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Whenever I start the scenario in either Singleplayer or Multiplayer I load into this. I can't control or move the camera, but I can access the menu (which sometimes stops working too for no reason). The only way I've found to get past this is to open the Zeus menu while ingame, which doesn't work for any units I don't allow to Zeus (i.e. player characters). I'm kinda at my wit's end with this and would appreciate some help. I don't think this is a mod problem since it started to occur after I had already loaded in with no problems with the same mod set up, but just in case here's my list of mods. Edit: After an arduous trial and error testing of what was breaking the mission (i.e. deleting things individually, testing if it worked, then adding more and more back) I found that what was messing up my mission was one of the Ares mod structures. In particular, it was the AP minefield. Once I deleted it, the problem went away entirely.
Does anyone know how to change spawn rotation on this script?
doubleniner9 posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hi all, I'm having a few issues with a script that I've come across and want to use. I've already used the current version of the script to spawn objects in with their default rotation, but now I'm wondering if there is any way to rotate them? getDir and getMarkerDir haven't worked for me so far, so any help is much appreciated. here is the version of the script I'm currently using, for reference: "Land_W_sharpRock_wallH" createVehicle getMarkerPos "marker0"; where "Land_W_sharpRock_wallH" is just an example object and "marker0" is the example marker I'm using as a spawn location. P.S. I'm incredibly new to scripting stuff in arma, so please be kind to me, I'm just trying to learn, but with that said any criticism is welcome! -
How to make Eden (Everon) editable?
Meowdevmittens posted a topic in Arma Reforger - Terrain Creation
Hey, I have seen this tutorial by Jerry Hopper Arma Reforger Cinematic Timeline howto . He is saving the whole map into the modfolder to make Eden editable, but in my version the "Save world as" button is greyed out. Does anyone know a workaround? It would be just awesome to get the possibility to delete objects and changing the terrain for so many mod ideas. I don't know why BI is restricting that. Same with the texture files. Modded weapons, cars and everything else could look like it would fit perfectly in the game. Have a nice day Mittens -
Hi i have a question how is it currently working for you ? I have : class CfgSentences { class ConversationsAtBase { class Briefing { file = "brief.bikb"; #include "brief.bikb" }; }; class ConversationsAtOutpost { class Outpost { file = "taskone.bikb"; #include "taskone.bikb" }; }; }; and run via trigger : nul = execVM "chat1.sqf"; . and it throws me an error that the class ConversationAtBase cannot be found. I have chat1.sqf to run the dialog for briefing and chat2.sqf to run the trigger after the task is completed. Everything is put in the same folder where the mission is stored. brief.bikb : class Sentences { class Brief_Jenda_Line_1 { text = "Hello gentlemen, I have a mission for you. You scouts need to climb the hill north of here. It's somewhere between the road and the shithole town of Kundshalaka. There's an anti-aircraft detachment of those goatmen there, and the helicopters can't fly because of it." speech[] = { "\chat\t1.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = "Jenda"; }; class Brief_Matous_Line_2 { text = "Understood, sir. I'll pack up my men and we'll go shoot them." speech[] = { "\chat\t2.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = "Matous"; }; class Brief_Jenda_Line_3 { text = "That's not all Sarge . When you clear this you need to go down to the town between Shakalaka and some Yakavlanka's factory . The civilians are said to have some important information so ask them what they know." speech[] = { "\chat\t3.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = "Jenda"; }; class Brief_Matous_Line_4 { text = "Yes, sir. I understand, sir. Chalpy let's go get 'em." speech[] = { "\chat\t4.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = "Matous"; }; class Brief_Patrik_Line_5 { text = "Yes sir..... Let's unleash the carnage!!!!!" speech[] = { "\chat\t5.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = "Patrick"; }; }; class Arguments {}; class Special {}; startWithVocal[] = {hour}; startWithConsonant[] = {europe, university}; . chat1.sqf : ["Briefing", "ConversationsAtBase"] call bis_fnc_kbtell; chat2.sqf : ["Outpost", "ConversationsAtOutpost"] call bis_fnc_kbtell; taskone : class Sentences { class Outpost_Matous_Line_1 { text = "Alpha 1-1 to Hotel 1-1. The anti-aircraft detachment has been successfully destroyed. Receiving." speech[] = { "\chat\o1.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = "Matous"; }; class class class Outpost_Jenda_Line_2 { text = "Hotel 1-1 Roger. Alpha 1-1, move to the factory and ask the civilians what they need. The helicopter crew can get ready. You may need reception." speech[] = { "chat1.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = "Jenda"; }; class Brief_Matous_Line_3 { text = "Roger. Let's move to the factory over." speech[] = { "\chat\o3.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = "Matous"; }; class Brief_Ondra_Line_4 { text = "Roger. Let's get the helicopters ready. In case we need to support the boys. Over." speech[] = { "\chat\o5.ogg" } class Arguments {}; actor = "Ondra"; }; }; class Arguments {}; class Special {}; startWithVocal[] = {hour}; startWithConsonant[] = {europe, university};
edit [EDIT]How to load custom 2D map in mission
Gensrue posted a topic in ARMA 3 - QUESTIONS & ANSWERS
I have been troubled by the fact that changes made in 3DEdit are not reflected on the 2D map. Maybe there is no solution to this problem in Eden Editor. This "2D map" is the tactical map that appears when you press the M key! Not how to add map to whiteboard. Therefore, I'm currently looking for a way to import images that have been modified directly using an image editing tool as a 2D map within a mission. Is this possible? please share your wisdom with me. +I'm bad at searching, so I may have missed similar posts. It would be helpful if you could provide us with such information! -
I'm trying to make ambient urban combat sounds around a group of players that will be moving through a city by placing units that fire at different intervals with different weapons in order to use less entities than if I were to place squads to fight eachother for the ambience. I have searched high and low for a scrip to put into the Eden Init of an entity to make a unit fire in bursts instead of just 1 shot every x seconds. null = this spawn {_this dotarget t3; sleep 0.5; while {alive t3 and alive _this} do {sleep 0.2; g1 action ["useweapon",vehicle _this,_this,0]; }}; sleep 1 This is the script I'm using, but with this script the AI just shoots once every 0.2 seconds, realoads then fires every 0.2 seconds again. I want the AI to fire a burst of 5 shots, wait for 2 seconds, fire 5 shots and wait for another 2 seconds, then fire a longer burst of 7 shots then wait for 30 seconds. I am terrible at understanding codes like these and every thread I've found on this issue is years old and doesn't answer my question directly but instead basically sais ''Play around until it works'' well I can't cause I'm dumb Sorry if there is an answer for this somewhere and I'm just blind. Thanks for any help I can get!
I'm totally new to scripting for custom missions in ArmA, and I'm running into an issue with the execution of a .sqf file. The game knows the file is where it's supposed to be but nothing happens after. execVM "SpecOps.sqf"; I put the above into the init boxes of several units but the commands I put in the file wont execute. This is how they are written verbatum spaces and all: player enablestamina false; player enablefatigue false; player setAnimSpeedCoef 1.1; player setUnitRecoilCoefficient 0; player setCustomAimCoef 0; I don't understand why they aren't working or how else to write them and i'd like it to only execute on certain units. I apologize for my ineptitude, i used the wiki but not very well apparently.
Hey everyone! I am looking at different options to improve the performance during my arma sessions. Frequently, I make use of the hide objects module for various purposes. Now I am wondering if this module, or a code, can be used in a radius around players .. effectively hiding certain objects beyond the distance from players? That way you would only immediately render what you can see, and nothing else beyond what is around you.
Respawn point set directly between two different squads
_RoosterCat_ posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I've been searching for awhile now and trying to implement into multiple missions but haven't quite gotten it yet. How would someone like myself, set a respawn point using a marker directly between two squads? I have a marker set as "respawn_west_Alpha" and I use: while {true} do { //Moves base marker in the editor to position of vehicle every 45 seconds "Respawn_west_Alpha" setmarkerpos getpos p1; sleep 45; }; but I still haven't been able to get it working with two. The reason I am trying for this is because I play with AI and they respawn on any position with respawn_west in it and if its multiplayer. If there are multiple I'm pretty sure they respawn on random ones, and I want this mission to have two player led squads that requires a lot of teamwork, so it makes sense for the squads to stay close and only use one respawn point that follows. If I can figure this out, as well as getting two squads to spawn on two seperate points, I'd be set. Any feedback is great, appreciate your time reading this -
Script to destroy specific class name(s) in radius
Low Fat Milk posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hello all, I have been trying to set up a script that destroys specific class names within an area for a community I am in. The idea is to eventually get the script as part of a module but I am unable to get the base script working yet. Any help reviewing my errors would be appreciated. PolterDrones = ["212th_UAV","212th_UAV_ATK"]; DeadDrones = PolterDrones; NearbyDeadDrones = nearestObjects [Jammer1, DeadDrones, 500, false, false]; { ExplodedDrones = typeOf _x; if (ExplodedDrones in PolterDrones) then { _x setDamage 1; }; forEach _NearbyDeadDrones; }; -
mulitplayer scripting Executing holdAction on a dedicated server
Lukas Lee posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hello guys, I have a strange problem with the following script: tsk = format ["tsk%1", random 100]; [allPlayers, tsk, ["Hack the watchtower to get information about the position of the opposing players!", "Watchtower", ""], laptop, "ASSIGNED", 99, true, "download", true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; [laptop, "Activate watchtower", "\a3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\holdactions\holdaction_connect_ca.paa", "\a3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\holdactions\holdaction_connect_ca.paa", "player distance laptop < 5", "player distance laptop < 3", {num = execVM "watchtower\durring.sqf";}, {}, {nul = execVM "watchtower\gegner_markieren_v3.sqf", nul = execVM "watchtower\sleep.sqf", [tsk, "SUCCEEDED", true] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_taskSetState", 0, true], sleep 0.1, [tsk, allPlayers, true] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_deleteTask", 0, true];}, {["Hacking canceled!"] remoteExec ["hintSilent", 0, true], sleep 1; [""] remoteExec ["hintSilent", 0, true], call{playSound "cancel";}, execVM "watchtower\deletion_sound.sqf";}, [], 15, 0, true, false] remoteExec ["bis_fnc_holdactionadd", 0, true]; With the script I add a holdaction function to a laptop. When I start the mission in the Eden editor in singleplayer or multiplayer everything works as it should. The script is executed by the init.sqf and the holdaction function is displayed on the laptop. When I complete it with the spacebar it disappears again as it should. However, when I host the mission on my dedicated Arma server, the holdaction appears twice for some reason. Once with text and once without. Both run the same code when I use it and then disappear, but reappearing twice when I run the script again. Can any of you help me further? And tell me why this happens? Thanks- 10 replies
- holdaction
- arma3
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Issue with SpawnAI Sector Tactic Module
_RoosterCat_ posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Working on a Zeus v Zeus Sector control gamemode, and I'm using custom units that I've already added into the AISpawner and they spawn and function correctly. To give an example of my issue, there are 4 spawners. 2 for OPFOR 2 for Blufor. 1 Blufor spawner starts connected only to a sector tactics module, and spawn ai options module. the other 3 spawners are connected to both previously mentioned modules, as well as a trigger with: Type: none Activation: none repeatable condition: (Alpha getVariable "owner") == west; This forces the 3 other spawners to wait until Alpha is captured by Blufor, then unlocks them and allows them to proceed as normal, locking them again if Opfor takes Alpha. All that is working well, and even works with multiple sectors. My problem is, I have the sectors on an "unlock" feature for Blufor only, so the only sector that shows up is A on the right side of the screen, until it is captured by Blufor. Sector > Unlock > Trigger > Sector for anyone wondering how I had that set up. The screen goes black upon the unlock, which I read was normal, then B and C are visible in the top right where sectors usually are but for some reason both Blufor spawners stop trying to capture the now available Beta and Charlie sectors. Opfor spawners work as intended and unlock, and begin spawning in units that charge sector A. Things I've tested: Redoing all my modules and triggers used Connecting separate Sector Tactics module to the trigger mentioned before and using deleteVehicle "x" to delete the previous sector tactic. -in doing this, I noticed Opfor continued charging Alpha, but neither Blufor spawners did anything aside from spawn in units that stood around. Anything I can do to resolve this? I want dynamic spawners that aren't too close to the sectors, but it seems like the sector tactic module breaks for Blufor after B and C are unlocked. -
[Solved] Making AI from the Spawn AI module editable through Zeus
_RoosterCat_ posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hi I'm attempting to make it where the ai that spawn from the Spawn AI module editable by the Zeus, I've been looking around and haven't found anything yet.. I thought when I first started my mission testing I was able to edit them as they spawned but it appears now I am unable to. Will update if I find myself a solution -
Singleplayer - Changing Player's Characher by Script
Bravo 6-6 posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hi, I'm preparing a singleplayer mission and I need to change the player's character in mid-game. Basically, I have a playe character variable named "petros". By a trigger triggered, I need to change player's character variable named "delta_4". "petros" is civilian faction but "delta_4" is BLUFOR and in another place in the map, doing another thing. Is that possible, how do I do that? -
Hey, so I've got a question regarding the setting up of multiplayer spawns *on* static ships in ARMA 3. No matter what I do, I am unable to successfully spawn onto a static ship, such as in the hangar bay of a destroyer, or on the flight deck of a carrier. Is there some secret Bohemian sorcery that I simply don't know that makes it work, because there's absolutely zero material out there on this matter and it's beginning to get frustrating.
Apply Special States to Objects Via Trigger
SchmittyWerbenJagermanJensen posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hello, I am trying to apply special states to a vehicle with a trigger, due to the states being reset to their defaults upon the respawning of a vehicle. Specifically, the Forbid Disembarking state from 3den Enhanced: Forbid Disembarking Description: Crew stays in vehicle even though the vehicle is disabled. Property: ENH_allowCrewInImmobile DefaultValue: false Is there a way to apply this state to any vehicle that enters the affected area of a trigger? I would like it to apply to any vehicle that passes through the trigger regardless of having a variable name. -OR- I am also using a module from MGI Advanced Modules to allow for the vehicles to respawn with the crew members and keep their waypoints. The problem I face is seen when a member of the vehicle bails out and maintains his move, move, cycle waypoints. Then, the vehicle explodes later and respawns. Sometimes, the vehicle will respawn and will not move from its starting position since the waypoints are stuck to the crew member who left earlier. That being said, if there is a way to give orders to units that enter a trigger zone that would be a good workaround. Thanks. -
Hi, I want to know, what's the classname for each factions of the new DLC S.O.G Preairie for edits missions? In the game base I know the main factions BLU_F, OPF_F, CIV_F, but don't for this DLC somebody can help me with this?
HOW TO FIX an issue were i cant see a building i saved in eden, in zeus
theyo posted a topic in ARMA 3 - ZEUS EDITING
yes i used the Customs composition tab to save but i cant see it i have it saved in the other tab and all i see is the other stuff i made not the item im looking for -
Hi all, I trying to make a custom mission using CUP Terrains and RHS US and Russia weapons, and after making a custom loadout my AI won't respawn with their main weapon, just a pistol. They have everything else from their custom loadout and the method I've used has worked perfectly before so I'm unsure what the issue is. I've created the description.ext, onPlayerKilled.sqf and onPlayerRespawn.sqf and put in the necessary code which has worked before. Any help will be appreciated. Also the code for onPlayerKilled is p1 setVariable["Saved_Loadout_p1",getUnitLoadout p1]; p2 setVariable["Saved_Loadout_p2",getUnitLoadout p2]; p3 setVariable["Saved_Loadout_p3",getUnitLoadout p3]; p4 setVariable["Saved_Loadout_p4",getUnitLoadout p4]; p5 setVariable["Saved_Loadout_p5",getUnitLoadout p5]; p6 setVariable["Saved_Loadout_p6",getUnitLoadout p6]; p7 setVariable["Saved_Loadout_p7",getUnitLoadout p7]; p8 setVariable["Saved_Loadout_p8",getUnitLoadout p8]; And for onPlayerRespawn removeAllWeapons p1; removeAllWeapons p2; removeAllWeapons p3; removeAllWeapons p4; removeAllWeapons p5; removeAllWeapons p6; removeAllWeapons p7; removeAllWeapons p8; removeGoggles p1; removeGoggles p2; removeGoggles p3; removeGoggles p4; removeGoggles p5; removeGoggles p6; removeGoggles p7; removeGoggles p8; removeHeadgear p1; removeHeadgear p2; removeHeadgear p3; removeHeadgear p4; removeHeadgear p5; removeHeadgear p6; removeHeadgear p7; removeHeadgear p8; removeVest p1; removeVest p2; removeVest p3; removeVest p4; removeVest p5; removeVest p6; removeVest p7; removeVest p8; removeUniform p1; removeUniform p2; removeUniform p3; removeUniform p4; removeUniform p5; removeUniform p6; removeUniform p7; removeUniform p8; removeAllAssignedItems p1; removeAllAssignedItems p2; removeAllAssignedItems p3; removeAllAssignedItems p4; removeAllAssignedItems p5; removeAllAssignedItems p6; removeAllAssignedItems p7; removeAllAssignedItems p8; clearAllItemsFromBackpack p1; clearAllItemsFromBackpack p2; clearAllItemsFromBackpack p3; clearAllItemsFromBackpack p4; clearAllItemsFromBackpack p5; clearAllItemsFromBackpack p6; clearAllItemsFromBackpack p7; clearAllItemsFromBackpack p8; removeBackpack p1; removeBackpack p2; removeBackpack p3; removeBackpack p4; removeBackpack p5; removeBackpack p6; removeBackpack p7; removeBackpack p8; p1 setUnitLoadout(p1 getVariable["Saved_Loadout_p1",[]]); p2 setUnitLoadout(p2 getVariable["Saved_Loadout_p2",[]]); p3 setUnitLoadout(p3 getVariable["Saved_Loadout_p3",[]]); p4 setUnitLoadout(p4 getVariable["Saved_Loadout_p4",[]]); p5 setUnitLoadout(p5 getVariable["Saved_Loadout_p5",[]]); p6 setUnitLoadout(p6 getVariable["Saved_Loadout_p6",[]]); p7 setUnitLoadout(p7 getVariable["Saved_Loadout_p7",[]]); p8 setUnitLoadout(p8 getVariable["Saved_Loadout_p8",[]]);
Hey guys, i am making a scenario where Player1 has to clear area then hold an FOB. Once that is completed i would like to be able to automatically switch to another character that will now be Player1. IE. USA squad clear area around FOB, once cleared Player1 goes to black screen and Player1 is now in the back of a Humvee in a British squad is this possible with a script for the trigger?
I spent the last two weeks making a Mission, ive probably spent well over a hundred Hours making it. Today i was about 99% done. When i wanted to test my recent changes (I Built a Trench and wanted to see if the player can go through it without issues) i pressed "Play in Multiplayer" like you would normally, however instead of the over 100 playable Units that i placed down, only the one that i specifically placed down to test showed up in the Role assignment. I went back into the editor and discovered that Literally EVERYTHING except that last playable Unit that i placed down was gone. If you press "Play" the Mission will autosave and therfore overwrite itself. Is there a way to recover the older Version of the "mission.sqm" ? Im willing to try just about anything at this point as recreating a mission with over 100 Playable Units that all have indevidual Loadouts, all the custom Vehicles and especially all the scripted Triggers will be a Pain to recreate and honestly my motivation to do so is also gone after this ordeal. (sorry for any spelling mistakes, english is not my native languidge.) Please Help 😕
Specific AI Classname Placements + Patrol
saddle posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hello guys, thanks for taking the time. I am working hard on an experience for some people that I am going to entertain as Zeus and mission maker, but gotten to a point where I have not manage to find any module, mod or other script that meet my specific needs. My friends during their adventure through a map, will come and go to different locations, and return to the same ones again potentially. Each time they do, I want to be able to spawn in AI units, under specific classnames, in very specific location like a marker or trigger. Maybe one AI of one type of classname stands at a gatehouse, and another AI of another type of classname is standing outside in the rain. But each time they go there, they will spawn in into the same spot or markers. And if they leave, they will despawn again, in order to save on performance for the server. I have seen many population scripts out there, but they generally populate areas and houses, they do not place them into very specific manual locations, or i can choose which classname will be placed down to the detail. I am also looking for the option that if I spawn a third guy by the guard house, he starts to patrol in a small radius when he has appeared. I can easily create this by placing down NPCs, but it is going to tax the performance if I have so many different locations populated all at once. It would be better if they despawn on leaving, and respawn on approach. It would also be useful if there are specific enemy classnames in an area they can attack, they will respawn later in case they want to go back and do the same attack over again. Anyone has any ideas or suggestions? Much appreciated!- 6 replies
- classname
- placements
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Covert VIP ambush - SetCaptive issue
darkdespair55 posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hello All, So I am trying to make a CIA style mission based around one of the redone buildings on Cam Lao Nam (Multiplayer, self or server hosted). The players will start off as unarmed Blufor operatives in civis and take a ride on Air America. I know I need to use the setCaptive command but I am having issues with the event handler to remove this status. I am using eden editor and not putting extra script files in, just doing it all via the character init boxes. I found some of the below code on an older post but cant get it to work right. In this case SL1 is the squad leader and I'm trying this all just on one before copying it over. The goal is that when the player equips a weapon from the virtual arsenal box I have hidden in a van near the objective they lose the setCaptive state. Any help debugging whats below would be appreciated. *INIT BOX (Of the player)* removeAllWeapons SL1; //remove the weapons and items from default characters inventory removeAllItems SL1; removeAllAssignedItems SL1; SL1 setCaptive true; //set initial captive state this addEventHandler ["Take", { _unit = _this select 0; //at one point it would error out if I had this set at 0 but it seems to be accepting it now. *EDIT/Updated* _item = _this select 2; if ((_item isKindOf ["Rifle", configFile >> "CfgWeapons"]) || (_item isKindOf ["Pistol", configFile >> "CfgWeapons"]) || (_item isKindOf ["Launcher", configFile >> "CfgWeapons"])) then { _unit setCaptive false; //this is what was in the example [_unit, false] remoteExec["setCaptive"]; //tried adding server remote call and it didnt change anything. hint "You picked up a weapon enemies will now be hostile!"; }; }]; myfancygroup = group this; //This is for a helicopter to know the whole spawned group is onboard before taking off- 5 replies
- eden
- setcaptive
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edeneditor Hiding/Showing Items
Mister_Shiloh posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Good morning! I was just wondering if there's a script to hide objects and make them reappear, using another object as an interactable? In this image, I'd like the green console on the right to have an interactable menu that will be able to "deactivate-" aka hide- the red bridge. How would I go about doing this? Any and all help will be appreciated, Thanks! -
Issues Calling a SQF from a RemoteExcec
Captinlarry posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Im having issues calling a Sqf through a simple radio trigger using a RemoteExcec call{playsound "JediDown";}; remoteExec ["Scripts\Start.sqf", 2]; The Trigger in Question Bane of my existence Path Scripts\Start List of SQFs Also having some issues with Addactions that activate SQFs. call{this addaction [ "Disable Security Lockdown", { "StarLock.sqf" remoteExec ["execVM", 2];}];} I was Using this ^^ but my Mod guys tell me that will call on every machine, kill frames and crash the server. Any and all help would be apperciated- 4 replies
- sqf
- remoteexcec
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