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  1. This is just a little script-set I made to recruit and dismiss units at will. So far it works fine in SP (Surprisingly well, actually) but I want to make this MP compatible. The set consists of 4 small script files: 1. File: "recruiting.sqf" // Code below: /* Usage: put this in INIT of unit to be recruited; nul=[this] execVM "TRecruit\Recruiting.sqf"; // 'this' or unitname */ _guyNotRecruited = true; _fng = _this select 0; _fng setcaptive true; //use different state or condition perhaps?? _recruitGuy = _fng addAction ["Recruit","TRecruit\newguyinit.sqf"]; while {_guyNotRecruited} do { if (not(captive _fng)) then {_guyNotRecruited = false}; if (not alive _fng) exitwith {_fng removeAction _recruitGuy}; sleep 1; }; _fng removeAction _recruitGuy; [_fng] join (group player); _fng enableAI "MOVE"; sleep 1; nul = [[["New Team Member recruited.","<t align='center' shadow='2' size='0.7'>%1</t><br/>"],["","<t align='center' shadow='2' size='0.7'>%1</t><br/>"],["","<t align='center' shadow='2' size='0.7'>%1</t>"]]] spawn BIS_fnc_typeText; sleep 5; nul=[_fng] execVM "TRecruit\dismissing.sqf"; 2. File: "dismissing.sqf" //Code below: _guyRecruited = true; _fng = _this select 0; _dropGuy = _fng addAction ["Dismiss","TRecruit\dropguyinit.sqf"]; while {_guyRecruited} do { if (captive _fng) then {_guyRecruited = false}; if (not alive _fng) exitwith {_fng removeAction _dropGuy}; sleep 1; }; _fng removeAction _dropGuy; [_fng] join grpNull; _fng setCaptive true; sleep 1; if (not alive _fng) then { hint "Team member deceased"; } else { nul = [[["Team Member dismissed.","<t align='center' shadow='2' size='0.7'>%1</t><br/>"],["","<t align='center' shadow='2' size='0.7'>%1</t><br/>"],["","<t align='center' shadow='2' size='0.7'>%1</t>"]]] spawn BIS_fnc_typeText; nul=[_fng] execVM "TRecruit\recruiting.sqf"; }; sleep 5; 3. File: "newGuyInit.sqf" //Code below: // set unit not captive _unit=_this select 0; _unit setcaptive false; 4. File: "dropGuyInit.sqf" //Code below: // set unit not captive _unit=_this select 0; _unit setcaptive true; //// I hope someone will find this useful, but as I said it will have issues in MP. Works great in SP though.
  2. Are you looking for a simple pick up and play MilSim team? Then RCT-7 is just for you! If you want that structured, well-organized group of friends who enjoy tactical gameplay that Arma allows, then like ourselves, you’ll fit right into a healthy culture of gaming, chatting and chilling. Where to find us: On Discord @ https://discord.gg/QrtAaTU On ARMA Units @ https://units.arma3.com/unit/rct-7 Who are we: Regimental Combat Team 7 is a Marine Corps emulated MilSim Unit that’s based around good people and good times. Never taking ourselves too seriously (no screaming, no drama, no PT, yadda yadda) and always cooperating as a unit for mission success. Our structure for roleplay aspects is as followed: GCE Ops Infantry:1st Squad (Rifle), 1st Platoon, Echo Company, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment Armor:1 Section, 1st Platoon, Alpha Company, 3rd LAR Battalion (Reinforced) ACE Ops 1st Marine Air Wing (1st MAW) MAG-12 (VMFA-225) MAG-24 (HMLA-367) As a combat team, we allow our members to choose what they specialise in (pending there are slots available) and this can be changed at any time after a quick conversation with leadership. Flexibility and variation outweigh strict and formal to make each mission unique and enjoyable. From Liberation to PvP hosted on our 24/7 dedicated server, our tailored mod list (link below) is all you need to really enjoy your time at RCT-7. RCT-7 Compilation: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1886694011 What do we do: Saturday is our “Community Day” - this is when we host a training class and/or community event for the general enjoyment of our members. No attendance required - strictly voluntary! Sunday is our “Operation Day” - at 4pm EST we launch a mission from our custom campaign/FTX and get our MilSim on. If you’re on the Active Roster, this is our only mandatory attendance event but of course, IRL always comes first and simply letting us know you can't make it in advance is all that's asked. Weekdays are our “Casual Fun” - where members link up and play other games, run Antistasi Liberation, PvP, I&A or other missions on our server or just focus on IRL things until the weekend comes. Who are we looking for: Mature Players (18+ preferred) Team-oriented & dedicated Willing to be part of a structure-based organization (without the saluting) Willing to take initiative in unit activities and briefings (staying in the loop) What do we require: Have a valid copy of ARMA 3 (APEX preferred but not mandatory) Available on weekends (unit events are Sundays 4pm EST) Have Discord ( https://discord.gg/QrtAaTU ) Have Teamspeak 3 with the TFAR plugin installed (http://radio.task-force.ru/en/) Have respect for others and yourself Have fun! If all of this sounds like a good fit for you - join our discord now and tag a @Recruiter in the #rct-7-message-board.
  3. All-In-One AI Command Menu A "WW AI Menu" Patch By Leopard20 & WindWalking This thread is no longer updated! For the latest release, check here Hello everyone. As you know, the WW AI Menu was one of the first and best AI mods released in the early days of ARMA 3 release. It addressed a lot of issues and shortcomings with the vanilla ARMA commanding system, and packed a lot of handy features including: - Infantry commands such as healing, garrisoning & clearing building, rearming, .... - Vehicle commands such as engine on and off, horn and eject with parachute. - Waypoint system with the ability to assign multiple waypoints to your squad members. - Weapon accessories (silencers, flashlights, ...) - Unsticking units. and .... Read more about the mod: https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/153621-ww-aimenu-complimentary-commands/ Unfortunately, when Windwalking left the community some of the features ended up broken, and due to the community rule forbidding people from taking over and/or changing an author's work without their permission, nobody has stepped up to bring this mod back to life. Until now. I decided to bring this mod back to life in a way that respects the community rule and the author's work. Namely, "patching" the original mod by adding features and fixing broken ones. As a result, you will need the original mod installed for my mod to work. You can activate the menu by pressing Y .If you use the "Y" key for Zeus or anything else you can either change the keybinding for those features (I personally use "Ctrl+Y" for Zeus) or change the keybinding for the menu by navigating to: "OPTIONS > CONTROLS > CONFIGURE ADDONS > (dropdown menu) All-In-One Command Menu". I've also included a userconfig file where you can add support for your mods (if they are not supported already). Currently you can add support for: Resupply vehicles, AT soldiers (used in the rearming script) and the Handgun suppressors. Note that you might need to enable "file patching" for the config file to work (either add the -filepatching commandline or enable it in the launcher parameters). This mod is compatible with other commanding mods (such as C2). Although I don't recommend using both for issuing the same command at the same time (e.g when you use C2 to order your units to mount a vehicle, don't use the same command in this mod, as it may cause conflicts and unforeseen consequences) I also recommend this mod as it makes issuing regular and frequent commands a lot easier: (you may need to change the default keys used by the mod, keys 1, 2, 3 , 4, as these keys are used for switching weapons) Advanced Command System (ACS) All features were tested using the vanilla ARMA vehicles/weapons (including all DLCs up to the time of release), and work as intended. However some features (the most important of which being weapon accessories) may not work in other mods (such as RHS or CUP). Edit: As of version 0.50 Beta most features should work with other mods without issues. If they don't please post your feedback in this thread. Here's a quick overview of what is changed: Unchanged: Fixed/Modified/Removed: Added: Screenshots: Notes: Special thanks to: - @Windwalking for his awesome mod. - @Muzzleflash for helping me with showing objects on the map and also teaching me a lot about scripting. He's one of the best guys on this forum. - @mad_cheese for allowing me to use the "Bounding Box" function used in his legendary mod, C2. - and everyone else who kindly answered all my questions on the forum. Disclaimer: I can't guarantee this mod is completely harmless. Please back up your ARMA 3 directory located in the "Documents" folder (C:\Users\YOUR_PC_NAME\Documents\) prior to using this mod (especially the file *.vars.Arma3Profile and the "saved" folder because they are the only files that may be affected). Multiplayer support is in alpha state and not fully tested yet. Dear Moderators, The current release still uses the scripts from the original version. Also, to avoid some conflicts, I had to rename the global variables. If you think this mod is still not in compliance with forum rules please let me know to come up with a solution (you can PM me or post it here). By installing this patch, the original mod will be disabled (If you want me to leave it enabled please leave a feedback and I'll re-enable it). Download Link (Current Version: v1.2.1): GitHub (always up-to-date) DropBox Armaholic (updates with a slight delay) How to Install: Future Plans: Changelog: Requirements: CBA: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 WW AI Menu by Windwalking: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22380 Since v1.0.0, WW AI Menu mod is not required anymore. It's because some users reported they had trouble setting up WW AI Menu (mostly because of FilePatching used in WW AI Menu, which complicated things), so I decided not to make it necessary to have this mod. A couple of such reports:
  4. AquaEngraved

    Looking for Recruits

    Squad name: Second Recon Bn. Timezone/location : Amsterdam Timezone (UTC/GMT+2 Summertime) Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Co-op Contact email: info2ndreconbn@gmail.com Teamspeak: vs16.tserverhq.com:6045 Steam Ad: https://steamcommunity.com/app/107410/discussions/10/1709564118757527469/ Website address: In Development Short description: 2nd Recon specializes in reconnaissance and surveillance, although its personnel are also trained in close quarters battle (CQB) tactics and other special missions. Language: English We are new, we are 2 guys starting up this new Unit. Missions will be played as Force Recon initially and be branched out later with 2nd Recon Bn Marines, Pilots, and Zeuses.
  5. Hello all! Welcome to Aegis PMC, an Arma3 semi-milsim experience. We try to act in a tactical and serious manner while trying to stay fun and somewhat casual. We have a wide range of roles within the unit, from a grunt in a squad or a pilot up in the air! We have hosted some very fun operations in the past, ranging from modern combat in the middle eastern front, to WW2 campaigns in the European theatre! If you would like to join our clan, please friend me or one of the other recruitment officers on steam. We can discuss the role you would like to fulfill within Aegis. I am Jimulance You can also contact Dr. Reaper or M. Jiare Also you can join the teamspeak server: ts3.akl.wombatserve.rs:9991, and if one of the recruitment officers is there, we can get you set up within our group. Have a fun firefight, Aegis Pmc 1st Lieutenant Jimulance
  6. Seal team 7 of the NSWG One is recruiting experienced Arma players. We are a serious mil-sims group based on the Navy's seal teams. We use many different RHS mods along with Ace and Ace 3 mods. We conduct various raids and missions throughout our campaigns. Our primary mission is to eliminate all threats that would seek to cause us harm. We strike with precision and skill. Weather it be a stealth mission or full fire, you can bet we will succeed or die trying. If you are interested in joining NSWG our teamspeak will be linked. Join the Teamspeak and hop into the recruitment channel. . Come check us out. We may impress you more than you realize.
  7. crypticsilence

    Red Ember Clan [=REC=]

    RED EMBER CLAN [=REC=] ABOUT US: We mix serious and play as much as possible and look for people who can communicate and think. Our core group has been around since 2010, mostly focusing on military and team tactical games. Large group tactics is our familiarity as we operate groups in various military tactical genres. We have jobs or go to school and don't want to see gaming as another chore to get done, so don't expect rules that will kick you out based on attendance. WHAT DO WE DO?: Some of our main games are Arma, DayZ, and Squad, but we are not limited to just military games. Join up and play with us on other games if you want! We play PubG, CounterStrike, Elite Dangerous, MOBAs (LoL, DOTA, ), RPGs, E-Sports, etc. REQUIREMENTS: Maturity, Headset/Microphone, and Teamspeak. DO NOT BEG FOR MONEY!! we are generous to our members, but beggars will be removed. We expect members to respect other REC members and to have the ability to communicate wants/needs/problems/issues. COMMS: TeamSpeak - redembergaming.teamspeak3.com (PRIMARY) Discord - https://discord.gg/M5533Hp (Secondary/Back Up) HOW TO JOIN: Join our teamspeak and talk with one of our recruiters, moderators, or admins.
  8. Hello mission makers, I hereby want to gain attention for a project of mine regarding a new level of gameplay and community existence. Looking for a mission maker, in this case, would need that person to agree with intention and attitude of the concept that I am going to propose, probably more than in most other contexts. That is why I chose to post in this sub-forum. The unit will be a virtual unit with its mission being primarily infantry and air-assault, coop and TvT, the more people will join, the more missions we can cover. What is different to other units? a lot, in regards of ranks, roles, code of conduct and chain-of-command. Presenting all the details here would definitely change the nature of this post. The core mission of this unit will be a seeder mission with main and side objectives, semi-persistence in regards to equipment and mission progress, largely focusing on patrol operations. In comparison to what I know in the communities and missions, it is leaned on the old Patrol ops from ArmA 2 and can be considered the most hardcore and most immersive. The core mission does not have to be build from scratch, it can be ported from an existing framework ( like ALIVE ) or a similar mission type. All the details about most of the modpack and mission properties are concluded in the following sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FkHMx1NCX2z_suyCdxafjOlVPnJDPGlKazGs3Hd5_kU/edit?ts=59ad131f#gid=700967663 Your current level of mission making is not important to me, as long as you can imagine ( and want ) to adapt to the essential concept and are able to dedicate yourself to the idea. I also can imagine having more than one mission maker, I will not be able to determine who is going to be the best for this idea, because that will largely depend on attitude and self-motivation which reveals only on a long-term basis. Anyone interested, give me a shout via PM here and we see what we can make out of it.
  9. Love Metro 2033? Love the work we are doing?!? We are Recruiting! We are looking to expand our Mod Team. We need: -Modders -Artists -Music Creators -Graphic Artists -Animators -Film Makers -Scripters/Programmers -Server Admins and Knowledge of Server Processes. Any knowledge of Arma modding would be beneficial really! Do not worry, We are happy to teach newcomers the steps of modding, so please do not be put off if you feel you have no experience. If you can help and you are interested. Please send me a private message with: - Your Name. - Date Of Birth. - Spoken Languages. - Short Profile about yourself. - Any Experience or Skills you may have. For more information go to www.armetro.tk ! Here is a trailer of our project!
  10. What is the 111th S.O.G. ? The 111th Special Operations Group is modeled after the small direct action paramilitary units employed by the C.I.A.. As a component of the Special Activities Division, the 111th SOG is a highly trained group tasked with the most secretive missions in the world. Using every tier 1 specialty and asset in its arsenal the group takes on missions that include everything from hostage rescue, HVT assassinations, reconnaissance, demolition, and sabotage are just a small sample of the types of missions it takes on Who are we looking for ? The 111th SAD/SOG is currently rebooting our group from the ground up. We have already acquired a few new candidates and are looking to grow our ranks. We are a small and tight knit group of friends that enjoy ARMA 3 COOP milsim training and missions. We are mature older professionals looking for those out there that want to experience ARMA 3 MilSim in a "New to MilSim" friendly environment. For those out there that are brand new to ARMA or brand new to MilSim, we provide a great place to learn the ropes and will walk you through the entire process from installing your mods, to setting up your ARMA settings and training with our unit. We are also of course interested in those that are experienced ARMA players or those who have mission building experience. We are about 6 in size right now and want to be around the 16 unit member mark. Its a small number but we thrive off of that "small direct action unit" vibe. Again we are just starting and rebooting the group. We already have over 30 missions and 15 training scenarios we run regularly throughout the week and we also run large scale COOP mission on the weekends. 111 S.O.G. Website - 111SOG.GAMERLAUNCH.COM REQUIREMENTS TO JOIN Must be 18 or older Must be willing to approach the game with an eagerness and passion to be involved Our mission times are usually around 9:30PM Eastern Time Zone, so that timezone would need to be one you can work with Fill out the application on our website Read the rules on our website After you send in your application a 111SOG staff member will review it and reach back out to you. We will get you on our TeamSpeak channel and can discuss further and help get you set up with the 111SOG mod collection. 111 S.O.G. Website - &nbsp;111SOG.GAMERLAUNCH.COM i
  11. The 9th JSOC is a milsim community that will tackle any operation, large or small with special tactics and teamwork. We have a private server that we play on with a few great mods installed. We have an immense ranking system that is based off the army. We have been tackling a few challenges with the community but invite any person that wants to play arma 3 and other games with the community. We have great people who want to make the 9th JSOC re-active in a community, we have amazing leaders who are great at teaching new comers how we run stuff. We welcome any person, no matter the age or hours you have. We have a steam community and teamspeak which are listed here: Steam group - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/9thJSOC TeamSpeak If you want to get to know more about us, please go to the teamspeak and talk to one of our members. We do not care if you join our group on steam, it helps if you join the TS though. Even saying your interested in what we do intrigues us. We'll see you out there!
  12. I'm preparing to create a mission with multiple objectives including a recruit/rescue portion, and I was simply going to port over a pow rescue script that I originally used in an A2 mission I had previously created however it no longer works. I have looked, however to no avail to find a set of scripts which will meet some of the criteria necessary to work with the mission I'm creating. Some of the criteria I would like to meet for using a given script include - Remove recruit/rescue addaction on creation (surprisingly none of the methods I've encountered I've found do this) - Script activated enableai "move" command from any location in the mission area for the subject once they are recruited (subject has a random chance to spawn in multiple locations) - AI must behave no differently than another squad member once inducted, also targetable by opfor ai This aspect of the mission entails investigating various suspected locations of the individual requiring rescue, with each location having its marker removed upon investigation (this part already works). I'm going to keep fiddling around and try to make it work, but if anyone has any tips or insight, I'd be appreciative of the help.
  13. European Operations Forces is the first professional European Milsim team for Arma 3. That means that all important positions are with monthly salary. We are looking for staff, blog/article authors, admins, designers, server admins and mission makers, as well as Operation Officers, Commanders and Train Instructors. Our Website and Forum will be custom built and not a ready template, and will be ready in 4 weeks. So European Operation Forces is asking for experienced players in Arma 3 with more than 1000 hours in game, both in Cooop and PvP missions in order to undertake the job of Team Captains, Leaders, etc. These men will command a team in Operations but also train other soldiers as well. We are looking for: Infantry Division Commander with good knowledge in all infantry movements and tactics. Special Forces Division Commander with good knowledge in Diving, parachute etc. Air Division Commander. Armored Division. We are also looking for : Mission Makers Servers Admins All with monthly salary, Please send CV with full details in hq@eurof-team.org P.S: Please don't send us your applications or messages here at the forum. Use the email provided. Thank you
  14. Hi, everyone, We need a good skilled arma 3 scripter developer ! To finish a multiplayer mission for arma 3 ! The work is almost finished, but not everything is working like it should be ! As there is no mod like this to get inspiration or to simply use others mission framework We need to finish this by ourselves ! but that its not possible since we are not good dev's ! The dev should know how to use arma 3 scripting methods, manage msql databases (extdb2), create own functions, and know how to use arma 3 tools and 3rd party software ! We will pay for the job ! Dev should be free for the job immediately today or tonight ! thanks for contacting me in private for more info ad me as friend on the forum, or on steam look for "DoomneT"