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About cap42

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    Private First Class

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  1. good idea, I will do that when I find the time... Is there any way to create a more verbose log output?
  2. I'm having a weird issue on dedicated Server(no such issue on local server): When I put an AI soldier of my squad in the driver's seat, after a few seconds, I can't move my viewport, but the game isn't frozen properly. I can get out of the car, issue commands, open map and all that. I wouldn't mind too much as all is back to normal when I get out of the car, BUT unfortunately the AI won't drive on move command, given on map, or viewport at a whatever I am forever frozen to look at. However, there's always one unit in the squad that SORT of works: If i let him drive without being in the car, give him at least one waypoint, then hop in and continue giving him instructions so he's never "ready" all's well. When he's ready, again viewport freezes and I have to get out. If I add more units to the squad, the "drivable" unit changes... Also, when I put any of the other units in the car, it freezes up... There's nothing in the serverlog and I so would love my AI to drive me around. Any ideas what might be causing this? I don't have any mods installed besides CBA3 and AIS, but I never had this issue before...
  3. yeah I guess I just did. For some reason, the doc was missing in my folder and I forgot there was one. I re-downloaded and all's there.
  4. @Psychobastard: Love this revive system! I'm currently testing a persistent map with this and have run into a few issues: when a player disconnects when bleeding out, upon reconnect they will be able to walk again even though the damage is saved. I realize this isn't a fault of your system but was hoping for advice on how to restore the bleedout upon reconnect. Which function would I need to call and how to do this? Also, not sure if you are aware of this, but when a player is in a car that gets blown up and is thrown out of the vehicle in the process, they are able to walk *slowly* while bleeding out... Thanks!
  5. To check for Toolkit see here: I'd start with the basic: 1. start your person off with toolkit 2. check if the condition from thread above returns true 3. create a quad at cursortarget if condition is true then you could add an action to players that has the toolkit check as a condition... add an animation, maybe a broken down bike and that turns into a working bike after a certain time...
  6. I'm spawning in a vehicle that will appear as an airdrop using BIS_fnc_curatorobjectedited. It seems to work without any issues, vehicle spawn, chute is deployed and it lands on the ground unharmed. However, sometimes - seems random - the vehicle is not drivable, i.e. fuel + health are at maximum, the vehicle can be entered, mounted gun works, wheels move left/right, but the engine won't start. if started manually through menu it is turned off right away. I had a more basic initial _spawnPos, and thought maybe that was causing the issue. After finding the below, it wasn't fixed... Hope you can give me a pointer what else to look for. _spawnPos = ([0,0,0] getPos [300,random 360]) vectorAdd [0,0,900 + (random 200)]; _veh = _vehType createVehicle _spawnPos; _veh setPosASL _posNew; [objnull, _veh] call BIS_fnc_curatorobjectedited; ---- EDIT: the old, shoot the car or bump it with another one didn't work, it takes damage but no change in behavior
  7. @t-800aThanks for making this cool generator, I've only played a couple of objectives, still waiting on my new car I was promised though, hehe. Anyway, I've run into one major issue: For some reason, none of the mission specific actions are added to me when I play with my friends. However, when I am the only one in the mission, it all works without any apparent issues. This is all on dedicated server using the Altis flavor, no admin rights to any of the players. From what I can tell, the arsenal, repair station and downloading intel doesn't work when I play with others. as a quick fix, I just put an arsenal box down, but that doesn't have the mission restrictions... Also, I noticed there are no lights in the base, making a spawn in at night time rather onerous. I put some in, if you are interested?
  8. right, I couldn't leave well enough alone. there must be something wrong in your initial setup, because your line works without any issues on my end. Or were you just having issues in MP/dedicated? Because that would have been fixed by remoteExec like so: [_this, {_this addAction ["Open Virtual Arsenal", {["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal}];} ] remoteExecCall ["call",0,true]; Glad it's working for you now in any case!
  9. should have done this before, the test mission I used: arsenal crate drop mission, no mods needed
  10. You should get an error using 'this' in the crate init, both on dedicated and local... seems to me like there's something amiss on your end. Are you sure you updated the mission on the dedicated?
  11. @Eogos: a quick test revealed that you need to use '_this' when declaring the box init for the supply module. do you have scripting errors on? the lines above work fine from scripts and object inits on my dedicated, one of the few things I've never had issues with ;) Mind you I haven't tried the supply module on dedicated, but the lines above definitely work... besides the _crate which needs to be replaced accordingly... I'll fix it in my previous post it definitely works with the support module on dedicated, just gave it a quick testrun, here my 'crate init' for the supply drop support provider: ["AmmoboxInit",[_this,true]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal; _this allowdamage false; _this disableai "anim";
  12. I haven't use that module before, BUT if you can put something in the boxes init, just use what I said, replacing _YOURAMMOBOX with 'this' (no underscore here!)
  13. @Eogos I use this in my scripts: ["AmmoboxInit",[_YOURAMMOBOX,true]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal; _YOURAMMOBOX allowdamage false; _YOURAMMOBOX disableai "anim"; where '_YOURAMMOBOX' would be the variable pointing to your box/vehicle/whatever lines 2 + 3 are optional obviously... that way an 'Arsenal' option is automatically added to the box, works in SP/MP and on dedicated
  14. Hi, I'm having a slight issue with my respawn setup. Specifically, the respawn of playable characters that are AI at the moment of death. For some reason, they respawn on the exact location where they died, instead of at the respawn module - it works correctly on listening server. There is one respawn module placed on the map called 'respawn_west' and in the description.ext, I use this: // Respawn type, see the table below respawn = 3; // Delay in seconds before playable unit respawns. respawnDelay = 10; // Respawn templates from CfgRespawnTemplates. You can combine any number of them together. respawnTemplates[] = {"Revive","MenuPosition","Spectator"}; // 0 to disable the score table (it can still be opened manually by pressing 'P' key). respawnDialog = 0; // When 1, the score table contains score of all playable units as opposed to players only. aikills = 1; respawnOnStart = -1; I hope there's a fix for this, as it's really annoying to have AI basically take over the map, dying 20+ times in the process.. As a temporary fix, is there a way to turn off respawn for playable characters that are currently AI controlled? or have a 'onRespawn' script for those?
  15. Hi, I was wondering if somebody else is having similar issues with the coop missions like I am or if you can point me in the right direction to fix this... After restart, i.e. after playing Apex missions for the first time it's the worst, or most erratic. Here a few of the symptoms: - When cutscenes are skipped with space, the screen stays all black, respawning in pause menu doesn't do anything. The only way to continue playing is disconnect and reconnect to server - sometimes cutscenes are interrupted early and the deploy screen appears - the first mission always starts with black screen, no cutscene shown at all. you can move(can hear yourself move), shoot and open your inventory, but the screen stays black. The only way to play it is to respawn or reconnect. This is independent of how many times it's been played since server restart. - after all missions have been played, SOMETIMES still blackscreen after cutscenes, curable with reconnect and SOMETIMES respawn. - when the deploy screen shows, it shows correctly that there are 3 respawn tickets available, but when respawning for the first time, it's set to unlimited and stays that way (this is always like this as far as I can tell) - using #vote restart doesn't restart the current mission, but start the next one, or finishes the run This is all on Linux dedicated, not sure if that's part of the issue. However, I haven't had any issues like this with missions downloaded from the workshop or created by myself. Here a snapshot of error messages on the server, mind you the error messages don't seem to change when doing starting the missions, while behavior does! 12:37:22 WARNING: Function 'name' - 80178a00# 142825: lamphalogen_f.p3d has no unit 12:37:22 - network id 1:-1288806935 12:37:24 "KILLFEED event handler fired" 12:37:24 "KILLFEED event handler fired" 12:37:24 WARNING: Function 'name' - 80178a00# 142825: lamphalogen_f.p3d has no unit 12:37:24 - network id 1:-1288806935 12:37:24 WARNING: Function 'name' - BIS_player1 has no unit 12:37:24 - network id 2:17753 12:37:24 - person Cap 12:37:24 - dead 12:37:24 WARNING: Function 'name' - BIS_player1 has no unit 12:37:24 - network id 2:17753 12:37:24 - person Cap 12:37:24 - dead 12:37:24 Server: Update of object 2:17753 arrived from nonowner 12:37:24 Server: Update of object 2:17751 arrived from nonowner 12:37:24 Server: Update of object 2:17752 arrived from nonowner 12:37:24 Server: Object 2:18530 not found (message Type_105) 12:37:24 Server: Object 2:18531 not found (message Type_109) 12:37:24 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_114) 12:37:24 Server: Update of object 2:17751 arrived from nonowner 12:37:24 Server: Update of object 2:17752 arrived from nonowner 12:37:24 Server: Update of object 2:17752 arrived from nonowner 12:37:24 Server: Update of object 2:17753 arrived from nonowner 12:37:24 Server: Update of object 2:17751 arrived from nonowner 12:37:24 Server: Update of object 2:17753 arrived from nonowner 12:37:24 Server: Update of object 2:17753 arrived from nonowner 12:37:24 Server: Update of object 2:17753 arrived from nonowner 12:37:24 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_115) 12:37:25 Server: Update of object 2:17753 arrived from nonowner 12:37:25 Server: Update of object 2:17751 arrived from nonowner 12:37:25 Server: Update of object 2:17752 arrived from nonowner 12:37:25 Server: Update of object 2:17753 arrived from nonowner 12:37:26 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_114) 12:37:29 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_114) 12:37:29 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_115) 12:37:29 Server: Object 4:211 not found (message Type_93) 12:37:29 Server: Object 4:212 not found (message Type_121) 12:37:29 Server: Update of object 2:17753 arrived from nonowner 12:37:29 WARNING: Function 'name' - BIS_player1 has no unit 12:37:29 - network id 2:17753 12:37:29 - person Cap 12:37:29 - dead 12:37:29 WARNING: Function 'name' - BIS_player1 has no unit 12:37:29 - network id 2:17753 12:37:29 - person Cap 12:37:29 - dead 12:37:29 Server: Update of object 2:17753 arrived from nonowner 12:37:29 Server: Update of object 2:17753 arrived from nonowner 12:37:29 Server: Update of object 2:17753 arrived from nonowner 12:37:29 Server: Update of object 2:17753 arrived from nonowner 12:37:29 Server: Update of object 2:17753 arrived from nonowner 12:37:29 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_114) 12:37:29 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_115) 12:37:29 Server: Object 2:18531 not found (message Type_109) 12:37:29 Server: Object 2:18530 not found (message Type_105) 12:37:30 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_114) 12:37:30 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_115) 12:37:30 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433) 12:37:30 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433) 12:37:30 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_114) 12:37:30 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433) 12:37:30 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_128) 12:37:30 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433) 12:37:31 Server: Object 2:18530 not found (message Type_105) 12:37:31 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433) 12:37:31 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433) 12:37:31 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433) 12:37:31 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433) 12:37:32 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433) 12:37:32 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433) 12:37:32 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_128) 12:37:32 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433) 12:37:32 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433) 12:37:32 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433) 12:37:34 Server: Object 2:18530 not found (message Type_105) 12:37:34 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_115) 12:37:38 Server: Object 2:18531 not found (message Type_109) 12:37:39 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_114) 12:37:39 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_115) 12:37:39 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_128) 12:37:42 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_127) 12:37:42 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433) 12:37:43 Server: Object 2:18530 not found (message Type_105) 12:37:44 Server: Object 2:18530 not found (message Type_105) 12:37:44 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_115) 12:37:48 Server: Object 2:18531 not found (message Type_109) 12:37:48 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_114) 12:37:49 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_115) 12:37:50 WARNING: Function 'name' - 804ec000# 145873: lamphalogen_f.p3d has no unit 12:37:50 - network id 1:-1316060719 12:37:50 "KILLFEED event handler fired" 12:37:50 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_114) 12:37:50 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_115) 12:37:50 "KILLFEED event handler fired" 12:37:50 WARNING: Function 'name' - 804ec000# 145873: lamphalogen_f.p3d has no unit 12:37:50 - network id 1:-1316060719 12:37:50 WARNING: Function 'name' - BIS_player1 has no unit 12:37:50 - network id 4:208 12:37:50 - person Cap 12:37:50 - dead 12:37:50 WARNING: Function 'name' - BIS_player1 has no unit 12:37:50 - network id 4:208 12:37:50 - person Cap 12:37:50 - dead 12:37:50 WARNING: Function 'name' - 9f60c600# 1468463: powerline_01_wire_50m_f.p3d has no unit 12:37:50 - network id 1:-1316059089 12:37:50 WARNING: Function 'name' - 9f60c000# 1468462: powerline_01_wire_50m_f.p3d has no unit 12:37:50 - network id 1:-1316059090 12:37:50 WARNING: Function 'name' - 9f60cc00# 1468466: powerline_01_wire_50m_main_f.p3d has no unit 12:37:50 - network id 1:-1316059086 12:37:50 WARNING: Function 'name' - 9f60c600# 1468463: powerline_01_wire_50m_f.p3d has no unit 12:37:50 - network id 1:-1316059089 12:37:50 WARNING: Function 'name' - 9f60c000# 1468462: powerline_01_wire_50m_f.p3d has no unit 12:37:50 - network id 1:-1316059090 12:37:50 WARNING: Function 'name' - 9f60cc00# 1468466: powerline_01_wire_50m_main_f.p3d has no unit 12:37:50 - network id 1:-1316059086 12:37:51 WARNING: Function 'name' - 804e8a00# 143936: lamphalogen_f.p3d has no unit 12:37:51 - network id 1:-1309773248 12:37:51 WARNING: Function 'name' - 804e8a00# 143936: lamphalogen_f.p3d has no unit 12:37:51 - network id 1:-1309773248 12:37:53 Server: Object 2:18530 not found (message Type_105) 12:37:53 Server: Object 4:222 not found (message Type_93) 12:37:53 Server: Object 4:223 not found (message Type_121) 12:37:54 Server: Object 4:225 not found (message Type_121) 12:37:54 Server: Object 4:226 not found (message Type_121) 12:37:54 Error in expression <cRespawnControlsSpectate_display} else {BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_display}; _ctr> 12:37:54 Error position: <BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_display}; _ctr> 12:37:54 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_rscrespawncontrolsmap_display 12:37:54 File A3\functions_f\respawn\fn_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails.sqf [BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails], line 5 12:37:54 Error in expression <pectate_ctrlDetailsControlsGroup} else {BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlDetailsCon> 12:37:54 Error position: <BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlDetailsCon> 12:37:54 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_rscrespawncontrolsmap_ctrldetailscontrolsgroup 12:37:54 File A3\functions_f\respawn\fn_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails.sqf [BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails], line 6 12:37:54 Error in expression <ControlsSpectate_ctrlDetailsList} else {BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlDetailsLis> 12:37:54 Error position: <BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlDetailsLis> 12:37:54 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_rscrespawncontrolsmap_ctrldetailslist 12:37:54 File A3\functions_f\respawn\fn_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails.sqf [BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails], line 7 12:37:54 Error in expression <awnControlsSpectate_ctrlRoleList} else {BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlRoleList};> 12:37:54 Error position: <BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlRoleList};> 12:37:54 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_rscrespawncontrolsmap_ctrlrolelist 12:37:54 File A3\functions_f\respawn\fn_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails.sqf [BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails], line 8 12:37:54 Error in expression <ontrolsSpectate_ctrlComboLoadout} else {BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlComboLoado> 12:37:54 Error position: <BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlComboLoado> 12:37:54 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_rscrespawncontrolsmap_ctrlcomboloadout 12:37:54 File A3\functions_f\respawn\fn_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails.sqf [BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails], line 9 12:37:54 Error in expression <er",time] }]]; }; }; case "remove": { _display displayRemoveEventHandler ["mou> 12:37:54 Error position: <_display displayRemoveEventHandler ["mou> 12:37:54 Error Undefined variable in expression: _display 12:37:54 File A3\functions_f\respawn\fn_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails.sqf [BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails], line 54 12:37:54 Error in expression <ols_details = true; }; case "close": { _detailsList ctrlSetStructuredText parse> 12:37:54 Error position: <_detailsList ctrlSetStructuredText parse> 12:37:54 Error Undefined variable in expression: _detailslist 12:37:54 File A3\functions_f\respawn\fn_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails.sqf [BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails], line 241 12:37:54 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_114) 12:37:54 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_115) 12:37:54 Server: Object 2:18531 not found (message Type_109) 12:37:54 Server: Object 2:18530 not found (message Type_105) 12:37:54 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_114) 12:37:54 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_115) 12:37:54 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_114) 12:37:58 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_115) 12:37:59 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_128) 12:38:00 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_161)