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  1. Sup! I want to ask what do you think about these two blocks of code, performance wise. It's a 'side process' on client that fires an event on a dedicated server. My first approach was using a spawn-while-loop, but after some research (https://ace3mod.com/wiki/development/arma-3-scheduler-and-our-practices.html) I want to try another approach. I'm using CBA_A3 by the way. Using spawn-while-loop: // from some other piece of code --> fwp_saveInterval = 30 [] spawn { while {true} do { ["FWP_EH_serverUnitSave", [player, getPlayerUID player]] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent; // skip interval sleep fwp_saveInterval; }; }; Using CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler: // from other piece of code --> fwp_saveInterval = 30 fwp_clientAutosavePFH = [ { ["FWP_EH_serverUnitSave", [player, getPlayerUID player]] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent; }, fwp_saveInterval, [] ] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler; Thanks in advance 😄
  2. Made a mission like always. Hosted a listen server. My friends join the lobby. We start. Im on the ground as a soldier like normal. Friends are seagulls above their soldier. The ace nametag thing above the soldiers says "error: no unit." I have like a thousand hours in the editor and I have never run into this problem before. My own troubleshooting: I turned respawn off, since seagulls come with the respawn, it still happens. I started up a second instance of arma from my own pc and joined to rule out if my friends had other versions of something, it still happens. When the non-host comes to the point where the map should be visible before mission start, it says "could not connect to the positioning system" or whatever, but all the soldiers I placed have a map so it's like they don't get their gear even. Im thinking maybe something just glitched tf out and I should try to redo the mission with a fresh start. Anyone have a clue? Mods used: CBA ACE3 ALIVE TFAR RHS ASR_AI Kunduz. SOLVED When using doStop in MP on playable characters, all except the host become seagulls. This happens in total vanilla too. I sent a bug-report to BIS.
  3. Hello everyone. Let's say I'm running a mission that currently has over 1000 running scripts (diag_activeScripts#0 > 1000): for"_i" from 0 to 1000 do { [] spawn { while {true} do { for "_i" from 0 to 50000 do {true} } } } Each iteration of every script requires about 20 ms to complete, which is well above the scheduler's execution time limit (3 ms). This practically means that if my game is running @60 FPS (16.6 ms per frame) and I have a script at the 1001st position in the queue, it will be executed at least over ~17 seconds later! And this is just the first iteration of my script. There will be a ~17s delay between each iteration. This is only a stress test of course, but still I'd rather my scripts were executed ASAP. I don't mean like 'call', because my scripts are way too demanding for calling. They have to be executed in the scheduled environment. I can think of a dirty method (using a perFrame eventHandler, and executing the code bit by bit), but I was hoping for a more straightforward solution. Does anyone know a way?
  4. Hey guys. Does anyone know a way to "call" a function/script from the scheduled environment? In other words, let's say I've already spawned a script: 0 spawn { call MY_fnc_TEST } Any function called inside this script will obviously get executed in the scheduled environment (canSuspend). But I want it to get called in the unscheduled environment. One way I know is to do something like this: 0 spawn { OnEachFrame {call MY_fnc_TEST; onEachFrame ""}; } which is quite awkward. Plus the function will not get executed before the rest of the script (it gets called in the next frame). This can be verified using: AAA = 1; 0 spawn { onEachFrame {AAA = AAA + 1; onEachFrame ""}; AAA = AAA/2 }; This gives AAA = 1.5 instead of 1. Does anyone know a better way?!
  5. Hello friends! A couple of days ago I've ran into some trouble I couldn't solve myself, and I found help here very fast. Right now, I'm at the point where I'm unable to find a solution for some sort of problem, again. What I'm trying to achive, is to spawn a vehicle - the AWC 302 Nyx (Wiesel), to be exactly - with alternate, official texture. The Nyx features the standard AAF-Camo, and alternatively an simple Olive-Camo. Since I'm making a own verison of DUWS - many of you will know what this is -, you will also know how those vehicles do spawn: Go to the headquarters, talk to the officer, choose the vehicle, spend the credits, and the vehicle will spawn outside of the HQ. Heres a little insight of how I try to spawn this vehicle with the alternate Olive-Camo: case 18: { if (commandpointsblu1 >= 28) then { hint "Vehicle ready !"; commandpointsblu1 = commandpointsblu1 - 28; ctrlSetText [1000, format["%1",commandpointsblu1]]; _vehic = "I_LT_01_AA_F" createVehicle _spawnPos; _vehic setObjectTexture [0,"Indep_Olive"]; _vehic setObjectTexture [1,"Indep_Olive"]; _vehic setObjectTexture [2,"Indep_Olive"]; _vehic animate ["showTools", 1]; _vehic animate ["showCamonetHull", 1]; _vehic animate ["showBags", 1]; _vehic animate ["showSLATHull", 0]; } else { hint "Not enough command points"; }; }; If I do place the vehicle in 3den-Editor, change it's visuals like the camo, SLAT-Armour, camonet etc., and then export it, copy paste it somewhere, the Olive-Camo is defined as "Indep_Olive", like above. Exported stuff looks like this: _veh = createVehicle ["I_LT_01_AA_F",position player,[],0,"NONE"]; [ _veh, ["Indep_Olive",1], ["showTools",1,"showCamonetHull",1,"showBags",1,"showSLATHull",0] ] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle; Of course I already found out that this won't work with SetObjectTexture, unfortunately. The vehicle does spawn with all the extras like SLAT-Armour, tools, but with missing textures (At least this showed me, that it somehow works). I then tried different things to achive my goal, changed something here and there, tried to find the path to those textures, etc. Funny enough: It's possible to use this code instead of the old one, and spawn the vehicle with all the extras and the correct textures. Bad thing is, It's spawn behaviour is totally different and all over the place - sometimes even glitches into the HQ. Results in apocalypse. If I'd use the new code instead of the old one, it'd look like this: case 18: { if (commandpointsblu1 >= 28) then { hint "Vehicle ready !"; commandpointsblu1 = commandpointsblu1 - 28; ctrlSetText [1000, format["%1",commandpointsblu1]]; _veh = createVehicle ["I_LT_01_AA_F",position player,[],25,"NONE"]; [ _veh, ["Indep_Olive",1], ["showTools",1,"showCamonetHull",1,"showBags",1,"showSLATHull",0] ] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle; } else { hint "Not enough command points"; }; }; It's a long and already ungrateful journey, and I don't know where else to look, what else to do. If there would be someone to point me in the right direction, or is able to make a functioning code of the examples above - old code or new one, doesn't matter as long as it works and the spawn behaviour is correct and identical to the old one, I'd - again - be more than very thankful. Hope to hear from you folks, enjoy your time! Regards, MajorBlunderbuss.
  6. So I'm new to the Arma III editor and I'm wondering what script would I use to despawn AI after it completes a waypoint? The context is that I want a helicopter to perform a set of tasks, but then have its final waypoint move far out of view, despawning completely after reaching that far-out move waypoint. If anyone is able to answer this it would help tremendously!
  7. black_hawk_mw2_87

    Force Groups Spawn

    Hello to everyone from the community! 🙂 I would like to ask for a script that: - creates groups of units by force (from sqf file) and WHEN a trigger is activated and its condition is met. My idea is to: 1.create a group in the EDEN editor and give the unit a callsign X (for example); 2.force spawn the same group when a condition is met in my trigger (it must not exist until this moment, OR be invisible); 3.use the sqf file to check if the ENTIRE group is eliminated and forced respawn it again; 4.have another script from another trigger which could stop spawning the group when another condition is met (for example a visible timer reaches 0 second - such scripts could be used when the player awaits reinforcements and must hold a position for certain time). Here is everything again: [trigger is activated and spawns the X group] ---> [the group is eliminated - checked by the sqf file that also spawns it again] ---> [use a no matter what condition in a 2nd. trigger to stop the respawn /a timer is preferred/] Thank you for the help in advance and cheers! Edit: additional question - can I use multiple groups named X_1, X_2, X_3 etc. and also use multiple sqf files with similar names that work as the first file, only for the next X groups that follow? 🙂
  8. I need a easier way to spawn random units instead of individually pulling all classes from the in game editor and pasting it while adding quotations and commas like this: ["B_mas_med_Army_ENG_F", "B_mas_med_Army_EXP_F", "B_mas_med_Army_GL_F",]. I want to use a script that when called it will pull a random unit from a given side of a given type (infantry, land, air) and spawn them in a group. The group will be filled with random units. I also want it to pull units from mods that I download. I dont want to have to keep updating the script every time I download another unit mod. The mod MMC sandbox has no problem in doing this but I dont know how they did it.
  9. Hello, community. - I want to create a task in the middle of a huge town. The type of the task is not important. - We all know I can simply place enemy units... and even if I use waypoints, they will be very predictable and I will almost always know their possible location and position. - For this reason and in the interest of the dynamic and immersive gameplay I am seeking, I wish to use some kind of a script that would randomly "choose" dynamicaly generated spots and positions and will spawn these groups somewhere around, let's say around the objective in a hidden marker area. - In order to achieve this I could probably create and name the groups first and use their tags in the script that is going to spawn them in this area. - The other possible way would be to include units' correct editor names (classifications) and spawn all of the included units, but this seems to be more difficult to accomplish. So, what would you suggest? As always, thank you in advance and cheers! 🙂
  10. Hello, community! I have seen such a script, but I can't find it anywhere: - the player needs to complete multiple tasks; - he's debriefed by his HQ and must open a local map (EDEN item, placed on the map); - when he interacts with the map, a map is opened all over the screen; - all tasks are visible on this map as flags; - the flags' markers change its size (grow a little) when the mouse marker is pointing at them; - during this action a text with description is shown next to the current flag marked; - when you click on the flag, you will be teleported to the location; - I want to use the script on the VR map for testing and then move it to the mission's map; - I want another such map asset (item) to be temporary spawned next to me (near player's new location) after being teleported, so the player can go back to the HQ debriefing area, once the task is completed (the player will be allowed to do that only when it's finished /this is not a mandatory condition/). | The second possible variant is just another copy of the map item at the specific task location, but the condition with the task completed must be "true"; - I want the task to be activated, when the player is just spawned and teleported to the task's location, so I guess I will have to put a trigger there. Thanks for the help in advance! 🙂
  11. Greetings everyone, could you help me pls with that build. I'm a rookie in Arma 3 Editing. I'm just want to do dynamic AI take off from STRATIS AirBase and after take off they moved to Trigger who delete them, and repeat this every time in Scenario. Could you steer me in the right way to build this. Thanks. What i did. First: MultiPlayer ModuleRespawnVehicle_F - connect to My Vehicle names FBH - AI unit get in - MovePoint to Trigger {deleteVehicleCrew _x} forEach crew; deleteVehicle FBH;}, and they don't respawn, bacause Trigger delete them forever. And i'cant find any replacement to this function for my build. And second : i dont know how to respawn units. Please treat with understanding.
  12. Hello, community. I am working on a Coop mission, where I have placed 3 playable units. I will perhaps add more later, depending on my later ideas. They all (including me - the player) need to be able to pick up an item (a specific bagpack - ace_gunbag_Tan). I have placed this object on the ground and I am the only one who can pick it up right now, but it is an important item, being also a protective gear. 😄 So, when I or the other players pick up the first object, the same object should respawn on its previous location after, let us say, 10-15 seconds. It should respawn exactly X times, according to the playable count of units. How do I achieve that? Thank you in advance and cheers! 🙂
  13. Hello, everyone. Would you help me with the following idea I have in mind: I want a specific item or a custom object, that can be placed in the inventory (and via a script also checked if it's inside of it - to complete the task), to be spawned after a trigger is activated within a specific trigger's/marker's area, for example inside a building (where the trigger or the market is placed to make it appear there like a custom loot). So the player must find the item and collect it, but it should appear on different locations within this area, somewhere in the building. After the item is picked up, a task is finished successfully. What can I use to make it work? Another possible condition, instead of trigger's/marker's area, could be player distance _object < X, and when the player is close enough, the item shall spawn somewhere around... and in this case, I guess, it should be again within a specific area, marked by a trigger or a map marker... So I'd prefer the first option with another condition. Thank you in advance! 🙂
  14. Hey guys and girls. I am trying my first time in making a group spawn in my mission. it is a MP game and it is all for making the base look alive. I can spawn the group and i can make them move, But i can't get them to go inside a helicopter. I have tried with GETIN and GETIN NEAREST. The Helicopter is not spawned in to game it is placed in editor. How can i make this work as simple as possible _spawngroup = [getMarkerPos "MARK1", INDEPENDENT, ["I_G_Soldier_A_F", "I_G_Soldier_F", "I_G_Soldier_AR_F"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _wp1 = _spawngroup addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "wp1", 0]; _wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp1 setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; _wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp1 setWaypointFormation "COLUMN"; _wp2 = _spawngroup addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "WP2", 0]; _wp2 setWaypointType "GETIN NEAREST"; _wp2 setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; _wp2 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp2 setWaypointFormation "COLUMN";
  15. I have built a military training area in the game editor mode and its almost all ready to go live, however I cant seem to find the correct Init: in the functions menu for spawning people close to the training site. I would like to be able have people just join the live server and jump straight to the training site with a basic load out.
  16. As the title says, im having a problem, and i have not the faintest idea on what. Im a mission creator for my group. Im experiencing that in missions i've made with player slots that has custom loadout i've made through the virtual arsenal in the eden editor, end up being naked when they spawn into the game. It was not always like this, but suddenly a few weeks back - it started. No idea why. This is really annoying, and somewhat game breaking for my missions at the current time - so if anyone has an idea on whats going on here, please help! Its somewhat urgent timewise - we're playing a mission this saturday, and if I dont have a fix till then i'll have to make some really unconvenient workarounds. This is the modlist we're using (steam collection): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1627983524
  17. GF Custom Loot Position Spawn Script by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: GF Custom Loot Position Spawn Script , spawn Weapons , Mags , Items , to the desired position , configurable script. You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Custom Loot Position Spawn Script , please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included , inside the mission. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colours to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ Notes: Configurable Scripts. Open this mission to the 3D editor and copy paste ( ctrl c - ctrl v ) the item "Land_BakedBeans_F" , wherever you want , the loot to be spawned . There is included a ready Loot List for a vanilla and Ravage. You can also spawn objects. More about , in the info folder inside Information.txt file. Credits & Thanks: Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: Version 1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=39904 Armaholic download GF Custom Loot Position Spawn Script pics:
  18. Hi, some ppl in my group experience bug which spawn them as seagulls when they try to connect after mission start (they are late/arma crashed/lost connection). Lets say if this person lost connection and he is trying to join back he spawn as seagull but his character (AI) its alive and working as normal, when he connects on additional slot with AI switched off he spawns without problem. Thing is this didn't happend before (2-3 months ago) and we didn't change mods in this time (image below). Mission was w/o any additional scripts in editor and inside mission folder only mission.sqm Server logs at the time of reconnection first player 21:30:49 Loading movesType CfgMovesBird 21:30:49 Creating action map cache 21:30:49 MovesType CfgMovesBird load time 23 ms 21:31:20 Client: Remote object 19:0 not found 21:31:22 No speaker given for 'Kyle Thomson' second player 21:32:28 Client: Remote object 20:0 not found 21:32:32 No speaker given for 'Ethan Hill' Any idea if mods are problem, maybe something with server(dedicated)? Or how can i fix this. mods
  19. I'm stuck trying to spawn IEDs into pre-designated locations. I can get them to spawn just fine using createVehicle, but they aren't armed and can't be armed (even with a defusal kit and by an engineer). I'd like to be able to do both ACE IEDs and vanilla IEDs. Here's what I'm trying: "IEDurbanSmall_f" createVehicle IED1pos; //IED1pos is a position, not an object "ACE_IEDUrbanSmall_Range" createVehicle IED2pos; //IED2pos is a position, not an object The spawning works, but the objects spawned are ID'd as things like ied_land_small.p3d, and they don't set off a mine detector. Any suggestions how I can create both of these types?
  20. I am in a bit of struggle. I am making a mission where I want an assault boat unit to respawn if it is killed, the problem is you can't simply use the AI spawn module because it does not support naval vehicles for some insanely stupid reason. I want the boat crew to follow a waypoint (Guard waypoint) again when they respawn, but how?? PS: I have tried using JEBUS but they do not respawn or follow waypoints so... I have also tried different things with the "Object: Event Scripting - On killed" field, but nothing works. Hope you guys can help
  21. Hey I'm trying to get my script to randomly select a location specified in an array and spawn units accordingly. Only problem is that while the unit does spawn, the other spawn locations end up getting a few units spawned there as well. Can anyone one find the error? _spawnPoints = ["spawn_1", "spawn_2", "spawn_3"]; _indUnitList = [ "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Soldier", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Soldier_TL", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Soldier_MG", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Soldier_AT", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Soldier_AAT", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Soldier_M16A2", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Soldier_GL", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Soldier_HAT", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Soldier_AK_47S", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Soldier_AR", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Soldier_AA", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Commander", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Guerilla_Medic", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Guerilla_Enfield", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Demo", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Sniper", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Mechanic" ]; _spawnMarker = _spawnPoints select (floor random (count _spawnPoints)); _unkSpawnPosition = getMarkerPos _spawnMarker; IndGroup = [_unkSpawnPosition, INDEPENDENT, _indUnitList] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; IndGroup allowFeeling 0; IndGroup enableDynamicSimulation true; sleep 0.5; EDIT: Never mind guys, I guess when I was alt tabbing I somehow managed to place a few units. But if anyone reads this, do they have a more efficient way of doing this?
  22. Hello! I'm new to Arma scripting but having a background in scripting for web apps and such I find this to be such a good hobby. Anyways, I'm currently trying to spawn some opfor units on a specified location (Which I have done correctly or at least works). After they all spawn I want them to start patrolling the area within a specified range from they're spawn location. Now, I have looked at numerous youtube videos and found a couple of scripts on the internet that i could just copy and paste; But I'm really trying to learn and not have to hack my way during every scenario. Could someone please review my code and point out what I'm doing wrong and correct it so I can try to learn the logic behind the corrections? So far this is what I'm trying... Spawn units on location (infSpawn) from designated list array (_opUnitList) Use a selector variable to pick from list, then updating the selector to reflect the value of the next object in array. After each unit spawns that unit is added to a second list of spawned units (_opUnitSpawned) From the spawned list, use a forEach to cycle through and assign them the patrol task. Everything is working besides the patrol task. I get the "Error Undefined variable in expression: _grp from SpawnGroups.sqf line 40" _opUnitList = [ "CUP_O_TK_INS_Soldier", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Mechanic", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Soldier_FNFAL", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Bomber", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Soldier_MG", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Sniper", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Soldier_TL", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Commander", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Soldier_AT", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Guerilla_Medic" ]; _opUnitSpawned = []; _total = (count _opUnitList); _rnd = 0; for [{_x = 1}, {_x <= 10}, {_x = _x + 1}] do { _pick = _opUnitList select _rnd; hint "Spawning Soldier"; sleep 0.5; grp = createGroup east; _newSoldier = _pick createUnit[position infSpawn, grp]; _opUnitSpawned = _opUnitSpawned + [_pick]; _rnd = _rnd + 1; }; { [group this, position infSpawn, 50] call bis_fnc_taskpatrol; } forEach _opUnitSpawned; hint "Done!";
  23. Hello, So here is the deal, i am making a mission.sqm for my server Malden_life, so first i have the choice between IA and Player on the caracter selection tab, Then more important i don't have any spawn what so ever ... (i have made a copy of everything on the map on Tanoa_life.tanoa and put it into Malden_Life.malden i spent at least 9 hours of retouching positionning ect ... and my players simply just spawn were every player spawn on the server ... If anybody could help me i would be so gratefull !!!. Thanks for your time. Later.
  24. Hello everyone! I need some help with scripting. I want to put several enemy squads against a fortified position that must be stopped. But in order not to mass to many enemy units on the ground and prevent fps from dropping down I want to make these enemy units spawn for... let's say... a couple of times after one of the units (entire group) is dead. In my case - enemy boats crossing a river. When one of the boats is disabled, destroyed or the enemy group on board is eliminated, this action should work only a few more times no matter which group is destroyed, so after this condition of destruction is completed for several times, they must stop spawning again. The better idea or solution would be if all enemy groups stop spawning after some time, for example 10 minutes. In this 2nd case - the players receives a task to hold the enemy for 10 minutes (or in the first case to hold X waves/boats). I know how to put the spawn module, but I am not sure if it consist any options to make this action repeat random number of times, for example. Would you help me? Cheers!
  25. Good evening everyone ! I've got a few problems with my mission. I need to make a mission that is playable in local with 8 players in total. I've put my two playable teams of 4 player each (with respawn points specific for each team and respawn points synchronised to each member of the groups) and put objects (building and vehicles) and triggers (with timers) in order to make my mission. I've got Eden Enchanced installed and I've put scripts (description.ext, init.sqf, initServer.sqf, loadout.cpp and onPlayerRespawn.sqf). Here are my problems: -When people are joining and the host launches the mission, even though the host can play the mission, players joining them are stuck to the mission loading screen (put they can still hear the ambient sounds of the mission). I later found out that if I remove the possibilty for people to revive their squadmates, this problem doesn't exist anymore (although it's annoying that i have to do that for making my mission work). But this leads to the second problem... -When people who joined are in the lobby when the mission starts, they will spawn as seagulls. If they join the server during the mission, they will spawn as normal soldiers. There, sorry everyone to have disturbed you and I hope that you can help me solve this problem asap. If you need other infos, you can ask me. Have a good night !