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  1. A player who is a donor of the server, called the Brazilian players of monkeys. According to server rules, racism is permanent banishment, but the player is still playing without any problems. In the forum they said that they took an action, but it seems that they are defending their donor.
  2. hi i installed Argo server from my steam app but when i launch it it show me this message ----------------- 20:32:20 Dedicated host created. 20:32:23 Host identity created. 20:32:23 Game Port: *****, Steam Query Port: ***** 20:32:23 Warning: Current Steam AppId: 5***** doesn't match expected value: ****** -------------- need help please
  3. A friend of mine, that usually host Arma III on his own private server, LAN parties recently joined Argo. We do enjoy the game, but not so much the toxicity in the public servers. So he decided to change his Arma III to Argo LAN private server. All the other guest were able to join no issues at all, but me. Most of the time I get a message about waiting for the host to select mission, even if other players are already in. Server host and other players can see my name loggin in and inmedatly loggin out. Would really appreciate any guidance how to solve this.
  4. There are only 2 official servers of king of the hill (KOTH) mission, but none one on the Tanoa. It's unclear why there is no support from the developer. Tanoa is gorgeous map, but it has nowhere to play. Please pay attention to this post
  5. Frostbite_Hgy

    Unable to create server

    Include file a3\functions_f\Params\paramDaytimeHour.inc not found.
  6. Hi, I was wondering if there's a way to have a script running on the server, independent of the mission currently playing? For example, I found a very convenient earplug script and I'd like to have that available for all missions without having to edit them. I suppose, it could be packaged into a mod, but I was hoping for a less involved solution - I haven't been able to find anything. Thanks!
  7. Hi Bohemia / Argo Team. I would love to host a Official Argo server. I got a dedicated a gaming server just to see if it was possible... Mind you it only cost $15AUD so no big loss. However it is rendered pointless, i will be canceling it due to no rewards being on the XP or Money side of things. The point of Argo or the thing that brings players back is the progression. Personal i think it would benefit Argo as there are not many OFFICIAL Oceania servers... Community Ranked / Hosted sever would be great however it would only work if BI / Argo made a application forum with transparency from the severer owners and working closely with them / giving them access to the server itself. I love the game so do my friends however servers are limited where we are from. I think Bi / Argo should look into making Official Server Applications. however it should be strict, and non forgiving guidelines. Pros: Its saves them having to manage IT. Expanding the player base in certain countries. (Oceania / Australia) Cons: Assholes who try to change or hack / tamper with the reward system. Non Complaint Server owners. Fell free to ad to this list of pros and cons. Regards. Omega
  8. So here is the issue. I am trying to run a server for a whole bunch of my friends to play on. They're able to connect to the server without issue. But, it is not loading any of the mods with it. This is not my first rodeo working with TADST so I am completely baffled at how to fix this. I have been searching across forums looking for a fix for a few hours with no success. I will provide some images down below. Thanks for everything in advanced. Please take a look at these images - http://imgur.com/gallery/P7nTO The server parameters - https://pastebin.com/e56LcS1P
  9. so I am a player from southeast Asia and have some friends from the same country who plays argo. the problem is when i browse the servers, there are none of Asia servers listed, while all my friends does have it listed on their server list. i cant find it on friend server list too. and when they try to invite me to the asia server it says "cant find server". any solution to this problem? thx and sorry for the ingrish.
  10. Hi! I didn't see a topic addressing this issue, but I recently downloaded Arma 3 to my new desktop and for some reason I am unable to join SOME of the wasteland servers my friends go to play in. I am not getting any error messages or anything such because the browser CANNOT FIND the servers even tho the guys are clearly playing in there. I've tried joining through steam's "join game" feature but it says that the server is not responding. Here's a screenshot of it: So. Any idea? I am simply stumped as after googling for an hour I only found issues of not being able to join a friends server and this should not be the case as I have opened those ports on my router well over a year ago and they are still open and I am trying to join dedicated servers, not some listen server of my friend. I did place static IP's for my desktop and PS4 and it would be very strange if that affected it (It did make it impossible for my macbook pro to connect the wifi for some fethin reason.) I've made exceptions to my firewall rules and all that but nothing. As I said only SOME of the servers do this but SURPRISE SURPRISE the best ones are the ones that my server browser cant' find. Thanks in advance
  11. Col. Biggin

    Vietnam Group LRRP

    We currently are the number 1 dedicated server for unsung. we have a small community and would love for you to grow with us. There is plenty of room for promotion and its a very laid back group of people. we ask that you are atleast 16 years of age and speak English. its set in the year 1966 we are LRRP long-range reconnaissance patrol, Airborne quilfied, Green Berets which eventually boiled down to Rangers. There is no standardized training just war.The LRRP was trained to think like the enemy, survive a extended period of time behind enemy lines with no way to contact command they would go in with an objective and a time and place to be evaced from. Fun, hard and heart pounding. Please join the discord for more info. https://discord.gg/4cDChjr . If there are no admins online please place a message in the General chat with your steam name so we can contact you when we are also online.
  12. Hello everybody, i am currently working on a very big and detailed plan to make a properly done arma 2 dayz mod mod oldschool style proper first day of release. I have played dayz since the very first day i know what its all about and i have done alot of research on what was there and how everything setup, unfortunatly i cant do all the coding and modding myself as my skills are limited on the heavy hitters. So i am looking of for some modders and coders who share my vision and passion for the old dayz and are down to work on this unique project, the project it aims to catch tha flair and feel of the good ol days of dayz arma2 mod. As some of you might know, there like 1 or 2 other server out there trying to do this and even tho they do horrible job on it, yet their server are still filled to the brim allmost allways so emagine what a proper done server will achive. A little overview of what is planned https://www.pic-upload.de/view-33301738/Overview.png.html (about 15 pages font size 11 in total and still growing) The main tasks would be : -Getting the hud up to date or rather down to date https://www.pic-upload.de/view-33301742/512231231.jpg.html means all the icons changed (i allready have all the icons ready to go just needs to be changed) -Importing all the guns we need from arma 2 into arma 3 (full list of all guns that where in the game back then is ready) and making them work with sound animations and very important ZEROING, obviously back then guns didnt have attatchments so now they wont have them either which means every gun has fixed attatchments (i allready started with that task) -Map changes chernarus back then was looking quite a bit different obviously this needs to be changed to fit aswell im sure you can find the code for the special dayz mapping somewhere in the dayz files (i got allmost every dayz version file from vanilla to now) but if that wont work ill just map in the stuf. -Custom loottables will ofc also be a task that needs to be done i allready got everything planned out on what spawns where just needs to be added in a lootcompiler -Importing skins from arma2/dayz to arma 3 and make them work i thought of putting them in the vest slot since i plan on giving certain skins more armor like the hero skins to encurage less kos. -Importing all the sounds from arma 2 to arma 3 including the (background music from dayz (dont know if we are allowed to do that might have to get a license)) -Getting custom models from arma 2/ dayz for all the misc items bloodbags, car parts, etc. -Also getting a repair system working because the normal all in one duct tape exile fix is just boring. -Possibitly of making cars damaged and also make guns spawn with attatchments if needed -Getting a debug monitor running -Adding helicopter crashsites with special loot Thats roughly the goal to get these things done and working. I know very well that this is no over the weekend project or even over a few weeks but this project would go off like a rocket i already asked many ppl (100+) if they would be interested in playing on such a server with highly positive responce. I am looking very much forward to translate this into action and make a proper oldschool arma 2 dayz server. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR ATTENTION Best regards. Chris. STEAM: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046410470/
  13. Next Event: Arma 3 Co-Op Event #59 (17June 2017, 0300 UTC) Not working out with your current group? Tired of being hassled for wearing the wrong backpack? Sick of walking slowly in perfect formation for 1km? Become a Refugee! Come for the tough ops... stay for the hatchback racing! Link to the Steam group is here! Come play some casual fuck-fuck games with the refugees! Join a chill and very friendly community that... has some pretty dope custom scenarios doesn't try to be realistic only plays to have fun cooperates all the way to the end No mods are needed, so it's easy to just show up and play! We do ops for people of all timezones! Check the Event page in the Steam group for exact dates and times of upcoming events. We've got more than 60 missions to choose from across a variety of mission types in each play session and a few new ones get added every week. See how well you can handle the VCOM AI! How we play Arma 3: No role white-listing No donations No ranks No job applications No attendance policies No mandatory training Mission types: Combined arms Hostage Rescue Racing (ATV/Hatchback/Airplane) Skirmish Assault Demolition VR Terrorist Hunt Escape & Evade Search & Rescue Zeus Spies vs Mercs (TvT) Mods: we have only a few recommended mods (you can find a link to the workshop collection on the steam group page), but nothing is mandatory. As we play more Arma, we find that vanilla content gives more frames and is perfectly adequate. We will from time to time, though, have a WW2-themed week or a Vietnam-themed week!
  14. Hi, i am a developer of a small arma life server. We have decided to switch to Malden when it comes up and we have started building the server in dev branch to prepare for launch. But we have encountered a problem in that alot of objects on Malden are Apex. Which means in our attempt to build simmilar structures already exist on Malden we have to put out apex object from the Eden editor which will make people who do not own Apex not able to join the server. Espcially annoying is it that most common wall on malden is apex locked which means we cant extend it or even repair broken bits of it with the editor. So my question is, when Malden is released will you be able to play on it even if you dont own apex and we place apex objects and if not are you planning the change that any time soon? Sorry for my broken English.
  15. Dylan8900

    Server error

    I just updated my server on linux server ubuntu with the jets dlc, whenever i want to start my server right now with the new update I get the error. I allready tried to remove the server from the root and re-install it but didn't work. Segmentation fault (core dumped).
  16. I'm having trouble starting a newly set up Arma 3 server. Erverything works fine with TADST, though as it is outdated, I wanted to use command line options to start the server. Somehow it seems that the whole command line is being ignored. The server starts (and complains about the steam_appid) but it neither has the correct name nor a mission or the mods loaded. It seems like an "empty" server. On the Server, the server as well as the game (to download mods from the workshop) itself are installed in different folders. We're running the current build. I'd like to ask you to check the following for errors. I think I made everything as described in the wiki, but you never know (file locations are relative to the Arma server installation. I tried relative and absolute paths in the command line: Command line (the link is on the desktop): "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\arma3server_x64.exe" "-profiles=D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\profiles" -name=server -maxMem=13107 -exThreads=7 "-par=D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\command_line.txt" Startup parameter file (.\command_line.txt): -hugepages "-cfg=D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\basic.cfg" "-config=D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\server.cfg" -port=2302 -loadMissionToMemory "-mod=D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Mods\!Workshop\@CBA_A3;curator;heli;kart;mark" Profile (.\profiles\Users\Server\server.Arma3Profile): I'm not sure where the stuff after the last }; comes from. I'm pretty sure it wasn't there when I created the profile. Also I set the skill to 0.7. Basic config (.\basic.cfg): Server config (.\config.cfg): The mission is in .\mpmissions. Thanks in advance :)
  17. Hi People, I bought a server (physical) for to build an Arma Life server. I've got some technical background and it was no problem to setup the Arma Life MOD (https://github.com/AsYetUntitled/Framework/releases / v4.4r4) with extDB2. Server is currenly running on win 2012 r2, it's a HP Proliant ML310e running with a Xeon e2-1240, 16GB ram, and SSD's in raid connected trough a very stable 500/500 mbit internet connection. It's up & running but as far as mission editing goes and making some nice custom updates I've found out I'm quite a noob. So i'm looking for someone who: Allready has a succesfull server and want to expand to a second one Someone wanting to start a server and wants free hosting. You can use the hardware for free, there is no datalimit on traffic, there is enough processing power to also run teamspeak on it, i've got a domain (armalife.nl) but i'm open to any suggestions. As long as the main langauge is English (no russian, france, deutsch etc). Requeriments you are skilled in Arma 3 server, mission editing, customization etc. A website can be hosted ore on the same server or on one of my Centos Servers (all running NGINX/MariaDB). If you have any interest to build up this server with your knowledge and maybe some input from my side with no charges what so ever please send me a message. You can send me one by email mrmartijn at gmail dot com. Or just respond here. Kind regards, MrMartijn
  18. I have a own Windows Server and i want to make an Arma3 Server on it. Everytime i start it comes to this error Can you say me how i can fix it? [sry for my bad english :)] I hope you can help me
  19. Please fill me in on what you'd want to see in arma
  20. Alright, I have a small dedicated linux server with arma 3 server on it. We do some small scale zeus missions on it, But since day or 2 the server doesn't want to start up any more. Server starts up just how it should without any error, we use some mods like, ACE, CBA, Task force radio, Ares and RHSUSAF. But whenever someone want to join the server, the server see the id of the player etc. but the player stays in the loading screen (no lobby). Player can't get in at all, the server doens't even show any errors. Also tried a vanilla mission didn't work but a APEX campaign mission loaded without any problem.
  21. Hello, I have tried to get the radio mod Task Force Radio to work on my server and to no avail, it doesn't work. Being able to pull up the radios work, and getting switched into a Task Force Radio channel then kicks you out after a couple of seconds. Another thing is that proximity voice does not work and I hear my friends regardless of how far they are. The mod is just not working as intended on my server. Is there any possible fix for this as I have looked everywhere.
  22. Toni's Barrier Menu v1.0 Alpha Q: What is it? A: It is a Small script contained within an Addon that allows users to spawn barriers. Its good for anything from Milsim to Roleplay to just messing around in the Editor. Q: Didn't Someone Already Make a Script Similar to this? A: Yes, Warnerm14 did for Altis Life Framework but his was based on AddActions. Mine is A full GUI based solution and its modular (Can be used as a standalone addon or ported into a mission framework) Features: Inventory button for easy access, Simple to use GUI, Fully customizable, Portable to a mission file if the addon is not what you need. Download/View Source Code From Github Download From Google Drive Lemme know what you all think and feel free to leave a reply with opinions. Please Report issues on Github! :)
  23. Just wanted to post this script in case it's helpful for people. For our Arma 3 Linux server (headless) we use: LinuxGSM - for Arma 3 server startup and updating Arma3Sync - for providing delta diffs of mods Apache - for serving up mod files Steam - for updating Arma 3 server and downloading mods from the workshop I wrote a little Python script that automates the updating of mods via Steam workshop, copies keys, updates mods via Arma3Sync and then restarts the server all via the command-line. No more manually downloading and extracting files! If you have suggestions or improvements, feel free to fork the file or post here.
  24. Whenever I try to join my own server with BattlEye enabled, I get kicked. I'll be connecting to the server and then be kicked for script restriction #0 or #22. These are the logs What do these mean? Is there a way to fix it?
  25. Hi People, I bought a server (physical) for to build an Arma Life server. I've got some technical background and it was no problem to setup the Arma Life MOD (https://github.com/AsYetUntitled/Framework/releases / v4.4r4) with extDB2. Server is currenly running on win 2012 r2, it's a HP Proliant ML310e running with a Xeon e2-1240, 16GB ram, and SSD's in raid connected trough a very stable 500/500 mbit internet connection. It's up & running but as far as mission editing goes and making some nice custom updates I've found out I'm quite a noob. So i'm looking for someone who: Allready has a succesfull server and want to expand to a second one Someone wanting to start a server and wants free hosting. You can use the hardware for free, there is no datalimit on traffic, there is enough processing power to also run teamspeak on it, i've got a domain (armalife.nl) but i'm open to any suggestions. As long as the main langauge is English (no russian, france, deutsch etc). Requeriments you are skilled in Arma 3 server, mission editing, customization etc. A website can be hosted ore on the same server or on one of my Centos Servers (all running NGINX/MariaDB). If you have any interest to build up this server with your knowledge and maybe some input from my side with no charges what so ever please send me a message. You can send me one by email mrmartijn at gmail dot com. Or just respond here. Kind regards, MrMartijn