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  1. Greetings to all. I usually use this script to spawn (on trigger position) hunters to hunt the players (on foot) in my multiplayer mission (dedi) and its works perfect. But updating the mission and adding vehicles for the players I realized that when a player is inside a vehicle and activates the trigger and then gets off the vehicle and continues on foot, the hunters reach the position of the abandoned vehicle and stop there, do not continue chasing the player on foot. Any help or advice is welcome. Thank You! Trigger size: 390 x 390 Activation: Any Player ActType: Present Server Only: yes Cond: this OnAct: null = [thistrigger,thislist] execvm "4hunters.sqf"; 4hunters.sqf _PosTrigger = _this select 0; _objetives = _this select 1; _objetive = _objetives select 0; if (isserver) then { private ["_hunters", "_leaderhunters"]; _CountEnemies = {alive _x && side _x == independent} count allUnits; //Spawn hunters if less than 100 enemies on the map if (_CountEnemies < 100) then { _SpawnPos = position _PosTrigger ; _hunters = createGroup independent; _hunters = [_SpawnPos, independent, ["I_C_Soldier_Para_2_F","I_C_Soldier_Para_1_F","I_C_Soldier_Para_2_F","I_C_Soldier_Para_1_F"],[],[],[],[],[],260] call BIS_fnc_SpawnGroup; //Move to player position _leaderhunters = leader _hunters; _leaderhunters move (position _objetive); _hunters setCombatMode "RED"; _hunters setBehaviour "AWARE"; _hunters allowFleeing 0; 0 = [_hunters,_objetive] spawn { while {true} do { params ["_hunters","_objetive"]; sleep 3; //If the player who activates the trigger moves more than 400 meters away, the hunters are deleted if ((_objetive distance (leader _hunters)) > 400) exitWith { {deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _hunters; }; }; }; //When the hunters reach the position where the trigger is activated (and the player is not there) wait 3 sec and update the player's new position. while {true} do { // _leaderhunters = leader _hunters; if ((unitReady _leaderhunters) && {(alive _leaderhunters)}) then { sleep 3; if (({ alive _x} count (units _hunters)) != 0) then { _leaderhunters = leader _hunters; _leaderhunters move (position _objetive); _hunters setCombatMode "RED"; _hunters setBehaviour "AWARE"; _hunters allowFleeing 0;};};}; }; };
  2. Latest V1.3: MOD THREAD MOD VERSION WORKSHOP ARMAHOLIC This script enables Curators to see the Frames-per-second of each individual client when playing in multiplayer, or yourself when in SP. Allowing the Zeus to identify if there is a widespread framerate problem, or if a few select users are experiencing issues. Comments in the code explain how to modify it if you want to change the 'Warning text' threshold which by default is 20fps. Pasting this code into the initPlayerLocal.sqf of any mission should work without a problem.Given Arma 3 is now in 64 bit it's the perfect opportunity for players to test their performance in multiplayer coop games with large scale combat. Find out who's computer is the beefiest when playing with your unit, or be able to identify which player's computers are having trouble keeping up with all the action on screen. A great tool for mission makers looking to maintain an optimized experience for their players when monitoring their progress in Zeus. DISCLAIMER: The script version is out of date and does not have all the features of the mod. The mod only needs to be downloaded client side and I recommend you use it instead. If you still wish to use the script, or simply see how it runs, it is here at your disposal. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Paste the following into the initPlayerLocal.sqf file// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////Script Written by DriftingNitro////////////// //////////Help from Commy2, Dedmen, and Dscha//////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Spawns a thread that will loop for each player and // //output their FPS to the server to be read by the zeus// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [] spawn { while {true} do { player setVariable ["DNI_PlayerFPS", floor diag_fps, true]; sleep 0.1; }; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Waits until curators are initalized in order to check// //if player is zeus to run the fps scripts // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// waitUntil { private _hasCurators = (count allcurators) > 0; private _hasInitializedCurators = (count (call BIS_fnc_listCuratorPlayers)) > 0; private _curatorsInitialized = !_hasCurators || _hasInitializedCurators; ((time > 2) || _curatorsInitialized) }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //If player is a curator it will run the script and each/ //player will have their FPS appear beneath them // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (player in (call bis_fnc_listcuratorplayers)) then { addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", { { _distance = position curatorCamera distance _x; //if zeus camera is farther than 1200 meters away from the targets the text will not display if (_distance < 1200) then { _playerFPS = _x getVariable ["DNI_PlayerFPS",50]; //if the FPS is below 20 it turns red and becomes more visible for zeus to see so they are aware if (_playerFPS <20) then { drawIcon3D [ "",//Path to image displayed near text [1,0,0,0.7],//color of the text using RGBA position _x,//position of the text _x referring to the player in 'allPlayers' 1,//Width 2,//height from position, below 0,//angle format["%1 FPS: %2", name _x, str _playerFPS],//text to be displayed 0,//shadow on text, 0=none,1=shadow,2=outline 0.05,//text size "PuristaMedium",//text font "center"//align text left, right, or center ]; } //if the FPS is above 20 text is smaller and less visible as to not conern zeus as much else { drawIcon3D [ "",//Path to image displayed near text [1,1,1,0.3],//color of the text using RGBA position _x,//position of the text _x referring to the player in 'allPlayers' 1,//Width 2,//height from position, below 0,//angle format["%1 FPS: %2", name _x, str _playerFPS],//text to be displayed 0,//shadow on text, 0=none,1=shadow,2=outline 0.03,//text size "PuristaMedium",//text font "center"//align text left, right, or center ]; }; }; } forEach allPlayers; //Here is the array of units you wish to display the FPS text for, it can be //changed to be an array of specific units or players if you wish }]; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////End FPS Script////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  3. I have a decent understanding of locality. And I've read the Biki pages on BIS_fnc_MP and remoteExec. I understand that remoteExec is the newer, preferred approach, but that the other still works too. But I have not been able to wrap my head around the syntax/usage of either of these. So I'm asking for someone who really does understand them to expand on what the Biki has and explain the usage -not just syntax, but how to use it in different situations. A variety of examples (and why it's done the way it's done in each example, and the effects of the variations) would be awesome. Anyone able to do this? It'd be a real benefit to all of us who make multiplayer missions!
  4. Hi, I have following code in my missions initServer.sqf. It spawns 5 random spots where smoke rises in the air. I want to trigger an event as soon as the player steps into the smoke, but so far no luck. I read a lot about triggers and locality. I even tried to create the triggers in initPlayerLocal but i walk where the triggers are supposed to be and nothing happens. I'm hosting the mission as MP from the editor with no clients.. _centre = getMarkerPos "CivMarker"; for "_i" from 1 to 5 do { _randDir = random(360); _randDist = (random 100) + 100; _posx=(_centre select 0) + (_randDist * sin(_randDir)); _posy= (_centre select 1) + (_randDist * cos(_randDir)); _pos2d= [_posx, _posy]; _position = [_posx, _posy, getTerrainHeightASL (_pos2d)]; _smoke = "test_EmptyObjectForSmoke" createVehicle _position; // _trg = createTrigger ["Trigger", _position]; _trg = createTrigger ["Trigger", _position,false]; _trg setTriggerArea [10, 10, 0, false]; _trg setTriggerActivation ["ANYPLAYER", "PRESENT", true]; // _trg setTriggerStatements ["this", "hint 'Trigger'", "hint 'No Trigger'"]; _trg setTriggerStatements ["this", "_Smoke = ""SmokeShellRed"" createVehicle (position _this);", "hint 'no trigger'"]; };
  5. Hey! I wanted to see if anyone knew if there was an issue surrounding the new Contact DLC (Platform) assets being marked as the entirety of Livonia? - For example, on my personal mission, I have an issue to where when I hop onto Hebontes and place down a single Contact DLC (Platform) asset, it locks the mission to any of my friends who don't currently own the DLC, kicking them out with the message saying the map took place on Livonia and it would auto kick them off. Was this meant to occur? Is it possibly something on my end? If it is meant to occur, does Bohemia Interactive plan to allow Contact DLC (Platform) assets to the greater Arma III community in the near future as they did with many of the Tanoa and Apex assets? Thank you for your time!
  6. Ladys and Gentleman, Maybe i oversaw the Question or this is something nobody asked yet. My Question is Simple: Is there a Way to work together in the Eden Editor at the same time or will a Multiplayer version of the Eden Editor released some day? With best regards Leerian Dark
  7. So I have downloaded the DLC content like Karts and Laws of War but I'm not able to use the different appearances that come with the DLCs in multiplayer King of the Hill games. I can play the DLC campaigns/challenges and all that no problem. I've tried on a few different servers and none of them bring up even bring up the appearances as a DLC option. Not too sure what I need to do to have access to those different appearances. Any help is appreciated.
  8. I've been trying to get holdactions to work in multiplayer, but just havent had any luck, the way i host the missions is threw a direc thost from the multiplayer tab, tried many things, and none have seemingly worked. The results are always the same; everyone can activate it but the after being done other pople can still see it, it seems to operate locally and not multiplayer. hoping someone can help
  9. I have some units/soldiers doing push-ups & some standing at ease.. it works fine in single player but as soon as I export to Multiplayer they all default to original stance.. I was told it was a locality issue but I don’t how to address this.. all the ppl who responded only told me what the issue was then sent me links to the scripting forum which doesn’t help someone that’s new to scripting.. it’s good information but u still need some sort of understanding to even read it.. I have a simple script & need help finding a simple solution.. I would appreciate some help & not just a professional scripter telling me what I did wrong.. sorry if I sound like a dick but all I get from the scripting discord is an elitist attitude from others because I don’t EVERYTHING they do.. please help me with this
  10. Hi all, Welcome back to Takistan. This (old) mission is totally reworked for far better compatibility in SP or MP. You need: - CBA, - all CUP (Steam workshop), I do recommend the enhanced movement mod by badbenson. Anyway, walls are collapsible by vehicles. You can choose a lot of parameters (MP) such as: - revive/heal for AI bros, - time acceleration, - weapon loots in houses, - civilian life + kamikazes, - and more... Be sharp with your resources and have fun! On steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=817287859 Pbo for servers: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s3bt08bm4bnivhb/TAKISTAN_RIDE.takistan.pbo?dl=0 This mission can be hard in single player (SP) even if you can revive after a 2 minute unconsciousness. Don't forget to kill AA barrier and use UAV at highest altitude. Don't spread too much your units if you want they can heal each others... (SP or MP) Manage your supports (secure them but use them!) Repack your mags, double clicking on it in inventory. Despite of that, if you feel it too difficult, play it in multiplayer SOLO. This way, your units can respawn and you can choose all parameters you want. Have fun! Pierre
  11. Welcome to the Adaptive music mod known as Mood Jukebox. This mod will allow music to play on the start of a mission and will adapt to the scenario you are in. This Adaptive music mod is based on a stress level system which is managed by how many gunshots/bullets are going in the vicinity. From my testing, it seems to decrease the stress either by eliminating all enemies in the surrounding block or getting a long distance away from the enemy. I find it nice for the combat music to still be playing when trying to finish clearing buildings to build tension if the last guy is still around. No map modules or scripts needed to start which makes this script a ton of fun to use when doing some of the workshop based scenario that needs some "UMF" to it to kick start the action. This mod is multiplayer compatible as long as CBA 3 is permitted and allowed (life servers may be difficult to use on, if they require CBA 3 then it may be an exception). (Demonstration Video here) I have posted these mods on Steam for now. I don't know about ArmaHolic right now but I can leave a Google Drive link for the time being. Google Drive Link (Contains both): https://drive.google.com/file/d/14-ADjm04lzwZFVi3_NVH_ndOP-iVyPY9/view?usp=sharing Steam With Debug Window HUD link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1777807089 Steam No Debug window HUD link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1777898611 The current selection of songs is completely safe to use on streams and "should" not be recognized when played. (proof of songs not detected in a video I did a while back: https://youtu.be/JIXmkoB9A8g). !!NOTE!!: I have no problem with people changing the music in the mod to update/change your assortment of songs so have at it :). I will provide a tutorial video on how to change the songs on the picture section and it will require "WORK". Also, a Readme file placed in the mod will have the same set of instructions and a template of the format. Current Bugs: - A black window showing an error on line 15 of the script called main.sqf (everything is working correctly, just wait 20 seconds and it will disappear) - This mod is compatible to use on servers without any prereqs but it will not restart the script after respawn or being revived. - I have noticed at times, probably if the audio sources max out, the music may not play ... I cannot conclude if that is the problem since the Config and file audio files are there in the correct place. !!!!!!!! CALLING ALL MODDERS!!!!!!!! I am asking for help from any modder's and helpers to help with this mod! I am still trying to figure out this issue with the mod not being able to restart the music after a respawn or after going down. Any assistance is appreciated. As well as helping with creating a server key. My knowledge of Arma 3 modding is limited but I do hope that there are people that are willing to help make this mod succeed. PLEASE LEAVE ANY INTEREST IN HELPING IN THE CALLING ALL MODDERS FORUM PAGE ON THIS WORKSHOP PAGE OR ON THIS FORUM POST. thanks. This is the Real author (Scifer) description of the script/mod addon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This script automatically sums an unlimited number of music packs, dynamically selects the most appropriate mood according to player's stress level, engagement and weather and randomly plays its track. This is a very powerful script/addon which can dynamically turn the silent Arma3 into a completely musical game. Features: Playlist building: Every music packs entered in arguments list are automatically summed and its tracks are assigned to its respective mood playlists. Shoot detection: The player is influenced by two event handlers. When the player is "hit" his stress is set to 100%, and when he's "firedNear" his stress increases by 10. Units Detection: When you spot enemies, their threat is proportional to how much you know about them. Then the stress level increases towards "tension" mood according to the sum of their threat level. Defining mood by stress level: There are four moods: - "truce" for stress levels under 50% in clear day - "darkness" for stress levels under 50% in heavy weather or night - "tension" for stress level above 50% - "sadness" for death scene. Selecting random track: Random track are dynamically selected according to mood players mood. Playing music: Music will be played whenever the mood changes or the track ends. Display: You can customize which MoodJukebox data and music data are displayed. Dynamic fading: Music volume dynamically drops as stress level approaches a change of mood. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please, If you decide to make a separate mod upload. BE SURE TO LINK THE MOD BACK TO HERE IN THE MOD DESCRIPTION PLEASE AND GIVE CREDIT TO WHERE IT IS NEEDED! Help Make this mod succeed! please like and share! Please comment on any ideas or feedback. I will do the best I can to reply to questions. Anything related to interest in helping, please go to the Calling All Modders link and ask to see what can be done. Thanks, and enjoy 🙂 Cheif22
  12. Hi I amn't much of a gamer myself ( not since the days of Crash Bandicoot on the PS1) so please bear with me here :) I'm asking this on behalf of a friend who plays arma regularly and needs a bit of help. He played as part of a squad/ group for a bit over a year, and really enjoyed it, and as he lives alone, talking to the group members via text/ over a mic was his main source of social interaction. A few weeks ago, the squad disbanded and moved elsewhere, leaving my friend on his own . My friend is disappointed and is now stuck without a group to play with, which is the main reason he plays arma- he likes the social benefits of being part of a group and part of a community and he is missing it. How should he go about trying to find or form a new group within the game? And could anyone recommend any similar multiplayer games for him where he could join a new group? Thanks for your help
  13. Hey guys! So basically I've got a bit of an issue with a sector control mission I've been making. It's a fairly standard framework for sector control. Currently running it on a dedicated server. If only one player is on the server when one team's tickets are depleted, the mission ends and resets as normal, but when there are multiple players the mission ends, but doesn't reset. Players are sent back to the role screen as usual, but then on respawn are sent back into the old mission again; tickets and capture points do not reset either. Also, the server is not set to persistent. The mission resets if no human players are spawned in. Any ideas? Here is a link to my mission on dropbox.... https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rjvr8ng8719ujzy/AAAXPA1TpRdvHuJfymsztJwQa?dl=0 Thanks, Billy.
  14. Hello everyone, I just started playing ARMA 3 on my new pc, fixed the fps issues and now I have another problems, regarding game sounds. To begin with, while in single player missions or showcases, I can hear random car sounds, like a car passing right besides me, or even pulling up behind me, just because for me to run away from my position. These bugs also happen with helicopters and bullets. Now in multiplayer the story is a bit different, but yet kinda similar. I can hear tanks from a mile ahead of me, and the bullet sounds are just ugh... I can stand behind an enemy tank just to hear a suppressive enemy fire and not the actual tank's sound effects. I've been trying to find anyone with a similar problem, but yet had no results. If anyone have experienced this issue please let me know, or maybe this is the part of the game bugs. Anyway, thanks in advance!
  15. vSuppress Script by Valmont and George Floros is the first script based Audio-Visual Suppression effects for Arma 3. vSuppress Main Features: - Easily add Suppression effects to your missions. These audio visual effects will trigger on players when Ai Units' bullets land or pass near them simulating the "Fear Effect" of being shot, the anxiety caused by being pinned down or just general combat stress. - Fully Multiplayer Compatible! - Extremely lightweight. The script was conceived with performance in mind and on testings with 60+ Ai units shooting at a single player resulted in a meagerly 2 FPS negative impact. - The Suppression effects are purely cosmetic and will not cause any other effects on players such as decreased stamina, stats etc. - The sounds and the visual effects can be easily tweaked and disabled inside the script. - Players cannot suppress other players, only Ai Units who have the script/EH running will be able to suppress players. - The suppression effects are quite minimalist and fast in nature to keep Arma 3's gameplay unchanged while adding an additional layer of immersion to the game. Requirements: Usage: vSuppress version 1.1 DEMO MISSION DOWNLOAD LINK: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NLZx5lH_G5p6ubcK73xvwwgYVqCWpdvL Notes:
  16. Akuakomb shooter

    Team deathmatch (MODE)

    I also have these ideas for those players who loves the encounters shooting in a team We could still using the Signal and radio to see the possible location for the another team 2 airdrops and to help and protect our team We could enjoy this mode playing at least 20 minutes each match that would be addictive
  17. Hello, So I love arma 3 and I wanted to reinstall it and get into it again but oh well it doesnt work anymore what I get is a game that launch correctly but that can't join any servers. I click on join and then , no sign of life, only the tanoa map and waves sound. It gets kinda annoying and now I dont know what to do. When I play solo it works the game loads and I am in. But whenever I try to join a server I get stuck on tanoa map. And sometimes when I try to host a server the game crashes with a black screen and tells me : 0xC0000005 - ACCESS_VIOLATION I don't understand why. And I really want to play a3 My Config I7 4790k Gtx 980ti Ram 8gb Asus Rog maximus Hero VII If anyone could help me I would be really happy ! I have 2 crash reports :
  18. Hi, I need a help guys, can someone make me a simple script, where the enemy on the map chases the player wherever he moves? I tried some but I did not do anything, I have not been doing anything wrong, could you help me with this please?
  19. Hi, I have close to 800 hours in ARMA myself but here's the situation: We're having a little LAN at work and to my surprise ARMA3 is getting some votes in the game selection (#2 just after Overwatch). This raises the challenge how to run ARMA as a one-shot thing with people who likely are completely new to the game. The Bootcamp can be great in introducing the very basics but we're talking of quite busy people who might not have the time to go through anything like that on their own. They are more or less gamers and generally bright people so they might pick up things quick on the go - most of them I don't know that well however to assess their exact capability. Everybody being in the same room and focusing on the game can help too. Was thinking of writing a little info blurb with just a few pointers how this game is different from your regular shooter and pointing them to the Bootcamp so some at least can pick up things beforehand and educate the others. Also making it co-op removes much of the skill gap and can provide for a nice change of pace in the LAN. Keeping it simple is a must, then again multicrew vehicles is something where ARMA shines and just driving and fooling around in a ground vehicle is quite easy and fun to do. I would think Zeus mode, or can I find fun missions that are easy to set up and easy to play for total newbies? Zeus would provide the advantage of adapting on the fly and setting both the content+challenge level to group specifications. I do have experience with the editor but I'm new to Zeus myself, I've been glancing at it and thinking it's a great tool - I used to play it while I was new - but the time to prepare is very short now. We could make it a simple scenario in semi-open terrain + towns, most probably Altis as that's the map most familiar to me and it's commonly played, also very different locations available. Assuming 7-8 players I'd break it into 3 fire teams: motorized recon (1-3 experienced players), an armored component (eg. tigris, MBT, APC with 2 or 3 people), motorized rifle squad (everybody else, mostly newbies). There's probably around 2-3 hours we can spend on the whole experience. Running Zerty's Mod with the right settings could be an idea, as I'm familiar with the mode and it exposes much of the game. We'd be taking over one town after the other and building our force. The enemies mostly would be stupid bots with some vehicle support (they would have APC etc). This way everyone would get to play and there would be a challenge to rise to, the experienced players would pull more of the game though. The challenge wouldn't really scale up but it's a short exercise anyway and in just a couple of hours we could get to running around with various ground vehicles or even commanding bots (it gets tricky in this territory though). Zerty's has a couple of its own mechanisms like factories with build queues, town mechanics, economy and bases so some people involved could get bogged down by those (IMO you could mostly just ignore them and tail the rest of the group). In terms of training, I think we need to cover: The basics of handling the game (gear selection, context menu, what to expect) How to operate with infantry (using cover, stances, locating enemies or rather the difficulty of it) How to hit things with firearms (eg. holding shift, selecting your engagement range, weapon types, bullet drop/zeroing, short bursts) Any special roles people want to try out (sniper weapons, ATGM, vehicle gunners) I will need to have another look at the WarMachine mode as that might provide just what we need, but in a more simple format. Any other ideas, concerns or suggestions?
  20. COOP 7 • Purple Swamp Location: Prei Khmaoch Luong | ព្រៃខ្មោចលង Quick Description: • The enemy forces are weak because of our advance over the north of the country, we have an opportunity to control the south zone, you have to eliminate the rebel leader and the 3 Vypers who are negotiating on shipments of weapons in the village, the enemy already received a shipment that is located in an enemy field on the east side of the river, where you will have to destroy that same shipment that contains anti-aerial weapons and ammunition, but first you will have to hack the computer that is in a hiding place in the middle of the forest, West of your primary targets, so we have access to the entire network of the southern area. Teams ◘ GREEN MAMBA: 1 • TL 2 • JTAC 3 • PARAMEDIC 4 • DEMO SPECIALIST 5 • MACHINEGUNNER ◙ BLACK MAMBA: 1 • SNIPER 2 • SPOTTER Features: • Limited Gear via Crates (OldSchool way ArmA) • BIS Respawn (Rallypoints BIS Enable) • BIS Revive (With Drag & Drop) • Sway Reduced • Gear Save • Full Voice Act Steam Workshop: Link
  21. Operation Chester Date/Time: April 13, 2019 @ 2100/9PM CET (2000/8PM UK) Side: SIAF (Slovenian Armed Forces) vs Local Rebels Storyline: Our QRF unit operating in the area has been asked to intervene after local army lost control of Chongo Airbase after an intense battle with a local rebel group named Al-Wabra. We will use that Airbase as an FOB to inflict further damage to rebels in the sector. Enemy: Rebels / Mercenaries Addon repository: http://www.vojak.si/chongo/ More info in our FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sbpteam/ Our Discord channel: https://discordapp.com/invite/0at5rHYr1sy2Mp8y So far signed up: my SBP Team ~8-10 players. We are looking for a dedicated disciplined group or two that would join us in the battle.
  22. captainchain5

    Arma 3 Immersive Roleplay

    Hey all, I'm currently looking into creating a Roleplaying schema that takes aspects of Milsims, DayZRP and CWRP on Garry's Mod and creating a roleplay experience that follows the Arma 3's lore. At the moment I'm looking for people who are like-minded and have an interest or would like to help in any capacity. If you're interested, here are some links that you can contact me by: Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198023937473/ Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/arma3immersiveroleplay Discord: https://discord.gg/57VXqq
  23. JoHnny Mate

    Anyone have a FIX??

    My current game has been suffering some issues of not being able to load into servers due to the complication of "You were Kicked off the game. ( BattleEye: Bad Player Name)". But my name is nothing offensive "Jonny Baked", does anyone have another reason for this as well?.
  24. Hi, I'm still looking for the best way to manage some revive heal in SP and MP session. SP works fine but I can't find a reliable solution for MP, with the EH handleDamage. Restarting from the basement, I'd like to share this test I can't explain the result: I placed 2 playable groups in editor. and 1 trigger (true) to run this code: {_x addEventHandler ["handleDamage", { params ["_unit","","_dam"]; hint str (getAllHitPointsDamage _unit); _dam min 0.86 }]; } forEach allunits; This code is running on each hosted/clients. The EH is supposed to limit all the hits at 0.86 max. This way the unit is wounded but never die (OK in SP or units on hosted server). PS: I know, I can write the hint inside of a loop rather than inside of the EH, but that doesn't change anything for the following issue: If I JIP on the 2nd group leader, so the group will be remote to the client's PC. The group owner changes. Normal. Then if I continue to fire against these remote units, the EH still fires (I can see the new value for getAllHitPointsDamage), so the hint is "ok" then the EH code runs but the remote units die! - I can shoot the units of my group: they never die, - all remote units are dying... Everything goes as the EH fires locally (normal: E.L.) but this localization is not updated to the new localization of the unit! This EH is hard to manage, even for so small behavior as modifying a value for hit damage. I miss something, probably. Any help appreciated. Thanks.
  25. Hi all, Here is a new WARLORD ,CUP oriented scenario, if you love Chernarus in winter! You can play in MP only but this scenario is fine on solo MP (but hard). You need all CUP mods (+CBA). Recommended addons: Enhanced movements, JSRS sound mod (with some limitations on CUP assets) MGI Tactical pack (for beginners). As usual now, there are plenty of mission parameters, coming from Warlord or added for: - All AIs in a played leader group can heal and be healed/revived by player or Ais. - you can opt for civilian life , and opt for human bombers also (enemy for reds/blues). - you can opt for weapon loots in houses. - you can mark unconscious and/or dead units. There are some enemy areas, all the map. So be cautious when you plan a path to next sector. Have fun! on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1618406445 Pbo for servers: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9gmbt17zovk39ou/CHERNARUS_WARLORDS.Chernarus_Winter.pbo?dl=0