change the game, offering help or trying to betray us. We do operate on a "Serious, but fun." level, You can laugh and joke but you have to be serious when it counts. We also operate under the case of "We are not military, we are mercenaries." If it gets the job done, We're fine with it. " Our Op times are Saturdays at 6PM CET / 1PM EST. Interested in joining? Message 'Major Dick Harden' on steam. For more information you can view our Steam Group http://steamcommunity.com/groups/goat-tactical
  20. I have tried multiple times to upload my unit image and keep getting a red pop up saying image has to be a png. file and yes it is a png file 400x400 that's 142kb. if anyone has any idea as to why this is happening some input would be great
  21. Hey guys. I'm a bit new to the editor and I've been trying to figure out a few things, mostly whether or not they're possible. Is there a way that I can create an NPC with a specific loadout which I can spawn while playing as Zeus?
  22. Hello, i was curious if it would be possible for someone to help me with a personal request/project. I was curious if someone could help (or voluntarily do themselves) me replace the US soldiers in the Cold War Rearmed^2 mod for ArmA 2? NOTE: I will only be using this replacement personally so do not worry about me turning around and uploading this to other websites for download. It would be greatly appreciated if someone could either help me or guide me to the right area to go about doing this. Thank you,
  23. Ali-S

    I can't see my units

    Hi, i created my own unit and i joined my clan unit But when i select any unit from launcher or from in-game i can't see it in any server I tried close the game and verify it but it doesn't help Can anyone help me to make my unit show in server?
  24. acebelew

    Export Units data

    I did a quick search and did not find this posted before. I was looking for a way to export the data from my unit. I will need to rebuild the unit and was hoping that I would not have to manually enter all the data again. Any ideas are appreciated
  25. Hey there! I've recently formed a new group, AB-12, designed for semi-casual Arma 3 players looking for a group to play with in Wasteland. I'm hoping to create a group dedicated to intense teamplay, and playing Blufor how it's meant to be played, working towards objectives as one. I'm looking for english speaking players who are team-focused, any ages and any experience levels - whether you've clocked 300+ hours or just cracked the game open, it doesn't matter, you're welcome. If you're interested, please search AB-12 on the Arma Units tab, or follow this link directly - https://units.arma3.com/unit/ab-12. Thanks for reading, Elliott AB-12