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  1. This is what my server.cfg looks like, i censored some things: // // More information at: http://community.bis...wiki/server.cfg // // GLOBAL SETTINGS hostname = "hostname"; // The name of the server that shall be displayed in the public server list password = ""; // Password for joining, eg connecting to the server passwordAdmin = "passwordAdmin"; // Password to become server admin. When you're in Arma MP and connected to the server, type '#login xyz' //reportingIP = "arma3pc.master.gamespy.com"; logFile = "server_console.log"; // Tells ArmA-server where the logfile should go and what it should be called // WELCOME MESSAGE ("message of the day") // It can be several lines, separated by comma // Empty messages "" will not be displayed at all but are only for increasing the interval motd[] = { "", "Server hosted by nitrado.net", "" }; motdInterval = 10; // Time interval (in seconds) between each message // JOINING RULES maxPlayers = 6; // Maximum amount of players. Civilians and watchers, beholder, bystanders and so on also count as player. kickDuplicate = 1; // Each ArmA version has its own ID. If kickDuplicate is set to 1, a player will be kicked when he joins a server where another player with the same ID is playing. verifySignatures = 1; // Verifies the players files by checking them with the .bisign signatures. Works properly from 1.08 on equalModRequired = 0; // Outdated. If set to 1, player has to use exactly the same -mod= startup parameter as the server. // VOTING voteMissionPlayers = 1; // Tells the server how many people must connect so that it displays the mission selection screen. voteThreshold = 2; // 33% or more players need to vote for something, for example an admin or a new map, to become effective allowedVoteCmds[] = {}; // disables voting // INGAME SETTINGS disableVoN = 0; // If set to 1, Voice over Net will not be available vonCodecQuality = 10; // Quality from 1 to 10 persistent=1; regularcheck=""; // MISSIONS CYCLE class Missions { class CLASS1 { template = Missionname1; cadetMode = 1; }; class CLASS2 { template = Missionname2; cadetMode = 1; }; }; My problem is that when mission Number 1 is over, the second one does not start when a player clicks OK (in the mission selection screen) after the debriefing. Because then they will join the old mission again, but it does not even restart, it just keeps going. This really pisses me off because the Mission end trigger that ends the mission after 10 mins can only be activated once... It does not occur when all players wait a few seconds though... Can anyone help me with this? In KOTH there are always different kinds of missions that switch without players having to leave or wait...
  2. This is what my server.cfg looks like, i censored some things: // // More information at: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.cfg // // GLOBAL SETTINGS hostname = "hostname"; // The name of the server that shall be displayed in the public server list password = ""; // Password for joining, eg connecting to the server passwordAdmin = "passwordAdmin"; // Password to become server admin. When you're in Arma MP and connected to the server, type '#login xyz' //reportingIP = "arma3pc.master.gamespy.com"; logFile = "server_console.log"; // Tells ArmA-server where the logfile should go and what it should be called // WELCOME MESSAGE ("message of the day") // It can be several lines, separated by comma // Empty messages "" will not be displayed at all but are only for increasing the interval motd[] = { "", "Server hosted by nitrado.net", "" }; motdInterval = 10; // Time interval (in seconds) between each message // JOINING RULES maxPlayers = 6; // Maximum amount of players. Civilians and watchers, beholder, bystanders and so on also count as player. kickDuplicate = 1; // Each ArmA version has its own ID. If kickDuplicate is set to 1, a player will be kicked when he joins a server where another player with the same ID is playing. verifySignatures = 1; // Verifies the players files by checking them with the .bisign signatures. Works properly from 1.08 on equalModRequired = 0; // Outdated. If set to 1, player has to use exactly the same -mod= startup parameter as the server. // VOTING voteMissionPlayers = 1; // Tells the server how many people must connect so that it displays the mission selection screen. voteThreshold = 2; // 33% or more players need to vote for something, for example an admin or a new map, to become effective allowedVoteCmds[] = {}; // disables voting // INGAME SETTINGS disableVoN = 0; // If set to 1, Voice over Net will not be available vonCodecQuality = 10; // Quality from 1 to 10 persistent=1; regularcheck=""; // MISSIONS CYCLE class Missions { class CLASS1 { template = Missionname1; cadetMode = 1; }; class CLASS2 { template = Missionname2; cadetMode = 1; }; }; My problem is that when mission Number 1 is over the second one does not start when a player instantly clicks OK after the debriefing, because then the old mission starts again, but it does not even restart, it just keeps going. This really pisses me off because the Mission end trigger that ends the mission after 10 mins can only be activated once... Can anyone help me with this? In KOTH there are always different kinds of missions that switch without players having to leave or wait...
  3. This is what my server.cfg looks like, i censored some things: // // More information at: http://community.bis...wiki/server.cfg // // GLOBAL SETTINGS hostname = "hostname"; // The name of the server that shall be displayed in the public server list password = ""; // Password for joining, eg connecting to the server passwordAdmin = "passwordAdmin"; // Password to become server admin. When you're in Arma MP and connected to the server, type '#login xyz' //reportingIP = "arma3pc.master.gamespy.com"; logFile = "server_console.log"; // Tells ArmA-server where the logfile should go and what it should be called // WELCOME MESSAGE ("message of the day") // It can be several lines, separated by comma // Empty messages "" will not be displayed at all but are only for increasing the interval motd[] = { "", "Server hosted by nitrado.net", "" }; motdInterval = 10; // Time interval (in seconds) between each message // JOINING RULES maxPlayers = 6; // Maximum amount of players. Civilians and watchers, beholder, bystanders and so on also count as player. kickDuplicate = 1; // Each ArmA version has its own ID. If kickDuplicate is set to 1, a player will be kicked when he joins a server where another player with the same ID is playing. verifySignatures = 1; // Verifies the players files by checking them with the .bisign signatures. Works properly from 1.08 on equalModRequired = 0; // Outdated. If set to 1, player has to use exactly the same -mod= startup parameter as the server. // VOTING voteMissionPlayers = 1; // Tells the server how many people must connect so that it displays the mission selection screen. voteThreshold = 2; // 33% or more players need to vote for something, for example an admin or a new map, to become effective allowedVoteCmds[] = {}; // disables voting // INGAME SETTINGS disableVoN = 0; // If set to 1, Voice over Net will not be available vonCodecQuality = 10; // Quality from 1 to 10 persistent=1; regularcheck=""; // MISSIONS CYCLE class Missions { class CLASS1 { template = Missionname1; cadetMode = 1; }; class CLASS2 { template = Missionname2; cadetMode = 1; }; }; My problem is that when mission Number 1 is over, the second one does not start when a player clicks OK after the debriefing. Because then they will join the old mission again, but it does not even restart, it just keeps going. This really pisses me off because the Mission end trigger that ends the mission after 10 mins can only be activated once... It does not occur when all players wait a few seconds though... Can anyone help me with this? In KOTH there are always different kinds of missions that switch without players having to leave or wait... Quote MultiQuote Edit
  4. Hello, I found this script at armahaulic = www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26369 With a minute amount of editing, I made it do what I want, which is just force first person on the player. // Author - Sokoloft & Rodeostar42 @ www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26369 //3rdPersonView.sqf if (!isDedicated) then { waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 46)}; if( (difficultyOption "thirdPersonView")isEqualTo 0) then { while {true} do {}; }; if( (difficultyOption "thirdPersonView")isEqualTo 1) then { while {true} do { waitUntil {cameraView == "EXTERNAL" || cameraView == "GROUP"}; if (((vehicle player) == player) && (speed ( player)) >= 0) then { player switchCamera "INTERNAL"; }; sleep 0.1; }; }; }; How would I go about making it to were the player is kicked after numpad enter is hit more than 3 times. As well as in between, is given a warning via side chat, so people in server can shame the person, as well as it should have the persons name. So: %PlayerName% has tried to enter third person, stop now or you will be kicked! %PlayerName% has tried to enter third person, last chance, stop now! %PlayerName% has tried to enter third person, for the last time, and will now be kicked! As well as the only reason why I want to do this is because if you run, and spam enter, you can slightly get into third person for a second. This is really not a problem, since my mission is vs AI, however if a player decided to spam it, they can slow down the server quite a bit since the script is being done every time they hit numpad enter. As well as there needs to be a grace for players in vehicles, so that they can still go into third person and not be kicked. But not spam it at the same time! Any info would be helpful as I don't know what I'm doing xD
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1NKrEk3X-o&feature=youtu.be Server info: Port: 2302 ----------------------------------------------------- TS3: ts32.gameservers.com:9211 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello errbody. You're welcome to come and clear out Syndikat on my server: Black Dragonfly Operations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hosted mission: Alive Tanoa Insurgency by Black ***Required mods: @CBA_A3;@ALiVE;@FFISv1.26 CBA_A3 ALiVE FFISv1.26 Bloodlust friendly. Only a few guys who play now, looking for more people interested in tactical play but no saluting or yes sir no sir. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vpQJV71rZ0
  6. The world as we know it is gone. Within days, Red Venus spreads like The Plague, infecting millions. Those who are infected later die and come back and feast on the living. Fast forward to 2 years after the outbreak, (2 A.Z) The People's Survivor Army, an advanced military organization on Altis took up arms to restore order and beat back the infection once and for all. The year is now (3 A.Z), the PSA have failed to stop the infection. They pulled back to their last operational base, Fort Huxley, and turned it into a safezone for survivors. It is currently the last known functioning PSA facility on the island. Will you join the ranks of the PSA? Become another survivor? Take up arms against the PSA? Or flee far away and establish your own faction/tribe/community? It's all up to you in this harsh Roleplaying world! What Exactly Is Red Venus? Red Venus is an Apocalyptic Life sim where you RP one of three modes (You can swap between them). Military, survivor/civilian, and mercenary. Military personnel have to enforce laws, ensure safety in safezones, and attempt to take Altis back from the dead and rebuild civilization. Civilians are basic survivors who must choose between a safe life within the safezones, or a hard life of banditry away from the safezones. Finally, Mercenaries are basically survivors who do not trust the military anymore, and decided to take matter into their own hands, where safety of civilians is their number one priority. Red Venus is the first ever gamemode meant to immerse the players into a heavy Roleplay environment based in the zombie apocalypse. Rather than throwing the players into an open world with the basic survival mechanics with no real idea of who you are or what you're supposed to do, instead Red Venus puts the players into one of three factions, fighting the undead and struggling for survival. Red Venus relies heavily on Roleplay. It puts the players into a post-apocalyptic world, but also prohibits RDM and pointless killing; "Forcing" players to roleplay. What Makes This Different? So first of all, this allows you to play as someone we barely ever see in zombie games: The government. They will have to coordinate and execute side missions and large military objectives to eliminate the undead threat. While also having to worry about Civil-control, settlement management (Think State of Decay-Style), and even combating the local resistance based on the player's moral choices. For mission makers and server owners: Red Venus RPG is fully customizable. With an easy-to-use system, you can remove and add the features you would like to use in your server. Feel free to completely customize it and host it on your server for others to play. Experimental release for editors and players ------ Click To Download As of 5/7/2016, you can now distribute and/or upload your edited scenario to the workshop. However "Red Venus RPG" has to be somewhere in the name. What Features are in the current experimental release? (As of today) - Three playable factions. - Safezones. - Fast-roping from choppers for a quick and safe insertion of military personnel. - Random air drops and helicopter crashes. - Situational ambient music system. - Custom character classes (Doctor, Hunter, Mechanic, etc...). - Day/Night cycle. - Dynamic weather. - Money system. (You currently start with $500, and get $200 every few minutes). - Fully lootable world. - Zombies spawn all over Altis. There are currently 3 different zombie types. - Horde mechanic. - Shops system. - Interaction menu system (ACE). - Advanced medical system (ACE). And a lot more... What Mods/Addons do I need to play/edit this? http://steamcommunit...s/?id=679223128 Available on this page up there!
  7. Hello everyone, I have a dedicated server with mods and when I try to load a mission I have made, it kicks me back to the default headhunters co-op mission. I have read through the RPT file and cannot seem to find the issue, if anyone can help me, I would appreciate it! http://uppit.com/lvvecv53naskthat is the server RPT link, i can copy then entire rpt here if requested.
  8. Hi guys, Im enjoying playing on the official CTF mode servers, but im finding the way it swaps from a 32 player game to a 16 player game after a couple rounds quite annoying. Can we please make the 32 player server always stay at 32 players? we always seem to get a nice fullish server, then the map changes to 16 player then half the people have to leave and that is quite frustrating. Please make 1 server dedicated to the 16 player version and one server for the 32 player version. Thanks
  9. So i have a new computer and set everything up as usual. I used TADST and the BMR insurgency mod that we wanted to play on. So i set up my port forwarding and everything was going smoothly until i tried to join my server. I am stuck on the Stratis loading screen and nothing else happens. Plz Help.
  10. ok first of im not sure if this is the correct forum to post this?....but anyway, basically, im haveing a few issues as when i have a few scripts running on my dedi server sometimes it freezes on load screen (but i can hear sounds and seem to be able to walk around), it mostly does it when i try to rejoin the server as first time it loads straight in, i can can upload my mission file here if someone would be willing to have a look, i am a bit of a newbie when it comes to scripting, but it all works fine on lan server and iv researched this like hell and anything i have tried doesnt help. ps iv been through all the trouble shooting for being stuck on load screen, its defo something to do with my scripts, im 90% sure its how im executing them, so would really need someone to take a look, sure let me know!!! :)
  11. Hello together, first, please excuse my English, I´m German and not a hero in the English grammer or s.th. else :wacko: Problem: I released on the 5.June.2016 my first Arma 3 Server for the popular gamemode Wasteland. But when I searching my Server in the Arma 3 Launcher or Ingame, i cant find him :( The Server will only shown when I use the ''Direct Connect'' option and the IP Address. Why? The Server is running with default port and is open for everyone. It is very stupid because so it's harder to get players on the server. [ If you should find the Server normally it where nice when you could inform me.] [servername: Sky-Gaming.de|Wasteland|NEW|$3K Start|Dark Night|And more ] Does anyone have any idea why he did not appear in the list? thank you in advance :rolleyes:
  12. Hi, The famous TDM server is back with new game mods! For those who love to play only PvP missions join our new server today. This year Doomwars server has developed 2 new game mods for arma 3, Rush & Gunmaster mod inspired from battlefield game series. Our game mods runs on a powerful Linux server based in Paris, with 60 slots available. The mods are still in development as i seek some other features to implement soon, like players database statistics and battlefield style respawn menu. Server IP: Port: 25950 No addons required I would like to thank Davidoss and Barbolani for the precious help developing these mods !
  13. Hey all, does anyone know what would cause mods to show up ingame like as in the screenshot? I have the same versions on both my computer and server for all 3 mods as well, it oddly says in the launcher that the versions are incorrect. Thanks to anyone who can help
  14. Hi, Just tuning my addon for displaying icons on units, I discovered some characteristics of the headless clients. I was surprised to meet "them", applying icons on units! First of all, they are a kind of "man", Yes! And not a kind of "logic" as they are supposed to be in regard of the 3den classification... But they are a kind of "headlessClient_F" that's comforting somewhere. Headless clients are invisible but return "false" for isObjectHidden cursorObject ... You can even collide on them! You can't shoot at them, neither bullets nor grenades explosives, but they die with a cursorObject setdamage 1. (I don't know what the behavior could be on mission flow). Very strange men.
  15. Hello Community, today I viewed the server browser of arma 3. So many server are running on Windows OS and not Linux. I would like to rent are dedicated server and don't want to pay a monthly rate for Windows Server license. Are the Linux Server performance to bad for +100 Players or whats going on? Somebody are tested the performance between Windows and Linux and got benchmarks? Thanks a lot ;)
  16. Hi everyone, My 2 cent question: I'd like to define in a script, what kind of server I'm playing on. The aim is to make a versatile addon disabling capabilities when gaming on public servers but with better latitude when the mission is hosted (LAN, or even SP). So far, i can't use isServer, isDedicated... just because the client returns always false (except for the hosting PC but it's a particular case). I tried: {missionNamespace setVariable ["dedicated",isdedicated]; publicVariable "dedicated"} remoteExec ["call",2]; but it seems uncertain with some public servers. Any idea to have this data by a more accurate way? Thanks
  17. Over the past 7 years, Arma has been my go-to game. I have accumulated thousands of hours of gameplay, and created a great deal of mission based content. Over these 7 years I've been a part of numerous variations of these game modes. I've seen what works and what doesn't. I've edited their mission files. I've even been a senior developer for many of these communities. In the past few weeks, I began working on my own variation, from scratch. It's focused on quality over quantity. And so far it's good. Now I could do this on my own, but I want help. I want to make this something great. So, basically... Help Wanted: 1 Specialized Scripter 1 Person Specialized in UI 1 Specialized Texturer 1 Specialize Modeler The Mission: Create, from the ground up, the most immersive and fun Role Playing Mod out there. Features: There are a several key features that make this mod unique. One being ACE 3 implementation. ACE will be a huge part of this mod, whether it's EMS actually having to do something or if it's logistic. Another thing this allows us to get rid of it massive amounts of over-scripting. Most Life communities have massive amounts of scripts and mods for absolutely no reason, which causes performance to suffer. ACE mod comes with great functionality, including vehicle cargo, handcuffs, a medical system, vehicle keys, and much much more. A goal for persistence is to create actual physical garages in houses or in buildings, where vehicles will be persistent, as well as boxes in homes. Plus much more... PS: I lead a community and we have our own server, so hosting will not be an issue. Anybody has any questions please feel free to shoot me a message. Thanks guys! Haymaker
  18. Over the past 7 years, Arma has been my go-to game. I have accumulated thousands of hours of gameplay, and created a great deal of mission based content. Over these 7 years I've been a part of numerous variations of these game modes. I've seen what works and what doesn't. I've edited their mission files. I've even been a senior developer for many of these communities. In the past few weeks, I began working on my own variation, from scratch. It's focused on quality over quantity. And so far it's good. Now I could do this on my own, but I want help. I want to make this something great. So, basically... Help Wanted: 1 Specialized Scripter 1 Person Specialized in UI 1 Specialized Texturer 1 Specialize Modeler The Mission: Create, from the ground up, the most immersive and fun Role Playing Mod out there. Features: There are a several key features that make this mod unique. One being ACE 3 implementation. ACE will be a huge part of this mod, whether it's EMS actually having to do something or if it's logistic. Another thing this allows us to get rid of it massive amounts of over-scripting. Most Life communities have massive amounts of scripts and mods for absolutely no reason, which causes performance to suffer. ACE mod comes with great functionality, including vehicle cargo, handcuffs, a medical system, vehicle keys, and much much more. A goal for persistence is to create actual physical garages in houses or in buildings, where vehicles will be persistent, as well as boxes in homes. Plus much more... PS: I lead a community and we have our own server, so hosting will not be an issue. Anybody has any questions please feel free to shoot me a message. Thanks guys! Haymaker
  19. Over the past 7 years, Arma has been my go-to game. I have accumulated thousands of hours of gameplay, and created a great deal of mission based content. Over these 7 years I've been a part of numerous variations of these game modes. I've seen what works and what doesn't. I've edited their mission files. I've even been a senior developer for many of these communities. In the past few weeks, I began working on my own variation, from scratch. It's focused on quality over quantity. And so far it's good. Now I could do this on my own, but I want help. I want to make this something great. So, basically... Help Wanted: 1 Specialized Scripter 1 Person Specialized in UI 1 Specialized Texturer 1 Specialize Modeler The Mission: Create, from the ground up, the most immersive and fun Role Playing Mod out there. Features: There are a several key features that make this mod unique. One being ACE 3 implementation. ACE will be a huge part of this mod, whether it's EMS actually having to do something or if it's logistic. Another thing this allows us to get rid of it massive amounts of over-scripting. Most Life communities have massive amounts of scripts and mods for absolutely no reason, which causes performance to suffer. ACE mod comes with great functionality, including vehicle cargo, handcuffs, a medical system, vehicle keys, and much much more. A goal for persistence is to create actual physical garages in houses or in buildings, where vehicles will be persistent, as well as boxes in homes. Plus much more... PS: I lead a community and we have our own server, so hosting will not be an issue. Anybody has any questions please feel free to shoot me a message. Thanks guys! Haymaker
  20. Request: It would be very useful now to have a command, like serverMissions, which will send the current list of missions on the server to the requesting client (or server). Implementation: eg: 1. If obtaining the data and performing the transfer is efficient, then a normal command result can be used: _missionList = serverMissions; 2. Or, if obtaining the file list might not be instant, so you could specify a variable name to save the results in, which may not be instant. eg: it may take 1 seconds to obtain and send the data, similar to a public variable. eg: serverMissions "var_name"; waitUntil {!isNil "var_name"};3. Ideally, it would be good to be able to access other properties in every mission.pbo description.ext file, such as: author, class Header, gameType, class Params, etc. Data syntax: The suggested array format would be a 2 string record per mission, the mission name and pbo path: [ ["[M-30] Operation Dangerous v3", "sub-folder\mission_name.pbo"], ["this is the mission briefing name", "this is the pbo file name and folder"], ... ] Purpose: It would be used to: display a list of missions to players, for voting purposes, map preview purposes. automatic mission launch execution via new server admin commands When would it be beneficial to use?Immediately. Some mods already have Mission Voting dialogs which currently have to manually maintain the list of missions which are "likely to be" on the server. Screen shot 2 Foreseeable Problems: 1) The data array sent, might be quite large, but it would be up to the mod dev to manage any such potential issue, eg: such as only using it at the end of the game.
  21. Server binary https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18463425/a2oa/a2oa-server-1.63.126652.tar.bz2 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18463425/a2oa/a2oa-server-1.63.126652.tar.bz2 Changes: STEAM libraries are now part of package steam_appid.txt is part of archive glibc 2.15 or newer needed (was 2.16 in previous server build, older isn't possible due to steamlib dependency) some little irks related to nix libraries Note: * it requires Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead data to be updated to version 1.63 first in order to run properly. Please provide us with feedback to this topic. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Dedicated_Server previous thread about 1.63.xxxxx linux server :
  22. Tourists on Abramia II (TOA2) Abramia 1.0 is coming after a sucessful MP test! It's been almost 8 years(!) since we hosted something similiar on OFMan's Uhao and 4 years since the Lingor's Dictator Must Die MP event ;) many people enjoy this kind of fun gathering but we encourage serious approach and teamplay. Last week was no different - fun event with international community playing together against powerful AI controlling the island. So we continue with the operation! Above: photos gathered from the last week's TOA event: disaster in Sokovo. 1. When? This Thursday Mar 3 at: 8:00pm UK/Portugal/Ireland 9:00pm CET (Germany/Czech Rep/Poland/Slovenia/Croatia/Italy/Austria etc.) 10:00pm Israel/Greece/Turkey 11:00pm Moscow 3:00pm Eastern US 2. Requirements? Original Arma 3 patched to 1.56 or latest stable patch + TeamSpeak3 Client for voice communication + microphone & headsets. 1. You need CUP (http://cup-arma3.org/)Core, Terrains, Weapons, Units, Vehicles. 2. You need ACE3 (http://ace3mod.com/), ACE CUP Compatibility addon (link) and CBA (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18768). 3. Isla Abramia latest v1.0 with brand new FAP Units 1.0 (both addons planned to be released before Thursday) - download will be around ~280MB. 4. Allowed extra addon: @sthud_a3 (ShackTac HUD) for easier orientation - but optional! UPDATED!!!- mod startup line should be: -mod=@cup_terrains_core;@cup_terrains_maps;@abramia;@fap_units;@cup_weapons;@cup_units;@cup_vehicles;@sthud_a3;@cba_a3;@ace3;@cup_ace_compatibility 3. Story / Intel Last week's attack of Joint Ops team Forces on Sokovo Villa lead to a disaster. Footage we took revealed that Charlie Team managed to secure Col. Alfredo, brother of Dragan in his villa. Heavy firefight took place that day but villa has been secured with VIP target still alive. Unfortunately we were unable to retrieve laptop with important data on Dragan's Army due to a FREAKING MINI NUCLEAR EXPLOSION. Several survivors from Charlie Team gave statements but we are still determining what exactly led to that unfortunate event. What we were able to gather so far is that Alfredo managed to get free and one member of Charlie team double tapped him. With Alfredo's death a countdown of 2 minutes has been set and we were fortunately able to extract majority of forces from that area. But we still lost a lot of good men that day as several extraction helicopters crashed in a huge fireball. Nuke has been identified as 1-kiloton device with a blast radius of ~500 metres and 500 rem lethal radiation dose in area of 850-1000 metres. Initial intel we have confirms Alfredo managed to get nukes to Isla Abramia with cargo ships from Northern Sahrani along with several SLA military equipment. Including at least 24 tanks and several Su-25 planes were spotted on satellite images. It is not excluded biohazard weapons were not in one of the shipments, so we requested several NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) suits for this upcoming operation. HQ is ordering immediate start of Operation TOA2 this Thursday with next objectives: - retrieve shipment of NBC suits delivered at approx March 3 @2030Z. - secure capitol of Yolandi with assistance of armored group - investigate locations of possible additional 1 kiloton mini-nukes and or nerve gas agents. - capture Dragan 4. Sides & Equipment We all start on the same side as Abramian Rebel Alliance (ARA). Official event language is English. There will be respawn enabled for reinforcements, and respawn points will move when certain objectives are met. Abramia is a small country and depends largely on Russian equipment, mostly light vehicles and armor. Couple of army bases provide transport and assault helicopters while airbases have couple of jets on the standby. Dragan increased air defenses as he is expecting foreign involvement, so do not count on any help from above any time soon. It is absolutely crucial to capture any assets we come across. 5. Server Event will be hosted on SBP's dedicated server in Europe and teamspeak3 will be available. We are available for any questions in this topic. 6. How to join? 1. Put a reply in this topic stating: "REQ JOIN - Nickname - Team/Clan Name." X/Os and fight organizers please send only one topic with the list of all members that will be able to come to the event. We will update the player slots in this topic accordingly. You will recieve teamspeak, server data & pass to join on your private message at least few hours before the start. 7. Player Slots (Guestlist) We reserved *43* slots for this mission. In case more of you apply, we might increase that. Taken: 18 out of 43 (23,26%). [TEAM ALPHA (SBP)] "CAS/Infantry" 1. IceBreakr 2. Sahbazz 3. SmukY 4. Spidi 5. Diablo 6. InFlames 7. Krivic 8. Amir 9. Tolovaj 10. [reserved] [TEAM BRAVO (Teams can apply!)] "Mechanized Infantry" 1. Mereck - TFI 2. Fab - TFI 3. Chewie - TFI 4. Rochois - TFI 5. [free] 6. [free] 7. [free] 8. [free] 9. [free] 10. [free] [TEAM CHARLIE (Individual Players)] "Assault Squad" 1. Granis - i-M3 2. Pricey - i-M3 3. cabo0se aka ePURGEUK 4. [free] 5. [free] 6. [free] 7. [free] 8. [free] 9. [free] 10. [free] [TEAM DELTA] Role for this team will be set shortly! 1. [free] 2. [free] 3. [free] 4. [free] 5. [free] 6. [free] 7. [free] 8. [free] 9. [free] 10. [free] [PRESS / Film crew] (for recording of the event, they must not carry any weapons and wear PRESS marking on the back at all times) 1. Jeza 2. FM 3. [free] Changelog of the topic: Feb 29 8:16pm - initial topic launch Mar 1 11:41pm - 10 signups added Mar 2 10:50pm - 18 players on guestlist, ACE3 added, mod line updated!
  23. My friend gets inifinite load screen whilst trying to join my server, I host it directly off Arma on internet with UNPN on. He manages to join role selected everything but when he actually tries to enter the game the loading screen is just there. He can move around and hear everything but the loading screen is still there. He can join other public servers fine without this issue. I've tried loading different maps from workshop maps to default arma maps and none of them seem to work. I've blown him up and nothing happens. Any suggestions?
  24. come by and check out the essential gaming server on cherno summer All buildings can be entered + Custom cars + cup units + Cup weapons + Cup vehicle's + Donkey punch extra building items 1000+ all Craftable + ease of access Custom launcher and more.. please come by check out the website for downloads and info see you on the battlefield MisfitSniper http://www.essentialgaming.co.uk/