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Found 280 results

  1. Hello! I run a WWII Milsim unit and need to make an op for this Saturday. I want to have a spawn where my guys can load in, and kit up with BI Virtual Arsenal, and then I want to have a spawn point on a moving, AI controlled plane ( C -47 ) that all of my guys can spawn into, it puts them in a seat, and we can then jump out accordingly. Is this possible?
  2. Is there some sort of guide online to adding custom dialogue into missions? I've looked around with no success. I have all the sound files I need, I just don't know how to add them in.
  3. Ladys and Gentleman, Maybe i oversaw the Question or this is something nobody asked yet. My Question is Simple: Is there a Way to work together in the Eden Editor at the same time or will a Multiplayer version of the Eden Editor released some day? With best regards Leerian Dark
  4. Hello everyone, and thank you for taking the time. I have been doing missions in Arma 3 for quite some time now and after much troubleshooting and learning through places like these forums, I have learned a whole lot. There is one issue I have recently that I have not managed to work out, despite making search and research on it the google results and threads are different and unrelated ACE issues from mine; I have an ACE issue not with installation, or server, but only with a specific Liberation mission that I am trying to make work. My question is that I have not managed to figure out which might be the cause, specifically and I will admit that I am not really good at understanding RPT logs sometimes. I have included the latest RPT log in this post as well. No matter what kind of tests I have ran, the ACE interaction menu (Ctrl+Win/Win) does not work. Been at this for two days now. Some notes: - The issue only persist in that one mission, I create a blank new mission and ACE works. - ACE is fully loaded, as all content including items and addon options are there. - Only ACE Interaction menu is not working it seems. I have been doing a lot of troubleshooting on my own, this is one of the only times when I have not been able to figure out an issue on my own yet. Anyone who have an idea or input it is greatly appreciated. EDIT: Split up the RPT Log through pastebin. RPT Log 1: https://pastebin.com/ky6UUfD1 RPT Log 2: https://pastebin.com/PEGYXHX0 RPT Log 3: https://pastebin.com/H9Acsm5Z
  5. Looking for a good terrain of a modern, urban city. Would like it to make some scenarios.

    Mission Editing

    Mission Editing Information : Feel free to share and discuss , about Mission Editing.
  7. Gentlemen, I finally got around to turn a script collection into a addon, ready to be uploaded to steam. I however need to provide the user with a ingame/eden editor module interface so the user can adjust the settings of the script/addon before i can release the addon in order to make it customizable. E.g. disable feature 1 from spawning, increasing the amount of times feature 2 spawns, define classnames for an array and so on. I have unsuccessfully tried to wrap my head around this wiki: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Modules I get the example from the wiki above to work in Eden Editor, however, I get quite lost when trying to adapt this example or create a new module from scratch for my addon. What do I want to do: Let the addon user define variables in Eden Editor that will then be executed accordingly in the features of my addon according to these settings. I want to have a "module - mask" per feature that lets the user change or set variables that have so far been defined and altered in a settings.sqf. (see below spoiler) As an example for the feature that spawns Banditcamps: the below variables need to pass on as true, false or representing a number, so once a feature is executed, it can access these variables with the desired values. Ideally i am looking for a template with a few options to enter a number, and a few options for true/false and one or two to enter a string (classnames, or marker names for arrays). Any help, insights or link to alternative guides is greatly appreciated!=) cheers Vd
  8. Hello I'm making a fun mission for a couple of friends etc. I got a timing loop down but I need to make it so for a specific soldier (lets call him soldier one) will be able to see every other player on his map (regardless of team) and it has to be only for that player. (My intent is to put it into my active/inactive timing loop which will enable and disable at different time periods.
  9. Description LRG Fundamentals is a complete mission makers tool, used to create complex missions with ease. Using the huge Library of functions, settings and modules you can create almost any type of mission. LRG Fundamentals is designed to be entirely modular, meaning you can use as much or as little as you want. By default, the master switches are set to off so only what you want to use will be used. See the Key features below for further details. LRG Fundamentals has been used by the LRG in one form or another for nearly 3 years. At the turn of 2019 we decided to publish our work and make all our files open source. That means your free to download, edit, change and create your own work, based on what's we've already made. Download Links Version 1.6.4 Released 02/04/20 Key Features AI Spawn LRG Main LRG Channels LRG QS Icons LRG Weather Player Attributes Safe Zones Vehicle Loadouts Equipment Loadouts Vehicle Servicing Medical Facilities Zeus Configuration Functions Library Third party Features More information on available functions and features as well as our functions library, our Wiki is available here. How do I get in touch? If you want to find out more about LRG Fundamentals or about the community itself, the best way to get in touch is to join our Discord Server. Issues/Suggestions/Faction Requests If you come across any issues, have an idea for an improvement or simply want another faction added to the AI Spawn module, please submit your request here. Latest Changes v1.6.4 IMPORTANT CHANGE: We've updated the spawn AI modules in Zeus to use Zeus Enhanced (ZEN) instead of Achilles. This is due to the discontinued support of Achilles announced on their Steam page. Unfortunately this won't be backwards compatible as the work required to maintain 2 separate systems wasn't deemed appropriate due to the work this would require. Any further Zeus Modules we add will likely require this mod so if you wish to use these, please download the mod linked above! As before, this is optional, if you don't use Zeus Enhanced, the modules won't appear in Zeus but the rest of the mod will function as before. AI Change - Zeus Modules now use Zeus Enhanced (ZEN) instead of Achilles Tweak - Garrison Radius Default set to 100m Added - Sniper Team Min & Sniper Team Max Options to Spawn AI Modules Medical Tweaked - MedicalFacility set to global to be more reliable in MP FOBs Added - Ability to respawn on deployed FOBs Weather Fixed - Real Weather Change Times
  10. Recently I encountered such a problem that the name of the mission in the scenario menu is displayed incorrectly, although everything returns to normal when it starts up. I suppose that it happened after some Arma 3 update. Can anyone check if it's only me who has this problem. Here are mission files: http://rgho.st/8XW7GVqbf Some screenshots:
  11. A week or so ago I saw my key bindings reset. I was a bit annoyed but it had happened before so I just re-did them and carried on. However, I have just now gone into the editor and seen that none of the missions under my user profile are shown. I have checked the launcher, and I am definitely loading the "Lawman" profile, of which there is only one. I have also checked the Arma 3 - Other profiles / Lawman / missions folder to confirm my mission files are still there, which they are. Not sure what to do from here on. I tried saving a new mission file to see where it ended up, and It appears to have been placed in the following directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Missions Have BIS changed something so mission files are no longer local to profile? Cheers, Law
  12. Hello, so I've created my fairly long mission in the Eden Editor and everything worked fine until the point where I wanted the player to load 2 Marshalls in 2 Blackfishes it for the purpose of my mission can't matter in which the blackfish the marshalls are. I've already tried a few things like this: (Marshall1 in Blackfish1 OR Marshall1 in Blackfish2) AND (Marshall2 in Blackfish2 OR Marshall2 in Blackfish1) That evidently didn't work hence this post. I also because of the tests I made found out that marshalls aren't actually inside the blackfishes. I did my own research but either I couldn't understand it or it didn't fit my needs. Hopefully somebody here can help me with this. Thank you in advance.
  13. I'm new to ARMA 3 editor. I'm trying to make a D-Day like scenario. when i give way points (beach) to the boats to move to the way point and get out from the boat some boats do the work right but some boats turns backs and runs like hell. I checked with in combat and out of combat, this only happens in combat.I tweaked the fleeing coefficient to 0 too but they get bitchup every time.....I made then Open fire and careless too maxed out courage and command btw.....Any ideas to fix this.....sry for the bad english... :P :P :P
  14. Good guys, I would like you to help me with this script: It turns out that I made this script with the purpose that when a unit is eliminated depending on the side it is, it does an action, but I do not know what it would be doing wrong. this script if it worked as it wanted in dedicated server: FAM_DeadCivilianCount = 0; publicVariable "FAM_DeadCivilianCount"; { if (side _x == Civilian && _x iskindof "Man") then { _x addEventHandler ["killed", { ["Civil", ["Han Matado un Civil. Penzalización -2 Puntos!"]] remoteExecCall ["BIS_fnc_showNotification"]; FAM_DeadCivilianCount = FAM_DeadCivilianCount + 2; publicvariable "FAM_DeadCivilianCount"; }]; }; } foreach allunits; But when I combine it in this way for the other side: FAM_DeadCivilianCount = 0; FAM_DeadPlayerCount = 0; FAM_DeadPEnemyCount = 0; publicVariable "FAM_DeadCivilianCount"; publicVariable "FAM_DeadPlayerCount"; publicVariable "FAM_DeadPEnemyCount"; { if (side _x == Civilian && _x iskindof "Man") then { _x addEventHandler ["killed", { ["Civil", ["Han Matado un Civil. Penzalización -2 Puntos!"]] remoteExecCall ["BIS_fnc_showNotification"]; FAM_DeadCivilianCount = FAM_DeadCivilianCount + 2; publicvariable "FAM_DeadCivilianCount"; }]; } else { if (side player == WEST && player iskindof "Man") then { player addEventHandler ["killed", { ["JugadorDead", ["Miembro de equipo Muerto. Penzalización -1 Puntos!"]] remoteExecCall ["BIS_fnc_showNotification"]; FAM_DeadPlayerCount = FAM_DeadPlayerCount + 1; publicvariable "FAM_DeadPlayerCount"; }]; }; } else { if (side _x == EAST && _x iskindof "Man") then { if (FAM_DeadPEnemyCount == 20) then { publicVariable "FAM_DeadPEnemyCount"; objetivoTareaTres = objetivoTareaTres + 2; publicVariable "objetivoTareaTres"; ["tareaTres", ["20 Enemigos Muertos. Reciben 2 Puntos!"]] remoteExecCall ["BIS_fnc_showNotification"]; //hint str cash; }; _x addEventHandler ["killed", { ["JugadorDead", ["Miembro de equipo Muerto. Penzalización -1 Puntos!"]] remoteExecCall ["BIS_fnc_showNotification"]; FAM_DeadPEnemyCount = FAM_DeadPEnemyCount + 1; publicVariable "FAM_DeadPEnemyCount"; }]; }; }; } foreach allunits; It throws me an error and I would like to know how they help me in Server to work correctly. thanks and regards.
  15. hi, Unfortunately, one can take a sector by helicopter. in my Spawn Trigger (init) i have set: this && ({_x isKindOf "LAND"} count thisList)>0 && isServer; does not work with the sector modules :/ Does anyone have a solution for me? thank you.
  16. Taiidan


    I am working on the argo editor and made a map but don't know how to put the normal game modes like link and respawn.
  17. Hello, I'm looking to creating a short stealth co-op mission where a group must attempt to quietly enter a base, assassinate 3 HVTs and steal intelligence. Except I'm also trying to get a stealth trigger working, where once BLUFOR has been detected by Independent, the maintain stealth task should fail and create an evacuate task, however I can't get the Stealth trigger to work at all as I could be shot to hell by Syndikat soldiers and the task wouldn't appear. Went as far as to cover the whole playing area with a large rectangular trigger area, but it still doesn't work. Anyone knows of any way around it?
  18. Hello. I am 25 years old. I created a discord server for ARMA 3. Discussions about coop missions, scripts and mission making. I looking only for adequate people and over 18 years. I also looking for people who made adequate coop missions and know a little bit about arma mission making in general. Who have some basics about arma 3 scripting. Please no newbies, who started play ARMA 3 few days ago. Expectations of this server: - Find people who have played ARMA series and operation flashpoint for many years. Newbies who have played long time in ARMA 3 are too welcome - Find people who want learn scripting. The goal is: If the user ask some question about how to do this and that - another users will not give him a ready solution. They will give him tips so that he thinks himself how to do it Expected users: - Mission Makers (Low scripting knowledge) - Modders - Scripters (Mission makers with high scripting knowledge) - Advanced players Thank you for your attention https://discord.gg/GRcKfyY
  19. I'm looking for a way to stop a specific vehicle from being able to be blown up. I want the hull and engine to be invincible, so that the vehicle won't explode when hit, but the wheels should still be vulnerable so that it can still be disabled, just not destroyed/blown up. I'm looking for this to be achieved within the vehicles init field, or via an external script. The reason I want this to be possible is because I don't want a simple vehicle respawn in my mission like I have now. I want to punish players for getting a vehicle blown up, making them have to airlift the damaged vehicle back to base where it can be repaired (I don't need help with the airlift or repairs I've got that covered, just need help on making the vehicles hull and engine invulnerable.) Are there any scripts out there which can help me a achieve this? I was looking into the "SetHit" functionality etc but I am a total noob when it comes to scripting. To be completely honest with you I'd love for someone to figure this out for me as I really don't have a lot of time to dedicate to testing and playing about with things myself
  20. Hello first of all. I want to make a Scenario in which a plane starts from the deck of the Aircraft carrier and I want the deck crew member to make the animation which is shown in the Jets DLC campaign/ showcase when the player presses the spacebar to start the takeoff procedure. So it's timed correctly with the Jet taking off and the end of the animation. This, of course, should only be done by the Crewmember who is standing next to the Jet taking off. Since I have no Idea how to script or program I'd like to ask a kind helper to make me a script which makes that above possible but compatible with a 2 player scenario which I'm trying to make. I know this is a lot to ask for but I'm hoping for someone that would be able to help. Thanks!
  21. I've searched and haven't found anything on Google. So I apologize if there's something out there. I am creating a campaign on stratis where one task is to capture the air base. After it's captured, I'd like the campaign to automatically load the base up the way I set. So it becomes a friendly base. I would like the same thing to happen when I capture other camps and bases. How can I do this?
  22. The fences that surround the Tanoa International Airport; I am able to edit them the way I see fit. The problem I am having is making them have no damage. I have put in the init; this addeventhandler [this allowdamage false]; this allowdamage false; this enableSimulation false; etc. I have put it in the Init ;|; Init+Object Init ;|; Init+Global Object Init ;|; Init+Object Init+Global Object Init ;|; Object Init ;|; Global Object Init ;|; Object Init+Global Object Init. I have tried the Enable Damage tab/checkbox and it seems to only work for doors. If you guys have anything for me on how to make the Terrain Objects not have any damage through the "EDIT TERRAIN OBJECTS," I would be grateful!
  23. Hi. Anyone know how to make these animated/clickable markers on the map..? Like in arma 2 warfare for example where you select respawn location. I don't know where to start with it Never dealt with it before
  24. Dynamic Animal/Game Spawn Script This script will continuously spawn animals that can be hunted (and butchered with the ravage mod and the mods "Survival systems" module active) in proximity of the player. Showcase Video: (This is just showing the basic functions with speed up despawn times and reduced spawn/despawn distances FYI) Functions of the script: - spawn loop for animals - random number and type of animals - can be butchered (using the ravage mod and a knife) - despawn once player moves away - customizable code How to create, use and Install the script: Step 1 - init.sqf 1. Open notepad. 2. Copy this code -------> [] execVM "animalspawner.sqf"; 3. Paste the code into your notepad doc. 4. Save the notepad document with this name -----> init.sqf 5. Move the init.sqf to your mission folder. =================================== Note - if you already have an init.sqf then just add the code from 2 to it. Step 2 - "animalspawner.sqf" 1. Open notepad. 2. Copy this code ------> from the spoiler below 3. Paste the code below into your notepad doc. 4. Save the notepad document with this name ------> animalspawner.sqf 5. Move the animalspawner.sqf to your mission folder. ========================================= animalspawner.sqf code: Script Dependencies: No dependencies. However, the Ravage mod and the mods "Survival systems" module is required to butcher the animals and process their meat. You can find all about the Ravage mod here: LINK Setting up the Script in the editor: 1. Find the Ravage section in your Editors "Systems" tab. 2. Place the module "Survival systems" Note: you need a "Gutting Knife" (from the Ravage mod) to butcher the animals 5. Place your player and start your mission. Using the script without Ravage mod: - the script runs without the Ravage mod active, no changes needed Credit: the basic template for the spawner came from a fellow ravager, however I can not trace back the specific post anymore. so shout out to all the friendly scripters from the ravage comunity for all their input;)!
  25. Hello everyone, and thank you for taking the time. I have now spent quite a lot of time going through the forums and have a lot of experience with mission making and server management myself, however I have a query to anyone who might know more than me on this particular matter. Running a dedicated server and i am trying to make respawning work on the server in a particular behavior; Been looking for the following: - Respawn inside a particular vehicle on dedicated server, not on the ground. - Respawn countdown/timer. - Something like a spectator camera when you are waiting for the countdown/timer (watching a black screen or a map screen is not that fun, more fun to watch other players you play with in the same team/side). I have been trying to tackle this forever, but the respawn system in the editor seem to only work with respawning on the ground not in a vehicle. It works in the editor, but when I run it in the dedicated server everything glitches and blows up, and the respawn vehicle falls deep below the map you can't interact with it only as zeus. I understand a dedicated server needs external files such as a Description file for this. Does anyone know any scripts or how I can make this work? Cheers. --------------- EDIT: I managed to set up a file called OnPlayerRespawn with the following code and it works: player assignAsCargo heli1; player moveInCargo heli1; However, I can't figure out how to make a respawn timer for it or make a spectator camera for the code. Right now the second a player die they instantly respawn inside the vehicle. Any suggestions? --------------- EDIT 2: After hearing I can syncronize the respawn module simply with an empty vehicle, I am having a persistent issue that I have not managed to solve as of yet on my own. But the respawn window is empty, it says disabled and I get no options to choose from. An error that says at the bottom left too. https://i.gyazo.com/f6de357a48cb5f545a12ca521ca4bc01.png