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  1. G'day, I made a mission, it required a large mod that my friend didn't have (Project OPFOR, "po_factions_me"), in my confident ignorance I went and deleted all entries of said mod in the missions.sqm without debinarizing it, after doing so, I now get the error "line 0: '.raP:' ' encountered instead of' =" when trying to open the mission in the editor. I downloaded DeRap due to a suggestion, when I used the tool on the mission.sqm, it said something along the lines of: "deRap: unknown entry:" (I can check again if the exact wording of the error is actually important) Anyone have any ideas? it's a beloved mission me and my friend play very, very often. Here is the mission.sqm: https://pastebin.com/70ECMNgy Thank you so much.
  2. Ok so here's what's up. I spend several hours making a scenario/mission. After a week or so I decide to change some things. I go inside the editor but I forget I have this one completely irrelevant mod active in my modlist. Now everyone needs to have this mod in order to play my mission. And my question is. Is there any file inside the mission folder that contains all the mod requirements for the mission that I can modify?
  3. I have a container that contains an optic, a banana (from ACE), a chemlight and a grenade. It has the following line inside init. hint str getItemcargo box1; I want it to return every object that's inside but it only returns these 2: Why is this happening?
  4. Hello at all who will read this at first, I am currently working on something called DCFDB a Dynamic campaign Framework for Arma 3. To keep things clear i will write some things about it. First of all there is no released Version right now so it is not avialble yet. The Target of it is to have a Dynamic Zeus Campaign with a saving function and other little extras for administrating the campaign. To achive this i am writting an Database in combination with extDB3. This Database should store the most if not all placable and doable things aswell as states. I started at some point to play Milsim Missions with Zeus and thought that it is somewhat sad that there is nothing really to safe the progress. Better said i am targeting a normal Arma 3 campaign as Zeus Campaign with the use of the Creativity from Community of Arma 3. Well with that said now i get to my problem: I am working right now to make it possible to use the Editor for the campaign that you aren't Limited to only Zeus. So i wanted to use the ID of the Mission.sqm to check if it is a Editor Object and later maybe call it by that or assign paralell a Id from the Database. The id of Item 59 ("I_Truck_02_box_F") would be the 409. Right now with the Knowledge i have i can get this variable by using: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/get3DENEntityID But this is limited to the Eden Editor right now. I ask myself is there a way to get this exact Value in the mission while the Object "I_Truck_02_box_F" is selected with as an example: cursorobject. I already thought of another sollution of this by first calling all placed objects and extracting the ID in the middle of following: 13b57c080# 1675124: truck_02_box_f.p3d by using _editorID = str _vehicle splitstring ": " select 1; this gives me the 1675124 of the whole thing. I thought this number would be my solution but then i got informed that those numbers can change because of terrain modification like one tree more or less. So i can't use that. Now is the Question is there any other solution to get this ID or something which is also unique and won't change? Just as information NetID changes. Another thing i tried is to include the MissionSQM in the description.ext and work the parts out: class MissionSQM { #include "mission.sqm" }; and call it through: getNumber (missionConfigFile >> "MissionSQM" >> "version"); [this is not the path just as information this is just an example] but there is another problem i can't order the ITEM Class to the object if there is variable itself which it does not need everytime. class Attributes { name="beta_4"; } Without the name Attribut i can't order it corectly to the unit. Position is a bad option since those can change. The funny thing is i can call the object mentioned before with this script so this is why i tried the splitstring Part: [0,0,0] nearestObject 1675124; So i am with my knowledge at the End and wanted to ask if someone knows a command for declaring an unique ID which won't change and are passed on from the Editor. I searched the Internet up and down asked question in the Arma 3 scripting Discord channel. I think also you were able once to read out the 1675124 id with a command but this was discontinued due to the terrain change problems. Now the editor objects get their own ids which was once wanted but this can't be used in the Mission. I am at the point where i don't know what to do now. Maybe some of you has some answers. Would be glad.
  5. Hello! It's probably a very easy situation but I can't find any help so far. I want to apply the steps below between three locations (LA, LB, LC) Start (anywhere): Task 1- Go LA (On LA) - Success Task 2- Go LB (On LB) - Success Task 3- Go LA (On LA) - Success Task 4- Go LC (On LC) - Success I use trigger (Blufor Present) but I'm having problems. When I sync one trigger and set it to "Repeat", both Task 2 and Task 4 gets activated and when I activate again, Task 2 completes and starts again. When I use two different triggers, Task 4 is enabled when units reach LA for the first time. I need tasks to be activated and completed just like the steps I mentioned above. How can I do that?
  6. Hello, I am new with mission making although i played all ARMA series since OFP in 2001 (yes long time). I want to know what people do when they save their arma 3 scenarios from the editor. I have spent a lot of time making my missions so i want to know if there is a way to backup the missions somewhere and how people go about doing it? What is the process? Thanks.
  7. In the 3d editor i am missing quite a few vanilla items such as furniture like the camping chairs, walls such as the H barriers(all of them except the large 4 blocks and the corridor), the long sandbag wall. So far this is all I've noticed missing but i'm sure there's more. Could this be an issue with mods or is my game playing up?
  8. zilfondel

    EDEN bug

    Hi, I have never seen anyone discussing this bug before, but here goes: I have noticed a bug where I cannot open a mission on a particular map. If I try to open a specific mission, it opens a different mission instead. Steps to reproduce: edit a mission on Altis that has been previously saved make changes to mission, but do not save open a different mission on a different map - discard changes made to mission try to open the mission from step 1 Eden will not open the mission, but will open a separate mission from Altis instead. The only way I can then open that mission is to exit Arma 3 entirely and relaunch. Sorry, the issue persists even if I exit the game. You have to save a new mission on the same island, and only then can you load your old mission. I have been experiencing this issue for at least a year. Occurs with no mods installed.
  9. Hey folks, i m working on an alternative Version of Malden to make it fit better with the Ravage Mod ( More Trash, A lot more buildings, decoration and such stuff). Now im almost done with all the stuff, an now im searching for a way to Display all placed stuff at the InGame map. Do you know a easy way to do this? (ive done all the placing with Eden Editor) Can someone move this topic pls? Havent Seen that there is one for the Eden Editor also...
  10. Hi I ran into a little issue. I made a little heli training where the instructor can control the heli from the ground via a dialog. In the dialog there are options to damage the engine, main rotor, tail rotor etc. In the editor it works perfectly and when trying it on a dedicated server it half works in a way. If I am in the menu and a friend is in the heli it does not produce the damage for him. I assume it has something to do with local / global variable ? I don't know too much about that as I am a beginner. Setup: Object stand has a addAction on it that opens the dialog. if(_selectedIndex == 0) exitWith { player sideChat "Little Bird has Light Engine Damage!"; trainingLittleBird setHitPointDamage ["HitEngine", 0.5]; }; I'm not sure how to fix this. Any help would be appreciated.
  11. Hello I always loved the world of Operation Flashpoint and Arma series for it's realistic countryside, nature, people, vehicles and such things. I would like to experience it in a peaceful way for once :) I was thinking if there are some missions or MODs which would include adventure like story with meeting people, travelling around the island, investigating, looking for some things somewhere and such, but in a civilian non combat settings. You get my idea right? If you know about something like that let me know! EDIT: found Arma3life and Arma3 project life so far...
  12. Hello I always loved the world of Operation Flashpoint and Arma series for it's realistic countryside, nature, people, vehicles and such things. I would like to experience it in a peaceful way for once :) I was thinking if there are some missions or MODs which would include adventure like story with meeting people, travelling around the island, investigating, looking for some things somewhere and such, but in a civilian non combat settings. You get my idea right? If you know about something like that let me know! EDIT. I resubmitted this topic into OFFTOPIC - Games & Gaming. how do I delete this post?
  13. I created a TDM scenario for 10 on 10 gameplay. This one is in Agios Dionysios, and has barriers that restrict the playable area. There are limited supplies on the map, and two resupply locations for Blu For and Op For to fight over. Feel free to check it out if you like. Uses minimal mods (should be listed at the link). Any feedback is appreciated. First-person only settings. I am aware that the respawn ticket counter works, but does not display on-screen on a player's HUD (it does display on the player death/respawn screen). Let me know what you think. I plan on making a bunch of these in various towns across Altis, Tanoa, Malden, Chernarus, and Fallujah, among others. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1337308392
  14. I use eden editor create slot player i have a problem when player lose connection or dead why role slot is blank
  15. Can you please add Land_HeatPump_F to the editor? I can only add this with a mod or with CreateVehicle(), but I want to be able to use this in the editor. It has scope =1 and cannot be placed. Thanks. It would only take 1 minute to change this. And the runway papi lights. It is annoying that there are some items that we cannot place easily. This heat Pump item actually looks very nice, it would be good to have on the side of a building in a base for example.
  16. I have built a terrain, packed by AddonBuilder, which Arma 3 loads without error, but do not display in the map list. I wonder if I made some mistake with the config. I'd appreciate for your help! $PBOPREFIX$ Config.cpp BIS_AddonInfo.hpp cfgClutter.hpp cfgSurfaces.hpp sino_ChengtaiRailway.hpp File List:
  17. KEEP THIS IN MIND BEFORE READING BELOW: Here I am talking about the scenario editor, and the lacking features. And if you are just going to tell me that I should play the official gamemodes, I Would do that if not for the lack of multiplayer features (Like ranks to balance teams out & the ability to vote kick) and lack of CO-OP (me and my friend only, without random children spamming their microphone and not playing) features. Hello everyone at Argo forums! I was recently making a scenario to play with my friends using the Editor, and my god does it lack Everything. So here are some things that I Really Really want to be implemented into the editor and the game itself. Here's the list: Make it so you can open your inventory (Check 4th 5th statements) and equip items. Add civilians that we can spawn in. Add actually working ammo boxes into the Props spawn menu so we could re-supply mid-battle. There is no way to equip a different scope to your weapon when you pick a scope up from the ground Can't equip different armor/vests/headgear mid-battle I can't see myself and my friends on the map/minimap When starting a custom scenario, in the menu where you can select the team/character you want to be, There is no way of knowing which character has what loadout. This is the end of My list of things that break the scenario editor/scenarios for me. But feel free to add to this list in the comments below! I would really thank the Argo Developer Team if they were to read this and leave a comment! Thank you!
  18. Hello, OOP macro File : https://github.com/code34/oop.h Today i wanna share with you my gui editor. This is the link https://github.com/minipopov/GuiEditor Why new editor? -Based on layer with ctrlGroup -You could use your own style control directly from mission -You could export HPP (with EVH link for oop user) -You could export OOP file which is load on createDialog and delete variable on closeDialog -OOP file will contain all functions associate with your dialog. You could set from editor a name for each control which is the name of variable inside class and add init function Press F1 in mission you will see all shortcut. Let's talk about other thing. In initPlayerLocal.sqf you could set OOP_GuiEditor_ListControl which is an array of control avaible. You could remove all, add yours. The only thing that you have to do for add your control is to fill the file styles/customStyle.hpp with your style. Let's create together a new simple dialog. I named it shop with idd 8600. I create a simple dialog with 1 layer. Inside my layer i would create 1 LB which i named "itemList" and 2 button btnClose, btnOK. On my LB i check in event "Init" "OnLBSelChanged". Screenshot:http://prntscr.com/i2r1zj Let's look hpp file generated: Have a look for people who doesn't use OOP. All Event call static function to OOP class that you don't have. You need to change the call AND remove onLoad/unLoad event on display. Hpp contain string to reimport later your dialog Now let's generate oop class First there is standard function Init that it executed at openning your display. For ours BUTTONS We have 2 buttons on our hpp, so 2 functions btnAction_btnOK and btnAction_btnClose. They are call on click For Listbox We have Init function that you could call like this ["static",["onLBSelChanged_itemList", _whateveryouwant] call oo_shop. You could passed to the function anything you wan't and do your job... We have this function cause we check Init There is onLBSelChanged_itemList that is called on selected element on LB. EVH functions are auto fill. Now in-game how to use that? Just by using createDialog "shop", this gonna call our constructor function and get/set all controls, exec standard init. How to delete all vars & clear memory? closeDialog 0; Gonna set all variable to nil and clear memory Hope that i don't let but inside my code ^^. We're on beta version but, it's seems work well
  19. Hiya! Despite my rank on this forum, I am actually pretty well acquainted with the Arma Editor (Can't say my script skills are too good though ) as I have been playing since about late 2014. Anyways, I am trying to recreate the Original Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad in a more modern setting. Is it possible to create a sort of trigger that when you, for example, talk to an NPC, a line of dialogue appears? I am more so looking for a Mount and Blade effect w/o actual voice acting and just reading blurbs of dialogue. For the first section of dialogue, I wish for the player to interact with a UN Colonel. The Colonel will be leaning on his desk or whatever and I would have the player approach and have a section stating "Speak" and I am incoporating dialogue from the actual book. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
  20. New missions that have exported screw up our server. I tried editing both the Escape Malden and Tanoa missions to be comparable with the mods my milsim group uses. While they are uploaded to the server, the logged in admin is unable to use the #missions command to revert to the lobby screen. Is this being caused by a piece of code BI put into the missions to prevent us screwing with them, or is it a product of the mods I am using? Has any one else had something like this happen? As far as I am aware, no other mission makers have had this same issue, so it's also possible it could be an issue with my Arma files. List of mods below CUP Terrains - Core http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=583496184 CUP Terrains - Maps http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=583544987 Pegasus 6th - Terrain http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1130468064 RHSUSAF http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843577117 RHSAFRF http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843425103 Pegasus 6th - WEU http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1122878265 Pegasus 6th - Vehicles http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1122870272 CBA_A3 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=450814997 RHSGREF http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843593391 RHSSAF http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843632231 Pegasus 6th - Core http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1122861524
  21. Hello my boys, im searching some recent tutorial of how to create easily an arma 3 map from nothing. Sorry for my bad english (lol) and greetings to pole message.
  22. Pvt. Sparkleshoes

    3DEN editor trigger help

    I'm trying to make a radio conversation between the player and npc. I have the radio chat modules set up to triggers, but I want them to be activated by the player onky, instead of just civilian, BLUFOR, and OPFOR teams. Can anyone help?
  23. Hello. Recently I have noticed really bad lag when selecting or moving multiple units in the Eden editor. This happens whenever I drag a selection box around lots of units at once, either in map or 3d. It also happens when dragging lots of units at once to a different part of the map. With a single unit the lag is minor but when selecting many (e.g. 20) I get a screen freeze for 20-30 seconds until they all become highlighted and editable again. I am using a lot of mods but the issue is the same when running stock vanilla. I have also tried dev branch and non-dev branch. Non-dev seems slightly faster but there's not much in it. It's been a while since I played Arma 3 but I never used to have this problem. In the past selection and movement of units in the editor was basically instant. I should add that apart from this issue Arma runs very smoothly for me, so it isn't caused by an under-spec system. My settings are all mostly on max. Is anyone else experiencing this, or perhaps someone knows what causes it? Thanks.
  24. Hi guys, I'm aiming to build a mission where the player is a squad leader in a platoon, maintaining full control of the squad, whilst recieving orders from the AI platoon leader. I can't for the life of me work out how to place the player squad leader under the command of an AI platoon leader without having to relinquish command of the player's squadmates. I've had friends suggest using the High Command modules but I'm not understanding how an AI platoon leader would be able to use the command module as commander. It would also be great to still give the other AI squad leaders full control of their squads but that's not such a big priority. The main priority is having the AI platoon leader send orders/markers to the player and then the player can command their own squad to achieve the objective however they see fit. Any help or suggestions is much appreciated. I really should know how to do this, considering I've been an OpFlash/ArmA head since 2004!
  25. I want to make a mission where the player passes trough a city destroyed by artillery fire, of course I don't want to create a thousand mortars that need to shoot at different positions so I was wondering if there is a script that can break all buildings and trees in a given radius