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  1. Werthles' Headless Module (now v2.0!) Fully configurable module to give headless clients control of editor/script/Zeus AI. -->TUTORIAL VIDEO - CLICK HERE<-- Albert is the name of my headless client... Downloads: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=510031102 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29455 Main features: Easy way to create headless client missions HC Setup and Ignore modules Editor/script/Zeus AIs auto-transferred to HC control AI waypoints/scripts/trigger syncs preserved Splits AIs evenly among multiple HCs 3D Debug Mode Here's Why Headless Clients Are Good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-WKHrC661g&feature=iv&src_vid=15VK_kNOu6o&annotation_id=annotation_4128809211#t=1m46.4s How To Use: Download the mod and launch Arma 3 with the mod. Edit your mission, adding a WH Setup Module, found under "Headless Modules". Configure the parameters as appropriate for your mission. Add an "Ignore" module if required. Add playable, uniquely named, headless clients. Save your mission as a multiplayer mission. Set up your server and headless clients Play your mission! Players, HCs and the server need to run the WHM mod in order to play. Part 3 of this guide is how I set up dedicated servers and headless clients: Werthles Headless Kit Guide http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=459917508 Setup Module Parameters: Headless clients to be used Repeating checks for spawned AI Time to wait between repeats 3D debug mode for all or just admins Balance the number of AI units on each HC, and rebalance when uneven Delay between module activation and HC setup starting Time between each HC transfer, to aid stability Initial setup report Phrases the module should ignore when checking AI for the HC (can be whole/part unit names/group names/unit type/synced module name) If certain units need to remain controlled by (local to) the server, simply sync these units to an ignore module. Compatibility When combining with mods that require setup time, try increasing the WHM startup delay or activate the module on a trigger, so WHM setup starts afterwards. ALiVE Compatibility ALiVE Profiles: Attach "WH Setup Module" to a radio trigger (or similar solution), then activate once in game (else profiles do not load or save correctly). ALiVE Support Modules: Give the group a distinct callsign, then add this to the list of units to ignore within the "WH Setup Module".Please let me know if you find an issue with this and any mods. I will list any issues found here. I would like to make this compatible with as many mods as possible! Headless Client Tips: Headless Clients must be set as playable and have a unique name. HCs cannot connect to client internet multiplayer servers, only local servers or dedicated servers. This is because IPs cannot be whitelisted with these servers. HCs can only connect to servers which are passworded. WHM will change the locality of the AI being transferred to HCs. This can interfere with some scripts. If it does, you can use the "Ignore" module to stop WHM from giving the HC control of individual groups. See: http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-locality/ Links For Scripted Version: WHK Setup Guide (For scripted version) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15VK_kNOu6o Werthles Headless Kit http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=459317544 Werthles Headless Kit Guide http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=459917508 WHK Armaholic Download http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28917 Please let me know if there are any problems/things that could be improved, and I'll get to work on it! I'd also love to see this in action. Please link me if you have screenshots/videos!
  2. Hey there, I am trying to implement a caching script similar to ZBE_HCCache to free up some resources on my custom beCTI mission. It is working as intended so far, when any unit gets in range to any enemy unit it will be reenabled via _x enableSimulation true; on all machines (server, hc1, hc2, hcX and so on), BUT in the enemy check all aircraft are somehow being ignored. They do not get their simulation reenabled other than on the client they are local to. Here is the code: { _y = _x; _count_enemies = count ((_y nearEntities [["CAManBase", "Air", "Car", "Motorcycle", "Tank", "Ship"], CTI_GRAPHICS_VD_MAX/2]) select {side _x != side _y && side _x != civilian}); if ((_count_enemies > 0) || (local _y) || (isPlayer _y)) then { if (_y != (vehicle _y)) then { if !(simulationEnabled _y) then { (vehicle _y) enableSimulation true; _y enableSimulation true; }; } else { if !(simulationEnabled _y) then { _y enableSimulation true; }; }; } else { if (_y != (vehicle _y)) then { if (simulationEnabled _y) then { (vehicle _y) enableSimulation false; _y enableSimulation false; }; } else { if (simulationEnabled _y) then { _y enableSimulation false; }; }; }; } forEach allUnits; _cachedUnits = (count allUnits - ({simulationEnabled _x} count allUnits)); _cachedVehicles = (count vehicles - ({simulationEnabled _x} count vehicles)); diag_log format["All/Cached Units %1/%2::All/Cached Vehicles %3/%4",count allUnits, _cachedUnits, count vehicles, _cachedVehicles]; _time = time + 5; Do I need to create an exception for all "AIR", or am I missing sth? I thought nearEntities creates a 3D sphere with given range? Oh and feel free to criticize my code above, it runs in an FSM with several checks to make sure it all runs on server/hc side. Performance is key! (Ignore the diag_log, it's just a check for personal use, will be removed later)
  3. I've very nice news about headless client (HC) which is variant of dedicated client for server use we will be rolling out soon (days) new test version for both linux and windows - no more steamclient nor steam account with game ownership needed for HC - HC needs only steam dedicated server binary and set of commandline params - auto-connection recognize & detection of HC by server (server needs some config to allow that) - multiple HC per server are supported - HC can be primary used to offload AI work and secondary for some script jobs - logic for mission & scripting operations with HC introduced - HC are autoassigned to slots - HC are not visible to players - HC are visible to admins - HC isn't counted against playercount in server list - BattlEye supported (1.36 RC2 released 28.11.2014 18:00 CET) today's DEV: •Added: Enable new headless client implementation - see https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Headless_Client for more details note: known limitation, none (except some AI bugs, need repro/confirm) note: what needs to be somewhat tested/determined/improved/changed is disconnect & reconnect of HC and all related to that post bugs, feedback and ideas below
  4. Hello everyone! Many servers administrators already use / used the benefits of the Headless Client in your missions. So, they probably faced several errors such as: HC that does not connect, connects and get kicked, connects and stays with an hourglass, without working (for this I have not seen any solution until the present moment, and we think we have a solution). After several tests in 2 different environments (a Windows 10 professional server - a test server - and our main server machine – windows server 2016) we discovered something that can help everyone with the problem of the hourglass HC. Administrators often use programs to manage their servers, such as SteamCMD, TADST, FLAX, and usually install an instance of Arma3Server (to use as the main server instance). Some also installs an ArmA 3 client to help with HC configuration. So far so good, but the catch is the moment that we keep the steam logged on the server (we usually leave online the steam that have the ArmA 3 client purchased). We saw that the HC worked flawless in our test server and the main server suffered with the hourglass HC. So, what we notice different on the 2 environments was (in addition to the versions of windows): * The test server always has a steam logged that does NOT have the ArmA3 client installed and, the main server, the steam logged in HAVE an ArmA3 client license. So we changed the main server environment to verify if this was the problem: * We started our main server with a Steam account that does NOT have the ArmA 3 Client, but only the Arma3 Server. Therefore, we conclude that the HC work properly when the steam account on TADST or FLAX is different that are running on server, when you start the HC instance (this prevents Steam ID conflicts and errors). We hope this information helps the ARMA 3 server administrator who use HC. Greetings from CCT – Comunidade de Combate Tático Brasil, a Brazilian Arma Community since 2009. Portuguese version: Olá a todos! Muitos já utilizam/utilizaram os benefícios do Headless Client para o servidor. Portanto, devem ter se deparado com diversos erros como: HC que não conecta, conecta e leva kick, conecta e fica com uma ampulheta (este até então, sem solução simples, pelo o que pesquisei até o momento). Depois de diversos testes em 2 ambientes diferentes (um servidor com Windows 10 profissional - este sendo um server de testes - e o servidor principal do nosso clã - windows server 2016) descobrimos algo que pode ajudar a todos com o problema da ampulheta no HC. Os administradores costumam utilizar programas para gerenciamento dos seus servers, sejam manuais ou automatizados (SteamCMD, TADST, FLAX) e costumam instalar uma instância do Arma3Server (para utilizar como a instância principal do servidor) na máquina. Como já vi em alguns post, alguns instalam o ArmA 3 client para utilizar o executável do arma3server no HC. Até aqui tudo certo, mas a pegadinha está no momento que mantemos a steam logada no servidor (costuma-se deixar a steam que possui a versão do ArmA 3 client comprada aberta no servidor). Verificamos que no servidor de testes o HC funcionava perfeitamente e no principal existia o problema. Então, analisamos o que havia de diferente nos 2 ambientes que utilizávamos (além das versões do windows): * O servidor de testes sempre está com uma steam logada que NÃO possui o ArmA3 client instalado e, no servidor principal, a steam logada POSSUI uma licença do ArmA3 client. Então mudamos o ambiente do servidor principal para verificar se o que foi constatado realmente fazia diferença: * colocamos na steam instalada no servidor principal uma conta que NÃO possui o ArmA 3 Client, mas apenas o Arma3 Server. E ao executar a missão que possui o HC, o HC funcionou perfeitamente. DESSA FORMA, CONCLUÍMOS QUE PARA O HC FUNCIONAR CORRETAMENTE, A STEAM LOGADA NA MÁQUINA DO SERVIDOR DEVE SER DIFERENTE DA CONFIGURADA NO TADST, NO FLAX OU MESMO NA STEAMCMD (MESMO QUE NAQUELA CONTA NÃO POSSUIA UMA LICENÇA DO ARMA 3), POIS ASSIM A STEAM E O BATTLEYE NÃO ENFRETARÃO CONFLITOS DE ID ENTRE O EXECUTÁVEL DO ARMA 3 SERVER E O EXECUTÁVEL DO HC. Esperamos que isso ajude os administradores de servidores de ARMA 3 e que usam o HC. Saudações da CCT a todos.
  5. Created a mission, went perfectly fine. Tested constantly through the entire creation. Only simple modules and scripts used. Suddenly the screen is locked in the sky when I preview the mission. All I had done between the preview working and not working was add some empty props like signs and chairs! I even tried to remove said items but there was no luck. I spent an hour rolling back my changes but to no avail. This is exactly whet I get when I hit "Play SP" from the Eden Editor:
  6. Here is what I currently use.... Init.sqf: if ((not (hasInterface)) and (not (isDedicated))) then { [] spawn { waitUntil {!isNull player}; HC_init = (vehicle player); publicVariableServer "HC_init"; }; }; initServer.sqf: missionNamespace setVariable ["HCs",[]]; "HC_init" addPublicVariableEventHandler { _hc_name = (_this select 1); _hc_id = (owner _hc_name); _hcs = (missionNamespace getVariable "HCs"); _hcs set [(count _hcs), [_hc_name,_hc_id]]; missionNamespace setVariable ["HCs",_hcs]; }; as the title says, is there a more efficient way to accomplish this? Thanks.
  7. On my server all enemy and friendly AI are spawned by an admin using Zeus. A common problem we have is when the Zeus spawns a large firefight between friendly and enemy AI for the players to participate in. I'll be in a vehicle with the Zeus and will be getting close to normal performance; Meanwhile his game will be nearly unplayable because of the strain that the AI he's spawned are placing on his client. At the same time the dedicated server will be performing better than any of our clients because it's under virtually no load other than forwarding network information. I did try setting up a headless client with Werthles' Headless Kit but that proved to cause numerous problems with the server; Along with the fact that the headless client placed considerable additional overhead load on the system even when no AI were loaded onto it. Is there a way I could adapt a current headless client script to load the AI onto the server instead of an actual HC? I'm a complete noob at scripting so I probably couldn't make one from scratch without a large amount of assistance. If someone already has such a script and would be willing to share that'd be much appreciated. Or if there's an easy way to convert a current headless script like Werthles' that'd be amazing. Thanks in advance for any assistance!
  8. I'm running an Altis Life Server, and when the server has about 40 players in it, the scripts executed on the server pretty much flat-line it because there's simply too much going on for the server executable. I've now split the scripts, database commands and object amendments into three different headless clients, allowing the server to focus on what it should be focusing on, rather than running server-side loops etc... The problem I'm having is; the headless clients connect on start-up, they assign themselves to the headless client slots in a weird order... I've placed the objects in the editor as HC1, HC2, HC3. Yet the headless client that is first to connect will assign itself to any of these slots. So even the HC I've named as HC1, connects in HC2's slot, and then the database requests don't work because (Owner HC1) isn't looking up the right ownerID. In a nutshell: if (!isServer) then { switch (player) do { Case HC1: {//database code}; Case HC2: {//Object/Vehicle code}; Case HC3: {//Intensive Scripts}; }; }; The database request is then done with: [_uid,_side,_sender] remoteExec ["DB_fnc_queryRequest",(owner HC1),false]; ...to which the RPT logs then tell me that the Database specific variables haven't been declared on HC1, because the client (owner HC1) is actually HC3 13:33:51 "lifeServer Init || HC3 is Ready..." 13:40:18 "queryRequest || HC3 Running query request" ^ Pulled from the RPT log in the HC1 user directory. HC1 as a headless client is started 10 seconds prior to HC3, and 5 seconds prior to HC2. It should by all means be the first HC to connect to the server - so why is it connecting in HC3 slot? To clarify what I'm after here... I want to allocate HC1 to the HC1 headless client slot in my server, HC2 to HC2 slot, and HC3 to HC3 slot... this way, when the server powers on, regardless of how long each client takes to connect, they will connect correctly to the slots they are supposed to connect to so that the initial configuration is set up correctly and the HCs are always in their intended positions.
  9. Hello everyone, i tried to hide Objects Global via a headless client without any success, also if i'm already connected. Here are some code snippet: _list = nearestObjects [(call compile SEL(_x, 4)), [_classname], 10]; { _x hideObjectGlobal true; _x hideObject true; } forEach _list; If i run the code by my self or via the Server, it works pretty well. I hope someone know my issue and can help me.
  10. Hi, Just tuning my addon for displaying icons on units, I discovered some characteristics of the headless clients. I was surprised to meet "them", applying icons on units! First of all, they are a kind of "man", Yes! And not a kind of "logic" as they are supposed to be in regard of the 3den classification... But they are a kind of "headlessClient_F" that's comforting somewhere. Headless clients are invisible but return "false" for isObjectHidden cursorObject ... You can even collide on them! You can't shoot at them, neither bullets nor grenades explosives, but they die with a cursorObject setdamage 1. (I don't know what the behavior could be on mission flow). Very strange men.
  11. This is a small units addon I'm using for my gaming team needs so I've decided to also puplish it for anyone else might find it useful. It is based on simple retexture presenting some ISIS warriors (Islamic State). These units are using default A3 weapons and there is no other mod or addon dependency ... you can find all classnames into the txt file included (also a server key is included). Nothing fancy ... just some units. Note : into classnames txt file I forgot to mention some backpacks classnames ... so here they are ... Download Link : REMOVED THIS ADDON NO LONGER SUPPORTED AS IT SEEMS THAT MANKIND STUPIDITY HAS GONE TOO FAR (see quote below) Aplion