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  1. Hello guys. So my friends and I are creating a surreal milsim server together with the least knowledge of coding and scripting. Our will is pretty far serious and realistic. We have a different way of playing our military simulation. So here I am to ask you some crucial questions that matters for our server's developpement. I rent a server with 40 slots on HostHavoc. I barely know how to code so I count on the host panel to take care of most of my mods. What I want is a Realistic Milsim with grades, promotions, multiples units such as recon, infantry and mecanics, airborn and sea. What do you suggest ? I have already RHS mods, CBA and Task force radio installed, and currently have a issue with it. The command line doesn't read it. So my questions are, how can I configure properly my server ? Do I really need a scripter to handle the scripts and missions ? If yes, I hire you monthly. How can I make my mods to work and appear in the server ? If anyone can help me with that stuff I'll be very happy and grateful to you. Reply or send me a PM and we could talk on Discord. I really need someone. Thank you very much.
  2. Hello. Fairly new to Arma. Looking for a serious server, like a Milsim server or group to join. Would like to learn the game more and get involved. (Uk timezone.) Cheers Tom
  3. Hello all, I'm curious as to grab a player / unit's object from the server. I want to refrain from doing: { if(_x == player) then { //etc }; } forEach allPlayers; any good solutions to this?
  4. When I join a server (1944 KOTH mod) I am allowed to select a team, start joining until I hear people talking in side chat, then it kicks me. I have an image of the error screen. When I look up the error, I can't find anything on it. I've tried to create a new profile and tried to edit my profile a little. This is a fresh install after installing a new SSD. It was fine when it was on a mechanical drive before. I don't have any of my old settings/profiles on the new installation. My whole computer was wiped when I installed the SSD, so this is a "fresh" copy of Arma, with some steam mods that carried over my account. I hope this was enough information, but I cannot find ANYTHING on this error anyways, so how could you? EDIT -- I was able to join an Altis Life server. hmm. It may be me. Still cryptic error message.
  5. I just bought a server, and after the setup and launching Arma 3 Server all my friends could join it, but it haven't even showed up in the server list for me. I pinged the server from my PC and I had no package loss, but when i pinged my PC from the server it had 100% package loss. This issue seems like to occur only with me, would be glad if anyone here had it before and know how to solve. Thanks!
  6. hi all guys ! i just wish to inform the whole community that after many months of test, i can finally declare the official opening of two servers: a TDM server with a gameplay inspired to insurgency, still way more realistic, but fast paced, round based, with arsenal ecc. a DOMINATION server, with a dynamic domination mission, with AI of 3 factions, civilians and so on. can be played coop or TvT or TvTvT ! you can find the servers filtering the name " DWAR " or at the IP: dolfrang.ddns.net on port 2312 the domination and port 2302 the TDM both run vanilla arma3 for maximum compatibility, plus a set of scripts that add a lot more deep to vanilla gameplay (like drag soldiers and some objects, attach explosives on objects/vehicles, dual primary on back, and much more..) to not bore you all, i place more infos about missions running on server in the following spoiler, anyway for more infos contact is : ddelfino@hotmail.com
  7. Rogue_Doctor

    Private session?

    Is it possible to have a password required for servers? Or integrate with steam friends list for invite-only sessions? I found the link to download the server files to run on my pc after not finding any already running but from what I can tell it is always publicly accessible.
  8. Somewhat new player here. I am a South African player that has to play on EU servers (About 200-250 ms ping) because of the lack of official servers in South Africa. Now there is actually four servers in South Africa, but they aren't official, which gives the South African playerbase very little incentive to actually play there. So what I was wondering is if there is any possibility for one or two official servers in South Africa. Seeing as the South African community is still fairly small only one or two servers would be sufficient.
  9. I've noticed some server admins here in the past, so I'm hoping you guys can help out! I've got a virtualized Debian server running, and it worked just fine before the latest update (1.80.143869 is the issue). I've followed this medium guide, and it was fine. It worked on LAN and WAN, with and without mods. One day, it just stopped working. Now, even with a fresh VM that has access to WAN, a fresh install of arma3server, open ports for the game and Battleye, my friends and I can't connect over WAN. LAN works as expected. Over WAN, all we get is an error saying "Connection failed", and my terminal doesn't show an attempted connection. I can post my log if needed. Any tips would be greatly appreciated! Also, I'm not installing it on a Windows server. I am keeping my lab Linux only, especially since it was working previously. Incoming connections are from x64 Windows clients. Distro: debian-9.0-standard Version (server and client): 1.80.143869 Open ports: 2302-2306 UDP; 2344 TCP/UDP to; 2345 TCP to Configs: https://pastebin.com/sC7mYsJL
  10. hey guys, i have created a gamemode for dedicated servers, but right now its not possible to continue it after the server shut down. Before we tested on a dedicated server, the mission was meant to be hosted directly from arma, so we could hit "save & exit" but that obviously didnt work. Here comes my question: what stuff needs to be stored in my database and what gets saved by arma? There are quite some scripts with many variables that need to be saved, as well as the position of vehicles on the map and their condition. Hope you guys can help me. Thanks in advance
  11. I am trying to get a mission on my server working (ubuntu server 17.10). But if i'm starting the server it shows up with: 20:08:31 Reading mission ... 20:08:31 Starting mission: 20:08:31 Mission file: sniper_training (__cur_mp) 20:08:31 Mission world: Altis 20:08:31 Mission directory: mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\ 20:08:31 You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.acex_sitting 20:08:31 Mission Precision Training 1st B-L read from bank. 20:08:31 Missing addons detected: 20:08:31 acex_sitting and loops it until I stop the server. Here a screenshot of the acex_sitting.pbo file location: http://prntscr.com/htx9aq start.sh: #!/bin/bash ./arma3server -config="server.cfg" -mod="mods/@ace;mods/@ACE_Compat_RHS_Armed_Forces_of_the_Russian_Federation;mods/@ACE_Compat_RHS_United_States_Armed_Forces;mods/@Advanced_Towing;mods/@Advanced_Urban_Rappelling;mods/@AdvancedSlingLoading;mods/@ASR_AI3;mods/@BackpackOnChest;mods/@CBA_A3;mods/@Enhanced_Movement;mods/@Foxhound_Siberian_Guard;mods/@RHSAFRF;mods/@RHSUSAF;mods/@Specialist_Military_Arms_SMA_Version_2.7.1;mods/@task_force_radio;mods/@TFT8_Uniforms;mods/@TRYK;mods/@Winter_2035;mods/@JSRS_SOUNDMOD;mods/@JSRS4_APEX1.2;mods/@JSRS_SOUNDMOD_RHS_USAF_Mod_Pack_Sound_Support;mods/@JSRS_SOUNDMOD_RHS_AFRF_Mod_Pack_Sound_Support;mods/@JSRS SOUNDMOD_Additional_Weapon_Handling_and_Reloading;mods/@Enhanced_Soundscape;mods/@Blastcore_Edited;mods/@JSRS_SOUNDMOD_Specialist_Military_Arms_Mod_Sound_Support;mods/@C17;mods/@ACEX;mods/@F16;mods/@FIR_AWS" -autoInit i just can't find out what the problem is please help!
  12. ABOUT THE SERVER Our public Insurgency server is a Dedicated Server built to run fun ArmA 2 style Insurgency ACE & ACRE missions, but with ArmA 3 with updated and modern versions of addons such as ACE and Task Force Radio. For those who played ACE and ACRE Insurgency servers back in ArmA 2, we are trying to revive the gameplay style along with other servers doing the same to provide a fun and realism experience on a public server. This server will be up 24/7 unless updates or restarts are needed. The server may under go mission changes as we like to switch the terrain up from time to time, so don't worry about having to play the same terrain over and over again. We will keep the mission style to insurgency but some missions may have a slight difference depending on the scripting that went into the different missions. These missions are pulled from mission devs that are not part of our group, but will be modified for a better experience, such as adding ACE, Task Force Radio and CUP Terrains. HOW TO JOIN To join our server, all you need is the required addons and the latest version of ArmA 3. REQUIRED ADDON LIST ACE3 ACEX CBA A3 CUP_Terrains_Core CUP_Terrains_Maps Task Force Radio HOW TO PLAY For those of you new players that have not played these style of missions, we will describe how to play. Insurgency is a mission of clearing red grid squares that indicates towns or buildings, within those red markers are hostiles. You objective is not only to clear red squares to turn them into blue or green squares, but also retrieve intel of ammo caches in the region. Intel can be in forms of cell phones, radios, documents, pictures and even talk to civilians for intel. Once intel is acquired, red question marks with a number next to it will pop up on the map. Those question marks will give the approximate distance in meters of the cache from the marker. Once you find the cache, you are to detonate the cache. Once all 12 ammo caches are detonated around the map, the mission will end and restart or move on to the next insurgency map. If players do not want to cache hunt anymore, that is fine. There are also randomly generated side missions that generate around the map, such as, Eliminate HVT's, destroy IED factories, Destroy enemy convoy, Capture and much more. These missions will also give the players rewards such as new vehicles and equipment back at main base if the task has been a success. Being part of our server with the Task Force Radio addon requires all players to join our Teamspeak server for communication. This allows players to have a better realism experience having to use radios to communicate from one side of the map to the other. This also allows better organization in the server for multiple teams of people to communicate with out stepping over each other with default in-game communications. SERVER INFORMATION Game Server IP = Game Server Port = 2318 Teamspeak IP = Unit Website = http://www.1strb.us
  13. QWENCH Version 0.1 Git: https://github.com/code34/qwench.altis Hello, I tried yesterday to look at how Altis Life worked and start cleaning the repository. There was so much to clean up, useless code or insane trick, db management issues, and so on I have not seen yet, that finally this morning, I throw the sponge because I think it would be much easier to create a new generic server with generic tools that I have already made available to the community under the GPL license. My goal is to provide the server-side minimum required to allow anyone who wants to create RP servers (role play) to start in minutes and develop / modder directly what interests them. Do not think that it will do the work for you. The goal is to provide more efficient orders for coding good RP Basically the common base will translate like that, finally was the first idea that I have: - a ready-to-use module that manages the database. Dev just has to install extdb3, insert his credentials into a config file, and he can immediately use the server-side database through SQL queries - a message bus module that will manage all the exchanges between the clients and the server and minimize all the code to produce to do that. Client will be able to call functions on the server as if they were local (oo_bme) - no bullshit, just the minimun to do the job If you have ideas, or even share my vision, do not hesitate to show up, we may be doing great things together. I do not do it for money, for women, or for glory. If this project does not interest anyone, I would stop to focus on other developments, there is so much to do. Thanks to the google translator for his help, I must say that the language is a real obstacle to the sharing of ideas and that it is complicated to give as much as one would like.
  14. Everytime I start the dedicated server with its server.cfg file and then open the game on the same computer I get this "Session Lost" message within a second of joining the server I did on my own computer. I have tried on different computers both launching game AND server on them, I've also tried to start the server on my own computer then have someone else join it and vice-versa SAME THING HAPPENS. I know it is an old game. It is not an answer to attest to such facts. Also is there an option to make a LAN server, something I can put on the server.cfg file? I am very pissed off this is happening. THINGS I'VE TRIED: REINSTALLING THE GAME AND ALL DLCS SEVERAL TIMES IN ORDER: arma 2, arma 2 oa, arma 2 baf, arma 2 pmc, arma 2 acr. server.cfg BattlEye = 0; verifySignatures = 0 through 2; equalModRequired = 0 and 1; loopback = true; this one was successful but only to connect to the dedicated server from the computer you're executing the dedicated server from. Which is pointless. Whether it is a BattlEye problem only or whatever, I have no clue. HELP
  15. Hello This game is just a good way to gather a bunch of friends during holidays but we dont have internet at secondary house. i was wondering if it is possible to host a LOCAL LAN game. If yes how to do it? thanks
  16. We are currently using a Headless Client for the AI. I am noticing that the AI walk around when under fire, seemingly ignoring our shots. Every once in a while they will start to shoot back but then they get up and return to walking again. Any ideas? Video Evidence:
  17. Hello, I am looking to make a combat Alts life RPG. I would like to do most of the placing of objects myself and a bit of coding but ill need quite a bit of help if anyone knows scripting and functions inside and out contact me through bohemia interactive messages. What I am looking for is someone who can code all the essentials for a very militarised Altis Life RPG. Some of the jobs include; Jobs; truck missions, drug runs, bounties, police/rebel/army/civs and many items such as spike strips etc.
  18. Server Dependent, can be run with any mod ****This can only be played on the ts.warkin.info server as server-side is not released, please watch video**** /\ New Video /\ Server and mission Explained. SO I've been piecing together a mission using a lot of community content as well as a ton of my own script to get it all together. It features procedural map objective generation, efficient scripting and a powerful database. It does borrow from wasteland and CTI, but I looked for solutions everywhere. While not everything is perfect yet, it is very playable and will save your levels etc indefinitely. It's got a ton of scripts running server side while keeping the FPS high, so it's smart capable. It's got drop in / drop out saving that will enable you to play a few minutes at a time, but contribute to the big offensive. There is a full economy, and you can also level your AI. You have a choice of 12 persistent AI as you level up who you can recruit at ease and who are saved with my drop in feature, as well as vehicles etc. The mission is town focused, but every part of the map can be captured for income. Please try it out, and comment to steer it's development. The server keeps good frame rate in spite of producing many AI in individual cities. Custom loadouts are available not only to you, but to your ai with minimal effort. As an external influence I reference 'Jagged Alliance'. Lightning Warfare = "Warfare with a small unit, co-op focus" 1. Towns will be connected in territorial mode 2. Every town will have same items available for purchase 3. Each captured town unlocks extra units and gear in all towns. 4. Fast travel will be available between towns 5. Winning condition: Capture all towns. 6. Database deals with per session and infinite saving. 7. Procedural Map with fog of war 8. Player Economy 9. In depth squad management and persistence 10. You can recolor and uniforms, see photos below 11. Rearm and re-equip you or your squad members in minimal clicks. 12. Save and utilize custom load outs for player and squad. 13 In depth medical and support scripting, ai ability to save you when injured. Not a full list, but here are the major imports. - Improved FAR Revive medical simulation - Outlawed Mag Repack - R3F logistics - Building loot spawning - Rewritten Digital load out system - Rewritten Hunter Six ai system - Taw View distance - Seth Duda Advanced Towing & advanced sling load - Outlawed Mag Repack - Zod Take down - Rewritten inidb - Rewritten A3 Wasteland - Rewritten Squeeze Hex warfare Planned additions - Sniper, SOG centric mission support. High value targets : Personnel responsible for logistics, killing will inhibit reinforcement. FOO/FAC: Responsible for coordination of Air support; Killing will disable enemy air support for a time. GUI's - Simple yet powerful Manage your squad, customize your team (Player and AI level saved in DB) Procedural Strategic Map - works on any island and identifies objectives Deep player customization, and more to come Running IFA3
  19. Hey I'm hosting this again on dedicated hardware. If there is interest I will leave it up and updated. The gear has been switched to the ARMA3 arsenal. Among other things you can equip your leveled AI with customized loadouts. Here is a video
  20. Estrella

    Cant Join Server

    Hello, i first time want to play this game and i cant join the any server, i just pushing join server its loading and show again join server. How can i join server?
  21. Hello , I want to set up an RP server at ARMA and I'm looking for EDITING MISSION & SCRIPTING to server. Of course everything is paid. Thanks :)
  22. I started playing the singleplayer version of minidayz today (1.4.1). I wanted to try playing the multiplayer version and found that there were no servers, so I decided to create my own server. When I tried to download the server files from minidayz.com/servers I was shown a 504 error for all possible downloads. I am on Windows running Chrome. I also tried to download it using another computer, and I received the same error. I even asked my friend to download it from their computer (on a different network) and they received the same error. After about an hour or so of waiting, the downloads still give the same error. Is there another way to download the server files?
  23. Commander Salamander

    Issue w/ Server

    https://www.mediafire.com/file/2928tgkz423smmc/arma3server_2017-11-27_15-39-43.rpt - I have all of the mods when I loaded into the server, the Command Line is 100% compatible with the FTP (I confirmed this earlier when the server functioned). When I access the Role Assignment for any given mission, the roles aren't available = issue. Does anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this issue?
  24. CptDezusa

    Infinite Warfare Gaming

    Good day, i like to talk about my servers that im running and i will like to invite all of you that's interested to join one of my Dedicated servers. I have bean around for some time trying to help out the Arma 3 community, so i have the last 4 months running a Dedicated server, i started for many years ago with renting server at hosting company, but as that only gave me one server and not a loot of freedom i decided to rent a Dedicated server that i can do what i like. This is my server information: Dedicated Servers - 6 Core Server - Intel Xeon E5 1650 V3 32GB RAM This is the server i'm running right now: Server name: =IWG= BMR_Insurgency Takistan [MiamiServer](COOP) Address: Server version: 176143187 Required game version: 1.76.0 Map: Takistan Mission: BMR_Insurgency_v1.47.Takistan Players: 20 Server name: =IWG= Insurgency ALIVE [MiamiServer](COOP) Address: Server version: 176142872 Required game version: 1.76.0 Map: Fata Mission: Insurgency_ALiVE_v1M1 Players: 10 Server name: =IWG= UNSUNG - VIETNAM|ALiVE MiamiServer(COOP) Address: Server version: 176142872 Required game version: 1.76.0 Map: DaKrong Mission: Unsung_Vietnam_ALiVE_v1G Players: 15 Server name: =IWG= WW2 France Front ALiVE (MiamiServer)(COOP) Address: Server version: 176143187 Required game version: 1.76.0 Map: Colleville Mission: France_Front_ALiVE_V1G Players: 25 You can find us at Discord or our new Forum that we just make. Discord: https://discord.gg/9uKedUz Forum: http://community.sunrise-production.com/ Feel free to jump in and talk to us and share your ideas, i'm always willing to test out something new and can add to the server if it's good.