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Found 282 results

  1. Hi guys, I'm aiming to build a mission where the player is a squad leader in a platoon, maintaining full control of the squad, whilst recieving orders from the AI platoon leader. I can't for the life of me work out how to place the player squad leader under the command of an AI platoon leader without having to relinquish command of the player's squadmates. I've had friends suggest using the High Command modules but I'm not understanding how an AI platoon leader would be able to use the command module as commander. It would also be great to still give the other AI squad leaders full control of their squads but that's not such a big priority. The main priority is having the AI platoon leader send orders/markers to the player and then the player can command their own squad to achieve the objective however they see fit. Any help or suggestions is much appreciated. I really should know how to do this, considering I've been an OpFlash/ArmA head since 2004!
  2. I want to make a mission where the player passes trough a city destroyed by artillery fire, of course I don't want to create a thousand mortars that need to shoot at different positions so I was wondering if there is a script that can break all buildings and trees in a given radius
  3. I want to have a box where players can come up, and select a class from scroll wheel options, and it'll give them the gear immediately. I've seen it done, I just want to do it myself. Please reply if you know how. LTJG Hummel SEAL Team 10
  4. Anyone else noticed the long loading times since 1.78 in Eden (vanilla arma x64/no mods/no magical launch parameters/mallocs etc...) (talking about "play scenario"(in singleplayer))? Before i pressed the button and the mission was instant loaded ~1-2s now its like 10-15s (game installed on ssd (550mb/s read/write), no hw change, nothing else is slow even benched & trim'd it because i thought it was broken... Steps to reproduce: - start Editor - Stratis/Altis/Malden (Tanoa/Virtual Reality unaffected) - place 1 playable unit - press "play scenario" (in singleplayer) - enjoy loading times that feels like back in 5.25" floppy times... Can someone confirm this? edit: long loading times only occur on altis/stratis/malden, tanoa/virtual reality are loading as fast as pre 1.78
  5. I have an idea of a campaign for Arma 3, my question is how do I make gear persistent from one mission onto the next. I am making a base that’s going to be used for mission briefing and gearing your player. That alone would be its own scenario, with the mission following after, how about would I get my gear selection to carry over to the mission
  6. Antilochos

    Flora in Editor

    I was wondering why we can not place all flora (trees, plants, etc) freely in the editor. I mean, rocks are available, why not trees? This might be asked and answered in the past by somebody, but I could not find it.
  7. Antilochos

    Flora in Editor

    I was wondering why we can not place all flora (trees, plants, etc) freely in the editor. I mean, rocks are available, why not trees? This might be asked and answered in the past by somebody, but I could not find it.
  8. Ok, I got this stealth mission I'm starting out and it's gonna have the @akp_spotlight mod, so I what to know is what a simple small line to slap into the "init" to turn on the spotlight. & what do I need to do to make the static slowly traverse left and right in search pattern in the dark like they're suppose too?
  9. Hi everyone. I am looking for a way to show a big countdown clock that starts from 18:00 to 00:00 Is there a way to do this? I can create scripts that would pop up messages say how long is left. But I want the timer to show up on the upper left side of th screen and actaully countdown the time. I will be grateful if anyone could help me.
  10. Hey there everyone, I have been trying to hack away at this issue I have, with no end in sight. Maybe one of you can help.... So I have a multiplayer mission set up. There are two teams (Alpha and Bravo). Both teams have to go to a table to be briefed before the mission. Alpha team leader is owner to 3 triggers, while Bravo team leader owns 3 separate triggers. The triggers display subtitles, specific for each team. The issue I keep having is Alpha teams subtitles show up when Bravo team leader goes near the trigger and vise versa. Both teams' subtitles show up for one unit. I have the mission set up to where if you pick Bravo team, Alpha does not spawn, and the other way around. Is there a way to only spawn a trigger when a unit is present, like the "!alive obj" for condition of presence? I would love to get this fixed so I can finish this mission, and my friends can try it without being confused on which mission they are doing. I know it may seem confusing.. This is my first time posting a question in here, and I'm not the best with explaining things. But if you happen to decipher my gibberish, please let me know if you know of a solution!!! Thanks
  11. This seems like it should be so much more simple but this isn't working. I have a trigger set to Type - none Activation - Any Player Activation Type - Detected by Opfor The trigger will not activate though. When I change "Activation - Any Player" to "Activation - Blufor" then it works. Since it says "Activated when any player of the given side satisfies the 'Activation Condition'". Then I assume I have to put something in the "Condition" box. I tried Blufor, WEST, and SideBLUFOR_F but none of those worked. Can anybody explain how to make this work?
  12. Hey Guys, First of all, Thank you for wasting time to read this issue, Im really appreciate your effort for trying to help me and to others. I am trying to create a template with a costume loadout, and I have encountered in issue. The loadout won't start, I have tried to fix it by myself, but I can't find the issue somewhy. I will Add to here the links for the Class define, Loadout Script, And RPT Log. (I know I can make it simple through EDEN. But I want to add some functions like Parameters to the Loadout.) RPT LogClass Define / Clients Loadout Script Thank You!
  13. Hello everyone! Lets suppose that I am making a mission in Eden Editor. How do I make a person have something like a HE grenade by going into his loadout? How do I customize how much smoke grenades he as, etc. Thanks!
  14. Marcog93

    VBS3 Scripting editor help needed

    Hello everybody! I am a research student working on his final thesis on a Helicopter Simulator implemented in VBS3. I would need to do some script in order to create a training field in VBS3, something like targets appearing that responde when you pass throught. I was used working with unity and there it´s easy to access the editor and code there. Here in VBS3 I think it´s different, I have seen that there is the possibility of writing and external function and name it with .sqf extension and then call it, but where do I call it in VBS3? Isn´t is possible to write some code directly inside VBS3? Are there any other ways of creating interaction between things without scripting? I wish a good day to all of you, Marco Gotelli
  15. OK, I am trying to make a SP mission where the main characters thoughts will be displayed in the side chat in order to give the player new tasks. However whenever I run the scenario as the main character I get no text in the chat even though the trigger activates and the chat indicator at the bottom lights up for a bit. BUT if I run the scenario as another NPC I can clearly see the text the main character says in side chat when the trigger get activated. I am very new to the editor so I might be missing something simple. The trigger I am using has a condition of: alive VK (VK is the player variable) with a 3s delay so that I have time to load in the mission before it activates. On activation I set: VK sidechat "text" This is what I see when i run the scenario as the main character. This is what I see if I run it as a different character. Please help.
  16. Daniel Klimchuk (Edu Cat Moderator)

    Arma 3 Currency?

    As I was playing Arma 3 singleplayer, I noticed the prices on a gas station. Diesel - 21.49 Super + Unleaded - 19.35 Super Unleaded = 18.90 What currency does Arma 3 use? Is it Euro, or maybe Czech Korona? Just interested. Thanks!
  17. wika_woo

    Editor Tips

    .... That if you press CTR + O in the map selection screen you get the famous 2D editor :) Thought i'd put that here...
  18. Hi, Here is a 2 cent remark about editor preview, and a question. Edit in Vanilla 1.76 place a BLUFOR weapon squad on a map (standard group in editor, 8 units) Just delete some units (even odd, or what you want), say delete 2,5,6,7 Run preview You are leader (player is by default and I didn't change that) Your group is now: you, 3, 4, 8 exit to editor. Don't change anything Rerun preview your group is now: you, 2, 3, 4 (with the same units, only the number has changed) Nothing important, "severity" to none, I admit. But my question is: What's difference between 1st preview (when you've done these deletions) and the further ones? So, is there any other things, for which the preview (but save mission also) could change? Is it specific to deletion of objects? how deep?
  19. Hello! Recently I'have been in playing with the editor and because I'm a noob for me it would be easier to start from readymade mission and edit them to my liking. I play combat patrol with friends but it starts to feel some what repetitive and we would like to have more diversity in the game. So... 1. Is there a place where I can download/share coop missions? Especially combat patrol. 2. Is Steam workshop planned for project Argo or Is ARMA 3 Malden missions compatible with Argo? And a side note: I have always wanted to play Arma with friends, but some of them feel that it's too complex. So for them Argo is good mix of realism and playability..and free :-). I believe this game could work also with larger number of players 20-50 players with different roles ( mix between Squad, Battlefield and Arma) Anyway I'm looking forward for future updates to make this game even more enjoyable!
  20. Hi there, I need some quick help with some even handlers.. Anyway, the idea is in the mission you attack an oil rig. You shoot on the oil pipes which makes the oil pipes explode and burn. The idea is because of the explosions you kill the enemies inside and win the mission. Okey, so I have this script here: thisaddEventHandler ["hit", "scriptedCharge = "DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo_Scripted" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "bombmrk"); scriptedChargesetdamage 1;"] Alright, I also want, once you hit the oil pipe, the oil storage next to it will explode bybeeingtrigger with an even handler explode. Anyone can help me with this? This will BTW be a mutliplayer mission.
  21. How would I be able to detect if a player throws a purple smoke and then have CAS fire on the target?
  22. I've spawned many different corpses on the beach. I want to remove all the maps and radios from their equipment but I don't want to click on them one at a time as I've many different corpses to go through. I've tried selecting them all and editing their loadouts together with the loadout editor but it doesn't quite work. It applies the entire (current) loadout to every selected unit. Is there a way that I can run a script within the editor that will do this for me? Not looking for the code, just the technique. Any suggestions?
  23. Hey there, running into some trouble here. So I'm doing this SP mission, and I want the player to do a set of tasks (3 actually) within a certain ammount of time (lets say 5 min. (300 sec.). Just a little briefing about what I'm trying to do: - Dude get's out of the Heli, visits this unit and prety much this units tells him that he has 5 min. to gear up and then get into another heli before this one takes off. So my point here is, if the player isn't inside of that Heli within 5 min. mission ends (failed) and has to restart, however if he is there in time, I want the mission to keep going, so it would just mean that the task was completed and the timer would stop. There must be a very simple way of doing this, currently using task modules and triggers that are sync to the player (trigger owner). Any help would be appreciated!
  24. eisenmaik

    Eden Editor

    I cant find a Jet armed with Cluster Bombs in the Eden Editor... Or is there a special way to change the weaponry?
  25. Hello! I am currently making a Coop mission for me and my friends and are setting up the finishing touches. But, I have some minor problems when it comes to the spawning and respawning-module. 1. I want my playable units for this mission to start inside a moving vehicle. But, when ticking the option "Select respawn posistion", the game will NOT start from where the playable unit is, and insted will force me to choose one of the made up respawn modules. 2. I want the players to unlock new spawnpoints as the game progress. This I know works with a simple trigger "player, present". But when I tick OFF the "Select respawn position" and only use triggers, then the game will not allow me to spawn at all. Does anyone know what I should do here? I've been googling and tubing for so long that i'm going crazy. Thank you so much in advance. - Whale