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Found 232 results

  1. Good evening all, Was wondering if anyone knows of any mods that would allow me to add or change patches of individual characters in the editor? Ive seen a few youtube videos of people doing just that but none actually state the mod being used. Anyone have any suggestions on top of that for loadout editor mods that "open" it up more. Cheers
  2. Can anyone help me with this? tried making a zombie scenario. I would like a random generated missions that involves zombies thank you!
  3. Promotional leaflet We present you the newest novelty toy from the remote island republic that normally you'd associate with cheap reasonably priced electronics - airsoft gun replicas! Aimed at adults and children of all ages*, airsoft gun replicas provide realistic military fun compared to no other toy. Republic of Folk Airsoft replicas provide: A collection of realistic looking gun replicas Both realistic and high capacity magazines A pack of safe to play 6mm plastic pellets * Safety hazard: never aim your airsoft replica at other people nor animals! Details Currently Republic of Folk Airsoft provides two vanilla guns converted into airsoft replicas: P90 SMG and P99 pisol. They fire visible pellets at muzzle velocity of 350fps, have almost no recoil and are accurate at the distance up to 35 meters (60 if you aim high). Ammo comes in two versions - lethal and non-lethal. The latter one requires some scripting on mission maker's side in order to do anything (or not, maybe your Milsim group can use these for training 😁) Links Try our official airsoft missions! https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1859324690 Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1846060911 Source code and non-Steam downloads: https://github.com/republic-of-folk/folk-airsoft/releases License Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) MADE IN FOLK
  4. 18th Infantry Regiment WWII-Present day! About us: The Avant Garde Battalion is a semi-realistic unit hosting both one off events and campaigns on a host of different time periods, nations, and unit types. We prioritize the second world war but are also open pretty much any 20th-21st century conflict. Not only do we offer a diverse range of experiences and settings, but we also offer you to become part of a greater gaming community with opportunities for promotion and comradery. How to contact us: Steam group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/18IFREG Steam Contact: https://steamcommunity.com/id/18thWallace Rules: No explicit racial slurs. No trolling. No disrespect towards rankers or officers. No soundboards or voice changers during events. Requirements: Must be able to speak English. Schedule: Wednesday and Saturdays at 8:00pm EST. Pictures of Camp Toccoa
  5. steam-76561198006613780

    Warlord Mission in Second World War Setting

    Hi everyone, A friend of mine and me discovered Warlords a couple of month ago and we created our own mission on an Island Map which was working fine. Now we thought it would be cool to create a more complex mission. So we loaded a Map (Baranow, we are using quite a lot of WW2 maps and mods atm) and set a lot of Sectors already. Then we Placed playable characters for Blurfor and Opfor and we checked if everything is loading in, spawning enemys and so on . The Basic Stuff you know 😉 Now let's get to the actual "Problem" and I think some of this we should be able to do it, becuase I seem to remember to have seen this somewhere... 1. Tech-Level: I would like to have certain Vehicles available at the Main Base "for free" but not at the start but later on. For example, you can see a couple of JS2s and IL-2 standing on the main Base but you won't be able to use those at the beginning. They should be triggered once a certain sector or a certain amount of sectors has been captured. (Example Whilst the Germans should be able to call in Panzer IVs the Tiger should be quite limited so that there might be one parked in a (closed) Hangar... and will be available at a certain point. Also if that is not possible, is it possible to let them fly/drive to the mainbase and wait there ( like the Airplane flying in) as soon as you fullfilled requirement XYZ. 2. Tanks: I would like to have them spawn somewhere nearby (or the Mainbase) and drive to their location instead of dropping them via Parachute. is that possible? Would it be possible to trigger tanks rolling in from somewhere ( with crew) but they wouldn't advance. I know that I can set waypoints but for example the Tank spawning in, and driving to it's location (a castle or another fortified position where it would establish a defensive perimeter and not advance with the group commanders? 3. Planes Is it possible to have Transport Planes fly in every 60 seconds or so, circle your base and then go off after 60 more seconds? Also can they drop crates somehow? 😄 4. Defences and Cannons Is there a way to Trigger the Spawn in of Defensive Weapons /w Crew as soon as you capture an Point. Nothing big. Mostly like a Squad and maybe a PAK or a Mortar. Or do I have to place them just down empty and use my squad to actually man them? Also is there a way to reload static cannons like PAKs? 5. Ambushes TBA 6. Random Battles TBA
  6. Addon & Mod Compilation List This list sorts and organizes all the addons and mods on Armaholic into specific categories based on their subject. ======================== As of November 2018 this list is no longer being worked on see my last 2 posts for details. =================================== The Compilation list here replaces this Addon & Mod Compilation List ======================== Legend - (List Terminology) Menu Downloads / Arma 3 / Addons Arma 3 Gear Arma 3 Packs Arma 3 Miscellaneous Arma 3 Objects Arma 3 Replacement Packs Arma 3 Sounds Arma 3 Terrain Arma 3 Units Arma 3 Vehicles Arma 3 Weapons Downloads / Arma 3 / Editing A new compilation list will be established in Mission editing & Scripting section of the forum Arma 3 Tools Arma 3 Scripts Arma 3 Templates Downloads / Arma 3 / Misc and Utilities Downloads / Arma 3 / Modules This will be sorted according to country, and type Downloads / Arma 3 / Scenarios A missions compilation list will be established in the User Missions section of the forum Arma 3 SP missions Arma 3 Co-op missions Arma 3 Multiplayer Gamemodes Arma 3 Mission Packs Arma 3 Campaigns ===================== Credits Authors of these addons, mods, need credit for their work, I would hope that this compilation list will bring more attention and appreciation from the community to them.
  7. //THE PITCH/ ‍If you’re looking for a group of tight-knit players & an entirely new perspective on MilSim RP, look no further. DAGR operates on the basis that all members are capable of executing orders effectively with advanced knowledge of not only the game and its environment, but basic Role-Playing knowledge as well. Some training may be required; We aren’t here to babysit you, but we don’t mind showing new players around, either. Join DAGR today & be deployed to over 10 different AO's around the world under armed forces from any NATO nation imaginable. Take part in full scale international operations with Dynamic Recon Ops' replayability & functionality. Literally hundreds of uniforms, camos, accessories, gear & fully licensed models of every NATO nation's arsenals. Not to mention the countless uniform patches for RP purposes. Take the next step with a uniquely casual military-rp community. All the tactics & gear, comradery & fun without the ass-kissing & time-wasting of typical MilSim servers. //ORIGIN STORY/ Defense Alliance of Global Resurgence (//DAGR/) is a fictional peace-enforcement initiative set in the A3 universe established by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in June of 2030. DAGR is a collaboration of allied nations whose primary objective is to bring diplomacy to poverty stricken, war torn countries with limited resources & provide them with security, medical, & technical aid. In addition to re-establishing local governments, DAGR is assigned to assist in the training & development of local law enforcement, military & other key government institutions. (read full dagr lore here.) //REQUIREMENTS/ We are currently reviewing applicants from around the world & whilst we are eager to welcome all, we must first verify that you meet our basic requirements... ‣We are a mature gaming community & as such must insist that all applicants be the age of 16+. (Some exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis, please contact DAGR administration with any & all queries regarding our minimum age requirement policy.) ‣You MUST have a legal copy of A3 & install our modpack in order to participate in training & missions. ‣You MUST have a good quality, if not above average microphone & a copy of Discord installed on your PC. ‣You are only required to attend 1 operation & 1 training a month to retain active duty status. (Our operational schedule is currently under development whilst we gain community feedback. For the time being, we operate on a day-to-day basis in Pacific Standard Time.) ‣ You will be implemented in any number of positions in a unit and must be able to represent critical thinking skills & communication within operations as a team. //HOW TO APPLY/ ‣Visit our website @ natodagr.com ‣Click "Join Now" on the main page. (Alternatively, feel free to scroll down to the application page & learn a bit about us on the way.) ‣Read the instructions & proceed to your Selection Assessment ‣At the top, you will see our list of Requirements, give them a read & complete your application. (same as this forum post, disregard if you have already ready them) ‣Join our Discord & inform yourself on our community structure whilst you wait for a Recruit Liaison. //SERVERS/ We are a Discord-centric community & therefor do not use INVISION BOARD or the PERSCOM system. Discord is our main communications hub for all off-base communications. We do however utilize TFAR with our private TS3 server. //QUICK LINKS/ WEBSITE MODPACK DISCORD A3 UNITS CLANLIST PAGE VOTE FOR US ON CLANLIST! SPOTIFY PLAYLIST YT (under construction) IG (under construction) Thank you for taking the time to read our pitch, we know you have a lot of options when it comes to A3 communities & we appreciate your interest in ours. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me personally via Steam. -Sean Dugan Commanding Officer //DAGR/ Headquarters
  8. Afternoon all, I'm after a bit of advice with calling postinit and preinit functions from a mod. I've created a mod which is basically a functions library. I have one rather inconvenient issue. My Postinit and preinit functions execute on Arma 3 start, for example: I have dynamic text appearing on the main menu, which whilst amusing, isn't particularly professional. My question: How do I execute postinit and preinit functions only on Mission start when called within a @mod? Thanks in advance!
  9. After a short break (1 week), I decided to play Arma 3 again with same mods, but after launching the launcher, all the mods started to update and downloading again. This has already happened some times, but downloading such a number of gigabytes each time is already a problem. ( http://prntscr.com/oesvus )

    Mods Discussion

    Mods Discussion Information : Feel free to share and discuss , about Mods used alongside Ravage Mod.
  11. Hey everyone here! First, let me introduce myself. I am Chienoki Zhu, also known as Katusha02, a mission and mod creator of Arma 3. I had play arma since back to the cold war assault version, and yes, I'm a otaku that actually like everything in anime, so even modding and map creating I'm still prefer it in anime way. But I actually just began to create mods and missions, and only had done two of the missions so far ahead. But anyway, as long as you guys don't against it, I will be more than happy to create and upload/post more mods and maps in the future. So, now, if you don't mind, here is my first co-op mission I had ever create it, feel free to try it out and give some complain. 😛 Download
  12. Hello, I need help for include CBA_A3 in my addon. Indeed, i more difficulty for use and understand this structure.
  13. I have a lot of mods in my game, as I haven't played in a while I decided to refresh myself. I activated my mods, and the game restarted- then it popped an error about a cyclic redundancy check. Checking the crash logs I saw that ACE (not ACEX) is the one causing this problem. I cant remove the mod from in-game now since I cant launch ARMA beyond the check mark screen. How do I fix this? Can you guys help?
  14. Hello! Since the last week i'm struggling with terrible problem. I was playing ArmA 3 on my PC since the release day without any major probems, with many mods and without them. One day everything was alright, i was playing with my friends on modded server, felt sleepy and went to bed. I woke up the next morning and wanted to play on the same server, but after joining it and playing for something like 1 minute I was kicked - there was only "You were kicked off the game" text on the screen. I asked my friend to join the server and watch the chat when I get kicked. He noticed, that everytime I'm getting kicked, the chat says "Signature check failed" and a path to file from some mod. I decided to reinstall whole ArmA and mods, but the same happens. I've found more people with the same problem, I hope they will describe their situation below. ArmA was my favourite game, and now I keep getting kicked off every server with mods with the same error (only the file changes depending on which mods the server uses). I can't play the game, please help! PC specs: I7-6700k MSI z-170A Gaming Pro motherboard GTX 960 4GB MSI 2x HDD 1TB Seagate 8GB DDR4 RAM I didn't install any new software, drivers, etc.
  15. Hello! I'm very new to making vehicle skins, currently I'm trying to skin cars from the D3S mod and, whenever I try out the skin on a vehicle, i realize it's very pixelated. I'm wondering if there's a way to make it so it's not pixelated? So far I've tried highering the resolution of everything, and making things simply bigger. Thanks in advance
  16. Hello All, I've been getting into making addons, specifically vehicle textures, and have had some success. Despite this, there are a few things I am having trouble with and cannot seem to find any information to help with online, so I wanted to create a topic to find some additional information about the process beyond Amit's simple re-texturing guide, so here are my questions: 1. Is there any config template for simply adding a texture to a vanilla vehicle's virtual garage (VG) without creating an entirely new vehicle class? I am a novice with scripting and writing configs, so I am not great at figuring out how to implement code. I have searched through the config files of vehicles with multiple texture options and have found the classes for each texture option, but I don't know how you would implement it without creating an entirely new vehicle and adding your texture to that list (defeating the purpose of dealing with VG in the first place). 2. How do you go about adding re-textures for parts of a vehicle that are either modifications via VG or just not listed in the initial three hidden selection paths? For example, I am making a winter re-texture of the MBT-Kuma (I know some exist, but I had an idea for my personal scheme), and I would like to include a re-textured winter-style camo net with it. I am also doing things with the slammer and would imagine the process would be similar for the optional turret backpacks. Also, I have a re-textured marshall that has been added as a different vehicle, but the camo net reverts the texture back to vanilla. 3. Finally, is there a hidden selection path for the tracks of a vehicle? On the Kuma, I have also created a new track texture, but cannot find a way to even test it via setObjectTexture. I know this is a lot, but even help on one issue would be awesome! Thanks!
  17. Hey guys So I'm having a problem with the starting parameters for my server. I'm just trying to host a small server for my friends and I and for some reason I can only load one mod at a time. For context I'm using a LGSM server install on an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. The mods are loaded in the root directory of my Arma server install and no matter how I set up my content I can only load one mod. Here is an example -mods=@RHSAFRF;@CBA_A3 this only loads RHSAFRF and if I set it up this way -mods=@CBA_A3;@RHSAFRF this only loads CBA_A3. What could the issue be?
  18. So I'm trying to load mods on my server but no matter how I copy over the files (either links or an actual copy of the dir) it still doesn't load the mod when I launch the server. The directory also has all lower case but it still does not help. The server runs good otherwise. Anything input would help thanks!
  19. Hey there, Community! So, basically, our small community is playing tactical operations on the weekends on a dedicated server. We use a modpack consisting of around 15 mods. These addons are not made by me, and we the community does not bring any income to the co-owner & me. I'm not sure if that eraises the licensing problem though. I want to combine all of the current versions of these 15 mods into a single addon, that members can download using filezilla via my private FTP Server. I have little to no knowledge on how mods really work, so I don't know if it's possible for me to not only combine all of these into one @"modname" folder, and if I can create a key for that mod without being the owner of that intellectual property. For the record, that combined mod would not be published anywhere publicly, it would only be uploaded to the database. Managing the mods like this would come with lots of advantages: 1.: We could combine specific versions of mods together, creating the ability to compose our own modpack to our wishes. 2.: We don't have to keep track of all updates that the mods receive, and update them manually on our dedicated arma server. 3.: Lots of advantages resulting from 1. and 2., for example gaining lots of experiences from fixed versions of mods will make it able to give recruits a better comprehensive overview on our mods. Hope there are some mod-experts out there who can and are willing to help me, I'm not a native speaker please excuse spelling mistakes etc. ;) Greetings, Kation
  20. Please let me know if I should share any more information to help with solving the problem. I am still a rookie server administrator. On the designated game server that I manage via LinuxGSM (https://linuxgsm.com/) in an SSDNodes (https://www.ssdnodes.com/) installation of Ubuntu Server 18.04, I have been facing a strange issue. With up to about 25 mods loaded in the "-mods" option -- that is, as both server-side and client-side -- everything works perfectly. If I add 1-2 more mods, I reach a grey area in which clients are sometimes able to connect and sometimes not. With any number of "-mods" beyond that (say, 27 or more), no matter what the mods are, clients cannot connect at all. Because I have carefully shortened the file names within the "mod" and "meta" configuration files of the mods that have longer names, everything shows up correctly in the standard Arma 3 Launcher. Yet when joining from the launcher, I am greeted with a blank loading screen. When joining via direct connect using the in-game server browser, I am greeted by a blank Tanoa map loading screen. The console does not show any error messages. Does anyone know how I could fix this issue? Thank you. SERVER HW SPECIFICATIONS Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2697 v3 @ 2.60GHz, 4 cores 16 GB RAM 80 GB SSD
  21. papadxcs

    Help server setup

    hi , i'm new to ARMA server side stuff need little help, i installed server from steam , and added Exile mod but then when logging in locally i have Steam authentication error , i was doing exactly same as in this video(video in spoiler) but i installed not from steam cmd it was directly from steam >> Library >> Tools if somebody can help i'll appreciate it .
  22. tacticalchubz

    Workshop problem

    Hello and merry christmas to you all, i moved my arma 3 directory to another larger drive so i could update my mods, but the !workshop file is empty apart from the standard file that is included. all mods work so must be stored on the drive somewhere, i just cant locate them. is there a fix for this?
  23. I am new to working with Cfg's and I have been working on adding some more camo textures to a jet however, the option of them appear in-game but when I click on it, the texture stays the same, can someone perhaps point me into the right direct? Also, how can I make a vehicle show up on a certain side, so like if I was to try and get a jet to appear in the editor what would I put in the .Cfg to make it show up. Thanks in advance!
  24. I have a very big issue with mods at the moment. Overnight I installed 21 gb worth of mods on slow internet. When I woke up it finished, but in the Arma launcher it shows all the mods are waiting to be downloaded. Then it tried to download all 21 gb again through steam. I looked in the steam/steamapps/workshop/downloads/107410 and all the mods are there and all downloaded. Why is it not recognizing these are installed already? 3 mods are actually functional and recognized as being installed.
  25. INTRO After some time using and getting annoyed with the repetitiveness of SteamCMD, I looked around for a tool to automate at least some of process of installing an Arma 3 server and managing workshop mods. Having looked through a few options, none of which matched what i was looking for I decided it would be easier to build it myself. F.A.S.T. is the result of that, this is the first iteration and I will continue to expand and update it as and when needed. Thanks go out to Optix for his Remote Arma Server tool that gave me some ideas for my tool. Also, a massive thank you to Kju and Friznit for testing and bug reporting for me. PREREQUISITES Steam account with valid copy of Arma 3. Basic understanding of Arma 3 dedicated servers. DOWNLOADS AND INSTALL Download the zip file from below, unzip the contents to a folder or your choice and run the tool. Github Releases SCREENSHOTS FEATURES Automated install and update of SteamCMD. Manage and launch Arma server (TADST like features). Works with existing SteamCMD and Arma 3 server installs. Steam Guard support. Steam Mobile Auth support. Encrypts and remembers steam password. Automated install and update of Arma 3 Server Main Branch. Automated install and update of Arma 3 Server Dev Branch (see below for warning). Adding, downloading and updating steam workshop mods. Adding, downloading and updating of Private/ Friends only steam workshop mods. Manually update all or individual mods. Mass import of mods using Arma 3 launcher pre-set file. Copying of mod keys to server folder on each update (and in bulk) Symlink of steam workshop mod folders to Arma 3 server folder with readable names. Correct handling of removing mods: Removes mod local files and symlinks. Cleans up steam workshop ACF file correctly. Displays last update date for mods and server. Displays SteamCMD output for troubleshooting. FEATURES PLANNED Support multiple server installs. Create .bat files to launch server. Detect previously installed/ existing Workshop mods. New modern UI/ UX. Automatic updating of the tool. KNOWN ISSUES See GitHub releases. ISSUES AND FEEDBACK I'll monitor this thread as best as i can but I will use this GitHub Repo for bugs, issues and feature suggestions. Any feedback is also welcome in this thread. GitHub Issues DEV BRANCH WARNING Due to the available server builds on steam, to install a dev branch server you must install the main Arma 3 application dev branch then launch using the included server binaries. Due to the way SteamCMD works this means that any mods that the account used to install the server is subscribed to will also be downloaded and updated when using Dev Branch. Currently these mods are mot detected/ added to F.A.S.T. but this will be added in future. DOCUMENTATION Is currently minimal but will be updated, in the meantime here are is some basic info that can also be found in the "Help" section on the tool.