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Found 206 results

  1. venom -ts-

    Need help for this fix

    Hi all, I am pretty new to Arma 3 editing, so bear with me. I have been recently encountering certain issues in SP missions. I would switch to my secondary, then back to my primary weapon, usually it works as per normal but now I have been having this weird error that pops up, whenever I switch from secondary to primary weapons I really have zero clue on how to fix this and would love for some help.
  2. When I place a unit in the Eden Editor and then switch to zeus (by placing the game master thingy) the Units don't show up on my screen and I cant intercat with them. Does anyone have a fix?
  3. Hi, I'm using a trigger to spawn AI (CSAT) boats and make them move to a waypoint (to chase the blufor boats) and I am getting a "generic code error" when I try to do this. The code I have so far is as follows: group_2 = creategroup east; enemy2 = group_2 createVehicle ["O_Boat_Armed_01_hmg_F ",getmarkerpos "spawn2",[],0,"form"]; enemy2 domove (getmarkerpos "waypoint2") This code is situated in the activation section of the trigger. I have a dot marker set as spawn2 and a circle marker set as waypoint 2 (as I'm spawning a load of ground units at the same time who spawn at spawn1). Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
  4. So I've placed laptops in editor and in attributes they have a path for custom textures. I've set one to test if it works and it does in SP. In MP however, only I can see it, my friend cannot. Here is an example, left one is standart, right one has a custom picture. My friend sees them as identical, not even a black screen on the right one. Picture is a jpg in C:\Users\Myusername\Documents\Arma 3\mpmissions\mymissionname\Textures No initfield setObjectTexture or anything. So... does it not work like this and do I make it work then? http://ipic.su/img/img7/fs/a3.1510502138.jpg
  5. Hi, is there any possible way to toggle the visibility layer for a specific module so it won't clutter every inch of my modified Malden map? There are some modules that just have a simple marker but no outer transparent boundaries and it would be great to hide this effect while in 3d editor. Thanks for any help
  6. In my mission, when a Bluefor player enters an area, the trigger causes Independent AI forces to respawn. Altogether 16 Independent soldiers. The problem is that when another Bluefor member also enters the area, another 16 Independent AI enters the game. What should I do to be born only 16 enemies for the entire Bluefor team? Trigger Config Tipe: None Activation: BLUEFOR Activation Type: Present Repeatable: DISABLED Server Only: DISABLED My code: (How to perform this only 1 time to the side (Team). But it can be activated by any player on the team.) if (!isDedicated) then {null = [this] execVM "Gatilhos\Defesa\Alpha\Ind\Squad1.sqf";};
  7. In Arsenal within EDEN, I have tried to add the sand Laser Designator to a NATO unit like a rifleman and then of course the battery, but the battery disappears when I play the mission or reopen the arsenal editor. I've tried adding the item with commands like addItem and assignItem in the init field but it doesn't work either. I've also tried adding it to the vest and the uniform. Is this a bug? It's ruining my mission making induction. I seem to always come across bugs like this that stop me in my tracks and they don't seem to be resolved for years. Sometimes these bugs cripple massive features or my dreams of drag and drop combined arms missions that should take seconds to put together. I tried searching the bug report system and couldn't see anything exactly like this. Pls tell me this is my fault and not a bug so I can live out my dreams.
  8. I've created a mission with a lot of mines for my guys to deal with, only issue is i cant interact with any mine and some objects after i placed it in Eden editor when im in Zeus. I made the basic framework in eden just to worry about troops during the mission. I added the following to the game logic for both of the Zeus's to see all AI's and objects thinking it would cover it. All AI's show up under Zeus and empty cars but no objects. I did some digging through the discussions already but i didn't find anything mentioned like the problem im having. I also have achilles downloaded and when i add the "see all" module when in zeus mode, no new objects shows up for me to control. if (isServer) then { [] spawn { while {true} do { { _x addCuratorEditableObjects [allUnits, true]; _x addCuratorEditableObjects [vehicles, true]; sleep 60; } forEach allCurators; }; }; }; Thoughts?
  9. I am practicing building a CQB training ground. I would like to add some features. the present situation 1. Made me create a task. 2. AI will be summoned at the marker point when the trigger is executed. 3. Removing AI will complete the task. I'm going to do a mission like this. Recreate the task in the game and then go back to I want to make it possible for me to complete it again. In short, it's a rotation system. It's hard to get out of the game and log back in. I was troubled by a nuisance.
  10. Hello, I am trying to make a TreeView dialog that allows me to select units (in fact what I would like is exactly the same treeView of the Eden Editor) and I have been making filters and using the configClasses but I just did not like the result. Anyone know how I could get something like that? I'm using this to filter, but it doesn't seem to be a good approach I think, because some strange units still appear fn_load.sqf _cntrlTree = (findDisplay 1500) displayCtrl 0; _ManList = ("configName _x isKindOf 'Man' AND configName _x isKindOf 'SoldierWB' AND (getText (_x >> 'faction')=='BLU_F') AND (getText(_x >> 'editorSubcategory')=='EdSubcat_Personnel')" configClasses (configFile / "CfgVehicles")); { _text = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> configName _x >> "displayName"); _text0 = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> configName _x >> "editorSubcategory"); _cntrlTree tvAdd [[],_text]; _cntrlTree tvSetTooltip [[_forEachIndex], configName _x]; } forEach _ManList; _cntrlTree tvSort [[], false]; The following is in case someone serves as I am doing the treeVIew, although to solve the problem it may not be necessary. Thanks for the help.
  11. Hello. I would like to know how to have this menu for the plane in game ?
  12. convertedObjects = []; { if (isNil {_x getVariable "preventSimple"}) then { private _interiorPositions = []; _interiorPositions = [_x] call BIS_fnc_buildingPositions; if (count _interiorPositions isEqualTo 0) then { if (lightIsOn _x != "ON" && lightIsOn _x != "AUTO") then { private _position = getPosWorld _x; private _vectorDirUp = [vectorDir _x, vectorUp _x]; private _model = getModelInfo _x select 1; deleteVehicle _x; private _simpleObj = createSimpleObject [_model, _position]; _simpleObj setVectorDirAndUp _vectorDirUp; convertedObjects = convertedObjects + [_x]; }; }; }; } forEach (( allMissionObjects "building" - allMissionObjects "StreetLamp" ) select { !isClass( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "UserActions" ) && ( getArray( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "ladders" ) isEqualTo [] ) }); // add this command to the object's init to prevent it from going simple: // this setVariable ["preventSimple", true]; // use this command to count how many objects were turned into simple objects by the script: // count convertedObjects; // for obvious reasons the script will not turn into simple objects the following objects: // 1) Objects that have interiors 2) Objects that emmit light 3) Objects that have user acctions such as ladders, gates, street barriers etc. The code above replaces all the mission objects (That are not units/vehicles, have no interiors and/or have no lights) with simple ones. I gain +10 FPS immediately after running that code in GLOBAL turning +2100 objects into simple objects on my reference mission. (The FPS increase will depend on how many objects you've added to your mission via EDEN editor). The reduction in stuttering is notorious. Combine this script with other optimization scripts such as view distance and you will get more additional frames than overclocking your CPU without all the dangers! 😉 Special thanks to @Larrow Question for the Arma Gurus: How can I save those results to the mission file so it is those same simple objects right from the start? (Without using such MP resource heavy script). Thanks
  13. I'm doing some sector control missions, and I wanted to know is there a way to subtract more than 1 ticket on a player death?
  14. Quick question there, I have a custom Eden attribute defined that way : class GSRI_frigate_attribute_addWeapons { displayName="$STR_GSRI_frigate_addWeaponsTitle"; tooltip="$STR_GSRI_frigate_addWeaponsTooltip"; property="GSRI_frigate_addWeaponsProperty"; control="Checkbox"; expression="_this setVariable ['toto',_value,true]"; defaultValue="true"; }; It works just fine in Eden, as the checkbox is properly displayed with the correct name, tooltip and default value. Similarly, displaying this class with the in-game config viewer shows that the attribute is correctly added. However, when I run the mission, there is no variable "toto" in the object's namespace. I'm probably missing something very obvious but I can't put my finger on it. Any idea ?
  15. igame360

    Static Animations

    I love creating pictures in Arma. But i have all the static animation packs. But I feel there needs to be more for the modern day mods and more variety. I've found a couple of video tutorials. But they were unclear, and there wasn't any audio to it. It was also for animations(loading) not a static animation. Can anyone point me in the appropriate direction to find the correct information I'll need to contribute to the community. Thanks in advance. PS. No I didn't search the thread.
  16. Hi Community ! I'm happy (and a bit proud) to present my work : Macaco's mod… A mod everyday ""work in progress"... for now 9 modules... - AI Reaction (Requires CBA, TASKFORCERADIO) With this module you can activate the "hearing" of the AI, which will hear you when you speak with TASK FORCE RADIO - Timer (Requires CBA, ACE) With this module you can activate a timer, based on the DAYTIME variable (totally rewritten) - FollowMe (Requires CBA, ACE) With this module it is possible to enable an ACE interaction menu that allows the player to have some AI commands run: *follow me *stop *lying *stand up * go up to the nearest vehicle * wears protective clothing (helmet + harness) * handcuffing (use a band) *to free - "Logistic Vehicle" module. (Requires CBA, ACE) With this module (can be synchronized with just one faction vehicle) it is possible to create a logistic vehicle for refueling / resetting and vehicle repair ... Also you can use an AI that "simulates" the repair of the vehicle but that if killed will make subsequent repairs impossible ... - "Earthquake" (Requires CBA, ACE) The module allows to create earthquakes with destructive areas; the intensity of the earthquake is adjustable ... - Module "HQ" (Requires CBA, TASKFORCERADIO) The module allows you to create an HQ vehicle with different features: * Equip the vehicle with aeronautical radio with 40km range (Task Force Radio) * Equip the vehicle (in the inventory) with UAV backpack (Darter), batteries and terminal (depending on faction) * Equip the vehicle with an omnidirectional radio disturbance antenna (Task Force Radio) * Equip the vehicle with a directive antenna (movable) to increase the range / power of the radio (Task Force Radio) -"Sounds Of War" module (Requires CBA, ACE) The module allows you to create areas with war sound effects and possibly (real) explosions and light flares, useful for example to delimit areas game recreating a more realistic situation ... -"Supplies" module (Requires CBA, ACE) The module allows you to request a supply case, with a virtual arsenal set by the editor. The module is equipped with various options for operating dynamics. -"Watch" Module (Requires CBA, ACE) With this module it is possible to activate a clock (with graphic interface) that creates two alarms, publishes useful variables for triggers and executes sqf files at the end of alarms .... - "Advanced Stamina" Module (Requires CBA, ACE) (feat. Hollywood) This module manages advanced stamina, adding the possibility of drinking, eating, etc ... Note for those who used the previous mod "Advanced Stamina Mod": Edit the missions with the old mod and then re-insert the modules with Macaco's Mod ON STEAM WORKSHOP: Macaco's mod ON YOU TUBE: Macaco's Channel (Tutorials) SECONDO REGGIMENTO INCURSORI ( 2RGT ) : http://www.secondoreggimento.it/
  17. ArmA III has many different vehicles, each with several different available textures. Some like the offroad (and now with the release of Tanks DLC, most armored vehicles as well) even have certain components like doors, camo nets, bags, and supplemental armor that can be added or removed. I love these customization options-- the only problem: it's impossible to edit any of this in-game. My friends and I like to play scenarios using MCC and Zeus to create missions on-the-fly rather than create them beforehand in Eden. This allows for spontaneity and overall shorter prep time. However, Zeus currently lacks the ability to edit vehicle appearance in any way. Currently, if I want an offroad with a different camo pattern or a tank with extra armor around the tracks, I have to edit a scenario to include that specific vehicle for the one missions I will use it in. Adding the ability to customize vehicle appearance to Zeus would go a long way in allowing players like myself to enjoy some of these customization options, especially now that some of them actually have function (e.g. supplemental armor around tank tracks). Players had similar complaints after Jets DLC dropped and there was no way to edit the pylons in Zeus, and then that feature was added. It seems like it'd be similarly easy to add this as well. TL;DR We should be able to edit vehicle appearance in Zeus like we do in Eden.
  18. Hey! How's it going. I wanted to see if anyone also is having troubles or have resolved a form to get backpacks rotated in Eden editor to stay as they are when the game launches? For example, I wanted to hang a backpack off a railing, the backpack once the game launches, drops to the floor as if it were dropped by a player. I've attempted to remove it's simulation, dynamic simulation, damage, showing it's model, and different combinations of each in an attempt to solve this. By any chance does someone have a fix to this or a script that can be used to paste into the init for the bag to keep it where it's at? Example photos at the Imgur link below. https://imgur.com/a/DJbB2r8 Thank you for your time! 😁
  19. Hello, I am trying to use the "Key Frame Animation" to make a little cinematic but I have a doubt that I have not found anywhere. Context: I already have all the modules of the "Key Frame Animation" ready and the camera moves well with the modes: Animation, Move, Nothing. Question: How should the objective to look at be introduced? I understand that it goes in the Rich Curve module, Look input. But I just didn't understand its syntax. The description says: <EdenId, TargetObject> As default: [-1, <NULL-object>] If I have an object called Target_0 which is what I want to look with the camera, what should I do? Thanks in advance. Spyke
  20. Ladys and Gentleman, Maybe i oversaw the Question or this is something nobody asked yet. My Question is Simple: Is there a Way to work together in the Eden Editor at the same time or will a Multiplayer version of the Eden Editor released some day? With best regards Leerian Dark
  21. I want to make a Mission with multiple Zeus. But when I place two virtual Zeus units and sync them with a Game Master Module each and sync these GameMaster Modules with the GameMaster Module (the one from Gamemodes) the second Zeus cant place anything exept for Markers. Is this a bug or is there any way to fix this? Both virtual Units have a different variable name and are set as owners of the two GameMaster modules.
  22. Hey guys, as i bought the Creator DLC, i first edited the new Wefelingen map in the EDEN Editor for a little nice base for my ZEUS missions. When i had it finished, i uploaded it to my Nitrado Server via FileZilla. As i joined in the lobby, the lobby started "flashing" with errors in the bottom left corner. I already put the "-mod:gm" in the modification field. And i tried it again with no assets or other buildings. I simply have the spawn and the roles on the map. I tried it with the winter map and the normal map. As i cant edit the files i dont know how to fix it. The only mods i have loaded are: - Achilles - CBA_A3 I hope you can help me 🙂
  23. Hi All. Im creating a multiplayer mission where I want it to start with the players in a helicopter, and they get dropped off, and then the first spawn starts from there and then later on they have choices of new spawn points. the problem I'm having is that when I select in the editor "select respawn position" I start in the bottom left corner (south west) of the map. Only when I take the the tick box off does the player start off where I have him in the editor. Is there a way to have the player start in position you have him in the editor, (in the helicopter beling delivered) and still have selectable respawn points? Its driving me mad a little as I only just looked at this and my mission is nearly finished. I have tried on player init to put "this incargo heli1" but it still ends up in the middle of the sea. As a background I have done everything in eden editor and no scripting, I don't know how to do that..... Thanks for your help James
  24. I found this thread of Arma2 from 2009 which asks the very same question. Now I must say I haven't tried this yet but, I wonder upon the release of Eden update if there are better alternatives given sync seems to have been sort of discontinued (I'm a Mission Editor amateur so I don't know if sync still actually exists.) or if simply there are better methods as of 2016's Arma 3 capabilities unlike A2 from 2009. Assurance of A2's method and possible alternatives are welcome. Thanks in advance.
  25. Hello! I run a WWII Milsim unit and need to make an op for this Saturday. I want to have a spawn where my guys can load in, and kit up with BI Virtual Arsenal, and then I want to have a spawn point on a moving, AI controlled plane ( C -47 ) that all of my guys can spawn into, it puts them in a seat, and we can then jump out accordingly. Is this possible?