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Found 381 results

  1. 5th Infantry Division Branch: Milsim Timezone: NA EST Main Language: English Operation Times: 2000 EST Other Essential Info: As the 5th ID, we utilize 1st Platoon Light Infantry, Mechanized Infantry, a Scout Detachment, Fixed and Rotary Wing air assets, and an Armored Detachment to complete realistic military campaigns. Light Infantry - "Spartan" "Spartan" is our standard shock-and-awe force. From recon patrols and IED clearance, to MOUT in heavily fortified cities and assaulting out of helicopters, we do it all. Scout Section Detachment - "Ronin" "Ronin" are one of two supporting elements within the 5th. The Scouts conduct Special Recon behind enemy lines, direct-action raids, and everything in between. Armor - "Raptor" "Raptor" is our second supporting element. Raptor utilize the Bradley IFV to inflict massive damage onto enemy forces, both infantry and armored elements. Aviation - "Outlaw" "Outlaw" utilize both Fixed Wing and Rotary Wing aircraft to conduct CAS, troop transport, and MEDEVAC for ground forces. Other benefits include: ⮚ Delayed Entry Program to test the waters ⮚ Weekly Campaign Operations ⮚ Nightly Mini Ops ⮚ Dedicated Training Servers ⮚ Joint OPs Friendly ⮚ Verified Veteran program ⮚ Multiple Company Structure ⮚ Active Community / Currently over 30 active members and growing rapidly ⮚ 10 Years of service, many Legacy members still active in the community ⮚ 17 + age restriction Apply Here A3 Units Page
  2. Sniperbkr

    Start a Unit?

    Would anyone want to start a Mil-sim unit with me, I have 2 years of milsim experience, being a Squad Leader, Recruit instructor, and Processor for the my previous unit. I would like to start a new unit of my own. I can handle a lot of the forums aspect but I need someone to be more of the in-game know it all. Let me know if you would be interested and we can get somethings rolling!
  3. Hey, you are 18 years old and want to play Arma III in a realism unit? You clicked on the right thread then ’cause I'm going to tell you about the 3rd MRB! We are a pretty new unit and are now looking for new recruits. Didn't get you at hey? Ok then here are some more reasons to join us : Modded game server. Scripted and thought out missions. Frequent mini Operations and training. A unit discord to chat and plan. A Teamspeak for the operations or just to chill on. A website. And you don't need to bring much : A headset. A legal copy of Arma III (duh). Teamspeak. Discord. The will to put in the effort and spend time making the unit great! If this awoke your interest then there are a few things you can do now... Ignore this anyways Add me on steam to get more information Add Capt. A. Cortez [3rdMRB] on steam Hop on the TS ( ts3.3dmrbmilsim.com ) Hop on the Discord ( https://discord.gg/r8BVGNm) I‘m looking forward to seeing you on the battlefield.
  4. Anthony Mosley

    4th JSOC Recruiting

    4th JSOC Battalion wants YOU Hello there fellow American, Are you interested in super immersive combat that is also fun and is dedicated to the realistic standards of Arma 3. We at 4th JSOC Battalion want to make a fully immersive combat environment with combat support roles, Combat units, and Coventional forces. Here in this unit we focus on fictional battles, real battles, and what if scenarios. Units we have to offer include: SWCC/Seals Rangers 101st Airbourne 160th Night stalkers 57th air wing All of these guys work in coordination with each other to pull of daring raids over enemy lines. We follow as close to possible on all means and aspects militarily as possible. However we are a mil-sim and in no way do we represent any of these groups in the real world. We are dedicated to following as close to possible military standards, Basics, and tactics all while having fun. So if your interested stop on by the Discord https://discord.gg/AwrNQvt and ask for Hotel or November and we will direct you accordingly or you can contact me at usmarines586@gmail.com Good luck and remember the once great Ronald Regan said: "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." -Major Phillip Harpy
  5. 1st Battalion, 4th Marines "Whatever it takes" We are an experienced group of Milsim players that have been running Milsim games for about 4 years now. We have an amazing Zeus that will provide you with an epic experience and will provide you with a realistic environment. We are a modern U.S. Marine unit that operates in multiple different kinds of environments using modern day tactics that we introduce into Arma 3! All levels of experience welcome and we are more than willing to teach you anything you need to know to be an important asset and teammate in our Milsim! Positions Available [*]Rifleman [*]Grenadier [*]Engineer [*]Auto Rifleman [*]Machine Gunner [*]JTAC [*]Corpsman [*]Ammo Bearer [*]Sniper [*]Spotter [*]Fixed Wing Pilot [*]Rotary Wing Pilot [*]Helicopter Crew Member [/list] Rules: Must be 13+ Must have a working mic. Must have Teamspeak Installed. Must be willing to show up to weekend operations and training. Follow all rules and orders given in game. Be respectful to everyone. Operation Times and Info: Operations are always at 7:30 PM EST. Operation days are Saturday. Some Sundays are trainings. Content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qe6evss9YCA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHJEnHkkXRo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fh8JJyky3d4&t= Mod List: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1535084174 [DON’T LOAD DEPENDENCIES] Application Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zgHA9Xf4x5hC9JxCP9gIbnWXXHg-GW5HM4DSoHWg8hI/edit?ts=5c675f88 Teamspeak IP: (POKE US)
  6. 2nd Battalion Parachute Regiment About Us Sometimes referred to as 2PARA we are a Arma III MILSIM community that believe in having fun while getting the job done. We believe that Military Simulation can be done without certain aspects of the real military such as addressing people by their rank or calling them “Sir”. We aspire to create a fun Milsim environment for new or seasoned Milsim players from around the world, however we are Australian based and look after our Aussie members before our international members as the largest part of our community is Australian. Our Structure Applications are open in all air and ground sections. 2nd Battalion, Parachute Regiment - Alpha Company | Infantry - 1 Section - 2 Section - 3 Section - Bravo Company | Support - Armoured Section - Engineer Section 4th Battalion, Parachute Reserves - Reserves - Recruits No. 2 Squadron - Rotary Section - Fixed Wing Section Requirements: You must be of ages 16+ (unless vouched for by someone currently in the unit) You must have a microphone to be able to join! You need to be respectful to all members. You must have Teamspeak 3 installed. You must have a legit copy of ArmA 3. You must be able to follow orders from superior officers. You must be able to attend our weekly main operation Time Schedules Training Friday at 1800 AEST Operations Main Campaign: Saturday at 1800 AEST Fun op Sunday at 1800 AEST How To Join Us: If you are interested please join our teamspeak and wait in the Waiting For Recruiter channel and a recruiter will be with you shortly. Teamspeak: ts3.bris.wombatserve.rs:10100 Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/2ndBattalionParachuteReg ORBAT: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10p_V0SNjIOX-zkb1QSv4fxul_z3u2eqzYDUCA2xgwLw/edit?usp=sharing Discord: https://discord.gg/48WVMhC
  7. EN: Team TGV is a multigaming community that only accepts players above 25 y/o. The team has had an Arma 3 MilSim section from the start but is very often under-staffed and we wish to expand our player base. Please note that the team only accepts fluent French speakers (you do not have to be a native though).
  8. EN FRANCAIS : LA QUICK REACTION FORCE RECRUTE ! La QRF recrute des personnes motivé voulant s'investir et devenir de véritable soldats au sein d'une unité dynamique et rigoureuse voulant vivre des expériences inédites de simulation militaire ! MAIS QU'EST CE QUE LA QRF ? La QUICK REACTION FORCE(QRF) est une unité de simulation militaire française sur les jeux vidéos multijoueurs "Arma 3" et "Squad". La simulation et le réalisme sont la conduite de notre unité pour pouvoir se rapprocher autant qu'il est possible du réel.Nous basons notre unité sur l'armée Française de nos jours. Le système de hiérarchie, le système de grades, les médailles et les procédures de combats etc... ont été adapter aux jeux vidéo. Lorsque vous vous engager, vous commencez en tant que soldat de 2ème Classe et entrez dans un cursus de formation ou vous êtes entraînés par nos instructeurs qui font de vous de véritable soldats de la "QRF", lors de cette formation initiale vous apprenez l'ensemble des compétences nécessaires a un soldat pour pouvoir remplir les différentes missions. Si vous recherchez un nouvel aspect du jeu vidéo et une expérience totalement inédite au plus proche de la réalité, rejoignez la QUICK REACTION FORCE. LES CONDITIONS : - Pouvoir parler français - avoir 16 ans minimum - posséder un micro et un casque - Pouvoir se libérer une a deux fois par semaines 2100h - 2300h le lundi et jeudi LES LIENS : - En savoir plus : http://qrf-reality.fr/about/ - Discord : https://discord.gg/GMaPBUu - Site web : http://qrf-reality.fr/ - Groupe Steam : https://steamcommunity.com/groups/qrf-realit RESPECTUEUSEMENT, CNE DIMITRI K. STARLIGHT COMMANDANT D'UNITE 1ERE CIE QUICK REACTION FORCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IN ENGLISH : THE QUICK REACTION FORCE RECRUITS! The QRF recruits motivated individuals willing to invest and become real soldiers in a dynamic and rigorous unit wanting to experience unprecedented military simulation! BUT WHAT IS QRF? The QUICK REACTION FORCE (QRF) is a French military simulation unit on multiplayer video games "Arma 3" and "Squad". Simulation and realism are the driving of our unity to be as close as possible to the real. We base our unity on the French army nowadays. The hierarchy system, the rank system, the medals and the fighting procedures etc ... have been adapted to video games. When you commit yourself, you start as a 2nd class soldier and enter a training course or you are trained by our instructors who make you real soldiers of the "QRF", during this initial training you learn the set of skills necessary for a soldier to be able to fulfill the various missions. If you are looking for a new aspect of the video game and a completely new experience closer to reality, join the QUICK REACTION FORCE. CONDITIONS : - To be able to speak French - be at least 16 years old - own a microphone and headphones - To be able to free one to twice a week 2100h - 2300h on monday and thursday CNE DIMITRI K. STARLIGHT COMMANDANT D'UNITE 1ERE CIE QUICK REACTION FORCE
  9. We are a unit which is participating in the NATO VJTF Coalition with 3 other units. Our Ops are in Australia and we are a Serious Milsim group that follows the U.S. Air Force procedures. Both experienced and new pilots are welcome, if you are intrested in CAS or CAP and flying this is the right unit for you. We operate with the FIR aws F-16 and conduct our trainings working together with TACPs or single JTACS, aswell as Agressor Pilots. Operations : Sunday 20:00 CEST or 18:00 Zulu. https://imgur.com/a/xqBzP46 Training days : Tuesday - Thursday 20:00 CEST. Discord : https://discord.gg/zGjJGqX Teamspeak :
  10. captainchain5

    Arma 3 Immersive Roleplay

    Hey all, I'm currently looking into creating a Roleplaying schema that takes aspects of Milsims, DayZRP and CWRP on Garry's Mod and creating a roleplay experience that follows the Arma 3's lore. At the moment I'm looking for people who are like-minded and have an interest or would like to help in any capacity. If you're interested, here are some links that you can contact me by: Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198023937473/ Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/arma3immersiveroleplay Discord: https://discord.gg/57VXqq
  11. YouTube Advert: Who are we? Zeus Community, an open community which has been playing Arma since the OFP days in 2001. Our Teamspeak server is our primary home with more information available via our website, forum and Discord channel. Links provided below. What should I expect on your server? We strive for Milsim oriented gameplay. In the hierarchical command structure, players are expected to follow the orders of their superiors and take responsibility of their subordinates. Communication and teamwork is key. Lone-wolfing, purposely ignoring commands, and other selfish behaviours will not be tolerated. We do employ some basic Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and radio procedures for the sake of efficiency but nothing overly complex which can't be understood quickly while playing. We play mostly cooperative (PvE) missions at platoon scale (around 30 players) though we have been known to play Team vs Team (PvP) missions on occasion. How many ArmA 3 servers do you run? Three main game servers: A “vanilla” public server (#1), an “addon” server (#2), and a "CDLC" server (#3). The vanilla public server is open to anyone interested in milsim gameplay, experienced or new, as long as you don’t break server rules of course. For the public server, there is not a mandatory mod requirement though we do often play missions which require official DLC such as Apex for the Tanoa terrain. However, it is strongly recommended that players to connect to our Teamspeak server (even if you don't have a mic) since we use Teamspeak for pre-mission briefing, post-mission debriefing, and on-mission squad comms (instead of group/green channel). We also recommend that players install our optional custom modpack called "ZClient" which includes very useful client-side mods such as ShackTac HUD (see Info Repo link below). On the other hand, the addon server requires all players to have a working mic and installation of our custom addon server modpacks which includes gameplay enhancing mods such as ACE3, ACRE 2, RHS, additional terrains and more. It is recommended that newcomers try out our vanilla public server before considering moving on to our addon server where gameplay is slightly more hardcore (i.e. always revive vs permanent death). The CDLC server can be considered a hybrid of the previous two servers mentioned where we play most CDLCs (e.g. SOG Prairie Fire, Global Mobilization, Western Sahara) in a weekly rotation. Mod-wise, ACRE2 is required (as well as any necessary CDLC-ACRE compatibility mod if using Steam Workshop mod version) but other than that, all that is recommended is to also run our optional modpack mentioned earlier "ZClient". What times do you play? Zeus Community #1 Public: Gamenight every Sunday, start 18:30 UK time (GMT/BST) Zeus Community #2 Addon: Gamenight every Saturday & Wednesday, start 18:30 UK time (GMT/BST) Zeus Community #3 CDLC: Gamenight every Thursday, start 18:30 UK time (GMT/BST) Why should I choose Zeus Community? Milsim gameplay but without the role-playing fluff. While the missions we run on our servers do employ a hierarchical command structure, the community itself (outside of gameplay) does not have player ranking, role whitelisting, or any other unnecessary RP fluff like some other milsim communities. No need for "Sir! Yes sir!". No mandatory training or minimum attendance required. We are an open community so we don't punish players if they happen to have a busy life and can't commit to playing games on a regular basis. We only ask that you don't slot into mission critical roles (e.g. squad leader, pilot, etc.) for a mission if there is a reasonable chance that you may have to go AFK for significant periods of time. Also, although we do employ basic SOPs, radio comm procedures, and we do organise optional training sessions, we don't require newcomers to undergo mandatory training before they can play. Just listen to your leaders, follow the example of more experienced players and you will quickly familiarise yourself with how we operate. In-community developed, custom missions. Using the 3den Editor tool, 99% of the missions we run on our servers are developed by the community, for the community. While we do allow our community’s developers creative freedom, we still maintain quality standards for our missions. Do note that, despite a coincidence in the name, we actually rarely play Zeus Game Master missions (our community name predates ArmA 3's ZGM gamemode). High frequency of brand new missions to play. Most milsim communities are stuck with a relatively small pool of missions to replay for months where new missions are produced on an infrequent basis. Our community on the other hand, benefits from a combined pool of around 600+ missions and produces an average of 5 brand new missions across both servers each week for the community to play. Mission diversity. Unlike many other milsim communities, we don't limit ourselves to particular factions, equipment, vehicles or mission objectives. In one mission you may be a guerrilla fighter with limited equipment tasked with ambushing an enemy convoy, and then in the next mission you may be a tank crewman in a combined arms scenario with CAS and artillery support. Even revive or respawn mechanics (or lack thereof) can differ between missions. Diversity is the spice of life. Servers Zeus Community #1 Public - IP address: Port number: 2302 Zeus Community #2 Addon - IP address: Port Number: 2310 Zeus Community #3 CDLC - IP address: Port Number: 2320 Links Teamspeak: teamspeak.zeus-community.net Discord: https://discord.gg/v6yng8p Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/ZeusCommunity Website: https://zeus-community.net/a3/ Forum: https://zeus-community.net/a3forums/index.php Information Repository: https://goo.gl/mLQgP5 Questions? If you need more info, our Information Repository (link above) provides extensive information and tutorials. Also, feel free to message me if you have any questions or queries.
  12. Who We Are: This unit started as a merge between an American and a British unit all the way back in ArmA, yes the first ArmA. We didn’t start out as a parachute regiment back then, but as the 23rd mountain division. It became apparent however, that we wanted a different way. And we came into the world as 3PARA. Ever since then, we have kept to our high standard, and will always do. That said, we aren’t a hardcore (yes sir, no sir) unit, but we do get serious when we put our game faces on. We do this to honour the actual parachute regiment, from which we have been allowed to use the name. Of course we have both people who are a bit more serious, and some who are a bit more casual. We are humans, not robots after all. Our unit Is made up of people mainly from Europe, but we still have a few Americans who enjoy gaming with us. Many of our members are also former or current military, which provides a great deal of tactical know-how, as well as NATO standard procedures/tactics. Right now 3Para-GU consist of the following active units: HQ. A 5 team there runs the unit, zeus, forum, teamspeak, gameservers ect. 1Section Rifle section. FSG Fire Support Group. AAC Army Air Corps Our Schedule: Our sessions are ran on Thursdays and Sundays at 1900 UK time (GMT / GMT +1 season dependent). Typically our Thursdays focus on ACOY ore ITC traning. Our Sunday events are dedicated to cooperative and joint operations. Our Community: As a unit, we rely on aggressive, but well-coordinated tactics, which we practice while we use them, under the concept of “train as you fight”. And all of our SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) are made with ArmA being in game, but still being as close to realism as we can. Our teamspeak is alway open and there is almost all the time sombody there, playing arma ore a other game. How To Join: If you're interested in joining drop by oure forum http://www.3para-gu.com/forum/index.php?board=2.0 and fill out the form, drop on TS so we can get to know you. Step 1: Fill out an application form on forum Step 2: Drop on ts so we can get to know you. Step 3: Do ITC traning part 1-4 Step 4: If successful part 1-4 its time for part5 Step 5: After part5 it time to transfer in to the active sections Community Contact Details: Teamspeak: Discord: https://discord.gg/Hudawd
  13. Greetings! The 122nd ODST Division is a new unit, looking for people who are active and are 17+ or older. The era the unit will be taking part in is the war with the Covenant (along with fighting insurrectionists as well) and the possibilities can range from dropping behind enemy lines, to supporting militias on occupied worlds or can range to planetary defense or invasion of an occupied world. we are also interested in playing with other units. Information The unit is a community between milsim and casual play, in-game during unit events, members are expected to play with a sense of realism from loading in and grabbing gear to the ending with a debrief. Campaigns will be 4 missions long (1 mission per week), Major Campaigns will be 6-8 missions long (1 1/2-2 months long) operations will be on Sundays at 6pm EST (5pm CST) and training will take place on Friday at 6pm EST (5pm CST). Campaigns will have different endings depending on the outcome of the previous missions before the final one, and can depict of moving the unit to another planet or retreating and changing the outcome of its position in the UNSC's fight against the covenant. Outside of operations members are encouraged to play games with each other in team speak and build a camaraderie between each other to build a tight understanding that can be used in operations without conflict arising. If interested please come join us on our discord is: https://discord.gg/PEw5eM
  14. Who we are? Task Force 121 is a 3 year old American tactical-realism milsim unit that simulates combat tactics and utilizes equipment from the United States Army and United States Air Force. Our main operations will be primarily Zeus controlled in a modern-combat era, but we tend to branch out to different operations including Vietnam, Russian Armed Forces, etc throughout the year. Our staff consists of veterans or active-duty serviceman and our community is filled with military enthusiasts and people generally looking for a fun time. We have a clean organization and command structure that incorporates light infantry, armoured, rotor, fixed wing, special forces, recon, and advanced medical. Throughout the week, we have frequent training's and classes to ensure our members are fresh on piloting, medical, etc. Our Schedule? We run operations every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday - starting at 8PM Central US Time. Between these days, we run liberation on the main server or host trainings. Requirements? We are primarily 16+ but we will allow those of a younger age to join if they are mature enough and understand the type of community they are joining. You must legally own ArmA III Be mature enough to understand that this is a tactical realism server - not a server to be a dick to people. How to join? Message me on discord at Knight#2995 -or- Join our Teamspeak (IP: ) and poke a recruiter and they will pop up and speak with you. They will set you up with our mod list and also help you get TFAR installed (if you don't already have it)
  15. Task Force Green is modeled after an assault troop within the elite special mission unit of the US Army, Delta Force. Our focus is to create the most authentic in-game experience possible while maintaining a high degree of entertainment for our members. Outside of Arma we are a welcoming and relaxed group of friends who leaves the "realism" for in-game only. We’re currently recruiting for openings within our Assault Troop teams, Operational Support Team (Pilots and Pandur Crew), and in the near future the Recce Team (Sniper/Observers). We’re also looking for experienced mission makers and Zeus operators to join our Troop HQ. Operations schedule: Alpha / Charlie / OST-1 1st & 3rd Saturdays of each month @ 2000 EST Bravo / Delta / OST-2 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month @ 2000 EST There is no training pipeline / interview or assessment in order to join our community. All you have to do is fill out this form [docs.google.com] with some basic information and get in touch with one of our unit leaders to get access to our modlist, teamspeak, and server IP address. If you’re interested in learning more, please contact me on steam and I'd be happy to answer any questions or concerns, as well as get you started with joining the group. Thanks!
  16. Metropolitan Police Specialist Firearms Command is looking for new recruits to join our Milsim group. MPSSFC has decided that there really is little to no real Police Milsim units available to join we decided to base ourselves on the UK SFC with sub-divisions of CTSFO and SC&O19 we would like to think that we are not that serious of a Milsim unit we don't command an ultimate level of professionalism and seriousness we just ask that people act appropriately depending on the scenario but for the most part we just want people to enjoy themselves. We accept anyone from anywhere (You don't have to be from the UK to join that is not the case) as long as the applicant meets the application criteria and 16+ and able to speak English. If you wish to join our unit please fill out this simple application form: https://goo.gl/forms/Elj8HX51kFnHHIcw1 Alternatively, you can join our Teamspeak server and find out more and come have a chat with a member of staff! Teamspeak:
  17. Looking for a realistic milsim? Tired of semi serious or OVERLY serious unit? Too much casual bs? The 9th Combined Ranger Battalion is a fictional unit under the command of the renowned 75th Ranger Regiment. Founded by U.S. Army veterans with over 10 years of milsim experience, we strive to create an immersive and realistic Arma 3 experience while maintaining the highest possible level of entertainment for all members. Our hope is that you will enjoy the experience provided, and become an active member of our growing community. SCHEDULE Monday: Fire team Training (optional) Tuesday: Fire team Training (optional) Wednesday: BCT/ Side Operation ( required for Recruits) Thursday: Fire team Training (optional) Friday:Side Operation (optional) Saturday: Main Campaign Operation (required) Sunday: N/A 1. BLUF. 9th CRB Emphasizes: Realism and Authenticity Effective communication and Teamwork Maturity and Professionalism Strategy and Tactics Fun and Satisfaction 2. BACKGROUND. The 75th Ranger Regiment is the U.S. Army's premier light infantry unit, with specialized skills that enable the Regiment to perform a variety of missions. These include direct action raids, airfield seizure, special reconnaissance, personnel recovery, clandestine insertion, and site exploitation. The 9th Combined Ranger Battalion places a strong emphasis on versatility and combat readiness under any circumstance. Like standard Ranger Battalions, 9th CRB establishes light infantry at its core. As a combined unit, however, several supporting elements are attached. These include Artillery, Aviation, Scouts, and Special Forces. 3. MISSION STATEMENT. The 9th Combined Ranger Battalion will strive to provide its members with an entertaining, challenging, and memorable experience within a welcoming and professional environment. Members will be held to the highest of standards, though never to include unnecessary components. Operational realism is a key ingredient in milsim, but it shall never occur at the expense of having fun. 4.OPERATION CAMPAIGN / SIDE OPERATIONS. Main operations are hosted on Saturdays at 1700 PST. All operations begin with a detailed power point intel brief. This is followed by a multi-phase battle with unique objectives which, over several weeks, follows a dynamic and detailed story line. Attendance is mandatory, however, we understand and will make exceptions if you have an emergency, are going out of town, or simply need a break. Side Operations are hosted on Wednesdays and Friday at 1700 PST. Attendance on these nights is optional, and operations/trainings are run by community members. Fire team Training: Time is based off the schedules of your assigned fire team. All of our events are scheduled on Pacific Standard Time (PST) 5. AVAILABLE MOS. 11B - Infantry 68W - Combat Medic (limited availability) 153A - Rotary Wing Pilot 6. REQUIREMENTS. AGE. 18+ mature adults ONLY COMMUNICATION. Teamspeak and a microphone are required. We encourage members to be active on Discord and Teamspeak throughout the week. ATTENDANCE. You must be able to consistently attend Saturday night operations. MODS. You will be required to download our modpack. DLC. Arma 3 DLC is not required. Discord Server [discord.gg] Teamspeak Server: ts77.gameservers.com:9140 Unit Modpack Unit Resources [drive.google.com] For an in-depth look at our unit, check out our Official SOP [drive.google.com] Videos of our unit in action can be found here NOTE: Discord is our primary means of communications outside of the game. If you are interested in joining our unit, please click the Discord link and make a post in the “welcome-center” channel.
  18. Greetings! The 122nd ODST Division is a new unit, looking for people who are active and are 17+ or older. The era the unit will be taking part in is the war with the Covenant (along with fighting insurrectionists as well) and the possibilities can range from dropping behind enemy lines, to supporting militias on occupied worlds or can range to planetary defense or invasion of an occupied world. The unit is a community between milsim and casual play, ingame during unit events, members are expected to play with a sense of realism from loading in and grabbing gear to the ending with a debrief. Campaigns will be 4 missions long (1 mission per week), operations will be on Sundays at 6pm EST (5pm CST) and trainings will take place on Friday at 6pm EST (5pm CST). Campaigns will have different endings depending on the outcome of the previous missions before the final one, and can depict of moving the unit to another planet or retreating and changing the outcome of its position in the UNSC's fight against the covenant. Outside of operations members are encouraged to play games with each other in teamspeak and build a comraderie between eachother to build a tight understanding that can be used in operations without conflict arising. We are looking for active and mature people who are experienced in arma and are wanting to take part in the unit as members of the 122nd ODST Division. We understand that real life is important and it should always be prioritized over gaming but we are trying to capture a milsim aspect so to speak, and would like members to show up as much as possible for unit events. Info Discord: https://discord.gg/A9RFEmV Teamspeak:
  19. White Fox Assault Regiment GENERAL INFORMATION Discord: https://discord.gg/8uNcKed SteamGroup: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/WhiteFoxAssaultRegiment Teamspeak : Email: whitefoxassaultregiment@gmail.com About The Unit The White fox Assault Regiment is a milsim unit showcasing modded, Zeus operated campaign missions based around an Infantry unit but with branches in Recon and Aviation. We are based in both the EU, US with an average of 50 active members attending the main weekly Campaign operation and with around 15-20 attending any mini missions hosted by any of the players who want to run as Zeus for the night. We give new players and old players the same chance to host the mini ops so if you want to play on the ground and as the Zeus then you are more than welcome! We strive to not only set up the foundation for an outstanding Milsim experience but a brotherhood of gamers that can span into a variety of other games outside of Arma. If you like videos such as Liru the Lance Corporal or Karmakut then we aim to provide an excellent mix of the both, providing a true milsim experience whilst maintaining the casual gameplay aspect. No one is required to have 100% attendance, you just let us know when youre free for a mission so we can add you in. Requirements: Working microphone Your own, legal copy of Arma 3 Age requirement of 16+ (younger applicants are subject to moderation) To have a minimum of 20 hours logged in Arma 3 or Arma 2 Must speak English to a passable, coherent level Must have Discord No DLC required! When you join the Discord message either SFC K.Velez, SSG M.Jewsbury or any of our SGT's and we can set you up
  20. About the Unit The 1st Marine Division is a military simulation unit looking to redefine the standard of military simulation, by providing a drama free, mature, and professional environment where you are a person, not a number, and can have as equal a chance as any to succeed. This group was founded on those principles, and has taken them to heart and made sure that by the time the unit was officially open for recruitment that everything was prepared and people in the community could join right up and begin enjoying the unit. We are based on the the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, as being a realism unit we aim to play using teamwork, real tactics, vehicles and weapon systems used by the United States Marine Corps. All our members are trained to the highest standards through our school of infantry, additionally we offer MOS courses for specialised roles within the detachments. we offer flexible days and times to get candidates through their basic training. If you are looking for a solid, dependable, realistic USMC unit then, the 1st Recon Bn is the place for you. As stated prior, the 1st Marine Division strives to maintain a mature, professional, and more importantly realistic. With that said, training and operations are held to a high standard, and are done on a fairly regular basis. While we don't have daily operations, we do have a public insurgency server allowing our modest which we will play on during the week for fun and recruitment. Then we have our private training and operations server, operations being Thursdays at 1830 Greenwich Mean Time, and our training taking place Monday at 19:00 Greenwich Mean Time. These training and operations are all of course not only provide enjoyment, but are also intended to breed the skills required by our members for success. Also, we try to keep realism when it comes to operations and our objectives, so obviously we partake in missions that the real 1st MD partake in. Requirements Must be 16+ Must be mature and have a professional attitude Must be willing to follow the chain of command Must own a legal copy of ArmA 3 Must be able to make at least one unit event a week unless excused Must have a microphone and Teamspeak 3 If you meet these requirements, then we will explain our training process Training works in a very simplistic manor. All basic training is done on one day, on which Recruit Training and School of Infantry are combined into one. After graduating from that one day training, you are assigned to a fireteam in which you will then be further instructed by your fireteam leader and squad leader, this is known within the unit as fleet training. Recruitment Information Website: http://1mardiv.com/ Teamspeak: http://1mardiv.com/ Discord: https://discord.gg/ZsJ3wyM
  21. 'Swift & Bold' 160 Infantry Brigade is an ArmA 3 military simulation unit emulating one of the British Army's Adaptable Force Brigades; focusing on the authentic and immersive depiction of light role operations. The aim and ethos of the Brigade is to present the operational capacity of the infantry and the trials and tribulations undertaken by British servicemen with respect, attention to detail and an attitude befitting the discipline, determination and tenacity of HM Armed Forces on operations across the globe. Careers Subject to basic recruitment requirements listed below, 160 Infantry Brigade accepts all recruits applying through our website submission form for a 20-minute retention interview in our TeamSpeak server. This interview covers a wealth of topics from personal experience and eligibility to situational light infantry questions to test and develop an applicant's common sense in a military environment. Once through this interview, the applicant is accepted as a Recruit and assigned either to the Rifles Training Company within 1 ITB or 2 Army Training Regiment depending on desired role. Prospective infantrymen looking to join 1st Battalion, The Rifles as part of the Brigade's primary deployable combat force will then undertake a condensed version of the Combat Infantryman's Course which lasts between three and five hours over the course of one evening and teaches all basic skills required to operate as a Rifleman at section level. Prospective Signallers and Combat Medical Technicians participate in a more basic version at Phase 1; a two hour Common Military Syllabus (Recruits) course, before moving on to Phase 2 for either the Regular Radio Users cadre or Phase 2 RAMC. Experience is key within 160 Infantry Brigade. Although every step is taken to ensure an authentic experience representative of the modern Rifles Regiment, the unit deviates in key areas from British Army doctrine and it is the wealth of experienced gained as part of the unit as opposed to an individual's experience in milsim that defines our leaders. For those with enough time and dedication under their belts, potential junior non-commissioned officer courses are held when positions open to determine candidates for the next generation of section commanders. Successful JNCO candidates then undertake Phase 3 training as part of the section commander's battle course; with further options including the platoon serjeant's battle course available. Basic Recruitment Requirements: - 16+ years of age - Based in a European time zone - Excellent grasp of the English language - A working microphone and copy of ARMA 3 - Able to attend the majority of Friday operations - An interest in organised, realistic and teamwork-oriented military simulation - The will to learn and support the unit's development Other Information 160 Infantry Brigade is a small milsim unit, representing at largest a single infantry platoon of 1st Battalion, The Rifles. Our aim during operations is to focus in on light role infantry combat, eschewing supporting elements such as joint helicopter command or recce platoon in order to concentrate our efforts on producing the finest infantry milsim we can possibly achieve. Those looking to perform pilot, vehicle crew, sniper or special forces roles will not find this unit accommodating for their tastes. All Brigade operations take place once a week on Fridays at 1900Z. Unit communication, warning orders, leave of absence and administration is handled through a Discord server and steps will be taken to discipline and eventually remove members who fail to communicate and/or contribute adequately to the unit. Links Website: http://www.160infantrybrigade.org/
  22. We are a relaxed milsim unit with a PMC structure. We Currently have 4 platoons (1st, 2nd,HQ)but are expanding to a 4th platoon. 1st and 2nd platoon are structured as 3 squad standard riflemen platoons, HQ platoon has our medics aviation, FISTORs and a new mortar section. 3rd platoon which is currently in the organizing stages will be a heavy weapons platoon We take pride in a relaxed structure but keep in mind once we are engaged in a OP we fairly serious (most of the time.) We are always cracking jokes and having a good time. When ever we are not in an OP feel free to be single and ready to mingle with one in the TeamSpeak. We encourage playing with each other in other games as well. We have a Short training that last tops 2 hours which covers all your basic movement and weapons that we use. We Allow you to you any weapon and camouflage with 2 rules to keep in mind 1. Your weapon must accept a 5.56 Stanag Mag (unless you are the 240 gunner) 2. Don’t look like a Russian or insurgent force. I personally love the unit and everyone in it. We can all take joke and enjoy being around each other OP times Saturday OP (not mandatory) 1900 (7:00 PM) Sunday OP (mandatory unless you let us know you cannot make it) We are very flexible with people’s schedules and I can testify to that personally because I myself have a fairly hectic schedule. Please Join us on our TeamSpeak and poke any one that is a TO, SO, SOC and we will be more than happy to answer any questions and give you a full run down about the day to day goings in the group. TS: section7.ts.nfoservers.com Website: https://www.s7-gaming.com/ Discord: https://discord.gg/dwZY9Nr My Steam ID: GER_MEX
  23. United Kingdom Special Forces | Milsim INTRODUCTION Welcome to the UKSF Arma 3 Milsim Unit. We are a like-minded community dedicated to fun, immersion, and professionalism. The unit is based on a real task force responsible for British special forces missions around the globe. As a result, you can expect to carry out a multitude of mission types in a variety of environments using a broad spectrum of skills. While we teach our members to be better tacticians, better rifleman, better pilots and generally speaking, better soldiers, we are not for the casual Arma player. OVERVIEW We offer a wide variety of roles: SFSG (Special Forces Support Group) - Incl. Mortar platoon - Sniper platoon RAMC (Royal Army Medical Corps) JSFAW (Joint Special Forces Aviation Wing) - GOOD TO KNOW WHEN YOU JOIN US With all the different roles being offered, it is important to understand that you won’t be able to enter all these roles immediately. Initially you will become a Cdt. (Candidate). This serves as a way for you to check whether we are the type of unit you’ve been looking for by attending one of our side missions that we run throughout the week. This first op is so we can see how you play but more importantly, whether you want to play with us. You will thereafter enter the basic training phase as a Rct. (Recruit). Basic training consists of four phase trainings with the fourth being the examination. Upon completion of basic training, you will be assigned to SFSG (See OVERVIEW for explanation) where you will get the proper amount of training and time to gain experience that will prepare you for further advancement in to the unit. Whether that is for entering JSFAW, RAMC or any other role such as an NCO within SFSG, is up to you to decide, based on availability. We take great pride in our roles and expect you to do the same. REQUIREMENTS Age Requirement: 16+ Years old. Be Mature and able to take criticism. Valid Arma 3 copy. Your application will not be processed without a valid Arma 3 Player ID (Required: Apex DLC) Have a positive attitude Teamspeak 3 VoIP Client and working microphone/speakers/headset Have a schedule that allows you to attend Wednesdays and Saturdays from 7.30pm (GMT+0) Not to be a part of other Arma units, also known as multi-clanning Be disciplined, motivated, and eager to learn specialised tasks If you are interested in learning more, and/or applying for membership, add me on steam or please visit us in our Discord. Look for the "Lobby" channel and write a message expressing your interest in joining the unit, and one of our SR1 Recruitment Officers will take care of you. INTERESTED IN KNOWING MORE? FEEL FREE TO CHECK US OUT ON SOCIAL MEDIA YOUTUBE - Check out the latest video from one of our campaigns. INSTAGRAM TWITTER HAVE A QUESTION? WANT TO TALK TO US? Teamspeak - uk-sf.co.uk Discord UKSF Home Page UKSF Command Staff
  24. https://github.com/rcantec/Altis_Insurgency_2019.Altis # Altis_Insurgency_2019.Altis Insurgency style mission complete with all the tools you need for a full MILSIM experience. This is a unique experience, the 1st edition of the mission and is a rolling release. This mission is designed for a multiplayer environment on a dedicated server, however you can also enjoy it in single player. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Steam Link https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1561316747 If you want to try the mission you can test it on my public server link in Discord. To play this mission no addons are required. The mission is compatible with all addons. To begin using the Software; 1. Move the file into the following directory (assuming you have the Steam version of ArmA 3); C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\MPMissions Special thanks to BangaBob, Engima, sethduda, cobra4v320, Soolie & PHRONK for the use of their scripts to make some awesome things happen. The Software is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The Software is not an official addon or tool. Use of the Software (in whole or in part) is entirely at your own risk. This mission is (c) 2018 RCANTEC(RyanD) www.rytechlab.com rights reserved. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
  25. We, the 7th Army, are a German tactical MilSim Arma 3 clan, who with various mods (TFAR, ACE3 and many more) play Zeus built missions as Bundeswehr, Wehrmacht or even in the Vietnam conflict. We have our own forum where all the information about our various battalions is listed, such as the battalion's tasks or the available trainings offered by the battalions. Missions and other events are announced via the forum in the calendar. We always try to bring new momentum to our missions through various objectives and map changes. From a classic hostage rescue mission to a convoy attack, anything is possible in our missions. Furthermore, we always try to incorporate Roleplay elements in our missions. Whether veteran or novice, everyone is welcome! What we offer: - Regular Zeus led missions - own forum and homepage -Free access to our own gameserver and Teamspeak server -Rank system -Selection from various trainings, as well as various battalions / branches of arms What do we expect from you? -Basic knowledge of the Arma controls For new players there are enough opportunities to do in-game training with the leaders / representatives of our battalions. - Spiritual maturity -A functioning headset -A friendly way of dealing with his comrades -Motivation and enjoy learning new skills Have we sparked your interest? Then have a look at our Homepage or visit our Teamspeak-Server! TS: ts27.nitrado.net:11750 Homepage: https://xfreedsellzen.wixsite.com/7armee Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/7armee https://units.arma3.com/unit/7armee