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Found 81 results

  1. Hi all. I am currently trying to make use of the parameters to dynamically add tickets to the Respawn Tickets Module so that players can adjust the number of tickets for their own session to control their overall time-frame. Currently, how the game works is based on sector Bleeding rather than actual respawn. Basically when sectors are taken to a certain percentage, the tickets will start bleeding. So player respawn isn't taken into account for the reduction in tickets. Module is set to 250 each per side, WEST, EAST. I used: // get the number from parameters // somehow get the difference, e.g. 500 - 250 = 250 if (isServer) then { [WEST, _difference] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; [EAST, _difference] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; }; But it seems that under a dedicated Server, the above command doesn't seem to reflect on all players, and most likely only on the server..... though I thought the command is supposed to work on a global level. And testing it out of the isServer if else statements, it resulted in additional of more tickets every time a player joins..... So I was wondering if anyone is able to explain how that function works or if I have used the wrong combinations... or I should have used either just the module or the function command. Thanks.
  2. Hello, I am using the following setup (see the image below) to create a mobile spawn point for human players in a multiplayer mission. Vehicle respawn module is synced to the MSE-3 Marid so that the vehicle will respawn if players will desert it or it gets destroyed. Respawn position is synced to the MSE-3 Marid thus creating a spawn position in the vehicle. This spawn position will also move with the vehicle. The trigger there is set to OPFOR (Present). With this there has to be OPFOR players inside the trigger area for the Respawn position to be available to players. Now, I would like this to be so that the trigger is attached to the MSE-3 Marid so that it would go everywhere where the vehicle is going. I know that I can achieve this easily by typing the following eg. in the Marid's INIT-field: toActivateOPFORPlayerRespawnInOPFORapc attachTo [OPFORapc,[0,0,0]]; Now the problem is that when the Marid gets respawned the trigger won't be attached to the vehicle anymore. How to make it so that the trigger would be attached to the MSE-3 Marid at all times (= would get reattached on respawn)?
  3. Hi. How can I create high command modules via scripts? If I use this, the game will show an error: "HighCommand" createVehicleLocal [0, 0, 0]; I think it's because the module needs to be created prior to running the mission and be synced to the player. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  4. Hi. Is there any way to add modules after a mission has started? If not, how can I add a module to a mission? (without editing the mission of course)
  5. lawndartleo

    respawn loadouts module

    Dabbling with the respawn loadout module. Dropped it in while playing mission, selected some of my loadouts, asked my guinea pigs to respawn and see if the loadouts I shared were available and they were. After selecting one of the kits I shared, when they respawned they just had some random kit. It's worth noting that we are using mods such as ACE and RHS. Is there something else I have to add to the mission structure to allow the loadouts to actually transfer (aside from the name of my shared loadouts being available in their list)? Running on rented dedicated server. Zeus Respawn Loadouts Saved loadout can be given to players as respawn loadouts by Zeus. Works only in scenarios with MenuInventory (CHECK) respawn template enabled. Save your loadout CHECK Play a scenario as Zeus CHECK Place Modules > Respawn > Loadouts CHECK Select side tab CHECK Expand Arsenal category CHECK Select the saved loadout. CHECK After confirming, players of the given side will be able to respawn with your loadout. NOPE!
  6. I'm making a mission where on a task completion, a group of OPFOR spawn at a marker and follow a series of waypoints to attack my location. I'm running a .sqf for the spawned group and everything is going fine as far them spawning and moving goes. The problem I'm having is that I want my new task to update when the group are dead. Enemy group = enemy1 I have a new task and a task state module set up with a trigger, the new task module is linked to my player. the task is assigning and display correctly but not updating when enemy1 are all dead. In the trigger condition line I have; {alive _X} count units enemy1 == 0; the trigger is linked to the task state module which is set to succeeded. I've tried the above with a group I have placed on the map and it worked fine, just wondering if there is something different you need to do for a spawned group.
  7. Hello! I am currently making a Coop mission for me and my friends and are setting up the finishing touches. But, I have some minor problems when it comes to the spawning and respawning-module. 1. I want my playable units for this mission to start inside a moving vehicle. But, when ticking the option "Select respawn posistion", the game will NOT start from where the playable unit is, and insted will force me to choose one of the made up respawn modules. 2. I want the players to unlock new spawnpoints as the game progress. This I know works with a simple trigger "player, present". But when I tick OFF the "Select respawn position" and only use triggers, then the game will not allow me to spawn at all. Does anyone know what I should do here? I've been googling and tubing for so long that i'm going crazy. Thank you so much in advance. - Whale
  8. So I've been working on making a custom combat patrol for my group and it's been going well so far however I've run into a bit of an issue and minor annoyance. I've got a couple of the support providers down but one of them, the supply drop, is giving me a bit of an issue. I can call the support just fine and it'll drop the crate, however instead of becoming an arsenal like I want, it's just staying a regular NATO supply crate. The script I'm putting in the init is: _this addAction ["Open Virtual Arsenal", {["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal}]; Am I doing something stupid or is the supply drop module broken?
  9. Hi all, Simple question is can support provider/requester modules be used with a dedicated server? Here is my problem. I set everything up the way it should be and I test it in multiplayer and it works great hwoever as soon as I put the file on the server it doesnt show up at all. If anyone has any further suggestion even better but im just checking as im just chasing my own tail at the moment. Thanks for any help that can be provided.
  10. Hey. I have a sector module with its costInfantry variable being set to 0.5 on mission start. I have placed triggers that use the setVariable command to change this mid-game and can confirm that the variables change using: hint format ["%1", SECTORNAME getVariable 'costInfantry']; afterwards. However the module doesn't update its variables. By changing this variable to 0, the module should become un-cappable by infantry but as I've found out, this is not the case. Q: Is there a function to force a module to update and use the variables set upon it after initialisation of that module? Thanks.
  11. In this episode of NDD (Nightmare Driven Development) with Arma, this time we look at a MODULE_F. For some reason, this code stopped working for only some players. What changed? Who knows! :) Here's my module definition: class CfgPatches { class SCAR_countdownWatch { name = "Countdown Watch"; author = "_SCAR"; units[] = {"SCAR_ModuleCountdownWatch"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.0; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Modules_F"}; fileName = "countdown_watch.pbo"; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Logic; class Module_F: Logic { class AttributesBase { class Edit; class Checkbox; }; // Description base classes, for more information see below class ModuleDescription {}; }; class SCAR_ModuleCountdownWatch: Module_F { // Standard object definitions scope = 2; displayName = "Countdown Watch"; icon = "\Countdown_Watch\gfx\logo.paa"; category = "Events"; // Name of function triggered once conditions are met function = "SCAR_CW_fnc_moduleCountdownWatch"; // Execution priority, modules with lower number are executed first. 0 is used when the attribute is undefined functionPriority = 1; // 0 for server only execution, 1 for global execution, 2 for persistent global execution isGlobal = 1; // 1 for module waiting until all synced triggers are activated isTriggerActivated = 0; // 1 if modules is to be disabled once it's activated (i.e., repeated trigger activation won't work) isDisposable = 0; // Module attributes, uses https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Eden_Editor:_Configuring_Attributes#Entity_Specific class Attributes: AttributesBase { // Module specific arguments class Duration: Edit { property = "SCAR_CW_Duration"; displayName = "Mission duration (minutes)"; description = "The duration of the mission in minutes"; typeName = "NUMBER"; // Value type, can be "NUMBER", "STRING" or "BOOL" defaultValue = "120"; // Default attribute value. WARNING: This is an expression, and its returned value will be used (50 in this case) }; class EndMission: Checkbox { property = "SCAR_CW_EndMission"; displayName = "Trigger End Mission"; description = "Trigger End Mission when the countdown ends"; typeName = "BOOL"; defaultValue = "true"; }; class WatchFace: Edit { property = "SCAR_CW_WatchFace"; displayName = "Watch Face"; description = "The path to the watch face to be used"; defaultValue = """\Countdown_Watch\data\watch.paa"""; }; //class ModuleDescription: ModuleDescription{}; }; class ModuleDescription: ModuleDescription { description = "Countdown Watch"; sync[] = {}; }; }; }; class CfgFunctions { class SCAR_CW { class Events { file = "\Countdown_Watch\functions"; class moduleCountdownWatch{}; class initServer {}; class initPlayer {}; }; }; }; #include "interfaces.hpp" class CfgDebriefing { class SCAR_countdownWatch_end { title = "Mission End!"; subtitle = "The mission time is up."; description = ""; }; }; Inside of the directory "functions" I have a file called "fn_moduleCountdownWatch.sqf", that does not get triggered AT ALL for some players. Any clues, gods of the randomness? :) _SCAR
  12. Hi all, Among the most used modules, I guess plenty of scriptwriters would like to have better results with support ones. - First of all, for all support modules, virtual support is an acceptable alternative as far as you accept to spawn/delete a unit for a task. Artillery disappear as soon as the last shell is shot, regardless of the trajectory ETA; So, there is a bullet coming from a null object, traveling the map and never mind the shooter. Script with that! - For all modules again, the "real" unit option allows more immersive condition as far as you have to protect this asset. And, then one thing is absolutely missing, the condition fields for enabling/disabling the support. You can't imagine the lines I had to write just because I decided only a radio equipped guy could call artillery. Try it!.. grab a radio backpack (or any radio), (enabling the link between requester and provider), then drop the radio (disabling the support), then grab/drop... Oups that doesn't work anymore, except if you write something bis_fnc_addSupportlink and bis_fnc_removeSupportLink (So many hours to find that!). So please, add enable/disable condition fields for support. About CAS support, so much things to improve: - Please, make unguided bombing run workable on any surface, with no objective underneath! I mean bombs must strike the marker position, like a GPS release if you want. That's all! No need to have something special. Actually your BIS_SUPP_LASERTGT, laserTargetE or laserTargetW types, along with a "destroy" waypoint, doesn't work on Tanoa forest for example. And please, don't explain we need an object objective... Let's the player bombs where he wants! - Furthermore, your FSM just take driver into account. That means there is no chance at all to get CAS from a crewed aircraft (pilot/gunner). So, bye bye so many CAS aircraft from UNSUNG DELTA mod: Intruder, Skywarrior, F4 Phantom... Please make unguided bombing CAS firing on any position of the CAS marker and make all CAS aircraft workable what crew can be. - lets the player choose the number of bombs to be released! About helicopter transportation: - First problem: the map can't be zoomed in/out for marking destination. You have to cope with your last map zoom before the call?!? - then, you can't alter your destination underway. I wrote a script to be transported in any AI manned vehicle (car , helicopter), with instant destination altering or cancellation. (MP compatible). Code on demand. So please, make transportation module (not only helicopter) more versatile, with alter/cancel destination, and correct the map zoom bug. Thank you for your attention.
  13. When i place a game mastee module, it gives me the option to set the owner, name and addons (mods) that can be used by this zeus. The Problem: i cant edit the addons option as the module wont let me open the selection menu from where i usually could select 1 of three options (i think it was addons active on scenario, official addons and all addons (including unofficial)) Please help. It is elemental for me in order to create a zeus mission.
  14. Hello, So I'm working on a super simple Zeus fire support module that should make it very easy for Zeus to call in fire support from any artillery-capable unit on the map. I've started working on the functions that would handle the procedure and it works perfectly. The script, when run, searches for the nearest artillery-capable unit that isn't already assigned to a fire mission and then gives it a fire mission based on pre-set variables. So it works as a script, but I always intended this to work as a module where you place it in zeus, then you get a nifty menu and you click OK and bad shit happens. Now I have started to convert the script to work as a spawn-able module, but what happens is that when I try to spawn the module in Zeus nothing happens. I have the module on my cursor and I click and just nothing happens. I tried to follow the biki in terms of how its set up but I've obviously done something wrong. I would love some help. Thanks, Morthon
  15. SteinTroll

    No supports.

    Artillery support module isn't working, the menu entry is grayed out/not usable. I'm curently playing the "supports showcase", but mortars where unavailable on the "scuba showcase" as well. Is it the new update? :Edit: Turns out the problem was a mod I had loaded. Do not know wich mod yet tho...
  16. I want to attach my units with dark blue lines to a respawn position module (f5), however I cannot get get it to work. To give you an example of what I mean: Here you can see the units are grouped and attached to one unit leader (light blue lines), but are also attached to the respawn position module (dark blue lines). If I add more units, which I need to do, I cannot add them to the respawn position module. I have tried holding CTRL whilst trying to drag a line between a unit to the respawn module, like I would to attatch them to a squad leader, but nothing. I have also tried holding ALT and doing the same, moving them ontop, etc, nothing. Can someone please tell me how I can attach new units to the respawn position module? Thank You.
  17. Hi. I know how to create a Zeus mission (connect the module to the player, make respawn=base in the description.ext etc.). The only problem is: When the Zeus rejoins he looses his Zeus-capability (as syncing with playable units goes away when JIP-ing). What can i do to prevent that? I tried placing a trigger that activates itself every 30 secs and synchs the player with the zeus module again, but i am not sure if that will work...
  18. Hey all, I've been trying to add greater variety to the virtual supports, mainly so that i have some easy systems that i can copy into new maps. I've got the hang of adding my own vehicle names into the virtual support modules, and amazingly have discovered that i can use enemy vehicles and my allies will still be flying them. There's a vehicle init field for the virtual supports, and i'm wondering if anyone can help me with achieving what i want, which is; - Reinforcements option; troops via heli that flies to requested location. Troops get out and join player squad. I'm really not sure how to do this as it doesn't fit any of the virtual supports (heli attack or heli transport) - Vehicle dropped off via heli to requested location. Vehicle can be empty if need be, or with allies that join players squad. Main vehicle i'd love this for is UGV drone. Currently there is an issue with all CUP planes (harrier, C130J) spawning in stationary as virtual supports, whereas the vanilla vehicles spawn in at speed, so i can't get my head around fixing that. Lastly, a taru dropping it's bench of troops upon support request would be amazing. If you have any advice or other ideas of features that can be done with the virtual supports, i'd love to hear them.
  19. I have been making a mission that involves sectors that are captured in a linear order. This is achieved by having a trigger that monitors the owning side of the sector. When the owner changes to a certain side (in this case BLUFOR) the trigger executes enableSimulation false on the sector, and then activates a second sector module to which the trigger is synced. In multiplayer however, the second sector fails to initialise resulting in an endless loading screen. On single player though it works fine. All other modules spawn without issue on multiplayer. Although I believe I have narrowed down the issue to the sector module being activated by the trigger, not only does the fact this happens baffle me, but also the fact it doesn't occur in SP. I would really appreciate any help with this as its driving me mad. I can also post screenshots of the mission configuration if it helps.
  20. Is there any way i could blacklist an area from getting affected of the simulation manager module?
  21. Hi does someone here on the forums used this module before ? I tested it in mission on local server when grouping units to the module, it works you get kicked from the mission after killing one team mate. There is no options in the module to set for example after 3 kills kick the player or something like that, only a init field. Also does someone knows what to use if the module is sync to a trigger in condition field ? I searched the web but there is nothing on that module explained or mission examples ! I want to achieve players fire the module when they abuse teamkill with a trigger ! I'm gonna try to search a solution if someone can help me would be nice! thanks
  22. I'm using zeus a lot. But everytime im on my server & open zeus I need to use ARES to add all players to zeus so I can follow them. Can't there be a module for like adding all pre-placed objects into the zeus interface? Would love this feature
  23. gmangnall

    Transport Module

    Does anyone else have a problem whereby if you use the transport module and board a helo, you cannot issue any commands until you have selected the unload location? This behaviour even stops you zooming your map out so that it takes ages to scroll to the location you want to go to. This bring three further complications - 1) after a period of time (seems to vary but around 30 seconds on average) you get thrown out of the helicopter - usually before you have scrolled to the locatoin 2) You cannot call AI to get on board if you are group leader, so you need to remember to get them to board BEFORE you do (and the helo does not wait around forever). 3) If you get shot whilst in the helicopter then your game is pretty much goosed as your menu and cross hair will permanently stuck on trying to select an unload point, which you cant do as you are not IN the helo anymore, nor can you use the menu to get back in either. This behaviour continues after respawn too - so the only option seems to be to leave the game.
  24. Hello, I've got a problem, opening and testing my mission (tested in V1.54, editor 2D, several hundred of subscribers with no problem), downloadable here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=607086669 I remarked it's now impossible to have all supports. Artillery still works, supply drop and CAS (non virtual) lead to grayed assets when called. This occur in all modes: preview SP, MP from Eden. I must precise, these supports are synchronized when player(s) grab a backpack radio. Anyway, this worked well in 2D editor. I backup my mission.sqm in order to re-open it in 2D editor, everything works fine... ARMA3 V 1.56 seems OK but not Eden (problem with sqm for recognition of linked items or something like that). Please, don't remove 2D editor prior to consolidate Eden. This editor is really a great work with youth lacks. Thanks Pierre MGI
  25. Hi all, Im trying to create a custom module for an addon I am creating. Only problem is I cant seem to remove an argument that is being displayed in the 2d editor from the module. The drop down list: Apply To: (units synchronized, groups of objects synchronised, etc...) Ive searched quite a bit and cant find where that is being created from in the config below, http://pastebin.com/H5sPvWBX Anyone know where I can find and disable this argument? Thanks in advance. EDIT: That is not the entire config, thats just the only part where modules are used or mentioned.