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  1. Hello all, This mod is no longer being developed. DOWNLOAD SOURCE FILES: dropbox link is down, PM me if you want source files via weTransfer or similar ARMAHOLIC: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31654 Steam workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=766707192 WHAT? Hand drawn full rvmat retextures of vanilla Arma 3 assets by lordfrith. Dirty, stitched together, patchy outfits for the discerning scavenger-about-town, similar to the familiar post-apocalyptic worlds of Mad Max, Stalker, Fallout etc. FEATURES: grubby combat rags, filthy officer rags, dirty fisherman's rags, wrecked t-shirts, battered vests, soiled longjohns, broken helmets... There are no placeable units at the moment, its a gear pack only. for screenies see steam workshop link COMING SOON entropy KNOWN ISSUES custom rvmats sometimes don't load normal maps (engine limitation?) CREDITS Bohemia Interactive for making Arma 3. All models are theirs and all assets are adaptions of theirs. And Arma 3 is frikkin awesome BI Forums community from mod creators to people who answer random scripting questions. LICENSE Friths Ruin by lordfrith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. CHANGELOG testV 0.00000000001 first release V1 fixed noob config errors fixed shiney vests added proper armour values to vests and helmets added rolled sleeve varients added bikeys V1.1 fixed annoying config error on main menu screen. v1.2 included futura miles armour values patch
  2. Hi, I'm working on a new map, Elba Island ... that's will be a realistic reproduction of this island located in Italy - Tyrrhenian Sea. A while ago, when I was young :-))) , I traveled all the streets of this island on a bike and so I decided to reproduce it based on my knowledge of the place and google map3d for the exact location of objects (houses, trees, walls ... .) For now I've finished the most boring part (leveling roads etc ..) and a small part of forest and houses. The style of houses and buildings is the same as altis and also the type of vegetation but Elba is much more vegetation, so we say similar to cherno in percentage .... I want to make a map that doesnt need cups or other addons .... a Vanilla Arma map ... As for the completion I will update in this thread but I assume it will not be before the end of 2017. Elba Buildings Style Map Size 32768x32768 Grid 8192 Cell 4 m Sat Image 32768px Resolution 1m/px Smooth Roads/Terrain [complete 98%] Objects Insertion [complete 5%] Some Screens but for now nothing of striking cuz just started :-)) The goal is to create an "abandoned" style like esseker style or similar maps :-))
  3. Heyho my friends, ive started recently scripting arma again and got some nice ideas, here is my newest one, an ambient Mosque Prayer addon. How it works: it will scan the map for Land_A_Mosque_big_minaret_2_EP1 and Land_A_Minaret_EP1 buildings and add a "loudspeaker" to it. On every sunrise and sundown it will play am ambient sound, working even if u do "timeskip" or "setdate". Dev build: Todo: Ares/Archilles support Array for custom buildings More ambient sounds, 8 currently more testing, specialy MP code cleanup WIP videos: Takistan: Zagrabad: Takistan Mountains:
  4. Space; the Final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilisations; to boldly go where no man has gone before. - Cpt James T. Kirk Welcome to ArmA 3: Star Trek - Evolution! This mod aims to develop starships and weapons, seen from most of the popular series and titles of Star Trek! The project was originaly inspired of Abs' effort towards his mod 'Star Trek: Road to The Stars', which I intend to keep this at high priority. The project is not only inspired of Abs' mod, but prior to the next movie, "Star Trek: Beyond", which is in cinemas by 22nd July, 2016! In addition, plans are not final and more features may be on the way, this may include: Borg faction, characters, land vehicles and gear. To kick-start the project, below are preview shots on what starships and weapons will be added. Starships: Federation: - Armstrong Class (Finished) - Constitution Class (In Queue) - Intrepid Class (Finished) - Kelvin Class (In Queue) - Mayflower Class (Finished) - Newton Class (Finished) - Saladin Class - Refit (Finished) - Mk. 9 Federation Shuttle (In Queue) Klingon: - Bird of Prey (In Queue) - K'Tinga (Underway) Romulan: - D'deridex (In Queue) Weapons: - Phaser Rifle (In Queue) - Phaser Pistol (In Queue) - Sniper Rifle (In Queue) - Vulcan SMG (In Queue) Also sneak peak at a prototype test for the warp drive system. Disclaimer: - Starships and weapons will be developed from scratch, not ripped or ported (as I already frown upon illegal activity). What this means, is that they will be developed straight from scratch in 3DS Max 2015 (Student Version) and in Blender. In order to construct the models, orientations/blueprints (like all modellers will use) will be used to accurately design the models. If you would like to know where I get most of these orientations/blueprints, you can find them Here. The two weapon pictures you see (Sniper Rifle and Vulcan SMG), however, can be found Here.
  5. Trailer: Welcome to BIRDY WARS - WHERE Little Birds SOAR.... LOL.. yeah.. always wanted to do something like that.. anyway, This is a mission I made based of "Heliborne" with focus on only ground support. Wanted the game with an Arma 3 flight model, so this is what I came out with. A project made out of fun, but I thought it would be fun so I decided to put in the workshop. I wanted to play Heliborne but I was looking for something closer to Arma 3's flight model and also wanted an actual reason to transport units and land them, rather than the usual heli-taxi mission you see made in the community. (Not because that's what the waypoint says, but because you have to insert the troops there to maybe flank or capture the sector faster.) So Birdy Wars is what came out of that desire. (I ended up focusing on this so much more than actually learning how to fly the helicopter though... T-T ) Wonder if I can make a trailer out of it :P Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1174045120 Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rclahashddpbnxh/BirdyWarsV153b.Altis.pbo?dl=0 Quick SP and MP Description: SP (player in MP actually) - Be able to practise transporting troops to LZ or doing combat runs on AI running around to secure sectors - Just fly.... Don't bother about anything else MP - Go against each other to support your ground AI units to capture the sectors. - Play in Either Ground support Only or Pilot vs Pilot Actual Feature Description: - 6v6 Ground Support Only or Pilot vs Pilot modes (Set in Parameters; WIP) - 3v3 Ground-based Support (1 armed and 2 unarmed vehicles.) - AI-based Sector Control (You support the AI to capture the Sector) - Pawnee for combat roles and Humming Bird for support roles(Spotting, Reinforcements) - Vehicles available same way with armed and unarmed(only reinforcing.) - Spotting:- Apply enemy side in range with smoke/flares depending on day/night. (range set in parameters) - Reinforcements:- Pick up small units from base and inserting them close to sectors to make them assist the attack on the ground. - Simple Repair and Rearm function back in base after landed and engine turned off. - "Advanced" AI to move/attack sectors according to sectors controlled. - AI Patrols on sectors taken by their sides accordingly - Map Tracker to help keeping friendly units' position in check - RHS compatible; Specifically RHS USAF and AFRF. (Set in parameters too.). Default in Vanilla mode. RHS MELB and Humvee used for RHS Enabled games. - Added Parameter to allow armed players and also Virtual Arsenal ammobox near Spawn area. (Off by Default) Some Screens. Roadmap(Might sound a bit too massive though, lol) - Better Clean-up system - AI polishing. (Not like FFIS or bcombat, but just how the AI's waypoints is being decided.) - Limitations of different features to prevent overuse/server crash. Nonetheless, I do hope you had fun! Also, please do comment in regards to possible bugs so I can try to solve it as there is a limit to how much I can search and find with a single brain. PS: Please don't expect quick response and also quick solution to issues as I am doing this in my free time from work. Hope you can understand. Thanks.
  6. About a year ago (and a few months) I started working on a terrain that was supposed to be an african terrain with a somewhat mixed geography (savannas, swamps, some mountains etc.). Unfortunately, due to a lack of time and energy (lots of other things going on and terrain-making is very time consuming) I've been forced to realize I won't finish the project (after not working on it since sometime this spring if I remember correctly), now, I don't want all the work I did to go to waste, and I'd love to see the map finished, so I figured I'd put the word out there if anyone wants to continue the work. So far I set up a basic satmap and heightmap and had started to add more detail to the terrain in some areas using L3DT (mostly around a long ridgeline in the center of the map and some areas way down south), but more work on the heightmap is required if the map is going to look good/be interesting to play on (it's far too smooth in most areas now, and a lot of the dry riverbeds don't look too good). I was also planning a very large swamp in an area along the river which looks ugly right now but with some more work on both heightmap and satmap could probably look good. Anyway, the folder with all the source-files and the work so far is around 8gb so I'd probably need to set up a torrent for anyone who wants to continue the work, if anyone is interested let me know. You can either just use the existing work to create a map of your own ideas (the terrain is very versatile and could probably be used for various settings as long as it's somewhere with a few deserts), I can also share some of my ideas about how certain areas would look like etc. For anyone who wants to take a look I uploaded a working version of the map, of course it's far from finished but at least you can fly around and have a look of the general feel and satmap etc. https://drive.google.com/file/d/15AQM01pZ9ZUKFpBPgdEqXqavt6vzoWkT/view (download in the top right corner). Anyway, here are some screenshots of the terrain: https://imgur.com/a/mP6M4
  7. Heyho, Im Marshmallow and work on a Stretch-Limo for Arma 3. I have 1 Car Into Arma (Gurkha RPV) and this is only In A3s (Arma 3 Survival). This here is my next car and i think...thats cool. You can see, i make Screenshots and modelling all self. Maybe i make a non armed version....hmm.. More as maybe. Im Sure :P But i have not many time at the moment. I work on a big Project and i work and so. Pls be patient. You can see my Status in the Screenshots. ________________________________________________________________________ Moin, auf deutsch fasel ich jetzt hier nicht so lange rum. Ich Arbeite an einer Strech Limo mit einer Minigun. Im Prinzip ist es nicht so schwer, noch eine ohne bewaffnung zu machen. Nur momentan fehl mir die Zeit. Ich Arbeite an einem weiteren Projekt und hab auch noch andere dinge zu erledigen, daher bitte ich um verständnis :) Ich werde nach und nach weiter machen und bin mir ziemlich sicher, das es bald auch ingame sein wird. Greez Marshmallow You have a question? http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197977337107/ Update 1: Update 2: Update 3: Update 4: (first test of Texturing) Update 5
  8. The AH-64D Apache Longbow by nodunit and franze is a great addon, But i'm sure that people are wondering it exist a spanish version of this, so, i'm here to bring you The AH 64D Apache Longbow Spanish Traduction! First of all this mod is developement so it will be updates. This mod for now brings the Fully Translated version of the click helper Toggle but it may some word that not match with the real name cause some words are different in spanish so let's get to it! Download https://www.mediafire.com/file/t24l7w8b4o84ekh/fza_ah64_controls.pbo To Do: Translate the textures of the Screens, Buttoms, Names And other stuff. Changelog: V0.1 Added click helpers translation Main Release Updates will be uploaded betwen 2 to 10 Days (Depending of the level of difficulty.).
  9. Hello guys, as my first mod ever, I decided to recreate and expand the Mad Max universe. I'm always looking for support, if someone likes to join me and work with me together or just want to constribute some 3d models / scripts etc... you can join my discord server. Join the Mad ArmA discord server now! Here are some pictures of unreleased content: Download Links: STEAM: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=815962700 Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32034 (Might not have the lastest update) You can use it for Exile or whatever you want, but please don't repack or reupload it anywhere else without giving credits.
  10. blood_wolf89

    [WIP] MILPACS Standalone

    MILPACS: And More to come... is a system designed and offered to the First Person Shooter (FPS) and/or Tactical Realism (TR) community including but not limited to; ARMA II & III, Squad, Airsoft and anything else you can think of. What it Is: MILPACS Stants for "Military Personnel and Classification System". MILPACS is designed to simulate the structure of an active combat unit fighting on the front line. It's functional roster and profile pages, for both soldiers and the units they belong to, provide a wealth of information to visitors and instills pride in our troops. This version of MILPACS will not require phpnuke but will work on ANY web servers that has PHP and an MySQL Database. Main Features: Roster Enlistment Page After Action Report Personal Profiles Unit Profiles Attendance system for Drills and Operations Weapons page (Lists any weapons you want with the info. for eg. Weapon Name, Ammunition size, Range, Feet Per Second and More!) Awards (Manage Awards to save in the Milpacs system and give any awards to your troops that they earn.) SquadXML And More to come... Check out MILPACS HERE MILPACS DISCORD
  11. FOB PRICE Story: In March 2008 czech contingent with my father went to Afghanistan to help other states here in the most dangerous part of the world to fight against Taliban fighters. For the time spent at FOB Price My dad took some photos that I would like to share with you. History: The base used to be occupied by both British and Danish troops; however, on 22 July 2013 the Danes left, having used FOB/MOB Price since 2007, so now the base is used by mainly the British under Operation Herrick (OP H). Despite the drawdown of British troops this base has been expanded by 21 Engineer Regiment during November 2012. Description: As you can see from the title will be a FOB Price southeast of Gereshk. I will draw from photos in 2008 that got out of Afghanistan. I hope that next year i will make a map around the Gereshk town and paste there FOB Price like static base. I built some buildings in Gereshk like hospital, police station and few afghan ouposts along the main road. In FOB Price will be about 800 metres long runway with two ramps for C17 and C130. Know issue: Red containers will be repaint its just basic layout of them for me. Pictures from A3 and from reality: !NEED HELP WITH TEXTURE ON WATCHTOWER. PLEASE IF YOU WANT TO HELP ME SEND ME PM! Donbass
  12. Happy Saturday! I would like to share some pictures of a terrain I've been working on for the last few months. I am planning on releasing it either on Steam or Armaholic very soon! I am using it as a testing ground for some custom winter-themed .p3d objects (which I am new at making). This is my first terrain and my first mod, and if I were to start over again I'd do a lot of things differently, but I want to publish this either way because I think there needs to be more arctic themed-maps. Right now I am more interested in starting a new project than I am developing this one much further, so I would potentially be open to sharing the source files with someone if they wanted to further develop this. Russian Fjords is a top-secret government military zone, where high tech weapons, vehicles, and equipment are developed and manufactured. It is centered around a deepwater bay in the arctic ocean, and there is only one well-guarded road in or out. The terrain design is somewhat experimental, with some underground tunnels and a high resolution heightmap. The map could be used for sabotage, espionage, intelligence gathering, or even some kind of James Bond themed machina. Honestly you can use it for whatever you want, it's just not really designed to be used for traditional mission based gameplay, it's more meant as a decent-looking, immersive, cinematic landscape than anything. Features: - 8x8km Arctic Map with 6 custom ground materials (Thank you to Dmitry Chugai of texturelib.com for the ground textures) -Heightmap, Attributes, and Sat map created using L3DT Pro and MS Paint - Unique modeled and textured .p3d objects (Snowy fir trees, space rocket) using 3ds MAX and GIMP - 10,000+ hand-placed objects - A long road which goes all the way around the map and took foreveeeeer to level out - An industrial port, and a military airbase, and several military research areas - Several road tunnels - No mod dependencies, should be compatible with any other mods Known issues: -The stock arma 3 rocks do not look "Great" since they are not covered with snow. When I started this map I did not know how to do custom objects at all. -I have not tested this map with AI and don't know how they'd behave, especially in caves/on ledges -The caves are questionable and I wouldn't recommend making a map with them the way I did. The rocks do not occlude light as you'd hope. - Because the heightmap resolution is 4m, some areas are sharp and bumpy, and depending on your terrain LOD setting, distant terrain can look kind of bad. On my next terrain I'll be using at least an lower heighmap resolution to prevent this, but I am not planning on going thru the entire map and fixing every bump at this point - The ocean goes from shore to super deep very quickly. I do not plan on fixing this - I have messed with the rain settings in config to try to make the rain look more like snow but maybe some people will think it looks funky now. I think built in snow support in Arma 3 would be sick, but for now you can at least use some snow scripts (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29156 is one snow script, but the PPEffect color correction can make it very bright and hard to see anything during the day. tweak the script as necessary) - There may be issues with my custom objects that I'm not aware of, I'm very new to making objects Planned features: -Creating snow-covered clutter, and objects such as bushes and rocks, maybe icebergs, improving the look and functionality of objects -Adding some more docks and smaller decoration-type objects such as fences -Possibly Adding some runway overlays -Properly naming and labeling all locations on the map in Russian/Cyrillic -Possibly moving the zone of the map north so that the days are shorter -Continually improving my understanding of how to write a proper config (snow particle effects for driving in the snow is one thing I have yet to master) Please let me know if anyone would be interested in working with me on this or a future projcet! I am open to working with others! Thank you!
  13. Hey guys, I wanted to release a short script I've been working on. This code allows the player to activate the throw-able and then throw it on separate key presses. So now you can activate any grenade and carry it, then toss it later! Great for if you want to carry a smoke grenade for cover, hang on to a chemlight or even blow yourself up by hanging on to a live grenade. Known issues Currently the below looks for the "Throw" action key (default of G) and will fire at every press. To make it possible to switch what your throwing, it was hard coded not to fire if you are pressing "Ctrl". This means if your throw grenade key is "G" and switch grenade is "Ctrl + G", you wont have an issue. If your switch grenade is "Shift + G", "2xG" or any combination involving the "throw" key and something other than "Ctrl" you will not be able to change what grenade you are throwing. How player's use it Push the throw button once to activate the grenade. Push the throw button again to throw it. How to implement Add "fn_throw.sqf" to your functions library. Add the following code to your initPlayerLocal.sqf [] spawn { waituntil {!isnull (finddisplay 46)}; (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown",{ if (((_this select 1) in (actionkeys "Throw")) && (_this select 3 isequalto false)) then { call my_fnc_throw; true; }; }]; }; Replace "my_fnc_throw" with the proper name you gave it in your functions library. If you already have a dedicated keydown handler file, you could migrate/modify the above into it instead. Here is a sample PBO for your enjoyment! Here is fn_throw.sqf. Thank you!
  14. Hello, I'm doing a mission where there is an empty UAV (that new badass helicopter :D) and in case it's needed, I have a script that creates a crew, set a combat mode and the skill of the helo, but I can't get the uav the follow me... It's a transport helicopter mission so it's here to "defend" me. The actual script: _drone = d1; createVehicleCrew _drone; _drone setCombatMode "RED"; _drone setskill 1; while {alive _drone} do { _drone move getpos player; // _wp = group _drone addWaypoint [position h1, 0]; // _wp setWaypointType "LOITER"; // _wp setWaypointLoiterType "CIRCLE_L"; // _wp setWaypointLoiterRadius 100; sleep 2; }; The _wp variable it's something I've tried that didn't worked neither...
  15. Hello guys, I m writing a script similar to Murklors Editor based AI spawn script by trigger for Arma 2. My script should be able to handle any kind of vehicle and unit and its waypoints. Mission designers could use it to place their stuff in the editor and let be deleted what they want at any time and let it spawn again at the time in mission they want to. If the script is finished it should feature some modes. Modes: 1. Trigger mode: Stuff is deleted at mission start and is spawned by trigger. This should be the easy way for guys with less scripting knowledge. They just put a command at the init line of one unit of the group they want to be handled and it should be spawned if the specified trigger fires. 2. Manual mode: Mission designer takes full control and deletes the stuff he wants at a time he wants to and spawns it at another time with the use of my scripts. 3. Script creation mode: Mission designer first specifies the stuff to handle. Starts the mission in editor and my script is creating a spawn script and copies it to clipboard. Now mission designer can paste it to a file and use that for spawning. Please tell me if u have ideas for other modes the script should feature. Upto now I started with storing all information of a unit before deleting it with this script: What I want to know about this script is if u have ideas for mor information which could be stored in the array. I want the script as resilient as possible against all modifications which could be done before unit is deleted. So any modification should be stored and reset after spawning the unit. Actually I ve no loadout storing implemented. That will be done later. So tell me your ideas about all other informations I ve not covered yet annd could be stored for a unit. EDIT: updated script with new element of info array. TODO list - updated regularly @foxhound I appreciate your work very much but this link is not a public release. Its just a PRE-ALPHA drop for the readers of this topic only: Sarogahtyps Spawn Script Creator 0.2 - PRE-ALPHA Description:
  16. This project is temporarily on hold. Other projects popped up that take priority. I will return to this at some point this year :) What is Kingdom? Kingdom is an ArmA 3 grand-gamemode that can be played alone (SP), co-operatively (against AI) or player-versus-player with up to 60 players. The map/island is divided into various territories which can be captured and added to a kingdom. There can be up to three kingdoms, each lead by a King and his vassals. A kingdom can be maintained by a steady flow of supplies and wealth, which come from captured territories and trade. Each territory has its’ own pros and cons; it can be large and have lots of oil, but mountainous which makes it difficult to defend. The various Kings can set up alliances, such as trade alliances which will allow supply vehicles from one kingdom travel through the other without being stopped, which boosts the trade. Kings can also rival eachother; capture eachother’s territories and declare war upon eachother, which could cause for some very interesting diplomatic situations (for example: Kings A and B can be at war with eachother, leaving King C with a choice whether to ally himself with one of the other Kings, stay neutral or declare war on both of the other Kings(thus making it a free-for-all). A King can develop his kingdom by building military bases, factories, fortifications, all done using a custom Zeus-like "Hades" interface. Building military bases will increase the amount of (AI) soldiers a Kingdom can have enlisted. Factories will increase the vehicular capabilities of a Kingdom and fortifications aid in the defense of each territory. Unless the gamemode is played with > 30 players, the main fighting force of each kingdom will likely be AI forces. These forces play a huge role in the defense and capture of territories. Each Kingdom has their own vassals, which are players with privileges. For example, they can recruit an AI squad or request vehicle support. Additionally, they can aid the King in leading the territories. But ofcourse, they can also move on their own and fight the enemy. In multiplayer, the King is selected out of one of the vassals, either by random chance or by vote. The King has the ability to abdicate and point a new vassal as King. Within the gamemode, there can be various sub-modes such as: Territory Control - The first kingdom to capture a pre-designated amount of territories, wins. Conquest - The last kingdom (alliance) to stay alive, wins. Regicide - No respawns/abdication/heritance for Kings -> The last King breathing, wins. And more sub-modes can be thought of, later on. Inspiration For my ideas I’ve been somewhat inspired by the RTS ‘Empire Earth 2’, however I think that because this is ArmA, a 1st/3rd person game, it can be a quite new, unique experience. Additionally, some ideas are similar to ArmA 2’s Warfare gamemode. Development Roadmap Q1 2016 - Alpha version, tested internally with my group; Phantom Incorporated Q1-Q2 2016 - Beta version, first RC released to the public, receiving feedback (hopefully) Q2 2016 - Active development with updates dependent on feedback The Release Candidate-version will likely contain instructions for server admins & mission makers to customize the mission to their own preference. You will be able to change the units, vehicles, territories and even the island it’s played upon. Why? I find the development process of this gamemode a lot of fun as I enjoy coding, but also livestreaming and teaching people, so do feel free to hop in and ask some questions. At the time of writing this, I’ve been livestreaming the development for 8 days, you can watch the development & contribute ideas/support on my Twitch channel: phonicgameshd I don’t know what people will think of this gamemode, but even if the gamemode ends up not being popular at all, I'll feel like the development process has been worth it. Media Final words Now, the terms of this gamemode are deliberately based on the 15-16th century. It is part of the charm. However, there will be no swords & bows in this gamemode: instead ArmA 3 vanilla & (optional) modded military-equipment will be used. Any feedback is much appreciated! Have a nice day. Kind regards, Sanchez
  17. As always I love working with my imagination... A few days ago I wanted to try to create a new faction, with its infantry units, armored vehicles, airplanes, etc ... I finally decided to create 3 factions, and to change a little the course of history in armaverse. I also wrote a story to tell about what led to the birth of these three factions, for people who love this things. The nations will be set in 2022. I do not want to offend anyone, the division of the states and the story is a figment of my imagination, and I hope that it will never happend. So please avoid creating controversy with the situation recreated in this project. Introduction: In 2022 the Italian Republic no longer exists. In the first half of 2016, the continuing economic and social crisis leading to the fall of the italian government. Without elections, a new government decided by parliament starts heavy economic maneuvers to fix the state finances , further worsening the situation of the population, but without affecting the waste of money , the corruption and the political class that plagued the state for years. In mid- 2016 several popular revolts starts in major Italian cities , which are initially suppressed with force by the police and army. After this events, various units of the police and armed forces refuse to attack the protesters , leading to mass arrests among the ranks of the government forces. In August, representatives of the regions of central and northern Italy and dissidents generals of the army, meet secretly to organize the secession of northern Italy from the central government and the creation of a new rebel state, arresting state officials loyal to the central government . The representatives of the Veneto region, however, do not agree with the decisions taken and, supported by much of the population, take this opportunity to declare independence (so desired since the fall of the republic of Venice by the hands of Napoleon in 1797) from the Italian state and the new rebel state. After two months the southern and other central regions declare the secession from the Italian state and with the help of others dissident generals of the armed forces occupy parliamentary seats and government buildings in Rome, announcing the fall of the last Italian government and the end of the small civil war that shocked Italy. In December 2016 a meeting of representatives of the rebel factions, with representatives of NATO, of the United Nations and of the European Union, seeks to restore national unity, but due to strong differences between the will of the factions and to prevent the outbreak of a new civil war, was decided to maintain the division of the three states for a while. In January of 2017, a popular vote wanted by the United Nations, decreed the true end of the Italian Republic, and the creation of three new states, the Federal Republic of Northern Italy, the Republic of Southern Italy and the Republic of Triveneto. The main dates of the fall of the Italian Republic: February 3, 2016, the parliament voted the fall of the Italian government. February 25, 2016, the parliament vote of confidence to the new government. May 19, 2016, the new government began heavy economic maneuvers to fix the state finances. May 30, 2016, begin the first popular uprisings in the cities of Naples, Rome, Milan, Bologna and turin, town halls and some government buildings are occupied. June 1, 2016, the police stop the riots with the use of force. June 3, 2016, breakout of new heavy popular uprisings in other cities June 5, 2016, some units of the police are refusing to carry out orders. the army is sent to the cities. June 22, 2016, the protests intensified, the historic center of Rome, and the main government buildings are guarded by the army and closed to the public. July 5, 2016, desertion and disobedience among the military and police forces still growing. July 15, 2016, numerous arrests in the ranks of the police and of the army, many soldiers and policemen join the protesters. July 20, 2016, declaration of martial law with the prohibition to leave the house after sunset. August 7, 2016, heavy clashes between protesters and government forces extend to smaller cities. August 9, 2016, representatives of the regions of northern and central Italy and some dissident generals meet secretly to declare secession from the central government. August 12, 2016, the region of Veneto declares its independence from the Italian state, with the support of several army units, a militia is established and representatives loyal to the central government are arrested. August 14, 2016, the other regions of north and central Italy declare secession and arrest the representatives loyal to the central government. The regions of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Trentino-South Tirol and some area of Emilia Romagna and Lombardy join the the Veneto rebels. August 15, 2016 - October 17, 2016, heavy clashes between armed forces loyal to the central state and those loyal to the new rebel states, the situation remains stalled. October 18, 2016, the remaining regions of central and southern Italy declare secession from the central government and begin to clash with loyalist forces. October 25, 2016, the first forces of the United Nations, led by the French forces, enter the northern Italy from the French border. October 26, 2016, government buildings in Rome are occupied by the forces of the southern rebels and the government members are arrested. November 15, 2016, the forces of the United Nations oversee all major Italian cities, starting the preparations for a meeting between rebel forces in Malta. December 10, 2016, began the meeting between the rebel forces, representatives of NATO,of the European Union and of the United Nations in Valletta. December 23, 2016 , because of the very different positions of the rebel forces, the meeting is interrupted while maintaining the division between the three states and is decided to take a decision with the population through a vote. January 3, 2017, the popular vote with 68.7 % decreed the end of the Italian republic and the creation of three new states: The federal republic of Northern Italy, the Republic of Southern Italy and the Republic of Triveneto. The new map of the italian peninsula Federal republic of Northern Italy This is a federal state made up from 8 ex region of the Italian Republic, the capital is set in Milan. the flag is fictional and made by me. Republic of Southern Italy This is a republic made up from 9 ex regions of the ex italian Republic, the capital is Rome. The flag is fictional and made by me. Republic of Triveneto This is a republic made up from 3 region of the ex italian republic, the capital is Venice. The flag is a modern and simple version of the old republic of venice flag that I have found on internet. Armed Forces descripion: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/183504-nations-after-the-end-of-the-italian-unity-fictional-retextures/page-3#entry2908103 Armed Forces Of the Triveneto Republic Public TEST VERSION 2 THIS IS A TEST VERSION, SO IT IS STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS WITH BUGS. NO UPLOAD THIS VERSION IN OTHER PLACES -Most unit names are in Italian, I'm going to change them for the final version -No unit groups in this version -Paratroopers are probably broken -I suggest to use them only to test in arsenal or in the editor -Please send me information about any bug -Remember that this is a WIP Download Public Test Version 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7Vi2gpeRn9IbzBpLTVMNjZFaHM/view?usp=sharing HOTFIX 1 -fixed wrong name for A-346 CAS version -fixed wrong ammo for reserve soldiers -fixed afterburner sound on F-16 -fixed wrong classnames for C-130 pilots -fixed missing textures -various minor fixes DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7Vi2gpeRn9ITkZoMGRkbXdpWTQ/view?usp=sharing Just copy, paste and overwrite the old PBOs You still need the Test version I started working from the last one, becouse is where I live in real life, I have made the main vehicles for now, and I'm making the supports and the infantry. here are some screens, I have used a simple military green texture becouse I think that is more realistic: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- News will come in the next weeks and months... I have to gain experience in the retexture of the units, becouse I have experience only with vehicles ;) CREDITS (all these modders were contacted directly by me, and all of them give me the permission to include their things) massi - for the Arx160 (model from Mirza Miftahul Fadillah), the G3, the M9, the acessorizes and the m249 from his pack Fuller and the USAF mod team - for the F-35A Aplion - for his NH-90 Sabre_dust - for his C-130 GrumpyRhino - for the AH-1W from his pack Firewill - for the F-16 from his pack
  18. The hum of the lights whispering secrets as footfalls echo throughout the hangar... Introduction This will the official WORK-IN-PROGRESS Thread for all projects. Released, Un-Released, Concept, Discussion, 3D Models, Feedback, SQF Scripts, Teasers, and general spit-ball'n of Ideas. Rather than create a seperate thread each and every time, I wanted to have just one centralized location for everything whether its been green-lit for release, or it was a smoldering heap of miscalculated rocket fuel. Check back often HERE as this Main Post will get updated from time to time. Silent Service -- Submarine Project: Frogmen -- Combat Diver Project: SpookWarCom -- Black-Ops Project: Feet First into Hell -- H.A.L.O. Project:
  19. Hi ARMA Community, After my first project "Evergreen" was released last week, and getting still good feedback on it, i am happy to show you the first public preview from my new project. As i say, i will release bigger terrains with more quality, this one will be about 64km² more hotspots, sightseeing and complex ground textures. At this point, thanks to: Jona - helping with clutter.cfg NeoArmageddon - for the great MapBuilder Tool i will use for development. If you have any wishes for the new Terrain, plz let me know and share your ideas gretz daSh :)
  20. Hello there soldiers! Today i decided to make the first post about this mission project i have been planning for a long time now, and i wanted to make something that i think it has been missing on the community regarding single player missions (or maybe i have not seen this kind of mission yet). Since there are plenty of multiplayer missions following the idea of survival and RPG like gameplay, i decided to focus on a simple but immersive single player mission. My goal today is to introduce to the community the general idea of this mission and to get some feedback on the features for this project, and use this feedback to plan the features this mission will have, so everybody (including myself) can enjoy the experience. Also please notice that this is my very first post on the Bis Forums and also i'm not a native english speaker, so please be patient. This is the "story" for the mission that i have written so far, so lets start with that to get the general idea shall we? Story (Probably will change in the future with the feedback from the community) "You are the team leader of a special forces unit assigned to assist in the takistan war scenario. The world has changed a lot since the third world war, Takistan is the last front-line after the peace treaty was signed by Eastern and Western leaders. Since the war, military investment was cut down by 95% all over the world, and almost no resources are available to the current war scenario in Takistan. UN Forces are still present in the region but with very little control over the situation, they also suffer from lack of supplies to carry on their mission. You will need to survive to carry out your mission objectives, in order to survive you will need to suply your base and your units with food, water, medicine and fuel, of course you will also have to look for weapons and ammunition from time to time, the US has made available some supplies for your unit but dont get too excited, some toolboxes with spare vehicle parts also may come in handy when your convoy gets damaged (if you are able to get some vehicles to form a convoy of course). There are rumors of civilian scavengers throughout Takistan that are willing to help you with supplies, for a price of course. Your main objective is to fight off the Takistany insurgents throughout the region and help stabilish order." END OF STORY "So what are you planning to do?" Great question! I have a pretty solid idea of what the mission will look like, but i still dont know if the gameplay mechanics will work out well, so that's why i need your feedback! ;) Instead of laying down a list of features, i will describe in text what i want to do and what will happen in the mission, so here we go: Gameplay "You start off in a plane with your special forces team consisting of 15 members of varying roles, due to heavy enemy presence in the region you will need to perform a HALO insertion in order to garantee your team safety and not atract too much attention. After you and your team hits the dirt you will need to find a suitable location to deploy your initial base of operations, consisting of a barrack and the supply depot to storage your food, water (not sure if survival will be included in the gameplay mechanics), fuel and military suplies such as weapons and ammunition. Now that you have a place to call home, is time to get your hands on some supplies like weapons and vehicles, since we wont be hearing from HQ anytime soon, we should be one step ahead if we encounter heavy resistance. Some intel is provided from HQ that we should search for nearby towns for supplies from small enemy groups and civilian scavengers. You head off on foot with your team to the nearest town to find out that there was an enemy truck by the road you could use as transport, you get in and find it is still in working condition but with half fuel, no problem, you get in the truck with your team and head off to the next town. In the next town you find an enemy patrol guarding what it seems like a weapons cache, you attack their position and fill the truck with the ammo crates they were protecting and go back to your base to fill your depot with the loot. On your way home you see the UN fighting off a insurgent group, you choose to ignore and quickly pass by the conflict. Once you arrive your base you load off the truck with the supplies you gathered and decide to keep the vehicle for further use. When the night arrives you decide to set up a camp fire and plan your next actions based on the current situation, you tell your units to assume defensive positions and commence the patrol, you go to sleep, or you can choose to carry out a night patrol into enemy territory to get the upper hand and find some supplies. The next day you encounter a group of civilian scavengers and decided to buy a crate full of ammo, since they liked doing business with you, you can call them next time you need supplies and they will take their trading truck to your base in order to carry out further transactions with you. And the mission goes on and on without end..." END OF GAMEPLAY DESCRIPTION So, this is my idea, sure there are a lots of stuff i could include, but for now its enough, i will lay out a detailed features list after i have done some more thinking and have received some input from you guys. Currently i am the only one developing this mission, so if anyone (modders, addon creators, programmers, etc) wants to join me, please feel free to post on this thread and let me know you would like to contribute, and i will gladly set up a repo or something so we can work together! Also any input and idea will be more than welcome and very valuable, so if you have an idea, dont keep it to yourself, even if you find it useless or silly, just let me know and i will gladly take into consideration. ;) Basically this mission will not use any third party addons, you red it right, no addons and no custom 3d models or any other sort of external requirements, because of 2 reasons: First, my skills are limited only to programming, im not a 3d artist. Secondly, i want to make this mission as simple as possible, in regards of technical requirements. The only requirements are Arma 2 OA, thats it! I will also make the code for this mission publicly available and well commented so the community can benefit from my efforts. "So what have you done until now?" Awesome question! Right now i am still figuring out how i am going to be doing the software engineering part (array manipulation libraries, procedures and functions skeletons, coding guidelines for the project, garbage collection, the mission loop, etc), i have some test scenarios to help me figure out the best way to do things in the game engine, but after this week or the other i will probably have this part sorted out. So that's it guys, i will post some screenshots when i have something solid to show to you. Criticism is welcome, but please lets keep it respectful ok guys? Sorry for the uggly english mistakes. See you in the next post!!! :D
  21. WIP [sorry for my Inglish i use transladator] Cabrera Island is a small island in the Balearic Islands, Spain. I have tried to capture their profile and best field within the constraints that give me the objects. In some cases due to the limitations I have taken some license. This version is in Beta01. Missing many things yet to make and review. cheers [ESUS]SinGloT Some hi-res screens: http://imgur.com/a/lz9aw#0 http://imgur.com/a/8F9ng#0 Video InGame https://youtu.be/tqxUcyQ6fBA https://youtu.be/L1jDPPHaVM4 https://youtu.be/I1hrPd3LWtw ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mapframes Definitions Name: "kab" [current] Easting (m)..............: 200000.000 Northing (m).............: 0.000 Size (m).................: 10240.000 x 10240.000 Terrain grid size (cells): 1024 x 1024 Terrain cell size (m)....: 10.000 Imagery size (px)........: 10240 x 10240 Imagery resolution (m/px): 1.000 Texture layer size (m)...: 20.00 x 20.00 ================================================================================ ================================================================================ Trabajando en el Isla de Cabrera es una pequeña isla situada en las Islas Baleares, España. He intentando plasmar su perfil y su terreno lo mejor posible dentro de las limitaciones que me dan los objetos ya creados. En algunos casos debido a esas limitaciones me he tomado alguna licencia. Esta version esta en Beta01. faltan bastantes cosas aún por colocar y repasar. ================================================================================ Salu2 [ESUS]SinGloT Some hi-res screens: http://imgur.com/a/lz9aw#0 http://imgur.com/a/8F9ng#0 Tutorial Crear Mapas en Arma3 - Español