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Found 479 results

  1. Everything works with unitCapture but not with weapons. When I copy the weapon fire data the output is always [] but movement works just fine. What did I do wrong? My scripts: _Player1move = ; Player1dothings = [player1, _Player1move] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlay; [player1] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlayFiring; Trigger script: [player1, 600, 60, true, 10] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitCapture; Thanks for any help
  2. DeluxTitan M.D.F

    [A3][UK/EU] The MDF

    The MDF UK Timezone https://mdfpmc.weebly.com/about.html Hey guys, I am from a serious to semi-serious UK based PMC unit. but we have members all over the globe. If you are new to the game or an experienced pro we would love to take you in.If you would like anymore info send me a mesage and I can add you to our discord. Till then LCpl. Aaron Grey
  3. Hello, My name is Francisco, I have a problem with ARMA III, I have been playing it for a while and now it doesn't come when I click on "PLAY". Show error "0xC0000005 - ACCESS_VIOLATION" and i don't know what it mean. I wish I could get help to solve this problem. Why does this error appear when I click in "PLAY"?
  4. Hi, How can i use 'removeAllWeapons player' in remoteexec? or 'deletevehicle vehicle player' with remoteexec? i know the basics about remoteexec and can create some hints,playsound,... with it but i dont know how to do it with those 2? thx for your help!
  5. Iv had this problem for months when using the ORBAT. I keep getting the same error when i try to run the game with the exported faction in the add on section, its extremely frustrating as these factions take nearly 3 days to create, iv had to delete them then remake them multiple times. Could someone please help me as i want to make a RMC faction, RAF, RAF regiment RN and so on. Asked this question on the ALIVE forum months ago and no one has replied , posted it on reddit and no one replied either, I even uninstalled and reinstalled ARMA twice hopefully someone here could help me out or redo it for me. (sorry for the crap quality) sorry for sounding so petty. Let me know if i should send you the folder or config etc https://ibb.co/0BG6Lcc https://ibb.co/rpSWxFn
  6. Hi, i wanted to ask wich Mods are used on the right guy. I asked the maker of the picture but didnt get any answer... Maybe someone can help me, cuz i love the backpack and would like to use it! Thanks already for the help.
  7. If you have any feedback on the various assets (props, structures, signs, and later vehicles, weapons, gear, etc.) in Arma 3 Contact, please share it with us here. When discussing alien assets, please use spoiler markings. For concrete bug reports, the best go-to is the Feedback Tracker. General expansion feedback is discussed in this thread. How to access the assets? Main Menu: Shift + P In the DLC Content Browser, select Contact Platform or Contact (when running this mode), and explore its contents. Some assets have a TRY button that will open the asset in … Main Menu: TUTORIALS > VIRTUAL ARSENAL (For vehicles, switch to the Garage mode at the top of the screen.) Each asset category shows the appropriate DLC / mod icons behind each asset for easy identification. Use Sort by mod to make it even easier to find them. Note: in this mode you should be able to preview the assets without DLC ownership. Main Menu: EDITOR In the Asset Browser on the right, all assets are marked by the DLC / mod icon. Use the Filter by mods option and select Arma 3 Contact (Platform) or Arma 3 Contact (when running this mode). What assets are available?
  8. Greetings Earthlings! After a long period of radio silence, we’ve finally revealed the next big addition to the game: Arma 3 Contact expansion. Check out its website for an overview of this very diverse package. We hope there’s something for everyone, not just the heavier sci fi aspect, but also more conventional sandbox goodies. This thread is the best place to let us know about your general feedback, comments, suggestions, and all that doesn’t fit one of the more specific threads. Concrete bug reports are still welcomed to Feedback Tracker. We know our activity there has been lower, but we do check for bugs, and try to fix those we can. The Contact devs will also be actively checking all channels. Thank you all for the help! Livonia feedback Asset feedback Playable Content feedback Translation feedback Some additional trivia 💡 Check out the F.A.Q. for some specific topics! The alien content is in an optionally loaded part of the expansion (via Launcher with PLAY CONTACT - or folder contact). They will not be in the vanilla sandbox, so that stays fairly conventional. The terrain, weapons, vehicles, etc. will be in default Arma 3 data with Content Licensing applied (folder enoch).
  9. Sosse_HD

    Arma 4 a look to the future

    Hallo dear People, i have a question. The new Engine was tested on DayZ and it was succesfull! and pretty good. Will the Arma team make Arma4 with the new Engine so its better lag free and even more fun? because it would be very cool if they make an Arma4 because Arma3 was realesed 2013 and 7 years later not Arma 4 maybe its even capable with steam VR?
  10. I am running Altis Life v5.0.0 (https://github.com/AsYetUntitled/Framework) I have a problem with backpacks not showing the correct max capacity in game (Its well above it) - Here is the bp statement in my fn_survival.sqf : /* Adjustment of carrying capacity based on backpack changes */ if (backpack player isEqualTo "") then { life_maxWeight = LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"total_maxWeight"); _bp = backpack player; } else { if (!(backpack player isEqualTo "") && {!(backpack player isEqualTo _bp)}) then { _bp = backpack player; life_maxWeight = LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"total_maxWeight") + round(FETCH_CONFIG2(getNumber,"CfgVehicles",_bp,"maximumload") / 4); }; }; and further down - { private["_bp","_load","_cfg"]; while{true} do { waitUntil {backpack player != ""}; _bp = backpack player; _cfg = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (backpack player) >> "maximumload"); _load = round(_cfg / 8); life_maxWeight = life_maxWeight + _load; if(playerSide == west) then {(unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [1,""];}; // <---- Sac invisible chez les flics if(playerSide == independent) then {(unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [1,""];}; // <----- Sac Invisible chez les Medics waitUntil {backpack player != _bp}; if(backpack player == "") then { life_maxWeight = life_maxWeight; }; }; }; Thank you
  11. Morning All, Been looking into mission building with the Warlords modules recently, but am having trouble actually getting the AI to spawn and assist with the points. Going by what I can see, the gamemode revolves around taking point against either players, or an AI opponent. In this sense it is Sector Control with a few extra shiny's attached. However, I would like AI to ambiently spawn from either side and assist with taking the points, separate to the requisition menu. I have tried using the Spawn AI modules that came along with the Helicopters DLC for Sector Control but they just spawn and stand there, without any AI direction to dynamically take the points. Is there a module I am missing in relation to this, or is Warlords not able to also have AI spawning alongside the players and requisitioned troops? Cheers -Val
  12. Hey guys, I've created a faction here, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2023072593, but the BDRM and most vehicles have no gunner. I've check the config files and it has the Main turret crewed, but it does not have a gunner turret. IDK if that's how its suppose to look or.. if you check the faction, all the vehicles that are suppose to have gunner seats do not. Please help, Thanks.
  13. I got following problem: I finally got my new computer setup und freshly installed arma3 after 5 years without any video games, but Arma3 just wont start. When i click on "Play" in the lower left corner of the arma launcher it seems to start the game but it gets stuck "initializing addons" while loading and then gives me following information: 0xC0000005 - STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION Details are: but i startet it without any mods and dlc's.. I didnt really found any helpfull support on that, this may be the result of my poor englisch skills so please be nice to me. Thanks for your help.
  14. hello forum, I have been having such a hard time playing ARMA since i have installed it on my newly built computer. Only problem is that while playing ARMA III if I move my map too fast, or something big happens in game, OR around the 30 minute run time mark my game will- stop working, my monitor will lose signal and I will need to manually reset the PC. this issue happens both with and without mods. I have tried adjusting my video settings back but that did nothing, this crashing recently happened while I was playing RDR2 also. SPECS: Ryzen 5 3600x Radeon RX5700 XT G.SKILL ripjawsV D4 3600 2x8GB asus TUF gaming x570 recently I deleted and re installed the game and my mods and it ran flawlessly until the next day the same crashing issue came back. when i view the game in my task manager it uses maximum 59% of the memory. any help or guidance would be so much appreciated. thank you for your time. -Coop
  15. Hi V.5 Altis Life - Ported to the Australia map. I have ported to the Australia map i have it running on my PC through TADST for testing. Everything runs fine. I have transfered the mission.pbo (AU_Remastered_AU.australia) and the Life_server.Pbo to the server. Added all the keys to the server key folder. Mod setup on the server as follows - @extDB3;@JSRS SOUNDMOD;@life_server;@Australia 5.0.9;@D3S Cars pack;@CUP Weapons;@CBA_A3;@ace;@CUP ACE3 Compatibility Addon - Weapons; The game loads - but it just stays on a black screen. looking at the logs it does not seem to be loading the required mods - I have added a custom difficulty (see file below) I have changed the config file to - Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  16. Hello , One huge feature i really wish bohemia had for the Arma series is more detailed focus towards aquatic life. Though , there is a solution & thats to make my own mod for it. First thing i am trying to get on to my server is a shark. More specifically a Tiger Shark (Ill be leaving link to the exact model i have already purchased). Now sadly, i do not have the slightest idea how to model and add models (especially animals) as i myself am a terrain/map maker. So here i am. Im looking for someone who can get my shark ingame. Id like for the shark to be able to swim around. Obviously i'd also like for the shark to be able to attack a person if they are in the water for too long. I have seen something like this before in this video. Id really appreciate whatever help is offered. Im willing to fullfill whatever conditions of said creator. I understand that this is a big feat for any creator however i am very patient and understand that a lot of work is required to make this a possibility. I also have modelers who are exceptionally talented in their trade and they would be more than willing to assist if needed. Feel free to shoot me a private message and we can discuss everything. Hope to hear you soon! Link to model that ive purchased for this project: https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/animals/fish/tiger-185058d9-a4b6-44e2-8f59-1151b3ecdd0a
  17. Hello, I've been thinking about a possible MOD for Arma 3 that could really produce some butt-clenching, heart pounding, gameplay moments. It's heavily inspired on the Battle Royale mod which is dying out sadly, and there's some MMO elements in them too. Anyways, I've made a small presentation that explains the idea better: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1LYfntb3MyRWQUp3Eyju9cyEopTPzSF_dRzpS99TxcvE/edit?usp=sharing I'm no developer, my goal with this post is to just 'test the water' and see if there is some interest in a game mod like this. Secondly if someone can enlighten me on how much work creating a minimal viable prototype of this MOD would take, or point me in the general direction of someone that can help me get this going, that would also be greatly appreciated. Thank you! best regards
  18. Hi fellas, I've been scratching my head over these for a while now and not getting any closer to figuring out what's going on. I've tried the Discord a few times, but I think these questions may be a bit lengthy for that and haven't gotten any responses! Situation: finalising adding pylons and associated scripting for our modpack's helicopters, and these differ from vanilla helos in that: a) they may have both a pilot and gunner controlling pylon weapons simultaneously (rather than all pylons controlled by one or other), and b) who controls each particular pylon varies between different presets of the same vehicle. First issue: a "SAFE" weapon that we include as the first weapon for all vehicles vanishes ONLY IF the pylon loadout is altered in the mission editor. So, we have fairly standard SAFE weapon added as the initial weapon for both pilot and gunner. The weapon is defined with a magazine name that doesn't exist, and when we specify the magazines[] for the vehicle we just include nothing - so the players see a read "SAFE" weapon with no rounds that they have to swap off to actually fire anything. Having added pylons to the helicopters, these still work just fine upon loading into a mission. HOWEVER, if I alter the pylon loadout in the editor at all (via the vehicle's attributes pane, and simply swapping one ammo-type for another ammo-type for the same weapon for the pilot, for instance), then both the pilot and the gunner don't have the SAFE weapon show up any more - their initial weapon is the next in the list/first pylon, and cycling through all weapons reveal it's missing. Has anyone else experienced this, or have an idea what might be causing it? I've checked other mods out and they don't seem to encounter the issue, but I can't spot anything in their configs that reveals an obvious difference. The only workaround I can think of is to rip all weapons off on spawn and then re-add them as well as the static weapons/magazines as part of the init... but this is obviously not a great solution and also runs into the second issue. Second issue: I cannot find a reliable method via scripting to determine which seat controls which pylon station. As an example, if the vehicle's default loadout has the pilot controlling two wingtip stations and the gunner controlling two inboard stations, then if this is changed in the editor so that actually they've swapped so the pilot controls the inboard stations and the gunner the wingtip stations then I can't see any way to find this information out. As I'm trying to finalise the in-mission rearming GUI for pylons, this means that currently I have to try and guess who controls which pylon initially (to pre-set the ownership options on loading the GUI) and then store that in a custom variable after this to facilitate behaviour for the rest of the mission. It also means that I can't accurately workaround the first issue by removing and re-adding weapons/magazines due to not know the actual order to reattach them in to retain all the same animation/behaviour. It also means that the guessing function is a bloody awful nest of loops and array comparisons, with lots of checks to ensure the totals match after each step etc. Is anyone able to offer insight into either of these points? If more convenient, I'm available to chat via Discord or TS - just let me know ☺️
  19. I been making my own units to save the hassle of copy and pasting each gear INT for each soldier, and with 8 units to do it gets troublesome. I created new units successfully using the ALIVE Orbat but the faces and voices keep changing for each unit every time I place them in the editor. I saw that Miller from story has a set face and voice and was wondering how to copy this to my custom units I created. Apologies if this has been already answered, I just linked my steam and this is the first time I am using Bohemia Forums.
  20. Hi, i want to change the armor of a ifrit... especially the window of the vehicle so if found this https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgVehicles_Config_Reference but i dont know where i have to put this in: // for vehicles general armorStructural= 1; // ranges between 1 and 4.0, default 1 armorFuel = 1.4; // default armorGlass = 0.5; // default armorLights = 0.4; // default 0.4 in all models. armorWheels = 0.05; // default // for tanks armorHull = 1; armorTurret = 0.8; armorGun = 0.6; armorEngine = 0.8; armorTracks = 0.6; // for men armorHead = 0.7; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; // helicopters armorHull = 0.5; armorEngine = 0.6; armorAvionics = 1.4; armorVRotor = 0.5; armorHRotor = 0.7; armorMissiles = 1.6; armorGlass = 0.5; ??? Thx for your anwers
  21. I just don't find anything that can do that. All I want is that when a ambulance drives into the trigger that it turns on the sirens and lights.
  22. How can I turn off the operation and change the appearance of the vehicle in the ARMA3 editor. Let's say I have an F18 carrier in the editor, and I fold the wings, and I open the simple thing, and then I go into the game and the wings unfold. And when multiple f18s are put together (at a small distance), they bounce (or collide) when the computing function is turned on. As long as I change the look of the vehicle, I can't turn it off. Is there a way to fold the wing and ignore the impact volume?
  23. I dont know a lot of making missions and wanted to know if there is a way to delete a variable with a trigger. I tried looking it up but I kinda didnt find anything useful and only found how to delete units. Also where can I look up all the expressions commands for triggers?
  24. Hi! I want to make 2 west respawn modules with one infantry group to respawn at each location. How do I tie 1 group to 1 respawn marker so that group will always respawn at that marker? Like module/marker: "respawn_west", "respawn_west_1" and group: "aiGroup", "aiGroup_1" Thanks!
  25. Hi, i got the following drawIcon3D script that shows the players names above their heads: onEachFrame { _units = nearestObjects[(visiblePosition player),["Man"], 17]; _units = _units; { _color = switch (playerSide) do { case (EAST): {[1,0,0,1]}; case (WEST): {[0,0,1,1]}; case (independent): {[0,1,0,1]}; case default {[2.55,0.55,0,10]}; }; if (side _x isEqualto playerSide) then { if (!(lineIntersects [getPos player, getPos _x, player, _x]) && alive _x) then { drawIcon3D [ "", _color, [visiblePosition _x select 0,visiblePosition _x select 1, (visiblePosition _x select 2) +((_x ModelToWorld (_x selectionPosition "player")) select 2)+ 1.83], 45, -2, -1, name _x, 2, 0.035, "Puristamedium", "center" ]; }; }; }forEach _units; }; the problem: this shows also the names thought objects where i cant see the player normaly... how can i fix this? also it would be nice if my enime is in a car i would see his name above the car (not works now). Thx for your answer's 😄