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Found 81 results

  1. I've had a recurring problem within Arma 3 for the past year or so and it's prevented me from really playing the game. Every time I try to join a server, it doesn't matter what server (as long as it's not an official server), it always says "Battleye Initialization Failed". Every single time for the past year or so i've been trying and without fail it never works. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, installing battleye straight from their website, moving game directory locations, i've tried it all but nothing ever seems to work. I just want to be able to play again and i've tried contacting everyone I know of but nothing i've ever tried has worked.
  2. Hello all I love Arma 3 and have been scripting/playing it for years but... again... IT'S BROKEN !!!!! On topic now : I'm experiencing trouble with the AI group leader when the FSM is disabled _unit disableAI "FSM"; and they have waypoints. They randomly stop at a waypoint or in between two waypoints without any obvious reason. If I reactivate the FSM, then they carry on... Anyone know about this issue ? Anyone found a fix ? I'm not gonna send another message to @oukej to say the game is broken he'll kill me 😄
  3. I have a lot of mods in my game, as I haven't played in a while I decided to refresh myself. I activated my mods, and the game restarted- then it popped an error about a cyclic redundancy check. Checking the crash logs I saw that ACE (not ACEX) is the one causing this problem. I cant remove the mod from in-game now since I cant launch ARMA beyond the check mark screen. How do I fix this? Can you guys help?
  4. ConfirmedHuman

    Random Crash in arma 3

    My game is crashing randomly i dont know why The exit code is 0xC0000005 - STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION Please help me (Sry for bad english)
  5. so ive been playing on this exile server for about a month and everything has been going swimingly until this latest update. now for reasons i cant figure out i get kicked randomly, sometimes within 5 mins sometimes after an hour or so and sometimes not at all. and it is always for a different signature mismatch in an addon file or core file. so what ive done to try and fix this is i first tried validating all my files, reinstall battle eye, validate my mods, and then reinstall the a3 launcher. well that didnt work. so i went and played some koth and that seemed to work no problem. so after that i tried speaking to the server admins and they said that it had to be my files. so i deleted all my mods the a3 launcher and arma 3 and reinstalled everything form scratch onto a new drive and im still having the same problems. it seems to be happening a to a few others on the server but im not sure how many. others say everything is just fine for them. please some body help me as im not sure what to do and i really enjoy playing this exile server. in the mean time im going to see if this happens on other exile servers. i hope theres some answers out there for me.
  6. Hey guys So I'm having a problem with the starting parameters for my server. I'm just trying to host a small server for my friends and I and for some reason I can only load one mod at a time. For context I'm using a LGSM server install on an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. The mods are loaded in the root directory of my Arma server install and no matter how I set up my content I can only load one mod. Here is an example -mods=@RHSAFRF;@CBA_A3 this only loads RHSAFRF and if I set it up this way -mods=@CBA_A3;@RHSAFRF this only loads CBA_A3. What could the issue be?
  7. So I'm trying to load mods on my server but no matter how I copy over the files (either links or an actual copy of the dir) it still doesn't load the mod when I launch the server. The directory also has all lower case but it still does not help. The server runs good otherwise. Anything input would help thanks!
  8. Whenever I hit play on Arma 3 in steam it goes to the launcher which when I hit play gives the error Exit Code: 0xC000009A - STATUS_INSUFFICENT_RESOURCES Whenever I enter the game via the Arma3.exe in the games root directory it launches and allows me to join any game except its only servers WITHOUT Battleeye, as launching from the root directory is not enabling Battleye some reason. When I go to the server list it gives a prompt to enable Battleeye but fails as it restarts the game but comes up with a window giving the error and this log... 16:06:44: Starting BattlEye Service... 16:06:48: Launching game... 16:06:50: Note: File blocks can be ignored if they don't cause problems with the game. 16:06:50: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\uxtheme.dll". 16:06:50: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\edputil.dll". 16:06:50: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\urlmon.dll". 16:06:50: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cldapi.dll". 16:06:50: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\slc.dll". 16:06:50: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\System32\d3d10.dll". 16:06:50: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\System32\msimg32.dll". Please help! PS: I have tried launching with and without mods both installed and not installed. I have also reinstalled the game and moved it to another drive to no avail. I have also deleted the Battleye folder re-validated files to no success. BattleEye Errors Launcher: Error Log Report Files: https://puu.sh/CtE5Z/a8f6c7249b.zip Computer Specs:
  9. Hi, im getting a strange message when i try to launch and join MP servers, i know it all worked fine before i moved some things around from one drive to another, i've played Arma and recently also downloaded Apex, it all works fine except when i want to join and play on a server. I can\t launch my own server, i tried various ways, nada, always the same error message: "No entry: C:\Users\(*Myusername)\Documents\Arma3\mpmissions\tempMissionMP.Altis\mission.sqm.Mission" I think maybe i deleted some folder by mistake and now it cant find some directory to launch or something. Does anyone know how i can fix this please? looked online cant find anything. Many thanks if you can help. BTW i was trying a MP on Tanoa so not sure what the Altis .sqm had to do with it anyway?
  10. Frostbite72

    TFAR setup

    I Have set up a server to play Antistasi with some friends and I have a team speak server but i don't know how to set up TFAR correctly pls help and thank you in advance
  11. Ok, I've struggled with this for awhile now and am pretty sure my issue is something small that I'm just not seeing. I just want some fresh eyes to look over my work and tell me what they see. The issue is that my custom difficulty settings don't seem to take. The server comes up fine, people can join, and mods are working great. But I can't get my FCserver.Arma3Profile to be read by the game (I think). When ever I start a mission on custom difficulty I get a default template instead of my settings. This is a Linux server (Ubuntu 18.10) Startup Script: ./arma3server -config=FC.cfg -name=FCserver "-mod=mods/@ace;mods/@ace_compat1;mods/@ace_compat2;mods/@ace_c... File path to Arma Server: gameserver/server/arma File path to Arma 3 - Other Profiles / Arma 3 folders: gameserver/.local/share/Arma 3 - Other Profiles gameserver/.local/share/Arma 3 Inside Arma 3 - Other Profiles is the FCserver folder it contains 2 files and 1 folder: FCserver.Arma3Profile <--- (To my understanding this is the difficulty file) FCserver.vars.Arma3Profile <---(Don't know what this does) Saved <--- (Folder with some steam stuff in it) The FCserver.Arma3Profile was generated by the server automatically, then edited by me (I stole it from the community wiki). FCserver.Arma3Profile: FC.cfg: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for reading this, overall I've spent the better part of 3 weeks banging my head on this. I am so sure that it's gonna be something incredibly small. I will answer any questions you have for me.
  12. Cortez Ha Mefazez

    arma freezes on splash logo

    hello, when I try to load arma with certain mods (usually more than 10 mods or so), it freezes on the splash screen and the only way to use the computer is to restart it. it started before the last update. id really appreciate a solution, since its been going on for quite some time now.
  13. My computer Freezes or restarts after 1min-1hr of playtime in Arma 3 using no Mods. I play on HostileTakeover.co -King Of The Hill - US #2 - Infantry. I'm not sure if it does it only for this server or not, but I have hosted a server using port forwarding and was able to play for +2hrs without crashing with my friends. My system specs: https://pastebin.com/vHictppN RPT crash report: https://pastebin.com/qHYUi5ng One more RPT log: https://pastebin.com/Qq7brEci Paramaters:
  14. Before i start explaining my issue, I DO HAVE MODS INSTALLED. Modlist will be attached to the post. So on to my issue, when i try to host a server with my milsim unit, everyone can connect and pick their roles and begin loading in. Right after they get to about 80% done with the loading they start to hear game sounds, and they can even walk around while the loading screen is stuck on their monitor. Does anyone know why this is, or if any mods are incompatible in some way? Thanks in advance. CBA_A3 CUP Weapons Advanced Rappelling RHSUSAF RHSAFRF CUP Units NIArms Core CUP Vehicles JSRS SOUNDMOD RHSGREF Advanced Urban Rappelling RHSSAF Burnes Armories - Foxhound LPPV ace NIArms AR15 Rifles WMO - Walkable Moving Objects Spec4Gear.v4.6 Oshkosh M-ATV by Burnes Armouries ( matv ) FFAA MOD FA-18 Super Hornet ZEC - Zeus and Eden Templates / Building Compositions Rested Weapon Movement JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS AFRF Mod Pack Sound Support task_force_radio CUP L118 Light Gun NIArms G36 Rifles ShackTac User Interface NIArms P226 Pistols BoxLoader - Vehicle in Vehicle loading ACE Compat - RHS Armed Forces of the Russian Federation ACE Compat - RHS United States Armed Forces ACE Compat - RHS: GREF Boeing/SOAR MH-47E Chinook ACE 3 Extension (Animations and Actions) Dual Arms - Two Primary Weapons Eden Objects FHQ_Accessories GEARSOC - Phoenix Project Immersion Cigs Incon Effects Mod Medium Utility Helicopters Military Ranks and Insignias mod Mil-Spec Monkey Pinup Patch Pack NIArms All in One Specialist Military Arms (SMA) Version 2.7.1 Tactical Weapon Swap Complementary Police Weapons dzn Vehicle on Fire Fluid/incremental door opening KA Virtual Arsenal Anywhere Tactical Position Ready Tactical Hand Signals (THS) Community Factions Project (CFP) Complementary Special Weapons Achilles ACEX ACE Interaction Menu Expansion Lesh's Towing Mod BackpackOnChest Callsign Patch Pack 1 XENO - Taru Pod Mod Realistic Units Ragdoll No Weapon Sway TF47 Launchers 9Liners & Notepad dzn Extended Jamming Splendid Smoke ILBE Assault Pack (TFAR) BDF parachutes vanilla HEBONTES MILITARY TRAINING GROUND DCON's Multiplayer Vehicle Spawner ACE Compat - VSM VSM All-In-One Collection Enhanced Movement
  15. I'm having trouble setting up my Arma 3 server to the internet on a Windows 10 Home pc. It works perfectly on LAN connection, as I can play the mission and such. However I can't find it in the server browser nor can I direct connect to it using my router IP and not the server's local IP. I'm using TADST v3.1.0 with an Antistasi mission file and 8 mods. I don't think this is an issue with TADST because I previously had an arma 3 server setup from BI's dedicated server article ( https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Dedicated_Server ) that worked online on a previous router, but when I tried it on the router I'm currently using with proper port forwarding it wouldn't show up. What's also strange is that if I host a server on another PC via Arma 3 server browser and not a dedicated server, my friends can properly see and connect to it. I tried steam's GetServersAtAddress and it returned the text below for the TADST server, so I'm confused as to why steam can see it and the arma server browser cannot. I triple checked that my ports were forwarded on my router, and I also triple checked that the ports were open through my firewall. I have ports 2302-2306 UDP, 2344 TCP/UDP, and 2345 TCP forwarded on the router and allowed through the server's firewall. I also tried disabling all the mods as well as putting no mission file in it to see if it would show up then. I've played around with UPNP both on my router and on TADST, as well as trying autoInit, persistence, and toggling on and off battleye. I've also made sure all programs and mods have been up to date. I have the RPT file but I'm not sure if there's any sensitive info in it, if that would help.
  16. I just purchased the Arma 3 Apex edition on a Steam sale right now. Installed the game, fired it up (no mods), and went into bootcamp. the cinematic plays, the guy goes out to his point, but when it coimes time to move to him, nothing. The screen acts as though my character is moving, but I dont go anywhere. I get the sounds and the bobbing of movement, but I get no physical movement. I've tried the arrow keys as well, same issue. I've made sure my keyboard doesn't have a background issue running on it like a language other than English or anything. I've restarted the game multiple times. Still no movement. What's the deal?
  17. I am currently in the process of making a GUI that allows you to customize the pylons of a plane. Everything works up until this one part. (This is not the only thing in the GUI, just one function). params["_indexWeapon"]; _weaponToEquip = currentWeapons select (_indexWeapon + 2); _planeToEquip = currentObject; _pylonToEquipIndex = currentPylonNum + 1; systemChat str _pylonToEquipIndex; systemChat str _planeToEquip; systemChat _weaponToEquip; (_planeToEquip) setPylonLoadOut [_pylonToEquipIndex, _weaponToEquip, true, []]; For some reason, in the setPylonLoadOut, the _weaponToEquip does not work. So say it equals "PylonRack_1Rnd_AAA_missiles". I get the error in game, "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines."PylonRack_1Rnd_AAA_missiles"'. But if I change the code to, (_planeToEquip) setPylonLoadOut [_pylonToEquipIndex, "PylonRack_1Rnd_AAA_missiles", true, []]; It works if I use that code. I can't seem to figure out why this is and what a fix for it might be. If anyone has any ideas why this is and what a fix might be, I will be extremely grateful for your input. Thanks in advance!
  18. BAXofAZ

    New Frame Drops

    Today I was playing Arma 3 on a multiplayer and surprisingly enough, for Arma, I was averaging around 50+ fps. My graphics were not on ultra and my view distance wasn't ridiculous but it was at a perfect sweetspot. Later during my play, I went into the settings to configure a few things, and when I did so I accidentally clicked one of the Arma presets for graphics, I believe low. And ever since that I have been receiving constant frame drops, I thought it was just multiplayer but after trying Single-player it did the same thing. Before this I would use lower graphics for multiplayer and run fine, and for my own single play, I would use all Ultra with any sort of post processing set to max. But I don't understand why after that accident, it wont go back to normal even after setting the graphics to where they were before. I have a GTX1050ti and a i5-4690 3.5Ghz. While not the best it works, generally. Anyone have anything similar happen or know any fixes? Thank you.
  19. Hey guys, So I thought I would try my hand at creating my own map. I have successfully been able to import my map into the bulldozer and have been able to view it in bulldozer. My problem is that whenever I go to import an object from the template library it cannot load the texture. It happens as soon as I place an object and it doesn't matter if its from a mod or from stock Arma. What it says is, "Cannot load texture a3\data_f_exp_surfaces\sufaces\surface_concrete.paa." So i guess my question is if I use a mod or even the stock arma props will I need to extract all the pbos into one folder so that the directories will stay the same. Or am I coming at this problem all wrong? Any advice would be appreciated
  20. Hello, recently I have noticed whenever I get into a helicopter, once the engine is fired up, that the aircraft goes forward and I crash. I can compensate for it by pulling back but it makes it nearly impossible to fly around. I have restarted the game, tried different servers, aircraft, and different profiles. This happens both on vanilla Arma 3 and with mods. I do not have the advanced flight mode on. I even made sure I didn't have the mouse going forward or that my "W" key wasn't stuck. I have not found anything online to help me with my issue so any help or ideas would help.
  21. I've noticed some server admins here in the past, so I'm hoping you guys can help out! I've got a virtualized Debian server running, and it worked just fine before the latest update (1.80.143869 is the issue). I've followed this medium guide, and it was fine. It worked on LAN and WAN, with and without mods. One day, it just stopped working. Now, even with a fresh VM that has access to WAN, a fresh install of arma3server, open ports for the game and Battleye, my friends and I can't connect over WAN. LAN works as expected. Over WAN, all we get is an error saying "Connection failed", and my terminal doesn't show an attempted connection. I can post my log if needed. Any tips would be greatly appreciated! Also, I'm not installing it on a Windows server. I am keeping my lab Linux only, especially since it was working previously. Incoming connections are from x64 Windows clients. Distro: debian-9.0-standard Version (server and client): 1.80.143869 Open ports: 2302-2306 UDP; 2344 TCP/UDP to; 2345 TCP to Configs: https://pastebin.com/sC7mYsJL
  22. Specs: 750 Ti 2gb OC by asus I5 4590 600 Watt Power Supply Mainboard z97p_d3 4x4gb DDR3 Ram 1TB HDD (Arma 3 on it) In the last weeks i got 2 Errors called (D3D Error - DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED) and (DX11 error : buffer Map failed : DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED) graphics driver is up to date, the error appears only in Arma 3. if i play Arma 3 modded the temperature of my graphics card is circa 50 Grad Celsius / 122 Grad Fahrenheit wrote with the nvidia support and the they mean that the oc by asus could be the problem, so i underclocked to the base clock but nothing happend. i saw on Youtube that add Tdrlevel in the registry helped many people so i tried it at my own risk. but it didnt helped. Now when i play arma 3 modded on australia, after few hours my arma 3 freezes, i get short arma 3 sounds but and my computer wont react to me. i cant tab out, open the task manager or shut my computer normal down. my last arma 3 error reports: please help me and sorry for the bad english
  23. LagGotMeHere


    Hello, So I just got a New Hard drive put into my Computer that I USED to play Arma 3 on everything was working great No Crash, No Errors. Until I got the new Hard Drive put in 1TB. Now everything start crash I cant even start up the game without it crashing and popping up this Error : https://gyazo.com/96b23b2b75f67166651466e664f39030 with my Computer I got a New Razer Mouse and Razer Headset but those are not causing it to crash I look up everything to fix it doing that System thing in paramater, deleting account folder, Everything else to try to fix it and nothing happening here more screenshot of everything to see if anybody can fix it for me please. https://gyazo.com/7afb11f922ce67304c1a657bff118277
  24. LagGotMeHere


    Hello, So I just got a New Hard drive put into my Computer that I USED to play Arma 3 on everything was working great No Crash, No Errors. Until I got the new Hard Drive put in 1TB. Now everything start crash I cant even start up the game without it crashing and popping up this Error : https://gyazo.com/96b23b2b75f67166651466e664f39030 with my Computer I got a New Razer Mouse and Razer Headset but those are not causing it to crash I look up everything to fix it doing that System thing in paramater, deleting account folder, Everything else to try to fix it and nothing happening here more screenshot of everything to see if anybody can fix it for me please. https://gyazo.com/7afb11f922ce67304c1a657bff118277
  25. I have not been able to play Argo for the last few weeks do to a battleye issue and the steam shortcut. When I attempt to lauch Argo through steam I get no response. I then attempt to launch Argo through the File Library x64 or x32 and it will launch, However, as soon as I choose server and it enables battleye v1.243 and syncs my GUID, I get an error message saying "You were Kicked off the game (Battleye: Game restart required)". Note: Just before the recent Update i would get and error saying Battleye failed and if I would restart the game to enable it. I have searched all around for fixes and none have worked. Please help! What I have done: Verified game cache Steam deleted Battleye in Argo Library and then verified Cache Launch as Admin Install battleye.bat (it launched CMD saying "Launching Battleye..." then closes. as if nothing loaded.)