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Found 729 results

  1. I've been playing Arma 3 fine but recently my game started having these Terrain issues. I don't really know what they are or how to fix it and i tried to look for it somewhere else but couldn't find someone with the same problem. https://gyazo.com/1d525042839229882e872bc5b383818f - A picture of the issue. Please help I do not know how to fix this.
  2. On the mobile version (I play on iOS), I appear to be unable to place any structures. I have tried things like barbed wire and civi tents, but no matter how long I hold the check mark, or how many times I press it, I cannot seem to place structures. Please help.
  3. thedegle

    Mini DayZ Wiki

    Hey guys. Im working on creating a wiki page similar to the DayZ Standalone and Mod wikis for Mini DayZ. It'll be open source just like the others and I think it'd be great to have collaboration on it. I was looking for game help the other day and didn't find anything so I figured we could make an all inclusive solution to that. Thanks. http://minidayz.wikia.com/wiki
  4. 0xC0000409 - STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUNno mods, eutw server, i tried to use different molocs - do not help, only crash on different errors report and more often then on tbb4I searched for solution on net, steam and forums, still did not find any to solve this. plz help my specs:https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwmdF8xXqYL-RjREYnJPeTV0cms
  5. Hey, I really need help with using ORBAT. I downloaded the mod through steam and the other files that people say you have to download don't work. My computer doesn't recognize the files. If someone could help out that'd be greatly appreciated and I a complete noob at this and the game so be gentle.
  6. Love Metro 2033? Love the work we are doing?!? We are Recruiting! We are looking to expand our Mod Team. We need: -Modders -Artists -Music Creators -Graphic Artists -Animators -Film Makers -Scripters/Programmers -Server Admins and Knowledge of Server Processes. Any knowledge of Arma modding would be beneficial really! Do not worry, We are happy to teach newcomers the steps of modding, so please do not be put off if you feel you have no experience. If you can help and you are interested. Please send me a private message with: - Your Name. - Date Of Birth. - Spoken Languages. - Short Profile about yourself. - Any Experience or Skills you may have. For more information go to www.armetro.tk ! Here is a trailer of our project!
  7. Hello everyone, I recently switched from an iPhone 5s to an OnePlus 5. I wanted to restore my data (which I'm pretty sure I backed up using FB) from my old phone but couldn't find out how. Please let me know if you do, all help is appreciated.
  8. I have made a small mission where a group that is controled by the player must move though a town (silent or not) and kill the commander. I then want the player to get a waypoint after killing the commander to an extraction zone where the mission will end. The problem is I cannot find a way to make it so when the commander is killed a waypoint or something similar is shown. Is there anyway to do this? ( I am not very good with scipting so please if there is a way to do this that involes scripting, explane is well)
  9. im building my own campain in arma2 opa and i need a usmc morter team to drop arty on gorka at the start of a misson and in the middle of it with out me hafting to tell them via comands to do it.
  10. Joojmeister

    wla bug

    so i tried to play the wla amalgamation mod on the map fallujah v1.2 but i end up spawning in the air and falling to my death meaning i cant even set up and begin the mission at was wondering if i could adjust the spawn height of my player through the .pbo file and how exactly i do it
  11. Okay. Hey peoples, one of my first threads here pleading for Help!!! I have been working on a CQB, VR Map for quite a long time now using VR blocks only. Now, I have different rooms from the start to finish that increase in difficulty and each stage is marked by colored arrows that point the direction of the finish area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So what I have done is I have used large amounts of 1x1x1 VR Blocks, to build walls, towers, roofs, balconies, cover etc. My idea was to have previously cleared stages blocked off by different shaped walls of VR blocks, once the player hit the next stage's trigger that is. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My go-to solution for this was to make a wall of blocks that separates stages 1 and 2 or Blue and Light Blue, Then set all the VR blocks conditions to false so that they would not be there on mission start and then create a trigger out of sight around a corner or something so as the player enters the trigger some magic VR wall appears in the previous stage so that the player can't go back to mission start and basically Re-Kit themselves with anything they want, before going back to finish off stages. I Just don't no how to tell the trigger to make the conditions of the sync'd VR blocks back to true once the trigger owner steps into the trigger. I really appreciate any help i get, Steam Name: Warlord I've been searching forums to no avail. I have thousands of hours of editor experience and not much to show for it so any other tips or anything will be incredibly helpful thank you so much everyone!! I have images of the Map but i can't post them here :(
  12. Hello guys, I'm searching for a mod who converts the RHS arty to ACE arty system (without arty comp) with range tables and other stuff like that. There was an existing addon but he is outdated at this time (ruPal rhs to ace). There is also a ACEX_Artillery mod on the acemod github but i'm not able to compile it and run it properly. If someone could help me please ... Thanks guys !
  13. I am looking for someone to help me code a arma 3 altis life server at a reasonable price rang preferably someone who is experienced and knows a decent amount in this topic any help or recommendations are Welcome ~thank you
  14. Hey, Guys, I'm pretty new to the forums and scripting, so I have this problem with other people's scripts, I can't see the dialog text, I'm using TAA name And VAS Vas: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19134 TAA: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23512 TAA Picture VAS screenshot:
  15. hey i was wondering if there is a way to have it so i hold mouse 2 down to aim instead of clicking (toggle aim) iv'e looked in settings and messed around with them and cant seem to find a Setting that will allow me to it.
  16. Hi there, I'm currently making a WW2 airborne style mission for me and a couple of friends, but I've run into a problem. After struggling with the respawning inside of a vehicle for a while I've finally managed to do it with the help of a trigger, but now I've run into a new problem: the vehicle they're spawning in is a C-47, but because the AI can't keep them in the air for long I've had to disable the simulation so that they don't spawn inside a crashed airplane. The problem with that is that when simulation is disabled, they are unable to move around inside it, and can't jump out. So I'm stuck with a respawn that is either a crashed plane, or a static plane they can't jump out of. Does anyone know of a way of making the plane stay static in the air but still being able to get out/getting kicked out as soon as they spawn inside it? Or is there a way to make the AI fly around the AO for a undetermined amount of time without it crashing? Any help would be appreciated!
  17. Hello, my question is : Is it possible to delete a respawn point OPFOR when a BLUFOR go into a trigger, I know how to create a respawn point with a trigger but I don't know if it's possible to do the reverse Thx for your help, And sorry if my English isn't good :/ PS: A second question : How to reserve a radio to the BLUFOR et an other to the OPFOR (For example; Alpha for BLUFOR et Beta for OPFOR) In other words I don't want that the Opfor use the radio of the Blufor ^^
  18. So here is the issue. I am trying to run a server for a whole bunch of my friends to play on. They're able to connect to the server without issue. But, it is not loading any of the mods with it. This is not my first rodeo working with TADST so I am completely baffled at how to fix this. I have been searching across forums looking for a fix for a few hours with no success. I will provide some images down below. Thanks for everything in advanced. Please take a look at these images - http://imgur.com/gallery/P7nTO The server parameters - https://pastebin.com/e56LcS1P
  19. HeroOfDover

    Arma 3 Not launching

    My steam downloaded Arma 3 won't launch even after restarting both my PC and Steam, the arma 3 icon appears but doesn't go full screen or take place on my desktop.
  20. Hi everyone. I have been trying to add my own helmet into the game but I keep getting this error when equipping the item ingame: Error "Could not open \AddonsByJoe\IronHelmet\IronHelmet.p3d ". The helmet is showing in Bulldozer with textures. I have also checked that the location is correct with the config.cpp. The files are placed like this: P:\AddonsByJoe\IronHelmet. In the IronHelmet folder is where the IronHelmet.3pd file is. I also have another folder in there called data where I put all the textures and .cpp and .cfg files. Here is the config.cpp. I think this is where the error is. I do see how it could be anything else. class CfgPatches { class YoloJoe { author = "YoloJoe"; units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = { }; }; }; class cfgWeapons { class HeadgearItem; class ItemCore; class Vest_Camo_Base; class VestItem; class UniformItem; class Uniform_Base : ItemCore { class ItemInfo; }; class YoloJoeHelmet : ItemCore { scope = 2; author = "YoloJoe"; displayName = "Iron Helmet"; picture = ""; model = "\AddonsByJoe\IronHelmet\IronHelmet.p3d"; hiddenSelections[] = { "Camo1" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = { "\AddonsByJoe\IronHelmet\data\helmetplate01.paa" }; class ItemInfo : HeadgearItem { mass = 30; uniformModel = "AddonsByJoe\IronHelmet\IronHelmet.p3d"; mmodelsides[] = { 3,1 }; armor = 300; allowedSlots[] = { 6 }; explosionShielding = 0.4; hiddenSelections[] = { "Camo1" }; minimalHit = 0.01; passThrough = 0.01; class HitpointsProtectionInfo { class Head { hitpointName = "HitHead"; // reference to the hit point class defined in the man base class armor = 300; // addition to armor of referenced hitpoint passThrough = 0.1; // multiplier of base passThrough defined in referenced hitpoint }; }; }; }; }; I also have the model.cfg here, if needed class CfgSkeletons { class Default { isDiscrete=1; skeletonInherit=""; skeletonBones[]={}; }; class OFP2_ManSkeleton { isDiscrete=0; skeletonInherit=""; skeletonBones[]= { "Pelvis", "", "Spine", "Pelvis", "Spine1", "Spine", "Spine2", "Spine1", "Spine3", "Spine2", "Camera", "Pelvis", "weapon", "Spine1", "launcher", "Spine1", "neck", "Spine3", "neck1", "neck", "head", "neck1", "Face_Hub", "head", "Face_Jawbone", "Face_Hub", "Face_Jowl", "Face_Jawbone", "Face_chopRight", "Face_Jawbone", "Face_chopLeft", "Face_Jawbone", "Face_LipLowerMiddle", "Face_Jawbone", "Face_LipLowerLeft", "Face_Jawbone", "Face_LipLowerRight", "Face_Jawbone", "Face_Chin", "Face_Jawbone", "Face_Tongue", "Face_Jawbone", "Face_CornerRight", "Face_Hub", "Face_CheekSideRight", "Face_CornerRight", "Face_CornerLeft", "Face_Hub", "Face_CheekSideLeft", "Face_CornerLeft", "Face_CheekFrontRight", "Face_Hub", "Face_CheekFrontLeft", "Face_Hub", "Face_CheekUpperRight", "Face_Hub", "Face_CheekUpperLeft", "Face_Hub", "Face_LipUpperMiddle", "Face_Hub", "Face_LipUpperRight", "Face_Hub", "Face_LipUpperLeft", "Face_Hub", "Face_NostrilRight", "Face_Hub", "Face_NostrilLeft", "Face_Hub", "Face_Forehead", "Face_Hub", "Face_BrowFrontRight", "Face_Forehead", "Face_BrowFrontLeft", "Face_Forehead", "Face_BrowMiddle", "Face_Forehead", "Face_BrowSideRight", "Face_Forehead", "Face_BrowSideLeft", "Face_Forehead", "Face_Eyelids", "Face_Hub", "Face_EyelidUpperRight", "Face_Hub", "Face_EyelidUpperLeft", "Face_Hub", "Face_EyelidLowerRight", "Face_Hub", "Face_EyelidLowerLeft", "Face_Hub", "EyeLeft", "Face_Hub", "EyeRight", "Face_Hub", "LeftShoulder", "Spine3", "LeftArm", "LeftShoulder", "LeftArmRoll", "LeftArm", "LeftForeArm", "LeftArmRoll", "LeftForeArmRoll", "LeftForeArm", "LeftHand", "LeftForeArmRoll", "LeftHandRing", "LeftHand", "LeftHandRing1", "LeftHandRing", "LeftHandRing2", "LeftHandRing1", "LeftHandRing3", "LeftHandRing2", "LeftHandPinky1", "LeftHandRing", "LeftHandPinky2", "LeftHandPinky1", "LeftHandPinky3", "LeftHandPinky2", "LeftHandMiddle1", "LeftHand", "LeftHandMiddle2", "LeftHandMiddle1", "LeftHandMiddle3", "LeftHandMiddle2", "LeftHandIndex1", "LeftHand", "LeftHandIndex2", "LeftHandIndex1", "LeftHandIndex3", "LeftHandIndex2", "LeftHandThumb1", "LeftHand", "LeftHandThumb2", "LeftHandThumb1", "LeftHandThumb3", "LeftHandThumb2", "RightShoulder", "Spine3", "RightArm", "RightShoulder", "RightArmRoll", "RightArm", "RightForeArm", "RightArmRoll", "RightForeArmRoll", "RightForeArm", "RightHand", "RightForeArmRoll", "RightHandRing", "RightHand", "RightHandRing1", "RightHandRing", "RightHandRing2", "RightHandRing1", "RightHandRing3", "RightHandRing2", "RightHandPinky1", "RightHandRing", "RightHandPinky2", "RightHandPinky1", "RightHandPinky3", "RightHandPinky2", "RightHandMiddle1", "RightHand", "RightHandMiddle2", "RightHandMiddle1", "RightHandMiddle3", "RightHandMiddle2", "RightHandIndex1", "RightHand", "RightHandIndex2", "RightHandIndex1", "RightHandIndex3", "RightHandIndex2", "RightHandThumb1", "RightHand", "RightHandThumb2", "RightHandThumb1", "RightHandThumb3", "RightHandThumb2", "LeftUpLeg", "Pelvis", "LeftUpLegRoll", "LeftUpLeg", "LeftLeg", "LeftUpLegRoll", "LeftLegRoll", "LeftLeg", "LeftFoot", "LeftLegRoll", "LeftToeBase", "LeftFoot", "RightUpLeg", "Pelvis", "RightUpLegRoll", "RightUpLeg", "RightLeg", "RightUpLegRoll", "RightLegRoll", "RightLeg", "RightFoot", "RightLegRoll", "RightToeBase", "RightFoot" }; pivotsModel="A3\anims_f\data\skeleton\SkeletonPivots.p3d"; }; }; class CfgModels { class Default { sectionsInherit=""; sections[]={}; skeletonName=""; }; class YoloJoeHelmet: Default { htMin=60; htMax=1800; afMax=30; mfMax=0; mFact=1; tBody=37; sections[]= { "Head", "Camo1" }; skeletonName="OFP2_ManSkeleton"; }; };
  21. Hello! I've stumbled upon a small problem to solve. I was curious as to what the simplest method is to enable a trigger's ability to activate. Example: Say there's a zone that ends the mission, but you want to force the player to complete tasks before they can walk into the specific zone, ending the mission. It seems using standard zone triggers has nothing preventing the player from walking into the zone, ending the mission. Essentially, I look to have the trigger's ability to activate enabled only after something specific has been completed (Whether it be a task or a trigger first.) This being the goal, "triggeractivated" isn't ideal as it forces activation. If there's a simpler way (or better, coding as well), I'd love to know. Many thanks.
  22. I need help making texture variants for tanks. I have two separate types of decals that I want to be switched. Can I use the virtual garage and make it a paint scheme. Or is there another way? Could I also randomize it? Write now I just have multiple tanks in the editor that have the variant. But I would like it to be just one tank in the editor that you could edit on the garage or in the attributes. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
  23. I want to randomize the damage on a car on the start of a mission, same thing with a tank and helicopter and so on. What are the codes for each part and how do I make it random? Is there some place to reference each part of a car/tank/helicopter like a website I could use?
  24. Listerine.

    Loadouts not Appearing

    I go into my equipment and make custom loadouts for each one of my slots. Yet when I load into a game all that's there are the default loadouts