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Found 23 results

  1. Hi, I am trying to save players position on a mission map using prifilenamespace of each player. Its working fine in editor, but refuse to work on dedicated server ... I wonder where is the problem? //PERSISTENT PLAYER POS AND RATING //saves players pos and rating every five min //loads players pos and rating when they join server //initServer.sqf []execVM "stats.sqf"; //stats.sqf while {true} do { _kibaPos = getPosATL kiba3x; profileNamespace setVariable ["KIB_kibaPos", _kibaPos]; _kibaRating = rating kiba3x; profileNamespace setVariable ["KIB_kibaRating",_kibaRating]; _kavhanPos = getPosATL kavhan; profileNamespace setVariable ["KIB_kavhanPos", _kavhanPos]; _kavhanRating = rating kavhan; profileNamespace setVariable ["KIB_kavhanRating", _kavhanRating]; _konalPosition = getPosATL konal; profileNamespace setVariable ["KIB_konalPos", _konalPosition]; _konalRating = rating konal; profileNamespace setVariable ["KIB_konalRating", _konalRating]; sleep 300; }; //initPlayerLocal.sqf //playable units are given variable names "kiba3x","kavhan","konal" in the editor if ((str player) == "kiba3x") then { _kibaPos = profileNamespace getVariable "KIB_kibaPos"; player setPosATL _kibaPos; _kibaRating = profileNamespace getVariable "KIB_kibaRating"; player addRating _kibaRating; } else { if ((str player) == "kavhan") then { _kavhanPos = profileNamespace getVariable "KIB_kavhanPos"; player setPosATL _namalskPos; _kavhanRating = profileNamespace getVariable "KIB_kavhanRating"; player addRating _kavhanRating; } else { _konalPos = profileNamespace getVariable "KIB_konalPos"; player setPosATL _konalPos; _konalRating = profileNamespace getVariable "KIB_konalRating"; player addRating _konalRating; }; };
  2. Hello there, as the title says, when I am adding a Spawn on Custom Position to my mission, an error shows up that I have never encountered before and I have done a lot of mission making in this game. I have done this so many times without any issue, so I am a bit confused why this happens all of a sudden and have not managed to find any solutions on the web yet. I get stuck on the spawn/map screen without any interface to choose spawns, and this error keeps spamming; [_list] call BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenuPosit> 10:24:45 Error position: <_list] call BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenuPosit> 10:24:45 Error Undefined variable in expression: _list 10:24:45 File /temp/bin/A3/Functions_F/Respawn/fn_showRespawnMenuPosition.sqf..., line 41 10:24:45 Error in expression <_textDisabled]} else {_textDefault}; _ctrlCounter ctrlShow false; _ctrlCou> 10:24:45 Error position: <_ctrlCounter ctrlShow false; _ctrlCou> 10:24:45 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ctrlcounter 10:24:45 File /temp/bin/A3/Functions_F/Respawn/fn_showRespawnMenuHeader.sqf..., line 145 10:24:45 Error in expression <_textDisabled]} else {_textDefault}; _ctrlCounter ctrlShow false; _ctrlCou> 10:24:45 Error position: <_ctrlCounter ctrlShow false; _ctrlCou> 10:24:45 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ctrlcounter 10:24:45 File /temp/bin/A3/Functions_F/Respawn/fn_showRespawnMenuHeader.sqf..., line 145 10:24:45 Error in expression < _maxRespawnTickets ]; } else { _ctrlTickets ctrlsetstructuredtext parse> 10:24:45 Error position: <_ctrlTickets ctrlsetstructuredtext parse> 10:24:45 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ctrltickets 10:24:45 File /temp/bin/A3/Functions_F/Respawn/fn_showRespawnMenuHeader.sqf..., line 75 10:24:45 Error in expression < ["%1/%2",_livingCount,_playersCount]; _ctrlTeam ctrlSetText _playersText; Any tip or feedback greatly appreciated
  3. Hello guys, I want to create a crater and smoke on the position of a destroyed vehicle. As the vehicle isn't alive anymore when I want to create the crater I have an empty marker that is set every 10 seconds on the map. When I test it in the Debug console this works: "Land_ShellCrater_02_extralarge_F" createVehicle [5701.8,3303.18,0]; But when I try to use the markers position the crater doesn't appear. mPos2 = getMarkerPos "truckmarker"; "Land_ShellCrater_02_extralarge_F" createVehicle mPos2; I think it has something to do with the ground level but I am not sure how to solve this. Thankful for any further idea. Cheers, Jan
  4. Hi, I need help with curator add editing area module. What I want is to be able to change editing area during mission via radio trigger or attachTo to some object (or some other way I don't know about 🙂). I tried to attach it to the arsenal object but it doesn't change position with it, it just stay where it was placed in the editor. I also tried to delete the module and spawn it to the new position via radio trigger. "myCurator" is the variable name of Game Master module. myCurator removeCuratorEditingArea 1; myCurator addCuratorEditingArea [ 1, (position player), 40 ]; It doesn't work. Any help is appreciated.
  5. #pissedoff I don't think I need to mention how annoying it is to spend hours getting from one end of the map to the other to get all your kit just be killed by a glitchy car and have to do it all over again. I love dayz, but once things like this have happened enough you start to get fed up. Which is why I stopped playing for ages. I finally started playing again a while ago. I went all out looking high and low for the kit I wanted. Couldn't find any ARs though. NONE on ANY SERVER. just rifles and every now and then an smg. Regardless I got myself together a half decent loadout, just for an update that comes with a complete wipe to be announced. Ofcourse I stopped playing until the update was released, which I'm pretty sure was late. So I give up. However, I decided to play your pointless game again last night. Of course I spawned in with a fresh character. Spent my gaming hours last night making my way up to the middle airfield I died once, but made it with my second character. Although I had no food or water by the time I got there (remember that). I did a quick sweep of the barracks at the top then logged off for the night, ready to come back on this afternoon, do a full sweep of the base then head up to the next one. I log on today, got a 75 second spawn in timer and a message warning me that because of a server change, my position might change, which of course, it did. Spawned in a field with no food or water, no doubt miles away from the base. I found a house not to far a way with a can of peaches in it. Luckily cuz I was about to start dehydrating. Not sure if that will be enough to get me to a town or not though. So my question is should I keep playing? This switching position thing is a blessing and a curse. It fixes some of the main issues like duplicating and spawning in people's base. But when you start punishing the legitimate players, is your game even worth playing anymore? Who knows how long it'll be before you wipe the servers again, that alone makes the game pretty pointless. It's a shame cuz I like this game but I really don't know if I want to play it again. I'm sat in that house where I found the peaches, debating whether or not to log back on and continue.
  6. Hello, community! I have seen such a script, but I can't find it anywhere: - the player needs to complete multiple tasks; - he's debriefed by his HQ and must open a local map (EDEN item, placed on the map); - when he interacts with the map, a map is opened all over the screen; - all tasks are visible on this map as flags; - the flags' markers change its size (grow a little) when the mouse marker is pointing at them; - during this action a text with description is shown next to the current flag marked; - when you click on the flag, you will be teleported to the location; - I want to use the script on the VR map for testing and then move it to the mission's map; - I want another such map asset (item) to be temporary spawned next to me (near player's new location) after being teleported, so the player can go back to the HQ debriefing area, once the task is completed (the player will be allowed to do that only when it's finished /this is not a mandatory condition/). | The second possible variant is just another copy of the map item at the specific task location, but the condition with the task completed must be "true"; - I want the task to be activated, when the player is just spawned and teleported to the task's location, so I guess I will have to put a trigger there. Thanks for the help in advance! 🙂
  7. Hello, community. I am working on a Coop mission, where I have placed 3 playable units. I will perhaps add more later, depending on my later ideas. They all (including me - the player) need to be able to pick up an item (a specific bagpack - ace_gunbag_Tan). I have placed this object on the ground and I am the only one who can pick it up right now, but it is an important item, being also a protective gear. 😄 So, when I or the other players pick up the first object, the same object should respawn on its previous location after, let us say, 10-15 seconds. It should respawn exactly X times, according to the playable count of units. How do I achieve that? Thank you in advance and cheers! 🙂
  8. Hey guys, I am working on a mission which utilizes a script allowing the players to shout to civilians based on distance and angle from the civie. Whenever the civilian is within a given radius and a specific angle from the player, then the latter receives an action allowing him to shout commands etc. The script works fine and all, but I am seeing a problem where the action appears/reappears pretty randomly when the civilians are running/moving OR RATHER when there are obstacles and uneven terrain around. I believe that the BIS_fnc_inAngleSector , which is the condition for the addAction, keeps returning an exact position of the civilian and when he keeps moving, changing altitudes or when there are objects around, the function just loses track and makes the action appear/disappear pretty randomly. I may be wrong on this but that's the only thing that comes to my mind. That's for the context. Now whe actual question I have is: do you think it's possible to feed some kind of modified position array of the civilian, so that it will search "around" his actual position? player nearEntities [ "MAN", _radius ] select { side _x isEqualTo civilian && { [ getPosATL player, getDir player, _angle, getPosATL _x ] call BIS_fnc_inAngleSector } } Thanks a lot! Adam
  9. Hello, everyone. Would you help me with the following idea I have in mind: I want a specific item or a custom object, that can be placed in the inventory (and via a script also checked if it's inside of it - to complete the task), to be spawned after a trigger is activated within a specific trigger's/marker's area, for example inside a building (where the trigger or the market is placed to make it appear there like a custom loot). So the player must find the item and collect it, but it should appear on different locations within this area, somewhere in the building. After the item is picked up, a task is finished successfully. What can I use to make it work? Another possible condition, instead of trigger's/marker's area, could be player distance _object < X, and when the player is close enough, the item shall spawn somewhere around... and in this case, I guess, it should be again within a specific area, marked by a trigger or a map marker... So I'd prefer the first option with another condition. Thank you in advance! 🙂
  10. GF Custom Loot Position Spawn Script by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: GF Custom Loot Position Spawn Script , spawn Weapons , Mags , Items , to the desired position , configurable script. You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Custom Loot Position Spawn Script , please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included , inside the mission. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colours to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ Notes: Configurable Scripts. Open this mission to the 3D editor and copy paste ( ctrl c - ctrl v ) the item "Land_BakedBeans_F" , wherever you want , the loot to be spawned . There is included a ready Loot List for a vanilla and Ravage. You can also spawn objects. More about , in the info folder inside Information.txt file. Credits & Thanks: Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: Version 1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=39904 Armaholic download GF Custom Loot Position Spawn Script pics:
  11. hi, Is there a way to determine the position of a vehicle by vehiclevarname? I work on a survival server and want to save the positions even if the vehicle is moved without a driver. Many Thanks.
  12. I am getting this error when using BIS_fnc_findSafePos after getting a position from BIS_fnc_randomPos. This is the script that generates that error: _FirstPos = [] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _Residential_Area = nearestLocations [_FirstPos, ["NameCity","NameCityCapital","NameVillage"], worldSize]; _Residential_Position = position (_Residential_Area select (floor (random (count _Residential_Area)))); _Rdm_Pos = [[[_Residential_Position, random 1]],["water"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _Safe_Pos = [_Rdm_Pos, 0, 100, 10, 0, 0.1, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _pos = _Safe_Pos; _pos This however works without any errors: _FirstPos = [] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _Residential_Area = nearestLocations [_FirstPos, ["NameCity","NameCityCapital","NameVillage"], worldSize]; _Residential_Position = position (_Residential_Area select (floor (random (count _Residential_Area)))); _Rdm_Pos = [[[_Residential_Position, random 1]],["water"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _pos = _Rdm_Pos; _pos //this works without errors and gives me a position value just fine So the error only happens when I take the position generated by _Rnd_Pos (BIS_fnc_randomPos) and use it inside _Safe_Pos (BIS_fnc_findSafePos). Any ideas why this is happening and how to fix it? Thanks!
  13. Good evening. I've been trying to come up with a way to select the highest terrain position along a line (or within a thinly defined area to be precise) and have managed to come up with a fairly rough way to go about it: private _hpStart = getMarkerPos "hpStart"; private _hpEnd = getMarkerPos "hpEnd"; HighestPoint = [0,0,0]; for "_i" from 1 to 10 do { _highestPos = [ [[_hpStart getPos [(_hpStart distance _hpEnd)/2,_hpStart getDir _hpEnd],[50,(_hpStart distance _hpEnd)/2,_hpStart getDir _hpEnd,true]]], [], { if (((AGLtoASL _this) select 2) > (HighestPoint select 2)) then { HighestPoint = AGLtoASL _this; }; ((AGLtoASL _this) select 2) > (HighestPoint select 2) } ] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; }; systemChat format["Highest position found at: %1",HighestPoint]; _markerstr = createMarker [format["m%1",time],HighestPoint]; _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON"; _markerstr setMarkerType "hd_dot"; _markerstr setMarkerColor "ColorGreen"; _markerstr setMarkerText "Highest position"; The two markers, "hpStart" and "hpEnd" are editor placed, and seeing as BIS_fnc_randomPos only runs 100 times I bumped that amount up to 1000 to see if I got any incorrect results, which I didn't (even after running it A LOT MORE times). Is there a better way to do this that I have not found?
  14. Hello, i'm very newbie at scripting and stuff i wanna make some kind of CAS/Arty ordenance by pointing at the target (By binoculars for ex) or by putting the Mouse on the map i wonder if there is a function or a way to get that working, i know it exists cuz for example at the Campaign there is a mission when you point at the target or use the map to request mortar fire thanks in advance
  15. Hello, I went through about 8 pages of search results (using search words marker and trigger) and couldn't find a matching discussion to my problem.. and then when I was switching to page number 9 the forums decided I should wait for X seconds to do another search. Sooo I decided just to create a discussion about my problem rather than wait for the forum to let me continue searching. Let's see if I could put this as simple as possible: - I have multiple triggers - I want to use only one script (.sqf) to create a marker at the exact position of any trigger that gets activated by whatever activation rules I see fit to use - so then I could just spam []exec "xxxx.sqf"; in the OnActivation field of every trigger So far I have a file caparea.sqf _trigger = _this select 0; _marker = createMarker ["capturearea", position _trigger]; "capturearea" setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; "capturearea" setMarkerSize [300,300]; "capturearea" setMarkerBrush "SolidBorder"; "capturearea" setMarkerAlpha 1; "capturearea" setMarkerColor "ColorOPFOR"; and then I call it with []exec "caparea.sqf" from the OnActivation field. When testing this combo the game is showing me Error undefined variable in expression: _trigger I doubt that is even close to being correct but I've been trying things together found here and there from the depths of the internet. Any suggestions on how to actually achieve what I'm aiming for here?
  16. Hi, I searching for a way to spawn units randomly in a marker. I've tried something with radius etc but it seems that units spawn even out of the marker and even on water... I'd like to spawn those units only on ground and in the definided marker. And I have another problem, The units I try to spawn are zombies... And when I choose to spawn 2000 of them with a debug marker to know where each zombies are, I don't find any zombies at the markers positions... is there any units limit on Arma 3 ?
  17. Hi :) I want my script to report bullet position every milisecond including a moment of fire. However loop occurs every game frame. player addEventHandler ["Fired", { _null = _this spawn { _missile = _this select 6; waitUntil { if (isNull _missile) exitWith {true}; diag_log getPos _missile; }; }; }]; this is a player position :[3999.79,999.912,0.00143909] and this is a first report of bullet : [3999.97,1016.43,1.35643] as you can see projectile flew 16 meters before first data, that means Im missing time before fire and next frame. The most importnant for me is a position of bullet in moment of fire. It would be great if script reported data every milisecond. What should I write ? Please help ! Thank you.
  18. Hi, I was wondering if there is any way to find forest border/edges positions. nearestTerrainObjects command has the option to search this with typename "FOREST BORDER" but this always return nothing, so no luck here. selectBestPlaces makes use of different expression, but I can't find any combination that suits my needs, something that exactly returns different points where a forest and a meadow joins (and without killing cpu/fps in the process) I'm trying to give AI the best instructions possible for waypoints and forest borders are massive strategic points. Any idea somebody? Thanks!
  19. Hey, Small topic for those who love to play around with randomness. Have you ever tried to find random point in circle? Let`s try find a random point around player in 1000 meters radius. So we can write something like. player getRelPos [random 1000, random 360]; And here we go, seems cool right? No it is not. Let`s try do that 5000 times, and put a marker for each resulting position. for "_i" from 0 to 5000 do { _pos = player getRelPos [random 1000, random 360]; _markerstr = createMarkerLocal [str random 100,_pos]; _markerstr setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _markerstr setMarkerTypeLocal "hd_dot"; }; Here what we gonna have. As you can see it is not random at all. Dots are concentrated towards center. So how can we have unified distribution? We can write following: for "_i" from 0 to 5000 do { _radius = 1000; _randomValue = random _radius; _distributedValue = _randomValue; if ((1-(_randomValue/_radius)) > (random 1)) then { _distributedValue = (_randomValue + (random (_radius - _randomValue))) }; _pos = player getRelPos [_distributedValue, random 360]; _markerstr = createMarkerLocal [str random 100,_pos]; _markerstr setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _markerstr setMarkerTypeLocal "hd_dot"; }; So here is what we gonna have as result Basically what we do here is: As smaller the random value we get as bigger the chance that we will add to this value a bit. (In simple words ;p) Have a good day
  20. Good afternoon. I've got a script written up to get some positions within the Tanoa jungle that are along the trails. These positions are ideally "deep" within the jungle (by deep, i mean a few hundred metres) with a few less-than-ideal positions that are captured due to the way I've set this up. It works, but I was wondering if there's a better way to go about this, as it seems to be a pretty long winded and imperfect way of going about getting positions: params ["_mapMiddle","_allRoadPositions","_jungleTrailPositions","_roadPosition"]; _mapMiddle = [10000,10000,0]; _allRoadPositions = _mapMiddle nearRoads 15000; _jungleTrailPositions = []; { _roadPosition = getPos _x; if ((!isOnRoad _roadPosition) && (surfaceType _roadPosition == "#GdtForest")) then { if ((({ (surfaceType _x == "#GdtForest") || (surfaceType _x == "#GdtBeach") || (surfaceType _x == "#GdtSeabed") }) count [ [(_roadPosition select 0) + 200,(_roadPosition select 1) + 200,0], [(_roadPosition select 0) + 200,(_roadPosition select 1) - 200,0], [(_roadPosition select 0) - 200,(_roadPosition select 1) + 200,0], [(_roadPosition select 0) - 200,(_roadPosition select 1) - 200,0], [(_roadPosition select 0) + 100,(_roadPosition select 1) + 100,0], [(_roadPosition select 0) + 100,(_roadPosition select 1) - 100,0], [(_roadPosition select 0) - 100,(_roadPosition select 1) + 100,0], [(_roadPosition select 0) - 100,(_roadPosition select 1) - 100,0] ]) == 8) then { _jungleTrailPositions pushBack _roadPosition; }; }; } forEach _allRoadPositions; { _mkr = createMarker[str _x,_x]; _mkr setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _mkr setMarkerSize [10,10]; _mkr setMarkerColor "ColorOrange"; _mkr setMarkerAlpha 1; } forEach _jungleTrailPositions; systemChat format["All - %1 --- Jungle - %2",count _allRoadPositions,count _jungleTrailPositions]; Basically, to determine if a position is "deep within the jungle" I check positions around it, being 100m & 200m on each cardinal direction, for their surfaceType. It feels sloppy, but I just couldn't come up with another way (besides checking more distances between 0m-200m) to check the area around the given position for any non-jungle area. Is there a better way of doing this?
  21. Hello guys, In the mission Editor, I often put enemy sniper or rpg on roof of buildings, Unfortunately they are always fast detected and killed before to be a real menace. I use this dostop true or disable ai move and I also use setunitpos to select the stance. If I Iet the vanilla ai system, they just go prone when the detect enemy, and can’t fire through the window or from the roof… I would like to make a little scrips lunched on the AI initialization field, or from a trigger to make an ambush like situation to make my AI switch from down to middle just a little time to firing and hide again for a certain time. I was thinking to something like this: (sorry I am not aware about the syntax) _myunit setunitpos “down†Sleep random [ 30, 50] <- Wait random time from 30 to 50 sec _myunit setunitpos “middle†Sleep random [ 5, 10] (the time to select a target and dofire, and hide again) #loop I am sure that if it works it can add a lot immersion in hostile zone. Please if someone can help me in syntax for the script and for the initialization to run an maybe add a variable in the timing… Thanks for reading. Cheers
  22. At the moment I have a portion of the map showing as part of a dialog that I've created. But, I can't work out how to centre the dialog's map over a position (which I already have stored from an onMapSingleClick command). So, where can I find out how to do this? This is probably the 3rd or 4th post I've started writing with a question on dialogs this arvo, but the first one that I haven't ended up working out for myself.
  23. Hello, Looking for a programmer to design us a script to save player location or what is known as the save position Of course that would be a financial You can contact me by email: doda.l.c2016@gmail.com Regards, Abd El Rahman.