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About RicardoLew

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    Private First Class

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  1. RicardoLew

    Updating vehicle height on map

    Sorry for the multiple replies, i dont really know how to forum.
  2. RicardoLew

    Updating vehicle height on map

    Good point! private["_name","_markers"]; waituntil{visiblemap}; _markers = []; _anaccar = nearestObject [player, "ivory_suburban_anac"]; {if( _x isKindOf "Air") then { _rand = round (random(999)); _pos = getpos _x; _altura = _pos select 2; _marker = createMarkerLocal [format["%1_TRACKING",_rand],visiblePosition _x]; _marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed"; _marker setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_circle"; _text = format["Modelo-%1. Registro-%2. Altura-%3m.", getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "displayName"),_x getVariable["anac_air","Desconhecido"],str _altura]; _marker setMarkerTextLocal _text; _markers pushBack [_marker,_x]; }; } foreach vehicles; while {visibleMap} do { { private["_marker","_unit"]; _marker = _x select 0; _unit = _x select 1; if(!isNil "_unit") then { if(!isNull _unit) then { _marker setMarkerPosLocal (visiblePosition _unit); }; }; } foreach _markers; if(!visibleMap) exitWith {}; uiSleep 0.05; }; {deleteMarkerLocal (_x select 0);} foreach _markers;
  3. RicardoLew

    Updating vehicle height on map

    private["_name","_markers"]; waituntil{visiblemap}; _markers = []; _anaccar = nearestObject [player, "ivory_suburban_anac"]; {if( _x isKindOf "Air") then { _rand = round (random(999)); _pos = getpos _x; _altura = _pos select 2; _marker = createMarkerLocal [format["%1_TRACKING",_rand],visiblePosition _x]; _marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed"; _marker setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_circle"; _text = format["Modelo-%1. Registro-%2. Altura-%3m.", getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "displayName"),_x getVariable["anac_air","Desconhecido"],str _altura]; _marker setMarkerTextLocal _text; _markers pushBack [_marker,_x]; }; } foreach vehicles; while {visibleMap} do { { private["_marker","_unit"]; _marker = _x select 0; _unit = _x select 1; if(!isNil "_unit") then { if(!isNull _unit) then { _marker setMarkerPosLocal (visiblePosition _unit); }; }; } foreach _markers; if(!visibleMap) exitWith {}; uiSleep 0.05; }; {deleteMarkerLocal (_x select 0);} foreach _markers;
  4. I made a script that makes a vehicle marked on the map, showing its display name, custom made callsign and height. The problem is that i cant make the height to update automatically, i have to close and open the map so it updates. I would like to know if anyone have a clue how to do so i dont need to close the map to update the height all the time, so i can just open the screen and manage the air transport easily. Thanks!
  5. RicardoLew

    Editor: Respawn object (balloon...)

    i tried this: if (!alive this) then {sleep 1; "Land_Balloon_01_water_F" createvehicle position this}; dont seem to work tho :-/
  6. I just bought a server, and after the setup and launching Arma 3 Server all my friends could join it, but it haven't even showed up in the server list for me. I pinged the server from my PC and I had no package loss, but when i pinged my PC from the server it had 100% package loss. This issue seems like to occur only with me, would be glad if anyone here had it before and know how to solve. Thanks!
  7. I would like to make a compact mod pack with all my server needs in one Steam Workshop mod. I haven't found anything about CBA that prohibit reuploads, and direct contact with the devs is not simple too, so I made this post to know if anyone have the answer / had the same problem.
  8. Thanks for the help! I think some more practice is needed if i want to be good in this coding world!
  9. I want to make a simple script that gives me the position of each element of an array that i created. That's all i got so far, but taking the position of each object is not working for me. _array = []; _objs = player nearObjects ["Land_cargo40_blue_f", 30]; _array pushback _objs; I tried to make "getpos forEach _objs" but it didnt work. Maybe someone can help me? Thanks!
  10. Im still new to the scripting of Arma 3, and im trying to make a simple script where the player get near a house door and it opens. I got this so far: if (position player isEqualTo [house,[2.5,-1.5,0]]) then {house animate ["door_1_rot",1]}; I dont know how to handle a position with the vector of the house where the door is located, maybe someone can help me with this?