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  1. Interesting problem I know. It probably is something quite simple but I can't figure it out. Now, I'm fairly new to scripting (about six months) so I'm not 100% sure what I should do. The basic premise is that the player has a UAV with an M136 launcher on it. The drone then fires that launcher. Got that part down. I've even got it so that the drone rearms when it goes back to "Home". Now, what I'd like to do is to have the players rearm it in the field. They can have a launcher on their back, bring the drone to them and then attach the launcher onto the drone. The drone has a new launcher and the player looses theirs. Here is the code that I have so far. I know that it must be very simple but any help is very much welcome in advance. For you're consideration, I'm using ACE, CBA, RHS (All four modules) and more quality of life mods. Nothing that would effect scripting in any way.
  2. Hello guys, I'm working on my own mission for multiplayer, actually on hostage rescue task. I've done triggers to make task accomplish when two insurgents are dead or failed if civs ( hostages ) are dead. Now I need your help. I need to solve out how to make hostages join group of player who saved them, maybe better by addAction in civs init and then leave player's group when hostages (civ1 and civ2) are present in trigger (base) I'm not much experienced with scripting, so I'm trying to make as much things as possible in editor by triggers. Still don't understand how to use scripts in sqf and sqs files. For example I did one action on laptop that spawn mk82 on given object ( this addaction "Blow off castle", "CastleBomb.sqf"; ) ( CastleBomb.sqf > CastleBomb01="Bo_Mk82" createVehicle (getPos CastleBomb01); ), that's only thing I understand in scripting, using these simple scripts. I can't use "if", "else", "then" and these things. Also if you could explain me how to make trigger if I want to make trigger triggered when three insurgents are dead. ( Actually I have done it by " !alive opf1 and !alive opf2 ", and I don't know how to make list of objects with combination of !alive ) So if anyone can help me: Civ1, Civ2 = Hostages Opf1, Opf2 = Insurgents Base = trigger ( triggered when hostages are present ) If you could explain me: Using multiple given objects with combination of !alive (I'd like to make for example "!alive civ1, civ2, civ3...." but not possible) How to make teleport action (on flag pole of OPFOR) hidden if BLUFOR is present in trigger around enemy weapon cache and then reveal if there's no BLUFOR anymore in trigger. ( Tried it by repeating trigger: Activation: "OPFORFlag removeAction 0;" Deactivation: "OPFORFlag addAction "Teleport to Weapon Cache 1", Teleport.sqf" but it worked one time and then it won't remove action but only adds action Using sqf or sqs and "if", "else", "then"... I think I could get it if you explain me some practical usage of these things. Thank you a lot!
  3. _casSpawn = "B_RangeMaster_F" createUnit [_casPos, _casGroup]; So i have got the range master to spawn to the group civilian, I need to be able to use setDamage but i have nothing to assign the spawned range master to, there is no variable for the spawned ai, so I need your help to set damage and get a variable so I can also use other scripts on the spawned range master. felipe.
  4. Hello, so i am trying to figure out the code behind checking whether or not an entire unit is dead Here is the code i tried but didn't have no success players = allPlayers; { if(side _x == west) then { //Exectute code for all dead. } } foreach _players allDead; can anyone help me?
  5. Hellow everybody. Can somebody advise how to make certain script: After killing 10 east faction units - spawn marker ONE, after killing 20 units - spawn marker TWO. Thanks. Ive tried this code, but it doesnt work properly (its repeating itself)
  6. I am trying to make a script where I can teleport a whole unit "BLUFOR" or "OPFOR" which are players to a specific marker through an addAction. Here is my code, this links to an object, which is a flag pole. _players = allPlayers; { if(side _x == west) then { player SetPos getMarkerPos "marker1"; } } foreach _players; Can anyone help me fix my code so that it works?
  7. Hey everyone, I've gone and created a pretty ambitious first mission with multiple paths depending on how effectively the player can assist ground forces. I've completed the mission but I want to refine one of my scripts. I've tried to educate myself as much as possible but I can't seem to find a tutorial/forum post for my specific problem. One of the objectives for the player to complete involves destroying reinforcements dropped off via helicopter. I had scripted the objective to be completed by killing the infantry and destroying their supporting gunship. However, I scripted it using specific names for each individual troop, ie !alive Heli_Troop1a && !alive Heli_Troop1b && !alive Heli_Troop2a etc etc. It was a brute force method to sort of get the effect I wanted and required specific units to be killed. I am looking for a way for each squad member to be counted, totaled, and compared against a desired value. I'm using 7 as that value as that is about 1/3 of all the troops. The script I have tried using in the trigger is: ({alive _x} count units Heli_Troops1 + Heli_Troops2 + Heli_Troops3) < 7 && !alive Heli_2 && triggerActivated Trig_Heli_Troops; The editor accepts the code but upon starting the mission I get an error message about a generic error in expression. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but then again I barely know any real scripting beyond simple commands I can look up. I have also tried multiple different ways of writing the count units section of code including using && instead of + and separating each group name with (). None have worked. If anyone could help me out I'd greatly appreciate it. Edit: Disregard solved it! (({alive _x} count units Heli_Troops1) + ({alive _x} count units Heli_Troops2) + ({alive _x} count units Heli_Troops3)) < 7 && !alive Heli_2 && triggerActivated Trig_Heli_Troops; Still kind of a roundabout way I feel, but it works. Maybe this can help someone else.
  8. Hello at all who will read this at first, I am currently working on something called DCFDB a Dynamic campaign Framework for Arma 3. To keep things clear i will write some things about it. First of all there is no released Version right now so it is not avialble yet. The Target of it is to have a Dynamic Zeus Campaign with a saving function and other little extras for administrating the campaign. To achive this i am writting an Database in combination with extDB3. This Database should store the most if not all placable and doable things aswell as states. I started at some point to play Milsim Missions with Zeus and thought that it is somewhat sad that there is nothing really to safe the progress. Better said i am targeting a normal Arma 3 campaign as Zeus Campaign with the use of the Creativity from Community of Arma 3. Well with that said now i get to my problem: I am working right now to make it possible to use the Editor for the campaign that you aren't Limited to only Zeus. So i wanted to use the ID of the Mission.sqm to check if it is a Editor Object and later maybe call it by that or assign paralell a Id from the Database. The id of Item 59 ("I_Truck_02_box_F") would be the 409. Right now with the Knowledge i have i can get this variable by using: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/get3DENEntityID But this is limited to the Eden Editor right now. I ask myself is there a way to get this exact Value in the mission while the Object "I_Truck_02_box_F" is selected with as an example: cursorobject. I already thought of another sollution of this by first calling all placed objects and extracting the ID in the middle of following: 13b57c080# 1675124: truck_02_box_f.p3d by using _editorID = str _vehicle splitstring ": " select 1; this gives me the 1675124 of the whole thing. I thought this number would be my solution but then i got informed that those numbers can change because of terrain modification like one tree more or less. So i can't use that. Now is the Question is there any other solution to get this ID or something which is also unique and won't change? Just as information NetID changes. Another thing i tried is to include the MissionSQM in the description.ext and work the parts out: class MissionSQM { #include "mission.sqm" }; and call it through: getNumber (missionConfigFile >> "MissionSQM" >> "version"); [this is not the path just as information this is just an example] but there is another problem i can't order the ITEM Class to the object if there is variable itself which it does not need everytime. class Attributes { name="beta_4"; } Without the name Attribut i can't order it corectly to the unit. Position is a bad option since those can change. The funny thing is i can call the object mentioned before with this script so this is why i tried the splitstring Part: [0,0,0] nearestObject 1675124; So i am with my knowledge at the End and wanted to ask if someone knows a command for declaring an unique ID which won't change and are passed on from the Editor. I searched the Internet up and down asked question in the Arma 3 scripting Discord channel. I think also you were able once to read out the 1675124 id with a command but this was discontinued due to the terrain change problems. Now the editor objects get their own ids which was once wanted but this can't be used in the Mission. I am at the point where i don't know what to do now. Maybe some of you has some answers. Would be glad.
  9. Hey folks, I'm a noob when it comes to scripting so please excuse my ignorance. To my understanding typetext & typetext2 are global events. The reason why I ask is because I want to be able to play out text to a player's client when they respawn in but not to the other clients on the server at the same time. Let me elaborate. Example: Player One dies in the field then respawns. Once he spawns only he sees the typetext2 notifying him of his location, but the other members of his squad out in the field don't see the typetext2 Player One sees. The idea is I want to avoid spamming players with type text each time a player is killed and respawns. Right now this is what I have in my OnPlayerRespawn.sqf //Loadout Previous kit saved from OnPlayerKilled.sqf removeAllWeapons player; removeGoggles player; removeHeadgear player; removeVest player; removeUniform player; removeAllAssignedItems player; clearAllItemsFromBackpack player; removeBackpack player; player setUnitLoadout(player getVariable["Saved_Loadout",[]]); // [ [ ["TAVANAKA AIRBASE,","align = 'center' = '1' size = '0.7' font='PuristaBold'"], ["TANOA","align = 'center' = '1' size = '0.7'","#aaaaaa"], ["","<br/>"], ["CHARLIE COMPANY OPERATIONS CENTER","align = 'center' = '1' size = '1.0'"] ] ] spawn BIS_fnc_typeText2; This works well and good but inevitably causes the aforementioned spamming when multiple players need to respawn. I looked at other work arounds like delaying the text from triggering again after say 300 seconds but I'm not entirely sure how to implement that, again I'm a bit of a noob but slowly learning. I hope I made my case clear and look forward to any guidance you guys can offer. Thanks!
  10. Last content update: 6/13/2018 showing how to use the radius for addAction, using params instead of select, adding to arrays with various commands, altering arrays with various commands, get/setUnitLoadout Last content update: 6/10/2018 going through config files and getting details to sort what you want, using radius with addAction, params, and altering arrays with resize, pushBack, pushBackUnique, set, and append and going over to assist with resize count. Last content update: 5/27/2018 added GUI tutorial for how to make a weapon selector using cfgWeapon Last content update: 5/24/2018 added sector control tutorial Last content update: 5/21/2018 This is my arma 3 scripting tutorial series which is aimed to help both people getting into making their own scripts with fairly detailed simple tutorials as well as for the intermediate person looking to create their own features for their missions. The plans for this series is to almost fully cover everything behind the arma 3 missions that people play on a daily basis and have enough content provided in the videos where people can go off and make their own vision for their mission with the knowledge gained. Most of these videos are made on the fly at 1AM-4AM without any pretesting which should give someone the idea of what goes into finding syntax errors and narrowing down a bug that's causing your feature to not function properly. It is also an excuse for you to cut me some slack if you see mistakes :) . A lot of these tutorials are made with multiplayer in mind since I think most people want to play their missions online with their friends(which is why publicVariable has been utilized so much so new people can get a good grasp on the power those commands have). New videos are added to the playlist almost every day so if your stuck with something, maybe it has been covered in a video. If you have any requests on what you would like to see made then please suggest it here. topics covered so far Scripting tutorial playlist Database tutorials with INIDBI2 playlist GUI/Dialog tutorials playlist
  11. So as the title states I'm curious what you all think about efficiency/optimizations when it comes to writing a lengthy script/mod for a mission. My current scripted mod is AC-C4I (Air Craft Command, Contol, Computers, Communications, & Intelligence). It has to do with sensors and targeting. The scripts have a lot of "waitUntil" commands for locking the targeting camera to screenToWorld amongst other functions. What would be the most efficient way to write this/integrate it into a mission. I can write the whole thing in one file and "call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers" on init. I can create a CfgFunctions.hpp and add it to the description.ext, or I could make it an FSM. I'd love to hear from you guys. Thanks.
  12. I have a Minefield use'ing the A3 mine Module, but I have now idea to make a trigger fire when all the mines are deactivated. I know it needs to be something like this... if allMines are Active then don't activate... or something like that. My scripting is still very rough so I am just lost on where to start to get that to where I want it.
  13. I'm making a mission in which you control the camera of the MQ-4A-Greyhawk drone. It's flying at about 1000m altitude above an enemy base. You are supposed to identify a certain target and call a strike. The problem is the AI keeps spotting the drone, but I don't want them to do that. So what can I do to change that? I have tried editing with the advanced Eden mod, but I don't think it has the needed features. Ty :) Edit: more details on the symptoms (idk, maybe it's important). When the drone arrives you can see two patrols and some stationary dudes (more arrive by truck later). After some time they start looking up into the air in the direction of the drone (This is what I interpret as them spotting the drone). A little while later they break patrol and crouch/go prone while still looking in the direction of the drone, but From what I can tell, they never shoot at it though.
  14. Hi everyone, I am stuck on somethan. I'm making a mission in a pre defined area where a player can spawn ai via a addAction. My issue right now is, the player can spawn the mission over and over. That by itself will cause a lot of problems. Others might have a better idea on how to go about this but I thought it would be a good idea before the script spawns the mission it would check to see if there are any OPFOR Units Alive within the marker or a trigger area if there is the mission will not spawn, if there is'nt then the mission will spawn. I don't know how to successfully make a check for opfor units (not players, just AI). Any help would be very much appreciated thank you.
  15. Hello, is their anyone out there can help me with a script i'm setting up for a custom mission i'm making. I've been building a civilian story mission, and what i'm trying to do is block any player from getting ammunition from any AI that die, especially in the staged fire fights between opposing units. I've done my research and I just about understand the addMissionEventHandler and setting up required parameters and thanks to a Loot Stop script on here about the removeAllWeapons command which removes all weapons and magazines on the unit. However that removes the entire units inventory, when i would like players to still be able to pick up smoke grenades and medical equipment (I use ace, so no first aid kits), Is there a scripting command i'm missing, that will allow me to remove the specific primary weapon type ammo, from the units inventory on death, thus leaving the units primary weapon unloaded and no ammo available to pickup or will i need to use an item array, or add back in items to the units inventory if forced to use removeAllWeapons?
  16. Hello, I've been messing around with trying to make a simple firing range script that when activated puts the popup targets in down position. Then every let's say two seconds pops up a target, if not hit pop down and randomly select another target and repeat. If a target is hit have a counter count how many targets the player has hit then display at the end. This seems pretty straight forward but as I am new I am unable to successfully do this by myself. If anyone could help me make this I would be very appreciateive, thank you. I know there are a few other firing range scripts out there, I have tried a few such as moss targets and it is really nice, I am just looking to make my own simple one. score start at 0 count how many hits tgt1, tgt2 for knowing which targets to connect to.
  17. Hey guys, I want to create a Battle Royale Style PvP Mission for me and my friends. I want the mission to end when there is only one player left. If possible it should show the mission completed screen. My problem is that i have no idea how to script it. Ive tried googling but i couldnt find anything usefull. I hope you can help me. Vecto1511
  18. hello my Name is Ehab and I am looking for someone how can make or already have a good mission for arma 3 altis life that i can buy it i dont want any realssed old mission or somthing like that Its doesnot need to be the best mission but I want it to be good if you have what i want i can pay for the file I need the life server the sql datebase the mpmission file thank you please replay me soon
  19. Hi everyone, I'm trying to make a script that allows you to cancel a mission by clicking on a text that says CANCEL in the description of the task. Script: _descript1 = "<execute expression=' [1] call compilefinal preprocessFileLineNumbers'DMG\functions\fn_CancelM.sqf' '>CANCEL</execute>"; And then in the task: [blufor, ["Tarea_"+_IDTarea], [_descript1,_titulo,_marker], _posicion, true, 1, true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; If I put it in this way the result is that nothing comes out. Thanks for your help Spyke is my first post in this forum, if I do not have to say it here please tell me. I found it here:
  20. kupcho

    Local vs Global

    I'm trying to learn some basic facts about scripting. I'm probably a bit older than most folks who play with the scripting end of the editor as I've never taken a class that even touched on computer coding...so please be kind. I'd like to understand the difference in local vs global variables. What determines whether a local or global variable is to be used? Can they be used interchangeably within editor (like inside a units' init field or the on act field of a trigger)? Or can I use global variables only inside things like triggers or local variables in called scripts? Is the underscore (_) the local or global version? Any info would be helpful. As I said; I'm pretty lame when it comes to things like this (but at least I'm trying to do something about it). Thanks in advance.
  21. Hi I ran into a little issue. I made a little heli training where the instructor can control the heli from the ground via a dialog. In the dialog there are options to damage the engine, main rotor, tail rotor etc. In the editor it works perfectly and when trying it on a dedicated server it half works in a way. If I am in the menu and a friend is in the heli it does not produce the damage for him. I assume it has something to do with local / global variable ? I don't know too much about that as I am a beginner. Setup: Object stand has a addAction on it that opens the dialog. if(_selectedIndex == 0) exitWith { player sideChat "Little Bird has Light Engine Damage!"; trainingLittleBird setHitPointDamage ["HitEngine", 0.5]; }; I'm not sure how to fix this. Any help would be appreciated.
  22. I'll preface this with the statement that, I do understand a bit about scripting, but I am in not in any way, skilled or even very familiar with code type thingies. Therefore, most of the missions I had put together were done entirely using things I could do directly from within the editor. I placed my units, gave them waypoints, set triggers and used the modules, etc...that were available. Most of my earlier missions were never too complex, so it was usually pretty easy to get something up n running that way. Just point and click stuff without a need to call any scripts. But...a while back, I did eventually start using some basic scripts I'd found in other folks work to make it a bit easier to do or to spice my stuff up a little using animations, etc... The "FILL HOUSE SCRIPT v1.5 - by SPUn / lostvar" that I found in the "Operation Dagger" mission (from oneshot) was my go to script for quick town shoot'em ups. Hell...half of my problems would disappear if I could just get THAT to work again. But since the EDEN editor was released, none of my missions work any more, and I couldn't get the old scripts to do the things they did before. So, in frustration, I gave up for quite a while (the loss of all of my missions really took the wind from my sails) and I resorted to only playing missions I found in the workshop. And...for sure, there are some really great missions there, but so many of them require mods to run. My group prefers to use the vanilla version of ARMA. Mods aren't a thing with us, so options are pretty limited as to which missions we can actually play together. And, I also really miss the ability to slap together some new quickie firefights for the Friday Night Fights. So...I've decided to give mission building another try...but I have a couple of questions; 1. Where do the folders go, that hold the short scripts I used before? The scripts I used before were kept in folders inside the main mission folder (right along side the init...briefing...etc). But those folders aren't there anymore. I can't find them ANYwhere. I tried to simply place some of the old folders inside the mission folder we get now (i.e. my folder inside the mission folder), but that didn't work either. When the script is called, I get an error or the mission simply freezes and/or dumps me. I don't understand where the scripts are kept now, so that I can call them when needed. 2. How do I determine if a variable is supposed to local or global? And which is which? Underscore is local or global? I'm trying to use the spawnGroup function from inside a trigger (on activation). The group spawns, but I can't use the addWaypoint to get them to do anything other than stand around in formation. An error comes up that I'm trying to use a local as a global (or the other way...I don't remember which right now). I tried entering the variables with and without the underscore, but it didn't make any difference. Please be kind. I've searched the tutorial vids, but most of them are for before the change. So they don't help much. And I tried digging through the forums, but unfortunately, like the video tuts, most of the posts here aren't updated so that we know what works in the latest "patch" and what does not. So I apologize if the answers are here already, but after three days of searching and trying things from posts and/or videos from years ago, with no luck...I'm at my wits end and felt that I had no choice but to ask again. Thanks for any help you can share.
  23. Hi, So i'm trying to make a plate carrier retexture, based on a met police CTSFO. I've done the texture to the best of my (limited) ability in GIMP2, and have converted it to a .paa. I have, however, appeared to have reached a standstill, because whenever I try to binarize my addon, it gives the much-feared "Error in config.cpp" warning. My mod is located in P: Path to textures and config.cpp is P:\HNL\DataP:\HNL\Data Config: class CfgPatches { class {HNL} { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F_BLUFOR"}; }; }; class cfgWeapons { class Vest_Base; class VestItem; class example_PlateCarrier1_rgr : Vest_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "{SFO_Plate_Carrier}"; picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_V_plate_carrier_1_CA.paa"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"P:\HNL\data\SFO1_FINISHED1.paa"}; class ItemInfo : VestItem { ; uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02"; containerClass = "Supply100"; mass = 50; armor = 5*0.5; passThrough = 0.7; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; }; }; Would someone kindly help me get this binarized? Thanks in advance, Will
  24. Hello, I would like one of the players to carry a backpack, that when placed down acts as a respawn point for the rest of the team. But only when placed down, so people cant respawn while the backpack is on the move. How would I go on about doing that? Have scripts like that been made already? Which commands should I start researching? I know a bit of C++ , but I am completely new to Arma 3 scripting.
  25. Hello I have run in to a issue that I have not yet been able to figure out. I am a beginner to scripting in SQF and ArmA in general. A little info about what I am in the process of making, Simply it is a GUI attached to a object you can approach and use via addAction. The purpose of the menus is to choose a level, difficulty and missionType, mission. missionType and mission both have a listBox, return button, select button, close button. Now this is where the issue lies, when returning to the missionType menu the listBox options disappear. I tried but am limited to few options because I don't know much about scripting for arma and every tutorial I have watched and or read have been helpful but, has not helped me fix my issue. I love this game so dam much and I have a lot of respect for others who put their time in to making something amazing. Did I forget to add something ? Is there a refresh command or something similar ? Mission Type Menu.hpp Mission.hpp Function for switching dialog to mission type menu function for switching dialog to mission menu List box for mission type menu List box actions for mission type menu I know doing it this way might seem messy but it is the only way I know of right now.