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  1. Here is my Simple Auto-Gate or SAG 😉 The script is meant as a self contained system for creating automatic gate opening of bar-gates. The script works with pre-placed bar-gates, like on some of the CUP based maps, but will work just as well with bar-gates placed in the Eden editor. It has been tested with both the ArmA 3 standard bar-gates and the CUP ones. Just place a trigger using the editor so that the centre of the trigger is close to the bar-gate you want to control. Set the 'Name' of the trigger and set its size and orientation as required, the rest of the trigger parameters will be set by the script. Create a folder called 'Scripts' in your mission directory and copy the 'sPK_autoGateInit.sqf' file to the directory. You will need an 'init.sqf' file in the root directory of your mission with the following in it: This example sets the system for GATE_NORTH and GATE_SOUTH triggers to control the vanilla bar-gate. if ( isServer ) then { [ [ GATE_NORTH, "Land_BarGate_F" ], [ GATE_SOUTH, "Land_RoadBarrier_01_F" ] // No comma on the last entry. ] call compileScript["Scripts\sPK_autoGateInit.sqf", true]; // true - compileFinal. }; The if ( isServer ) block is to stop warnigns about running it on a player client when connecting to a dedicated server. The compileScript is a replacement for compile preprocessorFile[LineNumbers] command. Job done. The system has an additional feature where you can call the script without the bar-gate class name. In this case it will display the class of the object nearest the trigger in a 'hint' and in the report file. Search for "GateClass:" in the report file: [ [ GATE_NORTH ], [ GATE_SOUTH ] ] call compileScript["Scripts\sPK_autoGateInit.sqf", true]; The output will look like: 10:35:14 "GateClass:GATE_NORTH:Land_BarGate_F" 10:35:14 "GateClass:GATE_SOUTH:Land_RoadBarrier_01_F" Enjoy, S For the record, gate classes: Land_BarGate_F – Vanilla bar-gate class. Land_RoadBarrier_01_F – Metal frame bar-gate from Contact DLC. Land_Zavora – CUP bar-gate class. Land_zavora_2 – CUP bar-gate class, fractionally bigger and taller. This is a link to a simple VR mission demonstration: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AnX2_vGoXf5F911_Kg9MmzpPJQb8?e=ChpdqP sPK_autoGateInit.sqf:
  2. I edited FAR revive script in GREUH Liberation so AI can revive players and be reivived by players. but a problem happed with players reviving another player this is what is executed on the unit revivng another: FAR_HandleStabilize = { params ["_target", "_healer"]; if (alive _target) then { _healer playMove "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic"; //if (!("Medikit" in (items _healer)) ) then { //player removeItem "FirstAidKit"; //}; _target setVariable ["FAR_isStabilized", 1, true]; sleep 6; }; }; this is what is excuted on the unit injured: while { !isNull _unit && alive _unit && _unit getVariable "FAR_isUnconscious" == 1 && _unit getVariable "FAR_isStabilized" == 0 && (FAR_BleedOut <= 0 || time < _bleedOut) } do { hintSilent format[localize "STR_BLEEDOUT_MESSAGE" + "\n\n%2", round (_bleedOut - time), call FAR_CheckFriendlies]; public_bleedout_message = format [localize "STR_BLEEDOUT_MESSAGE", round (_bleedOut - time)]; public_bleedout_timer = round (_bleedOut - time); sleep 0.5; }; when a unit stabilize another unit, "FAR_isStabilized" variable of the injured unit is set to 1 so the while loop has to terminate these script run without any problem when AI revive players and AI are revived by players but don't work when a player is reviving another player. when a player tries to stabilize another player, it does the action "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic" but that while loop doesn't finish so I think there is something wrong with _target setVariable ["FAR_isStabilized", 1, true];in the FAR_HandleStabilize function and _unit getVariable "FAR_isStabilized" == 0 in condition of the while loop full codes: https://github.com/lululala22/JLD_Liberation_Dev/tree/master/far_revive
  3. Hello, i am trying to make script for restricting view on my dedicated server. What i trying to make - 1) When player on foot inside trigger he can use 1st and 3rd person view, but when outside trigger he can only use 1st person 2) When player inside any vehicle ( ground / air / sea ) he can use any type of view ( 1-3 ) and regardless trigger effect from 1st point of topic I am using thats script in my initPlayerLocal.sqf It works correct for my 1st point of topic, but 2nd dont work. Can some one help me pls. P.S. Sry for bad eng.
  4. I would like to do this array objArr = ["_object0","_object1","_object2"]; {_X enableSimulation false;} forEach objArr; at the end of a code which is used to spawn shit load of objects. Is there a way to make this array go from _object0 to _object99 for example, without typing out every single one of them? if not, is there any other way to solve this issue? Situation: I have an sqf code from Zeus Enhanced to spawn shit load of objects, I want to add a code at the end of it to make them all have disabled simulations.
  5. Good day everyone! Week ago i started learning SQF and made some little experience to build light dialogs. So i decided to add image in my dialog but anything i found at Bohemia forum and Wiki is how to add image to hints. I'll be glad if someone can explain me how can i do this with .hpp language. Thanks in advance!
  6. Hi everyone i have an issue making a simple money script / function in my mission. I'm finding the syntax of SQF and SQS difficult to understand or comprehend in comparison to languages like java and C#. I used this sample below as a baseline but the guy who responded didn't tell the OP of that forum how edit the value of your "Bank" right now I've created a object of money with an add action that adds money to my Currency variable, but now i want to extend that to the death of 'X' unit and i came up with this. To some this code might be laughable but i don't understand why this doesn't work when executed via a units init. Any input is appreciated. _man = _this select 0; while {alive _this} do { if (!alive _this) then { //GoldCurrency = GoldCurrency + 1000; hint"DEAD"; }; }; Many Thanks -Irish
  7. When a player is in the driving position in a vehicle, it's easy to find out that he is the driver: // assuming player is in driving seat assignedVehicleRole player; // returns "driver" However, when you're the commander or gunner you get an array that's the "turret path" of what turret you're in: // assuming player is in commanding turret (assignedVehicleRole player) select 1; // returns [0,0] often, but the commander turret can vary depending on vehicle, especially modded vehicles If the commanding turret were always [0,0] I could use that to detect if the player is in the commanding position. However sometimes it's [0,1], and on modded vehicles it can [5] or [6]. I thought that (allTurrets [_this, true]) select 1// [[0],[0,0]] might have been the answer. That the last entry in the array it returns was always the commanding turret. This is not the case, again, often not on modded vehicles. Basically I'm about to go ahead and hard code every single vehicle name in my script with a reference to which turret path is the commanding position. However, before I do that, is there a cleverer way to find out if the player is in the commanding position? The moveInCommander command always moves the player to the commanding position, so there must be a way to query the vehicle and for it to give the commanding position / commanding turret path, right?
  8. Greetings esteemed Arma scripters! I humbly come to you with a problem I'm hoping someone can solve. So, I'm working on a mod for my unit to have individual supply boxes for each unit member. The objects are available in the mission editor and are also Zeus placeable. That I've got without problems. The hangup comes in when someone crashes. When they go back to their supply box the things they previously took out are gone, because they crashed. My solution is to add "reset" addAction, which is a sqf to clear the box and then addItemCargoGlobal to refill the box. These boxes are also not local to the mission file, but are created with a pbo in the modpack. To sucessfully code it into the config.cpp I use this code in the box's cfgVehicles class: class EventHandlers: EventHandlers { init = "(_this select 0) addAction [""<t color='#ffffff'>Reset</t>"", ""\Gearboxes\scripts\frostbox.sqf"",[],1,false,true,"""",""_this distance _target < 3""];"; }; In the header of the sqf I use the following (with an example item added): if (! isServer) exitWith {}; _crate = _this select 0; clearItemCargoGlobal _crate; _crate additemcargoglobal ["acc_flashlight_pistol", 1]; All of this works as intended in local and local multiplayer. The config adds the addAction to the box and the script removes all of the items and them reloads the desired items. The issue is the box doesn't clear or reload on a dedicated server. The addAction is present but there is zero effect. The purpose of this project is to use it on a dedicated server, so it's a problem that needs solving. If I change "_this select 0" in "_crate = _this select 0;" to a variable assigned to the box then it works fine. Example "_crate = frostbox;" So I think that's the bit of code I need to change to get this to work without having to assign variables to all of the boxes and to align the sqf's to match. Anyone have an idea?
  9. General description Arma Server Control Tool can be used to execute SQF scripts on server directly, by using standalone server side application. Idea behind this project is to solve the problem that, in many cases it is hard or straight impossible for server administrator to execute certain scripts on server, also it most likely involves joining server with game client. A lot of times server admins are not able to quickly react to some event on server due to absence of a PC with installed arma nearby. With ASCT all you need to do is to login to your server with remote Desktop or TeamViewer, right click on script.sqf and select ASCT Execute. NOTICE! This application REQUIRE root access to server, you MUST be able to connect to server with remote desktop or TeamViewer. If you have only web access this application is NOT usable. Target audience This tool supposed to be used only on server side. it is made for server admins and developers. Currently this program can be used only on windows platform. Installing 1) Copy paste @asct folder to root of your server alongside with other addons 2) Change your server startup parameters by adding -serverMod="@asct;" 3) Copy paste “asct_console†anywhere you like. At this point you are basically done, you can now use asct.exe as console app. However there are few optional steps to make your life simpler. 4) Optional. If you are running several arma servers on single machine, you should set "instanceID" in order to distinguish arma servers. To do that execute following expression on server init asct_instanceID = “your_idâ€; Select something descriptive as “your_id†but use only a-z,0-9 and _ characters. 5) Optional. When directory for asct.exe selected, run Add_ASCT_to_context_menu.bat, that should be found in same directory. Remember to run it as administrator. This will add “ASCT Execute†option to windows explorer context menu. In case you have several servers on same machine, open Add_ASCT_to_context_menu_instance_yourID.bat file and edit 3rd line. instead of "yourID" type in same instanceID you used in step 4. Save .bat file and execute it as administrator. 6) Optional. For notepad++ users. Copy paste asct.dll from “Notepad++ plugin†folder to “C:\...\Notepad++\plugins\†Use as console application There are several ways to use app. They all have some pros and cons, choose one you like more. For sake of clear examples let`s assume you put asct.exe in C:\asct_console\ folder. As most console apps, this require user to provide parameters. Only one parameter can be used at once. 1) Execute script from file -f <filename> Example: C:\>asct_console\asct.exe -f "C:\my scripts folder\script.sqf" This is simplest method, nothing much to say here, app will read whole file and execute it`s contents. It is also possible to pass only filename, in such case file must be in same folder as asct.exe. This method allow file to have both single line comments // and multiline comments /* */. However, preprocessor directives are NOT allowed (#include, #define, __MACRO__, etc…). SQF files should be encoded as UTF-8. 2) Execute expression -e <expression> Example: C:\>asct_console\asct.exe -e "diag_log \"hello from RPT\";" This method is very straightforward, thus can be useful for only very simple commands. As you can see it require to escape inner quotes and some other technical characters like %, it does not support any comments and must have whole expression in single line. However, it might be useful if you like to use asct in conjuration with some batch, PowerShell, VBS or whatever else scripting methods you like. 3) Execute base64 encoded expression -b <base64code> Example: C:\>asct_console\asct.exe -b ZGlhZ19sb2cgImhlbGxvIGZyb20gUlBUIjs= This one accepts script expression in form of UTF-8 string encoded as base64. What you see in example is basically “literal†representation of bytes of UTF-8 string diag_log "hello from RPT"; This method combine ability to have whole expression in one line, allowing single and multiline comments and accept expression of any complexity. Encode/Decode algorithm borrowed from here http://www.adp-gmbh.ch/cpp/common/base64.html. You can use online services to encode script as base64, google for it. Optionaly, if you have several instances of arma servers, there is also one additional parameter to tell on which server script must be executed. It can be used in conjuration with other parameters. -id <instanceID> Example: C:\>asct_console\asct.exe -f "C:\my scripts folder\script.sqf" -id your_ID You can use this parameter before or after expression parameter. In this way script will be executed on server with given instanceID. NOTE! In windows, applications have limits on length of parameters. At max it is 32768 characters, but command prompt has own limitation of 8191 character. However, there is no limitation for size of script inside SQF file, so first method can be used on very long scripts. Use as notepad++ plugin If you are using Notepad++, you can install asct plugin for it. It will allow you to execute scripts directly from notepad++. After plugin is installed (see Install. step 4) you must specify full path to asct.exe. To do that, on toolbar press Plugins->ASCT->Settings. There you will see input box, write full path to ASCT and press OK. When you have your script ready, press Plugins->ASCT->Execute to run it. Notepad++ allow to have several documents opened at same time, but only content from currently active document, will be read and executed. if you have several instances of arma servers, you should add their instanceIDs to a list in settings menu, once it is done, you will be able to select target server with "Execute at..." pressed. It is also possible to select certain server as default target by selecting instanceID from list and pressing "make default" button, after that, selected instanceID will be used in Execute funciton. By pressing "make default" button with no selected server, instanceID will be "unset". Use as windows explorer context menu You can also execute scripts directly from windows explorer by using right-click context menu. Follow step 5 from installation to get “ASCT Execute†option in context menu. Now navigate to folder with your script.sqf file, right click it and select “ASCT Executeâ€. As with other methods, here you can have direct execution on each of your server instances. Security & Battleye This application does not use any “cheating†methods to do it`s job, no memory reading/writing, no dll injections or anything else like this. All it does is using callExtension command to communicate with asct_ext.dll from which receive and call compile expressions. This application is not meant to be used on client, thus it will be immediately blocked by battleye which is totally intended behavior. On server side, on the other hand, battleye have much less limitations (if any) and allow use any extensions. If you like to use application on client for development/testing feel free to do so with disabled battleye.Similarly, asct.pbo is not signed as it should NEVER be required mod, nor used on clients in actual game. In current implementation, there should be no way for cheaters to exploit application in any way, unless they have root access to server. Web interface Allowing to have asct available in browser on remote PC is something that I am very interested in doing. I realize many server owners have no root access, only some sort of web control panel with limited functionality. It would be amazing to allow use of asct for them as well. However, such a thing would require A LOT of safety considerations, it is direct control of server execution from internet after all. Does not seems to be very SAFE idea. Nonetheless I will consider implementing this as experiment. If you feel like helping me out with ssl and web development, send me a PM. Current version and goals Current version of application is Next version will have bug fixing that hopefully will be found in the course on few next weeks. Once all bugs sorted out there will be final version 1.0. There probably will be no new functionality available in final version. License This application is released under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3. If you redistribute this application, please mention author and give link to this forum page. Changelog Download Latest version Google drive (both x32 and x64) Older versions: - Google drive Feel like this tool was usefull for you? You can show your appreciation with small donation, thank you!
  10. SQF-VM The SQF emulator A fully working, open-source Virtual Machine for the scripting language of the ArmA Games. Links GitHub Repository Discord Invite Discord Bot Authorization Panel (for adding to your server) FAQ How to use this thing? To start using the SQF-VM, you just have to double click the executable. What can it be used for (examples)? Most obvious example is: you are using a laptop while traveling and wanna test some SQF code. More advanced users might even use this for unit-testing their code. Are there command line parameters available to eg. use this for unit-testing? Yes, there are. To get all, start the tool via command line and the parameter -? How to use the debug interface? There is documentation available on the github page inside of Documentation/Debugger. What is supported? To check what currently is supported and what is not, you can use the `help__ "name"` command. If it outputs proper descriptions, the command is fully supported. If it does not, then the command is not yet implemented sadly. I found a bug, what shall i do now? Try to narrow down the problem as much as you can and then head over to the github issues section to report the bug. I got a question that is not answered in here, what to do? Ask your question in this thread or in the discord channel and i might add it to this list 🙂 Downloads All releases can also be found inside of the releases section of the github repository. 1.0-RC1 Alpha 0.1.4 Alpha 0.1.3 Alpha 0.1.2 Alpha 0.1.1 Alpha 0.1.0 Changelog 1.0-RC1 -/-
  11. FILE PLS 1.01 (Dropbox, APL-SA license) INTRODUCTION Lately had fun with some procedural maze/labyrinth algorithms, let others have fun too! PLS script takes as input a position, dimensions, wall segment class and used algorithm. Four algorithms implemented: Randomized Kruskal's: fast, somewhat biased towards short dead ends ("kruskal"). Randomized Prim's: also fast and biased towards short dead ends ("prim"). Wilson's: slow, but unbiased/uniform results ("wilson"). Randomized Pseudo Prim's: Prim's with distinctive bias towards long open diagnonals due to additional condition not present in the original algorithm ("pseudoprim"). WIKI article CODE Initialization: [(player modelToWorld [0,10,0]),120,120,"Land_PillboxWall_01_6m_round_F","kruskal"] call RYD_LAB_ConfusedMinotaur; //[Bottom left corner position, x dimension (final dimension will be matched up to wall segment's bounding box real dimension), y dimension (ditto), wall segment class, used algorithm ("kruskal", "prim", "pseudoprim" or "wilson")] Source:
  12. Hello, Every week my 10 friends and I play the Antistasi Scenario on a custom server of mine. We unfortuantly playing the wrong version but are too far along to start over. what im wanting to do is edit the Arsenal (Virtual Armory) and remove some specific weapons from it, Ive got the variable name of the crate but every time I run the code, nothing is happening, Ive searched High and Low and can't find a solution, even tried the examples off the wiki. [ caja, ["arifle_MXM_F"], true ] call BIS_fnc_removeVirtualItemCargo; I have 4 of those rifles in the Aresnal, I want them all gone. But Im running that above script and its not working. I know it's the correct variable name because I can move it around with that variable name. some help would be very appreciated 🙂
  13. Hey there, I'm trying to get an object to provide a whitelisted player with the option to purchase ammunition once in close proximity. So far, I've written the following into the object's init: if (getPlayerUID player in _UIDList) then { this addAction ["Buy STANAG mag $100","purchasestanag.sqf"]}; The mentioned _UIDList simply reads as follows under init.sqf: _UIDList=["76561198090900291"]; Is there something crucial I'm forgetting to include? I'm very fresh to coding, so do excuse my ignorance. Any pointers are much appreciated.
  14. Arma IntelliJ Plugin Current version: 2.0.2 (Released June 21, 2018) Index 1. Introduction 2. Features 3. Feature Spotlight 4. Planned Features 5. Download and Installation 6. Source Code 7. Donate 8. Wiki, Bug Reporting, Discord 1. Introduction Arma Intellij Plugin is a plugin developed by K-Town (me) for Intellij IDEA. Intellij IDEA is a Java IDE developed by Jetbrains and offers many amazing API's for creating support for custom languages to be used inside the Intellij editor. Intellij is free, but I recommend reading the license agreement regardless. 2. Features Arma Intellij Plugin has many features with more on the way. The plugin currently has: Syntax checking for Header files (*.h, *.hh, *.sqm, *.ext, *.hpp) and SQF files Description.ext Function lookup (See feature Spotlight a.) Documentation 'tags' which can link to command wiki documentation without opening the browser. Finding usages of variables and commands Syntax highlighting Rename refactoring for functions and variables Auto-completion (ctrl + space) Wiki documentation on commands and BIS functions via ctrl+Q Complete type checking (including arrays) Full preprocessor support for Header/Config files Partial preprocessor support for SQF Files 3. Feature Spotlight a. Auto-completion (more detail here) b. Syntax Checking c. Documentation Tags - detail here 4. Planned Features Automatic code formatting for SQF and Header Creating new mission files from scratch More code inspecting functionalities Other secret features ;) 5. Download and Installation Download: IntelliJ IDEA: Jetbrains Website Plugin (Optional download. See Install from JetBrains Plugin Repository below): GitHub: https://github.com/kayler-renslow/arma-intellij-plugin/releases JetBrains Plugin Repo: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/idea/plugin/9254-arma-intellij-plugin NOTE: both GitHub and JetBrains Repo include the same .jar files. You only need one plugin jar from one of the repositories to install. Install: To install the plugin, you do one of the following: Install it from disk with the .jar plugin download (see Plugin download above). Step 1: In Settings Dialog, click on "Plugins", click Install plugin from Disk. Step 2: Locate the "Arma Intellij Plugin.jar" (file name may have version info like v1.0.7) Step 3: Click OK button when you located the plugin jar and then Restart IntelliJ IDEA Step 4: You're good to go! Install it from JetBrains Plugin Repository. Step 1: In Settings Dialog, click on "Plugins", click Browse Repositories. Step 2: Search for "Arma Intellij Plugin" Step 3: Click Install and then Restart IntelliJ IDEA Step 4: You're good to go! 6. Source Code This project is open source. The plugin and it's creator (K-Town) aren't affiliated with Jetbrains or Bohemia Interactive. This project (the plugin code) is licensed under the MIT License. You don't need to contact me if you want to create derivatives or publish the project elsewhere. You can download and view the source here: https://github.com/kayler-renslow/arma-intellij-plugin 7. Donate I am accepting donations, but please only donate if you can afford it because I will not give refunds. Donate here. 8. Wiki, Bug Reporting, Discord The Wiki for the plugin is available. If you have been using the plugin already, you may still find something you don't yet know. Also, please report bugs at the Github repo. It's easier to manage than the forums and is specialized towards reporting bugs. You can report bugs here: https://github.com/kayler-renslow/arma-intellij-plugin/issues I have created a Discord server for Arma Dialog Creator and Arma IntelliJ Plugin. Here is the invite (remove the spaces in the link - they are to prevent bots): https://discord.gg/K d u 8 c q e
  15. I have been searching for a solution to this for a few days, and finally decided to make a post. Is there a way to remove specific default actions from an object through scripting in ACE3? Or even disable to interact with a specific object at all? I would like to remove the ability to remove wheels and repair from a set of vehicles. Sorry if this is not the exact location to post this, but the ACE wiki does not seem to have anything on this, and I couldn't find an answer online.
  16. black_hawk_mw2_87

    Force Groups Spawn

    Hello to everyone from the community! 🙂 I would like to ask for a script that: - creates groups of units by force (from sqf file) and WHEN a trigger is activated and its condition is met. My idea is to: 1.create a group in the EDEN editor and give the unit a callsign X (for example); 2.force spawn the same group when a condition is met in my trigger (it must not exist until this moment, OR be invisible); 3.use the sqf file to check if the ENTIRE group is eliminated and forced respawn it again; 4.have another script from another trigger which could stop spawning the group when another condition is met (for example a visible timer reaches 0 second - such scripts could be used when the player awaits reinforcements and must hold a position for certain time). Here is everything again: [trigger is activated and spawns the X group] ---> [the group is eliminated - checked by the sqf file that also spawns it again] ---> [use a no matter what condition in a 2nd. trigger to stop the respawn /a timer is preferred/] Thank you for the help in advance and cheers! Edit: additional question - can I use multiple groups named X_1, X_2, X_3 etc. and also use multiple sqf files with similar names that work as the first file, only for the next X groups that follow? 🙂
  17. Hi guys I'm having a trouble with my mission file. I was trying to edit out a mod dependency and i unfortunately deleted the wrong thing and saved it. Here is the sqf file. https://pastebin.com/NLinF5bU Here is the screen. https://imgur.com/a/4H743mC I really don't wont to lose this mission because i spend lots of time on it. If anyone can help me i would be grateful. If you are wondering what the mission is, it added lights to the Seattle map airports.
  18. I need a easier way to spawn random units instead of individually pulling all classes from the in game editor and pasting it while adding quotations and commas like this: ["B_mas_med_Army_ENG_F", "B_mas_med_Army_EXP_F", "B_mas_med_Army_GL_F",]. I want to use a script that when called it will pull a random unit from a given side of a given type (infantry, land, air) and spawn them in a group. The group will be filled with random units. I also want it to pull units from mods that I download. I dont want to have to keep updating the script every time I download another unit mod. The mod MMC sandbox has no problem in doing this but I dont know how they did it.
  19. Hellow, I found an intersting function BIS_fnc_3DENExportSQF in Eden editor. (link: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_3DENExportSQF). I cant figure out how to use black list units or layers. Can someone help with it ? For example I have mission with layers witn names BASE and MISSION. How I can convert to sqf only MISSION layer and not convert BASE layer. Code: [ true, true, [0,0,0], true ] call BIS_fnc_3DENExportSQF;. Thanks.
  20. Generic error in expression! If you have had enough of these or similar log entries during the code development then this post is exactly for you! I'd like to use this post in order to present you a plugin I have written for the Eclipse IDE. It's named "SQDev" and it aims for providing the possibility to develop Arma projects from within Eclipse. But the goal is not only to simply provide the ability to do so, but rather give the developer as many tools as possible in order to facilitate the developing process. The live syntax check is only one example for such a facilitation. I am now working for about 3 years on this plugin and I now have the feeling that it is good enough to share it with you guys. Features Editors: There are editors included for the following file types: .sqf, .ext, .cpp, .hpp, .sqm and for a Stringtable.xml Basic syntax highlighting and content-assist for all editors Full macro support in all file types (highlighting + content-assist) Advanced syntax highlighting and content-assist for the SQF-Editor Live syntax-check and type checking for the SQF-Editor with basically no restrictions (in terms of the syntax-checking; Type checking still has some restrictions) - Just code in a way the Arma-engine understands and the plugin will get it too (minor exceptions aside) Project-wide syntax check - No need to open each file and check it for errors as the plugin will do that for you in the background Hover-Information for SQF commands including the majority of the information listed on the respective BIKI page The BIKI page of each command is only one click away when using the SQF-Editor Graphical user interface for editing the Stringtable.xml Wizards: NewProjectWizard - Creates a new mission with the needed folder infrastructure so you can start coding right away Import- and ExportWizard - Import and export your missions to and from eclipse NewFileWizard - Creates a new SQF-file with a generic header containing the name of the project, of the script itself and the author. Miscellaneous: A big settings framework allowing you to customize the plugin to your needs and preferences (Window -> Preferences) Integrated RPT-Viewer - No more switching between the editor and the file explorer in order to look into the local log files Custom SQDev perspective in eclipse that adapts the UI to the needs of a SQF scripter Parse tree visualization - See how the engine will interpret your code Supports both: Windows and Linux You are not dependent on me updating the plugin if a new SQF command is introduced as the plugin has a command-update functionality that reads all commands and the corresponding information from the BIKI itself. That means you can update the used commands whenever you feel the need for it (Can be done from within the preferences) Documentation A complete documentation of the plugin can be found here. It contains everything there is to know about the plugin. Part of it is of course how to install the plugin and how to get started with it. If you have any questions or need some help with the plugin you can join my discord channel (see Feedback and contact). Source code + Issue tracker The plugin is maintained on GitHub. That means you can at any time take a look into the source code of it. But it does also mean that all bug reports and feature requests have to be created there. If you experience a bug please follow the following steps: Make sure no one else has filed this bug before by having a look at the list of known bugs Try to reproduce the error - The more detail you can provide on this the likelier it is that the bug gets fixed Create a new issue on GitHub and describe the bug with as many details as possible Attach some general system information to your bug report. You can do so by using the "Plugin info creator" of the plugin itself that is accessible through the toolbar (red exclamation mark on a green circle) There is also a list of known feature requests, so please try to avoid duplicates. But you are more than welcome to comment on these requests so I can see what you are thinking about them. Feedback and contact You can leave your feedback here in this thread. However for faster responses and a more direct contact to me I'd suggest you to join my discord channel. Do not get confused because of my second Nickname (Raven) there. Media
  21. FuRixX Lamborghini

    Code question

    Any one can help my with this code that is a name filtering. script example: _letrasFuRixX = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","ñ","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","Ñ","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"]; jugadorFu = name player; { checkeoFuRixX = [_x, jugadorFu, false] call BIS_fnc_inString; if (!checkeoFuRixX) exitWith { sleep 2; hint "You name is not valid in this server"; endMission "END1"; }; } count _letrasFuRixX; The problem is that I need to sparete the name player letter to letter like a string or anything: ["P","e","t","e","r"];
  22. FuRixX Lamborghini

    Arma 3 Code Question

    Hi I wanna to do a BadWords script so i need a code that check if any word are in the message Example code: _badwords = ["Bitch", "Fuck", "Fuck You"]; _message = "You are a Bitch"; //(imagine that this message was recover in a dialog that was the chat). // next code is the wrong if (_message in _badwords) then { hint "You said a bad word"; }; // 😧 that cant becouse to give true need that the badword contain all the message, is imposible so any can help me? Pd: thats not the code, this is and example, sorry if the code is very wrong but im writing in my iPhone the script :,o
  23. Test Lab Workshop for ARMA III, ver. BETA 0001 (2019) This download is compatible with APEX game version 1.7 and higher Drive Link Download: Test Lab New Live readMe file This download includes mission editor files. When my mission folder began to overflow with script test scenarios and VR compositions, I decided to create a master workshop file to use in the future. I considered what features should be built in. Hopefully this tool will be helpful for you, too. INSTALLATION Install the folder 0_testLAB.VR to your ArmA 3 mission folder (usually in Documents). Examples included: Images: Video: THANKS to everybody at: Bohemia Forums Check out our Patreon page Ascina Illustration & Design Arma Public License No Derivatives (APL-ND)
  24. Lint Summary SQFLint is command line tool, that checks specified files for syntax errors. It can output those errors in human readable format, or JSON for some futher processing. Homepage: http://sqflint.zipek.cz/ Releases: https://github.com/SkaceKamen/sqflint/releases Github: https://github.com/SkaceKamen/sqflint (extension moved to separate thread) Changelog You can find changelog at releases page Features Syntax error checking Undefined variable warnings Exports some info about file for futher processing by external tools
  25. So I have made "script" for myself that I put in the Player Init. This only executes once. But I want it to execute every time I spawn/respawn (so everytime the player starts existing). The script works great if I put it in the Init of the Player. But i wanted to make a .sqf file I could call/execute so I wont have to put everything in every Player. But the scipt is not working/compiling. The code I put in to the Init: varPlayer=this; spawnPos=getPos varPlayer; telePos=getPos varPlayer; [varPlayer, 3] call BIS_fnc_traceBullets; varPlayer addAction["<t color='#59b300'>Arsenal</t>", {["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;}]; varPlayer addAction["<t color='#d9006c'>Go to Spawn</t>", {varPlayer setPos spawnPos;}]; varPlayer addAction["<t color='#bfff00'>Teleport</t>", {varPlayer setPos telePos;}]; varPlayer addAction["<t color='#4cffff'>set Teleport</t>", {telePos=getPos varPlayer;}]; varPlayer addAction["<t color='#0080ff'>Teleport with Map</t>", "teleport.sqf"]; The code I put in to the .sqf: _spawnPos=getPos _this; _telePos=getPos _this; [_this, 3] call BIS_fnc_traceBullets; _this addAction["<t color='#59b300'>Arsenal</t>", {["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;}]; _this addAction["<t color='#d9006c'>Go to Spawn</t>", {_this setPos _spawnPos;}]; _this addAction["<t color='#bfff00'>Teleport</t>", {_this setPos _telePos;}]; _this addAction["<t color='#4cffff'>set Teleport</t>", {telePos=getPos _this;}]; _this addAction["<t color='#0080ff'>Teleport with Map</t>", "teleport.sqf"]; How I called it in the Init: _nul = []execVM "myFunction.sqf"; It wont run, but why? So for short. What i need help with is: finding the problem with the sqf executing the sqf every time the player starts existing Thx for reading my crap and I hope you can help me. :)