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Found 7 results

  1. OPCOM - OPERATIONS COMMAND VERSION: DOWNLOAD: Steam Workshop DESCRIPTION OPCOM is a "see what you get" menu to set up a single-player scenario for missions and a basic liberation mode. You can also drop into other maps, directly from your current scenario, to execute a special operations mission. It takes just a few clicks to set everything up to your liking. Also great for testing new maps and other content. The menu has customization options, so you don't have to stick with its name, colors, or my logo in the boot sequence. More things to come in the future. WARNING: 1. This mod is still in development. Bugs and errors are guaranteed! 2. This mod is made out of fun, not to compete or replace other mods! 3. This mod is not perfect, but I am willing to learn, optimize and clean my scripts. 4. My military knowledge is from games and movies. Military terms might not be used correctly. This mod wouldn't exist, without all the great people here in the community. Without you, I don't know what I would have done when I couldn't wrap my head around an issue. To all of you who are contributing to the Wiki and Forum... THANK YOU! GLOBAL OPS UPDATE (17.02.2022) In Global Ops, you will drop from your current scenario into any other map of your choice in the Arma world! Here's what you can expect: Deploy from your current scenario to Global Ops missions on any other map. Set up to three different objectives for your operation. Insert on foot, with a helicopter or para drop into the action. Easy Access from a homebase on Stratis in Singleplayer Scenarios. Your entire setup carries over to the Global Ops mission. The Global Ops mission ends after all objectives are done or failed. MORE UPDATE FEATURES OPCOM should now work on more maps, as long as they have at least three locations. OPCOM should now work with more factions. You can now add and delete single units from your squad. Access to the full arsenal, including all ACE items. Import and export your OPCOM loadouts to BIS and ACE arsenals. Add vehicles from all factions of your side to your current faction. Change your operator type in the commander settings of your faction. Randomized weather system (experimental). OPCOM now works on other screens than 16:9 (at least tested with 4:3, 16:10, and 21:9) Your squad now heals themselves or each other when wounded or down. Disable OPCOM respawn and revive system entirely. Script and performance optimization. For a full list of all features, tweaks and fixes have a look at the patch notes below. SCREENSHOTS OPCOM KEY FEATURES full operator customization, including inventory management and gunsmith import and export loadouts with BIS and ACE arsenals support setup, incl. transport, CAS, artillery, and vehicle drops faction setup for your scenario customize the name, flag, vehicles, and groups of factions six missions available, plus liberation game mode world settings, incl. random patrols, air traffic, and random weather system (experimental) various settings for gameplay, AI difficulty, and menu customization transfer your settings between different OPCOM scenarios HOW TO USE OPCOM Place a unit on the map in 3DEN editor (you can change faction etc, in the menu). Place the OPCOM module on the map. It can be found in ‘modules >> ai-mods’ Save your mission to single-player scenarios or play directly from within the editor. Open OPCOM from your action menu or bind a key in Arma settings. COMPATIBILITY AND KNOWN ISSUES Don’t use respawn, revive or damage multipliers, if you use ACE or other mods that include medical features or damage handling. Some combinations of mods may cause issues when spawning the dummies or vehicles in the menu (just happened once with Project Blufor and COD: MW2-Core enabled. The Game crashed when a new dummy spawned on faction change.) Performance drops with ambient flybys over large AI groups. Various problems if you decide to play in multiplayer, despite the mod's singleplayer nature! Bloodlust mod conflicts with OPCOM respawn (will look into it). FUTURE PLANS coop support more objectives squad units customization civilians I don't want to plan too much ahead. The top priority at the moment is to make this mod stable. But I'm curious about your feedback and what you want to be added. THANK YOU! Bohemia Interactive: Thank you for giving us Arma without any boundaries. Community: Thank you to everyone who is contributing to the Wiki and Forums. Honorable Mentions: KillzoneKid, das attorney, Dedmen, Gunter Severloh, Larrow, PierreMGI, serena, Tajin Test-Squad: Arsenic, CazerVarix, Berni, Gattobuono, and Z Lone-Wolf-Patch by Domi Task Icons by Kalthramis (GitHub) PATCH NOTES v.0.0.220217.1 v.0.0.211204.3 v.0.0.211121.1 DONATIONS You like my mod? You want to support me? Thank you in advance! At the moment, every cent is appreciated. MAKE ARMA, NOT WAR! DOWNLOAD Steam-Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2651774379
  2. MourningStarV

    Grenade Glitch

    It’s funny, since just a few days ago I read a comment saying, “Grenades get thrown automatically when you aim.” I mean I thought it was silly as I’ve never had this happen to me. But what do you know, the EXACT same thing just happened. It seems this bug is very inconsistent. Sometimes the Grenades work as intended, but other times it throws itself exactly when you aim, giving no time for the outlander to determine the path of the grenade. Please fix this bug as soon as possible as this affects whether you win a firefight or not. Also, load out presets aren’t working for PlayStation apparently. If you don’t mind, please look into that as well. Much love and continue the great work!
  3. Hello guys, ı have been trying to change some of the loadouts of game classes such as rifleman, grenadier, and medic with a different weapon that is already in-game. How can I do this? Whenever ı edit the regarding config.bin files with Editpad+ it just doesn't work, it gives me out of memory errors and it doesn't really work. Am ı missing something or just doing it wrong please show me the true way for config_men loadout customization. Please help me to fix this annoying issue, ı just want to spawn "rifleman" with m4 without needing to write any codes to the Initialization sector.
  4. ArmA III has many different vehicles, each with several different available textures. Some like the offroad (and now with the release of Tanks DLC, most armored vehicles as well) even have certain components like doors, camo nets, bags, and supplemental armor that can be added or removed. I love these customization options-- the only problem: it's impossible to edit any of this in-game. My friends and I like to play scenarios using MCC and Zeus to create missions on-the-fly rather than create them beforehand in Eden. This allows for spontaneity and overall shorter prep time. However, Zeus currently lacks the ability to edit vehicle appearance in any way. Currently, if I want an offroad with a different camo pattern or a tank with extra armor around the tracks, I have to edit a scenario to include that specific vehicle for the one missions I will use it in. Adding the ability to customize vehicle appearance to Zeus would go a long way in allowing players like myself to enjoy some of these customization options, especially now that some of them actually have function (e.g. supplemental armor around tank tracks). Players had similar complaints after Jets DLC dropped and there was no way to edit the pylons in Zeus, and then that feature was added. It seems like it'd be similarly easy to add this as well. TL;DR We should be able to edit vehicle appearance in Zeus like we do in Eden.
  5. In the spirit of previous posts about enabling other players to visit each other's shelter; it would be nice to see a shelter customization feature added to the game sometime. Something along the lines of craftable items such as carpeting, furniture and lighting using various materials. These items could also be found in crates, hidden across different maps or earned through in game challenges to act as trophies to be shown off. It would be cool to see a challenge system that as you complete them certain items are added to your in-house mantle above the fireplace and/or displayed on your loading character boarder. This could be a nice way to keep players interested in looting while in game after shelter upgrading is completed, which really is not that long. In a month or so we are going to see players with fully upgraded shelters that have no reason to loot and will just go around killing other players that are still working on upgrades. Could just be me, but I see the game turning from a loot-and-shoot to a full on PvP game if there aren't systems put in place to keep people interested in looting.
  6. The VhC is the new system responsible for the customization of vehicles, either, defined or randomized. It consists of a set of config properties and classes and a set of functions. It has been introduced in order to replace the old system which consisted in a set of scripts. [vehicle player, ["blu",1], ["AddBenches", 0, "AddTread", 0, "AddHoldingFrame", 1, "AddTread_Short", 1]] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle; More information available here: http://dev.arma3.com/post/oprep-vehicle-customization Usage for designers Mission designers will find what they need with the following examples, which cover most of the cases of use of the system. In addition, an example mission has been published in dev branch of Arma 3 Tools. Parameters: 0: vehicle to customize 1: Variant (textures) BOOL - true to restore default texture source ; false to skip texture source change VOID - Nil to skip the texture source change ARRAY - Array of texture sources with their given probability: ["textureSource1", 0.5, "textureSource2", 0.5] STRING - Variant class name(from the configFile >> cfgVehicles or from the missionConfigfile >> cfgVehicleTemplate) SCALAR - index of the texture source (same as the old system) 2: Animations BOOL - true to restore init phase of every animation sources VOID - Nil to skip change of the animation sources ARRAY - Array of animation sources and probability: ["AnimationSource1", 0.5, "animationSource2", 0.5] STRING - Variant class name(from the configFile >> cfgVehicles or from the missionConfigfile >> cfgVehicleTemplate) Examples: Do nothing because default VAR texture and VAR animation are "false" result = [this] call bis_fnc_initVehicle; Restore default texture and animation sources (reset) result = [this, true, true] call bis_fnc_initVehicle; Randomize everything according to the config file result = [this, "", []] call bis_fnc_initVehicle; //<-- Prefered result = [this, "", ""] call bis_fnc_initVehicle; Skip everything result = [this, nil, nil] call bis_fnc_initVehicle; //<-- Prefered result = [this, false, false] call bis_fnc_initVehicle; Apply the given texture and ignore the animations Priority is given to [missionConfigFile, "CfgVehicleTemplates"] result = [this, "TemplateName", nil] call bis_fnc_initVehicle; random weighted on the given texture sources and their probability, then randomize the animation sources according to the config file result = [this, ["MyTextureSource1", 0.5, "MyTextureSource2", 0.6], []] call bis_fnc_initVehicle; MyAnimationSource1 phase has a 50% chance to be set to 1 and MyAnimationSource2 has a 70% chance to be set to 1 result = [this, nil, ["MyAnimationSource1", 0.5, "MyAnimationSource2", 0.7]] call bis_fnc_initVehicle; MyAnimationSource1 phase will be 1 whereas MyAnimationSource2 will be set to 0 result = [this, nil, ["MyAnimationSource1", 1, "MyAnimationSource2", 0]] call bis_fnc_initVehicle; Change animation sources with a given template result = [this, nil, "MyTemplate"] call bis_fnc_initVehicle; Usage for Modders On the other hand, in addition to the documentation (still wip), modders will find examples of implementation in the samples (car and boat) of Arma 3 Tools (dev branch only for now) As per usual, issues, feedback and suggestions are very much welcome :cool: This feature is still actively developed, meaning it will be adjusted and extended during the upcoming weeks. To be 'extended'...
  7. Greetings! I'm currently building a Mod Database app and I'd like to collect feedback as to the attributes that I am assigning to each mod. So far I have: Category Tags Requirements (Tags) Author Images 1/2/3 Featured Image Youtube Link Version License License URL Code Repo URL (Bitbucket/Github/Other) Mod Website Overview Features Changelog Credits Excerpt BIS Forum Link Any missing or not needed/redundant? Second question, should I allow anyone to add to the database any mod/mission or should only the author be able to?