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Found 60 results

  1. VASS - Virtual Arsenal Shop System Introduction VASS provides a simple to setup shop system and is the successor to the Arsenal Shop. The system provides several functions to handle traders and items. As of now it does not come bundled with an economy system but the implementation of an external one is easily possible. Setup Enable system: Download the GitHub repo: https://github.com/7erra/VASS-Virtual-Arsenal-Shop-System Check the example mission (Mission.VR) Copy the VASS folder to your mission Add the lines from the description.ext Add trader: Execute the addShop function: [this] call TER_fnc_addShop Add an inventory with the addShopCargo function: [this, ["itemclass0", 15, 5, ..., "itemClassN", price, amount]] call TER_fnc_addShopCargo For easier setup of this cost table I have created a mod that does this task with a user interface: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1760193128. The settings can be changed by opening the object's attribute window and scrolling down to the "VASS" section. Handle money: Edit the TER_fnc_VASShandler in "VASS\fnc\fn_VASShandler.sqf" Change the getMoney and setMoney functions to match your economy system Documentation GitHub will have a wiki on all aspects of the system. In addition to that all relevant functions have a header at the beggining of the file to show you what arguments they expect and what they do. Further links GitHub: https://github.com/7erra/VASS-Virtual-Arsenal-Shop-System VASS 3den mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1760193128 BI forums: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/219677-release-virtual-arsenal-shop-system/ Screenshots That's all for now and I hope that you find this useful! 7erra DISCLAIMER - This post was edited nearly a year after the original post. Don't expect comments from the previous discussion (up until page 5) to be applicable to the new system
  2. PLEASE I am searching how to respawn with a choice of classes, for example when the player die he can choose one of the multiple classes (Sniper, Rifleman ..) But the problem is that I can't make a choice I have just the sniper... Sorry for my English I am french :/ I hope that my screens are going to better explain my problem ^^
  3. I've used the Arma Reforger Tools for a few hundred hours and have made a modified version of C&H. I'm running into issues setting up the ability to save loadouts. I've referenced the conflict mode a few times to try and figure it out. I see that you need a playerarsenalloadout with the base player. I also see the components in the arsenal itself to addaction save loadout. I cant figure out why I'm unable to save the loadout once in game to be selected upon respawn. Could someone do a walkthrough on how to set this up? I'm sure it's some obvious thing I've missed, please help me out! Thanks.
  4. I've just made a new loadout that still had some space when it came to stamina but not inventory so i just wanted to add a rpg with a rocket already inside. Problem is everytime I load the loadout the rpg is empty and I don't know how to fix it. I tried looking at the text when exporting and as for is I understand the problem comes from the line "this addSecondaryWeaponItem "RPG7_F";" because it doesn't get saved I think. What bugs me the most is I have a couple Loadouts with single use launchers and they all work fine. Edit: I use a UGV as a backpack, if I change it it works. Is there a way to make it work with a UGV?
  5. Hey guys! Im currently messing about with reskins. what i am able to do is make an override skin. works great! but what i wanna do is have that skin as a separate variant and not as override of original asset. help me out here guys! many thanks!
  6. So I've been looking for a way to do this for awhile now, but everything i try seems to come up as a dead end. Basically, in game you can drag a backpack into the backpack your character is wearing just fine, but if you save that as a loadout, the arsenal refuses to load the loadout with the additional backpack inside your backpack. I have tried both saving and loading loadouts via the in game UI, and also exporting and importing loadouts from a text file via the in game UI. What I'm basically trying to do is be able to set up a player with a bergen bag that contains a UGV backpack plus other misc gear, and I know the bergen bag has the capacity to do this because you can fit all of what i want in there in game via dragging and dropping in the inventory. I'm trying to make this work through the arsenal so that we can use this loadout in dynamic recon ops, as in those missions you go straight from an arsenal menu to HALO jumping into the mission. I'd like to avoid giving anyone the ability to just blatantly spawn in additional equipment once the mission has started, hence why I'm trying to see if this can be done in the arsenal. Has anyone done anything like this? Just for context, the most scripting I've ever done in arma was to copy and paste a line of code into a crate's init field to make it a virtual arsenal, so I'm not what you what call knowledgeable in this area. Thanks for any help you can provide!
  7. I want to have a box where players can come up, and select a class from scroll wheel options, and it'll give them the gear immediately. I've seen it done, I just want to do it myself. Please reply if you know how. LTJG Hummel SEAL Team 10
  8. When I put the arsenal call function in the init field of a vehicle (a truck for example), the arsenal functions normally... ...up until the point where the vehicle is destroyed. Is there a way I can be able to have the arsenal script automatically placed onto the example truck after it is destroyed and respawns?
  9. I'd liked to restrict my arsenal in multiplay so people only can look and wear the certain uniform at uniform tab. how can i restrict them? and if those clothes are too many (like 100) how can i easly manage and restric them. I.e. i want them look and wear only RHS and VSM mod uniform in arsenal.
  10. CasualGerman

    Infinite Loading Screen

    Im in the Creater DLC test branch and anytime i open something that gets a loading screen (Personal Arsenal, Vehicle Spawner) i get the loading screen and it just stays there and wont load. Modlist: CBA,Personal Arsenal,DCON Vehicle Spawner,Zeus Enhanced, Updated Admin Menu,JSRS Soundmod Edit: It also happens on the main branch and without any mods. (Yesterday it worked perfectly) checked files for errors nothing found after reinstalling the problem is still there
  11. Hello, I would like to add weapon restrictions to specific classes. For example only AT's can carry launchers, only engineers can carry explosive charges and only medics can carry medkits. In my mission, players will be given a virtual arsenal at the start, but I don't want them to pick up anything they are not supposed to later on. So the restrictions should always apply. I have seen a few topics on how to restrict the arsenal but that is not going to work. Does anybody know how I can do that? Thank you
  12. Hello! So a bit of backstory, so you know the scroll wheel arsenal that has a restricted option where only "x" amount of items can be in the crate, cargo, etc. until it is used up, similar to how Antistasi has it in their mod? My question is that is there a way I could apply the restricted arsenal concept to an ACE Interaction arsenal or is that impossible? Thanks!
  13. Hi I have a problem fixing the code, so I ask for help like this. In Arsenal, I modified the code so that only engineers can bring explosives, but the error continues to be printed if am i wrong language was used. any ideas? [] spawn { waitUntil{ if (("B_engineer_F") = false) exitwith { [format ["<t size = '.6' color='#ff3030'>%1은(는) 사용할 수 없습니다.</t>", getText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x >> "displayName")], 0, 1, 1] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; player removeMagazines _x; } forEach ([[], magazines player arrayIntersect removemagazinexiplosives] select ARSENAL); }; false }; korean mean : %1can't use this error list : if ("B_engineer_F" = false) then [format ["<t size = '.6' c> 22:00:12 Error position: <= false) then [format ["<t size = '.6' c> 22:00:12 Error ) is missing 22:00:12 File C:\Users\1234\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Taru\mpmissions\RSF_DEVELOP3.Altis\initPlayerLocal.sqf..., line 422 (english translated, sry)
  14. I created a mission in the Eden Editor and I wanted to add a little script which is going to allow me to access the virtual Arsenal in anytime I want, anywhere through the scroll wheel, and another little script which is going to disable the fatigue system and thus I could have infinite stamina. Here is the code:(the file is saved in the mission folder[Documents]) Init.sqf player addAction ["Aresenal", {["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;}]; player enableFatigue False; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {player enableFatigue false}]; So here is my problem, the script works just great in the editor when I test the mission. but when I try to host a server[not a dedicated server] It doesn't work. I'm not really good at ArmA3 scripting I'll be so happy if someone could just tell me what code should I use and where do I need to put it. I'll be happy if someone could help me, thanks...
  15. Virtual Arsenal is not working. It returns an Error on Initialization and its Inventory is not full. An Error may be seen on the Screenshot. The Inventory lacks at least the 'Mk200' Weapon. The Screenshot of an Error: Text of an Error: Sample Script Code which demonstrates the Effect: Thank you.
  16. Sup! I need advice to approach a solution. I'm coding a persistent stash (like Diablo 3 stash), allowing a player to save items (weapons, clothes, etc) into a box or an arsenal. By some external .dlls and dark sorcery, the stash contents are persisted into a database. By design, the item count must be kept, i.e.: if the players "saves" 3 binoculars, will be able to retrieve only 3 binoculars. Long story short, when the player opens his stash it gets populated with the database info, and when closes it, the database is updated. Tried to code the stash using a container (a box) or Arsenal, but I'm having some issues: Using a container: Simple objects (the ones with no attachements) are easy to add to/get from container via scripting, but the complex ones (a weapon with attachements for example, a backpack with items in it, or a half-used magazine) are a headache. With a unit, I can "getUnitLoadout/setUnitLoadout" it, and get/set all items along with its configurations, but there's not "getCargoLoadout/setCargoLoadout" functions (at least none of I'm aware of). Using Arsenal: by design the arsenal have an unlimited item count, wich goes against my intention; i can "unlock" an item and the player will have unlimited amount of it, wich I don't want. If i could preset the Arsenal with an array of items/count available when the players opens it, and get it state after he closes it (to persist the stash in the database), it will be the optimal scenario. Thanks in advance and please excuse my english (not my natural lang). Edited: I'm using CBA_A3 and ACE3, if it helps.
  17. {ubb1}TheBeast

    how to...

    Just need a little start up. If you edit a vehicle in the Virutal Arsenal (Garage), like doors open, beacon on. I thought you press Export and than you can place that in the Init field when you place the object in the Editor. Example, I want to place some cars that block the road. The Offroad Comms (new with the DLC Contact). I open the back doors and put the becon on. But placing the export in the init field doesn't work. Also pressed import and save it.. but that I cannot find back Hard to find something about this... virtual arsenal give all the times results in virtual ammo-boxes. Export is like this: _veh = createVehicle ["I_E_Offroad_01_comms_F",position player,[],0,"NONE"]; [ _veh, ["EAF",1], ["hidePolice",1,"HideServices",1,"HideCover",0,"StartBeaconLight",1,"HideRoofRack",0,"HideLoudSpeakers",0,"HideAntennas",0,"HideBeacon",0,"HideSpotlight",0,"HideDoor3",0,"OpenDoor3",1,"HideDoor1",0,"HideDoor2",0,"HideBackpacks",1,"HideBumper1",1,"HideBumper2",0,"HideConstruction",0,"BeaconsStart",0] ] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle; So, a little start up on this would be great. how do I use this? Thanks in advance!
  18. In Arsenal within EDEN, I have tried to add the sand Laser Designator to a NATO unit like a rifleman and then of course the battery, but the battery disappears when I play the mission or reopen the arsenal editor. I've tried adding the item with commands like addItem and assignItem in the init field but it doesn't work either. I've also tried adding it to the vest and the uniform. Is this a bug? It's ruining my mission making induction. I seem to always come across bugs like this that stop me in my tracks and they don't seem to be resolved for years. Sometimes these bugs cripple massive features or my dreams of drag and drop combined arms missions that should take seconds to put together. I tried searching the bug report system and couldn't see anything exactly like this. Pls tell me this is my fault and not a bug so I can live out my dreams.
  19. Hi all, Perhaps I missed something, but, for whatever reason, it's impossible to make difference between sides or factions for an OPFOR Katiba and a BLUFOR MX . So weapons haven't side. I never found something useful in cfgWeapons to make a filter for faction, side, even group or unit using such or such weapon. I imagine that if you want to filter all BLUFOR used weapons for arsenal or any loot script, you have to grave in marble the array of all weapons you want to manage... Typically, that's what I want to avoid: elaborating fixed lists for any mods... boring! So If you have a solution... thanks for sharing it. At this time, I have a little workaround, not the best I'm afraid. If you want weapons used by BLUFOR: private _wpnsWestList = []; private _cfgMen = "getNumber (_x >> 'scope') >=2 && configName _x isKindOf 'SoldierWB'" configClasses (configFile >> "cfgvehicles"); { _cfgWpnsW = getArray (_x >> "weapons"); {if (getNumber (configfile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _x >> "type") in [1,2,4]) then {_wpnsWestList pushBackUnique _x}} forEach _cfgWpnsW; } forEach _cfgMen; _wpnsWestList = _wpnsWestList - ["B_Patrol_Soldier_HeavyGunner_weapon_F"]; Note: I was surprised to find such unit classes like "B_Patrol_HeavyGunner_F" and its "B_Patrol_Soldier_HeavyGunner_weapon_F" as primary weapon which is a simple "LMG_Zafir_F". Don't ask me why this exception... For OPFOR, anyway, change 'SoldierWB' to 'SoldierEB' (and remove the last line of course) , and for INDEP, 'SoldierGB' will do the trick. Any improvement or better idea is welcome! Thanks
  20. Good afternoon! In this topic I want to ask experienced developers how to make their own arsenal, which opens with a separate "window" (just like a regular one), but with its own models, icon binding and its functionality ?!
  21. What I want: So I'm making a mission where you start of by entering Arsenal. While you are in arsenal a timer ticks down and when it gets to 0 you get teleported away into the air. Before this happens I want the players to be forced out of arsenal so that they don't start free falling with arsenal open or (due to the fact that they should not take any damage until they have landed) can fidle with the arsenal while the mission is playing. When teleported into the air I want the player to not be killable. Once the player lands (either faceplant into the ground or by landing with a parachute) the player should then be able to take damage. What I got: All players get forced into arsenal in the begining and there is a timer ticking down. If you exit the arsenal you get a black screen telling you that the game is still preparing and that you can re-enter the arsenal with a button click. Once the timer runs out the players get teleported and enters free fall where he/she has access to a parachute. What I've tried: For forcing out of arsenal? Nothing cuz I can't find anything else than adding arsenal on google. For detecting if landed: getPos of player in Z axis, and it worked, unless you land on a roof. detect stances such as prone, crouch or standing. Did not work and got called while free falling. some weird hasLanded thing that most likely is only for helis/planes So again, what do I need help with: A way to detect if a player has landed, aka stopped freefalling and is not parachuting. A way to force the player out of the Arsenal.
  22. In the last update (SPOTREP #000900) the arsenal got fixed. The fix caused that if you use a limited arsenal you can load every loadout you saved, even if the loadout contains items which are not accessable in your limited arsenal.
  23. Steam workshop link - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1652839680 BACKGROUND: The U.S. has sent our team to assist U.N. humanitarian aid forces in Chernarus. Rebels forces have been attacking the U.N. and stealing supplies. There is a blizzard moving through Chernarus, and the rebels are using it to cover their attacks on the U.N. OPERATION SNOWMAN: The rebels attacked Hope Station at 03:00 this morning under their mission name 'Operation Snowman.' Their next target is Salvation Station, where your team is stationed. Defend the location, eliminate the rebel presence in the area, and get Hope back!! FEATURES: Close-Quarter Combat Revive Virtual Arsenal Dynamic Civilians & Traffic Mobile Respawn Snow Storm! (You can disable it from mission parameters) REQUIREMENTS: CUP Terrains RHS GREF RHS USAF RHS AFRF CREDITS: Civilian scripts by Enigma Snowstorm script by ALIAScartoons Settings button by nEXaus A few scripts from Occupation by BangaBob Thanks to Yumsum, Porte and Phil for all their patience in testing.
  24. Hello, I'm attempting to get a whitelist working for an Ace Arsenal box, but I'm unsure how to use it. I don't know much about the editor but so far I got the Arsenal to work, however it's showing everything instead of limiting what I have whitelisted, I'm assuming I have to add something else to get it to work. I tried this command: this addAction["Open Arsenal", {[this, player, true] call ace_arsenal_fnc_openBox}]; However "this" didn't work so I changed the variable to "box" and changed the init line to this addAction["Open Arsenal", {[box, player, true] call ace_arsenal_fnc_openBox}]; Thank you.
  25. Hi i have this: private _fnc_getStack = { params [["_keys",[],[[]]], ["_values",[],[[]]]]; _merged = _keys apply {[_x,(_values select (_keys find _x))]}; _merged //[["10Rnd_9x21_Mag","FirstAidKit"],[1,2]] }; private _weapons = ((getWeaponCargo _vehicle) call _fnc_getStack); private _mags = ((getMagazineCargo _vehicle) call _fnc_getStack); private _items = ((getItemCargo _vehicle) call _fnc_getStack); private _bags = ((getBackpackCargo _vehicle) call _fnc_getStack); //[["10Rnd_9x21_Mag",1],["FirstAidKit",2]] private _vehicleItems = []; { for "_i" from 1 to (_x # 1) do { _vehicleItems pushBack (_x # 0); }; } forEach (_weapons+_mags+_items+_bags); //["10Rnd_9x21_Mag","FirstAidKit","FirstAidKit"] It looks pretty ugly for me. I wanna ask you guys if you have any idea how to write this better!