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Found 659 results

  1. Hi everyone ! I want to move an UAV ( with ~ 2/4 meter precision ). I used this script VEH = createVehicle ["B_UGV_01_rcws_F",position player, [], 1, "NONE"]; createVehicleCrew VEH; VEH setCombatMode "BLUE"; VEH setBehaviour "STEALTH"; VEH move position player; VEH disableAI "ALL"; VEH enableAI "MOVE"; But the vehicle stop at 20 meter of the position where he should be . I tried also with waypoint and i have the same issues Thank :)
  2. Hi, I need help! when I start the dedicated server using TADST, with the mod ASR_AI3, which I try to access a mission, it tells me the following error: Script \userconfig\asr_ai3\asr_ai3_config.sqf not found and take me out how can I solve that? try applying -filePatching, but nothing Can somebody help me?
  3. I need help. I recently started doing things related to ARMA 3 and not where I can not find information on the command \ tag on the visual display of the screen during the game. Help please
  4. This script , is for replacing automatically , the Buildings in any map. //["Building to replace","replaced Building"] myBuildings = [["Land_i_Stone_HouseSmall_V3_F","Land_HouseV_1I4",0], ["Land_i_House_Big_02_V3_F","Land_HouseV_1T",0], ["Land_i_Stone_HouseBig_V2_F","Land_HouseV_2T2",0], ["Land_i_House_Big_01_V1_F","Land_HouseV2_01A",0], ["Land_i_Shop_02_V1_F","Land_HouseBlock_C2",0], ["Land_i_Shop_02_V3_F","Land_HouseBlock_C5",0], ["Land_Slum_House01_F","Land_Shed_W4",0], ["Land_Hut06","Land_Shed_W02",0], ["Land_i_Shop_02_V2_F","Land_HouseBlock_B5",0], ["Land_Slum_House03_F","Land_HouseBlock_B3",0], ["Land_i_House_Small_01_V3_F","Land_HouseBlock_B4",0], ["Land_i_House_Small_01_V2_F","Land_HouseBlock_A1",0], ["Land_Kiosk_gyros_F","Land_HouseBlock_C4",0], ["Land_d_House_Big_01_V1_F","Land_HouseBlock_C3",0], ["Land_Unfinished_Building_01_F","Land_HouseBlock_B6",0], ["Land_Factory_Main_F","Land_Ind_Pec_03a",0], ["Land_MilOffices_V1_F","Land_a_stationhouse",0], ["Land_i_Stone_HouseBig_V3_dam_F","Land_HouseV_3I2",0], ["Land_i_Shed_Ind_F","Land_Shed_Ind02",0], ["Land_CarService_F","Land_Repair_center",0], ["Misc_Cargo1Bo_civil","Land_Shed_M02",0], ["Land_i_Stone_HouseBig_V2_dam_F","Land_HouseV_1L1",0], ["Land_i_Stone_HouseBig_V1_dam_F","Land_HouseV_1I1",0], ["Land_FuelStation_Build_F","Land_Misc_WaterStation",0], ["Land_Chapel_V2_F","Land_Church_02a",0], ["Land_i_Stone_Shed_V3_F","Land_HouseV_2L",0], ["Land_Chapel_V1_F","Land_HouseV_2I",0], ["Land_i_Barracks_V1_F","Land_Mil_House",0], ["Land_Mil_Barracks_i","Land_Mil_Barracks",0], ["Land_Cargo_HQ_V3_F","Land_Mil_Barracks_L",0], ["Land_Airport_Tower_F","Land_Mil_ControlTower",0] ]; for "_i" from 0 to(count myBuildings-1) do { _CurrentBuilding = (myBuildings select _i) select 0; _ReplacementBuilding = (myBuildings select _i) select 1; _DirectionOffset = (myBuildings select _i) select 2; { systemchat format["getPosATL: %2 getDir: %4 _CurrentBuilding %5",getpos _x, getPosATL _x, getPosASL _x, getdir _x, _x]; //diag_log format["getPosATL: %1 getDir: %2 _CurrentBuilding %3 _ReplacementBuilding %4 _x %5", getPosATL _x, getdir _x, _CurrentBuilding, _ReplacementBuilding, _x]; hideObjectGlobal _x; _myReplacement = createVehicle [_ReplacementBuilding, getPosATL _x, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _myReplacement setDir (getdir _x) + _DirectionOffset; _myReplacement setPosATL (getPosATL _x) ; _myReplacement enableSimulationGlobal false; } forEach nearestObjects [markerpos "center", [_CurrentBuilding], 25000]; }; hint "Replacmentscript end"; Thanks! and also for trees (p3d) replacement:
  5. I dont know why but everytime I run this script and I'm in zeus interface, it kicks me out of the interface and does not let me get in again. I'm loggin in to the zeus interface via #adminLogged. script: { if (typeOf _x == "B_Boat_Transport_01_F" || (!alive _x) ) then { deleteVehicle _x; }; } forEach entities [[], [], false, false]; Hope someone can help me, because the script does what i want it to do but it keeps doing this annoying kicking
  6. So as the title states I'm curious what you all think about efficiency/optimizations when it comes to writing a lengthy script/mod for a mission. My current scripted mod is AC-C4I (Air Craft Command, Contol, Computers, Communications, & Intelligence). It has to do with sensors and targeting. The scripts have a lot of "waitUntil" commands for locking the targeting camera to screenToWorld amongst other functions. What would be the most efficient way to write this/integrate it into a mission. I can write the whole thing in one file and "call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers" on init. I can create a CfgFunctions.hpp and add it to the description.ext, or I could make it an FSM. I'd love to hear from you guys. Thanks.
  7. I've created a small script for lowering bollards and then raising them again but when I use the action on the bollard I receive the error that line 6 is missing a semicolon. _type = ["Land_Bollard_01_F"]; _playerCalling = vehicle player; for [{_i=0},{_i < (count _bollards)},{_i=_i+1}] do { __bollards = _this nearObjects [_type select _i, 15]; {setDamage 1;} forEach _bollards; }; hintSilent "Barrier Opened"; waitUntil {_playerCalling distance _type > 10}; for [{_i=0},{_i < (count _bollards)},{_i=_i+1}] do { __bollards = _this nearObjects [_type select _i, 15]; sleep 1; {setDamage 0;} forEach _bollards; }; hintSilent "Barrier Closed"; sleep 5; hint ""; I've tried to figure out what the problem is for an hour now but I can't work it out. Any help at all is appreciated.
  8. Hi! I'm having issues spawning in ACE3 IED's with pressure plate activation on. Currently there's 50 IED's that spawn in, they're simulated objects and should (?) work with pressure plate, yet they don't. Here's the faulty script: if (!isserver) exitwith {}; //Theres a marker called center in the middle of the map _centerMrk = "center"; _dist = 25000; _center = getmarkerpos _centerMrk; _counter = 0; _rDist = 5.75; // Objects used as IEDs _iedList = [ "ACE_IEDLandBig_Range", "ACE_IEDLandSmall_Range", "ACE_IEDUrbanBig_Range", "ACE_IEDUrbanSmall_Range" ]; while {_counter < 50} do { //Create position on map for IED _list = _center nearRoads _dist; _iedType = _iedList select (floor random (count _iedList)); _road = _list select (round random (count _list)); _roadDir = getDir _road; _newDir = _roadDir; _dir = _newDir; _pos = getpos _road; _posx = _pos select 0; _posy = _pos select 1; _tx = (_posx + (_rDist * sin(_dir))); _ty = (_posy + (_rDist * cos(_dir))); _iedPos = [_tx,_ty,0]; //Create IED _trgMan = createVehicle ["I_C_Pilot_F", _center, [], 0, ""]; _ied = createVehicle [_iedType, _iedPos, [], 0, ""]; _ied setDir (random 360); _ied setPos getPos _ied; //So far so good, this is where I have to add some type of way to trigger them because they dont work by themselves like if you place them with zeus [_trgMan, _ied, "PressurePlate"] call ace_explosives_fnc_connectExplosive; deleteVehicle _trgMan; //Add IED to list _counter = _counter + 1; }; If anyone with knowledge about ACE3 could help me out that'd be highly appreciated. //Green
  9. Interesting problem I know. It probably is something quite simple but I can't figure it out. Now, I'm fairly new to scripting (about six months) so I'm not 100% sure what I should do. The basic premise is that the player has a UAV with an M136 launcher on it. The drone then fires that launcher. Got that part down. I've even got it so that the drone rearms when it goes back to "Home". Now, what I'd like to do is to have the players rearm it in the field. They can have a launcher on their back, bring the drone to them and then attach the launcher onto the drone. The drone has a new launcher and the player looses theirs. Here is the code that I have so far. I know that it must be very simple but any help is very much welcome in advance. For you're consideration, I'm using ACE, CBA, RHS (All four modules) and more quality of life mods. Nothing that would effect scripting in any way.
  10. Hello everyone, I need help for creat a simple module. Indeed, i need creat a addon as ALiVE. but i need edit config.sqf I need simple example module. (more information that bohemia) help plz ?
  11. Evening folk. So I've always been interested in scripting and general mission making for Arma even since I first played the series. Recently I choose to actually take steps to learn the above and attempt to make a mission (Of which is going decently well) Now while making the mission in question I've came to a point where I want to be able to make multiple objects at once disappear upon the chosen action being activated using the addAction command within an INIT; I've managed to with the following to make one rock disappear using the hideObject command but I'm unsure how I'd make multiple variables do the same using the same action command. rock1 addAction ["Move big fucking rock", "hideObject rock1"]; I presume this is very simple... Very, but I'm like stated above amateur at best so I'm using every moment to learn. Any help?
  12. Ok, that's a bit of a complex problem. As far as I know arma uses 2 kinds of variables: private and global and that will be the biggest problem here. I'm trying to call a script from a object (Data Transmiter) that will add a Hold Action to it. No problem for now and works as intended for a single Data Transmiter. But when I use the same script for a second Data Transmiter only the second one will work. Why that happens? Because some parts of the code requires global variables. So, how can I fix it? I honestly have no idea. That's the code for reference, just call it with a handle = [this] execvm "name of the file.sqf" and should work. //select object name and apply to global _datalinkname = this select 0; datalinkname = _datalinkname; //params ["_datalinkname"]; //Set Datalink Color [datalinkname,"blue","orange","red"] call BIS_fnc_DataTerminalColor; //open/arm function fn_potato = { [ datalinkname , "Hack DataLink", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_connect_ca.paa", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_connect_ca.paa", "_this distance _target < 3", "_caller distance _target < 3", { systemChat "Start Hacking"; }, { playSound3D ["a3\sounds_f\sfx\beep_target.wss", datalinkname, false, getPosASL datalinkname, 1, 1, 0] }, { [datalinkname, 3] call BIS_fnc_DataTerminalAnimate; sleep 5; hint "after 5 sec..."; playSound3D ["A3\Sounds_F\sfx\alarm.wss", datalinkname, false, getPosASL datalinkname, 1, 1, 0]; datalinkname call fn_potato2 }, {}, [], 3, 0, true, false ] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd", 0, datalinkname]; }; //close/disarm function fn_potato2 = { [ datalinkname , "Hack DataLink", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_connect_ca.paa", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_connect_ca.paa", "_this distance _target < 3", "_caller distance _target < 3", { systemChat "Start Hacking"; }, { playSound3D ["a3\sounds_f\sfx\beep_target.wss", datalinkname, false, getPosASL datalinkname, 1, 1, 0] }, { [datalinkname, 0] call BIS_fnc_DataTerminalAnimate; sleep 5; hint "after 5 sec..."; playSound3D ["A3\Sounds_F\sfx\alarm.wss", datalinkname, false, getPosASL datalinkname, 1, 1, 0]; datalinkname call fn_potato }, {}, [], 3, 0, true, false ] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd", 0, datalinkname]; }; //calls first function datalinkname call fn_potato;
  13. Hi , i am looking for a script to building a bunker in few minutes, i wanna do a place where you use a addaction "build defense", than you wait few minutes and spawn a bunker in a specific position,. If posible, also create a task at beginning building and suceedees task at end of the time. Can anyone help me pls¿?¿¿ Thanks you very much!!
  14. Hello there Guys ! ***(not from the game settings)*** CASE 1 : I 'm trying to get rid of the game's default blood on the floor CASE 2 : and trying to locate the blood textures on the body (injured). pics: CASE 1 : the one on the left is custom CASE 2 : blood on the body (injured) ***(not from the game settings)*** any help , would be much appreciated! Thanks !
  15. This script requires ACE3. This script uses an APEX DLC vehicle. Demonstration: https://streamable.com/nodw1 Version 1 links: PasteBin MixTape HasteBin Usage: copy-paste the script into init.sqf or debug console. Ace interact with a friendly unit and ride him. Ace self interact to get off. Notes: This is just a simple script with no customization. Feel free to use this for inspiration, modify it at your own leisure. Credits: Tennessee Timmy - script nigel - ideas / assistance computer - assistance / QA
  16. FoxFort

    FLIR/Termal glow

    Hi Does anyone know what makes models/objects/stuff "glow" when looking via FLIR/Termal sights? That "heat" effect on live unit, is that done via material? How to make it? EDIT: Hmm, I made a mistake, wrong part of forum
  17. Recently I found using of VR garage from this mission. but in this, I can't set my direction of spawning vehicle. I asked to mission editor about this, but he can't do anything without BI garage(or vr garage) system changes. I think so too... is there any way to add set direction option to this https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_garage or this one https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createVehicle ?
  18. Hello, I want to put FLyingpenguins flak script inside a Flakvierling 38, but, I can't seem to get it right. Anyone here with knowledge of how to make this a reality? Script: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28654 Init line: this removeMagazinesTurret ["LIB_80x_SprGr_FlaK_38", [0]]; this addEventHandler ["Fired", {deleteVehicle (_this select 6); _this execVM "Flak\flak.sqf";}]; Thank you so much in advance -Whale
  19. Hello everyone, I've been writing scripts for a while now but never separately released them. I had some time today so I tweaked one of the scripts I've written in the past for separate public release. It's a script simple script that will make a jet or a heli target enemy units. You can decide for yourself which types of units (cars, tanks, air, ...) the jet/heli will attack and to which factions are considered hostile. In total there are 9 parameters provided you can tweak when calling the function. Only 1 is mandatory. The script was only tested in a singleplayer environment but I see no reason why it wouldn't work in a multiplayer environment. Included files: Readme, with boring legal information like copyright and license targetingScript.sqf, the actual script targetingScript.Stratis, a little example mission. To play the example mission just drag the mission into one of the following 2 locations: C:\Users\<yourUser>\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\<yourProfile>\missions C:\Users\<yourUser>\Documents\Arma 3\missions and go into the editor and play it in singleplayer. It's nothing fancy, just a quick example how it works. Usage: Download the script and include it in your mission. I personally suggest turning it into a function when using it. If you keep using it as a script you can look at the init.sqf in the example mission to see how to use it. If you know how to turn it into a function I don't think I need to explain anything to you :) Requirements: none Bugs: If you find any bugs please let me know either in this topic or make an issue here: https://gitlab.com/stanhope/targetingScript/issues Future plans: Turn the time to attack and time to loiter into params Fix any and all bugs General optimization Download: https://gitlab.com/stanhope/targetingScript Lastly I'd like to kindly ask everyone to not host my work in other places if no major changes have been made to it. Instead please simply link to my gitlab, this is merely a request. If you made a significant change to my script I have no problem with anyone hosting it anywhere as long as it's in accordance with the license.
  20. So I'm trying to use the "Warrior Bugs" from the Starship Trooper mod and am trying to get them to pop out the ground (Ground Effects) when a player is at 200m or closer. I'm terrible at scripting and not sure what to do.
  21. So one thing that has bothered me from the beginning of the ARMA series was the lack of commands for firefight formations or simple combat drills. For anyone that is in the service and has served will understand what I am saying, and for those that are not I will try and explain it. One of the biggest gripes and hopefully one I would like to solve is a formation for security. Say for example a medevac helicopter is inbound to your location and you need to pull security. In a real world mission the soldiers would take a 360 degree formation of protection. A basic circle that keeps all sectors covered. This also allows the team leaders, squad leaders a chance to check on their solders. During this check a we look for casualties and find out status of ammo, equipment and mission important data. To do this in the game requires that the leader point to each and every spot he wants a soldier to go to. Real life this is NOT needed, each soldier knows his job and adjust as needed to provide that layer of security. Was wondering if anyone knew a way to get a formation like this? Example player gets to location with a squad of ten soldiers. player needs to secure a site after a engagement. Player can go to the radio menu and choose "360 Security" (or something easy to identify to click on) With that an order will be issued that all AI controlled soldiers will move out and away for the location that the player is and set up a 360 degree area of protection, each looking out in the correct compass direction and remain facing that way, the AI would be in kneeling or prone position as well. (Not sure if this is possible or not but have an adjustable range or diameter of the circle, also AI troops would use common sense and find cover while still trying to obtain 360 security) All AI would stay put and not move unless engaged or directed by player to rejoin formation. This allows the player to check all soldiers or simulate. (In the real world a team would be designated as aid and litter (would provide aid to enemy and friendly casualties) the other team would be EPW (collect and secure enemy prisoners and weapons etc)) Another thing is simple battle drills Player gets in a firefight or engagement player uses the radio menu to order a battle drill formation Clicking on the specific battledrill will execute that. If the player has designated teams example (red, yellow, blue...etc) the battle drill would execute a script that would allow something like this........ Start of mission Player designates 3 members of the squad (team blue) Player designates 4 members of the squad (team red) player gets into an engagement and becomes pinned down (Team blue under fire by opfor) Player uses radio menu to select battle drill 1A Script or some other means executes this based on what team the player wants to move. Team Red breaks contact and moves to a flanking maneuver position on the opfor firing position Team blue continues a suppressive fire on the enemy while team red gets to flank position. Team blue continues fire and shifts and then lifts fire while Team red assaults from the flank. Team blue moves up and clears objective after team red has gone through. After all this is completed and the enemy has been killed or surrendered the 360 security is set up. Not sure if anything like this exist already but it would be great if it was a possible. It would allow the player the opportunity to issue commands that real soldiers would understand. It would not require the player to micromanage the team. It is not realistic at all to tell each soldier exactly where to go and what to do. Now the AI in Arma3 is leaps and bounds over ARMA and ARMA2, but these items would really help to push reality of the battlefield. Hope someone can help with this or point me in the correct direction. Bill
  22. Hello, I have seen numerous post about this issue, but can't seem to find a solution that actually works. So here is my problem. I have a classic sector game which I play alone or with a friend, against or with each other. Each side (Bluefor and Opfor) have a squad a player can take over and control. Rest of the forces come from an AI spawn module. It all works perfectly except all the ai's spawned from the modules doesn't bleed any tickets on both sides when they are killed in action. It is only players and ai squad members that I know how to use bleed tickets with. But the Ai's from the module does not work, so it is sort of unbalanced. Please do anyone knows how to bleed tickets form ai spawn module? Script I use for the ai squad mebmers in unit init: this addEventHandler ["killed",{[_this select 0,-1,true] call bis_fnc_respawnTickets;}];
  23. I have a custom dialog, with an edit box and a button. I need to send the text entered by the user to a custom script. What do I have to put in the action parameter for sending that data to the script. Thank you.
  24. Hi, I searching for a way to spawn units randomly in a marker. I've tried something with radius etc but it seems that units spawn even out of the marker and even on water... I'd like to spawn those units only on ground and in the definided marker. And I have another problem, The units I try to spawn are zombies... And when I choose to spawn 2000 of them with a debug marker to know where each zombies are, I don't find any zombies at the markers positions... is there any units limit on Arma 3 ?
  25. Does anyone know , how to delete the coordinates , and the red lines , that show your location on map? (the red letters and the red lines) 036038 32m Thanks!