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  1. I have encountered this bug multiple times hosting multiplayer conflict games. After a few hours online suddenly all the remaining enemy AI disappears completely from the map. All remaining bases, checkpoints and supply depots end up deserted. This happened with conflict on Everon and Arland, and has occurred on two separate host machines. Friendly AI is unaffected. Anyone else seen this?
  2. I am using the in game hosting function to play Combat Ops Arland. I have questions regarding the following: 1. I set the preferences for the server during creation and select SAVE for future use. I have done this many times but won't let me load it and all options are back to default. 2. Upon logging in and playing a mission such as Combat Ops or Conflict Arland - all progress is lost when logging out. Does anyone know if there is a way to get progress on a hosted multiplayer mission to persist? 3. In Combat Ops at the Ammo Loadout Crate there is an option to "Save Loadout" however it won't let me select save. Does this work for anyone else? I have tried on multiple attempts and in hosting different servers.
  3. Combat Helicopter Transport Missions - Collection on steam https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2905502852
  4. Hey guys, another really Nooby question but I would like to know a bit more about the Performance Impact that ambient Animations have on Multiplayer Servers. I was told to not use / rarely use ambient Animations because the Animation creates an Instance on the Server for every player logged in but no one could elaborate more on the topic so I am trying my luck here. For instance, is that true for Idle Animations as well. For example, I would place units with "doStop this;" which switches Units into an idle Animation until they are in Battle. Would they also be instantiated for every player until they switch to combat? If not, why don't these animations effect the server in the same kind. Is there another command / way to setup animations that is more performant? Or does it depend on the kind of animation one would choose? So you see, that is not an actual problem, but more a desire to understand more about the whole topic. Thanks for sharing all your knowledge. Cheers, Jan
  5. Hello everyone, I was hoping to find some help here. I just recently started tinkering with scripts to make missions for me and my friends to play. I want to implement a Huron that will fly to one randomly selected marker from an array of markers and place a cargo container, then fly off. The heli should start after a given time after mission start. For that I have a script that works in singleplayer, but not in multiplayer. 1) I have a systemchat message that displays when the script runs but it only shows on my machine. What do I need to do here? the relevant code is: systemChat str(format ["You can hear a Helicopter in the distance."]); 2) If I launch the mission in Editor MP, the debug message informs me that the variable _heli for my huron is "undefined variable in expression". I don't understand why it considers it "undefined". the relevant code is this: _heli_spawn = [_spawn, 0, _heli_class, West] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; _heli = _heli_spawn select 0; ---------------------------------------------------------- Whole script is this (taken from some guy in the forum and slightly edited for my needs): P.S. i have the following in the init file: 0 = ["B_Heli_Transport_03_F","Land_Cargo10_military_green_F","spawn","destination",10] execVM "slingload.sqf"; Thank you guys in advance.
  6. Hello everyone! I´ve tried to research for a solution, opened dozens of pbo files and watched hrs and hrs of youtube videos, but i simply need help!!! I like to create small coop missions for our dedicated server. Among a few other problems, I cant figure out, how to make sure, that all clients get their task updates and mission endings at the same time. From what I understand, I have to define global Variables in the init on mission start up. (<- Here is the first problem for me, not sure how to do it right!) Like this? if (!isServer) exitWith {}; missionNameSpace setVariable ["myfirsttask", 0]; publicVariable "myfirsttask"; sleep 1; Ok, found a nice video on youtube on how to get tasks updated within a mission. How EXACTLY to get a trigger on firing the publicVariable "myfirsttask" to achieved? inside trigger on activation: missionNameSpace setVariable ["myfirsttask", 1]; <--- like this ??? Ok, so now how to i trigger the endmission for everyone at the same time? I know I have to use following: "end1" call BIS_fnc_endMission; but how exactly? Do I set up another trigger with publicVariable "myfirsttask" as condition ??? In that regard, I have another issue! I like the endtrigger to fire ONLY when all alive players are within the trigger area AND "myfirsttask" is done! Is that even possible, while revive is enabled? ({ alive _x } count thislist) == 0; <-- This should be part of the trigger?!?? Or do i simply go into editor and sync the whole player group with the last trigger? Last but not least, even though revival is enabled, how to I end the missions, once all players are down at the same time??? I´ve seen many videos and tutorials to most of above topics, but most if not all of them, dont account for the mission being run a dedicated server!!! Do I need and initserver.sqf? If yes, does it mean I also need a initplayerlocal.sqf and an init.sqf? I really really hope to find some help here, thanks for taking the time to read this!!!
  7. Hello, A server owner has tasked me with creating a script to teleport him and his group of admins to a position on the map determined by a mouse click. We're doing this via "player addAction" and he already has a trigger set up to "removeAllActions player" when done. The owner needs the action to first open the map, where he will LeftAlt-LMB click on a position, and the script to teleport him and his group to that position without breaking formation. For the sake of simplicity, could the addAction possibly be put in the Init field of a playable character which execVM's a squiff? I also found this elsewhere on the forum: fnc_teleportGroup = { params ["_group", "_position"]; private _leader = leader _group; { private _dir = _leader getDir _x; private _dist = _x distance2D _leader; _x setPos (_position getPos [_dist, _dir]); } forEach units _group - [_leader]; _leader setPos (_position getPos [0, 0]); }; [group player, [x,y,z]] call fnc_teleportGroup; How can this be modified to both open the map on the addAction's activation and close it after the teleport is done? I want the xyz to be replaced with the leader's relative coords. Like a translation of a shape whose vertices are members of the group, except done with a script. I used to be able to do this but in the years since 2015 I have lost my ability and patience to write scripts myself. Big, ginormous thanks in advance.
  8. 🙂 PAC is a script for ARMA 3 that provides a full solution to control the map limits for players in multiplayer (Coop, PvP, TvT), preventing players from leaving the mission area. Creation concept: to be super easy to implement and customize, compatible with any mainstream mod, and functional for all types of servers: coop missions, PvP, and TvT. How to install / Documentation: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Playable-Area-Control-Script/blob/main/_PAC_Script_Documentation.pdf What to expect from PAC script: No dependencies from other mods or scripts; PAC functions are in server's side (run once), but the checking (looping) is on the client's side; Easy installation: the playable area is defined by one named trigger added on the Eden Editor; The editor has the option to allow or not air vehicles (including drones and parachuters) to be tolerated when outside the playable area and on air; The editor has the option to allow or not minimum speed restriction if there's air-tolerance out of the playable area; The editor has the option to allow or not to notify the player about rules if they break some; Full documentation available. Video demo (old): Check the file above on GitHub. Check this data frame. Dependencies: None 🙃 Download: From Github: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Playable-Area-Control-Script From Steam Workshop (no respawn): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2835758829 From Steam Workshop (with respawn): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2835759780 Missions running it: All my missions - - - - - - - - - - - Changelog: Nov, 30th 2023, v1.7: changelog Known issues: None. Feel free to bring some.
  9. Hi everyone, I need little help with spawning defender/garrison/static units into my mission. My question is if this is the right way to do this? What I do is open new mission on the same map as my main mission, carefully and precisely place all defender units (units that will stay on one position) save and export to SQF. I paste the code in "someTown.sqf" and then use this to spawn it in the main mission: ["someTown.sqf", "BIS_fnc_execVM", false, false] call BIS_fnc_MP; Probably there is more up to date and efficient way to do this via remoteExec but I cannot understand how to do it ... please help. Coding every static gun or defender position and heading is much slower and consumes much more time ...
  10. Triggers that have a trigger owner with activation "Whole Group"/"Group Leader"/"Any Group Member" don't work properly outside the editor. Try this: Place a group consisting of 3 or more units. Set the 2nd highest ranking unit to be the player (you'll have to kill the squad leader and take command). Create 3 triggers and set the group leader to be the trigger owner. First trigger: Trigger name: Trig1 Activation: Whole Group, Present On activation: player sideChat "Trig1 - Whole Group"; Second trigger: Trigger name: Trig2 Activation: Group Leader, Present On activation: player sideChat "Trig2 - Group Leader"; Third trigger: Trigger name: Trig3 Activation Any Group Member, Present On Activation: player sideChat "Trig3 - Any Group Member"; Start the mission, kill the group leader, when you take command move into the trigger zones. The triggers will work properly even though the trigger owner is dead. Trigger ownership transferred from dead unit to another squad member properly. Now go back in the editor, export the mission to Singleplayer, open it from there and try the same thing again - the triggers will not fire. Trigger ownership did not transfer at all. You can further test this using the triggerAttachedVehicle command. Give the group leader a variable name. For example "a1". Place 4 triggers. You can make them repeatable if you want. First trigger: Trigger text: trig1 owner Activation: Radio Alpha On activation: hint (str (triggerAttachedVehicle trig1)); Second trigger: Trigger text: trig2 owner Activation: Radio Bravo On activation: hint (str (triggerAttachedVehicle trig2)); Third trigger: Trigger text: trig3 owner Activation: Radio Charlie On activation: hint (str (triggerAttachedVehicle trig3)); Fourth trigger: Trigger text: trig4 owner Activation: Radio Delta On activation: hint (str (triggerAttachedVehicle trig4)); Also create another trigger, name it trig4, set the trigger owner to the group leader and set activation to "Owner Only". When you test this in the editor, only trig4 should show you the name of the unit - a1. The other 3 triggers should display <NULL-object>. Export the mission to Singleplayer (restart ArmA 3 before doing that if the mission is loaded into memory or it will not be overwritten properly, i.e. the .pbo file won't be deleted / overwritten). Now when you (re)start the mission in singleplayer, run the radio triggers - all of them will show a1 as the owner of the triggers. Even if the unit is dead it will still show a1 and the triggers won't work. This is also the case for multiplayer exported missions.
  11. Trigger ownership of a group member unit seems to transfer to another group member when the previous owner gets killed. However, that doesn't seem to be the case if the trigger owner doesn't exist, after mission start, in the first place. For example: You have a squad of playable units, squad leader is owner of the trigger. The trigger has activation: whole group and ends the mission. In the multiplayer lobby no player picks the squad leader playable unit and it's AI is disabled -> the unit will not exist, and the trigger will not work. The ownership of the trigger will not be transferred to the next group member, and thus the mission will not end. This is similar to another multiplayer problem where you had to initialize the group variable name inside every playable unit's initialization field (in a group that consists of player/playable units only). Doing it for just one playable group member could leave a window for problems, where again, no player picks that unit and it's AI is disabled, leading to the group variable name not being initialized. Thankfully, in ArmA 3 this could be solved by typing the variable name inside the group entity in the EDEN editor. Non-existing trigger owner could also be problematic in singleplayer if the group member who is trigger owner has probability of presence <100% and/or his condition of presence could return false. You can try it yourself: create a group of 2 units, set the player to be the 2nd unit (i.e. to not be the group leader), set the group leader's probability of presence to 0%, create a trigger, set the owner to be the group leader, activation any group member or whole group, on activation display a hint with hint "Trigger activated". Walk into the trigger area. You can also try it in multiplayer, just make the group leader playable, go into the multiplayer mission lobby, pick the slot for the 2nd unit and disable the group leader's AI so he doesn't spawn. The trigger will not fire. To circumvent this problem, don't give the trigger an owner in such scenarios. Instead give your group a variable name through the group entity and use the trigger's condition field to do checks: Any group member: ({vehicle _x in thisList} count units groupName) > 0 Whole group: ({vehicle _x in thisList} count units groupName) == ({alive _x} count units groupName) Group leader: vehicle (leader groupName) in thisList vehicle _x in thisList count units alive leader If anyone has better suggestions, feel free to post them.
  12. My mission works correctly in singleplayer, but in multiplayer it only works properly for the host. For some weird reason the end trigger gets executed prematurely for the non-host player(s). My first trigger: Condition: ({alive _x} count units apcGrp == 0) AND ({alive _x} count units tankGrp == 0) Activation: deadAttackers = true 2nd trigger (5 seconds delay): Condition: deadAttackers Activation: "2" objStatus "DONE"; hint "Objective completed"; end1 = true 3rd trigger (12 seconds delay) that ends the mission with End1 Condition: end1 apcGrp consists of 2 M113s, tankGrp consists of 1 M1A1 (squad leader) and 2 M60 tanks. For some reason the condition of the first trigger always returns true for the non-host player(s) at the very start of the game. Putting deadAttackers = false; in the init.sqs did not solve the issue. The missions just ends for the non-host player(s) with the 2nd objective completed. Any ideas? Could it be that because the units that are being checked if they are alive are crew members inside vehicles and are somehow local to the host? So the host sees them as alive but the other players don't? To me it seems like a weird bug.
  13. Hi, i'm working on a mission and i have my init.sqf that seems to crash/stop on the client side if i use waituntil {scriptdone _a} at line 17 (just after the execVM). Single player and host don't have this issue. I'm stuck using the sleep command for it to work but i dont like it since the script that's running before is for a conversations which I haven't quite finished yet so I don't know the exact length. I'm attaching the init and the other sqf i've referenced. I know scripting for multiplayer can be finicky cause of desync and packet loss but this is really quite enraging to be fair 😄 Does anyone have a suggestion to how i could use waituntil and still have it work in multiplayer ? Thanks ! Init.Sqf BriefingDone = false; cutText ["", "BLACK FADED", 1]; [0,0,false] spawn BIS_fnc_cinemaBorder; titleText ["ONI HOSTAGE SITUATION", "plain", 1]; a1 playMove "Acts_B_M03_briefing"; sleep 3; cutText ["", "BLACK in", 1]; _A = execVM "conversation1.sqf"; sleep 28; [1,1,false] spawn BIS_fnc_cinemaBorder; titleCut ["", "BLACK out", 1]; sleep 8; BriefingDone = true; a1 switchMove "amovpercmstpslowwrfldnon"; sleep 8; titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 1]; conversation1 : player KbAddTopic ["briefing","texts.bikb","",""]; a1 KbAddTopic ["briefing","texts.bikb","",""]; a2 KbAddTopic ["briefing","texts.bikb","",""]; a1 KbTell [player,"briefing","ONI1brief"]; waitUntil { a1 KbWasSaid [player,"briefing","ONI1brief",3]; / }; a2 KbTell [player,"briefing","ONI2brief"]; waitUntil { a2 KbWasSaid [player,"briefing","ONI2brief",3]; }; a1 KbTell [player,"briefing","ONI1brief1"]; sleep 2;
  14. maty105

    Cant make lobby

    Hi there, me and my friend decided to try out multiplayer in CWA. However, I'm using multiplayer in this game for first time in my life, and we came across a problem: When I click on "New", it brings me back to the multiplayer main menu, switching from sockets to DirectPlay does nothing, just increases the loading time and in the end still brings me back to the multiplayer main menu. Is there any solution for this? I couldn't find anything on the internet, not even on Steam discussions and yes, I have port forwarding enabled on my router
  15. Hello, I was wondering of some of you had found a way to create hybrid Co-op games between support and warlord. My friends and I are really enjoying the support game mode but would also like the possibility to switch to an offense role and recruit soldiers to attack sectors. I may have kissed a topic but I wasn't able to find a way to create these type of game mode. We are currently running a support game mode with an "outside" respawn for offense. I am creating playable characters to "recruit" in your team and a pool of vehicles. The issues are sometimes when getting out the player get an out of area "death screen" or their deaths are not counting in the counters. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
  16. Hey, I help some help to improve this: The script does: for dedicated and hosted servers, a multiplayer playable area control based on a trigger area (with Y, X, Z) dropped through Eden Editor, where, if some player leaves that area, that specific player is punished immediately and, if there is a vehicle with them, the vehicle must be destroyed too. Improvement desired: as the script is loaded by description.ext | cfgFunctions and the script checks all players alive (they are able to respawn) as long the match goes, the desire is to improve those lines, remembering my dedicated server runs, sometimes, til 30 players. Ps.: for now, the target is just human players, not considering AI units out there. Here we go: fn_PAC_init.sqf: if (!isServer) exitWith {}; private ["_playersAlive", "_isPlayableArea"]; [] spawn { while { true } do { _playersAlive = (allPlayers - (entities "HeadlessClient_F")) select {alive _x}; { // forEach _isPlayableArea = _x inArea PAC_playableAreaControl; // Eden trigger if !(_isPlayableArea) then { [_x, 1] call THY_PAC_fnc_setDamage; }; } forEach _playersAlive; sleep 5; }; }; fn_PAC_globalFunctions.sqf: THY_PAC_fnc_setDamage = { params ["_target", "_damage"]; ["You left the playable zone!"] remoteExec ["systemChat", _target]; sleep 0.1; if !(isNull objectParent _target) then // checking if the player is in vehicle { vehicle _target setDamage [_damage, false]; }; _target setDamage _damage; }; On Eden Editor: Dropped a trigger and name it as "PAC_playableAreaControl". Share your thoughts, it will be very much appreciated. thy
  17. Hi together, I am a scripting beginner and am trying to learn from problem delivery to problem delivery. after a few days of research and a lot of trying, i've reached a point where i just can't figure it out anymore and every reading leads to more confusion and so i'm asking for your support. Scenario: a SOG CDLC Jet is connected to a Multiplayer Respawn Module. After destruction and respawn, two addactions should be attached, Nightvision and Thermal should be switched off (also with regard to other Jets of Unsung Mod etc.) and a function that defines the group membership in the Mike Force script should be executed. My two .sqf are still rudimentary at this point and I will only continue to build them once I have solved the problem of execution. It currently works in the SP / Selfhosted but not on the Dedicated Server. I have both the way of directly executing the code in the expression of the respawn module and calling it from an external .sqf via remoteEexec. That means I have: - a locality problem - it is not clear to me whether my variable from the editor is retained after respawn or whether it has to be reassigned and so I had a failure because of doubling the params for new and old vehicle Init Vehicle (not Init Respawn Module - works on Dedicated by start): First Version Expression Field Resspawn Module - Direct Code : Second Version Expression Field Resspawn Module - calling a .sqf: Content of umdrehen.sqf (not urgent but for "awareness"): Content of exit.sqf (not required but for "awareness"): Content of newf1.sqf (maybe required, belongs to variabel and calling condition): Thank you very much in advance for your thoughts, suggestions and support.
  18. Im having issues calling a Sqf through a simple radio trigger using a RemoteExcec call{playsound "JediDown";}; remoteExec ["Scripts\Start.sqf", 2]; The Trigger in Question Bane of my existence Path Scripts\Start List of SQFs Also having some issues with Addactions that activate SQFs. call{this addaction [ "Disable Security Lockdown", { "StarLock.sqf" remoteExec ["execVM", 2];}];} I was Using this ^^ but my Mod guys tell me that will call on every machine, kill frames and crash the server. Any and all help would be apperciated
  19. This is an issue for issue reiteration of <https://feedback.bistudio.com/T63493> this user's issue, but this is dated 2013-2014. I am wondering if there have been any updates to fixing this issue. Issue: Completely stable connection to any dedicated multiplayer session is hard severed after 20~40 minutes. The pop up "User ME is losing connection." pops on my screen followed by the red chain links & "No Message received for X seconds" timer. The timer reaches 90 & the server kicks me. Teamspeak, In game Steam browser, & outside of game internet browsing remains stable through the entire process. No other multiplayer game is experiencing this issue. I did not keep track of it well, but I believe the issue began around the last base game update. This coincides with the forum post linked above. There seems to be no solution besides "wait for the next game update to hopefully un-screw it." What I have tried: Disable firewall. Disable DDoS protections. Verify game files. Verifying mods. Different game servers. UPnP IPv6 <3
  20. Hello there! I've recently set up a dedicated server to play Reforger with my group in a private setting. The server runs and seemingly operates as it should, (no unusual errors in server logs) and everyone can connect and play on the server without issues, except for myself. When I set "gameHostRegisterBindAddress" to my public IP, it prevents me from not only connecting to my server, but seeing any other Reforger servers available in the server browser. Leaving this form blank, (defaulting to allows me to connect and play no issues, but for everyone else trying to connect, the server displays a ping of 999+ and rejects their connections. I wouldn't consider myself an expert of hosting/managing servers, especially dedicated ones like this, but am I missing something to enable connections both locally and externally, or is this just not possible with Reforger's current state? If anyone has any recommendations, I would be grateful for any and all of them! If I can provide any additional information which could help solve my issue, I would be happy to provide it! Reforger is a fantastic platform so far and I'm just really excited to play the next generation of Arma as soon as possible :P
  21. The UI updates fine at the start with default values all set apart from when i "Add" to the float it does not add it to the ui when on a Peer Client. The Issue Been trying to get my ui to update its values on a peer client but getting nowhere. Script runs perfectly fine on workbench client. but foodbar widget wont update itself on a peer client even tho the float is changed properly. class SCR_playerHungerNotifications: SCR_InfoDisplay Script is component of the Character. When i put a Print in the UpdateValues Function. it does not even print it when on a peer client. but it does print it on workbench client. Then when i want to add to the hunger value i call AddHunger(float value) in class SCR_HungerSystemComponentClass : ScriptComponentClass that is on the character It seems to update the value from seeing it change in console. but then the class SCR_playerHungerNotifications: SCR_InfoDisplay never updates it on the peer client. (works fine on workbench client) Any ideas or help would be great. Cheers Reax.
  22. Hey guys! I set up a very nice keyframe animation as a camera-intro for a new mission. when i started the mission in multiplayer it shows all the rich curve key positions as markers while plaing the intro. ho do i get rid of those? when i started the mission in singlyplayer they downt show up. the markers appear as white small symbols. greetings to everyone
  23. Good Afternoon All, I've run into an issue where a script that I've created where the script itself doesn't execute even though it's scripted to in the "initServer.sqf". The script itself works fine and I've tested it extensively in Singleplayer and in my own LAN server, but when I load it up onto my dedicated server it doesn't run unless I specifically call it after the start of the mission. This script should be executed on the server only and works by calculating the change in damage to the main rotor, evaluates if that change is lower than a specific threshold (here 0.02 to be exact), and if it is lower it will then subtract that damage. This effectively cancels out the "background damage" that's caused by over-torquing the main rotor on the H-60 while still allowing outside damage, like small arms fire, to be applied. So far, I have tried placing the whole script in the "initServer.sqf" file, creating a separate .SQF file for the script and execVM-ing it through both an "init" box and "initServer.sqf", creating a function in the "initServer.sqf" and calling it, and a myriad of other things including delaying the script's execution until after mission start and so forth. None of my attempts have worked. I would appreciate any and all input on this matter. Thanks guys. Here is the script itself: params ["_helicopter", "_Debug_Messages"]; //////////////////////////////////ADDING OVERTORQUE REMOVER if (_Debug_Messages == true) then { hint parseText format ["<t font = 'PuristaBold'>MythScript</t> is now active.<br></br><br></br>Attached to: %1", typeOf _helicopter]; }; sleep 5; _lastDamage = 0.02; _change = 0; while {alive _helicopter} do { if (_Debug_Messages == true) then { hintSilent parseText format ["Change: %3<br></br><br></br>Current Rotor Damage (raw): %1<br></br><br></br>Current Rotor Damage (corrected): %2", _lastDamage, (round (_lastDamage * 100)), _change]; }; _change = (_helicopter getHitPointDamage "hithrotor") - _lastDamage; if (_change < 0.02 && _change > 0) then { _helicopter setHitPointDamage ["hithrotor", ((_helicopter getHitPointDamage "hithrotor") - _change)]; }; _lastDamage = (_helicopter getHitPointDamage "hithrotor"); if (_lastDamage == 0.04) then { _helicopter setHitPointDamage ["hithrotor",0]; }; sleep 0.5; }; //////////////////////////////////
  24. Hello, i am struggling with animations in multiplayer, I am aware of methods using switchMove alternatively but as far as I know they do not have the animations i want. I am trying to make a unit sit in a chair, the issue i have is in SP everything works, in MP everything works but when I play MP with another person connected to the server the unit will spawn in the ground, or spawn in a completely different location, I tried to delay the animation, making it so the animation is called in the init.sqf at a later point, which worked initially but after testing again today was no longer working, and the units were back in the ground. I tried many different methods of calling the animation such as: if (isServer) then { [[UNIT_NAME, "SIT1", "ASIS"], BIS_fnc_ambientAnim] remoteExec ["call"]; }; if (local this) then {[UNIT_NAME, "SIT1", "ASIS"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim}; [UNIT_NAME,"SIT2"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim; The most annoying thing is debugging, it's super inconsistent, sometimes it just magically works sometimes it doesn't, and i can't test unless i have another person join the server, as it all works normally if i play the mission in MP alone. I would really appreciate any help, I'm quite lost and don't know what to try, I just want a consistent way to get animations to work, not change the units position and preferably keeping it vanilla not using any mods.
  25. Intro: HazardZone is a 16vs16 game mode where opposing forces have to face each other during a biological threat from space. There are several crashed objects on Livonia from which samples need to be secured, and the side with most secured samples wins the day. The samples are located in the so-called Hazard Zones, and anyone without CBRN gear will not survive there. Each side has a team of 4 CBRN specialists (only 1 team per side) which will need to secure the samples, to support the limited number of CBRN units, 3 other teams of standard combat units are deployed. These support units need to fend off enemy forces and provide secure passage to the crash site for the CBRN units, but CBRN units need to deal with any enemy forces inside the Hazard Zones on their own. To further aid the mission, artillery & transport troops are deployed, but a radio tower needs to be secured to amplify the signal for communication of ground troops with HQ, since the strong EMF of the crashed objects is interfering with the communication and makes it impossible. Features: CBRN Gas Mask overlay & sounds Custom Game Mode Custom scoring logic Virtual Arsenal crate Player & Vehicle Respawns Hazard Zones in which only players with proper gear are safe. 5 km. of playable area Changes in V2 of HazardZone: Objectives are no longer completed by simply interacting with the objective: Players will receive a container (attached to the torso of the player) when a sample is collected. As a final step to complete the objective, players have to extract the sample/s by securing them inside a special storage box located inside base's decontamination tent. Upon completion of these steps the side of the player will be awarded with points Players will be able to pick up the sample containers from their buddies or dead soldiers A player may carry multiple sample containers To make the gamemode more interesting, tasks will now be updated with the location of the player which is holding the sample until it is extracted. This will allow opposite force to recapture the objective from the enemy. Task descriptions are updated according to the player and side who have captured a sample. i.e. "Attack" or "Defend" depending on which side you are and which side captured the sample. Task icons are updated when sample is collected according to the player and side who captured a sample, i.e. "Attack" or "Defend" depending on which side you are and which side captured the sample. Message are now displayed to screen updating players who captured the sample. Tons of small changes to accommodate the new gamemode logic Notes: Raw mission included so you can edit/modify according to your needs (If you give me credit it will be appreciated) No additional content is required (mods or otherwise) except ARMA 3 - Contact Platform Credits: Credits to bohemia forums and ARMA community for all the awesome script examples and tutorials. Credits to Chuc for the script used for the radiation/hazard areas: Credits to RCA3, the gamemode at its current form wouldn't be possible without their help! Download: steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2781568799 gdrive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10YpgBVIl64OJL2mIy7T1kAsPnn_d_yi2/view?usp=sharing ^ Password for the archive is "original"